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By Andrea Dandolo

for the good of the world

There are really many good and effective exercises which can awaken us, at least for some moments. Indeed, an exercise which could awaken us, once and for all permanently, does not exist; this can be achieved only through a constant, serious and dedicated practice. Such kind of work is not as simple as many assert; and, on the opposite pole, there are also those who claim that such work is so difficult that reaching results are almost impossible. Both these statements are opposites of the same thing: a useless exaggeration. The work, in order to awaken to a higher state of Consciousness, to our True Self , is a method for training ourselves, so that we become able to do this, and such as every other kind of training, it needs practice and, of course, an effective program to follow. For the reason that sharing a whole program on a Blog page is impossible because, even if a system exists, every one of us has his own needs to develop, we share some practices in hope that theyll be of help to someone. So, well share here, a morning practice which allows the practitioner to settle into a more attentive state of presence. This writer, has found this

practice very useful to begin his day, for the reason that it doesnt limit awareness on just touching sensations, but also on hearing and seeing. This practice is divided into three main steps which must be performed in sequence. So, this is the practice: First step: 1. In the morning, after you have had your cup of coffee or tea, namely after you have awakened from the night sleep, sit on a chair and close your eyes, putting your attention for some moments on your breath; 2. After some minutes, put your attention on the left foot, trying to sense it. It does not matter how you sense it. Sensing is an individual thing -there is no concrete advice on how to sense: you can feel your foot touching the ground - a kind of tingling, warmth, coldness or nothing it does not matter. The important thing is that you put your attention on every sensation you can grasp from your left foot. If you do it so, youll surely last out. Once you begin to feel your foot, keep your focus on

the sensations for one to two minutes; 3. Then, follow the same procedure for the right foot; once you are able to feel your right foot, try to sense both feet together. This has also to be tried for one to two minutes; 4. Then, move your focus on the calves, performing the practice in the same way: first sensing the left, the right and then together. Each of these three steps lasts one to two minutes. Do the same with your thighs; 5. Now, try to sense left and right legs (foot, calves, thighs), all together at the same time. The attention on the whole of our legs must be focused on for one to two minutes; 6. Then, move your attention to your arms, and follow the same procedure as for the legs: Left and right fists, then both fists; right and left lower arm, and both lower arms together; right and left higher arm, and both arms together; finally, fists, lower and higher arms, all together for one to two minutes; 7. Now, try to feel both legs (feet, calves, thighs) and arms (fists, lower and upper arms), all together, maintaining the attention for one to two minutes;

Then continue with the Second Step of the practice: 1. Maintaining your attention on the sensations of legs and arms, with you eyes always closed, expand your attention to the sounds you can hear. Dont force yourself to find every kind of sound, just notice what you are hearing at this precise moment; focus your efforts, not in searching some sound, but rather on remaining receptive to every kind of sound- noise you can hear. Even the silence. So, maintain the sensations of both legs and arms,and at the same time, expand your attention on the act of hearing. Once you have settled yourself in such kind of attention, maintain it for one to two minutes; Then, go to the third, Final Step of the practice: 1. Once you have settled yourself in an attention which could keep you attentive in sensing and hearing together, open your eyes, and be aware of what you are seeing, and also be aware of the fact that you are seeing. Notice every object which enters the range of your view, feeling arms, legs and maintaining

your attention on what your ears grasp- all together. Now, if you have performed this practice with diligence, you should feel yourself more awake, more conscious than earlier. You are really awake. Stand up, and trying to maintain this state for as long as possible, begin your day.

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