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Beads have been associated with identifies with that being totally, and

Beads prayer and magic for thousands of

years. In fact the word bead itself
actually comes from the Anglo Saxon
words bidden (to prayer) and bede
(prayer). It is
‘arises as’ or actually becomes that
being during the visualisations that
are performed during the saying of
the mantra.
Probably the most famous mantra

of Intent thought that

the use of
prayer beads in
Europe may
in Tibetan Buddhism is that of Chen-
rezi, (also called Avalokiteshvara),
the Bodhisattva of compassion.
Chenrezi's mantra is the famous
have came ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’. Other
from contact mantras include ‘Om Ah Hum Vajra
with Islamic (pronounced Benza) Guru Padma
Prayer beads in prayer bead Siddhi Hum’ - the mantra of
Tibet and Mongolia traditions, the Padmasambhava, and ‘Om Tare
Muslims Tuttare Ture Swaha’ - the mantra of
themselves Green Tara.
Nicholas Breeze Wood having been Besides using mantras for help
inspired by with ‘arising’ as the being for whom
contact with you have received an empowerment,
the much older they can also be recited for other
Hindu and purposes such as to empower a
Buddhist prayer bead traditions. place or object, to pacify a hostile
In Europe prayer beads are spirit, to increase personal power, life
generally called rosary, (from the Latin energy or wealth, to overcome
word rosarium meaning rose garden) obstacles, or to bind dangerous spirits
and it is interesting that the rose is or powers to your will.
associated with prayer beads in both Each time the mantra is said the
the Hindu and Buddhist traditions as beads of a mala are moved forward
well; the earliest Hindu prayer beads one bead, and over time the beads
were called japamala (rose chaplet) become worn by the
and mala, a common Tibetan movements of the
name for prayer beads, is fingers, making an
sanskrit for ‘a garland of old mala a thing of
flowers.’ spiritual and physical
beauty. The repeated use
TIBETAN BEADS of a mala for saying mantras
One of the most also builds up the intent of the
important parts of power of the practice for the
both Tibetan practitioner, and the mala
Buddhism and becomes a powerful
Bonpo shamanism is the object for them in
recitation of mantras, which their practice.
are spells, or words of power. Old, well-
During their lifetime a used and
practitioner may say millions of empowered
these mantras, some of which malas are
can be over 100 syllables sometimes
long; and to keep track of the placed on people as
total number of these, they are tools of healing, or used as objects
generally counted on a set of for blessing.
prayer beads. These are called a mala,
or tenwa in Tibet or shu-zhu in China. A FEW MALA BASICS
Using a mala to help you recite
SOUNDS OF POWER mantras is quite straightforward, but
Mantras are specific for each of the the specifics will vary from one
beings of the Tibetan or Bonpo tradition to the next. To begin with,
cosmos. In reciting the mantra of a the mala is held with gentleness and
Buddha or being which a practitioner respect, generally in the left hand.
has been ritually empowered into One bead is counted for each
working with, the practitioner recitation of the mantra, beginning

Left: a Tibetan man wears a mala around his neck, together with
necklaces of Sherpa coral and dzi stones. Above: Mala made from
human bone, complete with counter beads and a carved skull-shaped
human bone ‘guru bead’. Between the pages: mala of bone inset with
turquoise and red coral and with C17th ‘Sherpa coral’ divider beads.
with the first bead after During their lifetime precious stones, coral, metals,
the guru bead, which is shell and bone. People choosing
the larger, more a practitioner may these malas tend to have specific
decorative bead often reasons for using them.
found at the end of a say millions of mantras, For instance, the beads used to
mala. The first bead is count mantras intended to please
held between the
some of which can be Buddhas should be of crystal,
index finger and over 100 syllables long pearl or mother-of-pearl, and
thumb, and with mantras counted on these are said
each count the to clear away obstacles, such as
thumb pulls another illness and other problems, and
bead in place. malas there are divider beads every purify the practitioner.
27 beads, or in other words at the The beads used with mantras
THE SACRED 108 quarter and half-way points of the intended to increase life energy or
Malas have 108 mala. These are generally of a wealth are often of gold, silver,
beads in them, and different colour and normally larger copper or lotus seeds.
108 is a number than the 108 normal beads of the The beads used with mantras
sacred in Buddhism mala, and they are not counted which are intended to overcome or
and many other Asian during recitations of the mantra. tame powerful spirits or demons
sacred traditions. It is There may also be a pair of should be made of Rudraksha
the number of the counter strings tied to the mala seed1 or bone (ideally human
Hindu names for which act as a sort of simple bone, each bead being taken from
God; as a multiple of abacus, each string of these pair is the 3rd eye point of a skull), as
12 and 9, it represents threaded with 10 small beads, and should malas used for the saying
the nine planets in the these are used to count the of mantras for wrathful beings
12 zodiac houses; as a completed mantra cycles and the such as Mahakala.
multiple of 27 and 4, it 10’s of completed mantra cycles. There are certain things not to
also represents the four So at the end of 108 mantras, one do with a mala, as these things are
quarters of the moon in counter on the one string (often considered disrespectful. These
each of the 27 lunar ending with a tiny dorje) is moved, include wearing a mala just for
mansions or and when 10 times 108 mantra
constellations. malas have been recited and all 10
In Pranayana Yoga it is beads on this string have been
calculated that a human moved, a bead on the other string Antique
being takes 21,600 breaths (often ending with a tiny dilbru set of copper
in a 24-hour cycle consisting bell) is moved. When all 10 beads counters with
of 60 periods of 360 have been moved on the string a dorje end
breaths; a 12-hour day cycle ending with the bell, it means that
therefore equals 10,800 10,800 mantras have been said.
breaths. There are 54 letters in Many malas also have an
the Sanskrit alphabet, and additional counter bead which is
both have a male and removable and clipped between
female aspect making 54 the beads on the mala proper.
times 2 or 108. And if you This bead is moved once every Mala made from human
want a few more cosmic 10,800 mantras, and by counting bone discs cut from skulls,
meanings to the number, around the mala how many beads with red coral divider beads,
the diameter of the sun is it has travelled, the practitioner and showing counter
108 times the diameter of knows how many mantras they beads hanging from it
the earth, the distance have said in total, for example,
from the sun to the earth if it is placed after the
is 108 times the 36th bead of a mala the
diameter of the sun practitioner has completed
and the average at least 360,000 mantras
distance of the moon (388,800 in actuality).
from the earth is 108
times the diameter of TYPES OF MALA
the moon. The 108 Malas are made from many
beads also ensure materials. Bodhi seeds are
that at least a considered auspicious for any
hundred mantra practice or mantra, as it was the
recitations have tree under which the historical
been completed in a Buddha became enlightened;
full mala! red sandalwood beads and
lotus seeds are also widely
To aid in mantra recommended for general
counting, on many use. Other popular beads
used are glass, semi-

ISSUE 56 2007 15
show, stepping on a mala, hanging there will be loss of wealth. it this way I visualise the sick
a mala from your belt, throwing a 6: Raven after Snow Lion person I am working with being
mala in a playful way and taking a Mediocre results, and possible completely well and healthy 108
mala into a toilet. legal problems. times, constructing a clear mental,
intentful picture of them with good
MALA DIVINING 7: Snow Lion after Falcon. clear energy each time, then letting
In Tibetan Buddhism and Rice plants grow in bad land, widows go of the image and building it
Mongolian shamanism, malas are get married, poor men get rich. again with the next bead, until it
used as tools of divination. Here is 8: Snow Lion after Raven has been built 108 times.
one simple traditional method of Turquoise fountains spring forth and As a way of developing intent
using them for this purpose. fertilise the ground; unexpected this technique could be used for
Visualise your question and then food can be found, and you can other purposes, and that building of
take hold of the mala in both hands escape from danger. intent is perhaps the greatest magic
at two random points around it. 9: Snow Lion after Snow Lion of these beads of power.
Count off the beads by threes, Prosperity is at hand in all things.
moving the hands towards each
other until you are left with either The use of malas for prayer and Nicholas Breeze Wood has been a
one, two, or three beads between magic is a deeply ancient practice shamanic practitioner and craftsman for
many years. His work is shown on
the hands. Remember this number many thousands of years old, and
and repeat the whole process again. far older than Buddhism. Working He also runs
Now you will have two numbers, with a mala is a way of increasing an on-line gallery specialising in antique
shamanic and Tibetan Buddhist ritual
which are either one, two or three. both intent and the power of the objects including malas, where you can
One bead is visual imagination. You may not be also hear his free podcast on various
called a Falcon - a drawn to using a mantra, but even shamanic practices.
positive sign without their use a mala can be Notes 1: Rudraksha seeds are the dried
showing good used for simple practices. berries of the Rudraksha tree, grows in
luck, success and One way I often use a mala is as Indonesia, Nepal and India; they are round
and pitted, with granular protuberances,
support, and a part of a healing ceremony. Using and are sized between about 8 mm to
success in legal
affairs. Two beads
are a Raven - this
is a negative sign
showing bad luck,
misfortune and
lack of support
and illness.
Three beads are called a Snow
Top: a mala Lion - a sign that indicates that
made from although you are supported by the
Rudraksha seeds spirits, you can expect slow but
stable results, but neutral results in
Above: a bone
business, although some weakness
mala inset with
on the part of your enemies.
coral and
turquoise and Old, well used
You have two numbers, one for
with an amber and empowered
each time you divided the mala.
‘guru bead’
Here are the results for each of the
possible variations, first time after
malas are sometimes
second time. placed on people
1: Falcon after Falcon as tools of healing,
Everything is favourable. or used as objects
2: Falcon after Raven
Every wish will be fulfilled; you of blessing.
will escape from danger.
3: Falcon after Snow Lion.
Spirit’s help is at hand, make
an offering to the spirits.

4: Raven after Falcon

A bad omen, contagious disease
will come. If you worship the gods
and dispel the demons, it can be
Right: a Tibetan prevented.
man carries a 5: Raven after Raven.
mala made from The cloudless sky will be darkened,
wooden beads

16 SH ISSUE 56 2007
W When I asked my spirit
helpers for a way to connect with
which would symbolise the
Oneness of all Creation to POWER
my own spiritual resources, their which my ‘circle’ of being is

answer was direct and clear. The joined. The final bead was
first step was to make a shortlist a tiny silver acorn, a food I
of those spiritual resources that am often given by my spirit
regularly guide and sustain me. helper to sustain me when
Next I was to make a kind of I get weary or the going
mala, or rosary, and choose a
bead for each of the items on my
gets tough! Jan Morgan Wood
list that would hold the energy of MAKING CONNECTION
what it represented. This simple mala now
I have a small stash of various connects me with what I We each have spiritual
kinds of beads collected over the hold true and sacred, as I resources ... particular
years; some that have sentimental hold each bead in turn,
or sacred significance, some I starting at the ‘Oneness’
wisdom teachings, a special
have just magpied away because I bead and returning to it. song, dance or place, aspects of
really liked them. And so I sat Each bead is a different the natural world, or a guardian
down with my shortlist and spread shape and size, so that I
out my treasure trove of beads. know which one I am spirit... a collection of things which
holding even if they are in gladden and sustain our soul.
SACRED SORTING my pocket or under my pillow.
The next few hours were an If time is short, or
unexpectedly intense distilling out of circumstances are distracting, Recently my spirit helpers showed
what really does connect me with I can simply hold each bead me a simple way to connect with
my own sacred centre and Spirit. It in turn for a moment. If I
was a time of deeply playful have more time I can pause these soul resources - a version of
reflecting and learning for me as I and give thanks to each the worldwide use of prayer
sorted and arranged - and re- aspect, or make
arranged - the beads in front of specific prayers for
beads - rosaries or malas.
me. In the process I realised some their help in tasks
of the ‘items’ on my list were not ahead. Often I They also encouraged me to
that important, and were deleted; intuitively linger on a
some were added, as I realised how particular bead and find that share the process with others...
valued they were. The time passed unexpected thoughts drop in,
in that familiar timeless haze that teachings or guidance, or I just feel
happens in sacred working. extra loving support or healing flow
from that bead.
PRACTICALITIES The mala is also a clear From time to time I will no doubt
There were practical decisions to reflection of my sacred identity and need to add other beads, or take
make about how to thread the just having it close to me helps me out anything that I no longer feels
beads. Should they be in a single remember that identity when life relevant. Life is, after all, change.
line, or joined in a circle? How gets challenging! Meanwhile I thank my spirits for
long should the string be - should On a recent shamanic journey a showing me how to make this
it fit over my head like a necklace? spirit helper asked to hold the mala simple way to connect
I decided to separate each of the and blessed ‘her’ bead, the first with my sacred
main beads with a row of small, on the string. This may be a new essentials.
matching beads so that as my stage of my journey with the beads This is a process
fingers would travel along the - to have each one blessed by that anyone can adapt;
string I could contemplate each of what it represents. you can use beads
the ‘aspects’ quite you buy, or make your
separately. own. If beads are
Otherwise, I let identical they can
the sorting be perhaps painted
process dictate with a relevant
the design. symbol or colour.
Then I came There are no rules -
the point where all play, experiment,
the beads were celebrate your beautiful
threaded and I had sacred self!
two ‘ends’ of the
thread. Should I Jan Morgan Wood is a shamanic artist,
join them, or leave practitioner and spiritual mentor, and is
founding editor of Sacred Hoop
the strand open? Magazine. She has worked with
Again I was guided individuals and groups for over twenty
by intuition to bring years and is author of ‘Easy to Use
Shamanism’. Tel: (01239) 682 071
them together and
through one bead


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