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Example 5 Consider a car, with 1/4 mass m = 500 kg, whose suspension for a single tire has k = 200000N/m. The damping coecient is c = 2000N m/s. A car goes over a bump on the road that gives the suspension system a 6 cm displacement. In how many periods will the car reach less than 0.06 cm, i.e. less than 1/100 of the initial value of the displacement? The logarithmic decrement for the n-th period reads ln Thus, x1 x1 x2 x n 1 x1 = ln ... = (n 1) ln . xn x2 x3 xn x2 ln(100) (1 2 ) n=1+ . 2

since = 0.1, n = 9. Note that cc = 20000N m/s, f = 3Hz . Visualization of viscous damping The three types of viscous damping that we studied in the last lecture have a distinct visual dierences associated with them. In gure 2.17 we plot for reference the case of free, undamped vibrations with mass m = 1 kg, the stiness k = 50 N/m, giving the natural frequency fn = 1.1254 Hz (the angular natural frequency n = 7.0711. The top of that gure shows the position of the mass starting from the equilibrium x(0) = 0 with velocity x (0) = 1. The amplitude of the periodic oscillation is x (0)/n = 0.1414. The graphic in the middle represents velocity vs. time for the same free oscillation. Starting from velocity of x (0) = 1, the curve of velocity is also periodic with the same period as the position-time curve. The graphic at the bottom is the representation of motion that we will talk about more later and that will be very useful for you when you study automatic control later. It is the velocity vs. position curve. Lets take a moment and describe it: look at the vertical axis at position x = 0, where the velocity is x = 1. Thats the situation at the beginning of the motion. Looking from that point to the right, the motion proceeds so that the velocity is reduced and the position increases, until the curve hits x = 0. There, the system reaches the maximum positive x with zero velocity. From that point, the curve turns to the left, position decreases towards zero and velocity goes negative and decreases to its maximal negative value x = 1 reached at x = 0. After that, the velocity increases towards zero and becomes positive again after the system reaches the maximum negative position x = 0.1414. The system



returns to its starting position at x = 0, x = 1 to recommence its motion. No damping means the motion repeats again and again in the same way. The velocity-position representation of motion that we just described is called the state-space representation. The reason for this is that the position x and the velocity v = x are the states of the system that the motion is represented in.

Figure 2.17: Free undamped vibrations with mass m = 1 kg, the stiness k = 50 N/m, the natural frequency fn = 1.1254 Hz.Top: Plot of position (vertical axis) vs. time (horizontal axis). Middle: Velocity vs time. Bottom: State space plot of velocity (vertical axis) vs. position (horizontal axis) Lets now look at how the motion changes when the damping increases. In gure (2.18) we see that the most signicant change, when c = 0.7 and the damping factor is = 0.05 is the loss of amplitude, in both the positiontime (top gure) and velocity-time (middle gure) plots. In the state-space plot on the bottom, the major dierence is that, after one spin around the equilibrium x = 0, x = 0, the velocity-position curve does not come back to the starting velocity at x = 0, t = 0. Some energy is lost to heat in the damper and this is reected by smaller velocity on the second pass through x = 0 line. The state-space picture changes from a circle to a spiral that keeps going closer to the equilibrium position as time goes on. Note that, in the state-space picture, the time increases along the length of the velocity-



position curve, but is not explicitly represented on one of the axis of the graph, like in the position-time and velocity-time graphs. Finally, lets look

Figure 2.18: Underdamped vibrations with mass m = 1 kg, the stiness k = 50 N/m, the damping coecient, c = 0.7 Ns/m, cc = 14.1, the damping factor = 0.05, the damped frequency fd = d /(2/ )1.1240 Hz.Top: Plot of position (vertical axis) vs. time (horizontal axis). Middle: Velocity vs time. Bottom: State space plot of velocity (vertical axis) vs. position (horizontal axis) at the solution in the overdamped case, as c > cc . An example, with c = 16 Ns/m, = 1.1314 is shown in gure 2.19. There are no oscillations in this case. The positive initial velocity given to the system causes it to go to the right, but with a highly diminished amplitude over previous cases. It gets close to x = 0.05, and swiftly returns back to equilibrium.


Viscous dampers in parallel and series

Two viscous dampers with friction coecients c1 and c2 set up in parallel (see gure 2.20, left) have an eective friction coecient cef f = c1 + c2 . as can be seen by the fact that forces on the mass from the 1st and the 2nd dashpot add up.



Figure 2.19: Overdamped vibrations with mass m = 1, kg, the stiness k = 50 N/m, c = 16, = 1.1314.Top: Plot of position (vertical axis) vs. time (horizontal axis). Middle: Velocity vs time. Bottom: State space plot of velocity (vertical axis) vs. position (horizontal axis)

Putting two viscous dampers (see gure 2.20, right) in a series leads to a more complicated expression. The force acting on the mass is equal to the force in the viscous damper (damper 2) attached to it: fd2 = c 2 ( x x 2) (2.47)

If the length of the bar between the rst and the second damper is l we have x2 = x1 + l and thus x 2 = x 1 . The balance of the forces in the bar gives c2 (x x 2 ) = c1 x 1 = c1 x 2 c2 x 2 = x c1 + c2 (2.48) (2.49)



Figure 2.20: Dampers in parallel (left) and in series (right) Using that expression together with (2.47), we obtain mx = c2 (x x 2) (2.50) (2.51) (2.52) c2 = c2 x (1 ) c1 + c2 c1 c2 = x c1 + c2 c1 c2 c1 + c2

and the eective damping coecient of two viscous dampers in series is cef f =


Coulomb damping

Coulomb damping force occurs as two dry surfaces rub against each other. However mundane it seems, this force powers civilization for ages: Coulomb friction on the the feet of our ancestors took them out of Africa, and it is the friction force on your cars tire is what powers it forward. Two other applications include engagement of car brakes and suppression of jet engine utter using dry friction dampers. The force on a moving surface is proportional to its weight W : fdf = W , where is the kinetic friction coecient (dry friction coecients come in two



Figure 2.21: Mass sliding on a surface experiencing dry friction. varieties: static, s that occurs before the motion between the two surfaces starts and tells you how much force is needed to move it, and kinetic, that is valid for non-zero velocities). The dry friction force is opposite in direction to the velocity of a moving body. We express the whole dependence of dry friction force on velocity as fdf = W sgn (x ) where sgn (x ) = 1 if x > 0, and sgn (x ) = 1 if x < 0. Thus, the dry friction force on a moving body is constant, as long as the body moves in one direction. Newtons equation of motion for a spring-mass system with dry friction now becomes: mx + kx = W sgn (x ). (2.53)

One can understand this equation as that for a spring-mass oscillator whose motion is opposed by a force of constant value, F but of changing direction, always opposed to the current direction of the motion. As long as the mass is moving in a single direction, the equation has a constant non-homogeneous term: mx + kx = W, (2.54) for the case when x > 0. We recall that the solution of a non-homogeneous ordinary dierential equation consists of a sum of the homogeneous and particular solution: x ( t ) = x h ( t) + x p ( t) ,

2.2. DAMPED FREE VIBRATIONS where the homogeneous part xh solves the homogeneous equation mx + kx = 0,


while the particular solution is one possible solution of the equation (2.54) that does not necessarily satisfy the initial conditions. Such a solution, in the case of (2.54) - where the velocity is positive - is xp (t) = W /k . Clearly, when the Coulomb force has the positive direction (i.e. the velocity is negative), the particular solution reads xp (t) = W /k . In summary W sgn (x ), k and the position of a mass oscillating and experiencing dry friction with kinetic friction coecient reads W x(t) = A sin n t + B cos n t sgn (x ). k The velocity is obtained by dierentiation as x p ( t) = x (t) = A cos n t B sin n t and changes sign when x = 0. Using the initial conditions, we obtain A = x (0) n

W sgn(x ) (2.55) k Let us examine the solution we just obtained when x (0) = 0 (see gure 2.22). In that case B = x(0) + x(t) = B cos n t with velocity The constant B is determined in (2.55) and the motion proceeds with negative velocity between t = 0 and t = T /2 with dry friction opposing the motion in the positive direction. At T /2 the position of the mass is W W = x(0) + 2 . k k Thus, in dry friction the loss of amplitude over half a cycle is 2W k and over a cycle it is 4W/k . The motion abruptly stops when the static friction force is larger than mx at a time when x = 0. x(T /2) = B + x = B sin n t W sgn (x ) k

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