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Youth Devotional

Creation to Christ- Week 9

©Tad Wychopen 2009

Day 1
Daily Reading: Exodus 24:1-18; Psalm 64

In Exodus 19-20, God gave the children of Israel a display of His power and He gave them the Ten
Commandments. The people told Moses to go listen to God by himself since the children of Israel could not
bear to hear God’s instructions and witness His holiness. Moses then went up to the Lord on Mount Sinai
and received more commands from the Lord.

1.) What did Moses do in Exodus 24:3?

2.) What did the children of Israel say in respond to the words and judgments Moses spoke?

3.) How much of what God told Moses did Moses write down? (24:4)

Explanation: Moses told the people what God said and then he wrote them down. This is why these laws
are often called “The Laws of Moses.” Moses wrote down what God had commanded.

4.) What did Moses and the young men of the children of Israel do in verses 4-5?

5.) What did Moses do with the blood from the sacrifices? (6-8)

6.) According to verse 8, why did Moses sprinkle the blood on the people?

Explanation: God made a covenant with the people. He would give mercy to them and bless them if they
obeyed. They children of Israel promised obedience. They were saying that they agreed to do everything that
God had commanded them to do. The blood was a sign of the covenant. Blood has to be shed if someone
breaks God’s covenant.

7.) What did God give to Moses in verse 12?

8.) Moses again went up into the mountain of God. What did the glory of the Lord on the mountain look
like? (17) Compare this to Hebrews 12:29.

9.) How long did Moses stay on the mountain? (18)

Explanation: Moses went up to the mountain again and God gave more commandments to him. The
children of Israel committed themselves to obeying God. Moses received the words and commands from
God and then relayed them to the people. This was a very special time for the children of Israel.

Application: Have you committed yourself to obeying God? You should allow the Lord to lead your life and
obey Him! To reject God or to disobey Him is pure foolishness! Commit yourself completely to God.

Day 2
Daily Reading: Exodus 32:1-35; Proverbs 21

Has anyone ever made you a promise but almost immediately afterwards, they broke their promise? This is
hard to accept. The children of Israel did this to God. They made a promise to obey Him, but very quickly as
a nation, they broke their promise in a terrible way.
1.) Since Moses was taking such a long time on the mountain speaking with God, what did the children
of Israel ask Aaron to do? (32:1) Why did they ask that?

2.) What did Aaron do about the people’s request? (32:2-4)

Explanation: This is so terribly sad! Not long after the children of Israel made the promise to obey God,
they break God’s commands in a terrible way! The children of Israel clearly broke the first three
commandments. They worshiped another god, they made a carved image, and they vainly attributed the
name of the True God to a calf. Notice in Exodus 32:4-6, Aaron wrongly attributes being led out of Egypt to
a golden cow! What were they thinking!?!

3.) What did God tell Moses to do? (32:7-8)

4.) What did God say that He wanted to do to the children of Israel? (32:9-14

5.) Did God do that?

6.) Read Exodus 32:15-20. What did Moses find when he came down from the mountain?

7.) How did Moses respond to their actions? (19-20)

Explanation: God told Moses that the people had disobeyed Him. God was angry, but because of His mercy
and promise, He did not destroy the nation of Israel. The punishment for sin is death, but God was merciful
to them. Unfortunately, some people did not learn from their actions. Aaron lied about how the calf was
formed. Some of the people did not listen to Moses and were unrestrained. (32:26)

8.) Who were the ones that responded to Moses when he asked who was on the Lord’s side? (26)

9.) What did the people of Israel have to do to the ones that did not restrain themselves? (27-29)

Explanation: God’s law demands death for sin. Some of the people, about 3000 men, did not respond to
Moses’ plea to stop their false worship. They continued their disobedient actions. God hates sin and His law
cannot be broken. When it is broken, death is the punishment. Israel learned this very quickly; however, they
did not apply it to their actions. God knew that they would disobey, so they needed a way to repent and be
forgiven. Death is the only thing that will sufficiently pay sins punishment.

Application: Have you disobeyed God’s commands? If so, what have you done to pay for your sins? How
can you pay for your sins? Death is the only possible payment for the punishment of sin. In the following
week’s lessons, you will clearly see from the Bible that God sent a promised one to pay that punishment of
sin for you! Praise God for His amazing mercy and grace.

Day 3
Daily Reading: Exodus 25:1-40; Psalm 65

God gave the Ten Commandments to the children of Israel. They promised that they would obey; however,
that promise was quickly broken. God was not trying to set them up for destruction; through His law, He
was showing them His complete holiness and righteousness. Sinful men cannot live up to God’s standards.
God loved the children of Israel so much that he gave them a way to have forgiveness for their sins. In this
chapter, Moses is back on Mount Sinai receiving instructions from God.

1.) What was Moses supposed to ask the children of Israel to give? (25:1-2)

2.) Was this to be a voluntary or mandatory offering?

3.) Where do you think that the children of Israel got all the valuables that are listed in Exodus 25:3-7?
(Consider Exodus 12:35-36)

4.) According to Exodus 25:8, why would the children of Israel make a sanctuary for the Lord?

5.) How would the Israelites know how to make this sanctuary? (25:9)

Explanation: God asked Moses to take an offering to gather materials for a building project. God supplied
all the needed items. He would show Moses exactly how to make a sanctuary where He would dwell. God
instructed the children of Israel to build this sanctuary so that there would be a place for them to have the
forgiveness of sins.

6.) In verse 10, what did God command Moses to make? (11) What was he supposed to cover it with?

7.) What did God tell Moses to put into the ark? (17)

8.) What did God command Moses to make in verse 18?

9.) Read Exodus 25:21-22. From where would God meet and speak?

Explanation: God was telling Moses to make certain things to put in the tabernacle. Each item had its own
significance. The mercy seat was the place where God would make provisions for Israel. God made the
mercy seat a place for the priest to go and ask for the forgiveness of sins.

Application: Mercy is God’s provision for sinners to escape the punishment they deserve for their sins. God
is gracious and gives mercy to sinners. Have you received mercy from God? Explain how you received His

Day 4
Daily reading: Exodus 26:1 -37; Proverbs 22

God continued to give Moses instructions for Israel, specifically concerning the tabernacle of the Lord. This
tabernacle would help the Children of Israel better understand the relationship between God and man. God is
completely holy (without sin); men, on the other hand, are very sinful and wicked. God would show the
Children of Israel that there was separation from God and men because of sin. Sin is the barrier between
God and Man. (Below is an illustration of the wilderness tabernacle.)

1.) What would cover the tent of the tabernacle? What color was that?

2.) Read Exodus 26:31-32. What did God command Moses to make?
3.) Where would the Ark of the Testimony be, in front or behind the veil? What room would it be in?

4.) What two rooms would it divide?

5.) In what room would the mercy seat be located?

Explanation: The veil was a clear divider between the Most Holy (the Holy of Holies) and the holy place.
This represented the fact that the Israelites were separated from God because of sin! Only after many
rigorous cleansing ceremonies could the high priest enter the Most Holy. Common people had absolutely no
chance to get near God or His presence. Sin separates God from man; only through His mercy can man be at
peace with God.

Application: Is sin separating you from God? You cannot live a perfect life! Sin separates every person
from God! Jesus Christ can be your High Priest! Read Hebrews 4:14-16. Christ can bring you before God.
Christ broke the veil and because of Him, you are able to come to the throne of grace! That is even better
than having the priest go to the mercy seat on your behalf. Through Christ alone, you can have access to the
throne of grace.

Day 5
Daily Reading: Exodus 27:1-8, 28:1-4, 29:38-46; Leviticus 1:1-5; 17:11; Hebrews 9:22; Psalm 66

When you get a spot of food on your clothes that could stain, what do you do to remove the spot? You must
use a very powerful cleaning agent to get the spot removed. When you sin against God, how do you get the
sin removed? Only one cleaning agent is strong enough to forgive sins!

1.) Read Exodus 27:1-2. What did God command Moses to make in these verses?

2.) Read Exodus 28:1-4. Whom did God command Moses to make into a priest?

Explanation: Chapters 28 and 29 of Exodus lay out some of the duties of the priests. The priests were to
consecrate themselves, and then they would offer up offerings to the Lord. The Lord demanded holiness
from the priests.

3.) Read Exodus 29:38-44. What animal was to be offered on the altar?

4.) How frequent was this offering supposed to take place?

5.) What would this help the children of Israel know? (Ex. 29:45-46)

6.) Read Leviticus 1:1-5. Describe the requirements for a burnt offering.

7.) Read Leviticus 17:11. According to this verse, what can make atonement (to pay the price of the
penalty) for the soul?

8.) Read Hebrews 9:22- And according to the law almost all things are purified (cleansed) with blood,
and without shedding of blood, there is no remission (forgiveness). What must there be in order to
have forgiveness?

Explanation: The only way for a person to have forgiveness is through the shedding of blood. “Shedding of
blood” does not mean taking a little bit of blood as a doctor might do at a check up; it means death. The only
way for sins to be removed is through the shedding of blood. Nothing can wash away sins except for the
death of a perfect, spotless firstborn. God made the ultimate sacrifice by offering up His Son, Jesus Christ as
a perfect, spotless firstborn. Christ gave His life so that people that believe in Him can have the forgiveness
of sins.
Application: Have you tried to wipe away your sin by using faulty methods? Only one thing can cleanse the
stain of sin in your life: the blood of Jesus Christ. Have you trusted in Jesus Christ as the only possible way
for you to have forgiveness of your sins? You must do that! Read Romans 10 if you have questions.

Day 6
Daily reading: Acts 17-18; Proverbs 23

Write a brief 2-3 sentence summary of these chapters in Acts.

Day 7
Daily Reading: Psalm 67; Proverbs 24

After reading Proverbs 24, write down five characteristics or facts about wisdom or the wise.

After reading Psalm 67, take some time to praise God. Write down at least 3 reasons why you can praise

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