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Weekend by Nigel Pryor, Yeeeee!

- OneEnd of the weekend 4:16 AM Monday morning "Those fuckin' bugs are on everything" Aleister mumbles. "Spiders, worms, beatles, termites, roaches, moths and maggots". Aleister sits on a couch in a smoky living room of some apartment. It might be his apartment, or it might be someone elses. To his left sits Anton, a good friend. Aleister and Anton have known eachother since childhood. On Aleisters right sits Rose, a friend but more of a drug friend. Rose is 22, once a beautiful girl but now a beautiful addict. Her jet black hair, dilated pupils and hypnotic green eyes. Rose is intently focused drawing black roses and pyramids in a sketchpad sitting on her lap. Anton is staring straight forward at the smoked stained living room wall. A wall that was once white but is now more yellow than white. Its 4:16 AM on a monday morning. The end of another weekend of indulgence. Another weekend of wild, mindless numbing of the senses, talking, arguing, fighting and fucking. Another weekend.

-Twostart of the weekend Friday 4:56 pm Anton sits at the kitchen table weighing the crystal he and

Aleister just bought. "Motherfuck! Its a fuckin' point under a gram." Anton yells. "Fuckin' shady ass tweaked out dude, man. Why is it that with crystal all the fuckin dealers are tweakers themselves? Like, seriously what the fuck" he asks Aleister. "I donno man and who gives a fuck just put some dope in the pipe and lets smoke you slow fuck". Antons unwraps his pipe from the rag that he keeps it in and drops a chunk of meth in the stem of the pipe. He taps the stem and the crystal slides down into the bowl and lights his lighter. The two friends stare at the pipe with wide anxious eyes while the chunk of dope slowly melts down and starts to evaporate. The bowl of the pipe swirls with thick smoke and Anton takes a hit and blows out a cloud of smoke that completely covers his face for a second. He passes the pipe the Aleister and they continue taking hits passing the pipe back and forth for a couple minutes. "Good dope this cat has though, I'm loaded as a fuck" Aleister says enthusiastically. "Man, another friday, another weekend"Responds Anton. "Yo man, call up Rose where is she?". Anton takes his lphone out of his jacket pocket and calls Rose. "Guess who?" Anton asks rose in a deep slow voice when she answers her phone. "So whats up? Me and Aleister are at the house. Get over here!". Rose says something and Anton pushes the end button on his cell. "She'll be here in half hour, man. Says shes got a buncha pills too".

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