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la teza de master a studentului Cernalechi Valeri, grupa DAN 111m cu tema protecia concurenei si reglementarea activitii ntreprinderilor monopoliste, Chiinu 2013 Scopul tezei este de a stabili conceptul de concuren i monopol, necesitatea existenei unui cadru legislativ pentru reglementarea acestor fenomene, de a stabili importana i efectele concurenei i monopolului pentru societate, precum i efectele unor posibile devieri in mecanismul de bunfunctionare a lor. Scopul tezei a determinat urmtoarele obiective: - prezentarea evoluiei fenomenului de concuren i monopol n istoria tiinei economice precum i a dreptului comercial. - definirea conceptelor de concuren i monopol, interdependena lor i locul lor in sistemul complex al pieelor. - stabilirea, prin acte normative concrete, a cadrului legal al fenomenelor n cauz definirea impactului concurenei i monopolului asupra societii i controlul efectuat n acest scop de ctre stat; protecia consumatorilor. Suportul teoretic al tezei de master este constituit din lucrrile tiinifice realizate n domeniul concurenei i monopolului, elaborate de oameni de tiin-economiti din ar i de peste hotare: pe Belostecinic Grigore n lucrarea sa Concurent. Marketing. Competitivitate'' editat n 1999; Zbrciog Valeriu., Zbrciog N. n lucrarea Microeconomic Aplicat" aprut n 2001, Tabarcea Ala i monografia sa la capitolul concurenei monopoliste, Mihai Emilia cu lucrarea Concurena economic: libertate i constrngere juridic" Bucureti 2004; Moneanu T., Purcrea T. n Concurena.Ghidul afacerilor performante", Bucureti 1999; Daniela Ancua , Microeconomic: teorie i aplicaii. Piee n concuren perfect i imperfect" etc., acte legislative i normative ale Guvernului i Parlamentului Republicii Moldova privind concurena, monopolul, sitemul de protecie a concurenei i politica de promovare a acestuia, publicaii periodice de ordin economic, precum i surse Internet. n teza de master au fost utilizate mai multe metode i tehnici de cercetare cum sunt: metodica sistemico-structural, care presupune cercetarea sistemelor complexe ce constau dintr-o mulime de elemente aflate n interdependen unul cu altul; metoda statistic specific profilului economic n a crui sfer de cercetare este scris acest lucrare, metoda comparativ care const n compararea unor factori cu ali factori etc. Valoarea aplicativ a tezei implic propuneri de mbuntire a indicatorilor rezultativi ai politicii de promovare a concurenei aplicate de catre Guvernul Republicii Moldova, n baza studiului imaginei acesteia, n vederea eficacitii proceselor de stimulare a concurenei.

Teza este constituit din: ntroducere, trei capitole, concluzii generale i recomandri, bibliografia cu 75 de titluri, 6 anexe, 83 pagini de text de baz, 1 tabel, 2 figuri, 1 schem. ANNOTATION to the master thesis of the student Cernalechi Valeri, DAN 111m group on the theme "The protection of competition and regulation of monopolistic enterprises", Chisinau 2013 The purpose of the thesis is to establish the concept of competition and monopoly, the need for a legislative framework for the regulation of these phenomena, to establish the importance and impact of competition and monopoly for society and the effects of possible deviations in their bunfunctionare mechanism. The aim of the thesis has determined the following objectives: - Presenting the phenomenon of competition and monopoly in the history of economics and commercial law. - Concepts of competition and monopoly, their interdependence and their place in the complex system of markets. - Establishing, through concrete acts, the legal framework of the phenomena in question define impact of competition and monopoly control of society and for this purpose by the state consumer protection. The theoretical support of master's thesis consists of scientific work done in the field of competition and monopoly, developed by scientists-economists in the country and abroad: the Belostecinic Gregory in his "competition. Marketing. Competitiveness'' published in 1999; Zbrciog Valeriu., Zbrciog N. in "Applied Microeconomics" published in 2001, Tabarcea Ala and Monopolistic Competition Chapter monograph, Michael Emilia with "Economic competition: free and legal coercion" Bucharest 2004; Moneanu T., T. Purcrea "Concurena.Ghidul business performance", Bucharest 1999 Daniela Ancua, "Microeconomics: Theory and Applications. markets in perfect competition and imperfect" and so on, laws and regulations of the Government and Parliament of Moldova on competition, monopoly, and the system of protection of competition policy to promote its economic periodicals, and Internet sources. The master thesis was used several research methods and techniques such as systemic-structural methodology, which involves researching complex systems consist of a lot of elements that are interdependent with one another, the specific statistical method whose economic profile the universe is written this paper, comparative method is to compare factors with other factors etc..


The applicance value of the thesis involves proposals to improve the outcome indicators of promoting competition policy applied by the Government, its image under study, the effectiveness of processes to enhance competition. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, general conclusions and recommendations, bibliography of 75 titles, 6 appendices, 83 pages of main text, 1 table, 2 figures, 1 diagram.


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