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Chapter Wrap up Summary The first component the strategic sport Communication Model (SSCM) includes personal and

organizational communication in sport. This chapter fo cused on the first aspect of the component : personal communication in sport. A mastery of personal interaction skill shoul be the goal of all individuals in the sport industry. This is beceause most communication in sport involves communicating with oneself, another individual, or a few interactants. This chapter examined these areas of personal communication by looking by the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and small-group form of communication in sport. In an effort to synthesize the various forms of personal communication in sport, we defined interpersonal sport communication as occurring whenever individuals in sport, sharing the roles of sender and receiver, create meaning through their personal interaction. This involves all of the mainly face-to-face encounters sport professionals nd communicator have with colleagues, advisors, sales managers, media relations professionals, intern, employees, and any other stakeholders. After analyzing the reason people angage in interpersonal communication, we examined the process of interpersonal sport communication. This process includes the major elements of source, receiver message, feedback, channel, noise, and context, we next covered the topic of nonverbal communication in sport, which includes analyses of the communicative movements of the body, nonverbal aspects of speech, and environmental factors. We looked at the nine purpose of functions of nonverbal communication in sport as well as the seven codes or forms of nonverbal sport communication. Next we detailed verbal communication in sport by examining tha eight function of language and the three levels of meaning (words, sentences, and speech acts) in the use of language in sport. We conluded the examination of interpersonal sport communication by applying De Vitos(1990, 2005) 10 characteristics and qualities of effective interpersonal communication to the interpersonal communication that occur in sport setting. Kathryn E. Roger commented about various aspect of interpersonal communication throughout this chapter. Roger also present a list of the characteristics that she lokks for in people with whom she does business and prospective amployees. The following characterictics are among the most immpartant (in my opinion) in a professional. When im looking to hire staff, or do business with others, I look for someone who is genuine, well spoken, polite, diplomatic, attentive, able to follow through, nd able to treat everyone from top CEOs to volunteers as equals while understanding the hierarchy structure . To this list of characteristic, Rogers says, I believe one of the best tools you can learn in school is how to communicate effectively.

Review Questions 1. What the intrapersonal communication and how is it manifested in sport? 2. Beyond intrapersonal communication, what form of communication is used most often in sport? What is the fefinition of this form of communication? 3. What are charavteristics of small-group communication in sport? Why is it included in the discussion of interpersonal sport communication? 4. Why do people engage in or what are the purposes of interpersonal communication in sprt? 5. What are the essentials elements in the proses of interpersonal sport communication? How do they relate to each other? 6. What are the differences between verbal and nonverbal aspect of communications and what is an example of each? 7. What are the functions of nonverbal communication in sport? 8. What are the seven codes or from of nonverbal sport communication? 9. What are the functions of verbal communication in sport? 10. What qualities make for effectiveness in interpersonal sport communication?

Discussion Questions 1. How are the three forms of personal communication examined in this chapter similar to each other? 2. S you contemplate you career in sport management or communication, whould you consider one of the three forms of personal communication more important to sport professionals than the other two? 3. Why is necessary for interactants in sport to be effective in their interpersonal communication? 4. What are at least 10 professional positions in the sport industry that require intensive interpersonal interaction? 5. What are some positions in sport communication or sport management that require nominal interpersonal interactions? 6. Do communications in sport use verbal or nonverbal communication more often? 7. What are two or three examples of how verbal and nonverbal communication are used the same time in the sport industry? What are some instance when they would not be used simultaneously? 8. How can you use the concepts of semantic, syntatics, and pragmatics to improve your interpersonal communication in sport? 9. Rate the four skills related to interpersonal sport communication. What is your rationale for rating them as you did?

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