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El de Fernando en espaol:

ensalada de lechuga Ingredientes. (para 6 porciones) 2 o 3 Lettchuces 1 bestia Chicken 300 grs. de Jam 1 cebolla Una pizca de sal A pich de Pepper mayonesa hongos crema MTODO. Comience por lavar todos los ingredientes e instrumentos a utilizar Una vez limpio y todo empieza a quitar las hojas de lechuga lavar la lechuga y squela poner a cocer la pechuga empezar a cortar el jamn en cuadritos Una vez cocidas, triturar el inicio de mama y tenemos todos los ingredientes listos, colocar en un recipiente lo suficientemente grande para que quepa despus de eso, mezclarlos a continuacin, agregar la crema aadir los championes volver a mezclar los ingredientes y despus de haber hecho todo esto, puede comenzar a servir

Luis Fernando martinez

ensalada de lechuga Ingredients. (for 6 servings) 2 or 3 Lettchuces One beast Chicken 300 grams. Jam 1 onion Pinch of salt A Pepper pich mayonnaise mushrooms cream METHOD. Start by washing all the ingredients and tools to use Once clean and everything starts to remove the lettuce leaves Wash and dry lettuce put to cook the breast start cutting diced ham Once cooked, shred the breast start and we have all the ingredients ready, place in a bowl large enough to fit thereafter, mix then add the cream add mushrooms re-mix the ingredients and after having done all this, you can begin to serve

CAKE POPS INGREDIENTS: 1 Pancakes package. 1 Cream cheese. Bottle of hazelnut cream with cocoa. 1 Bittersweet chocolate bar. PREPARATION: First step: Thoroughly wash our hands. Second step: Crumble the muffins. Third step: Add the cream cheese in the pancakes crumbling. Fourth step: Add three tablespoons of cocoa hazelnut cream. Fifth step: Beat cream cheese and hazelnut pancakes. Sixth step: Since the mix and you get this consistently, make several balls. Seventh step: Upon completion of the balls, put them in the freezer for about 30 munites. Eight step: Melt the bittersweet chocolate. Ninth step: Remove the cake pops from the freezer and bathe them with melted chocolate. Tenth step: Applying sweet chocolate or fruit over before it is dry, this is optional. Eleventh step: Metellus the freezer for 35 minutes to cool completely. Twelfth step: And a cold see the cake pops can be enjoyed at any time. EN ESPAOL: CAKE POPS INGREDIENTES: 1 paquete de tortitas. 1 queso crema. Botella de crema de avellanas con chocolate. 1 barra de chocolate amargo. PREPARACIN: Primer paso: Lvese bien las manos. Segundo paso: Desmenuzar las magdalenas. Tercer paso: Aadir el queso crema en los panqueques se desmoronan. Cuarto paso: Aada tres cucharadas de crema de avellanas cacao. Quinto paso: Batir el queso crema y tortitas de avellana. Sexto paso: Desde la mezcla y se obtiene esto constantemente, hacer varias pelotas. Sptimo paso: Al finalizar las bolas, los puso en el congelador durante unos 30 minutos manejando. Octavo paso: Derretir el chocolate amargo. Noveno paso: Sacar la tarta salga del congelador y se baan con chocolate derretido. Dcimo paso: Aplicacin de chocolate dulce o fruta terminado antes de que se seque, esto es opcional. Paso Once: Mtelo en el congelador durante 35 minutos para enfriar completamente. Duodcima etapa: Y ver el estallidos de la torta fra se puede disfrutar en cualquier momento. Maria Angelina Salazar Alejandro Y Maria Luisa Garcia Perez

BROWNIES INGREDIENTS: 1.5 kilograms of flour brownies 4 eggs 1 cup oil 1 cup water 1 jar of chocolate 100 grams of icing sugar butter (according to taste) CONTAINERS: 2 network hair 2 masks 1 large mixing fret 1 blender 1 tablespoon 1 knife 1 spatula spread 2 rectangular baking dishes PORCEDIMIENTO: First put on the masks and hair nets, wash our hands and be clean. To then be able to place in the large fret brownies flour, eggs and half the glass with water, start whisking and slowly add the oil and water shortages. When the mixture is thick in a state can turn on the oven to 280 . While the oven takes its perfect temperature untaremos butter frets after the thick pour flour over the frets. frets bring them filled baked flour and come down the temperature to 150 for 20 minutes. When lifting the brownies from the oven, even when they are hot with the spatula to spread the chocolate you shall call, let them cool for about 1 hour. to cut and remove them gently and finally espolvorearles the icing sugar. Maria Jose villatorosalas Lizbeth Torres velazquez

ESPAOL: BROWNIES INGREDIENTES: 1.5 kilogramos de harina de brownies 4 huevos 1 taza de aceite 1 taza de agua 1 bote de chocolate 100 gramos de azucarglass mantequilla (segun el gusto) RECIPIENTES: 2 redes de cabello 2 cubrebocas 1 traste grande para batir 1 batidora 1 cuchara 1 cuchillo 1 espatula para untar 2 trastes rectangulares para hornear PORCEDIMIENTO: Primero ponernos los cubrebocas y las redes de cabello , lavarnos las manos y estar limpias. Para despues poder colocar en el traste grande la harina de brownies, los huevos y la mitad del vaso con agua;empezar a batir y poco a poco incorporar el aceite y el faltante de agua. Cuando la mezcla este en un estado espeso puedes prender el horno a 280. Mientras el horno toma su temperatura perfecta untaremos los trastes de mantequilla para despuesvertir la espesa harina sobre los trastes. introduciras al horno los trastes llenos de la harina y bajaras la temperatura a 150 durante 20 minutos. Cuando saquen los brownies del horno, aun cuando estn calientes con la esptula para untar le pondras el chocolate;dejaras que se enfren alrededor de 1 hora. para poder cortarlos y sacarlos con delicadeza y por ultimo espolvorearles el azcarglass. MaraJos Villatoro y Lizbeth Torres Velzquez

Pastel de carne Aleman Ingredientes : 1. cebolla 1/4 Mantequilla 1/2 pimiento morron 1/2 kg de Carne de cerdo molida 1/2 kg de Carne de Res Molida 1 Vaso de leche 1 cucharada de caldo de pollo Modo de preparacion: 1. Mezclar los ingredientes y ponerlos en un recipiente. 2. Meter la mezcla en un horno a una temperatura de 180' Durante una hora. EN INGLES : German Meatloaf ingredients: 1. onion 1/4 Butter 1/2 bell pepper 1/2 kg of ground pork 1/2 kg of Ground Beef 1 glass of milk 1 tablespoon chicken broth Method of preparation: 1. Mix the ingredients and put them in a container. Two.Putting the mixture in an oven at a temperature of 180 'during one hour.

Luis Basel Luna

Ingredientes: Las frutas y verduras al gusto chile Chamoy sal limn Mtodo de preparacin o procedimiento Paso 1: Frutas y verduras limpias. Paso 2: Secar y quitar la cscara Paso 3: Cortar en la forma deseada Paso 4: Ha acomodado en un recipiente, dejndolos extendida. Paso 5: Exprimir el limn en el complemento y sal, chiles, y el sabor deseado. Paso 6: Listopara comer y compartir. Ingredients: Fruits and vegetables to taste Chili Chamoy Salt Lemon Preparation method or procedure Step 1: Clean Fruits and vegetables. Step 2: Dry and remove the shell Step 3: Cut into a desired shape Step 4: Have accomodated in a container, leaving them extended. Step 5: Squeeze lemon on the and add salt, chilies, and taste desired. Step 6: Readytoeat and share.


Ingredientes: 1 kg de patatas 1.22 kg de jamn 2 barras de mantequilla 10 rebanadas de queso 4 latas de crema 1 lata de los pimientos Preparacin: Hervir las patatas en agua con sal durante 35 a 40 minutos, pero la cocina no se supere el pur y no se puede trabajar con ellos. En olla a presin es ver menos tiempo para instruir cada marca, es casi la mitad del tiempo de una olla convencional.Corte las papas en rodajas de tamao medio. Colocar en un recipiente para hornear el tamao y la forma que quieren o tienen, untado con mantequilla, una cama de patatas, espolvorear ligeramente con sal y pimienta y coloque una capa de jamn y un queso, y aadir la crema, son alrededor de 3 capas de la misma como se describi anteriormente.Se pone el horno precalentado durante 30 minutos. Kelly Larisa Leon Avalos Laura Gabriela Astudillo Ramon INGLES Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes 1/22 kg of ham 2 botter bars 10 slices of cheese 4 cans of cream 1 can the peppers Preparation: Boil the potatoes in salted water for 35 to 40 minutes, but cooking is not exceeded puree and can not work with them. In pressure cooker is less instructional time check each brand, is almost half the time of a conventional pot. Cut potatoes into medium sized slices. Place in a baking dish the size and shape you want or have, buttered, a bed of potatoes, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, then place a layer of ham and then a cheese, and add the cream, are about 3 layers the same as described above. It gets the preheated oven for 30 minutes.


Enchipotladas Embutidos Ingredientes: 1/4 KG EMBUTIDOS 1/2 cebolla picada 3 tomates 1 chica puede Chipotle CHILE ACEITE

Salchicha Hacer enchipotladas paso a paso: EMBUTIDOS fileteados EN RUEDAS Y RESERVA, se encuentra un poco de aceite en una sartn y CEBOLLA llega a ser un salteado POCO, SEMUELE MIENTRAS TANTO EN BLENDER dos tomates y chile chipotle al gusto. CEBOLLA VISIBLE CUANDO USTED AADE EMBUTIDOS Y semitransparentes FREIDA da un muy rpido, pero aade otro tomate picado, Y DESPUES CON TOMATE chipotle, se hierve hasta que se cueza Y SALSA DE VER LA SAZON.

SPAGHETTI INGREDIENTES 1 paquete de espagueti 8 tazas de agua 1 cucharadita de sal 1 hoja de laurel 1/4 de cebolla 1 diente de ajo 2 cucharaditas de aceite 1 lata de leche evaporada 1 barrita de mantequilla 75g de queso tipo manchego rallado 75g de queso tipo parmesano Pimienta negra molida PREPARACIN En una cacerola grande ponga a hervir el agua con la sal, el laurel, la cebolla el ajo y el aceite. Cuando el agua este hirviendo eche el espagueti (sin romperlo). Deje que se cueza hasta que al agarrar uno entre las uas del dedo indice y el pulgar se parta fcilmente. Mientras se cuece el espagueti, derrita en otra cacerola la mantequilla y agrguele la leche evaporada, la pimienta y la mitad de cada queso. Deje que la mezcla se caliente un poco y mantngala mas o menos a esa temperatura hasta que el espagueti se cueza. Saque el espagueti del agua, escrralo en un colador y pselo a la cacerola donde esta la salsa. Suba la flama de la estufa y revuelva con cuidado el espagueti hasta que la salsa lo bae completamente. INGREDIENTS 1 package of spaghetti 8 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1 bay leaf 1/4 onion 1 clove of garlic 2 teaspoons oil 1 can evaporated milk 1 stick of butter 75g grated Manchego type cheese 75g parmesan type cheese Ground black pepper PREPARATION In a large saucepan boil water with salt, bay leaf, onion, garlic and oil. When the water is boiling pour the spaghetti (without breaking it). Let it cook until catching one among the index finger nail and thumb easily split.

While the spaghetti is cooking, melt butter in another pan and add the evaporated milk, pepper and half of each cheese. Allow the mixture to warm up a bit and keep more or less to that temperature until the spaghetti is cooked. Remove the spaghetti water, squeeze it in a colander and wipe the pan where is the sauce. Turn up the flame of the stove and carefully stir until sauce spaghetti bathe him completely. Pass the spaghetti to a platter and stick to the table accompanied by the rest of the cheese.

The cuisine of a country is one of the best opportunities you have to know their culture. It can discover their customs and traditions, the products it produces, technology and development of its people, but especially to know the spirit and soul of its people. This recipe will make your pleasure, is in English and Spanish, most of the recipes are desserts here are easy to prepare and above all very rich. They are 17 recipes of cooking ingredients and preparation, show pictures of how you can get your food Seeing your content will want to have this recipe every day in your hands to make the rich desserts that are continuation. I leave you enjoy this recipe with a lot of effort and love was cast couple enjoy and learn about all new things that maybe had not seen or had never been able to do Could now.

1._German Meatloaf .............................5 2._Life in Pink...6 3._Cake Cookies.7 4._Lettchuce salad..8 5._spagueti............. 9 6._Neapolitan..... 10 7._Orange Bread.11 8._Sufle Potatoes12 9._Carrot cucumbre.....13 10._Potato Corquettes.14 11._Brownis..1 5 12._Enchipotladas Sausages...16 13._Cheesecake..1 7 14._Cake Pops..18 15._Enchipotladas Sausages..19 16._Flan Napolitano....20

17._SPANISH .21 18._Pastel de carne alemn.22 19._La vida en Rosa.23 20._Pastel de Galleta.24 21._Ensalada de Lechuga..25 22._Spagueheti. 26 23._Queso Napolitano...27 24.Pan de Naranja..28 25._Sufle de papa.29 26._Zanahoria, pepino...30 27._Croquetas de papatas.31 28._Brownis..3 2 29.Flan Napolitano..33 30._Pay de Queso..34 31._Cake pops..35 32._Salchichas enchipotladas.36 33._Flan napolitano.37


NAME: Jairo Aldair Hernndez Snchez SUBJET: ENGLISH TEACHER: Lilia Geronimo Urbina SHIFT: Morning DEGREE: 2 GROUP: F WORK: Recipes.

German Meatloaf._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Life in pink.- Does he/She like your dishes? R= I dont Cake cookies._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I dont Lettchuce salad._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I dont Spagueti._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Neapolitan cheese._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Orange Bread._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Sufle Potatoes._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Carrot, cucumbre._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Potato Croquettes._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Brownis._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Enchipotladas Sausages._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Cheesecake._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Cake pops._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Sausages Enchipotladas._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do Flan napolitano._ Does he/She like your dishes? R= I do

I bring a wealth of experience to make the dish that I got to explain to my partner and we could live together and apart to give a little of our dessert to each of our colleagues, we discussed our saucer and above all could see the face of each partner sastifaccion to pobrar our desserts, but like the others made their saucer could see how good they were, I served a shame to lose by exposing and especially to do this resetario in order to get a good rating in the field of English . It was unexpected because we all think that English is just learning to speak or write well in a language that is not common for us, but this time was different our English class and it was like putting gastronomic proof approves our good

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