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Flix Guattari e o Colectivo em La Borde - Notas para uma concepo da subjectividade para alm do humano Flix Guattari and

the Collective in La Borde - Notes for a conception of subjectivity beyond the human
Susana Cal

Andr Cepeda, da srie Anacronia (original a cores), s/ttulo, Bruxelas, 2000. Cortesia Andr Cepeda/Contretype Andr Cepeda, from the series Anacronia (original in colour), untitled, Bruxelas, 2000. Courtesy of Andr Cepeda/Contretype.


susana cal

Um conceito s vale a vida com que investido Flix Guattari 1. La Borde e anlise institucional De nenhum modo eu sugeri alargar a experincia de La Borde ao todo da sociedade, nenhum modelo materialmente transponvel deste modo. Contudo, pareceu-me que a subjectividade, a qualquer momento do socius que importasse considerar, no ocorria por si prpria, mas era produzida por certas condies, e que estas condies podiam ser modificadas atravs de procedimentos mltiplos de uma forma que a podiam canalizar para uma direco mais criativa. (Guattari, 1995, p.194) Foi a convite do amigo Jean Oury que Flix Guattari iniciou trabalho na clnica La Borde, participando e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do que viria a ser definido como psicoterapia institucional em Frana. Como explica Deleuze, no prefcio ao livro Psychanalyse et Transversalit de Guattari, o movimento institucional correspondeu a um terceiro momento da psiquiatria em que esta se props repensar tanto o regime da lei do hospital psiquitrico clssico, como a relao contratual liberal entre analista-paciente inerente prtica da psicanlise, enquanto condies teraputicas fundamentais. Se no hospital psiquitrico o ento determinado louco era privado, por julgada incapacidade, de uma relao directa ao social, exercendo o terapeuta essa funo de mediao, a psicanlise mostrou que o tratamento era possvel fora da clausura do espao mdico, atravs de uma espcie de contrato liberal entre analista e paciente, desenvolvido por uma relao teraputica especfica que decorria num espao relacional privado. Porm, questionando tanto o tipo de relaes dominantes estabelecidas pela lei, como pelo contrato, o movimento institucional defendia que tanto o objecto da anlise como as condies em que esta decorria deveriam ser alargadas prpria instituio como um todo enquanto espao real heterogneo e transdisciplinar com um potencial teraputico

A concept is only worth the life one invests it with Flix Guattari 1. La Borde and institutional analysis In no way did I suggest extending the experiment of La Borde to the whole of society, no single model being materially transposable in this way. Yet it seemed to me that subjectivity, at any stage of the socius worth considering, did not occur by itself, but was produced by certain conditions, and that these conditions could be modified through multiple procedures in a way that would channel it in a more creative direction. (Guattari, 1995, p.194) It was at the invitation of his friend Jean Oury that Flix Guattari joined La Borde, participating and contributing to the development of what would come to be defined as institutional psychotherapy in France. As explained by Deleuze, in the preface to the book Psychanalyse et Transversalit by Guattari, the institutional movement corresponded to a third moment of psychiatry that proposed rethinking both the regime of law of the classic psychiatric hospital, and the liberal contractual analyst-patient relationship inherent to the practice of psychoanalysis, as fundamental therapeutic conditions. If in the psychiatric hospital the then classified mad were deprived, by judged inability, of a direct relation to the social, being the therapist the one to exercise this role of mediation, then psychoanalysis showed that the treatment was possible outside the confines of medical space, through a kind of liberal contract between analyst and patient, developed by a specific therapeutic relationship that took place in a private relational space. Yet, questioning both the type of dominant relations established by the law as well as by the contract, the institutional movement argued that both the object of analysis, as well as the conditions under which it occurred should be extended to the institution as a whole and as a heterogeneous and trandisciplinary actual space with its own therapeutic potential. In this sense, La Borde may be seen as a micro-social and spatial experience, by which the object of analysis becomes the institution itself, and in which the

flix guattari e o colectivo em la borde

flix guattari and the collective in la borde

prprio. Nesse sentido, La Borde pode ser vista como uma experincia micro-social e espacial em que o objecto de anlise passa a ser a instituio ela prpria, e na qual a ligao directa da terapia ao social e ao espao um factor primordial. A abordagem teraputica instituio partia do pressuposto de que os princpios de organizao desta no eram independentes do processo teraputico. Mais, que as instituies psiquitricas tinham um ambiente demasiadamente rgido e hierarquizado ou, segundo a expresso de Jean Oury, sofriam de uma patoplastia social que chegava a ser contrria sua prpria finalidade teraputica. Em causa estava um pensamento do espao da instituio, no como um mero cenrio social fictcio, vazio e rgido, mas com um potencial teraputico prprio. Para isto era necessrio um modelo que contemplasse a instituio em toda a sua heterogeneidade, nas relaes entre pacientes, mdicos e enfermeiros, e na ecologia mais alargada do seu espao, dos materiais, das relaes com o lugar e com a arquitectura. No ensaio A Clinic Unlike Any Other, Guattari descreve algumas das actividades promovidas nesse sentido, nomeadamente a anulao de locais ou agentes nobres de terapia (alternncia estratgica dos locais de administrao da medicao), instituindo a terapia de grupo como primordial, alargando o espectro das actividades ditas teraputicas (a criao de um jornal, jardinagem, etc) e alternado funes entre pessoal mdico, enfermagem, pacientes, jardineiros, entre outros. Como escreve Jean Claude Pollack, em La Borde en son temps. Chronique dune clinique critique: Os fluxos e as trocas no seriam dificultados por regras, por hierarquias, por territrios arbitrrios, por posies imaginrias ou papis fictcios (...) os estatutos devem ser delapidados pela rotao das tarefas, a diversidade das funes, a multiplicidade dos investimentos. Como que se pode querer que os pacientes com esquizofrenia no se tomem como os mestres do mundo, quando os mdicos ou os monitores se continuam a tomar como os sbios e os garantidores da norma?

direct link of therapy to the social and to space is a primordial factor. The therapeutic approach to the institution was based on the assumption that its organisational principles were not independent from the therapeutic processes. Moreover, that the psychiatric institutions had an excessively rigid and hierarchical environment or, as Jean Oury termed it, suffered from a social pathoplasty that ran counter to its own therapeutic goal. At stake was a line of understanding the institutional space not as a mere fictitious social scenario, empty and rigid, but with its own therapeutic potential. For this, a model which examined the institution in all its heterogeneity was required, one that would take into account the relations between patients, doctors and nurses, as well as the extended ecology of its spaces, materials and relationships with place and architecture. In the text A Clinic Unlike Any Other, Guattari describes some of the activities promoted in this sense, namely the annulment of noble agents or locals of therapy (strategic change of locations for medication administration), setting up group therapy as primordial, broadening the spectrum of activities deemed therapeutic (creating a journal, gardening, etc.) and alternating functions among medical personnel, nurses, patients, gardeners, and others. As Jean Claude Pollack writes in La Borde en son temps. Chronique dune clinique critique: The flows and exchanges would not be made difficult by rules, by hierarchies, by arbitrary territories, by imaginary positions or fictitious roles (...) the regulations should be worn out by the rotation of tasks, the diversity of functions, the multiplicity of investments. How can we expect patients with schizophrenia not to consider themselves masters of the world, when the doctors or the monitors continue to behave like wise men and the guarantors of the rules? Guattari notes that operations as simple as these showed to be immediately effective in creating an atmosphere of greater familiarity, and were on the basis of reorganising daily habits, ways of life and relationships. And these, in turn, potentiated new subjectivities that had been impossible and unlikely before, new existential arrangements,

susana cal

Guattari nota que operaes to simples quanto estas se mostraram imediatamente eficazes na constituio de um ambiente da maior familiaridade, estando mesmo na base da reorganizao dos hbitos do quotidiano, dos modos de vida e dos modos de relacionamento. E estes, por sua vez, instanciavam a produo de novas subjectividades, antes impossveis e improvveis, novos agenciamentos existenciais, das quais tanto pessoal hospitalar, como pacientes beneficiavam. Tratava-se, portanto, de abrir novas possibilidades de singularizao num agenciamento simultneo de factores materiais e imateriais, facilitado ao nvel da real pragmaticidade da vida do dia-a-dia. 2. Transversalidade A transversalidade uma dimenso que pretende superar os dois impasses, aquele de uma verticalidade pura, e aquele de uma horizontalidade; ela tende a realizar-se quando se efectua uma comunicao mxima entre diferentes nveis e sobretudo nos diferentes sentidos. (Guattari, 1972, p.80) A partir desta experimentao prtica no contexto institucional e teraputico de La Borde, Guattari confere consistncia a um pensamento inovador em torno relao do indivduo com a envolvente. Um dos temas principais deste pensamento era a importncia do grupo como metodologia, que tinha por base a complexificao e alargamento da rede de interaces entre aqueles que constituam a instituio. Um pressuposto fundamental assentava na capacidade do grupo criar objectos mediadores transicionais prprios e autnomos (entenda-se objecto no numa perspectiva material), que emergiam no processo da dinmica de grupo, contrariando parte da autoridade inerente figura do analista. Notemos que luz do modelo psicanaltico clssico, a nfase colocada na construo da relao paciente terapeuta. E assim, tanto o espao mental dessa relao, como o lugar em que decorre a terapia (consultrio) funcionam como uma espcie de plataforma privada, em que atravs de processos de transferncia entre analista e paciente, se

from which both hospital staff and patients benefited. It was about opening up new possibilities of singularisation, in a simultaneous arrangement of material and immaterial elements, facilitated at the level of the real pragmatics of daily life. 2. Transversality Transversality is a dimension that seeks to overcome the two impasses, one of pure verticality, and one of horizontality; it tends to be achieved when communication is maximised between different levels and above all in different directions (Guattari, 1972, p.80) From this practical experiment in the institutional and therapeutic context of La Borde, Guattari provides consistency to his innovative thinking of the individuals relation to his extended ecology. One of the main themes of this thinking was the importance of the group as methodology, based on the complexification and enlargement of the network of interactions among those that made up the institution. A fundamental assumption relied on the ability of the group to create its own autonomous transitional mediator objects (the object is understood not from a material perspective), which emerged in the process of group dynamics, contradicting part of the authority inherent to the figure of the analyst. We should keep in mind that in light of the classic psychoanalytic model, the emphasis is on building a specific patient - therapist relationship. And thus, both the mental space of this relationship and the place where therapy takes place (consulting room) work as a sort of private platform, in which, through the transference processes between analyst and patient, the ability to produce meaning is reinforced. Yet, for Guattari, the idea of transference was too caught up in language and in the dual relationship between patient and psychoanalyst, making it necessary to conceptualise the hypothesis of an open relation to the multiplicity of spaces and materials of the institution itself and the possibility of other processes of singularisation (and not longer of production of signification) beyond the sphere of language only. Thus, to the concept of transference Guattari opposes the concept of transversality, which in-

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flix guattari and the collective in la borde

refora a capacidade de produo de significado deste. Todavia, para Guattari a ideia de transferncia estava demasiado presa linguagem e relao dual entre paciente e psicanalista, sendo necessrio conceptualizar a possibilidade de uma relao aberta multiplicidade de espaos e materiais da prpria instituio e de formas outras de singularizao (e j no de produo de significado), fora da esfera da linguagem. Assim, ao conceito de transferncia Guattari ope o conceito de transversalidade, com o qual se pretende dar conta tanto de uma relao plural, no hierrquica e simultnea entre elementos diversos (materiais e imateriais) que contribuem para a produo da subjectividade, como tambm dos diferentes regimes de enunciao possveis, discursivos e no discursivos, significantes e assignificantes, contrariando um dos princpios fundamentais da psicanlise segundo o qual o inconsciente est estruturado segundo uma linguagem. Deste modo, e atravs da noo de transversalidade, esculpe-se um pensamento da subjectividade fundado no importante papel do terceiro objecto, como meio de abertura ao mundo. No caso de La Borde, em que o terceiro objecto seria a instituio ou o objecto institucional, procurava-se criar um espao colectivo e autnomo, propenso criao de novas subjectividades libertas de determinaes transcendentes, tipicamente cristalizadas nas dicotomias eu/outro, sujeito/objecto, ou paciente/analista. Contudo, como nota Gary Genosko, no livro Flix Guattari, An Aberrant Introduction, convm esclarecer que esta figura do terceiro objecto consiste no numa triangulao, entre pacienteanalista-espao, mas no trazer para o primeiro plano de todas aquelas relaes que existem no plano de fundo: o contexto institucional, os seus constrangimentos, a organizao, as prticas especficas, entre outros. Isto porque o objecto institucional tem um papel vital na vida dos grupos teraputicos, pois o que real e que informa as suas fantasias. Ora, a partir do momento em que estes podem participar da sua criao, negociando os mais diversos factores, abre-se o caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de subjectividade autnomas.

tends to account for both a plural, non-hierarchical and simultaneous relationship between diverse elements (material and immaterial) that contribute to the production of subjectivity, as well as the different possible regimes of enunciation, discursive and non-discursive, signifying and a- signifying, contradicting one of the founding principles of psychoanalysis by which the unconscious is structured as a language. Hence through the idea of transversality a thought of subjectivity based on the important role of the third object is created, as a means of opening up to the world. In the case of La Borde, in which the third object would be the institution or the institutional object, the idea was to create a collective, autonomous space, propitious to the creation of new forms of subjectivity liberated from transcendent determinations, typically crystallized in self/other, subject/object, or patient/ analyst dichotomies. However, as Gary Genosko notes in his Flix Guattari. An Aberrant Introduction, it is important to clarify that this third object figure consists not of a triangulation, between patientanalyst-space, but in bringing to the forefront all of the relationships existing in the background: the institutional context, its constraints, organisation, specific practices, etc. This is because the institutional object plays a vital role in the life of therapeutic groups, as it is what is real and what informs their fantasies. Besides, from the moment in which they can participate in its creation, negotiating the most diverse factors, the path is opened to developing new forms of autonomous subjectivity. It was therefore a matter of increasing the degree of transversality of the institution. The institutional space should be understood not merely as a simple container of social relationships, but as an active element in the process of producing singular subjectivities. For example, Guattari observes the relevance of measures such as rotating the persons who administered the medication to patients, as well as changing the locations in which these took place. The important thing here is not only the confrontation with a new material of expres-

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Tratava-se portanto de aumentar o grau de transversalidade da instituio. O espao institucional deveria ser entendido no como um simples contentor pacfico das relaes sociais, mas como um elemento activo na singularizao de novas subjectividades. Entre outros, Guattari nota a relevncia de medidas como a de alternar as pessoas que administravam a medicao aos pacientes, mas tambm os locais em que esta era realizada: O que importante no s a confrontao com um material de expresso novo, mas a constituio de complexos de subjectivao: mltiplas trocas entre indivduo-grupomquina. Estes complexos, de facto, oferecem pessoa possibilidades diversas de recomposio numa corporeidade existencial, de sada dos seus impasses de repetio e, de uma certa maneira, de re-singularizao. (Guattari, 1992b, p.19) Esta concepo polifnica e transversal da subjectividade rompe com a posio absoluta do sujeito na ordenao do mundo, assim como com a sua funo de constituinte do objecto. Da mesma forma ope-se ao entendimento tradicional da relao com o espao, conceptualizado segundo princpios de sujeito vs objecto, dade com que normalmente abordada a questo do espao pblico, em que o sujeito activo e o objecto passivo. Contudo, e no sentido da concepo transversal que aqui abordamos, importante ressalvar que o nfase nos objectos (o objecto institucional) no vem propriamente em detrimento do sujeito, mas deve ser entendido no mbito da promoo de uma nova relao entre ambos, de novas formas de subjectividade que so abertas atravs do objecto-instituio. 3. O colectivo Um outro aspecto crucial a destacar no pensamento de Guattari desenvolvido em La Borde so as consequncias deste alargamento da subjectividade para alm do humano. No sentido em que a subjectividade produto de uma concatenao transversal de factores para alm da delimita85

sion, but the constitution of complexes of subjectivation: multiple exchanges between individual-group-machine. These complexes actually offer people diverse possibilities for recomposing their existential corporeity, to get out of their repetition impasses and, in a certain way, to resingularise themselves. (Guattari, 1992b, p.19) This polyphonic and transversal conception of subjectivity breaks with the absolute position of the subject in the ordering of the world, as well as his function of constituent of the object. Likewise, it contrasts with the traditional understanding of the relationship with space, conceptualised according to principles of subject vs. object, a dyad with which the question of public space is normally approached, and in which the subject is active and the object passive. However, and in line with the transversal conception of subjectivity advanced here, it is important to note that contrary to the subject-object traditional orientation, the emphasis on objects (the institutional object) does not come in detriment to the subject but should be understood in the context of promoting a new relationship between both, new forms of subjectivity that are opened through the object-institution. 3. The collective Another crucial aspect to be pointed out in the thought Guattari developed at La Borde are the consequences of this extension of subjectivity beyond the human. Considering that subjectivity is the product of a transversal concatenation of factors beyond the subject-object delimitation, including both individual factors, as well as pre-personal, human and non-human, of various expressions, semiotic and affective, then it should be seen as collective, in the most far reaching sense of the term. Collective is then to be understood not in the sense of a set or a group, but as a heterogeneous plurality that is mutually and transversally implicated. In this sense, an assemblage is always collective, while a mere group, a formation of people, or a public place are not necessarily so. Looking again at the example of La Borde, the group of patients

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flix guattari and the collective in la borde

o sujeito-objecto, incluindo tanto factores individuais, como pr-pessoais, humanos e no humanos, de expresses diversas, semiticas e afectivas, ento esta deve ser vista como colectiva, num sentido mais abrangente do termo. Entenda-se colectivo, no no sentido de conjunto ou agrupamento, mas enquanto uma pluralidade hetergenea que se implica mtua e transversalmente. Neste sentido, um agenciamento sempre colectivo enquanto que uma formao de pessoas ou um lugar pblico no o necessariamente. Retomando o exemplo de La Borde, o grupo de pacientes definidos como tal pelo momento de administrao conjunta da medicao, no compe necessariamente um colectivo, pois formado por determinaes que lhe so exteriores. A sua unidade est localizada fora de si, prvia prpria formao do grupo e relaciona-se com ele de um modo hierrquico ou transcendente. Ora, o colectivo no sentido que interessa aqui nunca dado, mas precisa sempre de ser feito e praticado. O colectivo pratica-se, constri-se. sempre uma formao emergente e autnoma, que produz em si prpria os mecanismos da sua organizao. Por isso, para pensar o colectivo necessrio pensar uma relao de afectao entre os seus intervenientes, pois s na medida em que existe uma relao de afectao mtua e simultnea entre elementos, que o colectivo, no sentido Guattariano, se d. Em outras condies, a subjectividade tornase colectiva o que no quer dizer que se torna exclusivamente social. O termo colectivo deveria ser entendido aqui no sentido de uma multiplicidade que se estende tanto para alm do indivduo, do lado do socius, como da pessoa, do lado de intensidades pr-verbais indicando uma lgica de afectos em vez de uma lgica e conjuntos delimitados. (Guattari, 1992b, p.22) 4. O espao pblico Chegados a este momento, e se a noo de subjectividade alargada a uma dimenso pr-pessoal, no humana, incorporando todo um regime de agenciamentos afectivos entre ele86

defined as such by the moment of joint administration of medication, does not necessarily make up a collective, for the group is only defined by external terms. In other words, its unity is located outside itself; it is prior to its very foundation and relates to it only in a hierarchical or transcendent manner. On the contrary, the collective, in the sense that is relevant to us here, is never given, but must always be made. The collective is to be practiced, to be constructed. It is always an emerging and autonomous formation, which produces the mechanisms of its own organisation. Therefore, to think the collective it is necessary to think a relation of affection between its participants, because only insofar as there is a relation of mutual and simultaneous affection between elements can the collective, in the Guattarian sense, exist. In other conditions, subjectivity becomes collective which is not to say it becomes exclusively social. The term collective should be understood here in the sense of a multiplicity which is deployed both beyond the individual, on the side of the socius, as well as beyond the person, on the side of pre-verbal intensities indicating a logic of affect rather than of a logic of delimited sets. (Guattari, 1992b, p.22) 4. Public space Having reached this moment, and insofar as the notion of subjectivity is extended to a pre-personal and non-human dimension, incorporating a whole regime of affective assemblages between disparate elements, also a notion of public space should be reformulated to go beyond the understanding of collective space as a mere communal space. In a clear deviation from this approach, the notion of the collective developed here implies the emergence of multiple spaces/collective territories, which in no way are compatible with boundaries of public and private, human and non-human, but incessantly reconfigure these terms. For the collective, being both spatial and personal, is defined by assemblages that are established between heterogeneous elements in the composition of nuclei of subjectivity. Dispersed and inconstant subjectivities in permanent transformation.

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mentos dspares, tambm por consequncia uma noo de espao pblico dever ser reformulada para alm de um espao destinado ao colectivo enquanto grupo de pessoas. Num claro desvio a esta orientao, a noo de colectivo aqui desenvolvida implica o surgimento de mltiplos espaos/territrios colectivos que de forma alguma se coadunam com delimitaes de pblico e privado, ou humano e no humano, e incessantemente reconfiguram estes termos. Pois o colectivo, sendo tanto espacial como pessoal, define-se pelos agenciamentos que se estabelecem entre elementos heterogneos na composio de ncleos de subjectividade. Subjectividades dispersas, inconstantes e em permanente transformao. O enfoque na importncia da heterogeneidade na construo do colectivo e da subjectividade, no sentido Guattariano, que desvela uma crtica ao pensamento disciplinar, no deve ainda ser confundido com uma proposta de interdisciplinaridade qual Guattari se ope como uma mera operao de aproximao de disciplinas. O conceito prprio avanado por Guattari seria o de intradisciplinaridade como uma metodologia centrada na maximizao do grau de transversalidade aos vrios nveis e s vrias expresses. Aplicado ao pensamento do espao, isto traduzir-se-ia num entendimento necessariamente informado pelos seus atravessamentos polticos, econmicos, geogrficos e estticos, e que negaria a sua pretensa neutralidade enquanto plano de fundo, conferindo-lhe um papel determinante. Por conseguinte, tambm concepes tradicionais do espao, fundadas sobre aspectos formais, simblicos, ou leituras fenomenolgicas, sobrevalorizando o papel do sujeito individual e do sensorial na constituio da experincia, so necessariamente postas em causa. Podemos dizer ento que se a subjectividade, enquanto processo e produto, resulta de uma heterogeneidade de agenciamentos inconstantes e simultneos, ento necessrio que o pensamento do espao se liberte da dialctica sujeitoobjecto, para explorar a real potencialidade de um seu entendimento enquanto colectivo.

The focus on the importance of heterogeneity in the construction of the collective and of subjectivity, in the Guattarian sense, unveiling a critique to disciplinary thinking, should not be confused with a proposal for interdisciplinarity which Guattari opposes as a mere approximative operation of disciplines. The concept advanced by Guattari was of intradisciplinarity as a methodology centered on the maximum degree of transversality across the various segments. Applied to the thought on space, this would imply an understanding necessarily informed by its political, economic, geographic and aesthetic crossings, and which would deny spaces alleged neutrality as background, giving it a decisive role. Consequently, traditional concepts of space, based on formal, symbolic aspects or phenomenological readings (overvaluing the role of the individual subject and the sensorial in the constitution of experience) are necessarily put into question. We can say then that if subjectivity, as a process and a product, is the result of an heterogeneity of inconstant and simultaneous assemblages, then it is necessary that the thought of space be liberated from the subject-object dialectic, to be able to explore the real potential of an understanding of public space as collective.


flix guattari e o colectivo em la borde

flix guattari and the collective in la borde

Notas 1 Fundador da clnica em 1953 e figura central do desenvolvimento do movimento da psicoterapia institucional, cf.: Onze heures du soir La Borde, Galile, Paris, 1980 e Psychiatrie et psychothrapie institutionnelle, Champ social, Lecques, 2001. Referncias bibliogrficas - Bibliographic references Guattari, Flix, Sergio Vilar, De la Pluridisciplinarit a la Transdisciplinarit en Passant pas les Objets Complexes qui Composent lObjet-Monde et son Hypercomplexit lInterdpendante in Flix Guattari Archival Materials: Fonds Flix Guattari, Institut mmoires de ldition contemporaine. Paris, 1992. Guattari, Flix, La Borde: a Clinic Unlike Any Other in Chaosophy, ed. Sylnre Lotringer, (Semiotext(e) 1995, p.194). -----------, Chaosmose, (ditions Galile, Paris, 1992). -----------, Psychanalyse et Transversalit, (Franois Maspero, Paris, 1972). Genosko, Gary, Flix Guattari: Towards a Transdisciplinary Metamethodology in Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 8(1), 129-40, 2003. -----------, Flix Guattari. An Aberrant Introduction, (Continuum London and New York, 2002). Pollack, Jean Claude, La Borde en son temps. Chronique dune clinique critique, ensaio on-line, arquivo La Borde | online essay, La Borde archive: htm, 23 Out./Oct. 2004.

Notas 1 Founder of the clinic in 1953 and central figure of the development of the movement of institutional psychotherapy, cf.: Onze heures du soir La Borde, Galile, Paris, 1980 and Psychotherapie Psychiatrie et institutionnelle, Champ social, Lecques, 2001.


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