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~ , . . . . _ ~ JUR
Me Feel Like
A Bride Again"
A dramat i zat i on posed by prof essi onal model s.
\ Fornen ",ay also ...utrer {rom lack of l Je1', ene rgy
and citalit y due to rudri!ional deficiency. 1{ there is
such a lady in your house, you will do her a ioi or
hy hr inf.{in g this an nouncement to her attention.
Just hace her check tile "'\loman's Formula" box
in the coup on.
A:\ I ZI:'l'G PI.AS SI..\SJlES
' Vith you r Free vitamins y OH will also receive complete
det ails regard ing the l x-uefi t s of an amazing flew Plan
th at provides )'011 regularly with all tilt' facto ry-fresh
vitamins and minera ls }' OU will need , You are under no
ohlif:!lltion to Imlj any thi ng! If after taking your free
ca pxulcx for t hn -o wee-ks you a re not r-uti n-ly sat isfied .
simply return the handy postca nl that comes with your
free supply and that will end the matt er, Ot herwise it' s
up to us - you don't have to do a thing - and we will
see that )' 011 net your monthl y supplies of ca psules on
t ime for as long as you wish, at the low, money-savin g
pri ce of only 82.78 per month - ll sadrlg o{ 4,5% -
cou po n now!
SAFE C.F. CAPSULES for just one reason, So many
per sons have already t ried them with suc h astoun ding
result s .. . so man )' people have writte n in telling us how
mu ch be tte r they felt afte r only a short tria l . , . that we
are absolutely convince d that YOH, too, may experience
th e same feelin g of Improved ufter a similar
t rial. In fact. we ' re so con vinced that we're will ing to
back tip ou r convictions with our own mOTWY , You don't
sp end a pen ny for the vit .uuins! A mout h's supply of
similar vitamin ca psules, if it were availa ble at ret ail.
would ord ina rily cos t
Will" WE W ,\:'IiT l"OU TO
",In .\ :l O.IH Y .'Ot p l"l. \ -FltEI-:!
We offer )'ou thi s 30day free trial of valuabl e VITA
I'nTr,:"iC\' A'" pt:lUTl" C.l ' ..\ R..\....Tf:EIl
There is no myster y to vit amin pot ency. As you prob..
abl y know, the U.S. Govern ment strict ly controls each
vitamin manuf acturer an d requi res the exact quantity
of each vita mi n and miner al to he clearly sta ted on the
label. Thi s mean s tha t the purity of eac h ingr edi ent . and
the sanitary conditions of manufact ure are carefully
controlled for your protecti on! When you lise VITA
SAFE C,F. CAPSULES you can be sure you' re
exactly what the label states pure Ingredient s whose
hencflcial effects have been proven time and againI
spensable for proper health . . . but some people actually
need more than the average daily requirement s estab-
lished hy the Food nud Xutr itton Board of the Xuttonnl
Resear ch Coun cil. If you tire eas ily . . . if )'011 work under
pr essure , subjec t to the of travel , worry and othe r
st rains .. . then you ma y he one of the people who Jl('eds
th is extra sup ply of vitamins, III that case, VITASAFE
C.F. CAPSULES may he "j us t what the doct or or dered "
- h c t ' <luSC thev conta in til e most [rcn nen t hj reCO""I/('1U1C',!
food supple'/l(' nt f ormula f or peo ple iii this category!
WHY '\'fJ U MAY Nf:ED TIU:st:
As your own doctor will tell you, scie ntists have
di scovered th at not only is a dail y minimum of vitamins
and minerals, in one form or anothe r, absolutely ind i-
To prove to you the remarkabl e advant ages of the
Vit asafe Plan . we will send you, with out char ge, a
:lOday free supply of high -potency VITASAFE C.F.
CAPSULES so you can di scover for yourself how much
str onger. happier and peppier you may Ieel af ter a few
days' tr ial! Just one of th ese ca psule s each day supplies
your body with over ucice th e mi ni mu m adult dail y re-
quirement s of Vitamins A, C, and D . . . (ice times the
minimum adu lt requirement of Vit amin B41 and the
full COIlet' nt mt ion reC0I1 111\('mlcd by the Food and Xut rl-
tion Board of the National Resear ch Counci l for the othe r
four important vita mins! Each ca ps ule co ntuius the amaz e
Vitamin B-12 - one of the most remarkblc nutrients
sck-nce has yr-t discnvc red -, n vit ami n that ac tua lly helps
strr-nethcn your blood a!H1 nouri sh your body-organs .
Clntnmic Acid , an important pr ot ein derived from
natur al wheat gluten . is also included in Vitasafe Cap...
Stiles. And to top off this excl usive formula. each capsule
nnw br i n zs yo u a n i mp or t a nt dos a ac o f Cit r u s
Bioflavonoid. Thi s formula is so complete it is available
nowhere else at this price!
I T'S ha rd for me to bel ieve tha t a few we eks ago I actually
thought a bout leav ing my husband! He had become sa
nervous a nd irrita ble - so cross with the children and me that
there wa s just no living with him. He wa s a lways "too tired"
to do a nything - too run-do wn to have fun with his family.
Even our children wer e puz zled and hurt by his week-in, week-
out gru mpiness. Fran kly we bicker ed and fought so much I
thought our marria ge was over.
When Jim finally went to our family doctor, the examination
proved there wa s noth ing really wrong. The doctor sa id Jim's
cond ition wa s mer ely caused by an easily corrected nutritional
deficiency in his diet . You can imagine how shocked I was to
discover that even though Jim wa s well -fed , he was actually
poo rly nourished du e to a lack of vitamins, minerals and lipo-
tropic fa ctors.
J ust whe n things looke d blac kest , we learned about the
famous Vitasaf e Plan through an ad in our newspaper. It told
how other pe ople with Jim's cond ition had been helped by
taking just one Vitasafe Capsule a day. Natura lly, we sent for
a trial month' s supply. What a diff er ence it ha s ma de! Vitasafe
Hiqh-Poten cy Capsules hav e help ed him snap back with in-
crea sed vigor and vim. I'm so happy, I fee l like a bride again! '.
Per haps some one in your fami ly feels tired and run-down be-
cau se of a nutritiona l deficiency. Why don 't you take advan
.lage right now of this sensational trial offe r as we did?
2Sc jllli In lulll 1'(}1'a shiNing expenses of thls
FREE 30 days supply High-Potency Capsules
Sa fe nutritional formula co n ta ini ng 27 proven ingredi ent s : Glutamic Acid,
Ch oline, Inositol , i\let h io ni ne, Cit r us Biofla vonoid, 11 Vita mi ns plus 11 l\li nerals
Cempen the rlthnnl . f this ftlrmu\a .. Hh anv other ..Hamln and miner ai preparation.
Phosphorul 58 mg.
Ir on 30 mg,
Cobalt 0.04 mg.
Copper 0.45 mg,
Manganese 0. 5 rna.
MolYbdenum 0. 1 mg.
Iodi ne 0. Oj 5 mg,
Pot assium 2 mg.
Zinc 0. 5 IllK.
Magnesium 3 mg.
f mg.
21, U.
0. 5 mg.
15 mi
Choli ne Vit amin C 15 mg.
Bil art rat e 31.4 mg. Vit amin B1 5 mg,
Inosllol 15 mg. Vit amin B
2.5 mg.
dl .M eth lonlne 10 mg. Vll amln B. 0. 5 mg.
Complex 5 m&,. Ca lciu m
Vit amin A Pa nt oth enate
12.500 usr Units Vit amin E
Vit amin D Folic Acid
1,000 US P Units Ca lcium
43 West 6 lst St reet , New York 23, N. Y.
or when in New York visit th e VITASAFE PIIARi\tACY, 18 60 Broad wa,' a t Colum hus Circlc
IN CANADA: 39't Syml nc to n A,c. , Toront o 9, On", r;o
r.-.-:-:-: ':'". =-: 7": 7": ':'".
1 -vr r ASAFE' CO/ll ' . A.22 1
I: 1:-1 " rC!.'l1 flhl Su-cct, N(,,,,, York 23 , N. Y. : 1
I : Yes, I accept your generous no-risk offer under the- ]
I: Vitnsafe Plan as advertised in WORKBENCH, : ,
I : Send me my FHEE 30-day supply nf high -pot ency' 1
I: Vitasafe Cap sul es as ch ecked below: . 1
I . 0 1\l a n' l! Formula 0 Woman' s Formula : 1
: I (NClOn 25. PERPACKAGE for packing and postage. : :
:: .: :
I ' .
, :
I : of Ihis generous tri al. Only one t r ial su pply per per son , : 1
. J:\' (; A:\' AUA : 3 9 1-S, lIIin ltl o n AH., Turonto 9, On to
: (C.a nad ia n Furmula adjulth'll t o loeal ('o mli liOlIl,) : I
.:.:.:.:.:.:..: :.:..:. :.:.:..: .:...:,:, :.:. :..: .:.....:. :.:. ;.....:....:.:..:;.."..:. ...:. :..: .:..1
Contents for September -October, 1958
WORKBENCH v 0 I u m e
29Piece Chrome Vanadium
ppd .
9 5
pp d.
V7" - - CLoSE-:-OU-T- - SPECiAL
SAVE $4.55 on ARtO-5AW
Specially made for speed d r tl lt ng . In
st urdv ute .... t tc t ool rol l. F in est alloy
steel drill s hardened awl prec isi on nro um !
t o the s ha rpest, lo ngest la st in g cut t inu
edge obtainab le; wll l ea sily and cl eanly
bite ttirouuu hardwoods. pl ast ics . nl u -
mlnum..Iro n a nd th e toughest stee ls.
Uncond itiona lly /otu31'a ntt>t'cl (or t housunrts
of drl ll i nas. 1- ' 1I1t Jobber le ngt h. xtze... hv
G4t hs . from . l / Hi" t o %". T here are on ly a. Broil ed
qua nt lt v of th ese import ed Gert nnn sets
. . . . .. . . .. . .
Also avallahle wit h 'I' u rn ed Down Shanks
t o fit all 1,4 II dril ls . In Indt vfdua l pock et
roll .

1,;411 RAM DRILL

/ wit h J ac ob s Geared Chuck & I<ey
.. 14
9 5
All P. dri ll to do every plus
heavy d uty job in home. s ho p or
Indu stry. G i H' S JAI " capacity in g .
ha rd \\'0!'ld and lA" ca pacit y in st ee l with a fu JI loa d
ot Dur abl e Hghtwef ght alumi num
Unrversat, ser ies wound A C-DC motor; heavy
duty mu ltlnla t h rux t hall bearlng s : a utoma t ic release
switc h wi t h lockt ng pin ; 6 f't. 2 co nductor i iI,
apprmef! eorr! and nt ti n'. St nnda rd 115 V AC-D C
Mea aures 9" In Iengt h, welahs 3 % lba. . .
PORTABLE weighs only 13
Ol S., fits in pocket !
Amazing W ork Saver Fo r
Hunt ers Yachtsmen Truck Drivers
Handymen Mot orists
li en>s a n tool , even for ua! Jt 'ti t he tin}' :\I il htet
Un Bl ock 'l ackle. It weluhs only oz.. Yet is so
powerful , It lIft s up to l UOO 11m. euslly Because of it s
st ren gt h , sma ll size. complet e block
& t ackle has man y lL';CS. In your car for emergencte s for
home, factory. farm . . . for Iondin g heavy For
suort sme u : load ln j{ dee r , bon t a, et c. For anyon e who has
t o do heavy lifting f F i nely en gineered throughout
alu min um. areel axl es , pre-Iuhr il'nt t'll for ure.
Hor st s ha ve two Urtlng s li ngs. a t t OD and bottom with
hea vy welded s tee l rt nas. Slings ca n he doubted ext ra
strennt h, Complete with 60 It nyl on co rd
5 to 1 ratio - 1000 lb. te st . CarQ'ing ba g: $9
In s t ruct lons, . ..... . ... ..... ...... . .. ppd
ALSOAVAILABLE- TinyBa be-c- Lt r r e up to 2000 Ibs i
wun ft. nylon cord , 7- 1 ra ti o. 2t)OO l b. t est - 15
wgt , '1wrce as powerful a s $0. 95 mo de l - on ly
$12.95 pp d.
I yr. guarantee on both mod el s
REG. $12. 50- 0 UR PRICE S7
9 5
wit h Precisi on Gradu- plus
at ed Dept h - Bevel -
Rip Gauges - 5" Arco
sat e-cut blade.
).;a sH}" a tt ache d in leu t ha n a ml n-
ute to a ny t,4" elect ric dril l. tl aiiol
sens a ti ona l geu r-rtrfven sa w att ac h-
ment will go through zx .t's In one
cut . . . 8 times faste r than :L
handsa w! 'I'he 5" Sawblarle wi ll smoot hly and 1'8tlltl ly
whi z through Iumber , plywood , wa l lboa rcl , eto . , ' om t>:-t
wit h precision gra d uated DEPTH & GAUGI;:S
for cut s to 1%.", beve ls from 0 t o -1 5 d egrees : ADJ lJ ST-
st urdy. ea sily artfuste. t YOKI'; ; ,,' OIDI HH I\I :
nEA It BOX with steel gears a nd self - Jnhricati ng
'1'11\11'; n gAIUNGS; Arco- Sa w uses 30 % less power ;
blade eas ll v removed and resbn.rpeue d wit h ordina ry
h UUl1 Hl e : Ich' al (or rtu. erosscut . mit re . d ado and heve l
cutttnu . Ll mlt ed Quantiti es at thi s l..O\V. l ,O\\" pri ce.
5 1 4 n u mber
Pasadena, California . Murrav Bothwe ll
234 East Colorado, RYan 1-9155
DeLand. Florida, R. W. Hunter
Box 1280, Deland 1417W
Gu n and Tackle Ca binet, photograph by cour-
tesy of Dougl as Fir Plywood Asso ciat ion .
Po rtab le Sewing Mach ine Cabinet, photographs
by Roy Van Dresse r.
Bar Sto ols illustration by C. Wa yn e Clo se.
Keepi ng Up with Craft and Home Products 2
The Craft and Home Booksh e lf 6
Advice to Appl y to Appliances _.40
J . J . Lighter
Pub licat ions You Can Get f rom Uncle Sam 45
This Might Help 54
This Is the Way to So lde r Copper Tub ing ......36
Cha rle s D. Nea l
Space Saving Laundry Table 39
Tweezers Made from Iron Str ips 51
Carlton A. Caldwell
New York, N. Y.. Murray Bernha rd
118 East 40th . OXford 7 5420
Chicago , Illinois . Jo hn R. Cockerell
360 North Michigan, ANdover 3-6929
St. l ouis. Mo., John Cockerell , Inc.
915 Olive si., GArfie ld 10907
Minneapolis, Minn ., Milto n B. Bock
Baker Building, FEderal 69191
Theo dore M. O' l eary, Editor
M. V. Greene, Classified Adv. Mgr.
Jack Tillotson, Publ isher
The cont ents of WORKBENCH are indexed in The
Reader' s Gu id e t o Per iodical Lit er ature, which is on
file in a ll p ub lic li br aries.
Tray fo r Bat htub "Lo afer s" 35
Fire a Finish on Furn itu re 3S
N. V. Walt ers
A Cabine t to Ho ld Hunt ing and Fishing Gear.. 8
Add a Base a nd a Sp eaker to Your
Television Set 12
Ja ck Corn ish
Make Your Own Acoust ical Tiles _. 14
R. J . De Cr istofaro
Bar Stool s From Wrought Iro n and Maple... _.. 18
C. Wayne Close
Mode rn ize You r Doo rs with Plywcod. 21
M. Robert Bea s le y
Keeping t he Pa int Roll ing __ _ 22
Ted Mo rgan
A Mu lti-Pur pose Jig for Bench Saws 24
Webster P. Tay lor
Cab inet to Hou se a Po rtable Sewing Machine 26
Rex R. Peterson
Tool Use Rig ht s an d Wrongs
Fro m th e Safe ty St an dpoint 31
Elma Wa ltner
Kno t ty-Pine Trough Tabl e 32
Roberta L. Fairall
Famous Shop-King Portable JIG SAW
WORKBENCH is publ ished bimont hly by Modern Handcraf t, Inc., 543 Westport Road, Kansas City II ,
Missour i. Ent er ed as sec ond cla ss matter at t he Post Off ice at Kansas City , Missouri ; addi tional en try at
Chicago, Illinois. Ihirtv-five ce nt s a co py . Ann ual subscripti ons $2 in t he United Sta tes and its posses-
sions, $2 .50 in Ca nad a; Foreign subscri pt ion s. $2.50. Six weeks advance notice required for change of
subscri pti on address. Both old and new add resses mu st be g iven, an d request marked fo r Circulati on
Department, WORK8ENCH. Printed in the U.S. A., Copyright 1958, by Modern Handcraft , Inc.
Contr ibutors shoul d mak e a copy of all manuscr ipts submitted. Ever y effort w ill be made to
ret urn rej ected ma nusc ri pts , photog raphs, and diagrams , if accompa nied by suffi cient firs t cla ss postage,
but WORK8ENCH will not be responsible for any loss of such mete rial.
Snaps on to lID)" 1,4" , 5/ 1fi" or %"
electri c drllt in seconds. Does work of
J h:. Keyhol e. Copt ne, Rip , Cr osscut,
It arul and Hacksaw. Cut s In t ri ca te
pat terns , ci rcles-no matt er how la rue
- In ulywood, plasti cs , met al - pven
cuts 2 x 4' s . Sta rt s in sid e holes wi th-
OH t horln u. Sel f- Iubr fca t ln e hea r fn us .
Butlt-In automatic ai r blower. Easy
to handle becau se of it s r lg ht an ale $895
d riv e. st ron s sart'ty yoke ann wor m
dr -ive damp make It vtbr at ion -p rnof .
E xtra lar ge shoepla te a ssures acc urate plu s 35c pp. &
ann squa re cu t s. hd lg.
I-----S;;;' d-;h-;;k-;-;-o;;y-;;.d;;.---- i
I Dept. W-9 , 415 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N.Y. I
keeping up with craft and home products
In communicating with compa nies whose products a re described in this department.
please menti on WORKBENCH.
is easily rel eased by lifting lever .
Repl ac eable cutter bla de readily r e-
m oved for cl eaning. Compact , port-
a ble, only 8 in ches high . Ha rd re-
fr igerat or fini sh in whit e, yellow,
pink, or t u rq u 0 i s e. Chrome trim.
$24.95, postpaid, from Burges s Vi br o-
crafters, Inc. , Dept. WB, Grayslake,
Ill inois.
Hollow Wall Fastener
A BLI ND f astener about one-half the
l ength of the sho r test hollow wall
a ncho r previousl y available has be en
devel oped by the Moll y Corporati on,
Reading, P ennsylvania.
Called the Jack Nut , it was de-
signed to fill the need for a f astener
to hold fixtures secur el y in holl ow
construction with narrow expansion
areas. Workable in space as sm all
as 3jg" , Jack Nuts can be used in hol-
low-core flush doors, pl ywood or wall -
.boa r d over narrow fur r ing strips, in
mobile homes, automobil es and
countless other pl aces where larger
anchors will not wo r k a nd woo d or
s heet metal s crews will not hold.
Jack Nuts are self-adjusting to gri p
any kind of material. They a r e avail-
a bl e in two lengths: shor t for thick-
nesses from 0" to 3/16" and long for 0"
to :lis" . Jack Nuts are easy to ins tall
wit h a ny U. S. s tandard 6-3 2, 10-24
or %"-20 screw. On ce installed , th ey
r emain in place permit t ing fi xtur es
to be removed and repl aced.
Revolutionary Jack Nuts are vibra-
tion-proof with weight-carrying ca-
pacity limited in most cases only by
the strength of the material in which
used. They are neat in appearance
and will not mar finish.
Free literature may be obtained by
writing Molly Corporation, Reading,
Electric Can Opener
draw, pr operly align and hold all
knives r igidly and accurat ely in their
exact proper posi t ions in the cutter-
head of th e m a chine. Af te r each
kni fe is set, with the precisi on as-
sured by the Magna-Set, and locked
securely with the set screws , this
m achine will produce smoother wo r k,
provid e more s afety for the opera tor
and be run much longer (under nor-
mal conditions ) than a m achine in
whi ch th e knives have been set by
old-fashioned hand met hods. The
average home sho p man no longer
has to fear the th ou ght of not being
a ble safe ly a nd prope rly to install
his own knives. With Magna-S et he
can do a pe rfectly accurate a nd pro-
fessional job in less than 30 m inutes.
The r et ail price of Ma gn a-S et is
$9.75. It is obtainable a t many hard-
ware stores and woo dworki ng supp ly
houses thro ughout th e Uni ted Sta tes
a nd Can ada , or direct from Magna-
Set Company, 632 New H a v e n
Avenue, Mil ford, Connecticut.
NEW ELECTRICAL magic for the kitchen!
Opens cans quickly, safely . . . no
fuss, no mess, no cut fingers. Sp e-
cially designed cutter bl ade permits
op ening any shape can-round, oval ,
rectangular, square, even th e obsti-
nate sardine can. Just put can in
.pla ce, press lever, a nd can is auto-
matically locked, perforated, ope ned,
and edge rolled back to safe rounded
smoothness. Magnet holds can lid
and tilts back when can is opened,
permitting fluids to drain back into
can, not onto table or fl oor. Can is
safely held even after lid is removed,
Jointer and Planer
Knife-Setting Gage
Barbecue Basket
CHEF'S BAR-B- Q Basket is Am e r ic a' s
newest bar becue accessory. This
unique basket a ttaches t o standard
"spit-bar." In st all ed in a jiffy. E asy
to operate . J ust ope n t he gate a nd
load the basket. Holds up to 10
pounds of cut-up chicken , chops ,
s pareribs, r a bbits or hot dogs . No
f us s, no work. J ust turn the switch
a nd r el ax. Chef ' s Bar-B-Q Basket
does th e rest . It goes r ound 'n r ound,
cooks t hr ou gh ' n through. Let it r o-
t a te until it' s r ead y to eat.
Chef' s Basket is 7" x 15" , made
from heavy, bright-plated m etal.
P atent pending. Priced at $5.95 from
Hewitt Bros . Manufacturers, 2550
Kettner Blvd. , San Diego, California.
THE TOOL pictured here is a patented
gage designed and marketed to bring
simplicity, accuracy and ease t o the
normally tedious chore of setting
new or resharpened knives in jointer-
planers and thi ckness planers. Its
basic part is a strong Alnico perma-
n en t magnet whose function it is to
Amaz ingly
Easy as a camera to operate I
One man - ALONE - can do any
leveling or incline measuring -
down to a fraction of an inch!
Carpentry Leveling Pat io & Terracing
Brick Layi ng Gutt ering
Foundation Work Masonry
Yard Grading Duct Installation
Irrigation Contour Plowing
Drainage ETC.

tr Oira
Emporia. Kansas
Available at your local Lumber- Hardware store.
LATEST ADDITION t o the do-it-yourself
enthusiast's tool kit is steel sand-
paper, a completely new type of tool
that combines the fl exibility and
handling ease of sandpaper wit h the
fast, clog-free cutting characteris-
tics of a wood scraper .
The new material, which will last
practically indefinitely, can be used
for shaping all types of hard a nd
soft woods, plastics, plaster, rubber,
wallboard and many types of metals
such as aluminum or solder, Its cut-
ting action is said t o be at least five
times faster than con venti onal s and-
paper and it produces a fini sh as
smooth as that given by a medium
grade sandpaper.
Dubbed " Dragon-Skin" by its man-
ufacturer, Red Devil Tools of Union,
New J er s ey, steel sandpaper is made
Beamed Bedlight
THE WONDERLITE, pr a ctical and beau-
tiful lamp for r eading in bed, directs
beam of light right where yo u want
it. One person reads, t he ot her sleeps
undisturbed in sur rounding darkness ,
Smart textured f inis h prevents over-
heating and comes in choi ce of col ors
to harmonize with a ny home furnish-
ings-ivory, pink, blue, m aize, green
and brown. Handy turnswitch and
padded clamp will not mar or scratch
headboard, adjustable t o any angle,
Washable. Complete with 40-watt
bulb at $4.95 , postpaid, from Pen-
nington Crafters, 3412 "J" Street,
Philadelphia 34, Pennsylvania. Sa t is-
faction guaranteed or money re-
Fast Cutting Steel

Ea sy to do yourself . G e n ut n e
Strand Cane. w oven Cane w eb -
bing for Chairs with Gr oove. Ash
Splints. Fl agg Rush. Catalog DIme.
In structions 25c. Complete Sea t
\ Ve a v i n g B o o k . $1.15. Raffia.
Ba sket Re ed. Basket ry Book. 15c.
Make new greaseless donuts
in k itchen. No s mok e. Sell
Stores . Half Profit. Cash
Daily. No expo nee. FREE
RECIPES. No obligation,
See how The Sound Way To Easy Reading can
help him t o r ea d and spe ll bet t er in a few
weeks. New home- tut ori ng course drills your
child in phon ics wi t h records and cards. E asy
to use. University tests and paren t s' r eports
sho w chil dren gai n up t o full year' s grade in
r eading skill i n 6 weeks. W rt t e for free illust r ated
fol d er and l ow pri ce . Bremner -Davis Phonics.
Dept. F- 95, Wilmette, 1lI.
-- OUDEU--
EXCITING home business or off i ce si de line. Mail
order execut ive wi ll show you how to net large
profit s wit h no i nvest ment i n merchandi se or ad-
verti sing recui red. Experi ence not n ecessary ,
Proven pract ical. full y expl ai ned in FREE conf i-
dential l ette r. Writ e: I MPACT! INC., Dept. 1810,
3407 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohlo,
If Your Child
Is a Poor Reader
F or an interesting and Prorttatne Hoh h V.
mak e a nd sell Jig Sawed To ys. Novel.
ti e s . a nd Ornaments.
To a cqua int yOU wit h our m a n y .J IR' Saw
Pa tte r n !'> . we wi ll send YOU 130 OF
TERNS. w i t h easy to fo llow instructions
f or ON LY $1.00 POSTPAID.
71 0 Par k A v e. Nat ick. Manachusetts
SMOOTHLY evenIn Hot, Humid Weattter
Stop br eak ing yo ur bac k try ing [0
op en that stuck drawer! Sen sational
Ro lt-eee Set " A" cur es the cause o f
stu ck drawer troubles by elimma-

Ma de o f no isel ess , setf-Iubeicadng
NYLON roller.. mounted on steel
fram es. Each drawer set i ncl ud es
simple inst ruct io ns and na ih . Any-
one can install. Used by ca bi net- __----::
4 9
At Hardware, lumber, a nd Build. SET
ing Supply Dea lers Everywhere !
8ulldini, RemDdDl ini r DRAWER
Ask Builde r to Equip
Cabinets with Enj D1
Fina:erti p Drawer Operat ion t ar Uf e!


Eas t Boston 28, Mass.
To be subcont rac tors. Cast pl asti c products
t or ma n uf act ur ers in our Clea rin g House
Servi ce. Thousands of easily -mad e ite ms
requi red. Cash in at home. wit hout pre-
vious experie nce. Set your 0 w n h 0 u r s ,
' Vr l t e t oday for FTIEE Hst or 100 most
wan t ed it ems.
Stickleback Drill Routers (with W' shank)
Age nt s, Organiza t ion s: More Profit per sale. Buy
you r cords f or less . S1. 00 boxes a t 45c, $1.25 boxes
a s low a s 65c . Se nd for free Close-out and Regular
Price list.
Now you can use this ONE power -feed shop to turn
rough lumber into mol dings, trim . flooring. furniture . .
ALL pop ula r pa tt erns. RIP . . PLANE. . MOLD. . separately
or all at once with a one HP motor. Use 3 to 5 HP for
hig h speed out put. Fully Sate-guarded. Low Cosl . . You
can own t his power too l for only $30.00 down payment.
W.ife TODA Y ' 0' F,e e Cota log
BELSAW POWER TOOLS, 969field Bide. KonwCity 11. MI.
Plastics Plyboard Ploster
Plaster Board le ather
# 1 l ength 2 %" x ';." Cold Rubber lumber etc.
diameter $1.40
# 2 Length 4112" x
14 "
diameter $1.60
# 3 length 2" x 5/16" $1.65
# 4 length 4% " x 5/16" $2.75
# 5 length 2
;' '' x 11/32" $1.95
# 6 length 7" x 11/32" $3.25
Set 0' 6 in Plostic Bog Spec. Price $11.95
Send check or money order. We shi p prepaid. Ten
day full money back guarantee. Catalog free on request.
BeeVel Products, 2249 Federal Ave ., los Angeles 64, Calif.
Also Compresso rs .Moton e t c.
Ne ....& U. S.G o'd. Su r plu s
Send for Free Illustr ated Ca tolo g
af hundreds of bar ga in, of
TopQua l l t y It e ms
1139B So. Wabash Ave. Ch icoll05,1II.
600 Gummed Lab els printed with
ANY na me a nd ad d re ss. 25c per

je we l type pl astic g ift boxes only
JOe ex t ra. 4 for 25c. Ord er as many
or as few se t s a nd boxes as you
want . Onl y 25c per s et . Money-
back g uarant ee!
WESTERN STATIONERY, Dept. 1900, Topeka, Kan.
YOU CAN measure almost anything up
to 4 inches, and simultaneously read
its size on the precisely calibrated
scale of the new Master direct read-
ing caliper. Squeezing the handle
opens the caliper; a spring closes it.
Curved legs with narrow tips reach
sections of odd shaped parts that are
inaccessible by other methods-to a
distance of 3" from the edge of a
part and to the bottom of grooves and
slots only 1/16" wide. The 0-4" scale
is calibrated in inches and 32nd's. A
thumbscrew locks the pointer at
a ny mid-s cale position to permit
using the caliper as a gauge.
The caliper shown is for "outside"
measuring, and is es peciall y useful
for m easuring wood carvings, m od-
els, lathe turnings, material thick-
nesses, etc. Another model with re-
versed tips is available for " ins ide"
mea s ur ing. Both types retail in hard-
ware stores at $2.50 ea ch.
The manufacturer is Master Spe-
cialty Co., 3725 Monitor Ave., Min-
neapolis 26, Minnesota.
Direct Reading Caliper
Craft and Home
by punching .036-inch di ameter hol es
in sheets of steel .040-inch thick. The
holes are punched 150 to the square
inc h in a regular wave pattern.
Punching produces a five-sided burr
with ea ch side of the burr simulat ing
a wood scraper blade. There a r e a
t ot al of 750 of these cut t ing edges
per square inch .
Dragon-Skin handles just like any
conventional medium grade s a nd-
paper. It can be fol ded around wo od
sanding blo cks, can be wrapped
a r ound dowels for working in con-
cave surfaces, can be used with any
co m m er ci a ll y made sandpaper holder
or can be used held fl at in the hand.
It can a ls o be cut int o s t r ips with
ordinary scissors for speci al sanding
j obs .
Stee l sand pa per is currently ava il-
a ble in hardwa r e stores . It is pa cked
one 4%" x 5" s heet to the box, the
same s ize a s a s tandard quarter
sheet of s andpaper , and retail s for
25 cents. Dr agon-Skin is also a vail-
a ble al ready mounted on ha ndy li ght-
wei ght sand paper holders wit h a pos-
itive cam a ction locking device . Sug-
gested r etail pr ice of the holder pl us
s ingle sheet is 75 cents.
__) .
. ........., ..,,'.........._"',,""><-.,
saves Dry c l e a nlng Bill s . Ea sy Quick. No e xp er -

RINSING. Delicately per fumed . Leaves clothes
absolu tely cl ea n , free of d irt, perspi ration odors.
For fines t Silks . Sa tin s . Ra sona. Nst ce s, Dre ss es ,
Suits, Swee ten. Scarfs .Glove s . Li ngerfe. Dra pe a,
Beds preada. Hcee, Ties . Takeor de r s! Ear n monelll
wh o send nam e a t once . Hur ry-just a post card
will do . SEND NO MONEY-;U8 t t/ OUT na me .
KR I ST EE CO Dept. 1 7 02. AKRON 8 . OH IO
Drycleans Clothing for Only
Onl y mach in e of It s size an d ONLY
mult iplies . di vides. Ideal for $3.04
busine ss. home. st udent or in Pe nna.
t ax work. Only $2. 95 plus including
post age C. O.D. if check or 3
/ 0 tax
l\f.O. we pay post age . Beau . l eath er et te
case, 10 da y money bac k guarantee.
Box 126
Dept . S-88, Hunt ingdon Valley, Pa.
For Quick. accurat e scr ew drivl nq. Pr events wood
spli tt i ng, st r ipped th reads. Insures holding
power of eac h screw thread.
Set of 4 d r ill s for all #6 -R- I O- 12 wood screws -
flat. ro und. ova l heads. Use with h and
or elect r!c rtrtns. dr ill press on woods, $3
pla stin. a lumi num. . .
Ord er t oday on our 20day Money Back Guarantee.
Send check. M.D. - we pay post . (No CODs).
Dept. WB- 9D. 421 West 203 St .. N. Y. 34. N. Y.
Adjusts for ANY Screw length!

People 50 to 80
Tear Out This Ad
... and mail it today to find out
how you can still apply for a
$1,000 life insurance policy to help
take care of final expenses with-
out bm'dening your family .
You handle t he entire trans-
action by mail with OLD AMERI-
ligation. No one will call on you !
Write today, simply givi ng your
name, address and year of birth.
Mail to Old American In s . Co.,
1 West 9th, Dept. L906M, Kansas
City, Missour i.
s . '
: ' .
National Ho me
Study Council
Complete Low Cost
Home Training Course
Now Available
There' s exciting opportunities
for yOtl in Plastics Fabrication.
Fun and relaxation as a hobby !
Big money as a spa re or full-
time business ! Course teaches
you how to make molded, cast,
int ernally carved colored pl astic
jewelry, toys, furnit ure, novel-
ties, signs. Professionall y pre-
pared. Used by Manual Training
and Industrial Arts Teachers.
Earn as you learn. All materials
fu rnished. For men and women.
r------------- - - - - .
I Dept. C-7 I
I Por tland 12 , Oregon I
I Nome I
I Addr ess I
I Ci t y Zone__Sta te I L J
THE SPORTSMAN heats , broils, gr ills .
A charcoal burner, da mper can be
a dj uste d f or high, m ed iu m , or low.
Made of heavy gauge steel for dura-
bili t y. Bas e ser ves as stand a nd res-
e rvoir for extra charcoal. Base r e-
mains cool, has shake r gr a t e. May
be pl a ced on ice or wood flo or. Fine
in boats. Height, 15", width 111/2".
$10.95, postpaid, from Fairview Dis-
tributing Co ., Dept . WB, Box 169,
Ches t er , Illinois.
Craft a nd Home
Grill And Heater
t hing a boy or girl needs to paint a
bicycle, wagon, model, outdoor f ur-
nitu re, etc. E namel is nontoxic,
quick dr yin g, and can safely be used
on wood or met al. Ten items come
pa cked in a one-gallon real pa in t
can and consist of : 3 cans enamel,
paintbrush, painter's cap, gloves,
brush cleaner (noninflammable), can
opener, pa in t paddle and sandpape r.
Additional pa int avai lable at 50 cents
per can . This is a unique and educa-
tional item which will give the
youngsters practical pleasure, en-
abling them to restore that new look
to their things, at the same time
teaching them the fu ndamentals of
painting. P r ic e $3.50, postpaid, check
or money order, no C. O. Do's, please.
Money refunded if not satisfied.
Blue Crown P r oduct s , Dept. DA 1,
Box 344, Scarsdale, New York.
Start today get acquainted w ith
the most thri ll i n g h o b by ever d evi sed
_ LAPIDARY. L e arn to m ak e e xpert,
rings. brace-
l ets , j ewelry in your own home.
SEND for o ur FREE 16pag e booklet
d etail data from the n at ion' s leading
t o t h e t rade. N O OBLI GATION
GRIEGER'S, 1633 E. Walnut, d e na 5 8 . Calif.
Make Big 5$ wi th Safe t y Gl a s se s Case s
Now f or f i rst t i m e anyw here ALL
the pa r ts y o u need to make the popular
Safety Cl i p.on G l a sse s Ca se s . 5 "machine ill
cut- o ut" parts furnished y o u . Tan saddle t-
l eat h e r pieces, all c ut out _ spring :1
steel clip incl uded _ all r ea.dy to hand
tOOl , to decorate and l aee s titch to
your l i k i n g (lacing not included) . Co m .
p l e t e i n st r u ct i o n s. B i g market f o r
these ca ses make quick profit
eoilsy t o do - wor k a t home they
retai l for $ 2 on up. ABSOLUTE LY
(t netueee postage) for each Craftsmarl
Set - No. 2 3 6 C 4 se ts f or $2.
Send to: BAUER.LEE &. CO . , Dept. 5 1,
SierrA Madre. Ca l i f .
20 West 19t h St . , Dept. 116. New York II, N.Y.
.; ;
: I
D i s co v e r F l a k.Kr aft and Ea r n 5SSS5 AT HO ME- E arn
up to $ 15.00 per h our s pare time. Ama zi ng n ew
Ve lv et-fille r s pr ay t nstan r tv makes any ob ject (La mps.
Ra d io & TV Cab in e t s , Fig u r i n e s, S igns. Aut o d a sh
boa r d s. t oys , f urnitur e , drap eries - anyth i ng) worth
e xpe nsi ve $$$$$ P r ic e s . li ke magic. yo u can spr a y
am-t h i ng wi th t h i s beautif u l new s u ede- I tke fi n is h
that f e e ls )ike r-tch Vel ve t .
I ma gin e . mate r-ta ts cost on ly 3c pe r s q uare foot. (Ave r -
age TV or r adio cab i n et ca n b e beaurtrut tv s prayed
with t his startling ne w 3 -dimens lonal Ve l vet fi n ish i n
15 mi n u tes at a cost of o n ly 3 4c in mater ia ls. Your
c ha rge f or t hi s Job Is a t le a st $10 _00. )
NEEDED- Ow n yo u r own bus in e s s . Work a t home in
yo u r s pa re time. Hel p fi ll the hug e g ro wi ng d e ma nd
f or th is ama zi n g n ew b e a utifu l Vel ve t - rt ber finis h .
Orders come f r om stores. off ices. h omes . architects .
a uto d e alers _ e v e rvwbere . P os s ibl e $ 20. 0 00. 0 0 0 . 0 0
worth of Jobs t o be d o n e . I n vestigate today-be fi r s t
in yo ur a rea !
Actua l samples In 1 6 Rad iant Co lors. Booklet of 50
Hom e Bua t n e a s Oppor tun i ti e s and Conf identia J DetaUs
a ll s ent fr e e! Send no m o ne y. w r-I t e :
Coast I ndust ri es , L o s Angel es 6 1 , csur ., De pt .
up to 4 feet tall
Command tlleu Ilin-loYlnc pre tllslortc
monstrrs to rour nerr punk . To n mem
in the I lr , n4 tiler , Iw'rs I, nd on lll elf
t eet . M,dt til molded onepllt' Ct
qU1h1r IJl n, complelel' tnflJtJlllt
wllh Irnlllnt lou up teet Jctlon
trHl II 10 Ill!lr IUCI",' 11I1 urnes
Eac h set contains all 7 DI NOS AURS for
7' only SI.OO plus 25, posta ge a nd ha ndli ng per
pre .h is'oric set . The most uciting gift a child ca n r e-
mon,t." ee tve. Money Back Guarantee. In or derin g
please PRI NT name and address .
1 14 EAST 32nd ST. NEW YORK 16, N. Y
YouCan Carve
REDBIRD No. 106 Shown
$1.00 EACH P.P.
Other Subjects Available
BERNARD BLAKE, Rl. I, Box 89A, Punta Gorda, Fla.
giant inflatable toys of
pre-historic monsters
the craft and home bookshelf
Reviews By Theodore M. O'Leary
The Craftsman's Manual
Compiled by F. J. Christopher an d
Rosemary Brinley Christopher
Volume I, 192 pages; illustrated;
Volume II, 192 pages; illustrated;
Philosophical library,
New York City; Two Volumes, $2 0.
SUBTITLED "An Encyclopedia of Home
Decoration and Repairs," these two
volumes have been prepared to fit in
with the contemporary trend on the
part of householders to do for them-
selves as many as possible of the
tasks involved in maintaining and re-
pairing their dwellings and the con-
tents of those dwellings. The com-
pilers have sought to provide "all the
information necessary to tackle a
wide variety of home jobs at a great
saving in cost." Volume I deals with
the structure of the house and its
maintenance. Volume II deals with
the contents.
In these two volumes you will find
conveniently indexed and succinctly
presented information on such a
wide variety of topics as what to do
if a pipe bursts, how to make a con-
crete path, how to recognize dry rot
when it attacks your house , the right
way to paint a door, how to put up
a shelf, tile the bathroom walls, re-
place roof tile, make your doors and
windows draught proof, how to make
covers, curtains, c u s h ion s , lamp-
shades or decorate a drawing room.
Those are simply random exam-
ples. A look at the scheme of con-
tents of each volume will serve to
give a more complete picture of
what you can find in this mammoth
reference work. Volume I is divided
into sections on home maintenance;
basic tool outfit; main services (this
includes water, gas and electricity);
interior house repairs on walls,
floors, doors, windows and wood-
work; exterior repairs on chimneys,
roofs, pipes and drains, and walls;
care and r epa i r 0 f outbuildings,
fences , gates and paths; carpentry;
interior dec 0 l' a tin g (this includes
painting and paperhanging) and ex-
terior decorating. There is even a
closing section on legal problems that
arise in connection with home owner-
ship and purchase.
Volume II is truly "coeduca-
tional." It begins with a section on
simple cabinetmaking, which in-
cludes, information on various wood-
working joints as well as several ac-
tual projects, then veers into the
feminine sphere of interest with sec-
tions on upholstery and upholstering
repairs, loos e covers, cushions and
cushion covers, curtains, bedding and
household linen (includi ng informa-
tion on their storage), floor cover-
ings, lamps and lampshades, picture
frames and mirrors and finally con-
cludes with miscellaneous hints and
ideas for solving all sorts of the vex-
ing minor problems that are always
coming up in a house-stain removal,
thawing frozen pipes, cleaning and
storing a lawnmower, refixing knife
handles, removing marks from wall-
paper and the like.
The two volumes include all sorts
of illustrations, drawings as well as
black and white and some color
It would take anyone person years
of searching through many individual
books to acquire all the information
in these two volumes. Here it is, con-
veniently centered for you. As prob-
lems of household maintenance and
improvement a r is e, c h a nc es are
you'll be able to find help in solving
them in "The Craftsman's Manual,"
whether they are in the domain of
the man or the woman of the house.
Painting and Decorating Encyclopedia
Edited by William Don Jarvis
2BB pages; illustrated;
The Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois; $5.45 .
IF YOU are seeking to build a compact
but complete reference library in the
home maintenance and repair field,
this full scale treatment of painting
and de c or a t i n g belongs on your
shelves. Complete and authentic
enough to be offered as a guide to
the professional painter, painting con-
tractor, architect and builder, it is
also pre sen ted in simple enough
terms so that the average do-it-your-
self householder can get a great deal
out of it.
This encyclopedia begins with a
detailed presentation of the mate-
rials used in painting and decorating,
with emphasis on their various prop-
erties and characteristics. Paint is
one of those substances which most
of us take for granted and you are
almost certain to be interested in
this discussion of what it does, and
why and how it does it.
Next comes a section on tools and
equipment, covering everything from
brushes to ladders and scaffolds.
Then follow how-to-do-it sections on
preparation of surfaces for painting,
paint selection, paint mixing and
paint application. Charts, some in
color, are a useful feature of the sec-
tion on color and color harmony,
which is designed to teach you how
to devise color schemes how to mix
the colors in paint with accuracy,
speed and built-in durability and sur-
face beauty. A table gives various
color names, a description of just
what each name indicates, and the
pigments used to obtain the color.
Included in the encyclopedia is a
complete section on the hanging of
wallpaper and other wall coverings,
including various fabrics. Another
section deals with wood finishing with
shellac, varnish and lacquer, with
the emphasis on the interior finishing
of walls and floors but with informa-
tion also on applying clear natural
finishes to certain exterior woods,
preservatives, and log and fence post
finishing. This section also includes
material on patching and repairing
furniture finishes .
"Special Finishes for Special Jobs"
is the title of another section, which
includes information on metal fin-
ishing, gilding, graining, marbleiz-
ing, stenciling, antique glazing and
highlighting, spatt er finishing,
burned, wrinkled and crackle finishes
and French polishing.
Concluding sections of the encyclo-
pedia include health and safety rules
for painters, an historical review of
painting, a review of the arithmetic
necessary to enable you to make the
many calculations necessary in the
painting trade, information on how
to read blueprints, how to est im at e
painting costs and a dictionary of
painting terms.
Whether you read this book from
start to finish, and so turn yourself
into a kind of walking encyclopedia
on painting and finishing, or whether
you use it strictly as a reference
volume to answer specific questions
which may arise from time to time
you'll find it one of the most corn-
plete volumes in its field.
Furniture Finishing fo r the Home Craftsman
30 pages; illustrated; Worcester Artisans, lnc.,
Worcester, Massachusetts; $1.
WRITTEN BY an experienced furniture
artisan, who apparently prefers to
remain anonymous, "Furniture Fin-
ishing for the Home Craftsman" is
the first of a new series of booklets
to be published for home workshop
enthusiasts under the general title of
FREE with
Order these 3 PACK-O-FUN
Look at all the Ideas you get:
Doz ens of useful item s to make fr om SPOOLS,
wood sera ps.
BOTTLE CAPS, LIDS, CANS., etc. make Ta m-
bou rine, Food Scrape r, Coaste rs, q ua int Wi sh.
ing We ll.
A Doze n Orig inal Skits . . PUPPET SHOWS,
PANTOMIMES, Q UICKIES ... plus p rod ucti on
Subscribe NOW to PACK-a-FUN!
Learn 100 's of clever
ways to turn needle-
. I . ' , ' , . work scraps, " t hr ow-
aways" and co mmon
'-" household i tems into
l1li , ." SCRAP_CRAFT - u u", bazaar gift s, favors,
etc . Lots of seasonal
he lp in each i ssue.
An d speci al ski ts for
group fun.
Send $200 10 Bi g
Only for Issues
Dept. 398 , 741 Devon Ave. I
I Park Ridge, Illinois I
1 0 $:!. OO for s uhsc r fptfon I
o $-1./10 for 3 - '\ b AIt su bs c rt nt ion vOtl sa n $2 00
1 0 $1.00 roe 3 Il elJJi n,, 'lIan d I
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subscription to PACK-a-FUN,
the Monthly Scrapcraft Magazine.
Mak e him from a pair of red heel
work socks, scraps of felt and yarn,
wit h button eyes, bone ring tusks.
Stuff hi m with old nylons or lint
from your drier. Circus tub is coffee
can in paint disguise.
" Tr icks-of-the-Trade, " Planned for
early publica t ion are a series of
volumes on the m a king of reproduc-
ti on s of various types of antique a nd
heirloom fu rnit ur e.
This first vo lume begins with a
chapter dealing with general steps
in furniture finishing covering the
us e of stains, sealers, glazes, fillers,
t oning with lacquer, stocking-up, r ub-
bing, waxing, polishing, touching up
a nd imparting of the final trim. Then
come detailed ins t r ucti ons for t he
finishi ng of thes e specific woo ds:
pine, cherry, maple, birch, mahog-
any and walnut.
A chapter on modern fi nishes
point s out tha t they are what their
na m e implies-new, and t here a re
no s e t rules t o foll ow, but plenty of
opport unity for ex perimentation in
the production of na t ur al f in ishes,
pigment finishes, bl ea ched finis hes ,
and la cque r sprayed fi nis hes. The
last, asserts the a uthor, is a process
which requires ext r eme caution, since
lacquer is not only highl y in fla mma-
ble but when made into a fine s pray,
as with a s pray gun, is also explosive.
The author co mments rather laconic-
ally : " The hom e workshop enthusiast
would do well to learn hand ope ra-
tio ns before going on to spraying."
I n a chapter called " Ca ut ions ,
Tricks a nd Tim e Sa ver s ," the a uthor
war ns against defec ts that can occur
in finishi ng materials, tells how to
use alcohol sta ins , explains the
process called padding or "ragging"
wi th shell ac, and discus ses glue s iz-
ing, rubbing wi t h pu m ice and ro t t en-
stone and t ells how to achi eve a
pickled pine fini sh .
The author includes a chapter on
restoring old finishes , including con-
siderable material on stripping old
finish and the use of oil finis hes and
stick shellac . This chapter includes
a few of the rudiments of furnit ure
repair although no effor t is m ade to
go into deta il.
Ther e is a chapter on antiqued
painted finishes and another on gil d-
ing or the a pplic a t ion of gold leaf.
Appended to this chapt er a re s everal
formulas for oil stain.
For some r eason, the a ut hor con-
cludes his book with a chapter on the
construction of pine f urni t ure a nd
woodwork, which would seem to lie
beyond the scop e of t his book. Prob-
ably the chapter is included t o a rouse
int er es t in a number of kits for the
m a ki ng of various pi eces of pine
furniture which are advertised in the
back of the book, along with v a r ious
refinishing supplies . While the per-
son who pays out his money for a
book usually does not expect t o fin d
approximately one-third of that book
devot ed to advertising of other prod-
ucts sold by the publis her , in this case
the advertisements are probably in-
ter esti ng eno ugh to quell a ny resent-
ment. The publ is hers r ef er to their
book as containing 45 pages , which
indeed it does , but only 30 of t hose
pa ges are edito rial in nature.
Casting In pl ast er Or imit ation mar bl e. rcxpenenee un -
necessary. fic materi al ma ke. $1. 00 retatl Bell er. En or -
mous pr orltl on small investment . Ambiti ous men and
women DOW have oPpOrtunity to sta rt own business.
Begi n in cellar or spa re room. Novel t y shoos and
chain stor es demandi ng St reater outp ut Send for free
catalog an d run Int onnatlon th at tell s you all about
Ilextble rub ber mol ds for spee dy pr oducti on. Get sta rte d
now on th e road to success.
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Make and re-
pair play-
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tal ir o n work. g a tes. wa-
eons , etc. Solde r , h eat. b e nd and s traig h t e n with terrifi c
h e at r ro m a rc t or ch . Cu t a nd weld up t o 1/4 " s t eel p late. A
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Wo rks (rom a n y home 1 to vo t t pl u g- In. Comp le t e wi th d ark
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If you have an invention yo u wish to se ll outright or
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FULL-SIZE trace on I
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you ca n make to SELL.
Wall shelve s, lawn signs,
plante n , book ends. others. postpa id
Rush $1 today. DEPT. C- 55, Grayslake. Illinois
PHOTOGRAPH 1-This car efully planned ea sy-to-make fir plywood gun and fishing tackle cab inet
will fit into an y space 2 feet wide, 17 inches deep and 7 feet high. There 's a gun rack, clips
for rods, a drawer you can lock and plenty of shel f space for miscellaneous gear.
A Cabinet to hold
Hunting And Fishing Gear
Photographs and Dra win gs from
Douglas Fir Ply wood Association
This cabinet for the outdoor
sportsman's equipment features
compactness and simplicity of
Parts Schedule
A 2 17" x 84" Side
B 1 12" x 22th" Dra wer Shelf
C 3 11%" x 22th" Shel f
D 2 4
,-2 " x 11%" Dra wer F r ont s
E 1 24" x 80th" Door
F 1 17" x 23%" Top
G 2 3%" x 77%" Door Side Frame
H 3 3" x 20%" Door Shelf
I 1 3%" x 20
h " Door Top Shelf
J 1 3th " x 22th" Ba s e
K 1 23%" x 80% " Ba ck
L 2 3" x 11" Dr awer Ba ck
M 4 3%" x 12%" Dra wer Side
N 2 10%" x 12%" Dr a wer Bottom
o 4 2" x 3%" Divid er s
P 1 7" X 20
/ 2 " Door Shel f F a cia
P-1 1 3" x 6%" Door Shelf Divi der
Q 2 2" X 20
/ 2 " Door Shelf F aci a
R 1 9" x 22th" Gun Stock Rack
S 1 4
A!" x 221/2" Barrel Ra ck
T 2 2%" and 2%" x 22th" Gun Shelf F a ce
X 1 16%" X 22
/ 2 " Bottom Shelf
1 %" Hinge for Ba r r el Rack ; 1 Lock for Barrel Rack: 1 Drawer Lo ck;
1 Door Bolt ; 1 9" x 221;2" Rubber or F elt Lining ; 4 Pin Hinges ; V4" x 20th"
x 56" Cork Ba ckin g ; 1% Lin. Ft. v2 " Qtr. Rd. Nailing Strip.
Miscell aneous-4d and 6d Finish Nail s and Gl ue; Clips a s r equired.
THE FIRST step in providing for the
proper care of yo ur hunting a nd fish-
in g gear is well-planned s torage
space. Here ' s a gun and fish ing
tackle cabinet (P ho tograph 1) that
should fi t j ust a bout any place in
any kind of home.
There ' s room in it for five rifles,
s pace for small a rms, shelves and
dr a we r s fo r c I e ani n g equipment ,
space t o r a ck up r ods, and pl a ces for
all kinds of m iscell aneous pieces of
gear. With a set-up like this, you
can get r eady for a hunting or fish-
ing t r ip in s ho rt o r der -without
searching high a nd low t hr ough the
hou s e fo r s c attered items of equip-
m ent .
You can buil d it in one or more
week ends, d ep ending upon how
handy you a re wit h tools, from just
three pa nel s of fir plywood . Con-
struction is extremely simple and
wher ever possible, tricky joints have
been el im inat ed in favor of clean
square ea sy-to-m ake butt j oints , con-
siderabl y simplifying the carpentry.
The cabinet can be set up almost
anywhere-basement, den, attic, bed-
room or wherever you have a space


- - -
. t
_ L _ L _ 1 J _
,24" -I

'L-r-...--r--..-----I _ 1
r r-r- <t%"
11-----'---1 - -+
/. "
11=====:::j -{-"
b "
11=====:::j -{It"
" ---t
LOCK @t 0 0 0 0 _--!=
3/4")(4'-0")< 7'-0" 1/4')(4'-0" x 7'-0"
PHOTOGRAPH 2-After the parts have been cut to size as shown in the plans, the assembly begins. Start by na iling the cabi net side pieces to the
to p and bollom pieces.
PHOTOGRAPH 3-Next, se t the she lves into pla ce by nai ling thr ough the outside of the cabi net. Use a good grade of wood glue on all joints.
PHOTOGRAPH 4-Next. nail the back of the cabinet int o place with t he
good side of the panel showing on the inside of the cabinet. Then set
the dividers for the compartmented shelf into place and install the f ront
PHOTOGRAPH 5-Next ste p is to assemble the door frame and
nail the bo tto m she lves on the door int o place.
2 feet wide, 17 inches deep and 7
feet high. In the main cabinet proper
there's room for your guns with a
rack that holds them in proper posi-
tion. Beneath this you have two
drawers, one with a lock, for hand
guns, powder and special cartridges.
The drawer locks to the underside
of the shelf above; actual installa-
tion details will depend on the par-
ticular lock you select.
There is plenty of shelf space for
tackle boxes, small arms and bulky
On the back of the door there is a
lining of cork for hanging flies and
plugs so you can pick what you want
quickly and easily. The shelf-door ar-
rangement is planned for light cast-
ing rods with clips to hold them in
place and there is more shelf space
below this.
LAY OUT the two gun racks for the
rifles and shotguns you want to ac-
commodate, using the cut-out dimen-
sions given as a suggestion. For
safety when chi 1d r e n are around,
fasten a 1" hasp to side of cabinet
and secure it ' with a padlock.
Note the dado in upper face of
shelf "C" for back of compartment
on gun shelf, shown at Detail 2.
All you need to make the cabinet
in addition to the plywood is hard-
ware, cork or rubber door back lin-
ing, finishing nails and glue.
You start by cutting out the parts
as required for the main section of
cabinet. The side pieces are attached
to the top and bottom pieces and
then the shelves and racks are fitted
into place. Next, nail and glue the
back into place.
When the drawers are assembled,
the cabinet is finished except for
I n building the door, the parts are
again cut to size. Then the outside
pieces of the shelf frame are assem-
bled. The shelves are nailed and
glued into place. The frame is then
laid on the door panel and fastened
into place. The lining is installed,
clips for rods attached and the door
is hung.
Except for finishing that completes
the job. You can paint the cabinet
any color you desire. THE END
PHOTOGRAPH 6-Now nail the back of the door onto the fra me and install the lining a n the door back. The n ha ng the door.
PHOTOGRAPH I-Beller sound result s from added speaker in match ing ba se. The base can also
be used as a table for a portable set .
Add a Base
and a Speaker
to your Television Set
THIS EASy-to-build tel e vis ion base
(Photograph 1) will convert your
table model set into a handsome
console. The addition of a second
speaker in the new base will also
work wonders in improving the
sound. You can alter the dimensions
to fit your television set and make
it as a matching base or you can
make it as a table for small portable
sets. When used for a portable set
be sure to put a plug in the wire
running to the speaker so that you
can disconnect it when you want to
use the television in another room.
Your choice in a speaker should be
decided largely by how much you
want to pay. The one we used is an
B-inch coaxial with a 2lf2-inch tweeter
mounted in the center with a built-in
crossover network. It cost about $8
and is very satisfactory.
The top, sides and bottom are
made of %" plywood with the front
edges covered with %" x %" screen
molding to hide the edge grain of the
plywood. Cut the rabbeted miter
joints on these four pieces with your
circular saw and assemble with quick
setting glue and small finish nails.
The legs are a stock item that can
be purchased from your building
supply dealer complete with metal
mounting flanges. If you have a
wood lathe it is a simple matter to
turn them yourself. You will need to
rip out some wedges with a IO-degree
angle for mounting the legs in the
popular canted fashion. Mount these
wedges to the bottom with glue and
wood screws. Drill 1" holes through
the wedges and bottom of the cabinet
~ G " X *"
.. ' I
1'4 X
PHOTOGRAPH 2- Fold gr ill cloth ove r an d glue
to spea ker bo a rd on t he bock side a fter speaker
is mounted.
~ i ~ 3 "
and mount the legs in these holes
with glue. Mount the cove mol di ng
with a bead of glue and wire brads,
just back of the screen molding.
Cut the speaker board to size and
cut a hole in the center to match the
speaker. If you have one of the new
saber saws with a circle cutting
attachment, you are in luck for this
operation. It can be done, though, by
drilling a hole and cutting it out with
a coping saw or jig saw. Mount the
speaker with countersunk flathead
stove bolts. The grill cloth is now
cut several inches larger than t he
speaker board and mounted by wrap-
ping the extra material around t he
speaker board and gluing on the
back side (Photograph 2). It is a
good idea to do all painti ng a nd fin-
ishing of the cabinet before mount-
ing the speaker board so tha t it will
not be necessary to m ask the grill
cloth. The speaker board can be
mounted onto the cove moldi ng from
behind with small wire na il s . The
spea ker should be wired in parallel
to the existing speaker using r osin
core solder for all connections .
Cutting your tiles from panels
also cuts the cost of installing
a ceiling that makes your house
PHOTOGRAPH I-Exclusive shadow groove inste a d of t he usual bevel is one feature of these
homemad e a coustical tiles.
Make your own Acoustical Tiles
PHOTOGRAPH 2-Acoustica l materi al is easily cut on table sa w. Cut is clea n a nd smooth if sharp
hellew-qr cund bla de is used .
YOU MAY have planned to install your
own acoustical tiles but have you
ever thought of making them, too?
That's right, we said "make!" And
easily too-from readily available
materials that have sound absorp-
tion qualities as good as many of the
ready-made acoustical tiles on the
market that cost and cost and cost.
Want a de luxe ceiling, like the one
shown in P hot ogr a ph I? An acous-
tical one that adds value to your
home and a pleasant hush in the
room, plus the fun of being able to
say, "Shucks, I even made the tiles
myself." Want to cut costs better
than half? Then listen . ..
Walk into any home supply dealer
and ask to see some 4' x 8' composi-
tion panels that have acoustical
properties. Chances are he'll have a
selection that will include such ma-
terials as "Celotex" and "Cushion-
tone" in a variety of surface tex-
tures, finished or unfinished. There's
the bulk of your savings right there.
The panels will cost from 4 cents
to 9 cents a square foot depending
on what you select. Finished acous-
tical tiles will run from 15 cents to
as high as 35 cents apiece.
Panels should be %" thick, that's
a must. We selected unfinished pan-
els because we figured that handling
in the shop woul d cause some smudg-
ing that might call for refinishing
anyway. Measur e the square footage
in the room you 're going to do, ad d
about 10 per cent for waste (you'd
do that anyway even with ready-
made tiles) and place yo ur or der.
SPEND A few minutes with paper and
pencil and decide t he shape and size
of the tile you'd like. Tha t ' s another
advantage of making them yourself;
, , " ~
PHOTOGRAPH 3-Groove in two adjacent edges is mad e with ordina ry sa w blade that makes a
cut %" wide . Depth of groove is %". '
you can en d up with something very
exclusive, something yo u can't buy.
We decided on staggered 12" x 24"
tiles with a shadow groove instead
of the usual bevel because they were
easy to produce, looked good and
made best use of the 4' x 8' panel
size. Whatever the size, the tiles are
made exactly the same way.
The initial cutting of the panels
may be a little problem but only be-
cause the panels are large and awk-
ward to handle. Bes t bet is to get
friend wife or son into the act to
help as you cut, unless you're
equipped with support stands that
can be placed in strategic positions
to provide support.
Use a sharp hollow-ground blade
and lock the rip fence on your table
saw exactly 11% " away from the
saw blade (the Va" is allowance for
the saw kerf). This will give you
four 8' strips from each panel. Next
step is to set the rip fence exactly
23Ys" away from the saw blade and
cut four tiles from each of the 8'
strips. Be careful on this operation
to push the strips steadily past the
blade. Any twisting will cause the
blade to bind and might damage the
edge of the tile being cut.
The procedure is the same no mat-
ter what size tile is being cut (Photo-
graph 2). Set the rip fence up and
make the cuts slowly and steadily .
Always have the "good" side of the
material up, unless you are doing
the initial cutting with a portable
saw. Then the good side should be
down. If you are using our dimen-
sions, each panel will produce 16
Next step is to cut the groove on
two adjacent edges. Merely set t he
rip fence so it is %" away from the
ce nter of the saw blade. Set bl ade
height so it is 1f2" above the table
and make t he cut as shown in
Photograph 3. Most saw bla des cut
a groove S" wide so just one pass
is r equir ed . To make the work go
faster and to guard against tilting
the tile as you cut, clamp a boar d
to the table (Photograph 4) 1f2"
away from the fence. This forms a
slot through which yo u move the
tile for the cutting.
Next step is to form the tongue
on the two remaining edges (Photo-
graph 5) . This is easily do ne with
the two outside blades of a dado
assembly placed on the arbor to form
a "thick" saw blade. The fence is
locked 5/16" away from the dado
blades (which also project 1f2" above
the table) and the tongue is formed
by cutting first with one surface of
the tile against the fence, then plac-
ing the opposite surface against the
fence and making a second cut. On
operations of this nature it' s always
PHOTOGRAPH 6-last ste p is reducing the width
of the tap groove flange . This leave s the bottom
flange op en for stapl ing and also provides the
shadow g roo ve.
PHOTOGRAPH 4-Two.b y.four, clamped to table parallel to rip fence, keeps tiles st rai g ht, makes
cutting a sa fe, fa st procedu re.
PHOTOGRAPH 5-The tong ue is formed with two outs ide blades of dado a ssembly. Twa passes
remove the material which leaves the tongue.
PHOTOGRAPH 7-Furring strips are attached parallel to each ather and
to the walls of the roam . Spacing is determined by tile size.
PHOTOGRAPH 9-A spacing black makes it easy to position furring strips
accurately. Place joints aver joists.
PHOTOGRAPH 11-Stapling is fastest but "blue" nails can also be used.
Each tile is secured through twa adjacent edges.
PHOTOGRAPH 8-Perimeter of roam and projections into room are bor-
dered with furring strips. This is so tiles next to walls will have support.
PHOTOGRAPH 10-Any unevenness in the original ceiling should be rec-
tified with shims placed under the furring strips.
PHOTOGRAPH 12-Firm support is provided for succeeding tiles by inter-
locking system. New tile is in turn, secured by stapling through two re-
maining edges.
t iles i nt er l ock
with a n a lmost dry s ponge a nd
m ild sudsy water before you d ecide
that refinishing is necessary.
ALL TIL ES are fa s tene d to furring
strips which are nailed at right an-
gles to the ceiling joists (Photograph
7). I n addition to the strips which
run parallel across the whole ceil-
ing, the perimeter of the room and
projections into the room (Photo-
graph 8) should be bordered with
the same material. F ur r ing strips
can be as wide as 1x4's and as
narrow as 1 x 2' s; naturally the
narrower material is cheaper and
careful a p p I i cat ion to the ceiling
joists will produce adequate fas te n-
ing surface for the tiles.
To determine how the strips should
be put up, follow this procedure.
First find t he center of the room and
t hen f igure how many tiles will fit
from t he ce nte r to t he wall. Where
the las t full tile ends is where your
first furring strip is nailed. The firs t
til e yo u put up will be a cut t ile
(u nl ess yo u are extremely l ucky)
t ha t will be as wide as t he distance
from the last full tile to the wall
itself. To space furring strips evenly
make a block which you can use
shown in P hot ogr a ph 9.
If you are using ou r tile size then
t he furring strips should be spaced
11%" on centers. That means the
s pa ci ng block should be (when work-
in g wit h furring strips that measure
1%" wide) 9%" long. When piecing
strips, be sure the joint . falls on a
joist. Any unevenness in the ceiling
should be treated with shims ( Photo-
graph 10) that will assure that the
fu rring strips are level. Try to na il
t hr ou gh the shims so it will stay in
place. Although the photogra phs
sh.ow the furring strips being ap-
pl ied over an old sheet rock ceiling,
t he same pr ocedu r e is followed if
it !s a new ?eili ng and the furring
st r rps are being f a s t ened directly to
th e j ois ts . The na il you us e should
penetrate at lea st 1" int o the joists.
Thus if you are nailing 3M" thick
f urri ng str ips over a sheet rock ce il-
ing, t he na il should be a t lea s t 2%"
THE TILES are stapled ( Photograph
11) or nailed on two adjacent edges.
St a r t from one wall and work toward
the other. The first tile is cut so it
will fit from the wall to t he center
of the first furring strip. After which
the tiles are applied full-size across
the room until the opposite wall is
reached. E a c h succeeding tile inter-
locks (Photograph 12) with its mat-
in g t iles by means of the tongue and
g roove joints yo u formed in the shop.
It' s a mazing how fast they go up
a nd how t hrill ed you are when you
begi n to get the pictu r e of what the
new ceil ing is going to do for the
r oom.
The quiet will im press you for a
long t im e. This is one do-it- you r s elf
home improvement proj ect that
saved you money and will provide
some long, long r ange r eturns .
/ groove
a ctual size of tiles
IF YOU have t he equi pment, t he best
and fa stest method of fi nis hi ng the
tiles is to spray on a t hi n coat of
flat white casein paint. Ot herwis e
the tiles can be brushed by hand.
I n either case be sure the applica-
tion is thin; you don't want to build
up a hard coating that will des t r oy
the acoustical value of the material.
Special acoustical paints are avail-
able and you can use these if pre-
ferred but most water base paints,
even calcimine. are good if thinned
sufficiently. The paint should be of
the no-gloss type but may be tinted
if some color fits your decor a t ive
scheme better than white.
If the panels yo u purchased were
already finis hed and became
smudged i n t he shop, t r y cleaning
, ..,lo 7r-;-na-n-) I L"
thru here "..---.. 74
ur r i ng strips
I ..
t wo adjacent edges or tiles
are shaped like this
other two edlt-. are shaped
11b thi.
a good idea to make a special insert
for the table to provide support for
the work by eliminating the gap
you have with the regular inserts.
Use the regular insert as a pattern,
cut the special insert from Masonite
or thin plywood. Put it in place and
then raise the blade so it cuts its
own slot.
Next step is to cut away part of
the top flange on the groove edges
(Photograph 6) . This provides the
shadow groove and leaves the full
flange on the bottom for nailing or
stapling. Be sure this is done on the
two grooved edges, on the good side
of the tile. The strip removed is 3/16"
wide and this includes the saw cut
itself (see d r a wing ) . That concludes
the making of the tiles.
Bar Stools from Wrought Iron
and Maple
You can make smart-looking stools for snack bar and kitchen at a
cost of less than $2 each.
THESE STOOLS can be made by the
craft s man who has welding eq ui p-
men t and wants something besides
t he ch r ome a nd pl asti c combinations
usually so ld for snack bar and
kitchen use. The combination of
blond maple to ps on dull wrought
iron frames is pleasing. The con -
struct ion is simple, the des ign dis-
tinctive, a nd th e finished stool
exceptionally sturdy. The total cost
is less tha n $2 per stool.
All the diff e r ent variations are
built using the same simple j ig to
hold the pa r ts for welding. Construct
the j ig from two scrap pieces of 3f4"
plywood . Lay out an equila t er al
triangle on each piece ( Photograph
1) . These triangles have equal sides
and 60-degree angles. Make the
sides of the large triangle approxi -
mately 15" and those of the small
one about 5lh". Dr ill a lh" hole at
each point of the triangles about
two-t hirds of the way through the
plywood (P hotograph 2).
PHOTOGRAPH I-l a y out equilateral t ria ng les on two pieces of scrop plywood. A sid e of the
lorg e one is about 15" -the sma ll one about 5Vi '. A d ra ftsma n' s 3060 triangle he lps with
layout. Make ea ch angle 60 deg rees.
PHOTOGRAPH 2- Bore holes Vo" in diameter at the points of the triangles. Make each hole the
same depth-about two-thirds thr ough the plywood is best.
PHOTOGRAPH 3-lron legs in pla ce in the jig.
Here leg s are perpendicul ar to the jig. This
forms th e simplest stool.
PHOTOGRAPH 4-leg braces are we lded in
place. They are held in proper positi on with
notched sticks. Make sure tap is level be fore
welding the ather twa in place.
The material for these stools is
1h" round hot rolled mild steel. If the
stools are to be used by extremely
heavy persons, substitute %" rod.
TO USE the jig, place stool legs, which
have been cut to proper length,
(25" -30"), in the holes in the larger
half of the jig. Place the small half
of the jig on top of the legs (Photo-
graph 3).
Carefully align the legs so that the
top of the jig is level and weld on
th e braces between the legs. These
should be about 6"-8" from the floor.
Small notched sticks will hold the
PHOTOGRAPH 5- Note how rotating the top
of the jig angles the legs and g ives an e ntirely
d iffe re nt a ppea ring stool.
braces in place for welding (Photo-
graph 4). The design of the stools
can be altered by changing the
angle formed where the legs meet
the top. Simply rotate the top half
of the jig to change this angle.
Several variations possible are shown
in Photographs 3, 5 and 6.
The simplest form is shown in
Photograph 3, where the legs are
perpendicular to the floor. Even this
one can be changed by varying the
types of braces used at the top. For
instance, braces of lf4" polished brass
rod brazed to the legs can be sub-
stituted for steel braces.
PHOTOGRAPH 6-He re top of jig is rotated as
fo r a s it can go. l e gs meet below the top.
When the jig is rotated as far as
possible, the legs will come together
below the top as in Photographs 6 and
7. The decorative brass rings that
cover the center weld (Photograph
7) are made by winding Vs " brass
brazing rod around a piece of pipe
(Photograph 8). Solder these rings
together from the inside to keep
them from separating. Buff with
tripoli to a high polish, wash off the
grease, and lacquer to preserve the
finish. This brass ring is then slipped
over the stool legs before they are
placed in the jig. Weld the joint
where the legs come together under
PHOTOGRAPH 7-De corative bra ss colla r acc ents this stool in whi ch leg s
cross below the t op.
PHOTOGRAPH 8-Thi s is one way of forming the deco ra tive b ra ss rings
fo r stool in Photograph 7.
the ring a little at a time so as not
to discolor the brass.
The stool top plates are circles
(9") of lfl-gauge sheet steel. Cut
them out with a torch, chisel , or
hack saw. Gr ind t he edge smooth .
Dr ill six 3/16" holes nea r t he rim of
this circular plate fo r attachin g the
wood seat. Weld legs to t op plate
PHOTOGRAPH 9-Legs being welded to top
pl a te . This is a disk of 16-gauge sheet iron
cut with torch or hack sa w. Not e leg b rac es
near top of thi s stool. They add rigidity and
preve nt twisting .
( Photograph 9).
The seat is t urned from a disk of
1" rock maple . In t he absence of a
lathe, the seat can be cut out with a
co ping saw a nd the edges rounded
by hand. Apply several coats of
clear lacquer for a finish.
When the welding on the s teel
frame is complete, chip t he welds,
PHOTOGRAPH 10-Si mplest stool with legs
pe rpendicul ar to top.
file off the rough places and the arc
splatter. Apply two coats of flat
black enamel. Attach the seat with
roundhead brass screws. Secure
some rubber tips for the legs and
yo ur stool is ready for use. Photo-
graphs 10 a n d 11 show variations in
stools resulting from differing treat-
ment of legs. THE EN D
PHOTOGR APH l1 -Angled leg s give a plea sing
cha ng e in a ppearance.
Modernize your Doors with Plywood
Those batte red old doors of yours may not have
to be replaced. Plywood panels will give them
a f resh and modern look.
SUGGESTED STRIPING DESIGNS to add interest to plain plywood panels
which have been used to face old doors.
DO YOU have badly worn or outdated interior doors that
you are contemplating replacing with new ones? Befor e
you spend your money consider the possibility of con-
verting your old and scarred doors into modernistic
ones through the use of a few pieces of plywood and
your ingenuity. Your actual cash savings will be con-
siderabl e, and, if done properly, plywood doors can be
just as attractive and serviceable as a new high priced
factory product.
First, you will have to appraise your present door s.
If the top and edges are still squared, all that you will
need is two sheets of % inch plywood the size of your
door. If , however, the t op a nd edges are badly rounded
or deeply dented, you will have to use facing on the
top, bottom and edges. But even if facing is required,
it will only add a few a dditional cents to the cost of
modernizing your doors.
For more detail, we will assume t ha t your d oor s
require facing. After removing the door , s trip it of
a ll hardware and remove the paint or var ni s h to
insure good seating for t he glue t hat is to come. Then ,
since you will be using % solid stock for the facing , r ip
3fs inch from the top, bottom and long edge of the door.
After ripping the edge, top and bottom, cut your %-inch
plywood panels to fit the cut-down door . Apply glue to
all contact surfaces of the door and secure your plywood
panels with finishing nails and countersunk screws.
With the panels in position, cut your facing from %
inch solid stock, making sure to miter the edges for
compact fitting, and don't forget your allowance for
the facing pieces of % thickness. Set your facing with
glue followed with finishing nails and countersunk
Fill all countersunk screw spots with wood filler, and
sand the facing to smooth finish. In applying your paint,
you might co nsider matching the wall covering to give
your door a hidden effect since it will blend with the
s urrounding color, or per haps yo u would rather match
the color motif of t he furniture in t he r oom . If you wish
to avoid the flat surface appearance that sometimes
comes with pl ywood pa neling, why not pa int one or
several stripes around the door, which will offset the
flatness? For bes t result s in stripes, use a color in
deep contrast to the color of paint applied to the door,
such as white on bl ack , etc. The accompanying drawings
show suggested desi gn s.
Since your door is now 1h in ch t hicker tha n the old
one, it will be neces s a r y t o reset the hinges, lock striker
plat e and stops t o compe nsate for the added thickness. In
hanging the door , try using three hinges instead of the
conventional t wo. This will give you a much better
distribution of weight and you will find that the extra
hinge will allow freer movement of the door, giving yo u
better and lon ger service without need of adj ustment
or r epair . THE END
Roller paint ing is an ideal technique for the inexperienced. Here
are some suggestions that may save you time and mistakes.
Keeping the Faint Rolling
IF YOU are among the thousands of
householders now using, or thinking
of using, one of the newest of paint-
ing im plem en t s- t he roller-here are
a few hints on roller painting house
interiors that will save you time and
help you get the professional look
that every amateur painter seeks t o
Before going into roller painting
techniques, it might be well to point
out that in selecting a color, you
- should look at a sample of it both
indoors and out . Artificial light re-
flects darker than sunlight and also
you should bear in mind that most
colors look a shade or two darker
after they have dr ied on the wall.
To determine how mach paint you
will need for a specific room, multi-
ply the length (i n feet) of the ceiling
by the width. Do the same with the
width and height of each wall. Add
up the resulting two figures and then
divide by the coverage figure you'll
find on the can of paint you choose.
If you a re painting over wallpaper,
rub it with a damp cloth to test for
color fading . If you find that the
colors aren't fast , cover the papered
areas with shellac thinned with
alcohol before rolling on the paint.
THIS PAINTER stands an a stepladde r to paint a wa ll. Ano ther wa y of reac hing the hig her parts
of a room is by using a long ha ndl e or an exte nsion ha ndle on t he pa int roll e r.
22 W 0 RK BEN C H
NOW FOR the hints on roller painting
Use both a small and a large roller.
P aint all edges-top, bottom and
sides-one wall at a time with the
small roller.
You can reach ceilings easily by
using a long handled roll er or a tele-
scopic extension handle. A long
handle also enables you to paint a
floor without getting down on your
hands and knees.
Line the roller pan with heavy
paper or foil when ready to paint.
That will make cleaning or changing
to another color easier since the
lining can simply be lifted out.
Always start painting with an up-
ward stroke. Don' t lift the roller off
the wall or spin it-it makes the
paint uneven.
Finish an area once you've started.
If you let the paint dry, the next
strip may be a slightly different
Don't apply a second coat, if
needed, until the first coat is com-
pl etely dry. Latex or water based
paints dry in a few hours, but oil
or other based coats usually require
from 12 to 18 hours.
When you've finished your painting,
or want to change color , clean the
r oller cover thoroughly. Rem ove it
from the roller, put it in a plastic
or heavy paper bag and squeeze
out the paint. If you have used an
oil paint, rinse the cover in turpen-
tine or clean fuel oil and squeeze
again. Repeat until the cover is clean.
If you've used the water paint, just
rinse the roller cover in lukewarm
water. Put clean covers in plastic
bags to keep them clean.
A variety of types of covers are
BY LINING a roller painting tray with fail or heavy paper it's an easy mailer to clean t he
tray or change the calor being used. J ust lift out the linin g.
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Don ', pass up
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Send me FREE details of your MONEY MAK- I
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soft. Not recommended for use with
water or r ubber -ba s ed paints. Ex-
cellent for some oil-based paints,
Carpet, F r ieze and Sponge-These
special cover materials are used to
obtain a stipple effect after paint
has been applied. Carpet is a regular
stippler type roller that works best
on oil-base paints. Frieze is used
to get a deep texture design,
especially on r a dry wall surface,
giving the effect of semirough
plaster. Sponge gives a textured
effect but don't try to clean it with
strong thinners or solvents .
New types of rollers are now mak-
ing it possible to achi eve interesting
designs through roller painting. First
a background color is roll ed on , then
a new t ype of translucent paint in a
contrasting color is applied to form
the design. That second color is a p-
plied by a combination roller . A
regular Dynel covered roller carries
the paint and transfers it to a molded
plastic roller that has an embossed
design. Actual application of the
paint to the wall is made by the em-
bossed design roller which works like
a s imple printing pr es s . You can
a pply the designs either up a nd down
or ho r izo ntall y, a s you p r ef er.
SOME OF the other co ver materials
with comments on their character-
istics provided by paint manufac-
turers follow:
Pronel-This is Dynel fortified
with nyl on. It can be used with all
paints on smooth and semismooth
s ur faces. It won't cause paint to
break or " finge r " (mottled effect
that must be gone over three or four
times before it's eliminated).
Raynel-An inexpensive blend of
r ayon and Dyne!. This is a good one-
time roller cover. Use it to paint a
room, then throwaway. Not recom-
mended for use on rough surfaces
or with enamel.
Mohair-Inexpensive and especially
good for thick enamel because it has
a short stiff nap. But because of
that short nap it has low paint-carry-
ing capacity.
Lamb's wool-Absorbs water but is
now available for paint rollers. Each
serves a purpose in accord with the
type of paint you use and the type of
job you are doing.
A good all purpose roller cover is
made from a synthetic material
called Dynel. Dynel's nap won't
flatt en while you are putting paint
on. Also, it's easy to clean.
5 EPTE M B ER 0 CT 0 B ER, 1 95 B 23
A Multi-Purpose
MAKING EN D cuts such as joints, rabbets, mortise tenons,
ton gue a nd groove is practically impossible to do on
a bench saw unl ess a pr oper hol din g fixture is available.
Such a fixture or jig is easy t o make for your bench
saw and immeasurably increases its versatility, par-
ticularly in cabinet work. It can be made from scraps
s uch as are found around any home workshop and the
only cost is that of two C-clamps if they are not already
The dimensions shown in t he drawing a re flexible and
t he design of fixture may be altered to s uit t he type of
wo r k contemplated. There are on ly t wo dim ensi ons
which cannot be changed appreciably and these are the
height and length of the s ide piece th a t is cl a m ped to t he
miter gauge. The hei ght is governed entirely by the
height of t he face of t he m i t er gauge which it s hould not
exceed a nd the le ngth is det ermined by the di sta nc e of
t he miter gauge track fr om the saw blade.
THE FINISHED J IG showing the me thod of cla mping the jig to the mite r
gauge a nd the wo rk to the jig.
Jig for
THE FIXTURE be ing used to cut a g roove. Note th e pos ition of the
ver tica l res t, which wit h t he up right maintains the work a t 90 degrees
to the sow tabl e top.
PUTTING the side piece in place. Wood screws a re used i nstea d of
nails, because alignment can be maintained. The 90 -degree angularity
of the iron brace and the upright are of the utmost i mpo rt a nce if work
is to be done accurately.
The vertical rest must be 90 degrees t o t he plane of
the table; otherwise cuts cannot be made t rue . Also
the bottom of this rest (see drawing) should be high
enough above the table top to clear the saw blade.
Before the iron angle brace is put in place it should be
carefully checked to be sure it is a true 90 degrees;
otherwise the upright portion of the fixture will be
canted slightly and straight cuts cannot be made.
The fixture can be put together in a very short time
but its uses are manifold and it will save many hours
of tedious hand work. Furthermore it will be far more
icaf Must Ba- At
To Th(" Hor;Z ontal Base.

5 "
All Screws
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L I-----L.-.....!...- -L.........L.-.--L....

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" .,
SE PTE M BER 0 CT0 B ER. 1 9 5 8 25
For about $15 you can build a sewing machine cabinet that's a
handsome piece of furniture as well as a time and trouble saver.
Cabinet to house a
Portable Sevving Machine
A DEFINITE financial saving, an at-
tractive piece of multipurpose furni-
ture, and more practical sewing fa-
cilities for your wife will result if
you build her this attractive, low
cost cabinet for her portable sewing
machine. In addition, friend hus-
band saves himself the inconveni-
ence of setting up and storing the
portable everytime his wife wants
to sew.
For this project you'll need only
three machines: a joint er , a circular
saw, and a wood lathe. If you don't
own these three power tools , it would
still be possible for you to construct
the cabinet entirely with hand tools.
However, in that case you'll have
to put more time and effort into the
project . The average workshop usu-
ally contains the simple hand tools
needed: screw driver, hand drill with
drills, bar clamps, wood chisels, hand
scraper, and jack plane.
F or a more durable cabinet a good
grade of hardwood is recommended.
The author has had very good suc-
cess using walnut for the case and
soft maple for int er ior and drawer
construction. The use of brass fer-
rules on the legs and brass drawer
pulls on the cabinet enhances the
attractiveness of the walnut. You
can build this attractive cabinet for
approximately $15.
THE CABINET provides a st able ba se for any por tabl e mach ine, plus va lua ble working area . After compl etion of a sewing pr oject , the mach ine can
be ea sily lowe red int o the ca binet wh er e it is secure ly held in place . The hi nged lea f the n fold s ove r top of the cabinet for compactness.
Materials Required
18 b.I, of hardwood
5 b.L of soft maple
Hardware-2-drawer pulls
4-ferrules 1" x %" x 2%" long No.
4-straight clinch nut plates
I-continuous hinge 7%" long I"
2-cabinet hinges
3-cabinet hinges (surface)
I-friction catch
10-table top fasteners
2-%" strap iron strips 2%" lon g
Glue-Approximately one quart of
hot animal hide glue. However,
a good grade of polyvinyl glue is
also a good choice.
Finishing materials-6 sheets 3/0
abrasive paper
4 sheets 5/0 abrasive pa per
3 sheets 7/0 abrasive pape r
6 clean rags
1 pint paste filler (walnut)
1 pint sealacel
1 pint varnowax
1 pint royal finish
1 package steel wool No. 00
WITH THE HINGED LEAF fol ded over, th e front door and ver y use fu l drawe r can be closed,
creating a handsome piece of f ur nit ure .
Code Required Size Identi fi cation
A 1 %" X 171/2" X 25Ys" Top
*A' 1 %" x 171/ 2" X 25Ys" Sub Top
B 1 %" x 16%" x 11"
Hinged Leaf
C 1 3/
" x 8" X 17Ys" Door
D 1
3/.1" X 5"
x 17%" Front Rail
E 1 3/.1" X 8" x 16%" End
E l 1 3/.1" X 8" x 16%" End
F 1 3/.1" x 8" x 8'
Drawer Front
G 1 3/4" X 8" X 25Ys " Side
H 1 %" x8" x 16%" Partition
I 1 2" x 2" x 24%" Leg
J 3 2" x 2" x 21%" Legs
K 1 %" x 2%" X 251/s " Rail
L 1 3;4" X 2l/2" X 25 l/s" Rail
M 1 %" X 21/2" x 7%" Rail
N 1 3/.1" x 2%" x 7%" Rai l
0 1 %" x 2%" x 17%" Rail
P 1
3/.1" X 1" x 16%" Dr a wer Guide
Q 1 %" x 5
12" x 6-1/16 " Dr a we r Back
R 2 %" x 5%" x 16%" Dr a wer Sides
*A' . F ir s t , glue edge to edge t wo
or three boards %" thick to give you
a finished dimension of 11" x 26" .
Next, cut this board off 1%" from
on e end and 8%" from t he opposi te
end . Yo u shoul d then ha ve three
piec es : one-l1/4" x lI ", one-8%" x
11", and one-16%" x 11. This last
mentioned pi ece you will save for
part " B". Glue t he other two boards
edge to edge between the following
two boards, %" x 26" x 31;2" and 0/4 "
SE PTEM BER 0 CT0 BER, 1958 27
E ~
TV/IN T E N O I - J ~
x 26" x 3%" , t o form a r ectangular
frame with inside dimensi on of 11"
x 16
12". Next, cut part " B" as in-
dicated from 16%" x 11" piece you
saved ; then recess the t op inside Va "
x %" as shown.
Step-by-step Procedure
1. Layout all parts on hardwood
and soft m aple as indicated in parts
schedule, allowing for s a w kerfs and
joint ing. P a rts t hat a r e wider than 8
inches should consis t of 5-6 inch
boards glued edge to edge to keep
wa r pa ge a t a minimum. Before glu-
ing, match grain for pattern.
2. Cut all hardwood parts first ,
employing t able s aw on straight cuts.
On pa rts " A", " A''' , "B" and on any
ot he r part that you may want to glue
ed ge to edge, use the following pro-
cedure. Rough joint and match grain
and color ; then mark boards. Spring
join t matched edges and t est clamp.
Next, apply glue, reclamp, and store
for curing. Later, hand cross plane or
joint; then joint better edge. Next,
plane to thickness, rip to 1/16" over-
si ze , joint finish cut, crosscut better
end and cu t to length.
On ot her parts, rough joint ; then
rip to 1/ 16" oversize and joint finish
cut. Cr osscut better end and then cut
to length. Use same procedure for
cutting soft maple parts.
leg still between centers, use abrasive
paper to smooth. Drill a nc hor hole
t o accommodate screw of clinch nut
pl ate on large end and screw on
8. With chisel, or r outer if you have
one, cut %" dovetail as shown on
part "F" (s ee detail 2). Al so cut
same size dovetail on one end of parts
"R." Lay out and s aw 3/16" x %"
dado %" fr om opposite end of parts
"R" .
9. Cut %" rabbet on ends of part
" Q". Lay out and cut %" groove on
inside of parts " Q" and " R" %" from
bottom to accommodate Masonite
drawer bottom. Also cut %" groove
on inside of part "F" between two
dovetails 2%" from bottom. Cut out
notch 7/ 8" wide x %" deep on bottom
of part " Q" to slide on drawer guide.
Cut Masonite bottom to fit and in-
sert into grooves. Assemble, test
clamp, and check for squareness.
Glue and store for curing.
10. Hand scrape all parts before
11. Assemble and test clamp case
of cabinet, also checking squareness .
Next, apply glue, reclarnp, and store
for curing. Scrape off excess dried
glue and drill anchor holes for clinch
nut plates (s ee detail 3) . Fasten
clinch nut plates and legs.
12. With knife, mark for hinges on
parts "A", "A"' , "B" , 'lEt", and
"C" . Employ chisel to recess to
1/ 32" more than thickness of hi nge.
Drill anchor hole a nd fasten hinges.
13. Drill pilot hol es in parts "C"
a nd " F", f asten drawer pulls. Mark,
drill hol es, a nd f asten stra p iron
st r ips on under s ide of pa rt " A'" as
indi cated in dra wing. Lay out, drill
hol es , and install friction catch on
parts " C" a nd " H". Next, glue to
inside of members " D" , " E" , "G" ,
and " H" small blocks that will fit
table top f asteners. After glue on
blocks has dried, drill shallow holes
on under side of part "A'" and insert
table top fasteners to join part "A'"
to case.
Finishing Tips
Prepare surface by sanding first
with 3/0 , next 5/0, and finally 7/0
abrasive paper . Dust off proj ect and
apply sealacel with rag and allow to
dry ov ernight. Apply varnowax spar-
ingly with rag ; dry 12 hours and
smoot h with pad of No. 00 steel wool.
Repeat with royal finish as many
times as desired. THE END
3. Cut O/S " r abbet on both ends of
parts " G", "D" , "N", and "L". Next,
cut o/s " dado on both ends of part
" E" of one member and on only
one end of second m ember. Cut o/s"
stop dado on part "H" f ive (5) inches
long from top edge t o r ecei ve part
" D" (see det ail 1) . Al so cut %" stop
dado on part " G" 6'l'8" from end t o
inside 6%" from t op .
4. Cut %" t win tenons on both ends
of parts "M" and "0". Then cut
half twin te nons on both ends of part
" K". On pa r t s " L" and " M", cut
o/s "x %" dadoes 3%" to center of dado
fr om right end.
5. Cut notch f ro m the under side
of each end of part " P" O/S " deep x
2%" long (see detail 5) . Also cut
not ches out of par t "H" to receive
part " K" and " L" .
6. Next, cut mortises on parts " E, "
" E,", and " H" t o match all tenons
on parts "M", "0", "L" , "N", and
" K " .
7. Find center of each en d of parts
" I" and " J" and dr ill %" hole in
center. Mount between centers of
lathe a nd turn legs down so they
taper from 2" a t one end to %" at
other en d. Next , measure 2%" from
small en d a nd turn down diameter
to accommodate brass ferrule. Wit h
WITH THE PORTABLE sewin g ma chi ne fold ed out of sigh t, the closed cabinet is attractive in
a pe netra ting finish which e nhances the wood g ra in pattern. Note also the att ractive bran
ferrul es and matching ha rdwa re.
Tool Use Rights And Wrongs
From The Safety Standpoint
NEVER TRY TO hnnd-qulde a piece to be ripped if it is less than 3"
wide. It might look as though there is room for your fin gers 10 pass
between the blade and the fence, but maybe your fingers are not as
dainty as you think.
WHEN USING a drill press, don'l Iry 10 freehand drill, especially an
irregular or melal surfaces. As Ihe bit goes Ihrough the surface il is
apt 10 catch and whirl the work oul of your hand resulting in a sh arp
'rack on the knuckles at best, or a bad bruise or cui .
A PUSH STICK is your pal when it comes to feeding narrow work. It
isn' t 10 0 serious if it gels chewed up a little; you can always make a
new push stick , but replacing a slice of finger is somelhing else again.
CLAMP THE WORK 10 be drilled 10 Ihe drill pr ess labl e, or clamp a
slop block 10 the lable so Ihe work cannot be thrown. If th e wo rk is
of irregular shape, two long bolts screwed in the slo ts of Ihe table will
act as stops as shown here.
KNOTTY-PINE Trough Table
Earl y American styl ing gives this little occasional
table a decorative appeal and a wide range
of utility.
Dougl a s fi r so li d s tock a s foll ows:
Item No .Rqd. Description Size
%" x 7%" x 16%"
%" x 5%" x 18"
%" x 5%" x 11%"
%" x 5%" x 13 15/1 6"
3/.1 " x 4" X 8
%" x 5" x 17%"
~ ~
THIS LITTLE TABLE with deep twin tr oughs divided by on interesting '
ha ndle makes either an excellent addition to or a starter piece for an
Early Ameri ca n collecti on.
A 1 R a ndle partition
B 2 Sides
C 2 Ends
D 2 Bottom boards
E 2 Leg blocks
F 4 Legs
28 No . 8-1%" F. R. wood screws
4 No. 8-1%" F.R. wood sc rews
3d Finishing nails
White plastic resin glue
YOU CAN build this charming and functional piece of
country-pine furniture in a few hours with a small
amount of materials. Set it beside a comfortable chair
to hold knitting and embroidery work, or to accommo-
date the latest magazines and books. You may even
want it in the hall to separate mail or display potted
A few simple hand tools and stock-size scraps of solid
pine boards will put it together with easy butt joints.
Logica l construction steps make assembly easy.
To begin, provide full-size patterns for handle, sides,
legs and leg blocks by enlarging the designs shown.
Layout remaining pieces directly on the lumber follow-
ing dimensions in the list of materials needed. Saw out
and sand pieces to exact size. Then , mark pos it ions
of screws on the pieces and bo re shank and counter-
sink holes.
Start assembly by joining legs to leg blocks (Step
1). Be sure glue binds all j oints of the t a ble. You can
hold it under pressure and the pieces in place by tapping
in a couple of finishing nails before you turn in the
screws. Join legs fl ush with t he edges of bottom boa r ds
(St ep 2). Next , assemble ends, handle and fi nally sides
(St eps 3 and 4) . Cover screw h eads wit h wood filler.
Round off edges fo r a soft a nti que look. Sand smooth,
and finish with spar varnis h . Dull the shi ne wit h a
very fine steel wool buff ed with the grain and follow wit h
a polish of past e wax.
_. ------------- - - -- -
7- V2
BORE :}-4" D.

PATI ERN for han dle ond sides.
How to Enlarge Squared
Patterns and Designs
Num ber the outside squares of the
pattern both horizontally and ver-
tically. Now, using a piece of paper
(preferably tracing paper) suffi-
ciently large for the full-sized pat-
tern, measure off the exact area
you wish the pattern to occupy.
Divide this area into the same num-
ber of squares as appears in the
smaller pattern. Number the out-
side squares on the paper in the
same manner as you have numbered
the original pa ttern.
Copy carefully into each of the
large squares the portion of the de-
sign that appears in each correspond-
ingly numbered square of the
original pattern.
8- !8"
------ ----------
1" So.' S.

LAYOUT fo r leg s a nd leg blacks.
Tray for Bathtub ttLoafers"
City Zone_State _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Address _
Name _
Mail to : George Weatherby, Sales Manager
320 West 83rd Street, Dept. WB-58
Chicago 20, Illinois
Send me my Model 2100 Jig Saw immediately.
I am enclosing $29.95 (shipped prepaid) .
SeeAsYou-Saw Jig.Lite Lights Area!
Left or Right Angle Adj ustment to 45!
Eight Inch Rip Fence and Ci rcle Gu ide!
Auxiliary Gu ide Handle Fits Either Side!
Cuts Faster-2650 Strokes Per Minute!
Powerful Ai rjet Blows Away Sawdust!
There has never been a jig saw like this! It has
everything . . . every possible feature to make
sawing easie r and more professional. It's a whole
shopful of saws in one to help you build, re-
model, repair ... anything, anywhere! Cuts any
shape, any material. Even makes its own starting
hole . Has powerful cool-running 1.8 amp. 115
vol t AC motor. Cuts faster-2650 strokes per
minute. Powerful Jig -Lite illuminates your work
in front of the blade. Weighs only 51,4 lbs., has
perfect balance and compact design for easiest
handling. Rip fence for accurate ripping. Circle
guide lets you cut perfect circles up to 17", angle
adjustment lets you bevel to 45 either side.
Longer, wider base for effort less, accurate work
. .. side handle gives perfect control. Powerful
airjet blows away sawdust, keeps working area
clean . Easy to use slide type switch. Sturdy, six-
foot rubber cord plugs into any AC outlet; no
special adapters needed. Easy to store; only 7Y2
inches long, 5 inches high. Equipped with three
special blades for coarse, medium or fine cutting.
(Extra blades and files are also available.) Hand-
some silver luster finish. Order yours today!
CUTS2x4's , $29
Does the work of
1'\(4" STOCK
edge of t he bookr est , and insert the
%-inch dowels. Thes e are l -inch long,
with l/z-inch of the length within the
bcokrest. Mark the position for a cor-
responding hole in each side piece,
and bore a %-inch hole, l/z-inch deep.
Assemble the bookrest and sides, a nd
fasten t he sides to the base with 6-
penny finishing nails and glue, or
with Ph-inch Num ber 9 flathead
woodscrews, countersunk. Then add
the back, and side supports.
If desired, a mirror may be at-
tached to the underside of the book-
Sand t he entire project smooth,
round all sharp edges, and enamel to
harmonize with the bathroom tile.
to remove all t he burned particles of
wood. Remember, the more you
brush the lighter the color will be-
come, so stop when you achieve the
desired color.
Finish with two thin coats of paste
wax allowing each coat to dry be-
fore polishing with a soft brush or
cloth. To obtain, with less elbow la-
bor, a higher polish, try using that
lamb's wool buffer on your small
hand drill.
Charring hardens the surface of
the wood so that the finish is not so
prone to damage and tends to last
When I first learned of this method
of finishing furniture I was hesitant
to try it so I experimented on an ol d
workshop chair first. I found it isn' t
really difficult and since I coul d stop
brushing whenever I ha d the desired
color, I was well-pleased with my
finis hed handiwork.-N. V . Walters
on Furniture
EVER TRY a flame finish on your fur-
niture? It is a relatively uncommon,
but a very attractive finish, if it is
properly done.
I have found it works best on soft
woods such as fir and pine. To ob-
tain a flame finish effect you need
a gasoline blowtorch. Work the flame
back and forth across the surface of
the wood until it becomes thoroughly
From experience I have found that
you must be careful not to hold the
flame too long in one place or the
wood will be burned too deep. Burn-
ing is indicated by a yellow flame
and this must be avoided, not only
for the sake of your furniture, but
also because it will definitely spoil
the desired finish. Take care, like-
wise, when holding the flame on the
edges of the wood as these burn
very quickly.
After the surface has been charred,
b r ush it with a stiff scrubbing brush
FOR THE person who likes to ba the
le isurely, a tray . that can slide into
convenient position across the tub
provides a surface for bath salts or
oil or arest for a book or magazine.
The base of the tray is a piece of
l-by-12-inch lumber, 18 inches long;
the pivoted bookrest is a piece of 1-
by-lO-inch lumber, 17% inches long.
The sides and back are of I-by-4-inch
lumber, the s ides being 11l/z inches
long, and the back 18 inches long. The
supports are of I-by-12-inch lumber,
each piece being cut 6 inches long,
and being rounded on the two outside
corners. Cut all pieces to size, as
Before assembling, round the back
Jire a Jinish
5 EPTE M B ER 0 CT 0 B ER, 1 9 5 8 3S
Many household plumbing tasks involve soldering copper tubing.
If the idea intimidates you, it shouldn't, as you'll find here.
This is the way
to Solder Copper Tubing
Ph otographs by Gordon K. Butt s
HOW OFTEN have you wanted to add
an additional water fa ucet, la va t or y,
shower, or a whole new bathr oom to
your existing water system? P er -
haps you never got around to it,
either becaus e of the fear of a large
plumbing bill or yo u were afraid to
tackle the job yourself.
If fear of doing it yourself was the
reason, brace up. It's easier than
yon think! For example, the writer
recently overheard one of his neigh-
bors remark, "My wife wants the
kitchen sink moved to another loca-
tion, but I never soldered anything
in my life, let alone copper t ubing. "
Deciding that he would make a good
guinea pig for this article, the
original typewritten copy and pic-
tures were loaned him for the job.
The writer promised to complete the
job for free , only if the neighbor
tried and failed . To make a long
story short, all the copper tubing
soldering was completed by him
without a single leak. He did it; so
can you.
One of the simplest ways of extend-
ing or installing plumbing for the
average homeowner is to use copper
tubing with sol dered connections.
For all unexposed pipe us e soft
tempered copper tubing, which is put
up in 60-foot rolls. Where pipes are
expose d, such as overhead in base-
ments, utili ty rooms , etc., hard
tempered, straight-length copper tub-
ing is recommended.
Using the photographs and instruc-
tions as a guide, all you need in the
way of tools and knowledge to do a
professional job are these items
which can be procured from your
own tool chest or local hardware
store :
1. Some fine emery paper.
2. Fitting cleaning brush.
3. A roll of 50 per cent lead-50 per
cent tin solder.
4. A can of flux suitable for
copper .
5. A small propane torch, which
can be secured at your local
hardware store (a blowtorch is
not recommended).
6. Sever al pieces of cl ean cloth.
7. P ocket knife .
8. Hack saw.
DIRECTION CHANGES in soft copper t ubi ng
can be made by bending over the knee, previd-
ing the angle is not a sharp or intricate one.
For short changes in di rection, use elbows of
45 or 90 , depending upon the degree of
bend desi red. .
IF SPECIAL BENDING TOOLS a re not at hand. the desired shape can also be obtained by bending
the copper tubing a little a t a time ove r a 2" x B" circle block. With eithe r the knee or block
method, the tub ing is likely to kink if bent with one quick turn.
FOR THE FLUX to adhere properly, it is necessary to clean the inside of the fitting until it is bright.
For this job use a special wire brush recommended by your copper tubing dealer. A piece of
fine emery paper wrapped around the index finger makes a good substitute. Do not rely an
acid as it will cause corrosion.
IF A TUBE CUTTER is not obtainable, a pro-
fessional job can be had by using a hack saw
equipped with a 24.tooth blade. The burr
should be removed from both the inside and
outside of the tubing. Where a special tool is
not available, either a pocketknife or a file
makes a desirable substitute.
CLEAN OUTSIDE of copper tubing, which is later to be soldered, until
it is bright. This can best be done with a fine piece of emery cloth.
Do not use a file .
WITH A SMALL STICK or match, apply flux to cleaned area. Flux pre-
vents oxidation or tarnishing of the metal after it has been cleaned.
It also allows the solder to flow freely, forming a more satisfactory joint.
Use a flux recommended by your copper tubing dealer.
HEAT TUBE until it reaches the melting point of solder.
THE NEXT STEP is to tin the part of the tube that telescopes into the
fitting. Apply the solder (50 per cent lead and 50 per cent tin composition
is recommended).
5 EPTE M BER- 0 CT0 BER, 1 95 8 37
IF PIN-HOLE leaks appear or if your
joint does not hold, your t rouble can
be traced to any of these f aults:
1. You did not pr operly clean the
2. You did not use enough fl ux.
3. You did not properly tin the
copper tubing.
4. You did not heat the joint
The householder's major us e of
copper t ubing is in both hot and cold
water systems. One word of caution
should be pointed out! Spring and
artesian well waters are usually
corrosive . If thi s is you r case. do
not use copper tubing or red-brass
fittings .
It is not recommended that you
interchange copper tubing or red-
brass fittings with galvanized iron
pipe or fittings. Diss imila r metals
always cause corrosion when they
come in to contact with each other.
Once you begi n a j ob with copper
tubing, us e it with r ed -bra ss fitt ings
thr oughou t yo ur installation. TH E EN D
APPLY HEAT to outside of fitti ng. At the same
ti me apply solde r to the edge a f the joint.
When pr oper me lting point is reached, solder
will flow into the joint by ca pilla ry a ction.
When the solder shows a ll a ra und the joint,
wipe off the excess wit h a clea n ra g.
APPLY flUX to bot h outside of cop per tube tha t
is tinned and inside of fitt ing . Telescope tu be
into fitti ng in pr epa ration for permanent joi nt.
WHEN THE JOINT COOLS, yau should have a professionally soldered joint.
WHILE SOLDER is free flowin g (50 per cent.50
pe r cent solder would be 1425 ), wipe with
clean cloth, smearing a thin coa t of solder com-
pletely a round the end of t he pipe. You may
need to reheat, a pply fl ux, and wip e the tu be
several times be fore you ha ve a comp let ely,
thln-ccoted tinned effect. If solder do es not
flow freely, a pply more flux and re heat.

8 9 FU LL S i Z E p atterns ot beautiful Wan A
Co rne-r SheJves, B ird Ho u s e s . Act io n Toys.
Nove lties. Lawn & An imaJ Figure s , Fl y ing-
Duck . Spr in kling GirJ P LUS d oz ens of othe r
eas il y made things . Just trace, c u t ou t &
paint! We ter t YOU How & where t o sell .
Order t h e J IG SA W PA CKET t od a y . Onl y $1 .00.
704 1 O l cott Ave n ue . CHICAGO 31. ILL INO i S

by Correspondence for
the beginner .
Lessons . . . . $1.00 each
12 lessons for $10 .00 Pl us-
\' 01. ONE
Colored Bi nder Free.
1....0... 1-11 __
Dept. PH

Box 463. Klamath Falls, Ore.
Make $5 an Hour CASH PROFIT
Start your own busi-
ness at Home ..:.
Sharpen Household,
Garden and Shop
Tools in Spare Time.
Turn spare time into Big Cash Prof it s wi th new Bel saw
Sharp-All . No experience needed to sharpen knives, scis-
sors, shears, ice skat es, mower blades. hedge trimmers,
axes, chisels and circular saws Learn how easily you
can start your own spare time busi ness. Amazi ng low cost
easy-payment plan. Send Post card for FREE BOOK.
BELSAW SHARPALL CO 7509 Fiald Bld2.. Kansas City 11, Mo.
Unretouched P hoto OUT 40 Towels l OT 11 .00 Offe r
Astonishing but true . ,40 yes FORTY.. marvel ous large .
brand new (NOT se conds ) t owels in beaut ifu l colors a nd
white ... only $1.oo! (pl us JOe f or pa tg' . & hd lg .) or $1. 10 in
all. We s ell a t world ' s LOWEST price becaus e we buy
MI LL I ONS DIRECT fr om worlds la rgest MILLS . . . we
bought more than 5,000,000 Towel s in 1957 alone ! P OSI TIVE
MON EY- BACK GUARANTEE. If you 're no t t hrill ed wi t h
t his tremendous value , return the t owels wit hi n 5 da ys
( keep 5 for your trouble ) and we'll cheerfull y r efund yo ur
money . Order NOW before off er is can cell ed! No C.O.D.'s.
40 TOWEL CO., Dept . A-74 , Box 881, St. louis, Mo.
NEW Unwoven Ca lion and Rayon
r b "
$ .
Ne w Fascinating HOBBY or ;,,:.'

Cui Elm, Che r ry , Orange. Cypress. Peach.

(8 k i nd s ) and Pl a n . State y ou r age. Write :
MINIATURE TREE NURSERIES, Dept. 0-9, (Home Growers Division) Gardena, Cali f.
t he exposed edge of the h a rdboard
sl ightly with a sandblock or file.
At each corner of the table a hole
sho uld be bor ed large enough to r e-
ceive the clothesline rope which will
be us ed to suspe nd t he device. The
ro pe ends may be knotted under -
nea th. Tops of t he r opes a r e t ied into
large screw eyes which have been
fas tened into ceiling j oist s .
It should be clear that the ropes
holding t he back of t he table shoul d
be nea r a wall.
Before t yin g the ropes to the joists,
woode n "collars" should be made for
the two back ropes from I-inch lum-
ber c ut int o 3-i nch squares. Hol es
should be drilled in the center of each
t o receive the rope. At the front edge
of each collar should be a ttached a
sturdy screw eye. The collars are
kept in position by knotting the rope
under them at such a point that
screen door hoo ks attached at t he ex-
t r em es of t he table's front edge will
be able to fit into the screw eyes on
the collars, thus holding the table in
its " a t ease" position flat against the
Top, sides and bottom of the sus-
pended sorting table may be given a
prime coat of paint and a finish coat.
The table surface may readily be
cleaned with a damp cloth and m ild
detergent. Si nce the surface of the
hardboard is perfectly smooth and
free of spli nters, there is no danger
of snagging clothes placed on it.
In roomy laundry rooms-or attics
where the suspended table could be
us ed for storing things - the legless
table could be suspended from the
j ois t s or rafters permanently, with
no provision for get ti ng it out of t he
way. The ingenious handyman, on
t he other hand, can readily work out
methods of hoisting the devic e to the
ceiling, should the occasion arise to
clear the floor area. THE END
THE BASEMENT or utility room floor is
a back-aching, awkward substitute
for a laundry sorting table. In many
instances , however, the floor is the
only space available because la undr y
rooms usually are on the small si de
and there is no space for a table.
Even if there were a table a nd even
if it folded , chances are ther e would
be no wall space for its storage.
One way out of this common dil em-
ma is to build a suspended, legless
table, which can be pushed out of t he
way against the wall at a point above
t he washing machine, st a t iona r y tubs,
dryer a nd ironer. Hanging from
clothesline r opes, the tabl e is at a
convenient height for sorting soiled
laundry-just above the washer.
Its operation is a m azingly simple.
To get it out of the way, just lift t he
front edge until the table parallels
the wall; then hook each end to a
wooden collar at the top of the ropes
which suspend the ba ck of the table,
and presto-chango y ou r tab I e is
"hanging on the ropes," so to speak.
Of course, the t able's in-use position
is unobtrusive, so many homemakers
may want to leave it above their
washer. There it could s erve, for in-
stance, as a convenien t surface for
freshly-ironed cl othes.
TO BUILD the legless table, make a
framework of I-by-2-inch lumber to
form a r ectangl e approximately 30
inches wide a nd 60 to 72 inches long,
depending on the space available .
Run a cen t er brace the length of the
t abl e and cross braces at 15-inch in-
tervals. Like the outside framing,
the braces are I- by-2-inch lumber,
set on edge.
The framework then is cover ed by
a panel of Masonite tempered hard-
board, 3/16" thi ck, fast ened to the
outer framing a nd braces with 1%-
inch finishing nails spaced 8 inches
on center. It's a good idea to bevel
Space Saving laundry Table
SEPTE M BER- 0 C T0 B ER, 1 9 5 8 39
Advice to apply to appliances
Part IX: Vacuum Cleaners
FIGURE I - Simplified drawing of the operation
of the uprig ht ty pe va cuum showin g air flow.

....I R. FLOW

FIGURE 2- Si mplified dr awing of the tank type
va cuum. Air and dirt en te r together, the filter
bag tr aps the dirt an d the clean a ir cont inues
through the tank to the out let. Two fans with
a stationary vane between are shown here.
FIGURE 1 is a simplified drawing
showing how the upright type of
vacuum cleaner works. In t his t ype
of cl eaner the vacuum is a ide d by
the motor driven brush which helps
loosen the dirt. Although it m a y sur-
prise some of the younger house-
wives, all of the above mentioned
types of vacuums are still being sold,
even th e upright type. Upright vac-
uum cleaners frequently have a
lamp built in which helps insure that
no dirt is missed. The purpose of
the large filter bag is to let air pass
through whil e ret aining the dirt. A
height adjustment on these cl eaners
allows them to be raised or low-
ered with r espect to the fl oor t o allow
for cl e a n i n g rugs of different
thicknesses .
Figure 2 shows how the tank type
vacuum cleaner operates. The par-
tial vacuum- commonly called suc-
tion-is created by th e f a n ass embly.
Dirt and air enter the clea ner
t hr ough th e attachment and fl exible
hose. Th e dirt is retained in the fine
mesh bag while the air fl ow conti nues
through the fans, around the motor
and is expelled at the rear. In act ual
practice t he cl ean air fl ows through
the moto r, that is between t he arma-
ture and fiel d assembly, thus cool-
ing it and increasing its efficiency.
With th e introduction of t he tank
cleaner a really useful and versatile
cleaning device became an actual
uums. All types operat e because of
a partial vacuum creat ed by a high
speed f an (or f a ns) usually driven by
a series wound universal motor which
is cont rolle d by a switch with the
power being supplied by the house
circuit through the line cord.
A FAULTY vacuum can take you t o the
cleaner s. This ca n happen s ev eral
wa ys .
If the vacuum do esn't oper a t e and
you don't kn ow how to fix it, it is
bound t o cost you money.
The s ec ond way is r ather treacher-
ous . Once herself decides she needs
a new vacuum she will find all kinds
of defects with the old one. One fine
day while you are out working your-
self t o a frazzle, just to make both
ends meet, she will discover how to
loosen a connection, start an air leak
or some other sneaky trick calcu-
lated to make yo u want to buy a new
vacuum-just t o release her from
m a r t yrdom. The only way to foil
this pl ot , boys, is to fix the vacuum-
because they will last for years and
years. It is rather doubtful that the
look of awe on her face when you
repair ' the vacuum will be out of
respect for your technical genius;
any deference will more closely
approximate the r egard one m a ster
pickpocket has f or another. The dis-
cu ssi on that foll ows should be of help
in raising you to such a lofty peak.
Vacuum cleaners are available in
a variety of styles, sizes and shapes.
F ortunatel y, the mechanical and
electrical similarity of all of these is
much mor e nearly the same than
ou tward appearance seems to indi-
cate. The senior member of the
vacuum cl eaner family is the upright
model (P hot ogr a ph A) , next in line
is the tank type, (Photograph B) ,
f oll owed by the canister type and
most recently by a type for which
we have no name-it res em bl es a
portable t ypewriter in its carrying
case. In addit ion to these there are
numer ous small special type vac-
PHOTOGRAPH A-Upright style vacuum. PHOTOGRAPH B-Tank styl e va cuum clea ner. FIGURE 3-Elementa ry d ra wing of one type of
a cani ster style vacuum cleaner.
ally the filters and bag are chemi-
call y treated and must be renewed
rather t han washed. On tank and
canister type cleaners leaks at
either end of the hose, that is poor
connections, are often responsible for
poor operation. In time the hose
becomes worn and may itself develop
leaks. Paper or other objects may
lodge in the hose and interfere with
air flow. A dent in t he cover or body
of the vacuum may cause the cover
to make an imperfect seal. Any air
leak at all interferes with operation.
I recall one pa r t ic ul a r instance i n
which a woman thought that the rea-
son her upright cleaner wouldn't
clean was beca us e the brand name
plate fell of f. Wait-don't laugh yet
- she was right! On t his model the
name plate snapped off to permit
access t o t he bel t driving the brush.
With it off, a ir was dr a wn through
t hi s opening instead of up from the
floor . A similar situation is shown
in P hotogr aph D.
FOR ALL of our electrical trouble shoot-
ing we will make us e of the utility
t es t er shown in P hot ogr a ph E. One
of this type will cost about $16. One
manufacturer makes a tester of this
t ype in kit f orm. By assembling it
PHOTOGRAPH E- On e type of utility tesler.
PHOTOGRAPH D-When the fro nt cover plate
become lost from th is upright vacuum a ll clea n-
ing power was loslt This was be cause the air
entered thr ough the opening instead of up
from the floor .
01 S""'NCE:" W' E QUALS
FIGURE 4-Vocuum cleane rs are rated in inches
of wa te r lift . The above is a homemade meosur-
ing devi ce for this purpose.
PHOTOGRAPH C-A rough check, just to show
that a partial vacuum does exi st, is mod e here
with on auto e ngine va cuum gouge. Rated in
inches of mercury, it is not practical for use
with vacuum cleaners.
ment ioni ng this her e is to make cer -
t a in t hat no m istake is made a bout
the system used to rate vacuum
cleaner s ucti on. Va cuum cl eaners
are rated in inches of water that
t hey will lift r ather than inches of
m ercury. The conve nt ional au to
vacuum ga uge has little value in
this work. Some a ppliance s ervice-
m en us e a s pecial vacuum gauge
which is calibrated in in ches of
wa t er va cuum .
Figure 4 s hows a homemade vac-
uum t ester. If colored water is us ed
it will be easier to see. If a vacuum
cleaner is r ated a t 40 inches, for
example, it m eans that it has suc-
t ion sufficient t o r a ise a column of
water 40 inches above it s previous
l evel. Since some of the vacuums
may be rated as high as 60 inches
t he us e of this much glass t ubing
presents a pro blem. It would be
better t o ob tain suitable transpa rent
pla stic tubing to take the pl ace of
a ll glass tubi ng except that which
pass es throu gh the rubber stopper s .
P r oper ly don e a good seal and an
a ccurate r eading can be obtained.
Poor vacuum operation is some-
times due to such simple ca uses as
d irty filters or a full dust bag. Usu-
fact enhanced by attachments such
as a r ug cleaner, wall brush, dusting
brush, upholstery cleaner, radiator
tool, venetian blind tool, vaporizer,
sprayer, etc. When a vacuum cleaner
creates suction at one end it must
create a pressure at the other end of
the air flow system. The pressure
caused by the rapidly moving clean
air at the outlet end of the t ank type
makes possible the operation of the
sprayer and vaporizer attachments.
The flexible hose is merely con-
nected to this end instead of the suc-
tion end for this purpose. Va rious
l engt h extension tubes for t he
vacuum hose h el p insure t ha t
milady's nagging backache is n' t due
to unnecess a r il y stooping while cl ea n-
in g the rug.
Figure 3 is a s implifie d drawing of
one type of canister vacuum cleaner .
Whil e the essentials of t he other vac-
uums are her e yo u will notice that
this arrangement wo uld seem t o
a llow the c lea ner to be mor e
maneuverable than the tank type-
bes id es , newness hath appeal!
Almost anyone can understand the
air flow through a vacuum. Some ,
however , do not understand wha t
causes the variation in vacuum
motor speed (as evidenced by so un d
of the motor) under different condi-
tions. The foremost of these condi-
tions is when some ob ject like a
small rug or piece of paper bloc ks
t he opening of the hose or attach-
ment. The motor does not slow down
-it speeds up. The purpose of t he
vacuum cleaner is to clean but the
work it is actually doing is moving
air. If the flow of air is blocked, as
mentioned, then the vacuum is do-
ing no work and will speed up as a
series motor will do when the load
is removed. The greater the load the
s lower the motor will run. This ex-
pl a ins why it will slow down if the
somewhat r estr icti ve dust bag a nd
filter is removed.
ELECTRICAL t r ou ble shooting will be
taken up f a rther on in this article.
Although a tank type va cuum wa s
chosen for most of the illustrations
in this article the general informa-
tion will apply to all types. As with
all other electrical a ppliances, the
malfunction of the device need not
necessarily be due to a n el ectrical
cause. Because trouble in the air
flow system is usually r esponsible
for lower operating efficiency r a th er
than no operation at all, it unfortu-
na t el y comes under l ess scrutiny
than the electrical ci rcuit in seeking
the cause of trouble. Of cou rse the
electrical circuit can also cause slug-
gi sh operation as will be seen later .
P hot ogr a ph C shows a n automot ive
vacuum gauge bei ng us ed t o check
the suction of a t a nk type cleaner;
it reads a bout three a nd one half
(inches of mercury ). If thi s was an
a utomobile engine it wo uld be a
r ather s ick one s ince it should then
r ead a bout nineteen. The purpose of
s ingle meter to pe rf orm it s many
functions. There are several types
of basic met er movements, a fact
which need not concern us now. The
home craftsman should understand,
however, something about the volt-
meter, ammeter, and ohmmeter in
order to insure that he us es them
properly. Figure 5 shows the symbol
we shall use to indicate the actual
mechanism of the meter itself. The
greater the amount of current that
flows through the meter mechanism
the greater the deflection or move-
ment of the indicating needle.
Figure 6 represents the essentials
of a voltmeter. The delicate meter
is protected by a high resistance in
series with it. This combined resist-
ance is such that a t fu ll defl ect ion of
t he meter needle t he m aximum
pr oper operating current is flowing
through t he mete r . To simplify the
sit uation le t us put it another way. A
certain amount of current is needed
t o give a full scale reading on the
meter. If t he vo ltmeter is on the
0-150 volt range, for example, the
meter's internal resistance plus the
resistance added in series must be
such that the current flow through
the meter will cause the meter to
indicate exactly 150 volts if that is
the voltage of the circuit under test.
Different ranges are possible on
voltmeters by changing the amount
of total resistance in the circuit.
Assume that in Figures 6 and 7 a
current flow of .02 amps (20 milli-
amps) is necessary for a full scale
reading of the meter. If the 0-150
volt scale is used, a maximum
applied voltage of 150 volts must
cause a current flow through the
meter of .02 amps; this would re-
quir e a total resistance of 7,500
ohms (resistance in ohms equals
electrical pres sure in volt s di vided by
the current in a m ps). Figu r e 7 shows
the same meter as in Figure 6 ex-
cept that the 0-300 volt range is now
in use. Bein g t he same meter it
still requires .02 amps to gi ve a full
scale reading or deflection. I n order
to ha ve a current flow of .02 amps
at twice the maximum applied volt-
age a combined resistance of 15,000
ohms is neede d, (300/.02 equals
15,000) .
A voltmeter's sensitivity is rated
at so many ohms per volt. Thus a
meter rated at 20,000 ohms per volt
is much more sensitive than one
rated at 2,000 ohms per volt. The
less current required for the opera-
tion of the meter the more sensitive
it is . You can now see why a volt-
meter must ordinarily be connected
in parallel in an operating circuit.
Its inherent high resistance would
prohibit operation of the appliance
if connnected in series.
Figure 8 r epres ents a simplified
ammeter. Her e t he bas ic meter
wi nding is connected in parallel with
a low r esistance devic e called a
shunt. The rel ationship between the
shunt a nd the meter coil is such that
a small amount of current fl ows

'500 Oil""' )
yo urself you can save about $3. You
can buy ut ili ty t est er s for less and
cer t ainly fo r m uch more-or you may
prefer to use a tester of your own
design as we have been doing in this
series previously. No discussion of
appliances would be complete, how-
ever, without an explanation of this
versatile instrument. As a WORK-
BENCHER we wouldn't want to see
you buy one without being advised
of what to look for first.
A tester which is just fine for
radio and other electronic work may
not be suitable, except in a few in-
stances, for appliances and regular
electrical work-and may cost much
more too. One reason that these
utility t est er s are available at this
pr ice is because they need not be as
accurate or as preci se as those in-
tended for electronic work.
The tester shown in P hot ogr a ph E
has the following pr ovis ions : 1. Mea s-
ur es resistance in ohms. 2. AC-DC
voltage scales of 0-15 volts (useful
in automotive circuits), 0-150 volts,
0-300 volts. 3. Amperage scale 0-15
amps and a socket which allows an
appliance to be pl ugged in for check-
ing current consumption in actual
operation. 4. A leakage indicator.
Some testers also have a wattage
A utility tester usually uses a
FIGURE 5-Symbo lic drawing of basic met e r
mecha nism.
FIGURE 6-Simpl ifi ed d rowing of a voltmete r
circu it, 0.150 volts.
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'SO OO 0 ..... 5)
th rough the meter but in direct pro-
po rtion to the total amount flowing
in the circuit. Thus if a 0-15 ammeter
(requiring .02 amps for full scale
reading) is connected into a circuit
in which 15 amps is flowing, .02 amps
will flow through the meter itself
and 14.98 amps will flow through the
shunt. On some meters more than
one amperage scale is provided, in
whic h case more than one shunt is
needed. An ammeter is placed in
series wit h an operating device in
or der to measure the current flow.
If pl aced in parallel , a short will re-
sult due to the low r esistance of the
ammeter system. Care must be
taken to remember these facts in
checking e 1e c t ric a 1 circuits. The
plug-in arrangement of this utility
t ester helps eliminate the danger of
this happening. Photograph F shows
how this feature operates.
An ohm met er measures the amount
of ordinary resistance in an electrical
circuit in ohms. Thi s must be done
with the appliance or d evic e under
test completely disconnected from
its source of power. Most utility
testers have self-contained dry cells
to supply the power for operating the
ohmmeter. This is not always the
FIGURE 8-Ammeter circuit allows most of th e
current to flow through the shunt but a sma ll
proportion of the total flows thr ough the meter
windi ng .
FIGURE 7-By connecting 0 different res istor
a nd a dd ing the proper scale the same bosic
meter shawn in Figure 6 may now be used t o
measure 0-300 volts.
5 EPTEM BER 0 CT0 B" R. 1 9 5 B 43
o 0
THE: " L A-z.'!" E IGHT "
t he rheostat adjusted until the meter
reads z ro o In time the battery
(which may be a single unit or made
up from several cells connected in
s er ies ) will get so weak that the
met er can no longer be adjusted to
zero. It is t hen time to replace the
batter y.
When the t es t prods of the ohm-
meter are connect ed to a complet e
electrical pa t h, current will flow in
the circuit, t he amount depending
upon the r es is t a nce in this path.
Thus , while the ohmmeter actually
measures the amount of current
flowing in its own circuit, the dial is
marked off to indicate the resistance
in ohms. If a path of no appreciable
resistance is placed between the t est
prods, maximum current flows, giv-
ing m a x i mum needle deflection
which is in dicated on the dial as "0"
ohms, meaning no resistance. If a
pat h of 160 ohms is embraced by the
t es t pr ods , current flow in the cir-
cuit is reduced to a specific amount,
the needle will not move as far and
will indicate 100 ohms on the dial.
When the r es is t ance of the measured
path is so great that it cannot be
measured this is known as an infinite
reading or "infinity," which is repre-
sented by t he symbol point ed out in
F igur e 10 ca ll ed "the lazy eight,"
t ha t is a f igur e eight on its side.
When an infinite r eading is obtained
we say t hat for all pr a ctical purposes
t her e is no cur r ent flow in the cir-
cuit (alt ho ugh t her e may be an
infinitesimal am ount ) and therefor e

PHOTOGRAPH F-Opera ting current can easily
be checked by plugging the vacuum into the
te ste r and pl ugging the tester into a n outlet.
Whe n the abave vacu um cleaner wa s t ur ned
on. the opera ting current was found to be
slightly over 6 amps.

case, however , as there have been
meters designed to operate with
power f rom the regular household
source. Self- cont a ined ' power is an
obvious advantage if the meter must
be used where an electrical outlet is
not convenient . On the other hand
t his is not too often the case in appli-
ance repai r and dry cell replace-
ment is a problem. Most of the
ut ili ty teste r s do not have very se nsi-
ti ve meters and t he comparati vel y
l ar ge current r equirement of t he
meter causes a consider a ble dr ain
on the dry cell s.
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FIGURE 9- Elementa ry circuit for an ohmmete r
with only one resistance range.
Figure 9 depicts a simpl ifie d ohm-
meter cir cu it. Besides the mete r it
consist s mainly of a f ixed r esistor, a
variable resistor, a ba t t er y of sev-
eral cells, and the test le ads . If it
has s everal r esistance ranges it will
al s o have t he r equired number of
additional fix ed resistor s t o all ow
th e use of seve ral range s . The varia-
ble r esistor (rheostat) is ne eded to
compensate for the bat t er y as it gets
weaker and to " ze r o" th e meter.
Befor e checking a circuit the ohm-
meter needs t o be zeroed ; that is the
test prods are touched together a nd
FIGURE 10-Simplified ohmmeter scale show-
ing minimu m resistance (0) at right and maxi.
mum res istance (infinity at the left ).
the needle will not m ove at all. Keep
in mind that the ohmmeter scale is
r eversed in respect t o the ot he rs.
The volt a ge an d amperage scales
have their minimum values on the
l eft and their maximum values on
the r ight while t he ohmmeter sc ale
will have " infinit y" (maximum r e-
sistance) , on the left and "0" (mini-
mum r esistance) on the right. Con-
sidering that r esistance is in oppo-
sition to t he other two t his shouldn' t
be t oo hard to remembe r.
One more ex pla nat ion of the utility
t ester' s functions is necessary before

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FIGURE ll -Typi cal leakage indi cator circui t
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returning to t he trouble shooting of
our vacuum cleaner's electrical sys-
tem. As Figure 11 shows, the leak-
age tester is nothing more t han a
neon bulb connected in series with
one resistor and in parallel, with an-
other one. This is the actual hookup
that exists in the utility tester used in
this article. You will notice that one
lead is unbroken and has no resist-
ance in it. There is the same remote
chance of shock in a commercial
meter using this type of hookup as
there is in the homemade tester
which was described in P a r t VI II
(July-August, 1958, WORKBENCH) .
The neon bulb will operate with an
amount of current so small that yo u
could not feel it going through your
body. Because it operates from such
a small amount of current it can d e-
tect even a partial ground that might
not show up in other means of
Bot h the ohmmeter and the leak-
age indicator may be used to check
for continuity-that is the complete-
ness of a circuit. The ohmmeter will
indica t e the approximate amount of
resistance in the circuit, whereas
the leakage indicator can only in di-
cate whether or not a complete cir-
cuit exists . A grounded condit ion
might not show up on an ohmmeter
check if it is only a partial ground
but the leakage indicator would d e-
tect it. You might be fooled in mak-
ing a check for a ground wi th the
leakage indicator . This is true of
any circuit such as Figure 12 in
which a capacitor is used because
the capacitor wi ll pass AC but not
DC. To correctly check for a ground
the capacitor would have to be iso-
lated from the rest of the circuit so
that t he leakage indicator would not
falsely show a ground .
FIGURE 12 is a schematic drawing of
a typical vacuum cleaner electrical
circuit. Not ic e the use of wire nuts
(solderless connectors) which makes
assembly and disassembly m uch
easier. A single pole, single throw
switch (SPST) is used to turn the
vacuum on or off; push pull a nd
(Conti nued on Page 46)
SEPTE M B ER 0 CT0 BER. I 95 B 45
I F THE va c u u m cleaner is to tally
inoperative the first thing t o check
is the outlet. If another a ppliance
plugged in to the same outlet oper-
ates, on e pos si bil ity is eliminated.
Photograph G shows the method of
checking voltage at the outlet (using
voltmeter section) . Photograph H
shows the test leads of the utility test
consisting of one test prod and one
alligator clip. Som e test leads termi-
nate in two clips and some in two
prods . Frequently t wo t est pr ods are
the ha ndiest. Example, in checking
the outlet voltage a nail had t o be
ins erted in on e cl ip t o make the t es t .
Many ti mes you will have to a lter
things t o s ui t t he need. Take rea-
son a ble ca r e, ho wever , tha t yo u do
not becom e ca r eless and touch the
leads t ogether while checking t he
outlet or you will create a short.
Having one lead end in a cli p and
the other in a prod is someti mes the
handiest especi ally in progressi ve
checking. In t his inst ance the all i-
gator clip can be fa s t ened to a point
in the circuit while the prod is moved
progressively along.
Sometimes the t r ouble may be
fa il ur e of the line cord plug to make
a good connection and the prongs
may have to be bent accor di ng ly.
If this still has not uncover ed the
t r ouble, then more detailed work is
calle d for to isolate the t rouble and
pinpoint it.
The entire el ectrical ci rcui t of t he
vacuum may be checked by cl osing
t he switch and attaching the ohm-
meter as s hown in P hotogr a ph 1. A
r el a tivel y low r eadin g of 2 to 10 ohms
s hould be obt a ined. A lower r eading
may indica t e a sho rt or parti al short
a nd a higher r eading may indicate
a n ope n or poor conne ction. F or best
result s one should know the resist-
a nc e of the vacuum circuit whe n it
is normal. A s hor t , ho we ver, would
ca use a fu se t o burn out. This check
of t he tot al circuit cannot be made
in this manner with a leakage indi-
cator unl es s t he capacitor is discon-
nected as expla ined before. If an
open or high r es is t a nce is indicated,
the ci rcuit may be progressively
checked a s des cr ibed below.
With the vacuum cleaner discon-
nected f rom t he ou tlet a continuity
check with the utility tester may be
made with either the ohmmeter or
the leakage indic a tor , remembering
that the capacitor must be discon-
nected if the leakage indicator is
used. There could be an open, short
or ground in the capacitor itself. A
short or a ground could cause the
fuse to burn out and an open would
cause radio int erfer ence when the
vacuum was used. If the ohmmeter
indica t es continuity between ch eck
points A and B in Figur e 12, t hen a
shorted ca pa cit or is ind ic ated. If
the ohmmeter shows continuity be-
t wee n either points A or B and check
point C then a ground is indicated.
An ohmmeter will not indica te an
PHOTOGRAPH H-Tesl leads which lerminale
in one lesl pr od a nd one alli gal or clip.
PHOTOGRAPH I-Resisla nce of Ihe enlire
vacuum clea ne r eleclrical circuit may be check ed
with the oh mmele r portion of Ihe lesler a s
sho wn.
[Conti nued from Page 451
toggle switches are commonly used.
A ca pacito r (co ndenser) assembly is
con nected across the line to reduce
radio int er fer en ce . A series motor-
field coils connected in series with
t he armature- is commonly used be-
cause of its suitable characteristics.
The numbers in t he diagram refer
to test points which will be further
discussed shor tly.
PHOTOGRAPH G-In order 10 check out lel
volt oge il is necessary to louch the ac lua l con-
lacts inside the outlel wit h Ihe lesl prods.
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-$1.50 postpaid.
Remit check or M.O. with all orders.
Send 25c to Dept. V t o cover post age a nd hand-
l or th e St ewar t Ulay hh: new ca t a log XO W I

DOl . Ft. Hundred Ft .
1 Inch Raw Oak $1. 48 $11.55
1'12 Inch Raw Oak.................. 1.98 15.40
2112 Inch Raw Oak.................. 2.75 20.60
31f4 Inch Raw Oak.................. 3.64 26.80
4 Inch Raw Oak.................. 4.75 32.80
/ 4 Inch Wormy Chest nut... . 4.36 32.16
DOl . Ft . Hundred Ft.
I l12 " Distinct ive des lgn $ 7.50 $ 58. 50
with part ial
linen cover ing................ 8.50 65.00
;8 " high backed-
rncdern-arttstlc _ 20.16 154.80
Renn t tance with orde r. pl ea se - and as k to incl ude
our FHEE P IU C!; I, IS'I' .
P.O. BOI 533 Balt imore 3, Maryland
Dept. WB-V
137 Mulberry sr., New York 13 , N. Y.
1 li t . Just In tro-
duced i Fn.- R nokh"t n n II.
:Se w whl c:: h enables
the Hom e owne... Janitor. or
F a c t ory "'fa inte n _nce t o clean
a n y Clogged Sewe r Dratn.
Yet anyone ca n o per a te t his
new P lu m be r s F l u s h i ng Gun
w h ich r elea s e s a ir p r e hsure o n
a soli d s h a ft o r wat e r et e e n-
Ing t h e most e runbcru Mtop-
p l\Kes u p t o 2 0 0 f t. T OI L ET:'l .
wHh Orenee , Ha g s . Sand. n oors ,
and paper melt away In st anll y
w he -n struck by the lI a m nu r
li ke b l ow o r thi s new u nit .
T here Is n o n eed t o r e m ove
w all o r p ip e . or Grea"e Trap.
A s pect a t att a chm e nt a llow"!
wate r to r to w f rom t h e r e u cot
throug h t h e Gun w hl h' a ir i!'l
rel eased o n the pipe, Ve n t s o r
s tac ks are no o bstacle. 85 r o r oo
tends t o s tr ike whe r ever t h t.
water la ys, But now. what I"
thi s Pl u m h ("r fi Gun
BILLS S AVE D? T e a r thi s Ad
c u t-e-and wr t te y our name and
addr e s s b e s id e It ror FREE
BOOKLET. Obey t h a t u rge , No
d o IChiraR"o P hone Kild a r e
DEPT. WB _U. 4 640 H. Ce n t r a l Ave . Ch ic a g o 30. Il li no is

so0 ....
FIGURE 13-lf you carelessly touch the test
prads when ma king a con tin uity check wit h th e
leakage ind icator, your body becomes pa rt af
the circuit causing the bu lb ta lig ht and t he re.
fa re giving a fa lse imp ress ion in case af an
open circuit.
- \v;;WWJ
of continuity when checking a n op en
circuit as shown in Figur e 13 because
your body forms a path for curr ent
P hot ogr a ph J shows the armat ure
being checked for a ground with the
leakage indicator. If the indicator
shows continuity when one lead is
touched to any part of the electrical
circuit and the other lead is touched
to any metal part which is not in-
cluded in the electrical circuit , then
a grounded condition is present. A
check of t he fi eld assembly would be
made in a similar m anner. Shorted
armature windings are somewhat
harder to d etect by ordinary
methods. Most elect r ica l appliance
service shops s hould have a device
called a growler-so called because
of the noise it makes. One of the
purposes of the growler is to detect
a short in the armature windings or
between commutator s e gmen ts . Open
coils may also prove hard to check.
One of the symptoms of an open in
t he armature circuit is excessiv e
brush arcing and bu r ning of the
co m m utator segments that are con-
n ected to the open coil .
PHOTOGRAPH J-Checking for a g rou nde d
armature with th e leakage indicator.
...SSEI1 &LV
open capacitor . If the leakage indi-
cator f a il s to show continuity be-
tween points A a nd B, or points A
and C or points Band C, then an
open capacitor is ind ica t ed.
Some pre fer t o check a circuit by
moving both test leads at the same
t im e a nd check indi vidual portions
of the ci rcuits (see Figure 12) such
as t he por tion between ch eck points
1 and 2 ; 2 and 3; 3 and 4, etc. When
you f ail t o achi eve continuit y be-
t ween any two check points, it may
r e asona bly be assumed t hat an open
exists-pr oviding you have not made
any mistakes a nd ha ve t aken every-
t hing into c on sideration.
Ot h er s pr ef er to check for a n open
ci rcuit by fasteni n g one of t he test
l eads a t a f ixed point such as check
point 10 and m oving the other test
lead progres si vely from check point
1, to 2, to 3, to 4, etc. , until a check
point is reached at which an indica-
tion of continuity is received. Th e
open could then be assumed to be
between the check point where co n-
tinuity wa s indicated and the la s t
check point at which it was not.
Shorted windings in the armature
or field a ssembly a r e difficult to de-
termine wit h the utility tester but
may be evidenced by a symptom of
poor operation such as running hot.
A grounded a r m a t ure or field
winding is easily detected with the
leakage det ect or-even a ground so
s l igh t t h a t y ou h a ve not been able to
noti ce any difference in vacuum
operati on. Get in the habit of hold-
ing the m eter test leads by the in-
sulated handles . This is not only
good safet y s ense but will help pro-
tect you from getting false readings
even when there isn't actually any
danger t o y our person involved. For
ex a m ple : the amount of current re-
quired t o operate the leakage tester
is s o small that the bulb will light
when you grab hold of the test prods
whil e it is set for this use. This
amount of current is so small that
you cannot f eel it but if you care-
lessly touch the metal portion of t he
test le ads you will get an indication
FIGURE 12-Schematic diagram af a typical
vacuum cleaner electric circuit. Numbers and
leiters indicate checking points referred t o in
the text.
SE PTE M BER 0 C T0 BER. 1 958 47
If an open is found in one of the
connecting wires of the internal cir-
c uit , chances are it can be repaired
in th e same wa y. Although a con-
nection m ay loosen, a n open in a
swit ch oc cu r s because of th e swit ch
contact s themselves. Replacement
of the switch is the best a nswer for
a satisf acto ry j ob . An open may
also occur because of be coming loose
a t a poin t of a ttachment or at a wire
nut . Sometimes a wire nut refuses
to r emain tight in whi ch case you
m ay have to thicken t he w ir e group
by bending it double .
An open in the armatur e itself or
in one of the field coils usually ca lls
for r epl acement of the armature or
coil. Remember that fi eld coils are
usually sold as sets and must ordi-
narily be r eplaced that wa y even if
only one is bad. An open in the
arma tu r e is sometimes due to a
loose wire a t the com mut a to r se g-
ment; this of course can be re-
solder ed. Sometimes fa ulty brushes
cause the a r m a t ur e or field coils to
r eceive unjust blame for an open.
Jus t becaus e a brush a ppear s to be
properly seated on th e com mutator
is no reason to assume that thi s is
true. Brushes occasion ally stick in
t hei r holders a nd f ail t o make proper
cont act-clea ning t he hold ers should
remedy t hi s. Brushes that have
worn too short may not m ake proper
contact a nd will, of course. have to
be replaced. Careful visual inspec-
ti on of the brushes should reveal any
improper conditi on.
A shor t in the line cor d is usually
easy to detect on ce it occurs bec ause
of the burned insula t ion a nd / or dam-
a ged wi re. Tempora ry r ep ai r is
possibl e as described above but re-
placement is better. Old and well
wo r n line co r ds are a so urce of much
trouble which is often bla med on the
a pplia nce itself. A short in the field
coil windi ngs or in the armature, as
fa r as you a r e con cerned, usually
mea ns r eplacement. Carefully in-
s pect the commutat or , as the s hor t
may be du e t o metal parti cl es lodg-
ing between the com mutato r seg-
ments . These of course must be
pick ed out. A shor te d capacitor is
not r epair able . it must be r emoved
and replaced.
It is poss ibl e that you might di s-
cover a bare wire on one of th e fi eld
windings which is t ouching the appli-
a nce f r ame a nd creating a ground.
A piece of tape over the wire should
elimina t e fut ure trouble. It is more
likely . however . that you will ha ve to
replace a gro unde d f i eld or arma-
ture . On e of the inter nal connecting
wires m ight be ba r e a nd t ouch the
a ppliance frame and thus create a
ground. Th e new plastic el ectrical
tape is very handy to use in insul at-
in g such trouble spot s . By the ver y
nature of its design the capacitor
assembly is already grounded. It is
possible t o have an unintentional
gro und condition in the capacitor-
but not very likely. In any event
FIGURE 14- Mica may be undercut by ha nd if
necessary by a tool o s shown here.

PHOTOGRAPH K-Details of armature construe-
tion may be seen here. Be a ri ng s are press
fitted oato each end of the shaft.
Although rather dark in a ppea r-
ance the commut ator of th e arma-
ture 's hown in Phot ographs J a nd K
is in good shape . having r ecently
been turned down on a la th e. If it
is desired to brighten the co m mut a-
tor, a br as ive pape r may be used
as explai ned in several pr evious
articles ; a badly worn or pitted com-
mutator must be r esurfaced on a
lathe. In this case th e mica (mineral
insula t ion between th e commutat or
bars ) must also be undercut. Figure
14 shows how mic a may be under-
cut by ha nd. F or ot he r infor ma-
ti on on commutato r care see Novem-
ber-Decem be r, 1957, and May-June,
1958, WORKBENCH. Be sure that
no copper particl es remain in th e
crevic es between commutator s eg-
m ent s or a short will r esult .
Ma ybe th e thought has occur ed to
you: " So I've found the trouble, now
wha t ?"
The most logical a nswer is to
recogn ize what you can fi x and what
has to be repl aced. An open in the
line cor d may be repaired best by
twisting the wires t ogether. so lde r-
ing, a nd wrapping with tape. It may
be nec essary to s plic e in a whole
new piece as described in P art I of
this se r ies (May-June, 1957) . This
of course is a temporary measure-
or at least should be.
f, 1.....liIIiljli'lW...ERICP.McNAIR. PresDe
L1bertySchoor o' Claim'nve'UPtln 8
Pl ease t ell me all about how I can q uickly become a n
I Aut o Claim I nvest ig ator i n my own ar-ea . It 18 dea r ly un -
I you Bend me now is free and
I, M y Age ____._ ._._. __ _
I M1IN ame . _ . _. _
I Add r eee ... . ..... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ...... ...... . . . . . . . .

Beat This f:r NewJob!
fun-Filled Hobby. : . Ideal Gifts
...Pays Up To $100a week to start!
...Business Expenses Paid!
furnished or mileage paid!
Weteachyouat homeinsparetime!
... You can qualify in 6 weeks!
Au tomob il e C la im I nves t iga t ors a r e need ed
i n ever y State in the Union. Last year a lo ne
over 25 million a ut o accident ela ims had to be
settled. And the Claim Lnoesti eator was the Key
M an in every case. There's s uc .t a s hortage of
tra ined men in this interesti ng field eve n a be-
ginner, with spare ti me home t r a i n i'ng, ca n
1:000 pay. Man y atar-t at as much as $400 .00 a
month- ma ny with a priva t e office, a priva te
se cretary, a ca r for the i r pe rso nal us c and all
bu si ness expenses paid! Or yo u ca n estab lish a
C laim Inves t ig a t in g business of y our own -
in spare t ime -wit h your home 88 headquarters .
Clai m adjusti ng' is easy to lear-n, t oo , with my
kind of H Bre ss T a ck a" traininq.
For many years , I was senior ad j ustor and head
o f a claim office of a co mpa ny tha t insu res over
5 miUion automobiles . I know the business fr om
A t o Zand ca n teach you quickJy a nd t horoughly
so you will be a ble t o qualify for R we ll- pa id Job
in 8 matter of weeks . And your ve ry first check
will us ua lly pay fo r the enti re course! Let me
se nd you full in formati on Free . No salesman
will ca ll a nd you will not be under t he slightest
o bl n i n g'pLting' the fa cts . M ail
t he handy co upo n be low no w to me.
E r ic P. McNair . Pres . Liberty
School of Clai m Inves t iga t- I-i
109 , Libertyville, Il lino is. I
j .
. short p(Jf(Jgfapns!
You don't have to be a trained author to make money
writing. Hundreds now making money every day on
short paragraphs. I tell you what to write, where and
how to sen; and supply big list of editors who buy [rom
beginners. Lots of srnall checks in a hurry bring cash
that adds up quickly. No tedious study . Write to se ll.
right away. Send for free facts. BARRETT.
Dept. 9-W, 7464 Cla rk St ., Chicago 26. Illino is
Per Doz.
Lnta o f
0 0
$ 1 . 7 5
1 .75
2 .50
2 .50
3 .00
3 . 05
2 . 25
P e r Doz.
S '2 .00
2 . 0 0
2 . 75
2 .85
2 . 1 0
3 .25
3 .30
2 . 50
All rtne p lastic. washable. The se
a re fa c e s only, not k it s (o n l y
c lo wn ava ilable as k it. see
above). Size
Smi ling Clo wn......2 1/4.. x3..
Sweetheart Dol1 . . . . . 21/4 .. xa..
Ra b b it .. .. ... .. . .... 23/4 " x31hi"
lolo n key . .. . .. . . . . . . 23/-a.. x 3 % 1
Cat . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . 2 1/4 .. x3 "
Chicken (rubber).. . . 2112.. x 3 ..
P a nd a Be a r (rubber) 3" x2 !h'1
Ma m m y (colo red). 2 1/4.. x3"
Type P P u mp h a s 1 . 0 01 u ses, St a ln l e !'l!'l
s haf t. Wo n 't rus t or ctoet Use 1 / 6 liP
motor or tersrer . . . 3/4 lIP for up to 3000
CPU: 4 50 GPU 8 0
h i g h: o r l AOO C P U f r om
2 5 ' well . 1 " inle t ; 314" outl e t . Counttna
tnctuued Cr ee .. . . __ $ 7 .95
He a vy Duty Ball -B e a ring P u m p. Up t o 7 .500
GPH. 1 1/4 " In tot, I " ou trot $ 12.9S
P m,tpnhl if ca sh with or d e r . AI RO omer sizes, types.
LABAWea PUMPS, Belle Mead 42, New Jersey
5 EP TEM BERO eTO BER, 1958 )} 49
New Desuiptive folde r: lOc ( FREE with order ) No c.O.O.' s
\l.VE fUN" W,OE WONn ..c theM u i,...
tt[W UNUSUAL ""-!tin, 6in, t....... r"" A" i-,\
If,,pkmel\h, 000.. M... l..t"' P\aqyq Wall
Kc. Eur... . f ,. ce,. "161 oul _net paint.:. \t b..inp
you - EXCITING ..... Dif fERENT UO full
29 Ho lly st.
_for PLEASURE - for PROFIT ,,-

dltferent col or s. No t wo doll s ali ke.
SeUs f or SI.98.
Single sam ple clown SI.OO
Your pri ce onl y $.80 ea. (3 or more)

QVW'8J\:g) W 'VQCJ
. turns a full circle to easiest work-angle ..
standing up or laid flat . . and locks in what-
ever pos ition you set it when you tighten the
jaws .. . all done with the handle! Takes only
one hand - hol d yo ur wo rk with the other!
A FULL-SIZE VISE: 8'12" high, 11 " long, weighs 17 1bs.
Smooth jaws, 3 '/2" x 2V2', for work you don' t want to mar
(op ens to 5 /1 ), plus re mov a bl e se rrat e d jaws for hol di ng
rounds or irregula r shapes. Mone y.back gua rant ee!
postpaid (' 14" Rocky MI. Sta tes and West)
SEE IT- TRY IT- BUY ITI At your local hardware store,
auto supply, or lumber dealers. If they don't have
VERSA-VISE yet , ask them to get it, or write
Dept. 539.

FIGURE IS -The fans a nd the va ne assembly
shown above; th e fans being d riven by the
motor, a re respo nsib le for the va cuum action.
PHOTOGRAPH l -Removing the f ront of the
ta nk type vacuum gives ac ce ss to the filter bag
(d ust bag) a nd the filter .
Figure 15 shows the two fans and
the stationary guide vane assembly
that create the air flow in the tank
type va c u u rn . They have been
assembled f r om sheet aluminum for
minimum weight. There are two
fans and on e guide vane. They are
designed so that it would be difficult
to reassemble them incorrectly-
but don' t bet on it !
Photograph L shows the dust b ag
a nd a cl oth filter. I nstall t he fil ter
with the loop or pull t ab ou t . Be-
caus e the vacuum often picks up
sharp objects it is not uncom mon for
a hol e or badly worn spot t o a ppea r
in the filt er bag. The clot h mesh
ba g is designed to r etain th e dirt and
pass the a ir . This purpose will be
is such tha t in many cases it is mor e
than is actually used by t he el ec-
tronic parts you may wish to test. Of
course simple checks such as check-
ing tube filaments for open circuits
and checking the outlet into which
the TV or radio set is plugged are
still possible. The biggest aid to the
t r ouble shooting of appliances lies in
the knowledge of their ope r a t ion.
Experience in using the tester is also
very important so t hat you lea r n
what it will not do a s well as what
it will do.

capacitor t r 0 u b l e means repl ace-
Sometimes it is impossible to turn
off an electrical appliance. This is
usually due to a shorted switch which
is not practical to repair-replace it.
Finding the trouble is the big thing,
after that you must either repair or
Most appliance repair parts, except
for things like pilot bulbs, are not
common items at hardware stores-
so where to get the parts? The
ea siest answer to this is to go to the
nearest appliance repair shop and
purchase or or der the pa rt. Take
the old part along to avoid conf u-
sion. You may wis h to write d irect
to t he manufacturer givi ng th e par t
number which may be m a rked on it
or listed in the li teratu re given you
with the appliance when it was new.
Be sure to furnish t he model number ,
description and other informa tio n
from the appliance. The manufac-
turer usually refers your or de r ba ck
to the nearest par ts di st r ibutor-
from t hen on yo u will know where to
get parts.
The efficiency of some a ppliances
can be det e r m ined by whet her or not
they are drawing the rate d amount
of current. P hot ogr a ph F shows how
the current flow in the operating
vacuum cleaner circuit is det er mined
by plugging the vacuum into the
outlet in the utility meter then plug-
ging the utility meter in to a regular
outlet. The 0-15 amp scale is suffi-
cient to ch eck operating amperage
of most appliances with the exception
of some high wattage hea t producing
types . If you experiment with check-
ing the amperage of different appli-
ances and electrical devices, you
may notice how the meter hand in
some cases moves vi olen tl y t o the
right when the device is first plugged
in and then settles down t o a more
steady value. This is called inrush
current. It occ urs in heat pr oducing
appliances because their resistance
is much lower when cold than when
hot. It occur s in motor ci rcuits be -
fore the motor attains. proper speed
and before counter-electro motive
force build up (this is a voltage built
up by the generator action of the
motor which opposes the applied
voltage) .
A few wor ds about what to expect
fr om ut ility t ester s : Probably the
biggest m ist a ke of most home c rafts-
m en using a utility t es t er is to expect
from it 100 per cen t accuracy. At
the price for which t hey must sell in
or der to reach the mass market such
a thing is not possi bl e. But if yo u
are willing to try to understand t hei r
limitations, they will do a goo d jo b
for you in t he ordina ry el ectrical
appliance repai r wo r k that we di s-
cuss. Where greater accuracy and
sensitivi ty are n eeded, such a s in
electronic work, m ore expen s i v e
meters a r e the only answer . The
current required t o ope rate the
cheaper meters us ed in utility t est er s
this handy. all-purpose
for home and workshop
$ d 'O
postpa id
A full 288 sq uare inches EXTENSiON
I/S t h inch t hick PAD
Industrial qua lity .. "
for all purposes
Use for :
padding pol ishing WRAP AROUND
insulating ba se pads BLOCK
sounel-proo fing
pad J
weat her . str ipping kneeling pad
tool bOI padding bench tops
There are HUNDREDS of uses
[or HANOI-FELT around rhe
hous e and in the workshop. JUSt
tr y HANOI -F ELT and yo u" l l
wonder how you ever managed
with ou t it. Mon ey-back guarantee INSOLES FOR
of course. BOOTS. SHOES
Felt CO. ---I
I f I
I 76 Summer St .. Dept. C, Boston 10, Ma ss. I
I Enclosed is cd sh ched order for $1.00. I
: Please send me your pad of HANOI.FELT postpa id. I
: Name :
At last . a putty knif e any:
one can use. Packs. shapes.
trims putty with one st roke.
Works like a charm! Handy
, scra per on other end.
Quality tool. f ully guar-
anteed. At your dealer. or
order direct-SI.OO ppd.
3740-42 River Rood
Fran kl in Pork, I II.
defeated if it is not in good condition.
Photograph M shows the motor and
fan case assembly (armature has
been removed) . Aft er disconnecting
the electrical leads this unit may be
taken out when the single screw
shown in Photogarph N, in the end
of the vacuum frame, is removed.
A special heavy rubber washer is
us ed here to reduce noise and vibra-
tion. Photograph 0 shows from left
to right in front of the vacuum case:
sealing gasket, motor and fan assem-
bly, shock absorbing washer, steel
washer, and mounting screw.
PHOTOGRAPH M-With the ormoture removed,
the motor and fan case assembly looks like this.
PHOTOG RAPH N-The single he x heod screw
shown is the o nly fost ener use d to mount t he
motor and fa n ca se a ssembl ies.
PHOTOGRAPH 0 - The motor and fa n a ssembly,
olong with a ir se a l gasket ond ottoching hord-
ware, is shown here in front of t he vacuum
T HE HOME craftsman is at a dis-
advant a ge in disassembling electro-
mechanical devices because he does
not do this work every day and does
not have the opportunity to become
very familiar with each and every
device. To the exacti ng workman
this need not be a great handicap
because he can be even more care-
ful about marking the units so that
he knows in what position each of
the pieces fits together. He will also
neatly arrange the parts upon dis-
assembly so that reassembly will be
easier-and correct. Keep screws,
washers and small parts in a tray
or dish.
Another good habit to develop is
that of cautiously taking an appli-
ance apart to make sure that, in
haste, wires or other delicate parts
are not damaged. Appli ances are
often assembled using concealed fas-
teners. Try to determine just what
means is used t o hold the part in
question. In the tank type vacuum
shown, for example, I have seen
wheels, handles, and other parts
unnecessarily removed in a vain
attempt to find out what was holding
the motor in place.
In vacuum cleaner repair it is very
necessary to make sure that there
are no leaks in the air flow system.
In the tank vacuum shown there is
a large rubber gasket (Photogrph 0)
that fits between the power unit and
the outside shell or tank. This not
only helps absorb shock but what is
more important it forms a seal that
forces the fans to draw air from the
suction end of the cleaner rather
than the other end of the cl eaner. If
this gasket is not seated correctly
and air is allowed to leak past it, low
efficiency will result.
Most WORKBENCHERS will think to
grease the armature bearings (if
they are the open type) while they
have the unit apart. They must be
very careful not to get any of this
grease on the commutator or brushes
as it promotes burning. Brush re-
moval and replacement is very easy
on most of these vacuums should
that be necess a r y. On the vacuum
shown the brushes were in good con-
dition and di d not even have to be
removed fr om their holders to take
the armature out or to put it in. Put-
ting the armature back, however,
calls for caution as it is rather easy
to break or chip the brushes. Some-
times much more is learned through
mistakes tha n by correct application
-but unfortunate ly at a higher cost
in time a nd/or money.
Good work habit s are conducive
to good r esul t s . Don ' t despair t hough,
there is still room for individual
ingenuity in this business-matter of
fact I j ust "repaired" our balky
electric clock by pound ing it solidly
on the top, works fine now !
Tweezers Made Irem Iron Strips
HANDY TWEEZERS, suitable for general ,
light-duty use around the desk or
workbench, can be made from scraps
of flat, strip steel, such as was used
for reinforcement to hold wooden
crates more securely shut, or from a
stainless steel band from around a
broken or discarded glass cooking
Select a straight, flat strip of steel,
twice as long as you want to make
the tweezer, about a half-inch wide,
and thick enough so it will have the
right spring to it. Clean it, if neces-
sary, by removing any rust or tarnish
with sandpaper. Bend the strip in
the center so that the bend becomes
one end of the tweezer, and so both
ends of the strip are brought close
together to form the jaws. If the
steel is hard, a sharp bend will break
it, so if you want to make a sharp
bend in har d steel, heat the par t yo u
wish to ben d, t o at least a br ight r ed ,
and le t it cool slowly t o soften it .
Then, m ake the bend. After the bend
is formed as you want it, heat that
part again, to a red heat, and dunk it
promptly into cold water to cool it
quickly, which will harden it again,
so it will have more spring strength.
F or m the jaws to the shape you
need for your particular require-
ments. Hol d both jaws tightly to-
gether in a matching position, and
shape them both at the same time.
Grip both of the jaws together with
pliers if you shape them against a
power-driven abrasive wheel, or, grip
them both together in a vise and
shape them with a file. Use a file at
an angle, on the shaped part, to re-
move burrs. Finish smoothing with
THE TWEEZER in the fore g round is ma de fr om a
comparative ly th ick st ainless-steel strip f rom a
di scarded glass cook ing utensil, and has str ong
poi nts. The othe r three are ma de fr om strips
of ordina ry ste el. The largest tweezer is ma de
af thi nner steel, and has longer, Iighter.d uty
po ints that are excellent for light jobs, such a s
placing insect specimens on a microscope slide.
The oth e r two a re for general purpose, and
ha ve med ium strength points, a nd are handy
to hold sa methi ng a person might rather not
touch wit h his fi ngers, or for sorting small
obj ects that a re ha rd to pic k up in the usua l
way .
Gentlemen: CBW I
Please sen d me: I
FREE LITERATURE tell ing me a ll about I
TRICHEM Liquid Embroidery a nd details ".

and on any surface too!
Decorate linens, feminine apparel , mens
wear, boxes, trays, plates, greeting cards,
etc. Mark childrens clothes, books, Dad's
tools, food freezer packages, preserves,
hundreds of other uses.
TRI-CHEM, INC., West Orange, N. J.
The Original Ball Point Decorating Tubes
Turn your spare time into
Delightful Fun and Profit time - -
Demonstrate to your friends and neighbors how simple it is
to decorate with smooth-flowing, easy to apply
5 EP TE M BER-O CTO BER, 19 5B 51
The charge fo r classif ied adv erti sements is 70 cents a word payabl e in advance by chec k,
cash or money or der. All cla ss ified set solid. without display, leaded. or blank space. All copy
subject to publis her' s approval. For clarity, plea se type or print your copy. Be sure that ch eck .
currency or money order accompani es copy. When figuring the number of words be sure to
include nam e and address. For example: W. C. J ones. is three words. Send you r copy in at
once. Closing date for classified advertising is the first of the second month preceding publication.
Minimum 10 words.
REBUILD BATTERI ES, Repair Doll s; Make Rubber
Stamps . Catalog ue " 75 Ideas" Free. Universal. Box
1076 P, Peor ia. Il l.
MAK E 525-550 WEE K. clip pi ng newspaper items
for publishers. Some clippi ngs wort h S5.00 each.
Parti cular s free. National, 81PH. Kn ickerbocker
Station. New York.
GROW A living Mini atur e Forest or orchard (only
inches hi gh ). that bears tasty tiny fruit at home.
Learn amazi ng Dwarfing secrets! Fascinating hobby.
Profitable Home -Business Opportunity. Free Seeds
and Pl an. ( State your age) Miniature Nu rseri es,
Dept. SR. Gardena. Calif.
ENJOY LIFE-Reti re with an assured income?
Cata log describing spare-ti me occupations. 25c coin.
john Gibbs. Box 461 . Unio n City. Ten n.
GROW EXPENSIVE herb s for us! Big profits
ho rne-busine ss of your own. Year around profi run it v!
\X'e supply everything necessary! Send for free rare
seeds and reveal ing pl an. ( State your age) National
Herb Exchange. Dept. SR. Gardena . Calif.
MAKE MONEY Writing Short Paragraphs! No
tedi ous study. I tell you what to wr ite. where and
how to sell; and supply list of edi tors buying from
begi nners. Man y small checks add up quic kly. Write
to sell. right away. Send for free facts. Benson Bar-
ret t. Dept. C9 W , 7464 Clark. Chic ago 26 .
PLASTI C LAMINATING. Pleasure and profit .
Self-sealing, No mach ines. Complete home kit,
$ 1.0 0. Mountainside . Springwater 8, New York,
BUY WHOLESALE! 100. 000 Nationally Adver -
tised Pr oducts. Appl iances. Cameras. Spor ting
Goods. Houseware s. Watches. Typewriters, Tools,
Clothing, etc. Di scounts to 80 %. Buy-Rite, Box
258, Hawthorne 13. New jersey.
Now! Lead Leisurely Life. Remarkable Book
shows How. Free Det ails. Belmont , Wyckoff 53.
New jersery.
EASY HANDWORK makes Fast -selling useful
art icles. Sample free. Sunmade Company, Brock-
ton 64 . Mass.
FREE SAMPLE! Beaut iful Feather Pictures. Sylviaw,
Apart ado 9036. Mexico I, D. F.
CASH COMMISSIONS at once. taking orders for
magazines every famil y wants ! No experience needed.
For Free money-making kit , with everything you
need, wr ite McGre gor Magazine Agency. Dept. 440,
Mount Morr is, III.
BEAUTI FUL Feather Picture s! Free Detai ls, Sample
20c Stamps. Apartado 1668. Mexic o I . D.F.
DIGNI FIED, PROFITABLE Sparerirne Activi ry, so
easy! Take orders for a few selected nationall y
known, popul ar magazines. Receive free detail s giv-
ing ste p-by. step information plus everything you
need to get Marred at once. Drop postal card wi th
your name and address to Guarantee Magazine Club,
Dept . 75 . Box 803 . Kansas Cit y 4 1. Mo.
MAKE MONEY selli ng ties. tie and kerch ief sets.
Big profi ts. Phil ip' s Ne ckwear. 20 A West 22 nd .
New York.
BUY WHOLESALE! 100.000 Nati onally Adver-
tised Products. Appli ances. Cameras, Sporting
Goods, Housewares. Wat ches. T ypewrirers, Tool s,
Clot hi ng. etc. Discoun ts to 80 %. BuyR't e. Box
258. Hawth orne 14. New jersey.
LEARN TH E Secret of making hand pai nted Gl as' e
Lamp Shades-unbelievabl y beautiful-free sample
and information. Beatr ice Makranzy, Box 1776-L
Miami 10 . Fla.
BIG PROFITS. Make fast-seller chen ille holiday
fl owers, monkey trees, doll s. Kits, materials. Litera-
ture free. Velva. Bohemia 19, N. Y.
EARN MONEY makin g and selli ng flowers and
plants. Easy kit and big catalog. $ 1.00. Hauser
Floralcrafr . Box 6524-W, Phoeni x, Ari z.
LEARN TO Make Wood Fibr e Flowers from the
ongi nat or-c--Iree sample and information. Beatrice
Mak ranzv. Box I 776 F. Miami 10 . Fla.
5 CHRIS TM AS CORSAGES. Complete materials
for ') corsages only S1.00 ; postage extra 35c.
Wonderful line of low priced Christmas Material s
such as Ball s, Cones, Bell s, San ras, erc. : amazingly
low pri ced Artificial Fru it. Wood Fiber for Arti-
fic ial Flowe rs only 22 yzc pack in quantitie s; Leaves,
Peps. Cheni lle , \X'ire, etc. Free price list. Flower-
craft. Box 3862P, Seattle, Wa sh.
EARN MONEY AT HOME making plastic flowers.
pl ants. Free sample. details. Lady Caro l, Inc. . Dept.
BW. Box 8605, Ft. Lauderdale. Fla.
$70 WEEKLY-home. spare time . Simplified. mail
bookkeeping. Immediate income-easy! Audirax,
34757R. Los Angeles 34.
Copy. Popula r Mechan ics Cl assified. 645 North St.
Clair, Chi cago II.
PLASTERCRAFT MOLDS , liquid rubber. plasters,
flocks. candle supplies. Catal og and manu al free.
Blue Rapids Supply, 505 Main , Blue Rapids,
560. 00 WEEKLY. sparetime-easy! Home Venetian
Blind Laundry. Free Book. Burtt. 2434FO Wichita
13. Kan sas.
MONEY PLANS! Grandpa. daughters made $2,500
f irst month. Work home ! Publi co. Oceanside . Calif.
tions shipped for no-risk examinati on. S5 .00 in an
hour possible. Spare-Full time. Reweave burn s.
tears, moth- hole s like new at home . Free details.
Skil.Weave. Dept. C-59. 335 W. Madi son s...
Chicago 6.
FREE SHARPENING plan. Earn mone y. Preci sion
sharpening cutters, saws, sci ssors. Treyco Products,
N. Tonawanda 3. New York .
SHINE SHOES with out " Polish" . New inventi on.
Lightning seller. Shoes gleam like mirror. Samples
sent on trial. Kristee 101. Akron. Ohio.
HOME-IMPORT Ma il Order Business Import prof.
itable items below wh olesale. Experience and product
investment unnecessary. Full . spare time . Famous
world trader guides you. Free list " 157 imp ort s",
detail s, Mellinger . P949. Los Angeles 24.
LEARN PHOTO NEGATIVE ( Portrai t) ret ouch-
ing. Men , Women , 55 hour possible spare or full
ti me at home. Easy. glamorou s. Work for Photog-
raphe rs by mail order. Full details sent Free. Du val .
100 So. Vermont . Los Angeles 4.
MAKE NEW Gr easeless Doughnuts in kitchen.
Sell stores. Free recipe s. Alfred Ray. 36 05 South
I Sth, Minne apoli s 7, Minn .
RUBBER FOR MOLDS, Extra Th ick. Free Sample.
W. WoolfY. 10 16-P Donald. Peoria, Ill.
MAKE FLEXIBLE molds. Cast plaques, figuri nes.
Free sampl e. Tooker. 1045H Fair view, Hami lton.
GROW ORCHIDS at home. Prof itabl e. fascinatin g.
Successful home grower explains special light , tem-
perature and humidity conditions orchids need. Free
- full det ails. Orchids. 100 S. Vermon t. Los Angeles 4.
LIQUID RUBBER-Make flexible molds. Free
Sample. Chaney. 1907D East Road. jacksonville
I I. Fla.
FREE FOLIO "55.000-545.000: Unlimi ted Vaca-
tions." No merchandise, Work home! Hayli ngs-
PH2 . Carl sbad. Cali f.
S250.00 WEEK PROFIT possible. Earn at home
spare time wit h fascinating Printing method. S')
starts you-send no money now. Free Confidential
Facts and Valuabl e Samples. Screen-Print SR. Los
Angeles 61.
BUY WHOLESALE! 25.000 Nati onally Adver tised
Products. Get Amazing Dealer Catalogs. Complete
Detail s Free. Ameri can Wholesalers. 184 I -L LeVee,
Dall as 7. Texa s.
"50 NEW HOME-BUSINESS ideas" Booklet . sam-
ple Free. Spray exoti c Velvet-Suede on anything.
Flockcraft-SR. Los Angeles 61.
EARN MONEY AT HOME making pl astic flower s.
plants. Free sample. details. Lady Carol, Inc" Dept.
BW. Box 86 05. Ft. Lauderdale . Fla.
LEARN REPAIRING Di gs. Burns. etc., on furni-
ture with out refin ishing. Latest factory methods .
Details free. Bethel Pian o Co. , 226 Greenwood Ave.,
Bethel. Conn.
BARGAINS! SAVE MONEY! Buy Wholesale! Free
catal og Gen eral Mer chandise. Norri s. 48 7-E .Broad-
way. New York Cit y.
WIN CONTEST Money. General Conte st Bulletin
gives hundred s of tips. Lists current contests.
rules. Sample 25c. General Conte sts, 1609 EaS!
5t h. Dept. 343. Duluth 12. Minn .
BIG PROFITS Ra ising earthworms. Free inf orma-
t ion. Lund ' s Earthworms, Ol athe , Kansas.
AFRI CAN GIANT Re d w o r m s, 100 - $2.00.
( Dealers qu oted ), Ozark Worm Farm-B. Willow
Springs. Mo.
GUARANTEED MARKET! Earn ready cash rais-
ing fishworms for us! Backyard, garage. basement!
We buy your crop! Exci ting details free! Oakhaven
27, Ceda r Hill . Texas.
FREE CATALOG: Earthworm Raising Books;
also free instru cti on folder . Earl Shields. Box
35 8-P. Mountain Home. Ar k.
mal s. figurines. Hermania An slinger, 320 South
Ralph , Spokane. Was h.
even ings. No delivering or collecti ng. Beeli ne Style
Shows are Party Plan sensation! Samples furnished
Free. Beeline Fashions. Bensenvill e 14 . Ill .
HO MEWORKERS: Assemble handl aced pre cut moe-
casins and handbags. Good. earni ngs. Californi a
Handicrafts. Deer, 3. Los Anaeles 46 . Cali f.
LEARN PLASTI CS Fabri cati on For spare time in-
Come . Low COSt home training now available . Write
for free booklet . Interstate Train ing Service. Dept.
D- 7. Portland 13. Oreg on,
100 NEW. UNUSUAL Ji gSaw Patterns only S1.0 0.
Patt ern Ser vice, Medw ay 3, Mass.
VELCOA T MAKES any surface beauti full y soft.
Three colors. gu ns. ad h e s i v e , twel ve sample
swatches, 1.95. Hobbies, Box 5172, Tulsa. Okla.
MAKE CHI LDS Seats. Excellent project for rhe
home craftsme n. 1.00 for p lans. Ernest Schwab,
R. R. 2. Assumpt ion , Il l.
4 2 FULL SIZE Antique. Col onial and Modern
shelf patterns. All for 1.00. Mastercraf t, 915 B,
7041 Olcott . Ch icago 3 1.
CHRISTMAS SHEPHERD Scene. Patte rn s of
three shepherds. six sheep and illumi nated star.
Nearly life size. JUSt mount, cut om and pai nt.
2.00. Mastercraft. 9 17B, 704 I Olcott . Chicago 31.
GLI NT ARROWHEADS easily made! Fun. inex-
pensive. Free details. Lobo, Box 144-D, Carl sbad ,
New Mexico.
W OODWORKING and Cabi netmaking course for
begi nn ing and advanced ho me craftsmen. On ly
complete low-cost home tr aining pr ogram avai labl e.
\Vri te for free booklet. In terstate Training Ser vice.
Dept. G-7 . Portla nd 13. Orego n.
101 J IG SAW PATfERN S Pl us Alphabets 1.
7 New Acti on Wi nd mills 50c. 20 Lawn Markers
50c. J igcraft, O' Fallon 39. Mo.
LEAR N ART Met alcr aft and jewelry ma kin g.
Com plet e. inexpe nsive. home tr ain ing cou rse now
availa ble. Special tool s and materi als furn ished .
\Vrite for fre e booklet. Inter stat e Training Service,
Dept . L 7, Portl and I 3. Or egon .
CYPRESS KNEES, seasoned. poli shed. for Lamps,
Ornament s, Gi fts. Six assorted, $5 . 75 : 11. 00
Dozen. Postpaid, Guar anteed. Gippl e 's, DeLeone
Spr ings, Fla.
ANNOUNCING NEW home study course in In-
teri or Decorat ion. For pr ofessional or personal use.
Fine field for me n and women. Pr actical basic
tr ain ing. ApPl oved supervi sed method. Low ru irion.
Easy pa yments. Free Booklet. Chicago School of
Interi or De cor ari cn, 83 5 Diversey Par kway, Dept,
16 36, Chicago 14.
COSTUME J EW ELRY Suppl ies. Settings, Rh ine-
stones, etc. 88 page ill ustr ated catalog. 25c, Milady,
Box 132 8. G.P.O.. N . Y.c. ( I).
MA KE BIG Easy Pr of its makin g costume jewel ry
at home in spare time! Quick. easy to make; easier
to sell! Detail s Free ! Don- Bar, 3511 W. Arm itage,
Dept . J 272. Chicago 47 , Ill.
QUALITY FINDINGS: Al so Emblems, Medall ion s,
Cr osses. Star s. Big Line-low prices-lOO% saris-
fact ion Gu ar anteed. \XI'h ole sale Catalog, 10c ref und-
fundable. Car adav. Dept. W B9-8, Box 22, West
Hempstead, New York.
25c PROTECTS YOU agai nst mistakes . . . Tr eas-
ure hu nters. r ockh oun ds, prospectors-send for new
16-page buIJetin which can open the doo r to ri ches.
Authent ic data from nati on 's biggest jewelry sup-
pliers. Send 25c, coi ns or Stamps to: Grieger 's, 16 33
E. W alnu t. Pasaden a 100, Cali f.
FREE CATALOG. Costume jewelry parts . Supplies.
Reasonab le prices. Fast servi ce. Superior qu ality,
Uni que me rchand ise. Fol som' s, Box 52 . Medford
5 5, Mass.
ATTRACTI VE COSTUME jewelry, make it for
profit or pleasure. Kit and catalog 50 c. Catalog
10 c. Hom-Art , Dept . W B, Box 403 5, Hammond,
JE W ELRY CLEANER, Removes Tarni sh, Dirt .
Mon ey back Guarantee, S1.00. Lor y's, 3808 So.
4 th Sr.. Milwaukee 7 . Wis.
SKIL.CRAFTS 1958 Cata log. W orld's finest Leath-
er craft , Art & Craft Suppl ies. Free Billfold or Purse
Kit with fir st purchase. Sen d 25c ( refu nded with
first order) Skil-Crafts. Box 167 , Jopl in , Mo.
FREE "Do-Ir -Yourself" Lear hercrafr Catalog. Tandy
Leather Company. Box 791-Q27, Fort \Vorth,
" EVERYBODY LIK ES CANDY. " Learn to ma ke
professionally home. ( Our 4 7lh year) . Ragsdale
Candies, LB107, East Or an ge, New Je rsey.
YO U CAN Ch al k Tal k. 32 page Cat al og, 10c. John
Balda, Trick Cartoo nist. Osh kosh, Wi s.
FREE! Unusua l New Pl an . Shows " Ho w To Retire
W ithout Money. " Retir e now! Lead Leisurely
life. Belmont, W yckoff 54, New Jersey.
MAKE FLEXIBLE mold s. Cast pl aques, figurines.
Fre e sample. Tooker , I 045 P Fair view, Hamilton ,
SW'ISS MUSI CAL Movements. Mechan ical-Elec-
tr ical. Spielman , 13 1 West 4 2nd , New York 36 .
GIFT SHOP Addr esses, N ati on- wide. Johnsron, Box
12 36, Grand Cent ra l Sta tio n. New Yor k 17 , N .Y.
MAKE 25 S50 W EEK, clipping newspa per items
for ,Publi shers . Some clippi ngs wonh 5.00 each.
Parr icular s fr ee. N ational, 81- PH. Kn ickerbocker
Station . New Yor k.
HOUSEWIVES WIANTED! Big money. Spare or
fuJI rime cake decor atin g and candy making. Turn
you r kitchen IDeo a gold rmn e. Complete instruc t ion
course, Jearn and ear n at home. \X7 rite for free fact s:
Candy & Ca ke, Dept. 11 3, 3209 W . Ol ymp ic,
Los An gel es 6.
FIFTY PLASTICRA FT Scripture Texts, 1.00. Sam-
ples, 25c.. Standard Speci alties, Box 4 382 , San Fr an.
CISCO. Ca lIf.
HOMEWORKERS WANTED Painting N ovelties.
No selli ng. Experience unnecessar y, Novehex I n-
du str ies, 20- L West J ackson Blvd. , Chic ago 4. Ill.
LEARN PROFESSIONAL cake decora ting. Details
free. Deco-Secret s, Veni ce 5, Cali f.
FRE E PATTERNS Elephant and Monkey doll s.
\Vr ite Nelson Knitting Co.. Rockford . Ill .
S2 00. MONTHLY POSSIBLE, Sewing Bab vwear!
No house selli ng ! Send stamp ed, addressed envelope.
Curies, \Varsaw 4. In diana.
MAKE MONEY at home assembling ou r i tems. No
tools. Exp erience unnece ssary. Lee Mfg. , 466 S.
Robert son , Los An gel es 48 , Calif.
GOOD MON EY in Weavi ng. Weave rugs at home
for neighbors on 89. 50 Uni on Loom. Thousands
doing it. Boo klet free. Car Ieraft Co., \Vayne Sr. ,
Boo nvi lle. N. Y.
STAMPED LINEN S for Embroidery or Pai nti ng.
Buy direcr fro m ma nufacturer and save. Sen d for
Free catalog. Mer r ibee, 16 West 19t h St. , Dept .
35 9 , New York II , N . Y.
EARN l\I ON EY AT HOME making plasti c flowers.
plants. Free sample, details. Lady Carol. In c. , Dept .
BW, Box 860 5. Ft . Lauderdale. Fla.
HIGHEST CASH for Old Gold. Broken Je wel ry,
Gold Teeth, \Vatches. Diamonds, Silverware, Spec-
tacl es. Free informat ion. Rose Refiners, Heywonh
Chicago 2. III.
START A STYROFOAM Pany Favo r or N ovelt y
Business in your home. 10c brings nineteen pages
of comp lete informatio n. Foam Fantasy Compan y,
14 15 East Genesee, Saginaw, Michi gan .
INVENTORS: Learn how you can pr otect your
inventi on. A spe cially prepared booklet "Patent
Guide for the Inventor" containi ng derailed infor-
mat ion concerning patent pr ote cti on and pr ocedure
together with " Record of Inventi on " form will be
pr om ptl y forwarded to you up on request-without
obligation. We are regi stered to pr actice before the
United States Patent Office and are prepared to
serve you in the han dl ing of your pat ent matters.
Claren ce A. O'Brien & Harvey J acobson, Re gistered
Patent Auomevs, 85-J District National Building,
W ash ingtOn. D. C.
INVENTORS-If you believe th at you have an
in venti on, you sho uld find out how to pr otect it.
The firm of McM orrow, Berman & David son is
qualified to take the necessar y steps for you. Send
for copy of our Patent Bookl et "How to Protect
Your In ven ti on" and "Inven ti on Record " form.
"No obligatio n. McMorrow, Berman & David son ,
Registered Patent Attorneys. 266T Vict or Building,
W ash ington I , D. C.
IF YO UR inventi on is adaptab le t o pr omoting we
will contra ct for sell ing on cash or roya lty. Free
boo klet ou tl ines royah y rates, requiremen ts. Kessler
Co rporation, 1991 \Y/, Fremont. Ohio.
INVENTORS-Send for free Patent Inform ati on
book and Inventor ' s Record. Registered Patent
Att orney. Associ at e Exami ner. Patent Office 19 22.
19 29 : Patent Att orney & Advi ser . Navy Depart-
ment 1930.1947. Gustave Miller, 10 8W W arner
Building. W ash ington 4 , D. C.
PI CT URES-12 Wallet Ph oto s from you r negative
or print. S1.00. \Y/illi ams Stud io. Osh kosh, Wis.
PINE CONES. Y<I inch to foot long, Illustrated
fold er . Many species. Choice all -cone Ch r ist mas
wreaths. \"'ester n Tree Co nes, 192 5 Br ooklane,
Corvalli s, Oregon.
MAKE BEAUTI FUL and Unus ua l items for both
Home and Industr y.. No Exp er ien ce N ecessar y. Turn
spare hou rs i n to Big Cas h Doll ars. Send 25c for
Catalog l IStin g man y Casti ng Pl ast ics. Moldi ng Ma-
len aIs, Molds, Complete Ouefirs. Jewelry and Ac-
cessor res. Corp., Dept. C 586, P. O. Box
555, Pal o Alto, Calof.
N EW LIQUID Ca sti ng Plastic. Clear. Co lors.
Embed .real Flowers, coi ns. ph otos . N ew Man ual
shows fine .thlngs you can make at home and sel1
at big profit. Sen d 25c. Castoli re, Dept . L. I 09 .
Woodslock, Ill.
SEASHELLS, SH ELLCRAFT and Jewelry Supplies.
IlI us.trated Caraloc 25c, refunded on first order.
Fl or ida Supply House, Box 847 H, Br adenton , Fla.
Our 24th Year .
SHELLCRA FT SUP PUES. High est quali ty, Lowest
pri ces. Large Ca talogue fr ee. Pace 's, Box 279, Brad.
enr on 6, Fla.
ILLUSTRATED, BASIC instruct ion s and wholesale
supply cata log, 25c. Dyed and CUt shells for jewelry
bag deco ra ting. Cari bbea n. Box 31 I, Sara sota,
225 STAMPS only 10c with ap provals. Myst ic,
Camden 22. N. Y.
100 OLD U. S. stamps betwe en 1861 and 193 5
o.nly SI .QO. Roush St amp Co., 51 Che st nut, Man s-
fi eld, Oh IO.
"GIGANTIC CO LLECTION Free!" Includes Tr i.
angles-Earl y United States- Animals-Commem.
oratives-British Col onies- High Val ue Pictorials
etc. Complete collect io n plus Big l ll usrrared Mag:
azine all free . Send 5c for posta ge. Gray Stamp Co.,
Dept. PH. Tor onto. Can ada.
508 DIFFERENT WORLDWIDE from Madagascar
Macao, Gui nea, erc., cat al oging over S15 only 35c:
Approvals. Littleton Stamp Compan y. Lird eron Q9,
New Hampshire.
MAKE $46 Fr om Square Foot Pl ywood ' Ji llsaw
necessary. Free In for mati on. \Vood an s C- 7: Br idge-
water, Ma ss,
MAKE S200. 00 Monthly spare lime with Ji gsaw.
Free Details. Elkman, 346L N orth Summi t , Sioux
Falls. So. Dak.
IF You Change Your
Address * * *
Please give us 6 weeks ad-
va nce notice. :i:
Include addres s la bel from +
last issue rece ived or co de ":"
numbers from address label. :::
Address your notice to:
Change of Ad d re ss Dept. .:.
Handcraft Bldg. .i.
Ka nsa s City 11, Mo . .:.
for HOME , FAR M.
B.(ore yo u buy - c heck .
o w" big, clea rly Illu s-
trated ca t a log. Yo u can
eave hund r E'ds of dollars <,
a Year. Over 14 . 0 0 0
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ti onally known make s.
F i ne st QuaJl ty. l o w e s t
cost. Every tool u nco n-
d it ionally guaranteed.
Yo ur money back wit h-
out Question.
Make e x t r a money se ll .
Ing to fr ie n d s , neighbors. r et -
l ow w orke r s . NO STO CK TO
VEST. Just show t h e cata toe
and , take orders. Yo W" coat. i s
k n own onl y to you .
SEND TODAY for your
Just pi n $1 to this ad-DO IT NOWI
U. S. GEN. SUPPLY, Dept. 17D
149 Church st., N. Y. C. 7
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includ e your zone number in all cor-
respondence with WORKBENCH. And
wherever you live. your mail will be
delivered faster to correspondents in
those 106 cities when the address in-
cludes the zone number. Ask your cor-
respondent for his zone number. A
zone nu mber is par t of the address.
specific . eas y to read. simplifies han-
dling and speeds delivery of mail. Ask
your local pos t office if your city is
one of the 106 which use delivery zone
numbers. If it is. ask for your zone
number. Us e i t on printed stationery.
cards. advertisements and in your re-
turn address. The zone number of
WORKBENCH is II. So our complete
address is WORKBENCH. 543 Westport
Road. Kansas City 1L Missouri. Re-
member: You get better mail service
by using zone n umbe rs . Zone all mail.

Called ZIP - CLIPS, these channel- shaped steel s uppor ts
hold sh elves, d rawe r dlrlders, wi ndow ventilators. com-
pa r tments, ere. Sh a rp prongs on ba ck are sim ply ham-
mered In pla ce. 1%" long and 5/ 16" deep, 7JIP CLIP
grcovex ta ke up to 1,4" thi ck material. 6 for 25c a t
lea ding dime. var-lety ann hardware stores or 2-1 (o r
$1.00 PDfl. f r om mf'gr. A. D. Scott I nd ust r ies. Dept .
WB. 54t] Wayne Ave., Chicago 40. III .. if not avail ..
able l or-ally.
FREE ! 2 pairs exquis it e
"make th em yoursel f" st fver
and gold plat ed ear r l ngs-
a $5.00 ret ail value-c-when
you or der one pair for only $1. 00. Se e how ea sily }'OU
can MA K E B I G MO NE Y in s pa re ti me assembling
Cost ume J ewet rv at bcm e ! Qui ck . . so easy to
make , .. anti so ea sy to se ll to fr i ends . neighbors at
a handsome ur ortt . You J:et pairs o( exquis it e
earr inzs pl us -lX pag e How to Make It cat a log, plus
1I0w to Sell bookl et ... all (or onl y $1. 00. Money ba rk
i f not delighted. Itush name . ad dre ss with $1.00 now,
.BARCO Dept J.27 3511 Armitage Ave.
ChIcago 41, III.
Chatterless Countersinking
Counter sinking a screw hole in
metal is often a troublesome opera-
tion due to "chatter". Cha t t er is
always caused by vibration and once
it has begun it is difficult to elimi-
nate. One simple remedy which very
often is eff ec ti ve is to place the work
on a soft pad which is seated on t he
dr ill pr ess table. Thi s pad will effec-
tively cushion the work and help to
prevent chatter from starting. An
ordinary piece of cardboard is often
all that is required.-H. J. Gerber
Fix Chair With Shavings
Grinder Accessory
A us eful accessory for your electric
grinder is a magnifying lens for use
in fi ne grinding operations . If you
have a sm all mounted lens, simply
fasten it to a small block of woo d to
which a cabinet hinge has been at-
tached. F ast en this contrivance to
the shield on your grinder at the top
end. When no t in use, the magnify-
ing glass can be pushed aside out of
t he way t hrough the use of the hinge,
as shown in the illustration. Users
will f ind such a device extremely
handy in gr inding small drills, sharp-
ening blades, etc. -Glen F. Stillwell
Loos e and wobbly chair joints may
require more than just a reglue j ob
to put them back into service. When
t he looseness is considerabl e, do not
try t o use ordinary glue as a filler
as it will break down after the chair
is in use for a short time. To assure
a tight jo in t, a good method is to
cut some wood sha vings with a plane
a nd generally a few of th em will be
found of the r ight thickness and curl
fo r building up t he joint t o a tight
fit. Apply glue to both sides of the
s havi ng befor e wrapping it about the
chair dowel and press ing the parts
ba ck together for a rigid fit.
K en Murray
Stan your own busi ness at home . Cast plaques.
novelt ies. fig urines. ash tray s. statuett es, book
en ds. Make your own flex ible mol ds. Al so make
garden vases . bird bath s. win dow boxes . su n
d ia{s . pottery. etc. W rite today fo r free sample
and details.
H. Tooker, 1045F Fairview Ave., Hamilton, Ohio
Lea rn to mnke Profess ion al eoesuaes. ar -
run uem ents, wed ding und Iuneru l de signs ,
Study a nti earn rour diploma at home.
Unusual spare or (ti ll time monev mak-
101-:' opportunities or lrohbv. for
}i'!t.I.;g hool. le t, "OP PO lt'l 'lJNIT II,: S IN
1"LOlll S'l'IlY" .
Studio WB 98. 11826 San Vi cent e Blvd.
Los Angel es 49. Califor nia
54 W 0 RKBEN C H
Screwdriver Handle Holds Files
E ve r wish yo u could us e that chuck
ha ndle tha t ' s part of your i nte r -
changeable bl ade screwdriver s et t o
hold files wi t ho ut handles? You c an !
Just drill t he chuck throat I-inch
deep er using a 7/ 32nd-inch drill . This
will provide cl earance for the f ile ' s
t ang to extend down into the throat
of t he chuck, but won' t inter fer e in
any way with normal use of the
handle with screwdriver bits .
J ohn A , Comstock b__
Every saw you
shar pen w it h
t h e Foley Saw
F i l e r
you m o t -e cus -
t o m e r s . "1
r e nted a two-
car Ka raK' and
h a v e a B t h e
work I can d o . "
-Char l e s H .
S m it h .
LS.2, 3433-43 W. 48th Place, Chicago 32, III.
tells how to start your own business
It'. Ea sy t o T a k e Or d e r s for
A d v e r t i s i n g Book M atc h e s !
Every b us tneee in town i s y our p r o s _
pect , No exper ience n eeded; we s how
you how! MiJlion s s o ld daily! Manu_
ra cturer offe rs you )'ear 'round pres-
tlge oppor t un it y Wi t h s tea dy r epeat
e arnings . Ru sh postcard t oday f or
details on FREE Sale s Outfit, samples.
... .' . . .
PLUG CUTTERS wll h 112" sha nks l/o and 5/16" $10.00.
3A1, 7/16 and l/2" $8.00. %" $8.80, 3/0" $9. 60.
Full line drill s, CUller s, knives and saws , mach iner y
and woodwork ing equi pme nt.
Jeff er son St . & Quincy st ., Chicago 6, III.
5E PTE M BER 0 c r o B ER, 1 9 S8 S5
Send cou pon t od ay
wal l ca l l.
Send Coupon for FREE BOOK
IFOLEY MFG. CO., 10408 Foley Bld g. I
Minneapol is 18, Minn. I
Send me fr ee book " Money Maki ng Fact s" an d Tim e I
I Payment Pl a n.

DRAW The First Day!
New Amazin g I nve ntion _
Art Repr oduc er. " You can d r aw

Even If Yo u C A N'T DRAW A
Straight I: l n l' ! you want
t o dra w IS a uto matl ca lt v seen on
any sheet o f p aper thru the>
Ar t Re producer ." T h e n e a s tlv f ol-
l ow the lines of t h e "pic t u r e l nl a g (' ''
wit h a pencil f o r an o r igi n a l " pro-
look i ng " deawtrur , A11'0
r e duces or enla rges. S END NO
P os t ma n o n delivery s D3

$ 1.98 wit h order and we pay p os t a g e. Mone y Ba ck Guarantee.
NORTON PRODUCTS, Depl . 248 , 296 Broadway, N.Y.C. 7
Here 15 a s t e ady r epe at CASH busi nes s you c a n s tart in
y.our o wn basement or g a rag e In your spare time. '\";.ou can
h ie h a nd. band and cros s - cu t c trcu ta r s a ws on the F oley
Saw FiJt'r. e vea rratn - no e x per ience needed, " T h e
first saw I s ha rpened wit h my Foley File r came ou t
I OO% . " - wr it e s Cl a r ence E . P a r s on s .
Easy 10 learn al Home-No Drawing Required!
Men , ' Va men -use your good t as t e for an exc it ing
PA Y or gl amor ize you r home. New si m-
plifi ed practi cal cou rse t each es strik ing effec ts wi th
col ors, fabri cs. furn iture a r ra nge ment. Low tuit ion ,
easy pa ym ents. State Appro ved-Diplomas to
Graduates. Send t oday lor color ful des crtptive Iold er ,
109 E. Oa k St r e e t , De pt . 5 - 2 1 4 . Ch ic a go 11. I II .
Factory Short Cuts give Custom Look
to "Made-at-Home" Clothes
SAVE and EARN money while learni ng excit ing NEW {.,J'
METHODS (or Home Dressmaking. Write for FREE C!J;"' ..
Booklet describing unique home study Sewing Course.
Dept. " ' B-f1 8. 11826 Yicen t e TIIH!. . Lo s An geles 49. Ca l.
Stepladder Sawhorse
When using a stepladder, make it
double as a sawhorse by opening it
u p, laying it on a side, then placing
the board to be sawed 0 vel' the
opened legs. This saves lugging a
sawhorse when using a ladder to do
carpentry.-H. J osephs
Wood Bit Rack
Due to the various type s of wood
bits that I have in my collection,
I found that I had to come up with
some sort of r ack th at would take
all of these different shanks and
types and still keep them in a handy
order. My rack (consisting of a 1f4 "
bar t hreaded on both ends , several
2" lengths of rubber tubing and two
screw ey es) hangs from two adjacent
flo or joists. The len gth of the 1f4 "
bar depends on the distance between
j oi sts with a sli ght in crease t o allow
fo r nuts on t he ends to hold the bar
in pl ace after it has been passed
th rough th e eye of t he screw eye.
Screw both screw eyes in a line s o
tha t t he bar will pass t hr ou gh easily.
Soft r ubber tu bing with a n inside
di a m et er of a size slightly smaller
than the shanks that it is to hold
may be pu rchased from a drugsto r e
or laboratory supply house. Drill 1f4 "
holes in the t ubing near on e end a nd
thread onto the 1f4 " rod. Now you r
dr ill shanks m a y be inserted into the
ha nging ends of the tubing a nd they
will be held by fricti on and can be
removed with a slight pull .
Arthur R . Tanner, Jr.
Clip Makes Soldering Iron Stand
A small spring clip, of the sort
sold in dime stores for hanging a
broom, will make a very handy stand
for an ele ctr ic soldering iron. The
clip is s o light and co m p act t hat I
leave it right on the iron while using
it. When the iron is set down, the
clip acts as a support which prevents
the iron from burning the surface
upon which it is set.-H. J . Gerber
O ur high royalty-low subsi dy
comple te program can he lp you
joi n Comel ' s li st of wid e l y
recognize d a nd s uc ce ss f u l
au thors . Se nd for FREE copy of
Ho w To Pub lish Yo ur 80o le.
Depl. PH9, 200 V.rlck SI., N.Y.14
Saw any Shape, any Material with
Has Exclusive Circle-Cu"er & Rip Gage
" Are a J ig - Sa w," g ua ranteed t o fit e very 1/4" dri B.
cut s a ny patte r n i n wood s, pla s ti cs . metals-even cuts
2 x4' s ! Ha s aa rn e c a pa c i t y and ou t p e rforms the most
expens i v e sa ws b ecause o f AReO' s exc l usive
s: $1095
" Alr . J e t" blows nwnv sawdu s t. w t t h blade. .
p la sti c, met a ls . . . .. . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.95
At your deal er or order di rect on our 20 Day Money
Back Gu a ra nt ee. Se nd check , ) 1.0 . ( ppd. ) COl) + post.
Dept. WB 9J, 421 West 203rd St .. N. Y. 34, N. Y.
W e show yo u
how to import b ig-profit it ems
a t a mazi ng low forei gn prices
(examples a t left) . Your home is
your office. Get u of 157 l m-
I p orts FREE! Full or sp a re t ime
.n b u s i n e s s by l\l ail Order. Or ta ke
. . volu me orders from Stores. Irn-
." pore je we l ry , clothing. spo rti ng
good s. ha r d ware. etc. NO EXPE.
UCTS NEEDED. \Vil hout obligat io n
Cl ocks 65e se nd today for co mplet e details
in Germany- a nd. list of 157 impor ts Air
ma ll r ea ch es us over n ig hr , The
$S value Mell inger Co .. 171 7 \'(Ie51wood.
in U.S.A. D ept. P2 39. Los Angeles 24. Calif.
7041 Olcott Ave nue Ch icago 3 1, Ill inois


J o seph. , Three \ VI sem en. , . -;0,
Lamb. etc. a r e a t m os t ---
li fe size. Ea s v t o make.
no tra c ing r e outr ed. Just 1\ .11 _U I
paste . cut out a nd pain t . ", ,',
In- _ _ _ . .
SANTA and REINDEER a re easy w it h thes e F ULL S IZ E
p atte r n s . T h C' r e tnd e e r a r e 4 5x5 5 . t h e s lei gh an d Sant a
and build your ow n. at
low cos t . Easily assem..
h ied at hom e. Safe . et-
ficient. low operating
cos t. Plug'S into any
Ii0v doubl e ou tl et .
Write for literature and
" Quest io ns & Answe rs
on Kiln Hu Fldi n g v'"
302, Royal Oak. Mich ..
Tel. Li . 2-4298.
box _ Qua n tity n ot limited.
1/2 " to 3/4 " ._. . 51 .65 pe r t hous an d
3/4 " to 1 " .. .. $1 .65 pe r t ho usand
1 " to 1 1/ 4 " .. $2.00 p er thousa nd
Pos ta ge prep a id cash or check
with order.
514 N.W. 79 t h St reet
Miami 50, Florida
You'll always keep this new sander-
plane h a n d y . Sure-gri p handle and
guide knob make it convenien t and
easy t o use . Speeds finishing and fit t ing
of doors, windows, shelves and cabinet
work. P ermane n tly copper-brazed
Tungst en Carbide abrasive works won-
ders on wood, composit ion, pl ast ics.
Coarse grit on one side, fine on other.
Simply . turn bl ade for desir ed su rface.
" I' ,.
;-:SKI L 1", .__ URI;, .
:. ,.::.' :., :.:. :.i .; .::i ,:. i ::.: ..:,.:::): . ;:... :.'. :. ;'.. <, > : ; " , . '
:o: Ma de only by SKIL Cor poration. man ufact urer of
; Iamcus SKll and SKILSA W cre euets. Chicago 30. ' .:
Learn world' s most fa s ci n a t in g busines s .
We t each you t o repa i r, make, sell all kinds
of Doll s and a cce s sori es . Study a t home.
Earn whil e you l earn. Free Cal a log.
Studio WB-9B. IlB26 San Vicente Blvd .. los Angeles 49. Ca lif.
D01.1.5! D01.1.5! D01.1.5!
1000 Uses for North Pacific
Earring design bulleti n
and supply cat alogue
free wilh order.
He r e ' s a t t- U I y u nus ual
va lue. Su u t t t a Cl a ws. f r om
the manti s s h r im p, h av e
an et errant bea uty that is
a s uniq ue a s It Is attrac-
Pa ck ed 10 0 0 to a
Removing Hardened Putty
This Might Help
Triose interchangeable bl ades that
comprise screwdriver sets also come
in mighty handy for use in a hand
drill. By chucking the appropriate
blade in the drill, you can obtain
much better leverage for either re-
moving or driving stubborn screws.
J ohn A. Comstock
Hand Drill Helps Drive Screws
Oiling Aid
To expedite the task of measuring
the exact amount of oil to drop into
a spring-capped oil hole, solder a
small washer onto the spout of the
oilcan, about %" from th e tip. The
washer is used to open the cap and
hold it back without obstructing your
view while the exact amount of oil
is dropped in .-S. Clark
If you must remove very old and
hard putty, pour some rubbing alco-
hol into an oilcan, s quirt it on the
putty, then ignite the alcohol. Wait
until the flame has di ed out and
you' ll find the putty is much softer
so that you can scrape it off with
ease.-Mrs. Ernest Miller
4 U 4 U 4
Addr e s s ........ . . . _._. . . . ..... ...... . . . . . . .... . . . .. . . .. ........ .
CUy Zo ne S t .. t e . .. .... .. . .. .. . .. .
tt ' "., "' ' tt
4 4

These trees are so b eautifu l you' ll of 5)
$ 9.50 f or 10
$1 8.00 for 20
5 vear o ld t rees . W IL L ADO REAL BEAUTY AND
Every t re e is nor thern gf'{}6Vn. e x t ra n ic e. wer t-
shaped, Pl a nti ng In struct io ns i nc luded.
Pc at a ge paid on prt'pa id or d e r -s. C.O .D . s we l come.
with 2 5 <;; /0 advance depoetr. Limi ted o ffer-so n t e e s e
wr ite today. 5 trees for $5. Orde r s fo r le s s t h on 5
a re $1 . 2 !'i pe r t ree-Lmtn tmum order t wo t rees. The
more you order. the more yo u s a ve- IO t r e e s f or 20 for $ 18.00.
On arri va l If yo u a re not 1 0 0 0/0 Ra tisf le d s im p ly
_ _ _ _ _
o 2-$2.50-$1.25 e a. 0 5 - 5 S .OO-SI . 0 0ea.
o 10-$9.50-$ . 9 5 ea. 0 2 0-$ 1 8. 0 0 - $ . 9 0 ea.
1' !4O'aJo;e add 50c for pa c ka g i ng and h andling .
Print Name
Now is t he ti me t o s tart your own
s nar e t ime bu s i ness. I nstead of hav-
ing "all your eggs in o ne ba sk et";
t o e mbed real flowe r s. s e n s h e ll s .
coi ns . photos and other exc i tf nsr ob..
jects in cle a r liquid plastic to make
novelties . jewe l r y, advertising s peci a l-
ties and other fa st ael lirrg' i t ems .
Al so tells you how to make beautiful
go la s s panels wit h color f ul leaves and
bu tterfli es embedd ed - to use for
screens. r oom divider s , lamps. bowls,
trays, pl a ce mats.
Send 25c for new handbook. " How
t o Us e Liquid P la stics and Fiber-
glass" and a copy of " H ow to Earn
Extra Money In Your Own Home
r.ommerci al Craft s Division, Dept . K9
New Bobby Pins, 70c per 700!
$5.50 Lucite Hairbrushes, 65c each!
$1.75 Rudolph kids toil etry sets, 35c.
NEW HAIRNETS, 1/2C each!
$1 Automatic Card Shufflers,
9c each.
39c Under ArmDeodorant, 2c jar!
25 card asst. Xmas cards, l l c box!
50c Everday greeting cards,7
$200Govt. Surplus Typewriters, $23.
$1-$3 Hard covered books, 20c each!
49c Xmas window decorations,
10c per set.
Famous Brand $18.75 Perfume, $1.
69c Insect Repellent, 5c each.
$1 Chlorophyl Tablets, 7Y2C pkg,
15c Textile dyes, 3Y2C pkg.
$12.95 Name brand Kitchen set,
$49.95 Gold Bracel et, Boxed $4.75.
$2. 98Horserace gamerecords, 30cea.
$1.95 Men's silk ties, 12
PENCILS, 144 for 57Y2C!
69c Insect Repellent, 5c each!
CHRISTMASSEALS, 25c per 1000!
ENVELOPES, 50c per 1000!
35c DRESS PATTERNS, 3c each!
Calendar Wrist Watches, $5.00each!
$10 Men's Toiletry Sets, 60c each!


NewPhono Records, 45 &78 RPM,
7c each.
BUTTONS, 144 for 25c.
$1 Kiddies Handbags, 3c each.
$1 Val. Billfolds, 15c each.
$2.50 Wallets, 30c each.
LADIES APRONS, 6V<lc each.
D.E. Razor Blades, $1. 50 per 1000
$1 Mufflers, Scarfs, 12
/2C each.
Plast ic Toy Guns, 2c each.
25c Rudolph Reindeer brooches,
2c each.
$15 Electric Percolators, $5 each!
(Above bargain list me re ly illustrates t yp e of Ba rgains usually f ou nd in this pape r. Lists Naturally change from mo nth to month.)
Look What Subscribers Are Saying!
ONLY IN "BARGAINS" WILL YOU Find Every Month Similar-
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He re ' s What Subscribers soy ab out " Bargains"
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" I am very pleased with BARGAINS. I ha ve never seen
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" Received my fi rst iss ue of Bar gains a nd may I sa y It is
a grea t mag azine." - 1\ 1. H. C. , Al a ba ma.
" I think BARGA INS is t he best merchandise publi cati on
I have ever seen (And I have seen hund red s). " - 5 . P. Coo
Brookl yn. N. Y.
" . Received my 1st copy of BARGAINS the other day and
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'shot in th e ar m' my business needs ."- D. a.. St. Al ba ns. N.Y.
" . . I have found your magaz ine very helpf ul. " - W. A. P.,
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u I was th e reci pient of my 1st eapy a few da ys 0.00.
I am complete ly sati sfied wit h th e per l odh:al . I a lso wish to
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Seat-en yo ur newast a nrt h h:rh a nd low . y OU \\' OS ,
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offe rs In mercbnnd tse AT LOW WH OLE SA LF. P HICF.S.
a nd then offt'r s the m t o s u t-s c etb ers on l y at SO
PR OFIT . Por rntts yo u t o nuv a t deale rs p rices ! Th is
Is b ut OS F. f e at u r e or RAR GAINS I
We 1I0SESTLY t h i nk 1t ' J'i pos sible f or you to do t h is
w it h i n a )'par's time. F or PR OOF .. . see testi mon ia l
l ette r -s ... o r bette r s ti ll. PROVE I T F OR YOUR SELF
BUY CH EAP_SE I.I. CHEAP! That ' s why t h ousands of
smar t sa le smen. l'Iture o w ners , jcnnere, etc. tru v t h is
p ape r-I 't'he v k n ow whe r e t o nuv at CHF.AP F.ST PRICF.: S !
SO REASOS why YOU can' t DO THE SA:\ I El xtanv
a rt tct e s , f eat u res ever y mont h show vo u n O\ \' to se ll
bersra tn s fo r big' p r Ofit s-if y ou do n 't k now howl
Name . .
WH AT CAN YOU lOSE? If you ore not delighted wi th your 1st iss ue, you can hove your
Addre.... .. . money ba ck IN fULL! No q ui b bling o b o ut it e it he r ! CAN WE MAKE A MORE STRAIGHT-
Cit y . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Sta te . .. . ... . .. . . . . .
If the 1st Issue TOWER PRESS, Inc. , Box 591 , Lynn 808, mass.
With our MAGIC MAIL Plan you sit
at home , se nd ou t mail , and get ba ck
money a nd orders. Find out how easy
it is t o get in to t his new kind of Home
Bu siness and s tart ma ki ng big money
right away-el"en in "'o ur spare time.
No St amp Ne eded. J us t Dro p in Mail Box
Th e card at the left is a Coupon-Postcard. You
don' t need a stamp or envelop e to mail it. J ust
cut out card along dotted lin es. Then write
your name and a ddress a t the t op and drop t he
card in the nearest mailbox. Pay no attention
to printing on ba ck of card.
Get the facts at onc e about Plastic Laminating
at Home-and how this fabulous business can
end all your money probl ems. All information
-complete with pictures-is yours free. Th ere
is no charge-now or any other time. So mail
t he card ri ght away.
Get into
kind" a ppea l brings sales at ten to t wenty times
the cost of material s. Beautiful illustrati ons
a nd in structions for ma king these a r tisti c
novelties sent free.
The op por t u ni ti es in Plastic Laminating are so
big' th at space he re doe s not permit even sk im-
mi ng t he su rface. To get a ny idea at a ll of the
s ize of these markets and your pl ace in this
se nsat iona l bu siness you mu st read the det ails.
See for yours elf how ea sy it is to do the work-
how you can put pl asti c sheets into your mach ine
a nd t ake out a fortune-ho w you can star t wit h
one ma chine and build u p a big production pl ant
wi th ot her s doing t he work-how you can get
money a nd busi ne ss from every State in the
Union - how you can ach ieve i ndependence with-
out study or experience.
Never before ha s such a n opportunity been
offe red to t he sm a ll , home operator- an oppor-
tunity to gai n complete personal independen ce
in a big money bu siness of your ow n. Mall
Bu siness Reply Card now a nd get fu ll particu-
lars - FREE and postage prepai d.
First Class Permit No. 34316. Chicago, III.
Postage Will Be Paid By
Dept. L-6-K
15 12 Jarvis Ave. Chicago 26, Illinois


A cr eat ive. arti stic business . Gift shops se ll
your entire out put . J ust a few of thousands of
giftwares illust r at ed on this pa ge. Beautiful
colors. Endless designs. Exclusive " one of a
ia..........lJU,II..lII....l ....ILaJll&l....IIJIUIJIUIUlJI.&l......_ ........U
ADDRESS __----
No house-to-house ca nvassi ng. No f ace-to-face
selli ng. We not only su pply the equipment you
need for t he work, bu t a lso sh ow you exactl y
how t o cas h in big daily profits from two big
dema nd fields.
Make Up to $5.00 an Hour by our
orders and cash from your mailman!
Here's the newest and most fa scinating of all home -operated
businesses. For the firs t time, a simplified machine brings the
fabulous profits of Plastic Sealing and Plastic Laminating within
the reach of the small operator. Can be operated in a corner
of the kitchen, basement, or garage. And any man or woman,
regardless of age, education, or experience-can learn this inter-
esting work in a few minutes of readi ng - can t urn out pro-
fessional jobs after one hour's practice.
Milli ons of people wa nt to protect valuable
cards, photographs , documents a nd papers
against wear, soil, a nd damage . By our
MAIL Pl an you get thi s business t hr ough the
ma ils . Open envelopes a nd t ake ou t money and
ord ers. Detail s of this pl an will a maze you.
It will be sent free. Just mail ha ndy Business
Rep ly Card.

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