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The differences between bhakthi and prapathi as shown by periyavAchAn piLLai in sharaNAgathi gadhya pravEsam (introduction).

bhakthi yOgam

prapathi (emperumAn)

Only brAmaNa, kshathriya, vaishya are eligible for bhakthi yOgam (Note: bhakthi/devotion is different from Every one can surrender to emperumAn - emperumAn is bhakthi yOgam - anyone can do bhakthi, but bhakthi common upAyam to all yOgam as shown in sAsthram as an upAyam to reach emperumAn has strict principles to follow). bhakthi yOgam is very difficult to do, since it involves proper karma yOgam and has to be done with proper gyAnam The ultimate goal is accomplished once the sanchitha karmA is exhausted (i.e., potentially after many more births). There is potential for us to falter in our actions. The process/means (bhakthi yOgam) needs to be accomplished by our action (of bhakthi yOgam). bhakthi yOgam does not fit the svarUpam of jIvAthmA. Since jIvAthmA is naturally subservient to bhagavAn, jIvAthmA independently performing some action to accomplish emperumAn does not fit the svarUpam. Compared to the result that is accomplished (emperumAn), the bhakthi yOgam performed by the jIvAthmA is insignificant. Once prapathi is done, everything is taken care by emperumAn and we just have to do all our actions (according to sAsthram) as kainkaryam The ultimate goal is accomplished at the end of this birth itself. Once surrendered, emperumAn will ensure that we dont falter. The process/means (emperumAn) is already established. Since emperumAn is the upAyam, and accepting that emperumAn is upAyam is just a natural attribute of jIvAthmA, this is perfectly fitting for the jIvAthma svarUpam. Since emperumAn is both upAyam (means) and upEyam (goal), prapathi is perfectly situated

vEdAntham also categorically declares prapathi as the top most upAyam. prapathi is considered as the best upAyam by our pUrvAchAryas as well. And, since sAsthram itself says "dharmagya samayam pramANam, vEdhAs cha" (ApasthambasUthram) meaning "True scholar's conclusion is the main authority, vEdham is also an authority" - here the conclusion of our pUrvAchAryas take precedence even

over sAsthram. Thus, since our pUrvAchAryas have accepted emperumAn as the upAyam we can also easily accept the same. emperumAnAr reveals this most confidential upAyam to ensure that his followers (who are fully situated in sathva guNam) should understand this most valuable information in detail. Out of his unlimited grace, he reveals this glorious gadhya thrayam for the benefit of his own followers.

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