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1Dear Family and Friends

No, as of today, Hannah has not given birth. There, we got that out of the way; your biggest
question has been answered. However, don’t stop reading; we’ll answer some more of your

Pregnancy in a Foreign Country

Hannah is in the second week of the ninth month of pregnancy.
Although the baby has not come yet, we are expectantly waiting
his arrival. Yes, “his,” that just answered your second biggest
question- it’s a boy. Since finding out that Hannah was pregnant,
we have wanted to keep the sex of the baby a surprise. However,
each time we go to the doctor for our check up, our doctor gets a
little too curious. Needless to say, with the advanced technology
of the ultra-sounds and a curious doctor, we have figured out that
we are having a boy.

Hannah has been doing very well. We continually praise the Lord
for the good pregnancy she has had. In many areas of Kaohsiung,
there are “Chou Dofu” or “Stinky Tofu” stands. The name very
accurately describes what they are selling- HORRIBLE smelling Hannah 9 Months Pregnant
tofu! Praise the Lord, Hannah has been able to walk past these stands
without getting sick and turning 5 shades of green. Actually being pregnant in Taiwan has opened
many doors for good conversations with complete strangers. Every day someone will randomly start
talking to us about the pregnancy. What a great opportunity
for us to practice our Chinese and talk to people about why
we live here!

Having a child in a foreign country has its challenges, but

God has been very merciful and gracious. We can honestly
say that so far, our loving Lord has met all our needs! From
great doctors to gifted diapers, the Lord has been providing
for us. In fact, the Lord has provided two English speaking
“Doulas” (much like a midwife) to help us through the labor
and delivery process. These doulas are very helpful for first
time mothers, but their fees were a little expensive for us;
At language school with our teacher- Mrs. Shi however, the Lord prompted someone to pay the fee
anonymously! God knows how to take care of His servants! Please continue to pray for Hannah
and the baby’s health. We pray that we will soon be able
to announce the birth of a healthy baby boy.
Language Study
Please continue to pray for us as we study Mandarin
Chinese. It has been exciting to see progress with using
the language in conversation. However, we still have a
LONG road ahead in this language acquisition process.
With the arrival of a baby, our language classes will need
to be rearranged. Please pray for us to have wisdom to
balance language studies and the addition of a new baby.
To answer another question: YES, we know the word for
At language school with our teacher- Miss Zhang
March Madness
The phrase “March Moving Madness” could accurately
describe the situation this last month at Cornerstone Baptist
Church. For a long time, the missionaries and congregation at
CBC have been praying for a larger church building. In
February, the Lord answered prayers and the church was able
to vote and agree upon moving. We didn’t have very far to
move since the new building shares the very same wall as the
old building. Praise the Lord that the new building is almost 2
½ times the size of the old building! This increased space will
greatly enhance and expand the ministry potential of CBC.
Even though the new building is right next door, the moving
process took a great deal of effort. Every weekend in March,
the church had a work day, and almost every weeknight there
were people at the church painting, cleaning, and doing many
other important tasks. It was a tremendous blessing to see so
many church members, and
especially the teens, get involved with the moving process! The
enemy clearly wanted to stop this move from happening, but the
Lord has helped us to stay focused and unified in the midst of
trials. We believe that the bond of unity within the church has
definitely been strengthened. Please pray that the church body
would continue to grow and reach out to the surrounding

Please pray for the services on this coming Sunday, April 12. We
will be having an Easter Cantata and a special time for praising
the Lord for this new building. After the services, there will be a
special baptism service. Two young men will be baptized: Hong
Cheng and Joshua Ho. Hong Cheng accepted Christ in February
2008; however, he was away from the Lord for the summer and
fall months of last year. He has now returned to church and has
Thomas trying to do some cleaning continued to be discipled on a weekly basis. A while back, Hong
Cheng emailed me and said, “Truly, there is not any substitute for GOD’s Love.” Praise the Lord for
the Holy Spirit’s convicting power in Hong Cheng’s
life. Joshua is a teen that also accepted Christ as his
Savior from sin last year. Joshua has been faithfully
growing and learning about the Word of God.
Please pray for Hong Cheng and Josh as they
continue to study and learn about God. Taiwan
needs stronger, national male leadership!
Youth Ministry
In February, the youth group was able to go to
Winter Camp. It was a blessing to see a good
number of teens attend the camp, and to see
spiritual growth in some of their lives. You might
remember a young man named Thomas that we
mentioned in our last letter. Thomas went to Winter Hannah, Tad, and Hong Cheng
Camp and has been very faithfully attending the church since that time. He was a tremendous help
during the church move; he even came on weeknights after school to help paint! However, Thomas
has yet to trust Christ as his Savior from sin. Thomas has good questions and always listens
attentively during the preaching. Please pray that
Thomas will soon trust Christ as his Savior!

Teens singing a special in the new church building

CBC Teens at Winter Camp

In less than four months, we will have to move back to the United States. Our hearts are truly
saddened when we think about that fact! The needs here in this country, in this city, and in this
church, are enormous! We have so much to do before we leave. Please especially pray for Summer
Camp and for the hearts of the teens that will attend. From July 6-10, the Kaohsiung churches will
be hosting summer camp. There is still a LOT of work to be done; please keep us in your prayers.

If you have any question that we forgot to answer, please feel free to email us. Thank you so much
for your prayers and support!

"Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work." - A.B. Simpson

1Please Pray For:
1.) Hannah and the baby as the delivery nears.
Tad and Hannah Wychopen
2.) Our continued study of Mandarin Chinese.
3.) The salvation of our language teachers.
4.) The Easter services on April 12.
Colossians 4:2- Continue earnestly in prayer!
5.) The growth of Hong Cheng and Joshua
6.) Thomas to realize his need for salvation!
To see more pictures of the ministry, go to this sight: 7.) The preparation for Summer Camp.
8.) Our August return to the United States.

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