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BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00005304

BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-32436
DATE = 09/25/2001
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) 9/11 Personal Privacy

-1 -

Date of transcription 10/02/2001


Flight Attendant, American Airline ID Number/
Social Security Account Number^ Jwas interviewed onboard
the airplane scheduled to carry American Airlines Flight #146
located at Terminal B, Logan International Airport, East Boston,
MA. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent
and the purpose of the interview, FLORES provided the following

FLORES resides atr

FLORES was assigned to work the "galley" in the middle
of the aircraft. FLORES advised that she had overheard the person
who found the "blade" in the overhead compartments call maintenance
and ask someone to "come up here immediately." FLORES advised that
she never saw the "blade" and had never handled the "blade" either.

FLORES advised that she did not recall anything unusual

during her time on the aircraft besides the person finding the
"blade" in the overhead compartments.

Investigation on at
9/25/01 East Boston, MA

File# Date dictated

265A-BS-28035Q-BS 9/30/01
by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

September 12, 2003 12:54 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO •: M-INT-00032586
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-41639
DATE = 09/27/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 10/3/01

On September 27, 2001, U.S. Department of Commerce

DOC National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
Special Aaentl
Special AgentL J interviewed by phone JOE LAWLESS,
Massachusetts Port Authority Director of Public Safety,
Harborside Drive, East Boston, Mass. EDWARD FRENI was
interviewed regarding information he told JOSE JUVES about a
metal blade on AMERICAN AIRLINES flight 147, from PARIS, FRANCE.

LAWLESS stated he gave JUVES a description of the metal

blade as a piece of metal, three quarters of an inch 3/4"
thick, ten inches 10" long and serrated. When asked by JUVES
if this was a maintenance tool LAWLESS said it "could" have been
but did not say it was a tool used by maintenance. LAWLESS 79/11 Law Enforcement
obtained a description of the metal bl.ade from Massachusetts
State Troope( Privacy

9/27/01 East Boston, MA.' telephonically

265A-NY-28Q350-3Q2 9/28/01
SAf" ~

[PDF page 1]


Joseph Lawless 9/27/01 2

{PDF page 2]

November 4, 2003 12:15 pm Pagel

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00032577
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-41630
DATE = 09/27/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 10/4/01

On September 27, 2001, U.S. Department of Commerce

DOC National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
Special Agen| J
I ( fancl
DOC/NOAA Special Agent\ J interviewed by phone ED FRENI,
Massachusetts Port Authority Director of Aviation, Harborside
Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts. FRENI was interviewed
regarding information he told JOSE JUVES about a metal blade on ,

FRENI stated he gave JUVES a description of the metal

blade as a tool thicker than a metal hacksaw blade and similar to
a hedge cutter blade. FRENI said he did not say it was a tool /
left on the plane by a maintenance worker. FRENI obtained a /
description of the metal blade from AMERICAN AIRLINES employees

79/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

9/27/01 East Boston, MA. telephonically

265A-NY-280350-302 ./ 9/28/01

[PDF page 1]

November 4, 2003 12:14 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00032576 /9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-41629
DATE = 09/27/2001 /
INPUTBATCH : NCTAJ504 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered ,in August) .
FULLTEXT : 10/4/01

On September 27, 2001, U.S. Department of Commerce

DOC, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
Special Agentl
LDOC/NOAA Special Agen|_ Jana
./interviewed by phone JOSE
JUVES. Massachusetts Port Authority MASSPORT Harborside Drive,
East Boston, Massachusetts. JUVES was interviewed regarding a
newspaper article s in THE BOSTON GLOBE and BOSTON HERALD
stating a metal blade was left on AMERICAN AIRLINES flight 147,
from PARIS, FRANCE, was a tool left on the plarie by maintenance
workers. /

JUVES stated he was contacted by THE BOSTON GLOBE,

reporter TOM PALMER and BOSTON HERAl/D reporter JOE BATEFIELD on
September 26, 2001, suggesting a metal blade left on AMERICAN
AIRLINES flight 147, from PARIS, FRANCE/was a tool left on the
plane by maintenance workers. /

JUVES stated he contacted MASSACHUSETTS Director of

Aviation ED FRENI and Director of Public/Safety JOE LAWLESS
regarding the aforementioned. JUVES seated he was not told by
FRENI or LAWLESS the metal blade was a maintenance tool left on
the plane by maintenance.

JUVES stated he did not tell either reporter the metal

blade was a maintenance tool left on the plane by maintenance.
JUVES stated he described the metal/blade to the reporters,
however, JUVES stated he did not deiny the blade was a maintenance
tool left on the plane by maintenance.

9/27/01 East Boston, MA.

265A-NY-280350-302 9/28/01

[PDF page 1]


Jose Juves 9/27/01 2

[PDF page 2]

November 4, 2003 12:14 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO M-INT-00013762 - : 9/ll Personal Privacy
BEGBATES 265A-NY-280350-302-52472
DATE 10/15/2001
FULLTEXT 10/15/01

On October 15.2001T J
V .•twas interviewed
at his place or business^ J
Paterson, New Jersey, by Special Agents SAsC ]and
isnish translation during the .interview. After
being advised of the identity pf the interviewing agents, and the i
nature of the interview: \ /'/ / / / / / ! ;\a photpgraphic &rrjsfy of susjpectejj

hijackers dated 09/23/01.[ [advised that hejrecognized iphotds

#10 MOHAMED ATTA and #^5 AHMED M/. GHj\M0l as customers in the
MINI MART, who were affiliated:with the Arab tenants in apajlmefit
3R.I Ibelieved that there were fc-ur rrien Ipnfc/in that j I
apartment, but admitted that.he w. a$ not/very good, with face? an<p
could not pick out anyone else. H^'was/certain that the men Iwhoi
were tenants in apartment, 3R were, in his store a Jot. I Ii j
initialed and dated the photographs that he recognized. \

Two men initially moved into Apartment 3R in the Mayi- i

June 2001 timeframer approximately 3-4 v^eeKsjater he recalled
that another two Arab men rrioved into.the? ap$r|mentl__^_Job^erved
the men regularly use the payphone on the side of his store. The
men drove a vehicle with a California license/plate; he could j
remember no otrier details of the'carT/; tJid not believe that
they had any other cars/ / ii\ I

Jrecalled that despite being in the market ;

frequently, the tenants of apartment 3,R would only purchase j
gallon jugs of juice and donuts. He also recalled that the men;
purchased knives in the store.1 jlwas not certain, but believed
that they purchased an eight pack of box cutters and sheetro^k
knives. The men/could npt speak English pr Spanish, and I
communicated with hand.Gestures/The men would only come into the
store while alonej irarelv savi/ tiiem togethier, and never with
anyone from th'e neighborhood. / / , j

I Ibelieved that they rtiust have1 dealt with the !

10/15/01 Paterson, Ne^/Jersey ; \

265A-NY-280350-NK / / n/a \

[PDF page 1]

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
L J 10/15/01

landlord, but had no firsthand observations of the landlord with

the tenants of apartment 3R.I Iwould see the landlord pull up
to the building in a large blue Ford truck once or twice a week,
but he did not know who the landlord was visiting.

August 27, 2003 1:52 pm Page 1

"'^••'•/B/II Personal Privacy

I Iwas'ianniiiar with a male Arab handyman;who was,

doing work on the building, presumably for the building owner. He
believed that this man had started working on the building
approximately two months earlier, primarihfte fix a water leak
flowing IntH . ladvised that the man was
clearly unskilled, as he hadJajLed to successfully repair ,/
anything in the building.\t observe this handyman deal
with the tenants of apartment 3R, but the handyman spent a
majority of his time in the rear of the building ;|~iwas unable
to observe any activities that took place in the rear of the
store. ,,-•"''

I Iwas not present when the residents of apartment 3R

moved out. He was subsequently told by his son that a group of
them had a discussion in the rear of the store that lasted for
about an hour. He believed that this discussion took place early
in the morning on the day of their departure.

[PDF page 2]

August 27, 2003 1:52 pm Pa9e 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00015473
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-9269
DATE = 09/11/2001
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1- ....--""9/11 Personal Privacy


Date of transcription 09/11 /2001

telephone! I was interviewed at his residence and
voluntarily provided the following information:

HANSON received a telephone call at his residence from

his son, PETER BURTON HANSON, Date of Birth: 01/24/1969, Place of
Birth: Bridgeport, CT. sometime before 9:00 A.M. this morning. His
son indicated that the plane on which he was presently a passenger
was being hijacked. LEE HANSON asked whether his son was joking
but he knew from the serious tone in his voice that he wasn't.
PETER HANSON repeated that his plane was being hijacked Indicating
"I think they've taken over the attendant has been
stabbed...and someone else up front may have been killed. The
plane is making strange moves. Call United Airtines,..Tell them
it's Flight 175, Boston to LA."

LEE HANSON noted that his son was talking in a low tone,
but not whispering. He believed his son was calling from his
cellular telephone, which number he provided as 617 921-1006.

LEE HANSON immediately phoned the Easton Police

Department and spoke with Captain James Candee. He told Captain
Candee about the substance of the call and asked for any assistance
Candee could provide.

Within a matter of minutes, LEE HANSON received a second

telephone call from his son. He recalled his son saying the
following: "It's getting bad, Dad...A stewardess was stabbed—they
seem to have knives and mace...They said they have a bomb...It's
getting very bad on the plane...passengers are throwing up and
getting sick...the plane is making jerky movements...! don't think
the pilot is flying the plane...I think we're going down...l think
they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and fly Into a building."

LEE HANSON said he heard noise of a woman screaming in

the background.

PETER HANSON continued, "Don't worry, Dad...if it happens

it'll be very fast"

Investigation on at
09/11/2001 Easton, Connecticut

File # Date dictated

265D-NY-260350 09/11 /2001
. 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
by | |
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;

August 27, 2003 3:20 pm Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a {Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of LEE HANSON , On 09/11/2001 .Page 2

LEE HANSON said the call ended with his son saying "My
God, my God..."

LEE HANSON could not say why the call ended abruptly. He
did not know whether his son had hung up or whether the phone
malfunctioned. He said he resisted the temptation to call his son
right back because he did not want to place him in any more serious
danger by having his cell phone ring on the plane.

PETER HANSON gave no additional information as to the

identity, nationality, physical description, accents, etc. of the

LEE HANSON took two sheets of notes during the two phone
calls and he provided these notes to interviewing agents.

LEE HANSON indicated he could recall no additional

information or background noise from the telephone calls other than
the aforementioned sound of an unidentified woman screaming.

HANSON described his son as follows:

Sex: Male
Race: Caucasian
DOB: 01/24/1969
POB: Bridgeport, Connecticut
Residence: 46 Painted Post Road
Groton, Massachusetts
Home Telephone:978448-8874
Height: Five feet, ten inches
Weight: 170-175 Ibs.
Hair: Balding red frizzy
Complexion: Fair with freckles
Miscellaneous: Regularly wore a Breitling
wristwatch and antique wedding ring

PETER BURTON HANSON is employed as Vice-President of

Marketing with of Newton. Massachusetts. He
graduated from Northeastern University in Boston with a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Business Administration and attained a Master's
Degree in Business Administration MBA from Boston University.

HANSON was traveling to Los Angeles, California, to

attend a business meeting and was accompanied on United Flight 175

[PDF page 2]

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

August 27, 2003 3:20 pm Pa9e 2

/9/11 Law Enforcement
/ Privacy


Continuation of FD-302 of LEE HANSON , On 09/11/2001 .Page 3

by his wife, SUE KIM HANSON, bom 07/23 (believed to be 38 years

old), female, first generation Korean, 5'3" height, 135 pounds, and
their daughter and only child, CHRISTINE HANSON/ born 02723/1999.
This was their first plane trip as a family and SUE HANSON was
taking their daughter CHRISTINE to visit SUE's grandmother for the
first time. Both of SUE HANSON'S parents are deceased. SUE HANSON
is a doctoral candidate in the medical field at Boston University.\E HANSON had traveled to Boston on Thursday,

09/06/2001, to visit with his son, daughter-in-law, and \. They were excited about their upcoming flight a

indicated they intended to obtain seating in the bulkhead area \d the first-class seating so they could have more

CHRISTINE to play. He is not certain where they were seated on the

flight. / i

SUE KIM HANSON wears corrective eyeglasses and an antique

wedding ring, like her husband PETER, Her and PETER'S ring were
the wedding band's of LEE HANSON'S parents and had been handed down
as gifts. The bands may have inscriptions and may have been cut to
size from the original. Furthermore, PETER'S ring may have been \. /

LEE HANSON provided interviewing agents with a color i

photo portrait of his son's family. A digital color photograph was \n of the portrait by SA| "|

LEE HANSON indicated that after receiving the calls from ;

his son, he turned on the television to see whether the hijacking \s being reported. He noted he began watchi

the live footage of the second airliner crashing into the World i
Trade Center. \E HANSON received a telephone call this m

individual identifying himself as Special AgentT

the Chicago FBI Office with telephone numbe|_
indicated he was calling HANSON because he received his name from
United Airlines.

Present during portions of the interview was LEE HANSON'S

I I and her husband MARK BARRERE.

[PDF page 3]

9/11 Personal Privacy

August 27, 2003 3:20 pm Page 3

(touting Slip
FD-4 (Rev. 8-8-89)

To: Q :tor

S\ n"vi//\n
FILE # .—,
"fi »c\,/ *-^V * ^^ Title
n supv.
Q Agent
QJ Rotor #
[~] Steno
Q Typist ,
DM / RE:
Room /

| [ Acknowledge Ipj For Inf°nliat'on Return assigrnent card
[~| Assign j~~| Reassign 10 Handle Return file | [ serial
Q Bring file f~) Initial C return
Q Call ne (~) Leads need attention Return with action taken
Q Correct |~~1 Hark for indexing Return with explanation
Q Deadline (~| Open case Search and return
|~[ Delinquent f~] Prepare lead cards See MB
[~~| Discontinue Q Prepare tickler
Q] Expedite | | Recharge file f~~[ serial
D F'lc n to

, 7£pir&^*
*^-/ ^^A /J<? '
f@A&Pi /&-.

See reverse side Office

•U.S. Gownmnt PrMIng OfOc*: 1M1 — 282-08675206
flUG. 7.2003 8=37AM NO. 779 P. 1/3

Thomas H.Kwn

Lee H. Hamilton
Richard Sca-Vcniite


Fred F. Fielding

Jsouc Si Goidick

Slade Gorton

Number of pages (including cover sheet):
Tmiodiy J. Roemet


Philip D. Zdikow

TEI C202) 331-W60

PAX (20 296-5545
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00032817 9/11 p ersonal Pr i vacv
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-14660 /i± tersona - L frivacy
DATE = 09/17/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription 09/17/2001


, was
interviewed by the undersigned pursuant to Rapid Start Lead BA
1484. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing
agents and the nature of the interview, he provided the following

MURAWSKI said he read a Baltimore Sun article about box

cutters being utilized by the highjackers of the four aircraft on
September 11, 2001. He recalled approximately two weeks prior to
the terrorist attacks, that three middle eastern men came to his
store asking to purchase box cutters. He described the men as all
being short and approximately the same height, each having a medium
build. He said one of the men had large curls in his hair. Only
one of the men spoke, and MURAWSKI said this person was slightly
shorter than the others. One of the men who did not speak wore a
camouflage military-type jacket. MURAWSKI said he thought this was
unusual as it was warm outside. The one man who spoke asked for
metal box cutters but was advised that the store had none in stock.
MURAWSKI showed the men plastic box cutters, specifically Tuff Hand
Tools plastic knife cutter set. He said the men did not seem
interested. MURAWSKI said he would check in the back of the store
for other plastic box cutters or tools, but the men seem agitated
that there were not any metal box cutters in stock. MURAWSKI said
he was not sure if the men purchased anything. He said that he did
not have any indication that anyone came back to the store to
purchase metal box cutters. MURAWSKI believed the men came to the
store on Monday, August 27, or Tuesday, August 28, 2001.

MURAWSKI said that there had been six packs of the above-
mentioned plastic box cutters when the three men came in the store.
On the week of September 2, 2001, he noticed that all the packs
were gone from the shelf. He found one package containing six
knives that had been opened and three knives, two small and one
large, were missing. MURAWSKI noted that his store receives new

Investigation on at
09/17/2001 Laurel, Maryland

File # Date dictated

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
by i i
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

December 9, 2003 1:03 pm Page 1

and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of Thomas Edward Murawski , On 09/17/2001 , Page 2

merchandise on Wednesdays and he tries to clear the old merchandise

on Mondays, which is when he found the open package of knives.
MURAWSKI was shown the photographs provided by the
undersigned and he said he recognized photograph number five, AHMED
ALHAZNAWI, as one of the men who came in attempting to purchase box
cutters. He also recognized photographs number two, MOHAMED ATTA.
and three, SALEM AL HAZMI, as being familiar, but was unable to
provide any further information. MURAWSKI said photograph "C", FNU
LNU, was familiar, but the individual he thought he recognized did
not have a moustache. He said he may have seen the male in the
plaid shirt from photograph six, MAJED MOQED, at a gas station,
approximately one month ago, across the street from the mall, but
he was not sure. MURAWSKI was shown the second group of
photographs, but did not recognize any of the individuals.

MURAWSKI said that there are two European-type women who

come into the store regularly on either Thursday, Friday, or
Saturday nights. These women wear Muslim clothing. He said that
these women did not come to the store this past weekend. This
seemed unusual to him.

MURAWSKI said his store only accepts cash and checks, He

provided the undersigned a list of people who worked at the store
the week of August 26, 2001. The following are the names of the

MURAWSKI said his store is the smallest in the chain of

Dollar Tree's. He provided a list of other dollar tree stores in
Maryland, highlighting the stores closest to the mall.

[PDF page 2]

9/11 Personal Privacy

December 9, 2003 1:03 pm Page 2

J9/11 Personal Privacy
BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00074657 f \S : 265A-NY-280350-302-25863

TIMOTHY F. BOOKERI j I \ was interviewed at his

residence as a follow up to RAPID START LEAD CONTROL; NUMBER BA

2948. I I

BOOKER advised that he was working at the AfVALMART store,

I l |on Sunday,
September 9, 2001, in the sporting goods department. He stated
that he can vaguely recall that fellow employee EDWARIp DAILEY was
serving three possible Arabic males at the knife display <£ase. He
stated that because he was involved with another person at the
time, he really didn't notice anything particular about the
individuals and doesn't believe he could recognize them; if shown
photographs. j

BOOKER was displayed 13 photographs of hijackers of the

September 11, 2001 aircraft. He selected photograph number 1, ZIAD
SAMIR JARAH; and photograph number 2, MOHAMEIp ATTA. as "familiar"
to him, but couldn't say if the familiarity was because df the
September 9,2001 incident at the WALMART or frorWtelevision
coverage of the incident. j

Investigation on at
9/26/01 | |

File # Date dictated

265A-NY-280350 SUB 302 9/27/01
by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

[PDF page 1]

December 9, 2003 1:06 pm Page 1

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00143602
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-54555
DATE = 10/01/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 10/03/01


Linterviewed at his place of employment]

L_r After being advised of the identity of the interviewing

Agents and the nature of the interview, CARRUS provided the
following information:

CARRUS has been employed at the|_

L Jfor. the past twenty-five 25 years. His current
position is general manager.

CARRUS recalled a man arid a-woman who stayed in room \

number 305 of thel mtduring the period of 09/08/01 to \
09/21/01. The man's name wast I-CARRUS did
not know the name! [companion UF#1

land UF#1 came to CARRUS's attention when he "it

9/11 Personal Privacy
noticed that they paid for their hotel stay in several
installments instead of making one charge at the end-of their;
stay. CARRUS thought this was odd. The room was paid for with a
Visa credit card, account numbei .---"" tin {he name

I land UF#1 stayed in room 305. Approximately ,

three 3 days before! land UF#i checked ouf.. CARRUS entered
room number 305 with the hotel maid. I .--•"' .-land UF#T were not at
the hotel at the time. CARRUS entered fhe.rbom because/he was
suspicious ofl land UF#1 in,,light,of the attack on the World
Trade Center and the unconventional.way they paid for.their room.
While in room 305, CARRUS Observed papers written/in what
appeared to be Arabic, correspondence froml "IBANK, a blank
INS citizenship application, and one 1 suitcase/

One 1 phone call, was made from rop/fi 305 during the
timel land UF#1 stayed at the WESTWAY. The call, which was
made on 09/09/0\ was nine 9 minutes long, and was made to
I t'CARRUS later learned that the phone number called
was in Germany.

On 09/21/01, after and UF#1 checked out, room

10/01/01 Queens, New York

265A-NY-280350 n/a
9/11 Law Enforcement Privac
[PDF page 1]



305 was cleaned by the maid. RENEE WEINBERG, the Assistant

Manager at the WESTWAY, told CARRUS that the maid found a cut out
picture of USAMA BIN LADEN, brochures from New York City tourist
attractions, and a four 4 inch approximately Swiss army

Decembers, 2003 12:59 pm Pagel

knife. CARRUS instructed WEINBERG to throw these items away
becausel land UF#4 rtad.alreadv checked out.

The WESTWAY does not maintain a security camera system' 9/11 Personal Privacy
that records activity in the hotel.

CARRUS never sav

[PDF page 2]

December 9, 2003 12:59 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00038028
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-7967
DATE = 09/13/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1 st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : 09/13/2001

On 09/13/2001, Special Agents|_ Jand

L ^accepted as evidence 2 knives which were
discovered by Massachusetts State Police Officers conducting a
sweep of the aircraft parked at Logan Airport on 09/12/2001 \ A red Swiss Army knife, was found by

| |on Delta Airlines Flight 934.aboard ship number N695DL

The knife was. found in seat 24E, underneath the seat cushion. ,
Ship number N695.pL's itinerary, was as.follows: 09/10/2001 flight
#638 from Atlanta to Dulles, flight 617 from C>ulles to Salt Lake , ,
City, flight 21 70 from Salt take City to Cincinnati, Flight 836
from Cincinnati to Las Vegas, and .flight 249 from Las Vegas to \. On 09/1 1/2001 , flight number 934, ship number N695D

traveled from Atlanta and arrived Logan Airport at 8:58 a..m.

According to the passenger manifest provided by Jim Dykes,,
Manager of Passenger Services, Delta Airlines, there was no ..
passenger sitting in seat 24E on Flight 934. A more thorough.. ..
manifest search for earlier flights could not be conducted • ...;
'9/11 Law Enforcement
The "case" beige and silyer.folding knife was found by Privacy
Trooperl _ jonDeTtai Airlines flight 21 1 aboard ship
number 1706. The knife was found in seat 12A, underneath the .,
cushion. Ship number 1706 originated as flight 210 from Bermuda
to Boston, then flight number 1909 from Boston to Las Vegas, and
flight 1814 from Las Vegas to Boston. On 09/11/2001, ship niimber
1706 became flight 211 from Boston to Bermuda. The flight
boarded at approximately 9:01 a.m.. taxied, and returned/to the
gate as all flights were being halted due to the hijackings.
According to the passenger manifest provided by Jim/Dykes,
Manager of Passenger Services, Delta Airlines, there was no
passenger sitting in seat 12A on flight 21 1 . A mor« thorough
manifest search for earlier flights could not be conducted

Dykes remarked that standard cleafiing procedure for

each of their aircraft is a basic sweep for garbage nightly with
a more thorough sweep being conducted once a week. During the
once a week cleaning, the cushions atop each of the seats are
removed. The general clearing done nightly would not have
detected the knives. The knives, would have only been detected

09/13/2001 Boston, Massachusetts


[PDF page 1]



during the more thorough weekly cleaning. Therefore, Dykes

surmised that the knives could have been under the seat for
several days.

December 9, 2003 12:54 pm Page 1

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

The knives were photographed by SA| land

will be maintained as evidence.

[PDF page 2]

December 9, 2003 12:54 pm Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00074668
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-25877
DATE = 09/27/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTA_004 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

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Date of transcription 09/27/2001


Jwas interviewed at his

employment in conjunction with RAPID START LEAD CONTROL NUMBER,

DAILEY advised that he had no recollection of a sale of a

Leatherman. super tool, at 6:31 p.m. and September 9, 2001. He •
stated that if the register tape shows a cash sale of this item,
then he must have sold it but doesn't recall the transaction. /9/11 Personal Privacy

When asked if he recalled three Arab males interested in

knives or the Leatherman super tool with knife blades, DAILEY;
advised that he can recall such an incident a couple of weeks ago.
He stated that three Arabic males were at the display case for/
knives but that apparently only one of them spoke English and acted
as an interpreter for the other two. He advised that they wer0
interested in the Leatherman super tool but wanted one where the
knife blade could be extended to the rear while the tool was the
closed, folded position. He stated that the interpreter kept /
explaining, that they needed a Leatherman tool where the Knife
blade would extend even when the tool was closed. He advised that
he told them a number of times that this WALMART store pnly stocked
what was in the display case and none of the Leatherman/tools would
extend a knife blade in the closed position. /

DAILEY advised that he could not now recall/if they

purchased one of the Leatherman knife/tools or not, nor/can he
recall the sale on September 9, 2001 at 6:31 p.m. DAIL€Y reviewed
13 photographs of identified hijackers of U.S. aircraft of/
September 11, 2001 and one composite drawing of an/unidentified
female but couldn't recall if he had ever seen any of the depicted
individuals. /

Investigation on
9/27/01 t
| [
File # Date dictated
265A-BA-280350 SUB 302 9/27/01
by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

December 9, 2003 11:55 am Page 1

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December 9, 2003 11:55 am Page 2

BEGPRODNO : M-INT-00058948
BEGBATES : 265A-NY-280350-302-14512
DATE = 09/23/2001
INPUTBATCH : NCTAJ304 (1st Batch of unredacted 302's delivered in August)
FULLTEXT : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)
;9/ll Personal Privacy

Date of transcription ,09/24/2001

SFWFI I mananar WalmartF

J was interviewed in the above business under Rapid

Start Lead Control number BA2892. SEWELL was interviewed after a
witness had identified a photograph of HANI HONJOUR as b6ing in the
store with two other arable males on 9/9/2001 between 6:00 p.m. and
6:45 p.m. Reportedly, they were dealing with a salesman in the
sporting goods department described as a black male with dfedlocks,
late 20's 6' tall, solid build. Reportedly, an older white male i
salesman was also in the department while the individual identified
as HONJOUR was there. |

SEWELL advised that the black salesman would be EDWARD

DAILEY and the white salesman would be TIMOTHY BOOKER, both of whom
work the evening shift beginning at 3:00 p.m. As of approximately
4:00 p.m. on 9/23/2001, neither DAILEY nor BOOKER had jarrived.

SEWELL reviewed sales recorded on the cashjregister in

the sporting goods department for Sunday, 9/9/2001. He noted that
on 9/9/2001, at 6:31 p.m., there was a cash transaction conducted
by DAILEY for a "Super Tool" in the amount of $52.46. He! stated
that a Super Tool is a Gerber combination tool containing knife
blades, pliers, screw drivers, etc., similar to a "Leatherman". He
advised that on cash sales the customer is not required to!sign any
form. i

SEWELL then reviewed the stores sales on 9/9/2001 for use

of thirteen different Visa debit cards identified as being used by
the suspected highjackers while in Maryland prior to the incidents
of 9/11/2001. He advised that on Sunday, 9/9/2001, Visa' debit card
numbered 4343-0305-1914-0680 was used at 6:45 p.m. [n the store to
purchase in the amount of $37.27, various office type products such
as pens notebooks, journals, etc. i

SEWELL advised that to completely search jhe thirteen

debit card numbers would require someone entering each number one
day at a time. He was requested to do this at least for tjjie period
9/3/2001 through 9/10/2001. He advised that he would have this

Investigation on at

File # Date dictated

265A-NY-280350 SUB FD-302 9/24/01
by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI
and is loaned to your agency;

December 9, 2003 11:50 am Page 1

it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency,

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FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350 SUB FD-302

Continuation of FD-302 of DREW SEWELL , On 9/23/01 .Page 2

search conducted and would recontact the undersigned within a

couple of days when it is completed.

SEWELL advised that unfortunately his stores security

camera system has been inoperable since May - June 2001, so he has
no video tapes of anyone in the store since the beginning of the
summer. He advised that on Sunday, 9/9/2001, there was a model
racing car event held in the parking lot of the Walmart store.

[PDF page 2]

December 9, 2003 11:50 am

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