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Pulpitis Pulpitis refers to the inflammation of the dental pulp within the tooth.

The pulp contains the blood vessels the nerves and connective tissue inside a tooth and provides the tooths blood and nutrients. Pulpitis is mainly caused by bacteria infection which itself is a secondary development of caries (tooth decay). It manifests itself in the form of a toothache. There are two forms of pulpitis: acute or chronic. Acute pulpitis is usually found in the teeth of children and adolescents and is generally marked by more noticeable pain to the affected teeth than in chronic pulpitis. Symptoms of acute pulpitis include: a constant throbbing pain in the affected tooth that is often made worse by reclining or lying down; acute sensitivity in the affected tooth that becomes painful when confronted with hold or cold stimuli; a sharp stabbing pain in the affected tooth; changes in the affected tooths colour; or swelling of the gum or face in the area of the affected tooth. Acute pulpitis itself takes two different forms: purulent acute pulpitis in which the pulp is completely inflamed; and gangrenous acute pulpitis in which the pulp begins to die in a less painful manner that can lead into the formation of an abscess (a pocket of pus that forms at the tip of the tooth root). Pulpitis can also be classified as reversible or irreversible. Reversible pulpitis is caused by caries encroaching on the pulp and manifests itself as mild inflammation of the pulp. It does not have to be treated as it will heal on its own over time. Irreversible pulpitis is caused the progression of reversible pulpitis and manifests itself as severe inflammation of the pulp. The available treatment for irreversible pulpitis is either endodontic (root canal) treatment or tooth extraction.

Pulpitis (radang pulpa gigi) DEFINISI Pulpitis adalah peradangan pada pulpa gigi yang menimbulkan rasa nyeri. Pulpa adalah bagian gigi paling dalam, yang mengandung saraf dan pembuluh darah.

PENYEBAB Penyebab pulpitis yang paling sering ditemukan adalah pembusukan gigi, penyebab kedua adalah cedera. Pulpa terbungkus dalam dinding yang keras sehingga tidak memiliki ruang yang cukup untuk membengkak ketika terjadi peradangan. Yang terjadi hanyalah peningkatan tekanan di dalam gigi. Peradangan yang ringan, jika berhasil diatasi, tidak akan menimbulkan kerusakan gigi yang permanen. Peradangan yang berat bisa mematikan pulpa. Meningkatnya tekanan di dalam gigi bisa mendorong pulpa melalui ujung akar, sehingga bisa melukai tulang rahang dan jaringan di sekitarnya.

GEJALA Pulpitis menyebabkan sakit gigi yang luar biasa. DIAGNOSA Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala dan hasil pemeriksaan fisik. Untuk menentukan apakah pulpa masih bisa diselamatkan, bisa dilakukan beberapa pengujian: Diberikan rangsangan dingin. Jika setelah rangsangan dihentikan nyerinya hilang, berarti pulpa masih sehat. Pulpa bisa dipertahankan dengan cara mencabut bagian gigi yang membusuk dan menambalnya. Jika nyeri tetap ada meskipun rangsangan dingin telah dihilangkan atau jika nyeri timbul secara spontan, maka pulpa tidak dapat dipertahankan. Penguji pulpa elektrik. Alat ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan apakah pulpa masih hidup, bukan untuk menentukan apakah pulpa masih sehat. Jika penderita merasakan aliran listrik pada giginya, berari pulpa masih hidup.

Menepuk gigi dengan sebuah alat. Jika dengan pengetukan gigi timbul nyeri, berarti peradangan telah menyebar ke jaringan dan tulang di sekitarnya. Rontgen gigi. Dilakukan untuk memperkuat adanya pembusukan gigi dan menunjukkan apakah penyebaran peradangan telah menyebabkan pengeroposan tulang di sekitar akar gigi.

PENGOBATAN Peradangan mereda jika penyebabnya diobati. Jika pulpitis diketahui pada stadium dini, maka penambalan sementara yang mengandung obat penenang saraf bisa menghilangkan nyeri. Tambalan ini bisa dibiarkan sampai 6-8 minggu dan kemudian diganti dengan tambalan permanen. Jika terjadi kerusakan pulpa yang luas dan tidak dapat diperbaiki, satu-satunya cara untuk menghilangkan nyeri adalah dengan mencabut pulpa, baik melalui pengobatan saluran akar maupun dengan pencabutan gigi.

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Pulpitis is a medical condition in which an inflammation of the dental pulp occurs.

[edit] Symptoms
Increased sensitivity to stimuli, specifically hot and cold, is a common symptom of pulpitis. A prolonged throbbing pain is also associated with the disease.[1]

[edit] Causes
Pulpitis may be caused by a dental caries that penetrate though the enamel and dentin to reach the pulp, or it may be a result of trauma, such as thermal insult from repeated dental procedures. Inflammation associated with a bacterial infection, as in the case of penetrating decay, the pulp chamber is no longer sealed off from the environment of the oral cavity.

When the pulp becomes inflamed pressure begins to build up in the pulp cavity exerting pressure on the nerve of the tooth and the surrounding tissues. Pressure from inflammation can cause mild to extreme pain, depending upon the severity of the inflammation. Often, pulpitis can create so much pressure on the tooth nerve the individual will have trouble locating the source of the pain, confusing it with neighbouring teeth. Inflammation in the tooth provides a difficult environment for reducing the inflammation in the pulp cavity. Unlike other parts of the body where pressure can dissipate through the surrounding soft tissues and where lymph can reach, the pulp cavity is very different. The dentin surrounding the pulp is hard and does not give under the pressure of the inflammation so the pressure has very little chance of dissipating before pulpal necrosis occurs. The pulp cavity inherently provides the body with an immune system response challenge, which makes it very unlikely that the bacterial infection can be eliminated. The pain will usually stop once the pulp has died, however the infection can spread to the ancillary anatomy.

[edit] Treatment
Once the pulp has become inflamed the tooth can be diagnostically divided into two categories.

reversible pulpitis irreversible pulpitis

[edit] Reversible pulpitis

Once the irritant is removed the pulp remains vital and is not unduly affected by the changes, and the tooth can be restored vital by filling.

[edit] Irreversible pulpitis

The pulp is irreversibly damaged and necrosis will follow. Pain may not subside after removal of the irritant. Pain may be sharp or dull and throbbing. If there is any drainage, then the severity of pain is reduced. The tooth may be endodontically treated where by the pulp is removed and replaced by gutta percha. An alternative is extraction of the tooth. This may be required if there is insufficient coronal tissue remaining for restoration once the root canal therapy has been completed.

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