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Relationship Between Pessimistic And Well Being Generally, pessimists usually expect for negative outcomes, feel discourage

when something bad happens and being depressed as well as in gloomy mood in frequent. These people tend to lead a pessimistic attribution style. In other words, they have a tendency to blame themselves, moreover they even tend to think that their problems are global, this means they may feel that the problems they faced are happening everywhere and continuous in their lives. A persons well-being always relates to ones health and self-interest. In this case, pessimistic has a great relationship and influence on individuals well-being. This is because when people often feel sickly or down, automatically they will think in a very negative way, this causes them to do less and withdraw from others. Consequently, this forms a pessimistic cycle in their lives. Below is the example of pessimistic cycle of depressed people: Incident Colleague Peter not saying hello Thoughts Behaviours Withdraw and dont talk to Peter I must have offended him in some ways. Im often doing that.

Feelings Sad or rejected

There was a study to investigate the potential influences of pessimism to well-being. It has shown the role of pessimism within the context of two types of diabetes. The element for exploring the role of pessimism is imperative, since an individual requires self-regulate daily behavior. For example, they need to diet or exercise in order to monitor their blood glucose as well as to maintain or avoid the diabetes related diseases. An individual with high level of pessimism would probably expect an negative outcome, thereby they may give up selfregulating as they think of they will still have the diabetes even they monitoring their daily

behaviors. Another research shows that people with high level of pessimism will seem to recover much slower from particular diseases than those optimistic people. Thus, people who have severe or chronic diseases such as cancer, their doctor definitely will advise the patients to think more positively so that their fighting determinacy can be increased, this indirectly will increase their opportunity to recover from sickness as well. Besides, previous researchers have found that personality disposition is an important factor of psychological well-being. In this case, they have found that a pessimistic explanatory style was more predictive of depression than an optimistic explanatory style. Among middle age and older adult family caregivers, the result showed that pessimism predicted later psychological well-being. These groups of pessimists had a significant indirect effect on depression through the negative effect that obtained from their personality disposition, pessimistic. Hence, this clearly shows that pessimism has a significant impact and influence on the context of well-being. Reference Chang, E. C., Maydeu-Olivares, A., D Zurilla, T. J. (1997). Optimism and pessimism as partially independent constructs: Relationship to positive and negative affectivity and psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences. Chang, E. C., & Sanna, L. J. (2001) Optimism, pessimism, and positive and negative affectivity in middle-aged adults: A test of a cognitive-affective model of psychological adjustment. Psychology and Aging. Mahler, H. I. M., & Kulik, J. A. Optimism, pessimism and recovery from coronary bypass surgery: Prediction of affect, pain and functional status. Psychology, Health, and Medicine.

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