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De origen zapoteco, Jurez fue el primer presidente de extraccin popular que consolid su autoridad. Durante la ltima presidencia de Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna, entre 1853 y 1855, Jurez tuvo que salir de Mxico. En el exilio promovi la Revolucin de Ayutla que derroc al dictador. Como Ministro de Justicia propuso la ley que lleva su nombre, la cual eliminaba los tribunales eclesisticos y militares. Tambin dispuso intervenir los bienes de la Iglesia y crear el Registro Civil. Estas medidas se integraron a la Constitucin de 1857, a la que defendi ya como presidente, en la Guerra de Reforma (1858-1861). La venta de bienes eclesisticos no resolvi las necesidades del gobierno de Jurez, por lo que tuvo que suspender los pagos de las deudas. Esto fue aprovechado por los derrotados conservadores que promovieron una intervencin francesa que impuso a Maximiliano de Austria como emperador de Mxico. En todo este proceso, la direccin de Jurez fue decisiva en la victoria republicana. Su triunfo le vali el ttulo de Benemrito de las Amricas.

Of Zapotec origin, Jurez was the first president of indigenous descent who managed to consolidate his authority. During the last presidential term of Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (18531855), Jurez was forced to leave Mexico. In exile, he promoted the Revolution of Ayutla that toppled the dictator. As Minister of Justice he proposed the law bearing his name, which eliminated ecclesiastical and military courts. He also resolved to usurp church property and create the Civil Registry. These measures were added to the Constitution of 1857, which he defended in the Reform War (18581861) once he became president. The sale of ecclesiastical property did not resolve the monetary needs of Jurezs government, so he had to suspend foreign debt payments. This was exploited by the defeated Conservatives to promote the French Intervention that imposed Maximilian of Austria as emperor of Mexico. During this process, Jurezs leadership was decisive in the republican victory. His triumph earned him the honorific title referring to his merit as Benemrito de las Amricas.


Figura revolucionaria de grandes contrastes, este militar y poltico michoacano combati a zapatistas y villistas, casi captur a Carranza y sofoc una rebelin en la que participaron indios yaquis. Como gobernador de Michoacn, cre un sindicato general de maestros y, durante el conflicto cristero, aprob persecuciones desfanatizadoras que lo enfrentaron con la Iglesia. Una vez en la presidencia del pas (1934-1940), Crdenas enfrent a Plutarco Elas Calles, su antiguo tutor. Adems, con profunda conviccin por la justicia social, realiz una amplia reforma agraria. Con las centrales de trabajadores y campesinos, impuls una poltica de masas que, a la par de beneficiarlas, propici el control de las mismas. Su defensa de los derechos laborales lo enfrent con las compaas petroleras extranjeras, a las que finalmente expropi. Entre 1936 y 1939, su gobierno se solidariz con la Segunda Repblica Espaola y, tras la derrota de sta, abri las puertas a los refugiados, quienes prodigaron beneficios en mltiples ramas del saber. A la postre, el esfuerzo de Tata Lzaro result insuficiente para resolver la injusticia social.

A revolutionary of marked contrasts, this military man and politician from Michoacn fought against Zapatistas and Villistas, almost captured Carranza, and quelled a revolt of indigenous Yaqui peoples. As governor of Michoacn, he created a general teachers union and during the Cristero conflict, he approved of the persecution of religious fanatics, which pitted him against the Church. During his presidency (19341940), Crdenas clashed with Plutarco Elas Calles, his former mentor. With a deep conviction in social justice, he implemented broad agrarian reform. With workers and peasants unions, he promoted a policy of the masses, which benefited them at the same time it entailed control over them. His defense of labor rights set him against foreign oil companies, which he finally expropriated. From 1936 to 1939 his government expressed solidarity with the Second Spanish Republic and following its defeat, Mexico opened its doors to Spanish refugees, who made major contributions to many branches of knowledge. In the end, the efforts of Tata Lzaro, as he was fondly and paternally known, -were not enough to resolve social injustice.


Venustiano Carranza interrumpi sus estudios para dedicarse a administrar las fincas familiares. Al ser presidente municipal de Cuatro Cinegas, Coahuila, enfrent las pugnas de la poltica porfiriana y cont con el apoyo de Bernardo Reyes. En 1910, secund con reservas el Plan de San Luis y, al triunfo del mismo, Madero lo ratific como gobernador. Tras el cuartelazo de Huerta, Carranza



Venustiano Carranza interrupted his studies to devote himself to managing his familys estates. When he was municipal president of Cuatro Cinegas, Coahuila, he opposed Porfirio Dazs policies and won the support of Bernardo Reyes. In 1910 he unwillingly backed the Plan of San Luis and with this, Madero ratified him as governor. After Huertas coup, Carranza proclaimed the


proclam el Plan de Guadalupe, llamando a los revolucionarios a derrocar al usurpador y restaurar la legalidad. Al lograrlo, entre los lderes resurgieron sus diferencias. Mientras fracasaban dos convenciones, Carranza obtuvo el reconocimiento de Estados Unidos y convoc a un Congreso que elabor la Constitucin de 1917. Esta ltima respondi a diversos anhelos: si bien encerr el propsito revolucionario de la no-reeleccin, otorg tambin amplias facultades al Ejecutivo, proporcion al Estado el control de los recursos del pas y ofreci salvaguardar los intereses obreros. As, varios grupos insurrectos reconocieron al nuevo orden, mientras que los dems fueron sometidos. Con motivo de la sucesin presidencial, el Primer Jefe enfrent la oposicin de sus principales generales, quienes acabaron asesinndolo en Tlaxcalaltongo, Puebla.

Plan of Guadalupe, calling to revolutionaries to overthrow the usurper and restore legality. Once he was in power, the differences among leaders reappeared. After two conventions ended in utter failure, Carranza won the recognition of the United States and convened a Congress that drafted the Constitution of 1917. This document responded to diverse desires: although it contained the revolutionary aim of no-reelection, it also granted broad powers to the Executive, it provided the state with control of the countrys resources and offered to safeguard workers interests. Therefore, several rebel groups recognized the new order, while the others were put down. When it came to choosing a successor, the First Chief faced the opposition of his main generals, who ended up assassinating him in Tlaxcalaltongo, Puebla.

Criollo de nacimiento, Hidalgo obtuvo una formacin humanista en el Colegio de San Nicols de Valladolid hoy Morelia, donde fue profesor y rector, adems de desempearse como sacerdote. Su nimo de renovacin qued plasmado en una Disertacin sobre la manera de ensear la teologa. Obra que levant sospechas por parte de la Inquisicin, al considerarla crtica e irreverente. Tras su salida de San Nicols, a la vez que profundizaba en sus estudios teolgicos como fundamento para resistir a la opresin, Hidalgo aument su atencin hacia los sectores populares. Foment el desarrollo de los indgenas, al instaurar una comunidad en la que conjug el cultivo de la vid y la morera rbol de cuyas hojas se alimenta el gusano de seda, productos restringidos por la legislacin espaola.

A Creole by birth, Hidalgo received a liberal arts education at the Colegio de San Nicols in Valladolid, today named Morelia, where he went on to become a professor and rector, in addition to serving as a priest. His belief in renovation is evident in his Disertacin concerning how theology should be taught. This work raised suspicion on the part of the Inquisition, which regarded it as critical and irreverent. After he left San Nicols, as he delved into theological studies as a means to resist oppression, Hidalgo began to pay more attention to the popular masses. He promoted the development of Native people, by setting up a community to cultivate grapevines and mulberry treesthe leaves of which were used to feed silkworms products restricted by Spanish legislation.


Cuando los conspiradores de San Miguel y Quertaro buscaron a un jefe para la insurreccin, coincidieron en Hidalgo. As, al lanzarse a la lucha en 1810, el cura de Dolores combin las aspiraciones polticas de los criollos y los anhelos de justicia de las clases bajas.

When the conspirators of San Miguel and Quertaro sought a leader for the insurrection, they agreed upon Hidalgo. When the struggle began in 1810, the priest from Dolores embodied the political aspirations of the Creoles as well as the desire for justice of the lower classes.

De origen criollo y nacido en Valladolid, este jefe realista combati a la insurgencia. Al ser acusado de vender proteccin a las haciendas del Bajo, se le destituy de su cargo. En 1820, la restauracin de la Constitucin de Cdiz hizo que la lite novohispana lo repusiera en su mando y se le encomend someter a Vicente Guerrero. En vez de ello, Iturbide entabl negociaciones con l y, tras el Abrazo de Acatempan, proclam el Plan de Iguala, en el que ofreci una nueva independencia. Ante el rechazo espaol e inspirado por Napolen, Iturbide se proclam emperador, pero pronto enfrent la oposicin del Congreso y luego una rebelin militar. Cuando el descontento aument, el soberano claudic y march a Europa. Un ao despus decidi regresar por su trono, sin embargo, otro Congreso lo haba declarado fuera de la ley. Por ello, al desembarcar en Tamaulipas fue aprehendido y fusilado. El Consumador de la Independencia fue vctima del nuevo orden que l mismo propici.

A Creole born in Valladolid, this royalist leader fought against the insurgency. When he was accused of selling protection to haciendas in the Bajo region, he was removed from his post. In 1820 the restoration of the Constitution of Cdiz made the elite of New Spain reinstate him and entrust him with subjugating Vicente Guerrero. Instead, Iturbide negotiated with him and through the Embrace of Acatempan he proclaimed the Plan of Iguala, in which he offered a new independence. The rejection of Spain and the inspiration of Napoleon led Iturbide to proclaim himself emperor, but soon he faced the opposition of Congress and then a military rebellion. When discontent grew, the sovereign renounced the throne and sailed for Europe. A year later, he decided to return to retake the throne; however, another Congress had declared him outside of the law. When he disembarked at Tamaulipas, he was arrested and executed. The man who made Independence a reality fell victim to the new order that he himself had created.


Miembro de una familia de empresarios y polticos coahuilenses, Madero se interes por los problemas sociales y ms tarde por la poltica. Con la agitacin que inici tras la promesa de Porfirio Daz de respetar el voto, Madero escribi La sucesin presidencial en 1910, fund el Partido Antirreeleccionista y realiz una campaa electoral por todo el pas. Sin embargo, el rgimen lo persigui y lo encarcel durante los comicios. Al ser liberado, convoc al estallido de la Revolucin con el Plan de San Luis, el 20 de noviembre de 1910. Luego del triunfo de Ciudad Jurez, Madero qued atrapado entre su respeto por la ley y las urgentes demandas de sus partidarios. Promovi una reforma gradual a travs de las instituciones, que enfrent a su gobierno con sus propios correligionarios y con el viejo orden. Finalmente, fue vctima de una rebelin promovida por la embajada estadounidense y el general porfirista Victoriano Huerta, quien lo asesin. El legado poltico de Madero fue su devocin moral por la democracia.

Born into a family of entrepreneurs and politicians from Coahuila, Madero took an interest in social problems and later in politics. With the agitation following Porfirio Dazs promise to respect the vote, Madero wrote La sucesin presidencial en 1910 (The Presidential Succession of 1910), established the AntiReelection Party, and set out on a presidential campaign throughout Mexico. However, the regime persecuted him and jailed him during the elections. Once free, he called for the start of the Revolution on November 20, 1910 in the Plan of San Luis. Following the triumph of revolutionary forces in Ciudad Jurez, Madero was trapped between his respect for the law and the urgent demands of his partisans. He advocated gradual reform through institutions, which pitted his government against his own supporters and the old guard. Finally, he was the victim of a revolt backed by the U.S. ambassador and former Daz general Victoriano Huerta, who had him killed. Maderos political legacy was his moral dedication to democracy.

El archiduque Fernando Maximiliano Jos naci en Viena. Fue hermano del emperador Francisco Jos de Austria y se cas con la princesa Amalia Carlota de Blgica. Gobern los principados de Venecia y Lombarda. Cuando Napolen III determin intervenir en Mxico, Maximiliano fue invitado a convertirse en emperador. Aunque condicion su decisin a un plebiscito, acept las condiciones leoninas del monarca francs.

Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph was born in Vienna. He was the brother of Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, was married to Princess Carlota (Charlotte) of Belgium, and governed the kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. When Napoleon III decided to intervene in Mexico, Maximilian was invited to become emperor. Although he conditioned his decision on a plebiscite, he accepted the one-sided conditions of the French monarch.


En Mxico, Maximiliano aglutin ideas liberales y conservadoras. Se interes por las culturas precolombinas y, apoyado por varios acadmicos, decret en nhuatl y otom diversas zmedidas protectoras de las comunidades indgenas. El triunfo norteo en la Guerra de Secesin estadounidense y los enredos de la poltica europea, aislaron a su gobierno y su derrota se hizo inminente. El 19 de junio de 1867 en Quertaro, frente al pelotn de fusilamiento, Maximiliano exclam: Voy a morir por una causa justa, la de la independencia y libertad de Mxico. Que mi sangre selle las desgracias de mi nueva patria! Viva Mxico!

In Mexico, Maximilian fused liberal and conservative ideas. He became interested in Pre-Columbian cultures and with the support of several academics he decreed diverse measures in Nahuatl and Otom to protect indigenous communities. The triumph of the North in the U.S. Civil War and complications in European politics isolated his government and his defeat became imminent. On June 19, 1867, in Quertaro, standing before a firing squad, Maximilian declared: I am going to die for a just cause, that of the independence and liberty of Mexico. May my blood seal the misfortune of my new homeland! Long live Mexico!


Arriero de origen michoacano, Morelos se orden como sacerdote en Valladolid hoy llamada Morelia en su honor. Al estallar la guerra, se acerc a Miguel Hidalgo, quien le encarg extender la insurreccin en el sur. Sus campaas militares, apoyadas por hacendados, como los Galeana y los Bravo, representaron un gran desafo al gobierno. Las tomas de Oaxaca y Orizaba afectaron las finanzas novohispanas. El ejrcito de Morelos soport un sitio en Cuautla, donde las fuerzas del brigadier Flix Mara Calleja no pudieron derrotarlo. Al capturar Acapulco, el principal puerto del Pacfico, interrumpi el suministro al centro del virreinato. El logro ms importante de Morelos consisti en la reunin del Congreso de Chilpancingo, que promulg la Constitucin de Apatzingn documento inspirado en los Sentimientos de la Nacin, del propio Morelos. Con la Constitucin se estableci una repblica independiente en la Amrica Septentrional. Este movimiento


A muleteer born in Michoacn, Morelos was ordained as a priest in Valladolid, today named Morelia in his honor. When the war broke out, he approached Miguel Hidalgo, who entrusted him with spreading the insurrection in the south. His military campaigns, backed by hacienda owners, such as the Galeanas and the Bravos, were a major challenge to the government. The taking of Oaxaca and Orizaba affected finances in New Spain. Moreloss army withstood a siege in Cuautla, where the forces of Brigadier Flix Mara Calleja were unable to defeat him. When he captured Acapulco, the main port on the Pacific, he interrupted the supply chain to the center of the viceroyalty. Moreloss most important achievement was convening the Congress of Chilpancingo, which promulgated the Constitution of Apatzingn, inspired by his text Sentimientos de la Nacin (Sentiments of the Nation). The Constitution established an independent republic in North America. This movement never won


tampoco obtuvo un apoyo poltico sustantivo y, finalmente, fue derrotado. No obstante, esa primera experiencia poltica result trascendental.

substantial political support and ultimately it was defeated. Nevertheless, that first political experience was far-reaching.

De origen mixteco, Daz estudi en el Seminario de Oaxaca y fue comandante de Tehuantepec. Destac como jefe militar en la Guerra de Reforma y en la Intervencin Francesa. En esta ltima dirigi la toma de Puebla, el 2 de abril de 1867. Daz se lanz a la presidencia en 1871 y 1876, pero ambas veces result derrotado. Por ello, encabez las rebeliones de La Noria y de Tuxtepec. La primera fue neutralizada por la muerte de Jurez, mientras que la segunda se fortaleci con la divisin de los candidatos: Sebastin Lerdo de Tejada y Jos Mara Iglesias. En el poder, Daz demostr ser un excelente negociador y se gan el apoyo de antiguos enemigos. A excepcin de un perodo presidencial, gobern de 1877 a 1910, con el respaldo de empresarios y acadmicos. Al lograr la estabilidad poltica, favoreci la inversin extranjera a gran escala. Cuando se reeligi por sptima vez, ante los cuestionamientos de una nueva generacin, sus partidarios se fraccionaron y acabaron por abandonarlo.

A Mixtec by birth, Daz studied at the Seminary of Oaxaca and was major of Tehuantepec. He stood out as a military leader in the Reform War and in the French Intervention. In the latter, he led the taking of Puebla on April 2, 1867. Daz ran for the presidency in 1871 and 1876, but was defeated both times. Therefore, he headed the rebellions of La Noria and of Tuxtepec. The first was neutralized by the death of Jurez, while the second gained strength from the division of the candidates: Sebastin Lerdo de Tejada and Jos Mara Iglesias. Once in power, Daz displayed superb skills as a negotiator and he won the support of his former enemies. With the exception of one presidential term, he governed from 1877 to 1910, with the support of businessmen and academics. By achieving political stability, he promoted largescale foreign investment. When he was re-elected for the seventh time, faced with the objections of a new generation, his supporters were split and ended up abandoning him.



Extendida por ms de treinta aos, la carrera poltica de este veracruzano fue la de un eterno aspirante al poder, pues en las diversas presidencias que ocup nunca consolid su autoridad y no logr permanecer en ellas de manera continua. Segn las circunstancias, recorri todo el espectro de posiciones polticas: fue realista e independentista, se adhiri a las opuestas logias yorkina y escocesa, y se consider republicano federal y tambin central; en ocasiones unindose a ms de una faccin a la vez. Inspirado en los csares, se dej proclamar Salvador de la Nacin, sobre todo ante los conflictos extranjeros. As, fue hroe o villano dependiendo del momento. Tras un supuesto plebiscito, se le declar Su Alteza Serensima y gobernante vitalicio con capacidad para designar a su sucesor. Pero, su derrocamiento en 1855, como resultado del Plan de Ayutla, marc el fin de una poca. El perodo de transicin del orden virreinal haba concluido y surga el Mxico moderno con el arribo al poder del Partido Liberal.


For more than thirty years, the political career of this man from Veracruz was an eternal quest for power. Although he was president on numerous occasions, he never fully consolidated his authority and never remained in power for long. Depending on the circumstances, he occupied the entire spectrum of political positions: he was a royalist and a supporter of independence; he followed the opposing York and Scottish Freemasons; and he considered himself a supporter of a republic with strong states and centralized power; sometimes he joined more than one faction at a time. Inspired by Roman caesars, he allowed himself to be proclaimed Savior of the Nation, above all when confronting foreign conflicts. He was a hero or a villain, depending on the moment. After a supposed plebiscite, he had himself declared Most Serene Highness and ruler for life with the power to appoint his successor. However, he was ousted in 1855 by the Plan of Ayutla, which marked the end of an era. The period of transition from viceregal order had come to a close and modern Mexico arose when the Liberal party came to power.

De origen duranguense, Doroteo Arango cambi su nombre tras enfrentar a su patrn, un hacendado que haba tratado de abusar de su hermana. A partir de entonces se hizo llamar Francisco Villa y adopt varias ocupaciones, incluido el bandidaje. Villa destac en la toma de Ciudad Jurez, luego combati a Pascual Orozco y a Victoriano

Born in Durango, Doroteo Arango changed his name after a confrontation with his boss, an hacienda owner who tried to rape his sister. Then he became known as Francisco Villa and he engaged in different occupations, including banditry. Villa stood out in the taking of Ciudad Jurez. Then he fought against Pascual Orozco and


Huerta y triunf en Casas Grandes y Torren. En 1914, desobedeci a Carranza y tom Zacatecas. Tras la ruptura revolucionaria, fue designado Jefe del Ejrcito de la Convencin y se ali con los zapatistas. Pero, en 1915, sus tropas fueron derrotadas por los constitucionalistas. Con el reconocimiento estadounidense al gobierno de Carranza, Villa atac Columbus, Nuevo Mxico, lo que provoc la fallida expedicin punitiva de John Pershing. Tiempo despus, el caudillo se someti al interinato de Adolfo de la Huerta, a cambio de la hacienda de Canutillo, en Durango. Ante el rumor de su posible involucramiento en una rebelin, fue asesinado en una emboscada.

Victoriano Huerta and was victorious at Casas Grandes and Torren. In 1914 against Carranzas order, he took Zacatecas. When the revolutionaries split into factions, he was appointed Head of the Army of the Convention and he allied with the Zapatistas, but in 1915 his troops were defeated by Constitutionalists. When the U.S. recognized Carranzas government, Villa attacked Columbus, New Mexico, which triggered the failed Punitive Expedition led by General John Pershing. Later, the caudillo agreed to lay down arms during Adolfo de la Huertas interim government in exchange for the Hacienda of Canutillo in Durango. Given rumors of his possible involvement in a rebellion, he was killed in an ambush.

Nacido en Anenecuilco, Morelos, en el seno de una familia campesina y propietaria de tierras, Zapata fue aparcero en una hacienda y caballerango distinguido. Ante la embestida de los latifundistas, su comunidad lo escogi para proteger sus terrenos. As, secund la Revolucin de 1910 y, tras la firma de los Tratados de Ciudad Jurez, se rehus a desarmar a sus tropas sin antes asegurar un reparto de predios. El zapatismo otorg a la Revolucin su mayor objetivo social al plantear que la mayora de los mexicanos no contaba con tierras propias. La reivindicacin agraria llev a los zapatistas a una esquiva bsqueda de apoyo. En 1915, realizaron un extenso reparto de parcelas y gobernaron los pueblos de Morelos y sus alrededores. Sin embargo, a partir de 1917, con la consolidacin del proyecto constitucionalista, el zapatismo se redujo a una guerrilla hasta la muerte de su caudillo en una emboscada. No obstante, la figura de Emiliano Zapata como smbolo de reivindicacin agraria ha prevalecido, resurgiendo de manera recurrente.

Born in Anenecuilco, Morelos, to a peasant land-owning family, Zapata was a sharecropper on an hacienda and a respected groom. Faced with the onslaught of large estate owners, his community decided to fight for their lands. So he backed the Revolution of 1910 and after the Ciudad Jurez Treaties were signed, he refused to disarm his troops without a guarantee that lands would be distributed. The Zapata movement gave the Revolution its greatest social objective by focusing on the fact that the vast majority of Mexicans did not have their own land. Support for agrarian restoration promoted by the Zapatistas (Zapata supporters) was elusive. In 1915 they oversaw extensive distribution of lands and governed the towns of Morelos and the vicinity. However, starting in 1917 with the consolidation of the Constitution, the Zapatistas were reduced to a band of guerillas until the death of their leader in an ambush. Nevertheless, the figure of Emiliano Zapata as a symbol of the agrarian restoration has prevailed and has periodically reappeared.


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