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logan Grimnar epitomises the noble fury of his people.

He is a figure of awe, not j ust upon Fenris but across the
breadth of humanity's domain. To say logan is popular is
to say the stars in the night sky are plentiful. He is the
warrior king of the Space Wolves, a wise and cunning
leader of men whose adulation borders upon worship on
many Imperial worlds. The Old Wol f inspires such un-
shakeable loyalty that he has led the Sons of Russ into
unimaginable terrors and emerged with vidOry grasped
firmly in his claws. Under Grimnar's command, men
become heroes and heroes become legends.
Logan Grimnar
Ulri k the Sl ayer
0- 1 Rune Priest
0-1 Iron Priest
3+ Full Wol f Guards Packs
2- 12 Dreadnaughts or Venerable Dread-
0-5 Land Raider (any type)
One squad must be headed by Arjack
Logan's leadership of the Space Wotves has endured for over
five hundred years. During that time, the Old Wolf has led
his Chapter to victories beyond counting against monsters
and madmen, humbling the warlords of Chaos and pushi ng
back the omnipresent alien threat that gnaws at the edges of
humanity's domain. When written in full, logan's saga
stretches from one side of the Great Hall to the other, for the
Old Wolf hunts evil wherever he finds it and without hesita-
tion, no matter its provenance.

Grut Wolf Company: All units in the formation must be deployed within 12
of Logan Grimnar or. If coming on from reserve. must enter
the table within 12- of Greal Wolf.
War Ruse: Space wol f plavtr can choose two additional assets, These assets only apply to Space Wolf models.
OUr Saga starts here: All non-vehicle models In this formation withi n 6- of Logan Grimnar have the feel no pain special rule. All vehicle
models in the same format ion wi thin 6- of Great Wolf ignore all 'Crew Shaken' and 'Crew Stunned' results.
When the Drop Pod of the Space Wolves burn through the at-
mosphere in formation, they carve apart the skies with great
cont rails of the fi re that are known in the sagas as the Claws of
Russ. The mere sight of such a pyrotechnic display is enough to
drive a blade of despair into the hearts of the foe, for all who
behold it know that the Space Marine are on the attack. Each
Claw consist of several drop pods that descends in a tight for
"Beat your thoughts to the mould of your will.' Leman Russ
mali on, slamming into the planet's crust in quick succession, Whi lst
the enemy is st ill reeli ng this compound blow, the hinged sides of
each Drop Pod will explode out and down to form disernbarkat ion
ramps, end a battle-hungry pads of Space Wolves wil l storm out,
voices and weapons raised in a deafening salute to the gods of
battle before the bloodletting begins.
1 ... Outh"orm Drop Pod. wi(h
1 Wolf Lord
0- 1 Saule Luder
1 ... Wolf Prie.t
0- 1 Rune Prle.t
I ... Wolf Scout>
I ... WOlf Guard. in Drop Pod .
4 ... Grey Hun(e" Pack> in Drop Pod.
2 ... Blood claw. Pack> In Drop Pod.
2 ... Long In Drop Pod.
0-6 Orudnaughts Of Dr eadnaughu In Drop Pod.
Th. Sky When Ihe <trike force arrlllts. dete rmine Ihe Deep
arrival point of the Dealh.rorm Drop Pod with localor All Drop Pod. In
the .trike force must air.,e within 24" of the,m Drop Pod. landing of
.uch a large number Drop Pod. cau.ed panic among Ihe enemle . who know
that Ihe angels of death came for them. AnV enemy unil Ihal hM had Drop pod
land wilhln 6" of 1\ that tum ma.( lake a Moral at the end of the Space
wolf Movemenl pha.e.
For the Wolf time: In addition 10 hi. normal .traleglc Ihe plaver gain.
Ihe following 'ree auelS:
Hold al All Co.,
Orbllal Bombardment
The.e aUen only apply to Space Wolf models.
le;ule, of the pack: Any unit wllhln 6". indudlng the chracter and hi. unit.
may ,e- ,oll failed Mo,ale te5l'. BUli f Wolf Lord wa> .Ialn. all uniu gain Rage
and Fu,I . ... pedal rule: In.e (he model of Lo,d In place. now it (Ount a.
Company Relic: Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Sattle leader. may take Com-
pany banner, which grant> ... 1 attack to all.pace wollle. uni(. within 12". p.r
7S points.
The leman Russ Is generalty only used by the imperial Guard,
but in recognItion of their Primarch. the Space WoNe-s do have
a handful of leman Russ ExtermInators in their inventory. The
Exterminator is a variant of the basic leman Russ tank design
that carries a twin autocannon in place of the standard battle
8S F S R
leffidn Russ Exlernnn610r 4 14 13 10
Unit Type: Wargear
verucle Itanl,
Exterm natO!' autocannon
Wargear (All):
HE:lavy bOter
Smo<P Idunchet'\
Spe<ial Rules:
lumbering Behemoth
Is a common variant of the standard design, capable of laying
down a withering hail of fire against which no infantry can sur-
vive The ekterminator autocannon's rapid firing shells can tear
through lightly armoured chassis as easily as they rip though
flesh and bone.
htermin"or Autoulnnon: Uti!!\e'd on
Ihfo Lf'fNIn the twn'!
of cln "lJloc:annon
Wnchront'lf<i 01 obrl'.

slt .... gth AI Type
48' 1 4 Heavy 4
'v.m. ed
Any model may exchange .ts heavy bolter for
- Heavy flamer (rpe
-ldsunnoo '5 pomrs pet model
Any modPl may tal:p it pair of armed With
. He"Y bo '''' 20 pomn per model
Any modf'l may ta p any 01 the followmg:
- Pinup-mounted storm bolter .10 posnts per model
- Hunter-killer miSSile 10 pomts per model
Dozer blade 10 pomcs per model
- Exua armour .15 posnts per mode!
No one truly knows remembers why the Imperial Guard's
mainstay tank was named after the Primarch of the Space
Wolves. Some say that it was Leman Russ' Crusade that
discovered the STC for the tank. others insist that it was
the Space Wolves which started using Leman Russ Battle
Tanks en masse. Although they are usually seen as de-
tachments in Imperial Guard infantry companies or seen
fighting as part of an 'Emperor's Fist' or ' Emperor's
Lance' armored regiment. the Leman Russ Battle Tanks
are also sometimes fielded by the Space Wolves Chapter.
The most commonly used variant in such rare instances is
the Leman Russ Exterminator.
Armed with a pair of twin-linked autocannons and usually
a few heavy bolters, the Leman Russ fulfills a role simi lar
to that of a Predator Destructor. Its simple design, dura-
bility and efficiency on the field of battle are literall y un-
matched by any other Astartes vehicle - whether tasked
with obliterating hordes or dealing with light vehicles or
flyers, the adaptable as a wolf Exterminator always suc-
At fi rst manned by skilled Imperial Guard aces, the few
leman Russ Exterminators in the possession of the Space
Wolves were used on many planets and campaigns in
and beyond the Imperium of Man.
twas Egillron Wolfs idea to allow Space Wolf veterans to
3+ leman Russ Exterminator Tanks (from Codex: Imperial Guard)
One tank must be marked as the command tank.
man the vehicles instead. Egil, who was the Wolf lord in
charge of the leman Russes decided that the few Extermina-
tors in the Chapter should be driven by more deserving men
- men with centuries of experience on the battle field. Instead
of trusting mortal men with his few battle tanks, Egi l decided
to give the honor of manning a vehicle bearing his Pri -
march's name to some of the best long Fangs his Great
Company had ever known.
Thus, 'The Spear of Russ' armored regiment was created.
The honor of going to battle inside the ferro-steel plating is
given to some of the older long Fangs - Space Wolves with
centuries of experience, nerves of steel and an extremely reli-
able and stable demeanor. When a long Fang's pack be-
comes too small or too precious to be on the battlefield un-
proteded it is given the privilege of dispensing indiscriminate
justice from the inside of a leman Russ Battle Tank. Ideally
the remnants of a pack receive a dedicated vehicle, with the
Squad leader in control of the vehicle and the rest of his
long Fang pack manning the various turrets and sponsons.
' The Spear of Russ' is composed of at least three similar ve-
hicles and one of them, usually the tank with the oldest
Squad leader, is chosen to be the command tank. Although
uneasy at first. the different long Fang packs eventually
adapt to the situation and learn to function as one with the
rest of the Exterminators.
Strike Force: All units In The Spear of Russ must be deployed within 6
of the command tank, or, i f comi ng on from reserve they must
enter the table Wi thin 6- of the point entered by the command tank.
Astanes Crew: To represent the long Fangs operating the leman Russ Exterminator tanks, every tank In The Spear of Russ formation
gains +1 BS. The eKtra cost of this upgrade is already included in the pointS value of the formation.
Autotargeting System: The leman Russ Exterminators have the Anti-Aircraft Mount speci al rule.
Fire Control: If a tank from The Spear of Russ formation is within 12" of the command vehicle (or Is the command vehicle itself) it can
shoot each of Its weapon at different targets.
Most arcane of all the priesthoods of the Space Wolves,
the Rune Priests are distant and mysterious figures.
Often marked by the gods even before their induction
into the Space Wolves, they are learned in shamanic tra-
ditions that a mere tribesman could never truly cctmpre-
hend. Theirs is the knowledge of the mystic arts, of
hidden rites handed down throughout the millennia that
consume their days and haunt their nights. Rune Priests
keep their own counsel, living apart from their kin save
Njal Slormcaller
3-5 Rune Priesl
to interpret the casting of the runes. During battle, however,
the Rune Priests are roaring, raging incarnations of storm-
borne fury. Rune Priests are masters of the storm, and the
elements themselves obey their command. A Rune Priest
may call upon Grandfather Blizzard to drive shards of ice into
the flesh of his enemies, implore the Lord of lightning to
spear his nemesis from above, or compel the rocky jaws of
Fends herself to open, sending the enemy tumbling down-
ward into the planet's molten heart.
The Master. All units in the formation must be deployed wi thin 6" of Njal Stormcaller
or, If coming on rrom reserve, must enter the table within 6" of Njal Stormcaller.
The Great Storm: Once per game Instead of the use their powers priests could cast a Great St orm (120", Apocalypt i c Barrage
(3D+X), 57, AP5). Also the formati on grants the Blind Barrage strategic asset.
' X -;s nllmber Dr Rllne Priests.
Some Space Wolves are canny enough to survive for
centuries of active selVice in the name of the Allfather.
Though their individual sagas are long and filled with
bloody deeds, each has earned wisdom and insight
from innumerable battlefields, and their collective skills
are too valuable to throwaway upon a blood-soaked
assault or a desperate quest for vengeance. These packs
of veteran Space Wolves become Long Fangs, steady of
hand and temperament, entrusted not only with the
protection of their brethren but also the heaviest of
weaponry used by the sons of Russ.
3+ Long Fangs Packs
Long Fangs are dour and grizzled individuals, having sur-
vived long enough for the genetic inheritance of the Canis
Helix to manifest fully. They are literally endowed with long
fangs, for as they age the canines of the Space Wolves con-
tinually lengthen and their hair and beard grows thick and
grey. In their youth they hungered for honour j ust like their
younger brethren, each eager to earn his place in the sagas.
Now, after countless long wars, their esteem stands tall as a
mountain, commanding awe and respect from those of
lesser years. Their saga is long and glorious. The hot steel of
Ice Troll Hunters: Once per Shooting phase, the owning pl ayer may nominate a si ngle enemy unll. All fangs must fi re at this
target but they count their weapons as twin-li nked for that round of shOOting.
Only the Space Wolves have the constitution to hunt the
Thunderwolves that haunt the Mountains of the Mael-
strom, where perpetual ice storms would flay the skin
from a lesser creature in the space of a single day. There
are several known instances of senior Space Wolves
tracking down and 'breaking in' Thunderwolves in an ex-
treme version of the lone Hunt This practice. thought to
be an initiation ritual into the upper echelons of the Wolf
1 Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf mount
0-3 Iron Priest on Thunderwolf mount
2-+ Thunderwolf Calvary
1-+ Fenrlsian wolf pack
Strike Force: All models must be placed wi thi n 6" of an-
other model 1n the formation and must sian the game in
Blood and Thunder. Once the formation has entered the
board start a tally of the format ions wounds caused. Once
the count reaches 30 wounds caused (destroyed vehicles
count as l) the brothers let fourth a howl that energizes
them. All uni ts in the formation gai n +11 and +1 A and the
fearless speclal rule for the rest of the game.
Strike from all Sides: The formation gains the Fl ank March
Strategic Asset .
Guard, has given rise to the legendary Thunderwolf Cavalry -
a small but dauntless elite within the ranks of the Wolf Guard
who remain conveniently absent from any officiallmperial
records. Though the existence of the vid-steal is a well -
guarded secret no matter how often the Space Wolves deny
the practice of riding beasts to war, rumours abound across
the Fenris sector about the glorious charges of the Thunder-
wolf Cavalry.
The legend of the 13th Company of the Space Wolves is
one never told outside of the Chapter irself. Even then. it is
only whispered in private. fest the young Blood GaINS
overhear lore nor meant for thei, ears.
The 13th Company of the Space Wolves Legion is said to
have fought at the forefront of the greatest battles of the
Horus Heresy. Every brother of the legion bore the mark of
the Canis Helix - the beast that lurks within every Space
Wolf. In the warriors of the 13th Company ho\.vevet; the
mark was fully manifest. turning the noble brethren into
slavering beasrs on the eve of battle. At the height of ehe
terrible conflict. the entire company disappeared, pursuing,
it is said, some foe they would hunt until the end of time,
racher than allow it to escape.
After the heresy. the '3th Company passed inro dim
legend. The Canis Helix remained the source of the
chapter's ferociousness, yet was never as fully manifest as it
was in the 13th Company. In recent rimes the legend of the

Spac' Wo/Ye1 13th
Company Wolf Priest
"Like fren zied beilsts. they
WilS. But 1 tell you. there was
never iI sweeter sound than
the howl s of the
Wulfen that dark night,"
- Sgt. Pridmu. of 1he T1.u: SUugh1C.
I wolf Priest. chosen from Codex. Space Wolves
2-+ Wulfen Guard Packs
'" Q

'" z


Hun1ers' The WUlfen Guard stnkes soddenly and from an
unexpe<:ted The models In $ternhammer's ....\'ulfen
Guard have the Rank March strategic asset They always start
the game In strategtc reserve. All Wulfen Guard Pads must
enter the table Within 1 01 the WoII Pnest.
Wulfen Guard 5 0 5
Number/squad: 10
TWA l d Sv
4 5 2+1 10 3+
13th Company has resurfaced. rales have been told of a
band of savage warriors. wearing the grey armour of the
second legion. yet supplemented by fragmenrs of armour
rom from the bod,es of falfen Chaos Space Marines. This
band has been seen co emerge as from nowhere upon the
field of battle. falling upon the servants of the Ruinous
Powers w;th savage ferociry. They are fed by a mighty
warrior-priest named the Stemhammer by rhe fmpen'um's
rroops, an indMduaf reportedly able co control the beasts in
combat though barely. After each barrie, rhe band has
disappeared before stunned fmperiaf forces could make
contact. Many have reponed being gfad of this fact for the
beasts appeared as ready to attack them as the enemy.
None can say whether this band truly is some vestige of the
fang-lost 13th Company. or even if i t is the same band that
has been seen in each instance. Yet where the forces of
the Imperium are hard-pressed by the Great Enemy, there
too may the mournful howf of the Wuffen pierce the night.
chilling the hearts of friend and foe alike.
Squad Hellang
Squad .Iomungdaw
Weapons: Though some of the Wulfen Guard may still bear
the remnants of thett lorlTlef weaponry, they use only their
savage claws In dose combat. These are counted as two dose
combat weapons (included In the profile above).
Rending, Fleet
Animal Rage: Should thetr WOlf Priest fall, the Wulfen Guard
Will be fliled Wi th atavistic fury at the loss. If the Wolf Priest 15
removed as a casualty. all movement by the
Wullen must be towards the closest enemy. and assaults mllst
be made II possible.
The aircraft used during the Great Crusade just before the
Horus Heresy and the introduction of the Thunderhawk. They
are void capable as well as capable of atmospheric flight. The
actual pattern type is Warhawk VI. They played a similar role as
the Thunderhawk Gunship today, and it had many weapons for
a supporting troops while deploying from the front hatch. They
were manufactured on Terra by t he Yndonesic Bloc for use
against the Panpacific tribes during the Unification Wars. Their
wings can be folded or collapsed in some manner.
Stormbirds - monstrous, fat-
bodied flyers with racks of mis-
siles slung under each wing and
wide rotary cannons seated in
forward pintle mounts. Engines
screamed at last minute adjust-
ments. False Gods.
UNIT: 1 stormbird Gunship
TYPE: Superheavy Flyer
4 12 12 10
TRANSPORT: The Storm bird has a transport capacity of 100 (Rhino-
based vehicles count as 15 models, Land Raiders count as 25, Bikes count
as 2, Attack Bi kes count as 3, Baneblades and other similar size tanks
count as 50).
ACCESS POINTS: 1 access hatch on either side and a forward assault
ramp (units disembarking from a Storm bird may assault at the same time).
- Hull-mounted Battle canon (58 AP3, 7", Primary Weapon)
- 8 sponson-mounted twin-l inked Heavy Bolters
- 4 Hull-mounted twin-linked autocannons
- 6 Bomb Pylons. For each bombing run, the Stormbird
may drop 4 Pylons. This may be done 4 ti mes per game,
after which the Stormbird is out of bombs.
- Searchlight, Extra Armour, Armoured Cockpit.
They described as bulkier t han the Thunderhawk and less-agile.
However, the Stormbi rd can carry up to the equivalent of a modern
space marine company, between 60 and 100 marines. It is also de-
scribed as having missiles slung under bot h wings and a cannon
mounted on the nose. Stormbirds are piloted by two marines sitting
back to back along with two hard wired servitors.
It is not known the adual shape or look of a Stormbi rd, yet early
drawings of the Thunderhawk show organic, large, and VTOL Impe-
rial craft dropping marines on a target.
l;tsc;tnnon 48'
He;tvy bolter 36'
Multimelt;t 24'
B;tUle canon 72'
Autocannon 48'
Demoli sher Siege 24'
Puni sher (;atling 24'
Bomb Bomb
Hell strike Unl imited
Mi ss ile
Hel storm Hel lstorm
HeUfury 72'
Mi ssil e
The Ultima Pattern switches the large
wings and engine nacelles for large
directional turbines. During key stages of
the Heresy, many damaged Storm Birds
were retrofitted to the Ultima Pattern by
both sides and used as drop ships at
Isstvan, Calth and Prospera.
9 2 Heavy 1
5 4 Heavy 3
8 1 Heavy l.
8 3 Ordnance l.
7" Blast.
Primary weapon
7 4 Heavy 4
10 2 Ordnance l.
7" Blast
5 Heavy 20
6 4 Apocalypse
Barage (6)
8 3 Heavy 1. One-shot
7 3 Inferno, One-shot
4 5 Heavy 1. 7" Blast.
May replace any twin-linked
heavy bolter with:
Hover mode
Ceramite Shielding
Armoured Behemo1h: Models without M weapons
use normal BS instead of hitting on 6's
May replace nose-mounted autocan-
A twin-l inked autocannon ........ 15pts
A twin-l inked la$Cannon . ... .. ... .. . 35pts
2 multi-meltas ........................ .free
A1oman1ic Shielding: Grants a 5+ invunerable save
Battle Cannan .. ................... 25pts
2 twin-linked la$Cannons ..... .35pts
May replace 6 Bomb Pylons with:
6 Hellfury Missiles ........................... free
Punisher Gat ling Cannon .... AOpts
6 Hellstrike Missiles ...................... .free
Demolisher Siege Cannan . . AOpts
1 Hellstorms ........................ ......... .free
A rel ic of the Horus Heresy, the Sabre Tank Hunter originally
mounted an Autocannon in the front mount. Though t here
were other Tank Hunters devised, the Sabre became the most
recognised and even though many of the t anks have had t hei r
Autocannon replaced by the much more powerful laser De-
stroyer, the name Sabre is still used to denote them.
sabre 4
Un II Type:
Vehicle (Tank)
Special Rul es:
o 0
Front Side Rear
13 11 10
0 . 0.
Il Il
Weapons and equipment:
laser Destroyer
Storm boiter
Smoke launchers
They are very rare in the 41st Millennium, and a Chapter will
generally not commit them to battle unless it is known that a
significant enemy armour threat will be present. Sergeant Chro-
nus of the Ultra marines is known to be particularly protective of
the pair of Sabre vehicles his Chapter possess, and it will be rare
that one will be deployed without him commanding it.
A Sabre Tank Hunter may take any of the foliowinQ:
- a stOflTl bolter
a missile
a dozer blade
a siege
- armour
Weapon Range Sir. AP Type


Laser Destroyer 72" 10 2 Ordnance 1
The Sabre is a Heavy Support choice f or Space Marine, Dark Angel, Black Templar, Space Wolf and Blood Angels Armies, please refer
to the appropriate codex.
The Hercules is a super-hea'Y assault vehicle. Irs primary purpose is to rol l up to enemy fortifications, firing as it ad
vances, and deploy troops into the breech. Its sheer size and thick armour more than make up for lade: of speed, as few
foes can destroy a Hercules before it reaches their lines. It was a super heavy tank used by the Space Marines during the
UNIT 1 Hercules
TYPE: Super-heavy tank
BS Front Side
4 14 13
TRANSPORT: The Hercules has a transport capacity of 40.
- Five sponsons, each With one lascannon and either a
twlnIinked heavy flamer or a tWln-hnked heavy bolter
Searchlight and smoke launchers
-Replace sponson mounted IWIn-linked heavy bolters With twin
linked heavy flamers .. _ ................. _. __ ._._ ............... Free
-A storm bo/tltf ... _ .. _ ... __ ......... __ ._ .. _ . _ . +10 pIS
-II hunter.tyller misslle ... _ ..................... _._ ............ _ .. _ .... +l0 pts
-A multHnelta ... _ ............ _ ..... _ ................... _ ...... _ .. __ ...... + 10 ptS
Teleport Bucon: If a Hercules Is deployed on the
tabl e, then any teleporting troops may re-roll the deep
strike scatter dice.
Orbital Bombardment: The Hercules gives the Space
Marine player the Orbital Bombardment strategic asset.
Improved Comms: The presence of one or more Her-
cules In an army adds a Flank March Strategic asset
while the Hercules Is on the table (I.e., the Hercules is
not Itself held In reserve or destroyed).
.. "
2 Heavy I
Heavy bolter
5 4 Heavy 3
Heavy fl amer Template 5 4 ASSilUI! 1
FIRE POINTS: Up to 20 models may fire from the Hercules's
ftghllng platform
ACCESS POINTS: The Hercules 15 treated as opentopped for
the purposes of passengen embarking and dlSefTlbarklng.
Shield Generator: Non-vehicle models wilhin 12" of
tank receive a 4+ Invulnerable save against anyanack
originating from more than 12" away from the genera-
tor (vehicles counts as Obscured Instead).
Mind of the Omnlssiah: The Fellblade can i gnore the
fi rst "Gun Crew Shaken" or "Driver Stunned" result per
turn. In addi tion, the tank may Ignore difficult terrain
Command Tank: The Hercules Is a mobil e field HQ. All
Space Marine units with 24" of the tank may re-roll
failed Morale Checks.
Space Marine tanks and armoured fighting vehicles are
geared towards this role, with the Predator and hulking
land Raider battle tanks providing heavy support for the
assaulting infantry. Even their artillery, the Whirlwind, is
rapid moving, laying down a (over of supporting fire for
the advancing Space Marines.
The Thunderhawk Transporter is a logistical support vari-
ant of the standard Thunderhawk Gunship. Used to
quickly move a Space Marine Chapter's vehicles from
2-4 Land Raiders
4-8 Rhinos
0- 3 Predators
0-3 Vindicators
0- 3 Whirlwind
their Strike Cruisers in orbit to the planet's surface. or from
one ground operation to another, the transporter does not
generally carry infantry (unless they are preloaded into their
vehicles), It can carry two Rhino-sized vehicles, or a single
Land Raider-sized vehicle using its powerful magnetic
clamps. It can also carry an under slung supply pod, for
moving ammunition or fuel. It also has other useful equip-
ment such as a winch for recovering Drop Pods after a suc-
cessful deployment.
All tanks must be equipped with the passengers.
One tank must be designated as the command.
Strike Force: Each unit In the Armoured Task Force must be deployed Within 6" of another unit in [he strike force. If coming on from re-
serve, they must enter the table within 6" of the point entered bv another unit from the Armoured Task Force. If deep striking, they must
aim to arrive within 6" of another unit from the Armoured Task Force.
Thunderhawk Insertion: The Armoured Task Force can be deploved via Thunderhawk Transport. As a resul,
the entire strike force can Deep Strike.
First Into Battle: In additi on to his normal strategic assets the player gains the Careful Planning asset.
Command Tank: As long as the Armoured Task Force command tank Is mobile, any tank In the spearhead within 12" of It (Including the
command tank itself) re-rolls failed dangerous terrain tests.
Defence lines are built from crenellated shiel d sections
that link together into a solid shieldwall. The most
common type of defence tine comprises two such walls
backto-back. lmperial Aegis lines can be built and de-
ployed at such speed they are often referred to as 'in-
stant fortresses'. Space Marine Chapters are composed of
a thousand elite troops, the finest warriors Mankind can
produce. This means that powerful though a Chapter is, it
wi ll always lack numbers. The Space Marines are equipped
with a variety of remotely activated weaponry which can help
alleviate these problems. Should a Chapter need to hold
ground, but lack the troops to leave on stationary guard
duty, then it can use an automated defence force. These
weapons are dropped into place by Thunderhawks and acti -
vated by the Chapter's T echmarines. The weapon's status
can then be monitored from command vehicles.

1+ Techmarine
3+ Tarantula Se ntry Gun Pl atforms
1+ Aegis Defence Line
0+ Hyperlos Air Defense Battery
Rul es for Tarantul a Sentry Guns and Hyperios Platforms can be found i n
Imperi al Armour Apocalypse 2 and Imperial Armour Aeronautica.
Forward Deployment: Tarant ula and Hyperios Air Defense Banery may deploy usi ng the Infil t rate universal special rule. All weapons
pl atforms must be depl oyed within 1 8 ~ of the Techmari ne.
Machine spi ri t cont rol: Tarantula and Hyperios Air Defense Battery are an automated weapon. However, any Techmarine, if he did not
shoot and is Wi thi n r of weapons platforms, Tarantula Sentry Gun and Hyperi os Ai r De fense Battery may use hi s BaUistic Skill for
shoot ing this turn.
Amongst the twelve Wolf Lords of the Space Wolves Chapter,
Bran Redmaw has a great fondness for the company of Fenrisian
Wol ves. His own hall is littered with the creatures, and they join
him when he goes to battle. Often he prefers to lead the wolves
rather than his battle brothers. This is because in the heat of
battle Bran can transform into the Redmaw, a savage wolf beast
of monstrous size. He is not alone within his great company in
being afflicted by the Curse of the Wulfen.
- Bran Redmaw or Wolf Guard Battle Leader
- 2-4 Grey Hunters Packs
- Each Grey Hunters Pack must be mounted in a Land Raider, land
Raider Crusader or Land Raider Redeemer.
Strike Force: All models within the formation must deploy within 12"
of the Redmaw or the Wolf Guard battle leader leading the formation
(or the vehicle transporting them.) While within this range all Grey
Hunters packs in the formation have the Furious Charge special rule.
Space Wolves that have succumbed to the Wulfen are shunned
by most of the Chapter, but Bran Redmaw's Great Company
is unique, harbouring a few of them within their ranks and
making good use of these savage shock troops in battle. The
Wulfen within their ranks is a grim secret of Redmaw's Company,
known only to Logan Grimnar and his closest advisors (but in
truth suspected by many others). The day may come when they
must be purged from the Chapter's ranks, but whilst Bran and
his tainted brothers remain loyal warriors in firm control of their
affliction, they are tolerated by the Great Wolf.
Prey Drivers: Redmaw's wolves prefer to encircle thE:ir prey,
herding them into a killing zone before attacking from many
directions at once. Units in the formation are subject to the Rage
special rule when within 12 of the enemy.

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