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Format umum 5 Fasa Needham Contoh RPH bahasa inggeris dan melayu

Proses Pengajaran & Pembelajaran

Proses pengajaran dan sistem pengajaran terdapat mesej ( isi pelajaran ) yang ingin disampaikan. Ada juga mesej yang berupa arahan kepada pelajar, soalansoalan tentang isi pelajaran, maklum balas daripada pelajar dan lain-lain maklumat seperti yang terkandung dalam rajah 1

Rajah 1 : Proses pengajaran dan sistem pengajaran

Laksana pengajaran

Rancang Pengajaran Bina Media/Rancang pengajaran Proses Pembelajara Tentukan kurikulum

Dapatkan perhatian Nyatakan objektif

Mengingat semula Buat persembahan

Beri panduan/bantuan

Uji prestasi/soal Dapatkan tindak balas

Nilai prestasi

Buat aktiviti pengayaan pemulihan

Topik & Sub topik

Analisis pelajar : Kelas, tahun, tahap kognitif, & gaya VAK

Strategi -Model ? Teknik? -Pengurusan hasil pelajar ? -Kaedah- kelas, individu, kumpulan, pasangan

Perkara/ Isi Pelajaran

Analisis pelajar


Analisis pengajaran


Strategi pengajaran

Pilih/baiki/bina bahan

Ujian criteria

Nilai bahan


Susun sukatan pelajaran Tahunan, Mingguan, Harian

Pelajar Tentukan unit pelajaran

Cari bahan berkaitan

Format umum

( darjah 1 dan 4 pengajaran dalam bahasa melayu, darjah 2,3,5 dan 6 dalam bahasa inggeris ).

Rajah 2 Format Umum Rancangan Pelajaran Harian Class / kelas: Theme /tema: L. Area /bidang pembelajaran: Topic / Tajuk : Learning Objective / Objektif Pembelajaran: Leaning Outcomes / Hasil Pembelajaran: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to / di akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar dapat : Time: 70 minutes SPS: MS: SA & NV: TS : LR :

Pre-requisite knowledge / Pengetahuan sedia ada: Students should already know,

Teaching & Learning Method / Kaedah Pengajaran dan pembelajarn :

Step/ Phase (time) Fasa Pengajaran ( masa ) Orientation/ Orientasi (5 mins)

Contents Isi Kandungan

Teaching and Learnig Activities Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Video and film show, demonstration, problem solving, something unusual, analogy, story telling, task, question

Remarks Catatan

Attracting attention, interests and motivating pupils Menjurus kepada tajuk dan isi pelajaran hari itu

SPS: LR: picture 1,2 & CD TS :

Eliciting ideas/ Pencetusan Idea (10 mins) Restructurin g Ideas / Penstrukturan Idea (40 mins) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Small group discussion, Identifying pupils` prior concept mapping and presentation, POE, IAI, idea. post box. Discuss science vocabulary Intuitive guesses To realize the existence of alternative ideas , ideas needs to be improved, to be developed or to be replaced with scientific ideas. i. Explanation and exchanging ideas. Role play Field trip Construct coding system Small group discussion, concept mapping and presentation, POE Video and film show, demonstration, problem solving Small group discussion ii. Exposure to and presentation. conflict ideas. Discussion, reading, and teachers input. iii. Development of Experiment, project and new ideas. demonstration. Test the validity of the iv. Evaluation. new ideas. Application of ideas in Writing of individuals report on the project new situations. work. To accommodate ones idea to the scientific ideas. Cognitive link Writing of individuals report on the project work, group discussion,

SPS: LR: picture 1,2 & CD TS : (loc 1 @ 2 @ 3)

SPS: LR: picture 1,2 & CD TS : (Objective 1) (Objective 2) (Objective 3)

Application of ideas/ Aplikasi idea (10 minutes ) Reflection / Refleksi (5 mins)

Worksheet 2 , 3 & 4. (Objective 1,2 & 3) Poem (Objective 1,2 & 3)

personal notes. Summary, repetition of key point, correcting assignment, suggestion of further activity Social link Create a sence of achiement Positive reinforcement SPS Science Process Skill / Kemahiran Proses Sains MS Manipulative Skill / Kemahiran manipulatif SA Scientific Attitude / sikap saintifik NV Nobel Value / nilai murni TS Thinking Skill / kemahiran berfikir T - Teacher HW Home work LR & TR Teaching and Learning Resources / sumber pengajaran

NEEDHAM`S TEACHING PHASE & CIRTERIA Orientation Is the topic clearly introduced? Does it arause the students` interest ? Does it promote thinking skil ?

Eliciting of ideas

What is the techniques used ? Are the techniques used successfully ? Do the activities or questions relate to the students previous knowledge ?

Restructuring of Ideas Are the activities interesting ? Are the students thinking? Is the experience meaningful ? why ? Is the class control effective ?

Application of Ideas What sort of problem reflective thinking ? Is the students idea applicable

Reflection Do the questions promote reflective thinking ? Do the main ideas highlighted? Are the students motivated ?


Contoh Rancangan Pelajaran Harian

Contoh rancangan pelajaran harian adalah seperti berikut : Tahun Masa Bilangan pelajar Tema Tajuk Bidang Pembelajaran (LA) Objektif Umum(LO) : : : 4 Bestari (kelas cemerlang) 60 minit 30 orang Menyiasat Alam Bahan Bahan Yang Mengalirkan Arus Elektrik 1.1 Sifat Bahan Memahami sifat bahan

: :

Hasil Pembelajaran(LOT) : Di akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid dapat: Menyatakan komponen satu litar lengkap semasa simulasi. Mengenalpasti 10 jenis bahan yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik semasa perbincangan dan eksperimen. Menyatakan peranan penebat kepada wayar elektrik semasa pengaliran arus elektrik semasa bersoal jawab. Pendekatan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran : Strategi : Pengetahuan Sedia Ada : Litar lengkap ,symbol, menyambungkan litar umum. Kemahiran Proses Sains : Nilai Murni : Sumber Pengajaran : : Konstruktivisme Aktiviti `Hands-on` alatradas dan cara

Memerhati, Mengelas & Membuat Inferens Rasional & Kerjasama Alat Radas Menyambungkan litar

Fasa Pengajaran Set Induksi /Orientasi (5 minit)

Isi Kandungan Membina litar elektrik

Aktiviti P&P Jenis Aktiviti : Simulasi Guru memberi gambar bateri, mentol, dan suis digantungkan kepada murid untuk menghasilkan satu litar . Murid berpegang tangan untuk menunjukkan satu litar elektrik lengkap. (Murid telah ada pengetahuan membina litar elektrik.) Soalan : Adakah mentol akan menyala? Mengapa?

Catatan BBM: Gambar mentol, bateri, dan suis Kemahiran Proses Sains: Memerhati Kemahiran Berfikir: Membuat gambaran mental Nilai Murni: Bekerjasama, minat, sifat ingin tahu tentang alam sekeliling Pelbagai Kecerdasan: Visual dan pergerakan kinestatik

Murid yang memakai gambar suis Tahap Kognitif:

melepaskan tangan Soalan: Adakah mentol akan menyala sekarang? Mengapa? Apakah komponen satu litar lengkap? Pencetusan Idea 5 minit Mengenal pasti objek yang boleh mengalir arus elektrik dan tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Jenis Aktiviti : Mengelas Soalan Adakah murid-murid membawa objek yang diminta? Murid meletakkan objek-objek yang dibawa di atas meja.


Soalan Daripada pengetahuan kamu, kelaskan objek mengikut kebolehan mengalirkan arus elektrik. Murid mengelas objek kepada boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik dan tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik dalam lembaran yang disediakan.

BBM: Bahan yang sedia ada dan dibawa oleh murid: Sudu plastik, limau, kunci, sapu tangan, pembaris kayu, gelas, pemadam, syling satu sen, surat khabar, lidi pensil, air kopi, gelang getah, klip kertas, dan paku Kemahiran Proses Sains: Mengelas Kemahiran Berfikir: menghubungkait dan meramal Nilai Murni: Sistematik dan berfikir secara rasional Tahap Kognitif: Pengetahuan, pemahaman Rujuk Lampiran 1 BBM: bateri, wayar, mentol, suis, kad manila, dan marker Kemahiran Proses Sains: Memerhati, inferens, mengelas, eksperimen, dan komunikasi

Pengstruktur an idea (Bahagian 1) 15 minit

Menyam bungkan litar Menguji objek yang boleh mengalir arus elektrik

Jenis aktiviti : `Hands-on Pelajar cuba sambungkan litar dan alat radas yang diberikan oleh guru. Arahan Guru meminta murid menguji objek yang dikelaskan tadi dan merekodkan pemerhatian.

Murid menguji objek yang telah dikelaskan dengan menggunakan litar elektrik. Murid merekodkan hasil dapatan mengikut kreativiti kumpulan masingmasing.

Kemahiran Berfikir: membanding dan membeza, serta mengumpul Nilai Murni: Jujur dalam merekod, sabar dalam menjalani sesuatu perkara, kritis dan analitis, serta kerjasama Pelbagai Kecerdasan: verbal, visual, dan pergerakan kinestatik Tahap Kognitif: Pengetahuan Kemahiran Proses Sains: komunikasi Nilai Murni: Berani, yakin dan berdikari Pelbagai Kecerdasan: interpersonal Rujuk Lampiran 2

Pengstruk turan idea (Bahagian 2) 15 minit

Laporan hasil dapatan murid

Jenis aktiviti : Pembentangan Wakil daripada setiap kumpulan melaporkan hasil dapatan. Murid membuat perbandingan jawapan dengan ramalan yang telah dibuat. Guru membuat perbandingan hasil dapatan antara kumpulan. ( Cara merekod yang paling sesuai adalah jadual) Guru bersama pelajar membuat rumusan awal tentang eksperimen Jenis aktiviti : Perbincangan Guru membimbing murid menyenaraikan jenis bahan berdasarkan objek yang telah

10 minit Aplikasi idea

Besi dan keluli boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik. Plastik, kain, getah, kayu, kaca tidak boleh mengalirkan

BBM: mentol, bateri, dan suis Kemahiran Proses Sains: komunikasi Kemahiran Berfikir: menilai dan membuat

arus elektrik. *air limau dan lidi pensil (karbon) boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik. *air paip adalah konduktor elektrik yang lemah *plastik boleh mengelakka n daripada renjatan elektrik kerana tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Refleksi 5 minit Refleksi 5 minit Peneguhan

Nilai Murni: Berfikir secara rasional, berhatihati semasa Soalan mengendalikan Apa akan berlaku jika alatan elektrik kita memegang suis dengan tangan yang Tahap Kognitif: basah? aplikasi dan Mengapa wayar penilaian elektrik disalut dengan bahan plastik?

dikelaskan. Murid mengenalpasti bahan yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik.


Jenis aktiviti : Nyanyian Murid menyanyi lagu . (Adaptasi lagu Satu Dua Tiga Empat oleh Ariswatan) Guru menunjukkan 10 objek satu persatu kepada murid untuk dikelaskan kepada yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik dan tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik. Murid mengangkat kad warna (merahtidak, hijau ya) Lampiran 3

BBM : botol plastik, majalah, sudu besi, straw, dawai, kertas, cermin, pembaris keluli, klip rambut besi, dan rod besi.

Lampiran 1 Contoh ramalan murid sebelum eksperimen.

Objek yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik dan tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Kunci Syiling satu sen Klip kertas Paku Sudu plastik Sapu tangan *Air limau *Lid pensil Pemadam Surat khabar

Lampiran 2 Hasil Dapatan Murid Contoh 1 Boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Kunci Syiling satu sen Klip kertas Paku *Air limau *Lid pensil

Tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Sudu plastik Sapu tangan Pemadam Surat khabar

Lampiran 3: Lagu (Adaptasi lagu satu dua tiga- Ariswatan) Kunci, klip kertas dan paku Objek yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Pemadam, pembaris kayu, Tidak boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Ingat wahai kawan-kawan Sifat bahan juga mempengaruhinya Apa yang dipelajari bahan besi dan keluli Boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik Ingat janganlah lupa Setiap bahan ada cirinya Pastikan kita mengetahui Bahan yang boleh mengalirkan arus elektrik LESSON PLAN CLASS : 5 Ibnu Qayyum THEME : Investigating Force and Energy L.AREA : 11. Energy TOPIC : 11.1 The various uses and sources of energy LEARNING OBJECTIVE:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to : State the sources of energy State the various of energy List the Uses of energy Give examples where and when energy is used.

TIME REQUIRED : 70 minutes Science Process Skills(SPS) : Observing Making decision Manipulative Skills(MS) : Thinking Skills(TS) : Comparing and contrasting Analysing Classifying Identifying Scientific Attitudes (SA) and Noble Values(NV) : Interested and inquisitive about the environment Appreciative Caring Learning aids and material/Learning Resource(LR) Handouts(sources of energy picture) Video presentation Slide presentation Worksheet Pre-requisite knowledge: Students should already know, The types and name of energy

Step/Phase Orientation (5 minutes)

Content Video presentation: Sources of energy

Teaching and Learning Activities Teacher asks the pupils to remember the main point from the video

Remarks TS : Analysing Observing Identifying LR : Video presentation Hand out

Remind the pupils Teacher asks the to pay the attention questions based on the during multimedia video presentation presentation Teacher tell the pupils that todays lesson is about energy. Eliciting ideas (20 minutes) Instruct pupils to do discussion regarding the energy Once time up, ask the pupils to do Step 1 : Teacher divides pupils into 4 group consist of 5. Every group is given the piece of paper. Step 2 : Pupils discuss in group

SPS: Observing TS : Comparing LR:

present the outcome each group.

and conclude that energy is needed: a) by living things to carry out life processes such as moving, breathing and growing, b) To move, boil, melt or bounce non-living thing Step 3 : Pupils gather information and give examples where and when energy is used

Handout Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3

Restructuring ideas (30 minutes)

The sources of energy The various types of energy The usage of energy

Pupils gather information about sources of energy, e.g. a) sun, b) food, c) wind, d) fuel, e) waterfall f) ocean ,seas g) dry cell/ battery. Pupils discuss that the sun is the main source of energy. Pupils do the experiment about the energy. Teachers ask the pupils what is the sources of energy. At this time the teacher will provides the pupils with the explanation the energy, sources or energy, types of energy and usage of energy

SPS: Observing TS: Classifying, Identifying Comparing

LR: Objective 3 Objective 4

Application of The demand of ideas energy (10 minutes) Various of energy

Teacher gives student worksheet and need to complete in class

TS: Classifying, identifying Comparing

Transformation of energy

Teacher led discussion in explanation every question

LR : Worksheet Objective 1 Objective 2

Reflection (5 minutes)

Recall what the energy and the usages of them

Randomly, teacher asks students to summarize todays lesson. Teacher ending the lesson by video presentation uses of efficiency energy to save our environment

Values: Inquisitive about their environment, caring and appreciative

Teachings Aids

Excercise1 Energy is important for living thing to carry out life processes such as:1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.___________________ 4.___________________ Energy is important for non- living thing to function or operate:1.___________________ 2.___________________

3.___________________ 4.___________________

Excercise 2 Names the sources of energy based on picture

Date Class Enrolment Learning Theme Learning Area Learning Outcomes

Time Required Strategy Science Process : Observing Predicting classifying Thinking Skills : Relating

: 27 April 2011 : 2 Bestari : 30 students : Learning About The World Around Us : Mixing Things : At the end of the lesson students will be able to: recognize 3 of 4 materials that can dissolve in water recognize 3 of 4 materials that cant dissolve in water record the observation in the table from the test doing : 60 minutes : Inquiry deductive Experiment

Generating Idea Analyzing Manipulative Skills: Handling of apparatus Storing of apparatus Cleaning of apparatus Scientific Attitudes and Values: Cooperation Careful Systematic

Learning aids and materials: A glass of water Sugar Cocoa powder Salt Curry powder Coffee powder Flour Sand Pepper Beakers Filter funnel Filter paper Spatula Slide power point LCD Laptop Worksheets

Steps/phase (time) Orientation ( 5 minutes )

Contents Mixing things-some materials can dissolve in water and some cannot

Teaching and Learning activities


Can you see the clear water now? What happens to the water? Can you name this process?

Teacher demonstrate to students by mixing the cocoa powder in the SPS: water and stir it Observing Predicting Teacher shows some cocoa powder added in a glass of water TS: and then stirs by spoon. Analyzing Relating Teacher asks questions regarding the demonstration: Teaching aids: A glass of water Teacher tells the students that Sugar todays lesson is about mixing Spoon things and they will be learning about some materials can dissolve in water and some cannot. Teacher asks students to define mixing according to their own ideas or understanding Teacher gives the actual definition of mixing. Teacher shows the slide of the materials that can and cannot dissolve in water. SPS classifying predicting TS Generating Idea

Eliciting Idea (10 minutes)

Dissolve materials when put it in water, its physical look will disappeared Cannot dissolve materials that still in its existing look even put it in water.

The list of materials that can dissolve in water : salt sugar coffee powder cocoa powder The list of materials that cannot dissolve in water : bean marbles red beans sand Restructuring ideas (30 minutes) We can only taste edible materials that dissolve in water. We taste to check the presence that material in water. We can separate the materials that cannot dissolve in water by using a filter In a group Teacher gives some material for students to check either materials are dissolving or cant dissolve in water. They also need to taste the solution materials and filter to separate material that cannot dissolve in water 2. Teacher gives an explanation how to do the test. 3. Student make a test and record the observation result in table 1 ,2 From the result, students analyze the result Teacher and student discuss the conclusion

Teaching aid: slide power point LCD/laptop

SPS Observation Classifying TS Analyzing MS Handling of apparatus Storing of apparatus Cleaning of apparatus Teaching aids: Refer: Appendix A Values: Cooperation Careful Systematic

Conclusion of the activity

Application Idea (10 minutes)

Appendix B: Reinforcement activity Materials that can be dissolve and cant dissolve in water

Teacher asks the students to state the materials that can dissolve and also cant dissolve in water by doing a reinforcement activity in handout ( appendix B )

SPS: Classifying

Reflection ( 5 minutes )

Recall about materials can Teacher asks students to dissolve water or cant summarize todays lesson dissolve water. APPENDIX A


Find and circle 6 material has be given. SUGAR. SALT, COFFEE, FLOUR, PEPPER,SAND. E F N A I X G K D U K R E W R E P P E P R H E S M A Y H Z A L U F S I S G T J P Y G F L A J Z U Q W E A O D O L E U S K D R C Y G U T B T C N F K A B O R W M F A C T W N L T C Z K S F O M E D C I H U

Write the material can dissolve.

. Write the material cannot dissolve. . Give another material can dissolve and cannot dissolve.

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