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A AA Ambrosius. M i l a n , 1925-. Vatican II, decree Apostolica actuositatem (Decree on the

Apostolate of the Lay People). AAS 58 (1966) 837-864; Abbott, 489-521; Flannery, 766-798.
AAS Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Rome, 1909-.


Analecta Bollandiana. Brussels, 1882-.

Walter M . Abbott, S.J., ed. The Documents of Vatican IL N e w


York, 1966. A l c u i n C l u b Collections. London, 1899-. Ancient Christian Writers. N e w York, 1946-.
A . Dmitrievskij. Opisanie liturgiceskich rukopisej hransjascihsja

v bibliotekach pravoslavnago

Vostoka, 2 vols. Kiev, 1895,1902.


Vatican II, decree Ad gente (Decree on the Church's M i s sionary Activity). AAS 58 (1966) 947-990; Abbott, 584-630; Flannery, 813-856. Analecta Gregoriana. Rome, 1930-. Analecta liturgica. Rome (see SA).

AGreg AL


Regensburg, 1950-. Supersedes

Mnster, 1921-1941. alla liturgia. Edited by

Jahrbuch fiir Liturgieunssenschaft.


the professors at the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico S. Anselmo, Rome, under the direction of S. Marsili and Others. Casale
Monferrato, i974ff. Voi. , La liturgia: Momento nella storia Panorama sacramenti. della salvezza. 2nd ed. Genoa, 1979. Voi. 2, La liturgia: storico generale. Genoa, 1978. Voi. 3/1, La liturgia: I Teologia e storia della celebrazione, 3/2: La liturgia eucaristica: yd Teologia e storia della

ed. Genoa, 1992. Voi. celebrazione. ed. Genoa,

Genoa, 1989. Voi. 5, Liturgia

1992. Voi. 7, / sacramentali ASE AST Annali Analecta sacra Tarraconensia.

delle ore. Genoa, 1990. Voi. 6,

Genoa, 1989.

L'anno liturgico: Storia, teologia e celebrazione, e le benedizioni. di storia dell'esegesi. Bologna. Barcelona, 1925-.


A AA Ambrosius. M i l a n , 1925-. Vatican II, decree Apostolicam actuositatem (Decree on the Apostolate of the Lay People). AAS 58 (1966) 837-864; Abbott, 489-521; Flannery, 766-798. Ada Apostolicae Sedis. Rome, 1909-. Analecta Bollandiana. Brussels, 1882-. Walter M . Abbott, S.J., ed. The Documents of Vatican IL N e w York, 1966. A l c u i n C l u b Collections. L o n d o n , 1899-. Ancient Christian Writers. N e w York, 1946-. A . Dmitrievskij. Opisanie liturgiceskich rukopisej hransjascihsja v bibliotekach pravoslavnago Vostoka, 2 vols. Kiev, 1895,1902. Vatican II, decree Ad gentes (Decree on the Church's M i s sionary Activity). AAS 58 (1966) 947-990; Abbott, 584-630; Flannery, 813-856. Analecta Gregoriana. Rome, 1930-. Analecta liturgica. Rome (see SA). Archivfiir Liturgieivissenschaft. Regensburg, 1950-. Supersedes Jahrbuch fiir Liturgieivissenschaft. Mnster, 1921-1941. Anmnesis: Introduzione storico-teologica alla liturgia. Edited by the professors at the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico S. Anselmo, Rome, under the direction of S. M a r s i l i and others. Casale Monferrato, 19J4L Voi. 1, La liturgia: Momento nella storia della salvezza, znd ed. Genoa, 1979. Voi. 2, La liturgia: Panorama storico generale. Genoa, 1978. Voi. 3/1, La liturgia: I sacramenti. Teologia e storia della celebrazione, jrd ed. Genoa, 1992. Voi. 3/2: La liturgia eucaristica: Teologia e storia della celebrazione. Genoa, 1989. Voi. 5, Liturgia delle ore. Genoa, 1990. Voi. 6, L'anno liturgico: Storia, teologia e celebrazione, yd ed. Genoa, 1992. Voi. 7,1 sacramentali c le benedizioni. Genoa, 1989. ASE AST Annali di storia dell'esegesi. Bologna. Analecta sacra Tarracotiensia. Barcelona, 1925-.

AAS AB Abbott ACC ACW A.Dmitr AG

AGreg AL ALW Anmnesis



BittLitEc CAO

Bibliothque Augustinionne. CX'uvres do S. Augustin. Paris, 1949-. S. Parenti and E. Velkovska, L'eucologio Barberini gr. 336 (BELS80). Rome, 1995. Bibliotheca Ephemerides liturgicae. Rome, 1932-. Bibliotheca Ephemerides liturgicae Subsidia. Rome, 1975A . Bugnini, The Reform of the Liturgy: 1948-1975. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1990.
Bulletin de littrature ecclsiastique. Toulouse, 1899-1936. Corpus antiplionalium Catechism officii. Rome, 1963-1979. Church. Vatican City, 1994.



di spiritualit





Vatican II, dogmatic constitution Dei verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation). AAS 58 (1966) 817-835; Abbott, i n - 1 2 8 ; Flannery, 750-765.
1 2 Enchiridion Enchiridion documentorum documentorum instaurationis instaurationis liturgicae liturgicae 1 (19632 (1973-


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Codices liturgici Latini antiquiores. Freiburg/Schweiz, 1968.

Collegeville, M i n n . , 1986-1987. A . - G . Martimort, ed. L'glise en prire, Paris, 1983. English text: The Church at Prayer. 4 vols. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1986-1987.
Ephemerides Estudios liturgicae. trinitarios. Rome, 1887-.

EphLit EstTrin


Centre National de Recherches Scientihques. Concilium. Paris, 1965-. Martimort, A . - G . , ed. The Church at Prayer. 4 vols. C o l legeville, M i n n . , 1986-1987; one voi. ed., 1992.
Clavis Patruni Graecorum. Turnhout, 1974-.

FCh Flannery

Fontes Christiani. Freiburg-New York, 1990-. A u s t i n Flannery, O.P., ed. Vatican Council II: The Conciliar
Post Conciliar Documents.


Collegeville, M i n n . , 1975; rev. ed.,


1992. Faith and Order Papers. Geneva. Festschrift.

Missale Lrancorum


Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Vienna, 1886. Consejo superior de investigaciones eientificas. M a d r i d , 1940-1941.
Dictionnaire Rituale d'archeologie chrtienne et liturgie. Paris, 1907-1953. (Kaczynski). Vatican E d . F. Funk. Paderfor Masses ttrith


Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei [ahrhunderte. Leipzig. Vatican II, declaration Gravissimum educationis (Declaration on Christian Education). Vatican City, 1965. Abbott, 637-651; Flannery, 725-737.
Sacramentarium Sacramentarium Gellonensis. Gelasianum Vetus.


De benedictionibus

City, 1984.
Didascalia Directorium et Constitutiones de Missis Apostolorum. GeG GeV

born, 1905; reprint Turin, 1962.

cum pueris (Directory


General Instruction of the Roman Missal (Institutio Missalis

Grande lessico del nuovo Sacramentarium Sacramentarium testamento. Hadrianum. Supplementum.


Children). Vatican City, 1973. ED1L 1, ##3115-3169, pp. 968980; DOL 276. DOL International C o m m i s s i o n on English in the Liturgy, Docuwents on the Liturgy DPAC Dizionario patristico 1963-1979: Conciliar, e di antichit cristiane. Papal and Curia!

Romani). 4th ed. Vatican City, 1969,1975. DOL 208.

Gregorianum Gregorianum

Texts. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1982.

3 vols. Casale


Vatican II, constitution Gaudium

et spes (Pastoral Constitu-


Monferrato, 1983-1988. H . Denzinger and A . Schnmetzer, Lnchiridion 32nd ed. Freiburg, 1963.
Dictionnaire de spiritualit asctique et mystique.

Paris, 1932-.


tion on the C h u r c h in the M o d e m World). AAS 58 (1966) 1025-1120; Abbott, 199-308; Flannery, 903-1001. Henry Bradshaw Society. L o n d o n , 1891-.
Handbuch Handbuch der der Dogmengeschichte. Kirchengeschichte.



Heythrop Journal. Oxford, 1960-.

HS il ni


Monumenta Ecclesiae liturgica. Paris, 1890-1912. Mclanges de science religieuse. Lille, 1944-. Monumenta Germaniae historica. Berlin, 1826. Monumenta Hispaniae sacra. M a d r i d , 1946-. C. Vogel, Medieval Liturgy: An Introduction to the Sources. Washington, 1986. Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum P i i V Pont. Max. iussu editum (various editions; here Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S u m m o r u m Pontificum cura recognitum. Editio XIX iuxta typicam. Turin-Rome, 1961).

11ispanici sacra. M a d r i d , 1948-. InsttutO espanol de hisloria eclesiastica. Rome. Institutio generalis Missalis Romani (General Instruction of the Roman Missal). Vatican City, 1969,1975. EDIL 1, ##1381-1736, pp. 469-546; DOL 208.


IGLH Irn JAC JLw JThS Jungmann

Institutio generalis Liturgiae Horarum (General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours). Vatican City, 1971. DOL 426. Irnikon. Chevetogne, 1926-. Jahrbuchfiir Antike und Christentum. Mnster, 1958-. jahrbuch fiir Liturgieivissenschaft. Mnster, 1921-1941,19731979. journal of Theological Studies. L o n d o n , 1900-1905; Oxford, 1906-1949; n.s., Oxford, 1950-. J. A . Jungmann, Missarum sollemnia. 2 vols. Casale Monferrato, 1963. English translation: The Mass of the Roman Rite: Hs Origins and Development. Trans. F. Brunner. Christian Classics. Westminster, M d . , 1986. Originally published N e w York, 1951-1955.


Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici C o n cilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli Pp. VI p r o m u l gatum. Editio typica. Vatican City, 1970; 2nd editio typica, 1975. English text: The Sacramentary. Trans. International Committee on English in the Liturgy. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1973/1985Medieval Studies. Toronto-London, 1938-. Musicam sacram. EDIL I, ##733-801, pp. 275-291; DOL 508. N u o v a biblioteca Agostiniana. Rome. Nuovo dizionario di liturgia. Rome, 1984. Neues Handbuch der Literatunvissenschaft. Frankfurt-am-Main. Notitiae. Vatican City, 1965-. Nouvelle revue thologique. L o u v a i n , 1869-. Rituale Romanum, Orda benedictionum. Vatican City, 1984. Rituale Romanum, Ordo baptismi parvulorum. Vatican City, 1969,1973. Ordo confirmationis. Vatican City, 1971. Orientalia Christiana analecta. Rome, 1935Rituale Romanum, Ordo celebrandi matrimonium. Vatican City, 1969. Orientalia Christiana periodica. Rome, 1935-. Ordo consecrationis Vatican City, 1977. virginum. Vatican City, 1970. Pontificale Romanum, Ordo dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris. Vatican II, decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum (Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches). AAS 57 (1965) 76-89; Abbott, 373-386; Flannery, 441-451.


KB lai LeV LG

Katechetische Blttcr. M u n i c h , 1875-. Lateranum. Rome, 1919-. Lumire et vie. Lyons, 1951Vatican II, dogmatic constitution Lumen gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church). AAS 57 (1965) 5-71; Abbott, 14-96; Flannery, 350-423.

Lit L] LL LO LQF LThK LV MA198-1

Liturgia. Rome, n.s., i()6jff. Liturgisches Jahrbuch. Mnster, 1951-. A . Nocent, "I libri liturgici." Anmnesis 2: La liturgia: Panorama storico generale. Lex O r a n d i . Paris, 1944-. Liturgie- (until 1957: geschichtliche) wissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen. Mnster, 1909-1940; 1957Lexikonfiir Theologie und Kirche. Freiburg, 1957-1965. Lumen vitae. Brussels, 1946-. Missale Ambrosianum. Iuxta r i t u m sanctae Ecclesiae M e d i o l a nensis. Ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum. M i l a n , 1981; new ed. 1990.



J. D. M a n s i , Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. 31 vols. Florence-Venice, 1757-1798; reprinted and continued by L. Petit and J. B. Martin, 53 vols. i n 60. Paris, 1889-1927; reprinted Graz, i960-. Oe OICA OKS

Rituale Romanum, Ordo exsequiarum. Vatican City, 1969. Rituale R o m a n u m , Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum. Vatican City, 1972; rev. ed. 1974. Ostkirchliche Studien. Wrzburg, 1952-.


Li Maison-Dieu. Paris, 1945-



( l.M

Orilo hrlioiiiiin

Missile, Editio typica, Vatican City, 1969. and


Manuale di storia liturgica. Voi. 1 (2nd ed., 1950); voi. 2 (2nd ed., 1955); voi. 3 (1949); voi. 4 (1953). M i l a n . Rivista liturgica. Praglia-Finalpia, 1914-. Rule of the Master (Regula Magistri). Rivista di pastorale liturgica. Brescia, 1963. Revue des sciences philosophiques et thologiques. Paris, 1907-. Recherches de science religieuse. Paris, 1910-. Recherches de thologie ancienne et medievale. L o u v a i n . Studia Anselmiana. Rome, 1933-Sancti Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis Opera. Vatican II, constitution Sacrosandum concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy). AAS 56 (1964) 97-138; Abbott, 137178; Flannery, 1-36.

editio typica, Vatican City, 1981. EDIL 2, ##4057-4181, pp. 337-370; English text: Leclionary for Mass. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1970,1981,1998. OM OP OPR OR OS OSA OUl PatOr PCS PDOC PG PGD Ph PL PO Order of Mass (Ordo Missae). Vatican City, 1969. Rituale Romanum, Ordo paenitentiae. Vatican City, 1974. Rituale Romanum, Ordo professionis religiosae. Vatican City, 1970; rev. ed. 1975. Ordines Romani. L'Orient syrien. Paris, 1956-1967. Opera Sancti A u g u s t i n i Rituale Romanum, 1972. Patrologia Orientalis. Paris, 1901-. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum. In The Rites of the Catholic Church. N e w York, 1983 .

Ordo unctionis infirmorum.


Scuola cattolica. M i l a n , 1873-. Studies in Christian Antiquity. Washington, 1941-. Sources chrtiennes. Paris, 1941-. Sacris erudiri. Steenbruge, 1948-. Spicilegium Friburgense. Fribourg, 1957. Spicilegii Friburgensis Subsidia. Studia liturgica. Rotterdam, 1962. Studi e testi. Vatican City, 1900-. Studia patavina. Padua, 1954. Theologische Reina: Mnster, 1902-. Theological Studies. Woodstock, 1940-. Theologische Quartalschrift. Tbingen, 1819-. Theologische Realenzyklopadie. Berlin, 1947-. Typologie des sources du moyen ge occidenlal Trierer theologische Zeitschrift. Trier, 1945-. Tcxtc u n d Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Berlin, 1882-. Texte u n d Arbeite. Beuron, 1917Vatican II, decree Unitatis redintegratio (Decree on Ecumeni s m i AAS 57 (1965) 90-112; Abbott, 341-366; Flannery, 452470.

Petit dictionnaire de l'Orient chrtien. J . P. M i g n e , Patrologia cursus completus: Series Graeca. Paris, 1857-1866. Pontificale Guglielmi Durandi (Pontificai of W i l l i a m Durandus) Phase: Revista de pastoral liturgica. Barcelona, 1961J . P. M i g n e , Patrologia cursus completus: Series Latina. Paris, 1844-1855. Vatican II, Presbyterorum Flannery, 863-902. oniinis (Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests). AAS 58 (1966) 990-1024; Abbott, 532-576;


Pontificale R o m a n u m ( M . A n d r i e u , ed. Le Pontificai Romain au moyen ge, voi. 1, Pontificai Romain du XII'siede. ST 86. Vatican City, 1939; reprint 1984.


Pontificale Romano-Germanicum (Romano-German Pontificai) Questions liturgiques. L o u v a i n , 1910-. Les questions liturgiques et paroissiales. L o u v a i n , 1919-1969. Reallexikon fiir Antike und Christentum. Stuttgart, 1950-. Rule of Benedict (Regula Benedidi). Revue biblique. Paris, 1892-. Revue bndidine. Maredsous, 1884-. Revista catalana de teologia. Barcelona, 1976-. Rerum ecclesiasticarum documenta. Rome, 1954. Revista Espafiola de teologia. M a d r i d , 1940-. Revue de liturgie e monastique. Maredsous, 1911-1940. Revue grgorienne. Paris, 1911-. Revue d'histoire ecclsiastique. L o u v a i n , 1900-. ZAW Wor VC Ve ViSpi WUNT

Vigiliae Christianae. Amsterdam, 1947-. Sacramentarium Veronense. Vie spirituelle. Paris, 1947-. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen z u m Neuen Testament. Tbingen, 1950. Worship. Collegeville, M i n n . , 1951- Formerly Orate Fratres, 1926-1951. Zeitschrift fiir Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1881-.




Zeitschrift fiir kutholische Theologie. Vienna and Innsbruck,


Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgescluchte (Romanesche Abteilung). Weimar.

Anscar J. Chupun#'<

Sacraments and Sacramentals

INTRODUCTTON T h e s t u d y of the s a c r a m e n t s f r o m a l i t u r g i c a l p o i n t of vie p o s e s the basic d o c t r i n e o f t h e C h u r c h c o n c e r n i n g their es?4fl ponents, institution b y C h r i s t , number, scope a n d p u r p o s c f B m i n i s t r a t i o n b y the C h u r c h , a n d the r e q u i r e m e n t s for c e l e N H r e c e p t i o n . S o m e t h i n g s i m i l a r c a n b e s a i d o f the liturgica]
1 1

sacramentals. It t o o p r e s u p p o s e s the c o r r e s p o n d i n g do< t r i t h e i r nature, i n s t i t u t i o n b y t h e C h u r c h , a n d efficai \ l'ho the subject o f s y s t e m a t i c theology, b u t they influencc u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e s a c r a m e n t s a n d sacramentals T h e l i t u r g i c a l s t u d y o f s a c r a m e n t s a n d sacrameli! aspect o f c e l e b r a t i o n a n d r i t u a l a c t i o n . In the past, i l " t e n d e d to present the s a c r a m e n t s a n d (fimi m o r e t h a n f r o m a r i t u a l p e r s p e c t i v e . T h e other extn'ilW d e a l w i t h t h e m f r o m a p u r e l y r u b r i c a i c o n s i d e r a i ioli. Hi d o g m a , w h i l e l i t u r g y m e a n t r u b r i c s . W h i l e rubrica 4 | r i t u a l a c t i o n , they d o n o t represent t h e totality of A M t i o n that i n c l u d e s b o t h d o c t r i n e a n d s p i r i t u a l i t y , whl b y the v a r i o u s c o m p o n e n t s o f t h e r i t u a l a c t i o n . I II a n d s a c r a m e n t a l s are s p o k e n o f as celebration, Il ir b e t w e e n p r e a c h i n g a n d p r a y i n g , b e t w e e n faith iti b e t w e e n the e c c l e s i a l c o m m u n i t y a n d t h e i n d i v i a In other w o r d s , there is n o d i c h o t o m y betweeil b r a t i o n . T h e c l a s s i c a l a x i o m lex orandi, lex W h i l e lex orandi d e t e r m i n e s the content o f lex Cri ' Catechista of the Catholic Church (Vatican City, 1994), CCC, nos. 1667-1679. 'P. de Clerck: "Lex orandi, lex credendi. Sens origini d'un adago quivoque, QL 59 (1978) 193-212. On the i|i see A. Triacca, "Liturgia locus theologicus o theologia I dilemma verso una sintesi," Paschale Mysterium, SA 91
1 2

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