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By Shintawati Halim Opening Microsoft Excel The steps to open Microsoft Excel are: 1. Click Start 2. Select All Programs 3. Select Microsoft Office 4. Select and click Microsoft Excel

Picture 1. Opening Microsoft Excel Close or Exit Microsoft Excel The steps to close or exit from Microsoft Excel are 1. Click File menu 2. Select and click Close or Exit

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Picture 2. Closing Microsoft Excel Create a Table Creating a table in Microsoft Excel is easier than in Microsoft Word, because this software is used for working with spreadsheet. Here, we just type the contents of table, because columns and rows are already provided. The only thing we have to know here is what the reference style of columns and rows (see Picture 3). Cell Column


Picture 3. Table on Microsoft Excel D7

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Picture 3 shows that the reference styles of columns are letters (e.g. A, B, C, etc), while the row are numbers (1, 2, 3, etc). So the D7 reference style refers to column
with the letter D and row with the number 7. It is also know as cell D7.

Using the Basic Formatting of Cells The cells (either row or column) can be changed, either the row height or the column width. Changing the row height can be done by following these steps: 1. Highlight or block a row that we want to change 2. Click Format menu 3. Select Row 4. Select and click Height 5. In the dialog box of Row height, type the height of row in the Row height field (see Picture 5) 6. Click OK button to change the setting or Cancel button to cancel the setting. Picture 4. Changing the row height

Picture 5. Row Height Dialog Box The similar steps above can be done for the changing of column, only Row and Height are replaced by Column and Width. Other settings of format cells can be done by using the dialog box of Format Cells. This dialog box can be activated by following the steps below: 1. Click Format menu 2. Select and click Cells 3. Do the setting we want in the dialog box of Format Cells 4. Click OK button to do the format setting or Cancel button to cancel the setting Picture 6. Activate Format Cells dialog box The dialog box of Format Cells can be seen on Picture 7. Picture 7 shows that there are 6 tabs to specify the format of table, those are: 1. Number tab is used to format a selected cell. The category of cell format can be Number, Date, Time, or Percentage, etc. This format can be applied by clicking an option in the Category box, and then select the options that we want to specify a number format.

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Picture 7. The dialog box of Format Cells 2. Alignment tab is used to set the text alignment, text orientation, wrapping text, merging cells, and indentation. 3. Font tab is used to set the type, style, size, colour, effects of font. 4. Border tab is used to apply border to the selected cells, or to remove border from the selected cells. 5. Pattern tab is used to apply shading to the selected cells, or in other words to fill the selected cells with colour. 6. Protection tab in the Format Cells is used to lock the selected cells. So that, other people wont be able to change it, and also to hide a formula in a cell so that it doesn't appear in the formula bar when the cell is selected. But if we choose this tab to protect our sheet it wont have any effects. To protect a sheet we have to go to the Tools Tab and do these steps below: a. Click Tools menu. b. Select Protection. c. Select and click Protect sheet d. Select the Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells check box in the dialog box of Protect Sheet (see Picture 9). e. Field Password to unprotect sheet is optional. Picture 8. Activate Protect Sheet dialog box
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Select any options to allow what other people can do with our worksheet from the options of Allow all users of this worksheet to. g. Click OK button to do the protection or Cancel button to cancel the protection.

Picture 9. Protect Sheet dialog box Inserting or Deleting a Row or a Column or a Cell Inserting a row or a column or a cell can be performed by these steps: 1. Highlight or block a row or a column or a cell we want to be inserted a new row or a new column below it 2. Click Insert menu 3. Select and click Rows (for inserting row) or Columns (for inserting column) or Cells (for inserting a selected cell to up or down, or the entire row or column of the selected cell) Notes: When a cell is selected, the dialog box of Insert will appear (see Picture 11). Picture 10. Inserting steps

Picture 11.of Insert dialog box Microsoft Excel Handout By shinta For The Training Kindergarten Teachers

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Deleting a row or a column or a cell can be performed by these steps: 1. Highlight or block a row or a column or a cell we want to be deleted. 2. Click Edit menu. 3. Select and click Delete If a row or a column is selected, the entire of selected row or column will be deleted immediately. However, If a cell is selected the dialog box of Delete will appear (see Picture 13).

Picture 12. Deleting steps

Picture 13. Delete dialog box Using Page Setup The page setup facility of MS Excel is used to set the worksheet. To use Page Setup, do this steps: 1. Click File menu. 2. Select and click Page Setup 3. Change the setting in the dialog box of Page Setup (see Picture 15). 4. Click OK button to save the setting or click Cancel button to exit from dialog box of Page Setup without saving the setting. Picture 14. Activate Page Setup From Picture 15, it shows that there are four tabs in the dialog box of Page Setup. Those tabs are: Page tab which is used to set the paper will be used to print our document (i.e. the size of paper will be used, the orientation of paper, scaling in printing). Margin tab which is used to set the margins of whole worksheet (i.e. top, bottom, left, right, header, and footer margins; center on page vertically or horizontally). Header/Footer tab which is used to specify the content of header and footer, including page number. Sheet tab which is used to set print area, to specify a row to be repeated at the top of each page or a column to be repeated at the left of each page, etc.

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Picture 15. The dialog box of Page Setup Using Print Menu to print a worksheet To use Print, do these steps: 1. Click File menu. 2. Select and click Print. 3. Change the setting in the dialog box of Print (see Picture 17), such as printer name, the pages want to print, the number of copies want to print, etc. 4. Click OK button to save the setting or click Cancel button to exit from dialog box of Print without printing anything.

Picture 16. Activate Print

Inserting Page Numbers If we want to give our worksheet page numbers, do these steps: 1. Click View menu. 2. Select and click Header and Footer. 3. If we want to insert page number on the header or footer to our worksheet, click Custom Header button or

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Custom Footer button on the dialog box of Page Setup Header/Footer tab (see Picture 18).

Picture 17. The dialog box of Print

Picture 18. The dialog box of Page Setup Header/Footer tab 4. Inserting page numbers in the header do these steps:

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In the Header dialog box (see Picture 19 (a)) or in the Footer dialog box (see Picture 19 (b)), click mouse to the Left section, or Center section, or Right section textbox.

(a) The dialog box of Header

(b) Dialog box of Footer Picture 19. The dialog box to insert page number b. Type any text we want in the selected textbox or click Insert Page Numbers icon ( )

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c. 5.

Click OK button to apply the inserting page number or click Cancel button to cancel the inserting page number.

Click OK button on the dialog box of Page Setup Header/Footer tab to apply the setting or click Cancel button to cancel the setting.

Save a Worksheet Our worksheet can be saved on the certain location by doing these steps: 1. Click File menu. 2. Select and click Save or Save As (both can be used for new document, Save will be used to save an existing worksheet). 3. In the dialog box of Save As (see Picture 20), type filename of the document in the File name: field. 4. Click the arrow of Save in: field to choose the location of our document we want to put the saved document. 5. Click Save button to save the worksheet or click Cancel button to cancel the saving.

Picture 20. The dialog box of Save As Or we can save our worksheet using the saving icon ( )

Open a Saved Worksheet or an Existing Worksheet The steps to open a saved document or an existing document are: 1. Click File menu

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2. Select and click Open 3. In the dialog box of Open (see Picture 21), click the arrow of Look in: field to choose the location of our document we want to put the saved document. 4. Type the filename of the document we want to open in the File name: field. Or select the file we want to open. Here we select Exercise 5. Click Open button to open the document or click Cancel button to cancel.

Picture 21. The dialog box of Open Or we can open a document using the opening icon ( )

Using a Reference Cell A reference cell is a cell used as a reference to other cell in one sheet or other sheet, even to other cell on different worksheet. If we use a cell as a reference, Microsoft Excel will look for the value or data of the reference cell. In other words, by using a reference cell, the data that contained in different parts of a worksheet in one formula or the value from one cell in several formulas can be used. Also, cells on other sheets in the same workbook, and to other workbook can be referred to a
formula. References to cells in other workbooks are called links.

A reference cell can be used by following these steps and see Picture 22 as an example: 1. Click mouse to the destination cell (e.g. cell C7) 2. Type the sign of =

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3. Click the mouse to the cell we that want to be as a reference cell (e.g. cell C1) 4. Press Enter Reference cell

Destination cell Picture 22. Using a reference cell The result of this can be seen on Picture 23

Picture 23. The result of using a reference cell Notes: Picture 23 is an example using a reference cell in one sheet. From Picture 23, it shows that when we select cell C7, the Function bar shows the formula of =C1. It means that the value of cell C7 comes from the

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reference cell which is cell C1, not by typing number 200. The steps above can be applied to connect a cell to other cell in different sheet, and different worksheet. To Lock or Protect a Worksheet If we dont want other people to change or edit our worksheet , we can protect it by following steps below: 1. Click Tools menu 2. Select and click Options 3. In Options dialog box (see Picture 25), click Security tab 4. If we dont want other people to open our worksheet, enter the password in the box of Password to open 5. If we dont want other people to edit or modify our worksheet, enter the password in the box of Password to modify 6. Click OK button to save the setting of our password or click Cancel button to cancel the setting 7. If we click OK button, the Confirm Password dialog box will appear (see Picture 26). This dialog box will appear twice, if we enter our password for both opening and modifying our worksheet. Picture 24. Activate Options dialog box 8. Re-enter the same password we enter in the Options dialog box before.

Picture 25. The Options dialog box

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Picture 26. Confirm Password dialog box 9. Click OK button to confirm the password, or click Cancel button to cancel the setting and the Microsoft Excel will return to the Options dialog box. Copy Sheet A sheet in our worksheet can be copied to another sheet in the same worksheet or different worksheet. It can be done by following these steps: 1. Click Edit menu 2. Select and click Move or Copy Sheet or do these steps: 1. Right-click the mouse to the sheet we want to copy 2. Select Move or Copy

or Picture 27. Copy a sheet

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3. In the Move or Copy dialog box (see Picture 28), click Create a copy option 4. Select the sheet where we want to put our copied sheet in the option box of Before sheet (e.g. Sheet2)

Picture 28. Move or Copy dialog box

5. If we want to copy the sheet to another worksheet, click the arrow of To book option box, and select the worksheet we want to put the copied sheet, e.g. new book (see Picture 29).

Picture 29. Move or Copy dialog box when To book option box is selected
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6. Click OK button to copy the selected sheet, or click Cancel button to cancel it. Copy Worksheet to Other Files Our worksheet can be copied to other file (either Microsoft Word file or Microsoft Power Point file) by following these steps: 1. Highlight or block the worksheet want to copy 2. Click Edit menu 3. Select and click Copy 4. In the destination file right-click the mouse in the selected position. 5. Select and click Paste

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