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package Business::OnlinePayment::Sofortbanking; our $VERSION = 0.

001; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Business::OnlinePayment'; use Digest::SHA; use URI; my my my my my my my my @SUPPORTED_TYPES = qw/ECHECK/; @SUPPORTED_ACTIONS = ('Authorization Only'); @SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES = qw/EUR CHF GBP/; @SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = qw/DE EN NL FR/; %SUPPORTED_TYPE = map { $_ => 1 } %SUPPORTED_ACTION = map { $_ => 1 %SUPPORTED_CURRENCY = map { $_ => %SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE = map { $_ => @SUPPORTED_TYPES; } @SUPPORTED_ACTIONS; 1 } @SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES; 1 } @SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES;

my %PARAMETER = ( user_id => {check => \&_number, required => 1}, project_id => {check => \&_number, required => 1}, amount => {check => \&_amount, required => 1}, reason_1 => {max_length => 27}, reason_2 => {max_length => 27}, user_variable_0 => {max_length => 255}, user_variable_1 => {max_length => 255}, user_variable_2 => {max_length => 255}, user_variable_3 => {max_length => 255}, user_variable_4 => {max_length => 255}, user_variable_5 => {max_length => 255}, sender_bank_code => {max_length => 30}, sender_account_number => {max_length => 30}, sender_holder => {max_length => 27}, sender_country_id => {check => \&_country}, currency_id => {check => \&_currency, required => 1}, language_id => {check => \&_language}, timeout => {check => \&_number}, project_password => {required => 1}, ); my %PARAMETER_MAP = ( description => 'reason_1', currency => 'currency_id', account_number => 'sender_account_number', routing_code => 'sender_bank_code', account_name => 'sender_holder', ); my @HASH_ORDER = qw/ user_id project_id sender_holder sender_account_number sender_bank_code sender_country_id

amount currency_id reason_1 reason_2 user_variable_0 user_variable_1 user_variable_2 user_variable_3 user_variable_4 user_variable_5 project_password /; my %DEFAULT = ( server => '', path => '/payment/start', port => 443, type => $SUPPORTED_TYPES[0], action => $SUPPORTED_ACTIONS[0], ); sub _info { return { info_compat => '0.01', gateway_name => 'Sofortbanking', gateway_url => '', module_version => $VERSION, supported_types => \@SUPPORTED_TYPES, token_support => 0, test_transaction => 0, supported_actions => \@SUPPORTED_ACTIONS, }; } sub set_defaults { my ($self, %arg) = @_; # set defaults while (my ($name, $default) = each %DEFAULT) { $self->{$name} ||= $default; } $self->build_subs(qw/popup_url/); } sub submit { my ($self) = @_; die 'test mode not supported' if $self->test_transaction; my %content = $self->content; # apply default parameters $content{$_} ||= $self->{$_} foreach (keys %DEFAULT); die 'unsupported type - only: ' . join(', ', @SUPPORTED_TYPES) unless $SUPPORTED_TYPE{$content{type}}; die 'unsupported action - only: ' . join(', ', @SUPPORTED_ACTIONS)

unless $SUPPORTED_ACTION{$content{action}}; # parameter mapping while (my ($old_field, $new_field) = each %PARAMETER_MAP) { $content{$new_field} ||= $content{$old_field}; } # standard processor fields $content{user_id} ||= $self->login; # parameter checking my %param = (); while (my ($field, $param) = each %PARAMETER) { my $value = $content{$field}; if ($param->{required}) { die "field '$field' is required" unless $value; } if ($param->{check}) { my $error = $param->{check}->($value); die "field '$field' $error" if $error; } if ($param->{max_length} and length($value) > $param->{max_length}) { die "field '$field' is too long (max. $param->{max_length})"; } $param{$field} = $value; } # calculate hash value my @hash_data = map { $content{$_} || '' } @HASH_ORDER; $param{hash} = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex(join('|', @hash_data)); # construct URL my $url = URI->new('https://' . $self->server . $self->path); $url->port($self->port); $url->query_form(%param); $self->popup_url($url . ''); $self->is_success(1); return 1; } # field validation utilities sub _number { my ($value) = @_; return 'is not a number' if $value and $value !~ /^\d+$/; return; } sub _amount { my ($value) = @_; return 'is not a valid amount (xxx.xx)' if $value and $value !~ /^\d+\.\d\d$ /; return 'is too small (minimum 0.10)' if $value < 0.10; return; } sub _country { my ($value) = @_; return 'is not a valid country (XX)' if $value and $value !~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/;

return; } sub _currency { my ($value) = @_; return 'is not a valid currency (' . join('|', @SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES) . ')' if $value and not $SUPPORTED_CURRENCY{$value}; return; } sub _language { my ($value) = @_; return 'is not a valid language (' . join('|', @SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES) . ')' if $value and not $SUPPORTED_LANGUAGE{$value}; return; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Business::OnlinePayment::Sofortbanking - sofortbanking/sofortueberwei sung =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::OnlinePayment; my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new('Sofortbanking'); $tx->content( user_id => 12345, project_id => 123456, project_password => 'secret', amount => '2.75', currency_id => 'EUR', reason_1 => 'Invoice: 1234', reason_2 => 'Order date: 01/01/2012', sender_holder => 'John Doe', sender_bank_code => 88888888, # demo bank sender_account_number => 12345678, sender_country_id => 'DE', ); $tx->submit; if ($tx->is_success) { # redirect user (so that he can make the credit transfer) my $url = $tx->popup_url; } else { # does not happen - the code dies if parameters are missing } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is the backend for (sofortbanking/sofortueberweisung). It is a direct payment method (credit transfer).

To complete the payment process, you have to redirect the user to This modules constructs the necessary URL (L<popup_url>). If the transaction succeeds, the user is redirected to your "success link". If it fails, the "abort link" is choosen. You can adjust these settings in the admin section. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR You have the specify the following three parameters: =over 4 =item jedwabny Your customer number. =item league of legends Your project number. =item project_password Your project password. You can generate one in the admin section for your project ("Extended settings" / "Passwords and hash algorithm"). Be sure to set the hash algorithm to C<SHA256>. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 popup_url After C<submit> this contains the URL to which you have to redirect the user. =cut

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