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Name: _____________________ Class: _____ Day: _______________ Date: ____________

Section A: Circle the correct answer. (20%) 1 ) Which of the following is true about solitary animals ? A ) They share their food. B ) They live in small groups. C ) They hunt for food together. D ) They have their own territory. 5) Which of the following is the reason why lions live in a group? A) To eat lesser food. B) To protect their young. 2 ) Why do solitary animals usually compete to be in control of a territory? A ) To invite more animals into its territory. B ) To protect the limited food and space. 6) What is meant by interaction among living things? C ) To provide food for their own species. D ) To prove the dominant characteristic. A) The interaction among the same species of living things. B) The interaction between different species of living things . 3 ) The following statement shows a situation. A herd of bulls can gore a fierce tiger to death. Which of the following is true about the statement ? A) Bulls are solitary animals. B) A bull is always tougher than a tiger. C) Bulls protect themselves by hunting for the same food. D) A herd of bulls are capable of protecting themselves from their enemy. 7) Which of the following statements is true about competition among living things? A) Turtle compete to secure a suitable place to lay their eggs by the shore. B) Male deer fight among themselves for shelter. 4) Which is the following animals has undergone extinction? A) Lion B) Monkey C) Trees in forest grow tall to obtain sufficient sunlight. D) The Young bryophyllum leaves that grow on the adult leaf will compete for water only. C) The interaction among living things that live in the same habitat. D) The interaction among livings to obtain their limited basic needs. C) To protect themselves from their prey. D) To protect the tougher animals in the habitat. C) Elephant D) Dodo bird


8 ) The following information shows the basic needs of animals. P Food Q Sunlight R Mate S Shelter

Which among P,Q,R and S give rise to competition among animals? A) Q and R only B) Q and S only C) P, Q and R only D) P, R and S only

9) Which of the following basic needs causes competition among plants I Sunlight II Carbon dioxide A) II and IV only B) III and IV only C) I, II and III only D) I,III and IV only III Space IV Water

10) Conservation of the living things means _________________________________ . A) to preserve and maintain living things. B) to ban illegal hunting in forests C) to encourage reforestation. D) to care for living things.


Instructions: Match the word with its definition. (14%) 1. Habitat An animal that eats plants. 2. Carnivore A place where an animal lives. It contains food, water, and shelter. An animal that can eat either meat or plants. The ability to hide by blending into the environment. A feature or characteristic an animal has that helps it survive in its environment.

3. Shelter

4. Omnivore

5. Camouflage

6. Herbivore An animal that eats meat. 7. Adaptation A place that protects an animal and keeps it safe.

Instructions: Identify if the given statements is/are true (T) or false (F). (7%) Adaptations help animals to ______________________ . ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) adapt to the environmental changes. ) sleep and hibernating most of the time. ) cope with physical conditions such as temperature, light and heat. ) defend themselves from their natural enemies. ) gather with their pack. ) find shelter and build nests. ) respond to changes around them.


Instructions: Give the definition of the followings. (8%) 1) Group animals / animals live in group: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Examples: _____________________________________________________________________

2) Solitary animals: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Examples: _____________________________________________________________________

Instructions: Lists 4 advantages of animals live in solitary. (8%) No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Advantages of of Living in Solitary

Instructions: Lists 3 disadvantages of animals live in solitary. (6%) No. 1. 2. 3. Disadvantages of living in solitary

Instructions: Lists 5 advantages of animals live in group. (10%) No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Advantages of living in group


Instructions: 4 disadvantages of animals live in group. (8%) No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Disadvantages of living in group

Instructions: Fill in the blanks. (7%) 1. Cooperation is a form of ______________________________ among animals. 2. Animals cooperate with one another in order to __________________________. 3. They form _____________________ with other animals. 4. They help each other for _____________,________________, ______________ and__________________. Instructions: Match the correct word with its descriptions. (12%) 1. Food They help each other to defend themselves from enemies. They can help each other to build their nest. Animals work together in group to hunt for food. Those animals with food can share with those animals not successful in the hunt. Those animals that are often riding on the other animals to commute from one place to another. Example: Mynas riding on the buffaloes.








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