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%Design a 2.

2KW, 400v, 3-phase, 50Hz, 1500 synchronous rpm, squirrel cage

%induction motor. The machine is to be started by a star delta starter. The
%efficiency is 0.8 and power factor is 0.825 at full load.

disp('***************Main Diamension****************')
n=input('Enter synchronous speed in rps:');
f = 50; %frequency in Hz
p = 2*f/n %No of poles
Bav = 0.44;
ac = 21000;
Kw = 0.955;
disp('Output coefficient:')
Co = 11*Kw*Bav*ac/10^3
P= input('power handling capacity of motor in KW:');
eff = 0.8; %efficiency
pf = 0.825; %power factor
disp('KVA input:')
Q = P/(eff*pf)
D = (Q/(1.18*Co*n))^(1/3)
L = 1.18*D %Length of core
t = L/1.5
disp('Net iron length:')
Li = 0.9*L

disp('********************STATOR DESIGN******************')
Es = input('Stator voltage per phase:');
disp('Flux per pole:')
phi = Bav*t*L
disp('Stator turns per phase:')
Ts = Es/(4.44*f*phi*Kw)
qs = 2; %slots per pole per phase
Ss = qs*p*3 %Total stator slots
Yss = pi*D*10^3/Ss %Stator slot pitch
Total_stator_conductors = 6*Ts
Zss = Total_stator_conductors/Ss %Stator conductors per slot
Cs = Ss/4 %Coil span
theta = pi/6 %Angle of chording
Kp = cos(theta/2)
Kd = sin(theta)/(2*sin(theta/2))
disp('Stator winding factor:')
Kws = Kd*Kp
%conductor size
disp('stator current per phase:')
Is = P*10^3/(3*Es*eff*pf)
Il = Is*sqrt(3) %stator line current
Js = 4; %Current density
As = Is/Js %Area of stator conductor req
d = 0.95;
as = pi/4*0.95^2 %Area of stator conductor used
js = Is/as %Current density for stator conductors
d1 = 1.041;
%Slot diamension
spreq = Zss*as
Aslot = spreq/0.4 %space factor = 0.4
Wts_min = phi/(1.7*(Ss/p)*Li) %Minimum width of stator teeth
Wts = 6;
dss = h+4 %depth of slot
Lmts = 2*L+2.3*t+Ss
disp('Stator teeth')
Flux_density = phi/((Ss/p)*Wts*Li)
disp('Stator core')
Flux = phi/2
Acs = Flux/1.2 %Assumed Flux_density = 1.2
dcsi = Acs/Li;
dcs = 17;
Bcs = (dcsi/dcs)*1.2
disp('Outside diameter of stator laminations')
Do = 1000*D+2*dss+2*dcs

%Rotor Design
disp('********************Rotor Design********************')
lgi= 0.2+ 2*sqrt(D*L)
lg=0.3; %length of air-gap
Dr = (D*1000 - 2*lg) %Diameter of rotor
Sr = 22; %No of rotor slots
Ysr = pi*Dr/Sr %Rotor slot pitch at air-gap
ms = 3;
disp('Rotor bar current')
Ib = 2*ms*Kws*Ts*Is*pf/Sr
jb = 6;
abi = Ib/jb
Wsr = 6.8;
Wdr = 9.3;
Slot_pitch = pi*(Dr-2*Wdr)/Sr
Wt = Slot_pitch-Wsr
Flux_rot_teeth = phi*10^3/((Sr/p)*Li*Wt)
Lb = 1000*L+2*15+10
rho = 0.021;
rb = rho*Lb/(ab*10^3)
copper_loss = Sr*Ib^2*rb

%end rings
disp('Ring current')
Irg = Sr*Ib/(pi*p)
je = 6;
ae = Irg/je
de = 10;
tc = 8;
ae = de*tc;
Dorg = Dr - 2*Wdr
Dirg = Dorg - 2*de
De = (Dorg+Dirg)/(2*10^3) %Mean diameter or end ring
re = rho*pi*De/ae
Copper_loss_ring = 2*Irg^2*re
Total_copper_loss = Copper_loss_ring+copper_loss
dcr = 17;
Bcr = 1.185;
Di = Dr - 2*Wdr - 2*dcr

%No load current

disp('*************Magnetising current****************')
Wo1 = 2;
gap = 0.3;
ratio1 = Wo1/gap
Kcs1 = 0.68; %Carter's coeff for ratio 6.66
Kgss = Yss/(Yss - Kcs1*Wo1)
Wo2 = 1.5;
ratio2 = Wo2/gap
Kcs2 = 0.6; %Carter's coeff for ratio 5
Kgsr = Ysr/(Ysr- Kcs2*Wo2)
Kgs = Kgss*Kgsr
Kgd =1;
Kg = Kgs*Kgd
Ag = pi*D*L/4
Bg6 = 1.36*Bav
lge = Kgs*lg
ATg = 8*10^5*Bg6*Kg*lg/10^3
%2.Stator tee th
disp('stator teeth')
Atp = Ss*Wts*Li/p
Bts = 1.12;
Bts6 = 1.36*Bts
at_ts = 1200;
mmf_req = at_ts*dss/10^3

%3.stator co re
disp('stator core')
Acs = Li*dcs
Bcs = 1.185;
lcs = pi*(D*1000+2*dss+dcs)/(3*p*1000)
at_cs = 280;
ATcs = 289*lcs

%4.Rotor teeth
disp('Rotor teeth')
Wts3 = pi*(Dr-4*Wdr/3)/Sr - Wsr
Atr = (Sr/p)*Wts3*Li/10^3
Btr3 = 1.16;
Btr6 = 1.36*Btr3
a_tr = 2000;
Atr = a_tr*Wdr/10^3

%5.Rotor core
disp('Rotor core')
Acr = Li*dcr/10^3
at_sr = 280;
lcr = 18/10^3
ATcr = at_sr*lcr
AT6 = ATg+ mmf_req + ATcs + Atr + ATcr
Im = 0.427*p*AT6/(Kws*Ts)

%Los s compon ent

disp('Iron loss in stator teeth')
Vst = 0.34/10^3;
Wst = Vst*7.6*10^3
Max_flux = pi*Bts/2
Iron_loss1 = 11.5*Wst
disp('Iron loss in stator core')
Vsc = 0.985/10^3;
Wsc = Vsc*7.6*10^3
Iron_loss2 = Wsc*4.9
Total_iron_loss = 2*(Iron_loss1+Iron_loss2)
%Friction & Windage Loss
disp('Friction & Windage loss')
Floss = 1.5*P*10^3/10^2
Total_noload_loss = Total_iron_loss+Floss
Il = Total_noload_loss/(3*Es)
Io = sqrt(Im^2+Il^2)
percent_full_load_current = Io/Is*100
NL_pf = Il/Io

%Short circuit current

LAMss = 19.7/10^7;
LAMsr = 15.7/10^7;
xs = 8*pi*f*Ts^2*L*LAMs/(p*qs)
LoMo = 1.73/10^7;
xo = 8*pi*f*Ts^2*LoMo/(p*qs)
Xm = Es/Im
qr = Sr/(3*p)
xz = (1/(qs^2)+1/(qr^2))*5*Xm/(6*ms^2)
Xs = xs+xo+xz
rs = rho*Ts*Kcs1/as
Total_stator_copper_loss = 3*Is^2*rs
rr = Total_copper_loss/(3*Is^2*pf^2)
Rs = rs+rr
Zs = sqrt(Xs^2+Rs^2)
Isc = Es/Zs
sc_pf = Rs/Zs
input = Total_lossfull_load+P*1000
eff_full_load = P*10^3/input*100


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