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Carlos A. Dalabona1; Antnio Srgio Neves de Azevedo 2;

Abstract This article presents some considerations about the management of residues of electric lamps, presenting their main polluting characteristics, the main techniques to handle them, and comments about the situation of Parana State, in Brazil, where there are government actions to reduce the environmental impact of this residues and stimulate the adequate handling of these products. The article also presents some data from reports prepared by the Instituto Ambiental do Parana", agency responsible for implementing the environment policies in the State. This agency published two annual report, based on questionnaires answered by companies. Although the represent only small sample of data the contents of these documents are structured differently and provide elements that collaborate to compose the scenery of the disposal of electric lamps after its useful life is due.

In particular in the Parana State, in the south region of Brazil, actions have been started by the government in the direction to give adequate treatment to this question.


Recycling is to make use of the constituent materials of the light bulbs after-consumed for other applications. This is one element of the new approach of development, considering that the industrialization model of the last century is not sustainable anymore [1]. According to Oliveira, Enriques and Pereira [2], the recycling of materials is the process that uses residues as raw material. This process requires low energy consumption in relation to the traditional process, using new raw materials. This means conservation of energy. The recycling of residues involves a series of advantages, as the retardation of the exhaustion of raw materials, the prolongation of the useful life of the landfills, the reduction of local and global impacts on the environment, the generation of income and jobs, and the conservation of energy, that means other positive results. Together, the recycling and the sustainable development, have in common the fact of both of them demand not only technological changes, but changes of attitudes, politics and culture [3]. The risks of contamination of the light bulbs containing pollution materials can be reduced in case that its discarding is adjusted, preventing damages to the society and to the environment. While in federal level there is not a defined regulation, some States and cities are anticipating and creating its own laws to the discarding of light bulbs. However, this attitude is not always well-seen by the manufacturers, importers, deliverers and peddlers, who understand that only through a federal legislation will it be possible to solve this problem [4].

Index Terms Electric lamps recycling, solids residues.

The residues proceeding of the electric light lamps after its normal use constitute a problem that has been aggravating in recent years by the increase of its production and use, and by the awareness of the environment impacts of their inadequate discarding. Between the type of electric lamps, the ones that use the principle of discharge in gas have more significant impact, with great polluting potential, because they have mercury in its composition. The electric light bulbs in general and the discharge lamps in particular, mainly made of glass and metals, have a very slow absorption and permit the recycling of its composites with high level of exploitation, if correctly handled. In this direction the Brazilian environmental legislation, in the federal and local levels, has extended the range and attention, having attempted to minimize the impacts caused by incorrect or neglected discarding, acting with the manufacturers and consumers in the direction to improve these processes.


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Federal University of Technology Paran - Federal University of Technology Paran -

WEC - World Engineering Convention 2008

December 3rd5th, 2008, Brasilia, BR

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Simple Crushing - This is the intentional breaking of lamps for the purpose of volume reduction. Crushing reduces the physical volume of lamps but does not recover any mercury. Crushing with separation of the components. The light bulbs are broken and compact through equipment called Bulb Ester or Bulbox. A simple system of exhaustion collects the mercury of the light bulb, but not totally. The filters contained the mercury are stored in controlled landfills; Crushing with thermal treatment: After the simple crushing, there is a second stage using vacuum oven, combustion chamber or condenser, that characterize a thermal treatment capable to recoup great part of mercury contained in the light bulbs, as well as other components of the same ones; Crushing with chemical treatment: After the simple crushing, there is a second stage with chemical treatment, that recoups mercury contained in the light bulb, as well as the others components; Treatment by air pressure - a cyclone system of air and filters of coal is used to collect the mercury and metals from the light bulb, that later are directed for controlled landfills; Envelopment - Use chemical or thermal processes, with posterior envelopment in concrete for deposition in controlled landfills;

Amongst the pollutant residues of the electric light bulbs that can cause serious damages to the human health and impacts on the environment, is mercury (Hg). However, using adequate technologies of decontamination, it is possible to carry through the decontamination of the afterconsumed light bulbs and separate the mercury and other materials. The other materials used in the manufacture of the light bulbs, that can be recycled, are glass, that composes the bulb of the lamps; aluminum and plastic of the terminals; the electrodes if it was made of tungsten, nickel, cooper or iron. None of these materials presents potential risk, except the obvious danger of the light bulb broken and display the mercury to people and environment [4]. The risk of a light bulb containing mercury is small, but adding more than 90 million light bulbs commercialized currently in Brazil per year the problem is considerable. The amount of mercury consumed for the manufacture of these light bulbs lamps is more than 10.0 tons/year [5]. According to YAMACHITA et al. [5], the performance of the recycling of the residues of the light bulbs will be 99% of the discarded material, being that: The mercury can be reused in the construction of new light bulbs, thermometers and other products; The glass can be used in the manufacture of containers (except for food), or mixed in asphalt and ceramics; The aluminum can be recycled and used normally.


In the Parana State, the responsible agency for the implementation of the politics and environmental laws is the Instituto Ambiental do Paran IAP, that has also acted with respect to solid residues. This agency launched two versions of the State Report of Industrial Solid Residues Paran, relative to the years of 2002 and 2003. The reports have different bases, so there are difficulties in comparing them, but they containing excellent elements for the study of the industrial solid residues, including light bulbs electric. This material is classified as a dangerous residue. The report [7] for the year of 2002 was gotten from questionnaires answered by companies of all the territory of the State, having enclosed a total of 570 industrial organizations. This report does not organize the companies by size, but by the sector of activity and geographic localization. As it is a sample, obtained from the data supplied by the companies that responded to the December 3rd5th, 2008, Brasilia, BR


Many times, the destination of after-consumed light bulbs is landfills, controlled or not controlled. However, the processes for treatment of light bulbs have been studied since the decade of 70, when the Mercury Recovery Technology -MRT, established in Karlskrona/Sweden, became the first company in the world to make the treatment of light bulbs with pollutant residues [6]. The main alternatives for the final destination and treatment of the light bulbs are: Disposal in landfills (with or without a previous treatment). In this in case that the light bulbs simply are collected and deposited in landfills, together with other residues; WEC - World Engineering Convention 2008

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questionnaire, the report is not intended to cover all solid discarded residues, but only provide data concerning to the companies that responded to the questionnaire. Even the introduction to the report, it says that the data received contained many errors and was necessary a review that was done in two stages, to obtain a consolidated version. The report of 2002 presents information that includes specifically the electric lamps as an item of the research. The companies mentioned that, during the year, were discarded a total of 2,289.41 kg of electrics lamps, which represents 0.0352% of the total weight of residues discarded. The report also shows the amount discarded by type of industrial activity, presented in the table 1. In this table the quantity is in ton residue discarded, and the percentage is relative to total discarded by companies in this sector of industry. From the 23 activities included in the report, 14 of them mention the disposal of electric lamps. Table 1 - Disposal of used electric lamps by sector of activity Activity Quantity (ton) 1893,24 3,10 0,06 1,13 0,27 1,54 0,11 3,36 0,20 361,16 Percent 0,0688% 0,1239% 0,0001% 0,0001% 0,0034% 0,0093% 0,0030% 0,0005% 0,0002% 1,7248% 0,0006% 0,0941% 0,0231% 0,0040% - Parana results considering the total enterprises. The figures should be seen as a particular situation, because beyond the limitations of the sample, this item has possibly inaccuracies in their aggregation. The values of table 2 have joined data it sometimes repeated some data. Table 2 - type of storage withdrawals lamps Type of storage Quantity (ton) 0,21 Percent 40,38% 19,23% 5,77% 19,23% 1,92% 17,31% 100% Parana

In bulk, impermeable floor, and in covered area In waste container, without 0,10 coverage In barrels, impermeable floor, 0,03 and in covered area In barrels, impermeable floor, 0,10 without coverage In barrels, on ground, without 0,01 coverage Others 0,09 Total 0,52 Source. Industrial inventory of solid residues 2002

Food and drink Textiles Leather and derivatives Wood Publishing houses and printing Chemicals Rubber and plastic Non-metallic minerals Basic metallurgic Metals (except machine and equipments) Machines and equipments 1,98 Electrical equipments and 2,47 materials Communications 0,80 Vehicles 14,24 Source. Industrial inventory of solid residues 2002

Although there is limitation of sample, table 2 shows that most of the lamps are stored until they are sent to their final destination, possibly without treatment. The report [8] of 2003 only includes small industries located in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, capital of the Paran State. The specific item on electric light bulbs presents discarding of 2.25 ton representing 0,0213% of the discarded materials. The IAP has acted nowadays in the application of the legislation, which compels the manufacturers to collect the products after its use. In July of 2008, the IAP applied fines to the manufacturers of electric light bulbs for the production of residues without adequate final destination. Until the closing of this article, the misunderstanding between the IAP and the manufacturers persisted. RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

The table shows that the disposal of lamps is quite different depending on the activity, representing very small percentage of discarded materials, less than 2% of the total. Another aspect which appears in the report is how to store the bulbs removed in previous years. The questionnaire basis of the report asked how the waste in a pre-determined list has been stored. Table 2 presents the WEC - World Engineering Convention 2008

This article presents questionings concerning the discarding of residues of after-consumed electric light bulbs, therefore beyond being the type of much consumed light bulb in Brazil and the world, there isnt a specific regulation in Brazil, about its final disposal. The importance of this subject is evident, by the following comments: December 3rd5th, 2008, Brasilia, BR

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The increasing of the consumption of these materials; The serious situation of the landfills, that are depleted, and requires new alternatives; The lack of awareness of the majority of the population on the risk that the light bulbs can offer to the health of the people and the environment when broken and discarded without specific arranges; The interest of the people to reduce the consumption of electric energy, changing the incandescent light bulbs by the discharge light bulbs; Moreover, it is possible still to relate some critical situations regarding the residues of after-consumed light bulbs: Difficulties to find scientific references and papers about the adequate discarding of these residues, mainly on the decontamination and recycling accomplish of all the constituent materials, and alternatives for the decontamination of the after-consumed light bulbs. The gap of the Federal legislation relative to the discarding of after-consumed light bulbs. So, the states and cities had anticipated and created its proper laws to the discarding of light bulbs. There are a strong necessity of national laws, formulating clear rules on the residues;. There is a gap of a clear and objective definition of the responsibilities of the main involved actors in the problem, since the manufacturer, passing by the importers, deliverers, peddlers and the final consumer. So, the problem involved the use and the discarding of after-consumed electric light bulbs is a question of public health, concerning to all society, and may be regulated by Federal govern, in function of the increasing difficulties for the treatment and its final disposal, considering the contamination of the environment. Public financings for projects of research that has the objective to develop technologies of recycling of these residues with incentives of purchase of the glass, aluminum and mercury; Creation of legislation, attributing the responsibilities for commercialization and use of the light bulbs with pollutant residues. The report and the actions of the IAP reinforce that the electric light lamps after its normal use has been discarded without proper treatment, and how they are classified as potentially hazardous waste, requires actions to change that situation.

[1] Atiyel, S. O. Gesto de resduos slidos: o caso das lmpadas fluorescentes. Dissertation (Master degree) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2001. [2] Oliveira, L. B; Henriques, R. M; Pereira, A. S. Coleta Seletiva, Reciclagem e Conservao de Energia. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENERGIA, Rio de Janeiro. Anais. COPPE, 2002. [3] Andrade, R. O. B; Tachiwa, T; Carvalho, A. B. Gesto Ambiental Enfoque Estratgico Aplicado. Desenvolvimento Sustentvel. So Paulo: Pearson Makron Books, 2002, 2 Edio [4] Raposo C.; Roeser H. M. Contaminao ambiental provocada pelo descarte de lmpadas de mercrio. Revista Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto (REM). Ouro Preto, v. 64, n 53, p. 61-67, 2000. [5] Yamachita, R. A. et al. Incentivos para a reciclagem de lmpadas visando a conservao do meio ambiente. In: XV SNPTEE - Seminrio Nacional de Produo e Transmisso de Energia Eltrica, 1999, Foz do Iguau. [6] Zanicheli, C. et al. Reciclagem de lmpadas: Aspectos Ambientais e Tecnolgicos. Curso de Engenharia Ambiental, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Campinas, Campinas, 2004. [7] Instituto Ambiental do Paran. Inventario anual de resduos slidos industriais 2002. In Accessed in set, 2008 [8] Instituto Ambiental do Paran. Inventario anual de resduos slidos industriais 2003. Accessed in set, 2008

In order to contribute with the boarded subject in this article, they are suggested: The companies that consume these materials may adopt procedures for the after-consumed light bulbs and not more deposit them in landfills or inadequate places anymore;

WEC - World Engineering Convention 2008

December 3rd5th, 2008, Brasilia, BR

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