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Karlmax, communism During this thought karl marx Marxism or the dibakukannya become more familiar with the

ideology of communism is in diametric relationship with Islam. Many factors are pushing the notion that, politically in the history of Marxism has been engaged in a conflict with unflagging various countries and nations as well as for groups clogs Muslims around the world. The majority of people seem to worry about the presence of the thought of Karl Marx, communism is like a ghost. In addition they believe that faced only a ghost without a body, without the reality, which comes without actuality or effectiveness. Swift currents of thinking about both aspects of Marxism and political philosophy, at least, indicate that the higher enthusiastic people to examine and understand how the actual teachings of Karl Marx, who considered the largest social philosopher zamannya.Hal was caused criticism of philosophy and philosophers categorized most sharply in the early 19th century. 1 A.Grundrisse manuscript written by Marx not published until 1941. 1. The ruling class must keep the workers subjected to their authority, yet are dependent upon their labor for wealth. 2. Labor is reproduced through wages. 3. Alienation results when humans become dominated by the force of their own creation (money, religion, etc.). 4. It confronts humans as alien powers.

B.Alienation Four Types: 1. Workers are alienated from objects they produce. They do not own what they produce. 2. Workers are alienated from the process of production. They are not working for their own needs, but for the capitalist. 3. Workers are alienated from themselves. They are not allowed to realize their potential performing the same task over and over on a daily basis. 4. Workers are alienated from their fellow workers. They are either isolated or in direct competition with their companions.

Basically the thought of karl marx or more popularnya called for those who adopt a Marxist thinking, is not the same as communism, because communism is a movement and political force that communist parties since the revolution of October 1917 under the banner of Lenin into a political and ideological keuatan internationally. Marxism and the term is also used for teaching communism or Marxism-Leninism ideology which is the

official doctrine komunisme.dapat said that Marxism became one of the important components in the development of the basic system komunisme.atas ideology of the communists always claim a monopoly on the interpretation of the teachings of Karl Marx, the examination show of force (show of force) or as the legitimate heir to Marx.

Marxist Paradigm Context of the discussion of philosophical materialism dam is often contrasted with idealism, because the two schools have split the dotted area and each has traits as well as adherents of the general history of kemanusiaan.Konsep materealisme is a view of reality that assume that the material, whatever its form (eg atoms, time, energy, electron), is the basis of all that exists. Entities mental or spiritual, like God or the soul, rejected or reduced to the material (Ahmad Norma P. Handono gems and Hadi, 2000.hlm: 228). Materialism leads to the assumption that the true reality is the object or material, and the fact these are directed to answer a number of questions relating to the nature and form of existence. Therefore, the question of the spirit or soul in this stream dianggapa not as a stand-alone substance, but is formulated as a result of the material. In other words, the spiritual aspect of man is seen as a byproduct of the body. Then in the sense of universal nature, philosophical materialism states that this world is nothing else composed and dependent on material things. Thus, the whole reality of materialism, the whole incident, can be translated to the material and the material "... that everything is strictly by the caused by the material."2 Basically there has been a stream of materealisme in ancient times, ie during Epikorus, he even considered sebgai pure materialist. But in medieval materealisme no, because materealisme historically Democratic as well as Lucretius could be equated with matrealisme in France in the 18th century in the Enlightenment. So is the case with materealisme Germany in the 19th century, in fact no different from the French materealisme also be mechanistic-atomistic. According materealisme mechanistic-atomistic, the universe consists of an agglomeration of atoms controlled by the laws of physical-chemical. Highest odds of the atoms that form the human. When it is said that man has a spirit, soul or consciousness and a materialispun not hesitate to say so, then it does not mean that they also receive a nonmaterial element in the world or in human beings. What they call consciousness, soul or spirit, in the end no more than the number of functions and activities of the brain, the world, and the human remains materially belaka.pandangan bias also called dualistic materialism (plurality), as adopted by Democritus by differentiating atom- atomic soul of the ordinary atoms. In the view of Comte, that materialism in the typical sense, new structures appear when the higher and more complex thought structures evolved from the lower. For example, if the human mind in motion diasalkan of the brain.

Thinking about objects or materials at the time of the ancient Greek philosophers of the pre-Socratic era culminated in the conception of Democritus atomism. Materealistis nuances are so consistent in his thinking groove, until jiwapun defined as the arrangement of atoms to obtain an understanding that there are lines that distinguish the soul and body connectedness. The emergence of schools materealisme 17th century and into the 18 was basically rooted in the medieval era when the new discoveries of natural science, especially physics and astronomy. Nikolas Johannes Kepler was a Copernican and two people who opened the error exponent Plotomeus theory. The climax is the two main characters Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton as opening new horizons in the determination of the complexity of the material in the philosophy materealisme. Descartes obtained from the description of a new classification of the properties of objects, namely the nature of the primary, as Dallam vastness of space or movement. As for secondary properties, such as kerass, sweet or rough. From then on pertentangkan between matter (substance widely) with the soul (thinking substance). Due to the harsh nature of Descartes, weight, or color, not the nature of things, but the long and decisive bendalah tiggi kemateriannya. Or bias the material is said to translate as an extension of Descartes (breadth), being the soul back to the essence of thought. Descartes argues that nature is nothing more than a machine that does not have a spiritual meaning. Creatures including human beings only serves as an object of automatic chemical reaction. Classification of the object appears in shades of mechanistic philosophy. Leibniz expressed her surprise that the material and the quantity is the same. Leibniz put material and spiritual at the same level. With Descartes that pits different matter (substance wide) with a soul (thinking substance). Leibniz dynamically illustrates the fact that seen from the inside, consisting of the elements of spiritual power (monade). If the elements it was approached from the outside, it appears as matter and breadth. And, the concept of quantity is more spread out the concept of matter, even the notion of space is not empty anymore, but narrowed, equated with numbers and size. This view is close to what is in modern philosophy called formalization.3

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