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Offer To Saudi Arabia (Muslim)

Bismillaahi aktubu,

Indonesia will not be more of being a Secular country, I hope not insya
Allah. Just if the Muslim in Saudi Arabia would invest their money in there.
The privatisation of the water companies for women’s need and the children

Thou know and understand, that everywhere, Secularism and Democracy are
all that are being sold. Something like Feminist who will support the work
like these. Now is not Islam who actually taking care of all the Maslahat,
prosperity, truth, justice, and all the 8 kinds of people who could accept

And that Trade is the offer which already being sell as merchandise on the
whole world by Kafirun.
I do not want any AFTA (About Free Trade Ascociation).

All I want is that the Arab league will share more of their attention to
Malaysia, Brunei Darus Salam, and Indonesia as these countries are those
which got the leaders from Muslim. And as time went on, the Kafirun gain
more momentum to Colonialise and Imperialise these countries, as Indonesia
sold their BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara).

I admire the good economy in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Uni Emirates, it

shows that the Muslim’s Din is right and so does the practice of Islam in
those countries.

Meanwhile, Indonesia always facing the corruptors, the Kafirun’s pressure

on Economy, as they allowed that to happen, in exchange, Kafirun will help
them in their Campagne and on their Election.

This happen a lot at the time of Soeharto’s ruling as President which got help
from the Kafirun, so he always got elected, in return of his selling this
creation of Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla, to the greedy Kafirun.
As you all knower and more experience at this, fitnah Al Ahlas (wreaking
Silaturrahim and wars), Sara’ (comes from Syi’ah and Alawiyyin) and
Duhaima’ (Muslim at morning and becoming Murtad at the afternoon).

As what I know, Al Ahlas already happen at many events and such as the
honour killing in Turki. Sara’ already happen in many events, and the
Duhaima’ already happen through the hands of Liberal and Capitalism, as
well as many Dajjal sects in Indonesia.

They said to the people from Islamic parties:

“People who pay attention on Murtadin sects, vulgar dancing, Syari’at Islam
do not considered as playing a crucial position in this country…”

So this is what happen in Indonesia (largest Muslim population after India),

they becoming more and more infected by Wahn (too passionate on the life
of this world and fear of death).

I’m sure that the Khurasan (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Iran) and the
Arab countries still hiding the actual potency of Islam inside theis souls and
As to Kafirun, the countries such as Indonesia have the potency of being
their Dolls. Wallahu musta’an bi shawab. Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakiil.

Assalamu manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safe from
guile be upon who follow the guidance).

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development

and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance and blessings from
Allah and His mercy be upon you).

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