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MOON /SUN = Hornbeam (Boredom, mental & physical exhaustion, Monday morning blahs.

) MOON /MERCURY= Mimulus* (Fears and phobias of known origin.) MOON /VENUS= Wild Rose (Apathy, resignation, stuck in a rut.) MOON /MARS= Walnut (Over-sensitivity to other's influence, overwhelming life changes and transitions [puberty, menopause, etc.]) MOON /JUPITER = White Chestnut (Uncontrollable thoughts, inner arguments, and insomnia.) MOON /SATURN = Gorse (Hopelessness, depression, despair, giving-up attitude.) MOON /URANUS = Water Violet* (Aloofness, detached from others, pride.) MOON /NEPTUNE = Honeysuckle (Nostalgia, homesickness, regret, lost hopes, disappointment.) MOON /PLUTO = Olive (Complete exhaustion from a long ordeal or illness.)

SUN SUN /MARS = Impatiens*(R) (Impatience, hostility, resentment,

aggravation, sometimes alcohol/drug dependant.) SUN /JUPITER = Cerato* (Self-distrust, self-doubt, may seek advice/confirmation from others; sometimes misguided.) SUN /SATURN = Gentian* (Pessimistic, despondent, discouraged, depressed.) SUN /URANUS = Rock Rose*(R) (Panic, and terror in accidents or emergency situations. Hysteria and nightmares.) SUN /NEPTUNE = Centaury* (Subservient, gullible, unable to say, "No" when necessary.) SUN /PLUTO = Vervain* (Opinionated, high-strung, intense, fanatical.)

MERCURY MERCURY /MARS = Chicory* (Selfish, self-pity, possessive.) MERCURY /JUPITER = Willow (Resentment and bitterness over present conditions which one feels is unjustified.) MERCURY /SATURN = Beech (Critical, intolerant, and judgmental.) MERCURY /URANUS = Cherry Plum (R) Desperation, fear of

losing control, dread of doing something horrible like suicide.) MERCURY /NEPTUNE = Clematis*(R) (Indifference to the present, dreamer, escapes in sleep.) MERCURY /PLUTO = Oak (Despondent, but carries on despite illness or hardship. A fighting spirit, but mental breakdown-prone.)

VENUS VENUS /MARS = Holly (Envy, hatred, hostility with underlying need for love.) VENUS /JUPITER = Agrimony * (Mental torture which is covered up by a front or jolly attitude.) VENUS /SATURN = Crab Apple (Poor self-image, feeling selfdisgust, shameful, and unclean.) VENUS /URANUS = Red Chestnut (Excessive anxiety over others and anticipating the worst.) VENUS /NEPTUNE = Scleranthus* (Indecision, uncertainty, imbalance, mood swings, PMS, motion sickness.) VENUS /PLUTO = Heather (Self-centered, unhappy alone, takes over conversations, brings attention to self.)

MARS MARS /JUPITER = Vine (Controlling, ambitious, inflexible, powerdriven.) MARS /SATURN = Larch (No self-confidence, expects to fail.) MARS /URANUS = Star of Bethlehem(R) (Sudden distress, trauma, grief or shock. [Possibly a memory from the past]). MARS /NEPTUNE = Rock Water (Repression, self-denial, martyrdom.) MARS /PLUTO = Mustard (Gloom [no known origin], depression, melancholia.)

JUPITER JUPITER /SATURN = Wild Oat (Frustration, dissatisfaction, despondency over one's correct path in life.) JUPITER /URANUS = Sweet Chestnut (Extreme anguish, hopelessness, and despair.) JUPITER /NEPTUNE = Pine (Perfectionist, discontent, guilt, and self-reproach.) JUPITER /PLUTO = Elm (Overwhelmed by responsibility,

exhaustion from striving for perfection, feelings of inadequacy.)

SATURN SATURN /URANUS = Chestnut Bud (A sense of failure, having to repeat things over because of lack of observation or not learning through experience.) SATURN /NEPTUNE = Aspen (Vague fears of unknown origin, anxiety, apprehension.) SATURN /PLUTO = Rescue Remedy (In times of emergency, trauma, and shock.) (Rescue Remedy = Impatiens*, Rock Rose*, Cherry Plum, Clematis*, Star of Bethlehem.)

SOME SUGGESTED FACTORS IN CHOOSING BACH FLOWER REMEDIES FOR CLIENTS WITH MORE THAN SEVEN DESIGNATED ASPECTS. 1. Eliminate out of Sign aspects. 2. Choose applying rather than separating aspects. 3. Choose aspects of Sun, Moon, Mercury, ruler of the 1st and 6th in order. 4. Chose opposition, square, and quincunx before semi-square and sesqui-square.

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