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404 June 26, 2001

The Birth of the Property Rights

by Steven J. Eagle

Executive Summary

Over the past century, Americans who own expensive series of procedural and substantive
property—homeowners, landlords, businesspeople hurdles before they could enjoy their property
of all kinds, even nonprofit organizations such as rights. Although the Court has checked some of
churches and charities—have found themselves those restrictions in recent years, owners still
increasingly entangled in a web of regulatory bear the brunt of the burden of justifying their
restrictions that have limited what they can do with rights.
their property. Imposed in the name of an amor- To try to address those problems, at least 23
phous “public interest,” those restrictions have states have enacted laws to protect private prop-
often been unwarranted and severe, resulting in erty rights. While most require government agen-
untold personal and financial losses. By century’s cies simply to “assess” whether their actions
end they had led to the birth of the property rights might impinge on property rights, a few provide
movement and to a call for both legislative and for compensation to owners. At the federal level,
judicial redress. The movement is likely only to Congress has considered three forms of legisla-
grow in the 21st century. tion: measures that would require such assess-
America's founding principles are grounded ments; measures that would provide statutory
in the idea of private property. It is property, compensation for certain federal agency actions;
after all, that enables individuals and organiza- and measures that would remove procedural
tions to exercise their other rights and enjoy the roadblocks that frustrate efforts by owners to
liberty that property affords. With the rise of the challenge federal, state, and local regulations of
regulatory state during the Progressive Era, how- property. To date, however, none of those federal
ever, those rights were increasingly compro- efforts has succeeded.
mised, especially after the Supreme Court The property rights movement needs to con-
upheld restrictive zoning in 1926. That decision tinue to build on its successes. To be effective, how-
opened the door to a host of "permitting" ever, it must adopt a principled approach. It must
regimes—federal, state, and local—the effect of reunite America with its common law and consti-
which has been to tell owners that they can use tutional heritage, which affirms that individuals
their property only after they have been autho- have rights in their property and property in their
rized to do so by government. That placed rights. Finally, it must recognize that the ultimate
immense and often arbitrary power in the hands protection for private property will be found in
of government, leaving owners to face a long and reducing government to its legitimate functions.

Steven J. Eagle is a professor at the George Mason University School of Law and the author of Regulatory Takings
(2d ed. forthcoming).
The property vailed in the U.S. Supreme Court because his
rights movement Introduction intended use of the property was perfectly
legitimate—it injured no one—and because he
has arisen in Property Rights and Governmental had been deprived of all value in the proper-
response to a Power: Two American Tales ty. 2 After ruling in favor of Lucas, the
growing web of The property rights movement has arisen Supreme Court remanded the case to the
in response to a growing web of confiscatory South Carolina courts, where Lucas was
confiscatory governmental regulations. Two stories will awarded $750,000 for each lot (including
governmental suffice to illustrate why the movement is appreciation, interest, and legal costs), and
needed: the first involves a developer, the sec- title to the lots was transferred to South
regulations. ond an elderly citizen who wanted to build Carolina. The state’s attorney later explained
herself a retirement home. These stories are that the state had considered keeping the lots
unusual only because the U.S. Supreme undeveloped but decided instead to sell them
Court was willing to hear them. Most victims to another developer since, “with a house to
of the modern regulatory state are not nearly either side and in between the lots, it is rea-
as fortunate. sonable and prudent to allow houses to be
David Lucas was one of a group of develop- built.”3 In a striking understatement, John
ers of a residential subdivision on the Isle of Echeverria, then chief counsel for the
Pines off the South Carolina coast. As the National Audubon Society, said that the
project neared completion in 1986, he state’s decision to sell the property for devel-
bought the last two lots for his own account, opment “opens the state to charges of
paying $475,000 for each. He planned to hypocrisy when it is willing to have an eco-
build his own home on one lot and a house nomic burden fall on an individual but not
for sale on the other. Residential use of the when the funds have to come out of an
lots was permitted under the regulations in agency’s budget.”4
place at the time of his purchase. In fact, Although David Lucas had his rights vindi-
homes stood on lots on either side of his two cated by the Supreme Court, Bernadine Suitum
lots and between them. Before Lukas began was not so fortunate. In 1972 Mrs. Suitum and
building, however, the state enacted a new her husband, now deceased, decided to build
Beachfront Management Act aimed at pro- their dream house. Toward that end, they pur-
moting tourism and preserving certain flora chased a lot in Nevada near the shore of Lake
and fauna. The effect of the act was to pro- Tahoe. Unfortunately, Mr. Suitum later became
hibit Lucas from all but trivial uses of his ill, so construction had to be deferred because of
property, rendering it worthless. In effect, the financial problems arising from his illness and
state sought to promote its ends at David subsequent death. It was not until 1989, in fact,
Lucas’s expense. If the state had explicitly that Mrs. Suitum was finally ready to build. At
condemned Lucas’s land for a public park, it that time, she requested permission from the
would have been obligated to pay him just Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, which regu-
compensation under the Fifth Amendment’s lates land use in the area. The agency turned
Takings Clause: “nor shall private property down her application, but in doing so it did not
be taken for public use without just compen- question any aspect of her building plans;
sation.” Because Lucas still retained title to rather, it simply applied a general growth-con-
his worthless property, however, the state trol formula it had devised earlier that same year
refused to pay him compensation. He was the and announced that her property was ineligible
victim of what has come to be called a reg- for development. Having denied her right to
ulatory taking.1 build, the agency then gave Mrs. Suitum alleged-
Not surprisingly, Lucas brought suit ly valuable “transferable development rights,”
against the state of South Carolina. Although which she could try to sell to a developer in
he lost in the state supreme court, he pre- another area. If she could find a developer who

wanted such rights, that would allow more ples, cannot restore property rights. With an
dense development of the purchasing develop- eye to the first principles of the matter, there-
er’s parcel than otherwise would be permitted. fore, this study will review the nature of the
Unsatisfied with that treatment of her rights, threat to property rights in America today and
Mrs. Suitum spent the next eight years running explore the need for federal and state legisla-
through a gauntlet of administrative hearings tion to better secure those rights and the liber-
and appeals, then lawsuits, to try to vindicate her ty they ensure. It is crucial that the property
rights, all to no avail. Finally, in 1997, the U.S. rights movement be grounded in moral and
Supreme Court upheld Mrs. Suitum—not on legal principle, for without such a foundation,
the merits but simply on the question of resulting legislation could be ineffective and
whether she could sue in federal court before she even subversive.
sold the transferable development rights.5 By Legislation that is essentially reactive, aspir-
then an elderly widow in poor health and wheel- ing to remedy the narrow range of abuses that
chair bound, Bernadine Suitum had finally won is in the public eye at any given time, for exam-
the right not to build but simply to continue her ple, is apt to be piecemeal and unduly compli-
decade-long quest through additional years of cated. Such legislation tends to offer little or no
litigation—even as her lot stood undeveloped, protection beyond the prevention of those
surrounded by homes similar to the one of her abuses. Perhaps more disturbing is the possibil-
The need for leg-
dreams. It was not until May 1999 that Mrs. ity that unprincipled property rights “reforms” islative protection
Suitum, aged 84 and legally blind, finally ended might actually undermine property rights. of property rights
her quest and accepted a $600,000 settlement Inevitably, opportunists will invoke the need for
from the state of Nevada in exchange for her property rights “protection” in their quest for results largely
parcel. Much of the money will go to attorneys’ special advantage. Their efforts will obscure the from default by
fees. The planning agency is unrepentant. “It meaning of “property rights.” And their suc-
was a legal strategy of picking the best battle to cesses will lead, ironically, to the expansion of
the judicial
fight,” its counsel said of the settlement. “We government, for the largesse they acquire for branch of
have other cases that raise the same issues that themselves must be exacted ultimately from the government.
have better facts before a different judge. And we property and taxes of other citizens.
like our chances there much better.”6 In the end, however, the need for legislative
protection of property rights results largely
The Rise of the Property Rights from default by the judicial branch of govern-
Movement ment. The courts of justice were established,
Across the nation, dozens of grassroots after all, to constitute “the bulwarks of a limit-
advocacy groups have formed in recent years ed Constitution against legislative encroach-
to defend private property rights from assault ments,” as Alexander Hamilton put it.9 Yet,
by officials at all levels of government.7 Those instead of protecting the rights of the people
groups have arisen because officials have by ensuring that legislatures and the agencies
aggressively disregarded property rights and they authorize remain “within the limits
courts have done little to vindicate those assigned to their authority,”1 0 the U.S.
rights. Property rights organizations already Supreme Court has for many decades acqui-
have achieved some success by persuading the esced in governmental encroachments on pri-
U.S. Congress and the legislatures of almost vate property rights. While the Court has made
every state to consider property rights legisla- efforts over the past decade to correct the prob-
tion.8 At least 23 states have enacted some lem, and has done so marginally, its property
form of protective statute. jurisprudence thus far has proven inadequate.
Since the protection of property rights is a This study will thus explore the current effort
preeminent function of government, the work to find legislative relief from the Court’s fail-
of property rights groups is of vital impor- ure—even though the problem may have been
tance. Yet zeal alone, without guiding princi- originally due to 1egislatures.

Liberty and Private Property ing it protected, is one of the natural,
in Our American Heritage inherent, and inalienable rights of
man. Men have a sense of property:
The right to own property is essential to Property is necessary to their subsis-
individual liberty and is a birthright of every tence, and correspondent to their
American. That truth did not emerge from the natural wants and desires; its security
current property rights movement. Nor are its was one of the objects, that induced
origins as recent as the Constitution or the them to unite in society. No man
Declaration of Independence. Rather, as people would become a member of a com-
who cherish liberty have always understood, munity, in which he could not enjoy
property is a natural right of free persons. And, the fruits of his honest labour and
when individuals enjoying such rights freely industry. The preservation of proper-
bargain to coordinate the use or sale of their ty then is a primary object of the
property rights, they assert their human dignity social compact.12
and enhance their mutual welfare.
Property enables people to satisfy life’s Liberty and Property through the
material needs without becoming dependent Colonial Period
on the state. Secure property rights provide The development of the United States as a
individuals with the confidence needed to republic dedicated to securing individual liber-
invest their labor and capital in productive ty and economic opportunity resulted largely
activity today, knowing that success will ben- from its settlers’ English heritage of freedom
efit them and their families tomorrow. Private and easily obtainable property in land.
property is thus the vehicle by which individ- A Legacy of Freedom. We are reminded by
ual freedom and the enrichment of society are the eminent historian Henry Steele
joined in a virtuous circle to enhance the wel- Commager that “neither Jefferson nor the
fare of all. American people invented” the principles of
Five years before the battle of Bunker Hill, the Declaration of Independence.13 The enti-
the patriot and later Supreme Court justice tlement to property and liberty of which the
James Wilson declared, Founders’ generation was “so proud” was not
really new but was part and parcel of the his-
All men are, by nature, equal and toric “rights of Englishmen.”14 Those rights
free: no one has a right to any had been “elaborated by the generation of . . .
authority over another without his Sidney, Milton, and above all John Locke in
The right to own consent: all lawful government is seventeenth-century England.”15
founded in the consent of those who Not limited to great landowners, those
property is essen- are subject to it: such consent was “rights of Englishmen” were embodied in a
tial to individual given with a view to ensure and to common law that exalted the right of the
liberty and is a increase the happiness of the gov- most humble owner of land to exclude the
erned, above what they would enjoy mighty. When John Adams told a jury that
birthright of in an independent and unconnected “an Englishman’s dwelling House is his
every American. state of nature.11 Castle,”1 6 he was merely reiterating a famous
declaration by William Pitt:
Six years after the Constitution was adopt-
ed, Supreme Court justice William Paterson The poorest man may in his cottage
commented on the connection between liberty, bid defiance to all the force of the
government by consent, and property rights: Crown. It may be frail—its roof may
shake—the wind may blow through
It is evident, that the right of acquir- it—the storm may enter, the rain may
ing and possessing property, and hav- enter—but the King of England cannot

enter—all his force dares not cross the politics would be a “natural law.” This As the Glorious
threshold of the ruined tenement!17 was only another way of saying that Revolution of 1688
morality, religion, and politics ought
As the Glorious Revolution of 1688 had to conform to God’s will as revealed in had affirmed, even
affirmed, even the king was subject to the rule the essential nature of man.22 the king was sub-
of law. Some people had clung to the notion ject to the rule of
that a monarch was unaccountable to his sub- The Framers’ View of Property and Liberty. A
jects and was anointed by God. Yet the writers clear example of the infusion of Locke’s ideas law.
of the English and Scottish enlightenment had into America’s founding documents can be
a deeper understanding of the nature of gov- seen in the preamble of the Virginia
ernment. They realized that government was a Constitution, drafted by George Mason and
compact among individuals for the preserva- unanimously adopted on June 12, 1776. It
tion of their liberties. The dissemination of declared, “All men are created equally free and
those writers’ ideas was important to the suc- independent and have certain inherent and
cess of the Glorious Revolution. The best natural rights . . . among which are the enjoy-
known of those authors to 18th-century ment of life and liberty, with the means of
Americans was John Locke, whose Second acquiring and possessing property, and pursu-
Treatise of Government declaimed, “Lives, ing and obtaining happiness and safety.”23
Liberties, and Estates, which I call by the gener- Thomas Jefferson also was an avid reader of
al Name, Property.”18 Just as a free individual’s Locke’s work; not surprisingly, therefore, the
estate is property, so too his life and liberty, or form and phraseology of parts of the
the rightful uses of his property, are property. A Declaration of Independence follow closely cer-
century after John Locke wrote, his point tain sentences of the Second Treatise.2 4Although
would be restated simply by James Madison, he undoubtedly was aware of Mason’s pream-
the principal author of the American ble, Jefferson dropped any reference to “proper-
Constitution: “As a man is said to have a right ty” in the Declaration—writing instead of rights
to his property, he may be equally said to have to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—
a property in his rights.”19 in part to blur the contradiction between his
The extent of Locke’s influence on the own version of natural rights philosophy and
Framers was shown by 20th-century histori- the continuation of slavery.25 People discom-
ans of the revolutionary period, led by Carl forted by natural property rights have argued
Becker20 and Louis Hartz.2 1 As Becker wrote: that the Founders intended government to
have a large role in shaping private property,26
Locke, more perhaps than anyone else, but their views have been largely discredited.27
made it possible for the eighteenth More generally, Pauline Maier, a leading
century to believe . . . [that] it was pos- American historian of the revolutionary period,
sible for men “to correspond with the recently concluded, “By the late eighteenth cen-
general harmony of Nature”; that tury, ‘Lockean’ ideas of government and revolu-
since man, and the mind of man, were tion were accepted everywhere in America; they
integral parts of the work of God, it seemed, in fact, a statement of principles built
was possible for man, by the use of his into English constitutional tradition.”28
mind, to bring his thought and con- The Confluence of Free Land and Free People.
duct . . . into a perfect harmony with The availability of clear title to land for those
the Universal Natural Order. In the willing to work to better their lot was a power-
eighteenth century . . . these truths ful lure to early settlers in the American
were widely accepted as self-evident: colonies. As legal historian James Ely observes:
that a valid morality would be a “nat-
ural morality,” a valid religion would The high value attached to landowner-
be a “natural religion,” a valid law of ship by the colonists is best under-

stood in terms of the English experi- acquisition of wealth.”31 John Adams, who as
ence. In England, as in Western Europe president had appointed Marshall, declared,
generally, land was the principal source “Property must be secured or liberty cannot
of wealth and social status. Yet exist.”3 2 As even critics of the Lockean perspec-
landownership was tightly concentrat- tive have been forced to conclude, property
ed in relatively few hands, and most rights were the “great focus” of the Framers.3 3
individuals had no realistic prospect of It is significant that James Madison had a
owning land. Moreover, in theory no broad view of “property.” While it would
person owned land absolutely: All the include land, tangible personal items, and
land was held under a tenurial rela- money, he declared that property “in its larger
tionship with the Crown. and juster meaning” also includes “everything
Conditions in North America, to which a man may attach a value and have a
however, were radically different right,” including religious liberty and personal
from those in England, and tradi- security.3 4 In addition to being the principal
tional assumptions about landown- drafter of the Constitution itself, Madison
ership were ill suited to the colonies. drafted the Fifth Amendment, which includes
Because land was abundant, the the Takings Clause; under that clause the fed-
As even critics of trading companies and proprietors eral government’s power to take private prop-
the Lockean per- attracted settlers by granting land on erty is limited to instances in which the prop-
spective have been generous terms. . . . As a further erty is put to “public use” and the owner
inducement, colonial governments receives “just compensation.”3 5
forced to conclude, granted land titles in fee simple. . . .2 9 Constitutional Protections for Property. Three
property rights distinct features of the Constitution were
Private Property in a Growing Nation intended to protect property rights. The most
were the “great America’s founding generation rejected the important was the doctrine of enumerated
focus” of the British monarchy and formed new structures powers: while the federal government could be
Framers. of government. In doing so, however, the energetic, the legitimate objects of its powers
Founders did not modify their view that the would be limited to a few necessarily national
common law was aimed at liberty and that the functions. The second safeguard was the sys-
new American organic law should protect lib- tem of checks and balances: among them, a sep-
erty as well. The new Constitution, which aration of powers among three branches of gov-
established the scope of legitimate political ernment, including two houses of Congress,
power and its exercise, was bound by two sig- and a division of sovereign power between the
nificant limitations. The first was respect for national government and the states. The third
contract, both private and public. The second safeguard for property was a mixture of sub-
was tradition, largely embodied in a common stantive and procedural rights that were
law that served to identify and enforce person- embodied, explicitly and implicitly, in the text
al rights. “[T]ogether these placed life, liberty, of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
and property morally beyond the caprice of A few of those safeguards restricted the
kings, lords, or popular majorities.”3 0 power of the states. For instance, the right of
Chief Justice John Marshall’s respect for all Americans to trade freely in a national
property rights had its genesis in “the marketplace was protected by the Commerce
Constitution’s underlying Lockean premise Clause,36 and the agreements people made
that government was limited” and that owner- were protected from state interference by the
ship of property, along with life and liberty, was Contracts Clause.3 7Most protections, howev-
an unalienable right the law was designed to er, were directed against abuse by the nation-
protect. “For Marshall’s generation, property al government. In the protection of property
was a dynamic concept. It referred not merely to rights, the Fifth Amendment’s Takings
existing possessions but also to the industrious Clause plays a pivotal role, as noted above.

But the Fifth Amendment also contains a denials. The Fourteenth Amendment is espe-
Due Process Clause, which states: “No person cially important in this regard. It provides, in
shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or proper- relevant part,
ty, without due process of law. . . .”3 8
The concept of due process has a long his- No State shall make or enforce any law
tory. It goes back at least as far as Magna which shall abridge the privileges or
Carta. The phrase “due process of law” comes immunities of citizens of the United
from a 14th-century statute, enacted during States; nor shall any State deprive any
the reign of King Edward III, that declared, person of life, liberty, or property, with-
“No man of what state or condition he be, out due process of law; nor deny to any
shall be put out of his lands or tenements . . . person within its jurisdiction the equal
without he be brought to answer by due protection of the laws.4 5
process of law.”3 9 The Massachusetts
Constitution of 1780 put it thus: Unfortunately, only five years after the
Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, the
No subject shall be arrested, impris- Supreme Court dealt the Privileges or
oned, despoiled, or deprived of his Immunities Clause a grievous blow from
property, immunities, or privileges, which it has never recovered. In the Slaughter
put out of the protection of the law, House Cases of 1873,4 6 by the narrowest of
exiled, or deprived of his life, liberty, margins, the Court upheld a Louisiana
or estate, but by the judgment of his statute that gave a single slaughterhouse
peers or the law of the land.4 0 company a monopoly to serve all of New
Orleans, thus restricting the employment
The historical record makes it clear that the and contract rights of all parties not part of
subordination of the sovereign to the rule of the monopoly. In an impassioned opinion
law is required to protect the liberty and for the four dissenters, Justice Stephen J.
property of a free people. Field quoted from Corfield v. Coryell,4 7an 1823
Since the Constitution was designed, for decision by Justice Bushrod Washington
the most part, to protect only against federal known for its exposition of the natural law.
deprivations of rights, it did not protect In setting forth the authoritative interpreta-
property rights from state interference.4 1 tion of the Privileges and Immunities Clause
However, the original state constitutions did of Article IV of the Constitution, Washington
contain explicit protections for property, had deemed as “fundamental” those privi-
consistent with the Lockean view that state leges and immunities Every state consti-
leaders shared with their national peers.4 2 By
the 1820s, guarantees of compensation for which belong of right to citizens of tution contains a
takings had become an established part of all free governments, and which have takings provision
state constitutional law.4 3 Every state consti- at all times been enjoyed by the citi-
similar to that of
tution contains a takings provision similar to zens of the several States . . . [and]
that of the Fifth Amendment.4 4 might be all comprehended under the Fifth
Notwithstanding such protections at the the following general heads: protec- Amendment.
state level, it became clear immediately after tion by the government; the enjoy-
the Civil War, especially with the passage by ment of life and liberty, with the
southern states of the notorious “black right to acquire and possess property
codes,” that citizens would also need federal of every kind, and to pursue and
protection when states failed to protect obtain happiness and safety, subject,
rights. Thus, the Civil War amendments were nevertheless, to such restraints as the
passed and ratified, giving a measure of fed- government may justly prescribe for
eral protection against state violations and the general good of the whole.4 8

Euclid paved the Field argued that among the fundamen- And in that same year, in Chicago, Burlington
way for the tal privileges or immunities of a citizen of & Quincy R.R. v. Chicago,5 4 the Court held that
the United States was “the right to pursue a the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process
modern land-use lawful employment in a lawful manner, Clause “incorporated,” against the states, the
regimes—federal, without other restraint than such as equally Fifth Amendment’s protections of property,
state, regional, and affects all persons.”4 9 which until then had guarded only against
Some 14 years after the Slaughter House federal violations.
local—that have Cases were decided, the Court upheld a pro- The Court’s substantive due process theory
played such havoc hibitory ordinance in Mugler v. Kansas was never well-grounded or developed, howev-
(1887)5 0 that led to the closing of a brewery er, as its uneven applications demonstrated.
with the rights of without requiring a demonstration either Thus, protections afforded by economic sub-
owners. that the brewery caused special harm or that stantive due process gave way periodically, and
less drastic means would not have served. without clear reason, to government’s police
Given its Slaughter House holding that occu- power—its power, ironically, to secure rights. In
pational liberty was not a federal privilege or 1915, for instance, in Hadacheck v. Sebastian,55
immunity, it is not surprising that the Court the Court upheld an ordinance requiring the
held that Kansas could regulate alcohol as it closing of a brickyard that had operated for
saw fit.5 1 many years, saying that it stood in the path of
The Rise and Fall of Substantive Due Process. urban development; the ordinance reduced the
After the demise of the Privileges or value of the land by 87 percent, all of which the
Immunities Clause, the Court invoked the owners lost. And, in 1926, in Village of Euclid v.
Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause Ambler Realty Co.,56 the Court upheld compre-
to try to protect individuals against state hensive zoning, based on little more than fleet-
deprivations of life, liberty, or property. That ing references to fire, congestion, and disease,
“substantive” use of the clause did not follow matters that could have been dealt with indi-
immediately, however. In fact, the clause was vidually on a far more limited basis.57 Needless
used initially, in 1877, to ensure simply that to say, the implications of that decision for
deprivations followed only after “due process,” property rights have been far-reaching, for
or procedural fairness, had been afforded.5 2 In Euclid paved the way for the modern land-use
time, however, the Court fashioned a theory of regimes—federal, state, regional, and local—
“substantive due process” to accomplish what that have played such havoc with the rights of
should have been accomplished under the owners. To better understand those issues,
Privileges or Immunities Clause. Thus, in 1897 however, we need first a fuller understanding
the Court noted in dicta that the deprivation of the idea of property rights.
of “liberty” without due process of law could
include not only physical restraint but also the
deprivation of A Conceptual Framework of
Property Rights
the right of the citizen to be free in the
enjoyment of all his faculties; to be free The Nature of “Property”
to use them in all lawful ways; to live Property Is a Set of Rights with Respect to Others.
and work where he will; to earn his Nonlawyers tend to use the word “property”
livelihood by any lawful calling; to pur- to refer to a thing one owns. Thus, in casual
sue any livelihood or avocation; and conversation we say “This is mine” or “Get off
for that purpose to enter into all con- my property” or “This is an investment prop-
tracts which may be proper, necessary, erty.” But “property,” in the legal sense, is not
and essential to his carrying out to a so much a thing as a relationship between
successful conclusion the purposes people with respect to a thing. Thus, a more
above mentioned.53 precise usage is needed to explicate or defend

property rights. An individual stranded on an that basic pattern unfolded. The role law
uninhabited island, for example, enjoys many played was primarily to recognize and clarify
physical things but has no “property.” It is the rights people created in things, not to cre-
only when other people are present and the ate the rights in the first instance. And that
threat of losing things to them arises that process continues to this day, especially in the
property and property rights arise. Thus, area of intellectual property.
property is an understanding among people Consistent with this conception, the
regarding who has rights with respect to the Supreme Court has observed that property
many things of the world. interests are not created by the Constitution61
It is helpful to remember that, in the days but are to be found in “existing rules or
of the Framers, “property” often referred to understandings that stem from an indepen-
those attributes that were “proper,” or appro- dent source such as state law.”62 And the U.S.
priate, to one’s situation or station in life. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Thus, a “proper” attribute of a free person is Circuit has explained the process as follows:
liberty; that is what John Locke meant when
he said that one has property in one’s rights. The essential character of property is
“Property,” then, consists of rights that must that it is made up of mutually rein-
be respected by others, not just land or build- forcing understandings that are suf-
“Property” con-
ings or shares of corporate stock. As the ficiently well grounded to support a sists of rights that
Supreme Court has noted: claim of entitlement. These mutually must be respected
reinforcing understandings can arise
The term “property” as used in the in myriad ways. For instance, state by others.
Taking Clause includes the entire law may create entitlements through
“group of rights inhering in the citi- express or implied agreements. . . .
zen’s [ownership].” It is not used in [P]roperty interests also may be creat-
the “vulgar and untechnical sense of ed or reinforced through uniform
the physical thing with respect to custom and practice.6 3
which the citizen exercises rights rec-
ognized by law. [Instead, it] denote[s] Property Rights Include Possession, Use, and
the group of rights inhering in the Disposition. If property rights constitute rela-
citizen’s relation to the physical tions among people that arise through mutu-
thing, as the right to possess, use and al recognition of claims, it remains to be seen
dispose of it.” . . . The constitutional just what those claims and relationships are.
provision is addressed to every sort of Here, fortunately, the law has always been
interest the citizen may possess.5 8 quite clear. In essence, the principal rights are
the right to exclusive possession, the right to
According to Locke, in the beginning the use and enjoy, and the right to dispose of
world was mankind’s common heritage, but one’s interest through devise, sale, or gift.
every person owned individually his own Exclusive possession has always been rec-
body and his own labor. As people applied ognized as a fundamental property right.
their labor and skill to the natural bounty, as Blackstone referred to property as “that sole
they “invested” themselves in things, they and despotic dominion which one man
made those things and the ensuing products claims and exercises over the external things
their own.59 Through natural recognition of of the world, in total exclusion of the right of
the claims that thus arose, “property” came any other individual in the universe.”6 4 The
into being.6 0 As we know it in American soci- Supreme Court has declared that “the right to
ety and law, then, “property” was not estab- exclude others” is “one of the most essential
lished and distributed through some grand sticks in the bundle of rights that are com-
statute or scheme but rather came about as monly characterized as property.”6 5

Beyond mere possession, however, is the work of property rights. For the moment,
right to use one’s property, provided one however, it should be noted that the heavy
doesn’t violate the similar rights of others in reliance the Supreme Court places on the
the process. The right of use is what gives Takings Clause results from the Court’s fail-
property its value, of course, even if the use ure to take seriously the protections for prop-
amounts to mere possession for investment erty that now will be discussed.
purposes. Yet, as we shall see, it is the right of The Police Power and Eminent Domain. The
use that was most under attack in America police power is the fundamental power of
during the 20th century. government to secure our rights, the power to
Finally, the right of an owner to dispose of protect members of the community against
some or all of his ownership interests has harm from each other, as defined by our
been championed by the common law courts rights against each other, or against harm
since at least the 13th century.6 6 It follows from outsiders. In an exposition familiar to
that if an owner has the right to exclusive pos- the Founders, John Locke declared that in the
session, he has the right to invite others to state of nature every person has the
share in or to assume his interest—provided, “Executive Power” to secure his own rights,
again, that the rights of others are not violat- but that individuals give up that power, for
ed in the process. Thus, in 1987, in Hodel v. the most part, in order to obtain the superior
Irving, the Supreme Court struck down a law protection that civil society can afford. By
that severely limited Indian inheritance rights entering into the social compact with others,
because it “amount[ed] to virtually the abro- a man surrenders his power of self-preserva-
gation of the right to pass on a certain type of tion, in most cases, and agrees “to be regulat-
property—the small undivided interest—to ed by Laws made by the Society, so far forth as
one’s heirs. In one form or another, the right the preservation of himself, and the rest of
to pass on property—to one’s family in partic- that Society shall require. . . . ”69
ular—has been part of the Anglo-American The police power is legitimate, for if we
legal system since feudal times.”6 7 have the right to defend ourselves we have the
right to band together for our collective
Property Is Protected by the Institutions defense. Thus, the state may raise an army to
of a Just Government protect against foreign invaders; establish a
The Declaration of Independence states system of police, courts, and jails to deter and
that governments are instituted among men punish those who initiate violence; and insti-
to secure their rights. And since all rights can tute public health measures as needed to pre-
Since all rights be reduced to property, as both Locke and vent contagion. Each of those legitimate uses
Madison understood, property rights are thus of the police power flows from the principle
can be reduced to fundamental. Not surprisingly, Madison that government derives its powers from the
property, as both applied the Lockean insight contained in the governed. Every individual has the intrinsic
Locke and Declaration when he wrote: “Government is right to resist invaders, criminals, and conta-
instituted to protect property of every sort. . . . gious disease. Thus, anyone may delegate
Madison under- This being the end of government, that alone those rights under the social compact.
stood, property is a just government, which impartially Likewise, government has a legitimate, if nar-
rights are thus secures to every man, whatever is his own.”6 8 row, role in regulating land use. We say that a
In recent years, courts and commentators landowner commits a nuisance against a
fundamental. have focused on the Takings Clause of the neighbor when he interferes with the neigh-
Fifth Amendment, which requires that gov- bor’s right to use his own lands—a right
ernment pay “just compensation” when it derived from the same source and having the
takes private property for public use. I will same dignity as the offender’s equal right. The
consider the Takings Clause more fully below, victim may bring a lawsuit for “private nui-
when I consider the lack of a judicial frame- sance,” by which he could seek compensation

for past harm and an order forbidding future sary to achieve those ends, then compensates The purpose of
harmful conduct. the owner. Thus, government may mandate the police power
Where the nuisance results in widespread that landowners not develop the land adjoin-
harm, however, government may seek to vin- ing an airport runway, or that they transfer is to secure rights
dicate the rights of all of the injured through title to lands needed for a fort or a post office. by prohibiting
one action for “public nuisance” or through The legitimacy of those governmental actions harms. The
legislation that properly defines and pro- is not based on the police power, however,
hibits nuisance. Government is thereby since there was no wrongful conduct by the purpose of the
asserting, not that it has an independent landowners. Rather, it is based on the enu- eminent domain
right, but merely that it may protect the merated powers of government to facilitate
aggregate rights of the numerous victims who commerce, national defense, or the mails. power is to pro-
otherwise might be stymied by the difficulty Similarly, governmental deprivations of vide public goods
and expense of bringing individual lawsuits. rights of possession or use in order to create by taking private
When thus viewed, not only is the police scenic vistas or wildlife habitats are predicat-
power not antithetical to property rights, it is ed, not on the theory that the owner’s build- property, but only
a principal tool for their defense. ing plans would constitute a nuisance, but after paying the
But many government acts that are ration- rather on an affirmative desire by government
alized as exercises of the police power are in officials to create public goods that would
owner just
fact unjustified by it. The police power is not a benefit society as a whole. Even if government compensation.
license, for example, for government to take styles its actions as “regulatory,” such regula-
property from some for the benefit of others, tions are enacted under the power of eminent
or for the purpose of adjusting or harmoniz- domain—they “take” otherwise legitimate
ing or maximizing its own view of the “well- uses—not under the police power. Thus, those
being” of society. Nor can government invoke landowners are entitled to just compensation.
the police power to interfere with property The purpose of the police power is to
rights where the exercise of those rights has secure rights by prohibiting harms. The pur-
not harmed others. Indeed, to invoke the pose of the eminent domain power is to pro-
police power to protect “the community” vide public goods by taking private property,
from conduct that does not violate the rights but only after paying the owner just compen-
of any of its individual members is to invest sation. In Ernst Freund’s classic words of a
government with “rights” not derived from its century ago, “[I]t may be said that the state
members.7 0 Individuals would then be subject takes property by eminent domain because it
to a government more powerful than the peo- is useful to the public, and under the police
ple had a right to make it. The evil implicit in power because it is harmful.”7 2
governmental overreaching through the The “Public Use” Requirement. Yet if govern-
police power was recognized in Justice ment compensates an owner after taking his
Holmes’s declaration in Pennsylvania Coal Co. property, the action may go beyond govern-
v. Mahon (1922) that, “while property may be ment’s legitimate powers. That is because the
regulated to a certain extent, if regulation goes Fifth Amendment (with state law generally
too far it will be recognized as a taking.”7 1 corresponding) requires not only that the
Government does have one power, howev- lawful exercise of eminent domain be predi-
er, that is not derived from the individual cated upon just compensation but also that
rights of its citizens: the power of eminent the property be taken for “public use.” The
domain, the power to take private property principle at issue seems self-evident. As the
for public use upon payment of just compen- Supreme Court stated in 1798, in Calder v.
sation. Known in the 17th and 18th centuries Bull, “a law that takes property from A. and
as “the despotic power,” eminent domain is gives it to B.” would be “contrary to the great
an instrumental power: in pursuit of other first principles of the social compact” and
ends, government takes property when neces- “cannot be considered a rightful exercise of

legislative authority.”7 3 Yet the Supreme limited only by the requirement that there be
Court today totally misunderstands and some “public benefit” resulting from its exer-
ignores the public use requirement, describ- cise, the result is no constraint at all. Yet today
ing it as “coterminous” with the police eminent domain is often used that loosely, to
power.7 4 That is wrong on its face since a condemn A’s title, with compensation, and
legitimate exercise of the police power pro- transfer title to B, on the theory that the public
tects the rights of citizens and requires no will “benefit” from the transfer. Urban renewal
compensation.75 The purpose of the public and the building of professional sports stadi-
use requirement is to constrain government’s ums are just two examples. Just about every pri-
eminent domain power beyond the con- vate activity using land, or labor, or some other
straint afforded by the just compensation scarce resource could be said to “benefit” the
requirement. There are two principal reasons public in some attenuated way. By such rea-
why such constraint is needed. First, the exer- soning government officials might freely
cise of eminent domain is an exercise of force impose their own industrial policy. But
that inevitably injures affected citizens. whether such transfers are instigated by indi-
Second, unfettered powers of eminent viduals or businesses or by the government, the
domain dangerously aggrandize the state and result for liberty is the same.
The Supreme those who seek to control it. In sum, respect for individual property
Court today totally At any given time, most individuals do not rights requires that government adhere to two
misunderstands have their property up for sale at the market basic principles: that the police power be limit-
price. Some derive sentimental value from ed to securing rights and that the eminent
and ignores the their property; others find it particularly suit- domain power, which requires just compensa-
public use ed to and perhaps customized for their per- tion, be limited to taking property only for
sonal or business needs; and all find relocation legitimate public uses.
requirement. a substantial burden. Thus, the difference
between the market price, which is all that gov-
ernment is required to pay as “just compensa- Why Property Rights
tion,” and what the owner would require for a Are Endangered
true consensual sale is lost to the owner when
property is condemned through eminent
in America Today
domain. As Richard Posner, chief judge of the We cannot deal effectively with the threat
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, to property rights unless we understand its
put it: “Compensation in the constitutional nature and causes. The threat cannot be
sense is . . . not full compensation. . . .”7 6Given attributed simply to judicial misfeasance,
the loss to individual property owners that although the courts, at best, have been uncer-
eminent domain inevitably entails, it follows tain defenders of private property. Nor is the
that its use should be limited to situations in threat primarily a function of overly broad
which the public will benefit through direct legislation or arbitrary administrative con-
use of the rights that have been taken. duct, although both are widely present.
When eminent domain is restrained by the Rather, the threat to private property results
requirement of direct public use, intrusions on from the combined effects of (1) an inflated
individual liberty are minimized. The condem- view of the legitimate objects of government
nation of land for public highways is the classic and the corresponding growth of the regula-
example. Even when the use is by government tory state, (2) pervasive confusion about the
employees only, as is that of forts and highway rights that individuals have retained and the
maintenance equipment garages, condemna- powers they have delegated to government,
tion is constrained by the need for such out- and (3) a failure to distinguish the discrete
posts and structures to serve valid public pur- constitutional standard against which a spe-
poses. By contrast, when eminent domain is cific act of government must be measured.

The Growth of the Regulatory State If outside “experts” and government agencies
Early in the 20th century a broad-based were quick to assume that social and economic
reform movement known as progressivism problems involving subtle complexities and myr-
argued that expert management of human iad tradeoffs were susceptible to solution by regu-
endeavors could alleviate all manner of eco- lation, so were state legislatures. Today, the laws of
nomic and social ills. As progressivism took every state permit comprehensive regulation of
hold, massive administrative regulation of land use, most delegating regulation to munici-
commerce, labor, housing, land use, and palities. While there is much to be said for gov-
much else followed in its wake. ernment at the local level, in land-use matters this
In 1916, shortly before taking his seat on the generally has resulted in the dominant local
Supreme Court, Progressive stalwart Louis group’s achieving extortionate gains at the
Brandeis delivered a speech to the Chicago Bar expense of the rest. Thus, in urban areas, rent con-
Association. He declared: “At first our ideal was trol has favored sitting tenants over landlords. In
expressed as ‘A government of laws and not of the suburbs, zoning has favored homeowners
men.’ Then it became ‘A government of the peo- over owners of yet-undeveloped land. Where
ple, by the people and for the people.’ Now it is localities have been subjected to an overlay of
‘Democracy and social justice.’”7 7 statewide controls, other problems have emerged.
That was the ethos that marked the 20th In Vermont, town officials seeking a Wal-Mart
century, right from the start. We have gone store for the benefit of local citizens were rebuffed
from the rule of law, by which government is by state regulators. Washington State has
carefully curtailed to protect our liberties, to required localities to draw arbitrary lines separat-
the nanny state, in which government subor- ing lands the owners may develop from lands
dinates property and other rights in pursuit they may not.
of “social justice” through majoritarian rule. In New Jersey, an intricate formula mandat-
As one scholar recently put it: ing the apportionment of low-income housing
resulted in some towns having to provide for
Modern land use controls in the more low-income migrants than the towns had
United States began with the devel- existing residents. At the national level, Congress
opment and legal vindication of zon- has enacted land-use laws as hazy aspirations,
ing in the early 1900s. Zoning was the details of which the executive branch has
We have gone
just one product of the impulse of filled in with often ludicrous regulations. Thus, from the rule of
the Progressives for order and pre- laws protecting the “navigable waters of the law, by which
dictability. The early enthusiasts for United States” have led to regulations forbidding
zoning . . . were fighting a holy war century-old farming practices on fields damp government is
against the libertarian sins of nine- two weeks per year. And endangered species laws carefully curtailed
teenth-century development. . . . aimed at protecting large mammals have led to to protect our
Control over land use would be regulations protecting habitat for kangaroo rats
removed from the amoral hand of at the expense of homes that burned because the liberties, to the
the market and entrusted to expert habitat could not be disturbed and to a major nanny state, in
elites removed from politics and dam that goes unused in order to protect a small
business. . . . fish called the snail darter.
which government
. . . In part, advocates have sought subordinates
to downplay the social and political The Proliferation of Regulatory Takings property and
significance of planning by arguing The efforts of government since the
that planning controls land and Progressive Era to remake society by wresting other rights in
other natural resources, not people. control over land from the “amoral hand of pursuit of “social
But the value of resources lies in their the market” and entrusting it to “expert
social utility, so man and land cannot elites” have led to comprehensive zoning,
justice” through
be so neatly separated.7 8 restrictions on development, and the subordi- majoritarian rule.

Government has nation of property rights to often vague envi- asserted against others. In the examples given,
misused the police ronmental concerns. There is no way to the owner of undeveloped land was deprived
square those results with the respect for prop- of the right to use it, the shopping center
power that was erty rights that the Framers enshrined in the owner was deprived of the right to exclude the
intended to pro- Constitution. Government has misused the political speaker, and the owner of the frac-
tect individual eminent domain power to take property from tional share was deprived of the right to dis-
some for the benefit of others. On a far vaster pose of his interest.
rights, using it scale, it has misused the police power that was Each of those examples constitutes a regula-
instead to violate intended to protect individual rights, using it tory taking. That idea is clear in Justice Holmes’s
instead to violate rights. Claiming to be acting “too far” language in Pennsylvania Coal.8 4 The
rights. under that power, government regularly sub- phrase was suggested even more directly in 1981
ordinates rights in the name of public goods in Justice Brennan’s dissent in San Diego Gas &
and public benefits.79 Electric Company v. City of San Diego:
A notable example of the misuse of the
power of eminent domain was the decision of Police power regulations such as
the city of Detroit during the 1970s to con- zoning ordinances and other land-use
demn and level a thriving ethnic neighbor- restrictions can destroy the use and
hood so that the site could be transferred to enjoyment of property in order to
General Motors for a new Cadillac assembly promote the public good just as effec-
plant.8 0 While there may be “public benefits” tively as formal condemnation or
from such condemnations, those benefits are physical invasion of property. From
incidental. They do nothing to alter the essen- the property owner’s point of view, it
tial character of the condemnations as trans- may matter little whether his land is
fers from one private party to another. condemned or flooded, or whether it
Far more common is government’s enact- is restricted by regulation to use in its
ment of regulations that prohibit owners natural state, if the effect in both cases
from using their property in otherwise legiti- is to deprive him of all beneficial use
mate ways but do not compensate them for of it. From the government’s point of
the losses they suffer. Rather than condemn view, the benefits flowing to the pub-
undeveloped land for a public park, taking lic from preservation of open space
title, and paying the owner compensation, through regulation may be equally
government prohibits development as “harm- great as from creating a wildlife refuge
ful to the land’s natural characteristics” and through formal condemnation or
pays the owner nothing for his losses.8 1 increasing electricity production
Rather than spruce up downtown streets as through a dam project that floods
an attractive public venue, government private property. Appellees implicitly
declares the regional shopping center the new posit the distinction that the govern-
“public square” and commandeers its com- ment intends to take property
mon areas for political speech by uninvited through condemnation or physical
strangers.8 2 Rather than purchase highly frac- invasion whereas it does not through
tionated shares of ownership in parcels of police power regulations. . . . But “the
tribal land from their owners and combine Constitution measures a taking of
them to facilitate development, government property not by what a State says, or
terminates the owners’ right to pass their by what it intends, but by what it
interests on to their heirs.83 In each of those does.” . . . It is only logical, then, that
examples, government argued that it did not government action other than acqui-
take “the property” and did not owe just com- sition of title, occupancy, or physical
pensation. But again, “property” is not a mere invasion can be a “taking,” and there-
thing; rather, it is rights in a thing that may be fore a de facto exercise of the power of

eminent domain, where the effects In engaging in these essentially ad
completely deprive the owner of all or hoc, factual inquiries, the Court’s
most of his interest in the property.85 decisions have identified several fac-
tors that have particular significance.
The Lack of a Judicial Framework of [1] The economic impact of the regu-
Property Rights lation on the claimant and, particu-
Although government officials and legis- larly, [2] the extent to which the regu-
lators have a proclivity to intrude on property lation has interfered with distinct
rights, abuses may be nipped in the bud by a investment-backed expectations are,
vigilant judiciary. But that requires courts to of course, relevant considerations. So,
form and act upon a sound understanding of too, is [3] the character of the govern-
constitutional limits on the scope of govern- mental action. A “taking” may more
ment. Without a principled jurisprudence of readily be found when the interfer-
property rights, the courts cannot check the ence with property can be character-
expanding regulatory state. Unfortunately, ized as a physical invasion by govern-
the current American law of property, as ment than when interference arises
crafted by the U.S. Supreme Court over the from some public program adjusting
course of the 20th century, lacks the coher- the benefits and burdens of economic
Under the Penn
ent, well-grounded conceptual framework of life to promote the common good.8 8 Central ad hoc
property rights that is the necessary prerequi- “balancing test,” a
site for a coherent property jurisprudence. Under the Penn Central ad hoc “balancing
The following discussion illustrates some test,” a court would presumably consider and court would pre-
of the Court’s categorical departures from weigh the three factors enumerated in the pre- sumably consider
principle. These result in judicial opinions ceding paragraph. Not one of those factors goes
that pay lip service to property rights while to the principles of the matter, however.
and weigh three
protecting them only in extreme cases in Whether a regulation takes something belong- factors. Not one
which the government has physically tres- ing to the owner has nothing to do with “invest- of those factors
passed8 6 or, as in Lucas, has deprived the ment-backed expectations,” for example, but
owner of all value. simply with whether the now-prohibited uses goes to the
Ad Hoc Balancing. The lack of a coherent are otherwise legitimate. As Professor Richard principles of the
judicial framework for property rights is con- Epstein, a leading authority on the law of prop- matter, however.
ceded—indeed, celebrated—in a case that erty, has noted, no judge or scholar offers “any
today is the controlling precedent for most telling explanation of why this tantalizing
government regulations of land use. notion of expectations is preferable to the words
In Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of ‘private property.’. . .”8 9Similarly, the “economic
New York (1978), the Supreme Court impact of the regulation on the claimant” tells
reviewed New York City’s decision to deny us about the owner’s finances, not about the
Penn Central a permit to construct an office owner’s rights. And the “character” of the inter-
building above Grand Central Terminal, a ference test does not tell us whether the owner
smaller version of which had been contem- had overstepped his rights, for example, by hav-
plated in the building’s original plans.8 7 The ing committed a nuisance, or whether the owner
denial was based solely on the city’s land- is made whole by benefiting from the imposi-
mark ordinance, and was solely for the pur- tion of the regulation on others.
pose of preserving the terminal’s beaux-arts In a striking understatement, the dean of
aesthetics for public enjoyment. Justice the Yale Law School recently observed that
Brennan, reviewing the Court’s takings “the act of balancing remains obscure.”
cases and abjuring any “set formula” for Balancing tests are “likely to be particularly
applying the Fifth Amendment’s Takings attractive to those who by virtue of their inex-
Clause, declared: perience feel unable to articulate the bases of

their judgments, or who simply lack confi- The first is the right to exclude. In 1979, in
dence in them and are therefore afraid to Kaiser Aetna v. United States, then-justice
expose their own deliberations too nakedly.”90 Rehnquist wrote that the owners of a private
The Court’s Penn Central formulation demon- marina in a privately owned and dredged
strates his point. lagoon could exclude nonpaying boats
In fact, the Penn Central ad hoc balancing because the right to exclude was “fundamen-
test has been synonymous with rubber-stamp tal.”9 1 Yet only a year later, in PruneYard
deferential review that hardly ever finds gov- Shopping Center v. Robins (1980), he reversed
ernment to have overstepped its authority. course in affirming the California Supreme
The Court has essentially stretched the police Court, which had found that a privately
power to encompass the provision of benefits owned shopping center had no right to
as well as the prevention of harms and in the exclude political speakers and petitioners
process has denigrated the notion that indi- from its premises. Rehnquist concluded that
viduals have fundamental rights. the owners had “failed to demonstrate that
Failure to Recognize the Limited Powers of the ‘right to exclude others’ is so essential to
Government. As noted earlier, the Framers the use or economic value of their property
intended the new federal government to be that the state-authorized limitation of it
limited to its enumerated powers. Its primary amounted to a ‘taking.’”9 2
purpose was to ensure a federal common The right to exclude was at issue again in
market and a stronger international pres- 1987, in Nollan v. California Coastal Commission,93
ence. As the Tenth Amendment clearly states, when the Court struck down a practice by
“The powers not delegated to the United which the commission allowed owners to
States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by build on their lands only if they “consented” to
it to the States, are reserved to the States permitting the public to walk along a private
respectively, or to the people.” Likewise, the beach behind their homes. Justice Scalia
states were limited by the inherent rights of declared, “We have repeatedly held that, as to
the people, notably the understanding that property reserved by its owner for private use,
individuals retained their common law prop- ‘the right to exclude [others is] one of the most
erty rights, by which, in John Locke’s famous essential sticks in the bundle of rights that are
formulation, was meant their “Lives, commonly characterized as property.’”9 4
Liberties, and Estates.” The Constitution of Yet in 1995 the Court refused to review a
the United States provides both explicit and case in which the New Jersey Supreme Court
implicit protection for property rights. The had declared not only that regional shopping
The Court has constitution of every state protects private centers were now public forums for free expres-
property as well. Yet for many decades the sion but that all lands within the state might, in
essentially judicial, legislative, and executive branches of theory, be subject to the exercise of free speech,
stretched the government have not accorded private prop- thus calling into serious question the rights of
police power to erty the deference those documents and their owners to exclude.95
framers intended. The second essential property right is that
encompass the The Erosion of Fundamental Rights. The gov- of use. The Supreme Court has noted that
provision of ernment established by the Framers was a “property” includes “use.”96 In 1994, in Dolan
social compact designed to better protect v. City of Tigard, it proclaimed that the
benefits as well as individual rights. Yet, having been entrusted Takings Clause is not a “poor relation” but
the prevention of with the power to protect fundamental liber- rather is “as much a part of the Bill of Rights
harms. ties, that government, and the Supreme as the First Amendment or Fourth
Court in particular, has sounded a weak and Amendment.”9 7 But the Court’s seminal
vacillating trumpet. This is evidenced in holding in Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.
cases expounding on the most essential (1926) had the effect of placing the burden
property rights. on landowners to demonstrate that a zoning

ordinance violated their rights. The Court property, and to donate or devise the The Court has yet
has yet to give restrictions on the use of prop- protected birds.103 to give restrictions
erty the same “strict scrutiny” accorded other
Bill of Rights protections, such as freedom of Brennan gave no basis for concluding that on the use of
religion9 8 and expression.99 Under that stan- property rights are important in the aggre- property the same
dard, agencies would have to demonstrate gate but not individually. In 1987, however, “strict scrutiny”
that their regulations were narrowly tailored Justice O’Connor struck down a regulation
to serve a compelling state interest. Even limiting the right of inheritance: accorded other
interests that the Court has not regarded as Bill of Rights
“fundamental” may still receive the benefit of [T]he regulation here amounts to vir-
an “intermediate” level of judicial scrutiny. tually the abrogation of the right to protections.
Thus, agencies defending regulatory classifi- pass on a certain type of property—
cations based on sex100 or illegitimacyl01 must the small undivided interest—to one’s
show a close fit between the rule and its heirs. In one form or another, the
objective. When it comes to regulations of right to pass on property—to one’s
property, however, courts essentially look the family in particular—has been part of
other way. Most regulations of property will the Anglo-American legal system
be judged under the very deferential Penn since feudal times.104
Central ad hoc balancing test, which means
that the rights of use the regulations take are Her opinion barely mentioned Allard and made
effectively second-class rights or “poor rela- no attempt to reconcile its opposite result.
tions.” In a recent decision of breathtaking Failure to Recognize the Limits of the Police
import, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Power. If the Supreme Court has erred in con-
Federal Circuit held that landowners’ use sistently undervaluing the importance of fun-
rights are limited not only by existing laws damental individual rights, it has also erred in
but also by the “regulatory climate” at the the other direction in its overly expansive
time of purchase that should have led them understanding of the police power. In the
to anticipate the enactment of future laws.102 landmark 1926 Euclid case, the Court upheld
The third essential property right is the comprehensive zoning as a police power on
right to dispose. The Court has vacillated on little more than a casual analogy between
that right too. In Andrus v. Allard (1979), the apartment houses in neighborhoods of sin-
Court upheld a prohibition on the sale of gle-family homes and pigs in parlors instead
eagle feathers that had been imposed by bird of in barnyards.105 Even if the facts in Euclid
protection laws, even though the plaintiff’s had suggested a public health or safety prob-
feathers were obtained before the law went lem that could not be addressed through the
into effect. While Justice Brennan agreed common law of nuisance, a carefully drawn
that the prohibition was “significant,” he opinion could still have left the burden on
continued: government to justify how its regulations
were narrowly tailored to the specific ill.
But the denial of one traditional Instead, Euclid almost completely obliterated
property right does not always the common law notion that owners may use
amount to a taking. At least where an their lands as they wish unless there is
owner possesses a full “bundle” of demonstrable injury to others.
property rights, the destruction of Delay as a Tool of Government. While Justice
one “strand” of the bundle is not a Brennan was no friend of property rights, as
taking, because the aggregate must his Penn Central opinion indicates, he was no
be viewed in its entirety. In this case, it advocate of the government runaround
is crucial that appellees retain the either. Thus, in 1986 he observed that even in
rights to possess and transport their the rare instance where a court invalidated a

regulation under the Takings Clause, the affects others, the groundwork for one round
agency, as evidenced by its subsequent of reconsideration after another is estab-
actions, would typically not take no for an lished. While owners must bear the taxes,
answer. “Invalidation hardly prevents enact- interest, legal fees, and other expenses of
ment of subsequent unconstitutional regula- negotiating the possible use of a presently
tions by the government entity.” He quoted unproductive parcel, the officials with whom
remarks and publications by planners show- they deal are serene in their civil service posi-
ing how changes in regulation could be used tions, and their legal advice is provided
to pile delay upon delay: through tax dollars.
Undue delay is almost impossible to estab-
At the 1974 annual conference of the lish as a matter of law. An egregious example
National Institute of Municipal Law is the saga of PFZ Properties, which had
Officers in California, a California attempted for 11 years to make the
City Attorney gave fellow City Commonwealth of Puerto Rico process its
Attorneys the following advice: “IF development plan for a resort hotel.
ALL ELSE FAILS, MERELY AMEND Substantial evidence was introduced in the
THE REGULATION AND START U.S. district court to show that the common-
The lack of clear OVER AGAIN.” wealth’s failure was deliberate and malicious,
legal recognition of If legal preventive maintenance does and that it had even gone so far as to remove
an owner’s not work, and you still receive a claim records from its files to hinder the developer’s
attacking the land use regulation, or if progress. Nevertheless, the U.S. Court of
property rights you try the case and lose, don’t worry Appeals for the First Circuit ruled that, even if
means that a gov- about it. All is not lost. One of the extra all of the charges of official misconduct were
“goodies” contained in [a recent true, the landowner’s constitutional rights
ernment agency California Supreme Court case] were not violated.1 0 7 The Supreme Court
has almost unlim- appears to allow the City to change the agreed to review the case, received the liti-
ited scope for regulation in question, even after trial gants’ briefs, and heard oral argument.
and judgment, make it more reason- Subsequently, however, without any explana-
negotiation. able, more restrictive, or whatever, and tion, the Court dismissed the action without
everybody starts over again. . . . See how deciding its merits.108
easy it is to be a City Attorney. Another example of government delay
Sometimes you can lose the battle and coupled with bad faith is City of Monterey v. Del
still win the war. Good luck.106 Monte Dunes at Monterey, Ltd.,109 decided by the
Supreme Court in 1999. The landowner had
As will be discussed shortly, the Supreme been trying for 17 years to obtain permission
Court has used “ripeness” and associated doc- to build homes. Even though zoning law
trines to make it difficult for a landowner to would have permitted more than 1,000
sue an agency that deprives him of his prop- homes, the owner’s 1981 application was for
erty rights until that agency has issued a “final only 344 residences. There followed a long
decision.” Not surprisingly, agencies are noto- history of rejections of proposals, each of
riously unwilling to give no for an answer. In which was for fewer units than the one before.
a vicious circle, the lack of clear legal recogni- Finally, after exacting numerous forced dedi-
tion of an owner’s property rights means that cations of land and agreements not to build
a government agency has almost unlimited on outer sections of the parcel, the city agreed
scope for negotiation. Thus, it can return an to allow 190 units to be built in the center of
owner’s development plan without approval the parcel. However, it then prohibited even
or disapproval. Instead, the agency will sug- that development, saying that the center of
gest further modifications of the plan. Since the tract contained a plant that made the site
the modification of one element of a plan the only natural habitat of an endangered

insect known as Smith’s Blue Butterfly, even difficult matter. The Supreme Court’s vague
though the butterfly was nowhere to be locat- balancing test, however, requires that judges
ed at the site. The U.S. Court of Appeals for juggle large quantities of information
the Ninth Circuit held for the landowners, regarding local politics, sociology, econom-
quoting with approval their contention that ics, and administrative custom, all to no
“the City progressively denied use of portions apparent purpose. Under such circum-
of the Dunes until no part remained available stances, the process quite naturally must
for a use inconsistent with leaving the proper- seem bewildering and distasteful. It is no
ty in its natural state.”110 The Supreme Court wonder that, in the words of one appellate
affirmed, with Justice Kennedy’s opinion court, “The lack of uniformity among the
apparently accepting whole the landowner’s [federal] circuits in dealing with zoning cases
claim of unfair treatment. As Justice Scalia . . . is remarkable.”1 1 7
noted at oral argument, “the landowner was To fully appreciate how procedural imped-
getting jerked around.”111 iments work, however, one must grasp one
Judicial Resistance to Hearing Property Rights fact above all: Whereas at one time Americans
Cases. In the landmark case of Marbury v. could use their property freely, today, virtual-
Madison (1803), Chief Justice John Marshall ly everywhere, any change in use can come
declared, “It is emphatically the province and about only after government at some level—
duty of the judicial department to say what sometimes several levels—has given the owner
the law is.”112 Yet when it comes to property permission to make the change. The permit-
rights, the Supreme Court has consistently ting process today is ubiquitous. It is a hurdle
provided ways for federal judges to shirk their behind which hides one horror story after
duty to declare and apply the law in actual another. The story of Bernadine Suitum, dis-
cases. Whether out of fear of becoming cussed earlier, is a case in point.
“Grand Mufti” of zoning,”1 1 3 or out of dis- Recall that Mrs. Suitum is the elderly
dain for deciding the “garden-variety zoning widow who became embroiled in almost a
dispute,”1 1 4 even conservative judges, often decade of litigation after she sought to build
sympathetic to owners, seem to have a palpa- her dream house, only to be told by the
ble dislike for property rights cases. Supreme Court that she did in fact have a
In fact, federal courts have been so unwill- right to sue, so she could then start her law-
ing to hear regulatory takings cases that the suit all over again from the beginning.
probability of dismissal of their lawsuits often Additional horror stories about procedural
is the greatest barrier between injured proper- delays abound. To cite but two examples:
ty owners and their receipt of just compensa- The permitting
tion. One commentator, in a scholarly study • Paul Presault sued the state of Vermont
of all takings cases litigated in federal courts in October 1981 to recover possession
process today is
between 1983 and 1988, noted that judges of a strip of his yard that had been ubiquitous. It is a
avoided the merits in over 94 percent of the granted as an easement for railroad use hurdle behind
cases.115 Another study determined that in 83 only. Although the railroad was long
percent of the takings claims raised in federal abandoned, the state insisted that the which hides one
district courts from 1990 to 1998 the court strip was open for public use as a recre- horror story after
never reached the merits, and when the court ational trail since the state had paved
did reach the merits it took an average of 9.6 over the former roadbed running
years for the dispute to be resolved.116 through the Presaults’ yard. The
The confusion in property rights jurispru- Preseaults have been to the U.S.
dence undoubtedly is a factor in that. Were Supreme Court twice and have had their
judges to possess a coherent, well-grounded case litigated several times in the U.S.
theory of property rights, examining allega- Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
tions of state overreaching would not be a and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims,

The web of proce- where it now awaits additional briefs achieve an undeserved and unwarranted
dural barriers con- and hearings two decades after the orig- result: they avoid the vast majority of takings
inal suit was filed.1 1 8 cases on their merits.”124 The lack of practical
trived by federal • Florida Rock Industries was denied a recourse to the courts puts citizens at a grave
judges makes it wetlands permit to mine limestone in disadvantage. With little chance of being
almost impossible its land in southern Florida in 1980 and called to account in the federal courts, states
brought a takings action in the prede- and localities have an even greater incentive to
for landowners to cessor of the Court of Federal Claims in take private property through the subterfuge
obtain a hearing 1982. It won in that court, but both of regulation rather than through exercise of
times the federal government appealed the power of eminent domain.
in federal court. to the Federal Circuit, which remand- The ripeness rule is not applied to claims
ed.119 After a third trial on the merits, that ordinances or regulations are flatly
the Court of Federal Claims again unconstitutional on their face (i.e., under all
found for the landowner with respect to circumstances). Owners making such claims
the 98 acres for which it was allowed to will get their day in federal court—and almost
apply for a permit.1 2 0 In 2000 the court certainly will lose. Since the Supreme Court
ruled that Florida Rock’s claim for tak- gives government the benefit of the doubt
ings damages for the 1,462 acres for when the validity of a land-use regulation is
which it was not allowed to apply was “fairly debatable,”125 and since the Court “has
“ripe” for judicial review.121 However, been unable to develop any set formula” for
the court deferred review of the merits property rights cases,126 only the most egre-
so that the government could appeal gious rule would be deemed unconstitutional
the court’s ripeness determination to under every conceivable circumstance.
the Federal Circuit. As a practical matter, then, landowners
must assert that regulations or government
Procedural Barriers in the Federal Courts. The actions violate the Takings Clause or fail to
web of procedural barriers contrived by feder- provide due process of law when applied to
al judges makes it almost impossible for their own particular situations. In legal par-
landowners to obtain a hearing in federal lance, the owner brings an “as applied” chal-
court on claims that they have been deprived lenge to the regulation instead of a “facial”
of their property rights in violation of the fed- challenge. It is in such cases that the special
eral Constitution. ripeness test wreaks its vengeance. In order to
The first major barrier is the “ripeness” establish that his fact-laden claim is “ripe” for
test. The basic principle underlying the judi- federal judicial review, an owner must often
cial ripeness rules is sound. The Supreme spend many years and sometimes hundreds
Court has said that the doctrine’s “basic of thousand of dollars working his way
rationale is to prevent the courts, through through an open-ended and often endless
avoidance of premature adjudication, from administrative maze. “Practically speaking,”
entangling themselves in abstract disagree- one authority has noted, “the universe of
ments.”1 2 2 But the standard ripeness test is plaintiffs with the financial ability to survive
not what federal courts apply in regulatory the lengthy ripening process is small.”127
takings cases. Instead, they have developed a The principal case in which the Supreme
labyrinth-like “special ripeness doctrine Court has established its regulatory takings
applicable only to constitutional property ripeness doctrine is Williamson County Regional
rights claims.”123 Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank. The tip of
In recent congressional testimony, noted the Williamson County iceberg128 is its “two-
land-use expert Professor Daniel Mandelker prong” test requiring (1) a “final decision” by
declared that “federal judges have distorted the governmental agency on the merits and (2)
the Supreme Court’s ripeness precedents to a denial of “state compensation.”

Until an agency issues a final decision, it can- “premature” until the issue of compensation
not be sued. Thus, the property owner has to was litigated in state court,1 2 9 some federal
overcome every excuse or delay that the agency appellate courts have accepted government
poses. One part of the final decision prong assertions that going through the state judi-
requires the owner to apply for a “specific use” cial process itself bars the property owner
and another requires a “meaningful” applica- from recourse to the federal courts.130
tion. This means that the owner’s initial appli- Although in other contexts it seems fair
cation cannot simply ask for the maximum use that the litigation of facts, issues, or entire
permitted by law; and it also means that the cases in one court precludes their being relit-
owner may have to make several applications, igated in another, the result here is that the
each succeeding application responsive to com- landowner is barred from federal court
ments in the agency’s earlier denials. Yet anoth- review of rights protected by the federal
er part of the prong requires the owner to seek Constitution. In 1999 the Supreme Court
a “variance,” that is, an administrative exception was asked to review Rainey Bros. Construction
from a rule, following a denial based on non- Co. v. Memphis and Shelby County Board of
compliance with the rule. Nevertheless, if the Adjustment,1 3 1 a case in which a landowner
owner can prove that the agency’s mind is made had received permission to construct multi-
up and that it would be senseless to continue family housing, which it had begun, only to
this process, he can seek relief under a “futility have the city summarily revoke approval speaking,” one
exception.” That final resort, however, is itself a without giving the owner notice or a chance authority has
difficult hurdle. to be heard. The owner sued in state court, as
To better appreciate what is going on in required by Williamson County. After losing noted, “the uni-
this process, one can imagine what it would there, the owner went to federal district verse of plaintiffs
be like if a speaker had to “clear” his remarks court. The federal judge determined that the
before speaking. Imagine negotiating the text state court had erroneously applied the law
with the financial
with a government agency, which would be and that the owner’s federal constitutional ability to survive
free to come up with continual modifications rights under the Due Process and Takings the lengthy ripen-
and suggestions. While years might go by Clauses had been violated. Nevertheless, the
before the right to speak was formally and judge ruled that the prior erroneous state ing process is
finally denied, the speaker would have no decision precluded federal court review.132 small.”
recourse to federal court, for only then would The federal court of appeals affirmed in an
the denial be “ripe.” unpublished opinion. In an unusual move,
The other prong of Williamson County is the petition for Supreme Court review was
the “state compensation” requirement. It is filed by leading attorneys representing both
not enough to show that government has the property owner and the municipalities.
“taken” a property right by finally denying a What united them was a quest for resolution
permit. The owner must also show that gov- of an issue in the administration of justice
ernment has not provided “just compensa- important to both sides: Is there a right to
tion” for that taking in order for his federal ultimate review of regulatory takings cases in
constitutional rights to be violated. The fact federal court? The Supreme Court declined
that the agency has denied that there has to hear the case.
been a taking and refuses to pay does not The second major barrier is the “Tucker Act
count. The owner must seek compensation Shuffle,” a procedural barrier to judicial redress
through additional applications to state when it is the federal government that takes
agencies and litigation in the state courts. property. The Tucker Act133 is a broad statute
Only after receiving a definitive rejection requiring those seeking nontort money dam-
there is he free to go to federal court. ages against the United States—including those
Perversely, even though Williamson County seeking compensation for regulatory takings by
held that a regulatory takings claim would be federal agencies—to file their claims in the U.S.

Court of Federal Claims. Often, however, an have respected private property more than the
owner may want to keep his property rather norm. The courts of California and New Jersey
than sell it to the government for just compen- have been disdainful of property rights.136 In
sation. If so, he will want to challenge the taking general, it is fair to say that state courts have not
and try to enjoin the government from taking been at the forefront of preserving the property
his property in the first place. To do that, how- rights of citizens.
ever, he must go to the federal district court,
which, unlike the claims court, has the power to
issue injunctions forbidding the federal govern- Property Rights Abuses and
ment to commit acts that constitute wrongful Citizen Concern
takings. This is a trap for the unwary.
In the district court, the federal agency will Abuses Continue
often respond that it was not intruding on the Given the many hurdles that owners today
owner’s rights out of inadvertence but was act- face in protecting their property rights, it is
ing in a deliberate way to implement an impor- hardly surprising that abuses of those rights
tant and necessary federal policy. Thus, it continue. Building moratoria prevent citizens
might tell the district judge that the owner is in from constructing homes or businesses on
the wrong court, that he should be seeking their property. Park regulations impose dra-
money damages in the Court of Federal conian curbs on lands not even inside park
Claims, where the case must begin all over boundaries, to say nothing of curbs on private
again. But if the owner had initially sought holdings within the boundaries. Wetlands reg-
damages in the Court of Federal Claims, the ulations prohibit the use of lands that are
government might have asserted that a suit for moist only a few weeks each year. Affluent
modification of its activities affecting the land weekenders launch movements to prevent the
was the owner’s proper recourse. Should the construction of Wal-Mart and other “big box”
court agree, it would dismiss the suit and force stores where less wealthy locals could shop.
the owner to begin anew in the district court. And across the country today, “no-growth”
By the time the owner could do this, however, advocates are bringing about restrictions on
the statute of limitations on the filing of an land use that amount, in effect, to the social-
action might make it too late to assert his ization of property rights. In recent years,
claim. And if the owner were inclined to under- numerous published accounts of such regula-
take the wasteful process of suing in both the tory takings have contributed to the growth of
claims and district courts at the same time, the property rights movement and have led to
In general, it is fair such a dual filing is precluded by law.134 As calls for legislative reform.137
commentators have noted, “This ‘Tucker Act
to say that state shuffle’ is more than a procedural annoyance Canards That Mislead the Public
courts have not which may result in the dismissal of an other- One reason opponents of property rights
been at the fore- wise meritorious case, for it places a premium have been successful in misleading the public
upon the drafting of sharp pleadings and the is their effective repetition of falsehoods. It is
front of preserving gerrymandering of opinions to avoid the juris- crucial, therefore, to set the record straight
the property rights dictional dividing line.”135 on such canards.
The State Courts. The courts of every state are If Property Rights Were Unfettered, Pollution
of citizens. free to interpret the provisions of their own con- Would Become Endemic. Nothing could be further
stitutions so as to provide more protection for from the truth. It is not the intent of the proper-
the property rights of their citizens than the ty rights movement to obtain additional
U.S. Supreme Court has provided under the “rights” for property owners—the goal is enforce-
federal Constitution. For the most part, howev- ment of rights owners already have under the
er, state courts have been quiescent. The courts common law and the U.S. Constitution. There is
of Illinois, Pennsylvania, and a few other states no right to pollute. As Justice Scalia carefully

noted in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, As a practical matter, moreover, making Across the country
landowners are not exempt from actions by the public pay for what it wants imposes fis- today, “no-
“adjacent landowners . . . under the State’s law of cal discipline on public officials. The
private nuisance, or by the State under its com- Supreme Court has said that “the Fifth growth” advocates
plementary power to abate nuisances. . . .”138 Amendment’s guarantee that private proper- are bringing about
Indeed, it is in the name of property rights—the ty shall not be taken for a public use without restrictions on
property rights of others—that owners are pro- just compensation was designed to bar
hibited from polluting. And it is a mark of the Government from forcing some people alone land use that
confusion sown by much of the modern envi- to bear public burdens which, in all fairness amount, in effect,
ronmental movement that such a canard could and justice, should be borne by the public as
be believed. a whole.”141 The unfairness of imposing inor- to the socialization
If Property Rights Were Unfettered, All dinate burdens on the few is compounded by of property rights.
Government Actions Restricting Them Would the fact that in a democracy the few will be
Trigger Massive Raids on the Public Treasury. Not outvoted and the majority inevitably will be
all regulations of property trigger the obliga- tempted to impose burdens upon them in
tion to compensate owners. As just noted, lieu of financing government through
properly drawn nuisance restrictions do not taxes.142 Without the requirement to com-
take rights. And even when legitimate uses pensate owners, officials are tempted to con-
are restricted, not every such restriction fiscate property rights rather than raise taxes
requires compensation. 139 If a regulation to pay for public goods, thus risking the
imposes broad and general burdens on all wrath of the voters. With a requirement to
individuals in the community, while provid- compensate in place, however, officials will
ing similar, offsetting benefits, it secures an be encouraged to think twice before they reg-
“average reciprocity of advantage,” as Justice ulate. They will be required to recognize that
Holmes put it.140 Many regulations are of this there are no “free” public goods.
type. Their cost is compensated by the bene- If Property Rights Were Unfettered, Owners
fit that each person derives from the imposi- Would Misuse Their Lands. That canard con-
tion of the regulation on others. tains vast ungrounded assumptions about
But when regulations do reduce value by the meaning of “misuse.” And it often entails
prohibiting otherwise legitimate uses, without the simplistic idea that people own things
providing the owner with equal offsetting ben- alone, not rights pertaining to things, which
efits, government should be required to com- others must respect. As discussed earlier,
pensate the owner for the loss he suffers. Does property owners own not only land but the
that amount to “a raid on the public trea- right to possess and exclude others, the right
sury”? Hardly. It amounts simply to making of use, and the right to dispose of what they
the public pay for the good the restriction is own. The claim that owners with such rights
designed to bring about. If the public wants would “misuse” their property is implicit in
that good—greenspace, wildlife habitat, a view- the fol1owing:
shed—it should have to pay for it. The public
should not expect the individual owner to bear Where the private autonomy of own-
all the costs of its appetite for public goods. If ership would clash with the greater
there is any “raid on the public treasury,” that public good, that is where the private
means simply that the public is demanding rights in property come to an end
many such goods—perhaps more than some and the social obligation of property
members of the public want to pay for. But begins. Were it not for this public
that is a political question, not a legal ques- interest boundary on private proper-
tion. From a legal perspective, the public, just ty rights, the laws created to protect
like any private citizen, should have to pay for property could become powerful
what it wants. instruments to defeat public welfare.

A government empowered to act The claim that a person “misuses” his own
only in the public interest never rights is itself a tacit admission that he is not
could have constitutionally con- violating the rights of others.
ferred such an extensive measure of If a Government Action Reduces the Value of
property ownership.1 4 3 Property by More Than X Percent, the Owner Is
Entitled to Compensation. That canard is some-
The premises of that argument are (1) that times heard not from opponents but from
property rights are derived from government allies of the property rights movement. In
instead of from moral right, individual labor, fact, it has been incorporated into property
and consensual trade;144 (2) that democratic rights legislation, as will be noted below. But
government can formulate a popular man- just as people are not entitled to be made
date regarding “the good”;1 4 5 and (3) that whole from losses caused by the vicissitudes
enlightened policymakers and technical inno- of life by nonnegligent tort defendants, so too
vations can command good results.146 they are not entitled to be made whole from
An extravagant application of that view losses caused by reductions in the value of
can be seen in the Wisconsin Supreme their assets by government defendants who
Court’s holding in Just v. Marinette County. In have taken nothing they own free and clear.
Obviously, every that case the court upheld an extensive wet- This applies to oyster propagators who want
change to unde- land regulation as protection from changes in water salinity lev-
veloped land els,149 to utility companies that want to be
a restriction on the use of a citizen’s protected from losses due to the termination
“upsets the natur- property, not to secure a benefit for of their monopoly status through deregula-
al environment.” the public, but to prevent a harm tion of their industries,1 5 0 and to others
from the change in the natural char- whose cases are grounded essentially in value
Under the court’s acter of the citizen’s property. An changes brought about by government acts
broad holding, owner of land has no absolute and that are not takings.
therefore, every unlimited right to change the essen- “Property” does not equate to “value.”
tial natural character of his land so as While the loss of property usually results in
use is a misuse. to use it for a purpose for which it the loss of value, the loss of value is not nec-
was unsuited in its natural state and essarily a result of the loss of property. As
which injures the rights of others.147 Justice Robert Jackson noted, “[N]ot all eco-
nomic interests are ‘property rights’; only
Unfortunately, the court never did specify the those economic advantages are ‘rights’ which
“injuries” it mentions. The premise of Just was have the law back of them. . . .”151 The owner-
not nuisance as the common law knows it, ship of a motel on the old main road might
since the “harm” in Just’s conduct is never have been very valuable before the new road
defined beyond the general assertion that was built. We could say loosely, but mistak-
“upsetting the natural environment” dam- enly, that the government “deprived” the
ages the general public. The opinion simply is owner of value by building a nearby interstate
a paean to the importance of wetlands, juxta- highway. Yet “the state owes no person a duty
posing “despoliation of natural resources” to send traffic past his door.”152 Furthermore,
with “an owner’s asserted right to use his individuals may benefit from governmental
property as he wishes.1 4 8 Obviously, every largesse, but unless law, contract, or custom
change to undeveloped land “upsets the nat- makes those benefits irrevocable, govern-
ural environment.” Under the court’s broad ment may withdraw them without payment
holding, therefore, every use is a misuse. The of compensation.153 Here, as elsewhere, a
implication seems to be that individuals can clear understanding of property rights begins
own the land, but all uses must be by permis- with a clear understanding of just what is,
sion of the state—to guard against “misuse.” and is not, owned.

A Principled Approach to ten judicial success. Thus, protective legisla-
Property Rights Restoration tion may encourage judges to reconsider
holdings subordinating property rights to
The existence today of a vibrant property political ends. In a word, the property rights
rights movement is cause for both celebration movement needs to work in both venues.
and concern. That so many individuals are
moved to speak up for liberty and for limited Supreme Court Reform Has Been Slow
government as ordained by the Framers is a and Uncertain
tribute to the vibrancy of freedom. At the As discussed earlier, the Supreme Court’s
same time, many individuals have joined the Penn Central ad hoc balancing test is both neb-
movement because they, their families, or ulous and extremely deferential to govern-
their neighbors have been the victims of ment.155 While a few more-recent opinions
abuse, which testifies to the need for vigilance. have upheld property rights, they are not
As noted earlier, following the Supreme solidly rooted in principle. Thus, they sound
Court’s 1926 Euclid decision, legislatures in an uncertain trumpet. We saw earlier, for
every state authorized comprehensive local zon- example, that Lucas applies only when an
ing measures, and most cities adopted zoning owner is deprived of all economically viable
and planning ordinances. In the words of Yale use. Given that most regulatory restrictions
law professor Carol Rose, we went from a situa- leave owners with at least a modicum of use, it
tion in which people said “anything goes” is difficult to see how Lucas will be of much
regarding land use to one in which they say practical effect. Of broader import, perhaps, is
“‘anything goes’ for the regulation of private Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987),
land uses. . . . [L]and use regulators became in which the Court invalidated an agency
accustomed to believing that they were entitled decision because there was no “nexus”
to regulate anything that they pleased under between the decision and the act under which
the auspices of Euclidean zoning. . . .”154 But it was promulgated. Likewise, Dolan v. City of
while pre-Euclid land use was limited by the Tigard (1994) placed the burden on the agency
common law, post-Euclid regulation was all but to establish a “rough proportionality”
unlimited, giving regulators and land-use plan- between restrictions imposed on the owner
ners all but untrammeled power. and public burdens allegedly created by devel-
Given that state legislatures and Congress opment of the owner’s property.156 The effica-
have imposed or authorized land-use restric- cy of the Nollan-Dolan rule will be determined
tions, it may seem paradoxical that citizens by how assiduously courts enforce it.
now turn to them for relief from government In his Dolan opinion, Chief Justice Given that state
abuses. Yet most of the abuses have come at Rehnquist noted the deference given to state
the hands of local governments and federal and local land-use planners in the Court’s
legislatures and
agencies, so property rights advocates have earlier cases. He then drew a curious distinc- Congress have
increasingly sought aid in the statehouses tion between those cases, which he termed imposed or
and in Congress. Almost all states have con- “essentially legislative determinations”
sidered protective legislation, and at least 23 involving comprehensive zoning, and the authorized land-
have passed some type of statute. The U.S. “adjudicative decision” to condition the use restrictions, it
House of Representatives passed substantial Dolans’ building permit on an exaction.157
property rights bills in 1995 and 1997, but However, as Justice Thomas recently
may seem para-
companion bills never were brought to a final observed, “The distinction between sweeping doxical that citi-
vote in the Senate. legislative takings and particularized admin- zens now turn to
Although property rights legislation is istrative takings appears to be a distinction
important, it should augment litigation, not without a constitutional difference.”158 them for relief
replace it. Since judges are not insensitive to Rehnquist’s suggestion that a local legislative from government
changing mores, legislative success may has- body is somehow less bound by police power abuses.

The 23 state limits than is an inspector it employs demon- which a court might have protected her prop-
property rights strates once again the lack of a principled erty rights in and of themselves.
basis for property rights jurisprudence.
protection statutes The Supreme Court’s 1999 decision in City State Protective Legislation
enacted thus far of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey, Ltd. Given their limited success in the courts,
may be categorized was the first in which the Court upheld an owners have turned increasingly to the leg-
award of damages for a regulatory taking. The islative branch, especially at the state level.
roughly into “tak- Court also held that a jury trial for takings Each of the 23 state property rights protec-
ings impact assess- damages was permissible and that government tion statutes1 6 2 enacted thus far differs from
arguments that courts have no business “sec- the others in important details. 163 However,
ment statutes” and ond-guessing” local land-use regulations have they may be categorized roughly into “tak-
“compensation no constitutional support. On the other hand, ings impact assessment statutes” and “com-
statutes.” the case rose through the federal judicial sys- pensation statutes.”1 6 4 Also, all of the
tem only because, at the time the taking statutes operate prospectively only, so they
occurred, California had no state provision for do not pertain to present regulations or past
paying temporary takings damages. (During actions. The following discussion compares
the course of litigation the state purchased the the two general types of statutes enacted and
land, thus terminating the period for which notes some of the more important state pro-
damages were sought.) Now every state allows visions. It then looks briefly at Oregon’s new
for temporary takings compensation (at least Initiative Measure 7, adopted by the voters in
in theory). The case provides no assurance that the November 2000 election.
federal courts will hear takings cases or that Takings Impact Assessment Statutes. Takings
state courts will have to permit jury trials. impact assessment (TIA) statutes require
Furthermore, it contains troubling dicta (com- agency reviews to ensure that agency rules or
ments not necessary to decide the case and actions do not constitute uncompensated
therefore not binding in subsequent cases) that takings. They define a “taking” using current
might be construed as limiting the require- U.S. Supreme Court rulings. Thus, most reg-
ment that government demonstrate a “rough ulatory takings are excluded from the outset.
proportionality” between harms and corrective TIA statutes might be inspired by the
requirements in cases involving government assessment mechanism in the National
demands for forced dedication of property in Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA),165
exchange for development permits.1 5 9 While which imposes broad planning and assessment
critics of property rights have made too much requirements on federal agencies. More likely,
of those dicta,160 the fact remains that the however, state statutes have been inspired by
Court is hesitating in developing a coherent the Reagan administration’s Executive Order
property rights jurisprudence. 12,630, Governmental Actions and Interference
In the only property rights case decided with Constitutionally Protected Property
during its 1999–2000 term, Olech v. Village of Rights.166 That executive order required that
Willowbrook,161 the Court found that a local federal agencies evaluate their prospective
government deprived a landowner of equal actions in light of guidelines promulgated by
protection of the laws. The village had vin- the attorney general based on current Supreme
dictively refused a water hookup and then Court jurisprudence. While the sufficiency of
demanded an easement of twice the normal the assessment under NEPA has determined
width because the landowner had earlier the outcome in numerous cases, Executive
sued for an injury on village property. While Order 12,630 precluded citizen enforcement
it is fortunate that Mrs. Olech could prove and generally has been disregarded by federal
actual malice, the need for her to prove that officials, especially during the Clinton adminis-
she was treated differently from others high- tration.167 Almost all state assessment statutes
lights the lack of a coherent basis upon have been enacted during the past few years.

Some TIA statutes are fairly perfunctory. effective only if citizens are given standing
Indiana and Delaware, for instance, require to contest decisions made on insufficient
simply that the state attorney general decide assessments, as they are under NEPA.
if agency rules are in compliance; as a practi- Compensation Statutes. Compensation
cal matter, that leads to blanket certification. statutes are intended to provide relief to
Idaho, Michigan, and Tennessee require only landowners who have suffered regulatory
that agencies make informal determinations takings. They rightly preclude compensation
about the constitutionality of their actions in where the proscribed use constituted a com-
accordance with standards promulgated by mon law nuisance, but otherwise they seek to
the attorney general. make owners whole when regulations reduce
The statutes that are apt to prove more the value of their property by prohibiting
efficacious require agencies to prepare for- otherwise legitimate uses in order to provide
mal, written analyses that must include the public with various goods.
assessments of alternative actions that might Five states have enacted compensation
have less impact on property rights. The statutes. Arizona has enacted an administra-
states with such statutes include Kansas, tive appeals process that is limited to the
Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Texas, removal or modification of exactions
Utah, and West Virginia. Some of those states imposed by a city or county in connection
Takings impact
require an estimate of the cost of compensa- with the granting of a permit.1 6 8 Mississippi assessment
tion and specification of the source of pay- requires that just compensation be paid for statutes define a
ment (Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, regulation of agricultural and forest land
West Virginia). Some require that the assess- causing a 40 percent diminution in value.169 “taking” using
ment contain an affirmative justification for The similar law in Louisiana is triggered by a current U.S.
the restriction (Kansas, Utah, West Virginia, 20 percent diminution.170 Both statutes refer
Louisiana, North Dakota). to the “affected” land or “part” of land. The
Supreme Court
The scope of such regulations also varies two state laws having the greatest potential rulings. Thus,
widely. A few states limit the assessment for property rights protection are those of most regulatory
process to select state agencies (West Virginia, Texas and Florida. Both are too new, howev-
Michigan). About half of the states with TIA er, for a meaningful assessment of their costs takings are
statutes impose their requirements on all or benefits. excluded from
state agencies, but not political subdivisions. The 1995 Texas Private Real Property the outset.
Four states include both state agencies and Rights Preservation Act171 provides that an
all or most local governments (Washington, owner may sue for takings damages when an
Idaho, Texas, Louisiana). act of the state or a political subdivision
Three states preclude judicial review of the results in at least a 25 percent diminution in
assessments (Idaho, Kansas, Washington). the value of real property.1 7 2 However, the
Two states require limited judicial review provision is hedged with broadly defined
(Delaware, to ensure that the attorney gener- exceptions for actions to regulate floodplain
al has reviewed the rule in question, and development, to carry out federal mandates,
Texas, for voiding the action, but only if no and the like. In what might be the only
assessment has been prepared). Other states reported case to date, a municipal utility dis-
have no explicit rule. trict prevailed because the court determined
TIA statutes are broadly beneficial in that the standby fee it levied against unde-
the sense that they force agencies and veloped property came under the exception
attorneys general to give at least some for localities acting responsibly to fulfill
thought to property rights and the tak- state mandates.1 7 3
ings issue. It is unrealistic to think that Florida’s Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property
agencies will zealously police themselves, Rights Protection Act174 is the most innovative
however, and TIA statutes are apt to be of the state property rights statutes.

Compensation is triggered not by a set percent- The Legislature recognizes that some
age of loss—25 percent of the value of the prop- laws, regulations, and ordinances of
erty, for example—but by the imposition of an the state and political entities in the
“inordinate burden.”175 state, as applied, may inordinately
burden, restrict, or limit private prop-
The terms “inordinate burden” or erty rights without amounting to a
“inordinately burdened” mean that taking under the State Constitution
an action of one or more govern- or the United States Constitution.
mental entities has directly restricted The Legislature determines that there
or limited the use of real property is an important state interest in pro-
such that the property owner is per- tecting the interests of private prop-
manently unable to attain the rea- erty owners from such inordinate
sonable, investment-backed expecta- burdens. Therefore, it is the intent of
tion for the existing use of the real the Legislature that, as a separate and
property or a vested right to a specif- distinct cause of action from the law of tak-
ic use of the real property with ings, the Legislature herein provides
respect to the real property as a for relief, or payment of compensa-
whole, or that the property owner is tion, when a new law, rule, regulation,
left with existing or vested uses that or ordinance of the state or a political
are unreasonable such that the prop- entity in the state, as applied, unfairly
erty owner bears permanently a dis- affects real property.179
proportionate share of a burden
imposed for the good of the public, The Florida statute also contains innova-
which in fairness should be borne by tive and potentially important procedural
the public at large. The terms “inor- reforms. The first is its careful provision for
dinate burden” or “inordinately bur- the award of damages. The trial court is
dened” do not include temporary charged with ascertaining whether the
impacts to real property; impacts to owner had a property right that was inordi-
real property occasioned by govern- nately burdened. If so, it is to ascertain the
mental abatement, prohibition, pre- percentage of compensation due from each
vention, or remediation of a public governmental entity involved, if there is
nuisance at common law or a nox- more than one. 180 At that point, a jury is
ious use of private property; or empanelled to determine the amount of
Compensation impacts to real property caused by compensation owed.1 8 1
an action of a governmental entity Perhaps most important, the Florida act
statutes are taken to grant relief to a property develops an innovative mandate that requires
intended to owner under this section.1 7 6 an agency to issue “a written ripeness deci-
provide relief to sion identifying the allowable uses to which
This provision tracks, in part, the the subject property may be put.” That deci-
landowners who Supreme Court’s case law, particularly the sion “constitutes the last prerequisite to judi-
have suffered “investment-backed expectations” language cial review.”182 The act has been the subject of
of Penn Central.177 However, the “dispropor- substantial scholarly commentary.1 8 3A num-
regulatory takings. tionate share of a burden imposed for the ber of cases are pending under the act.184
good of the public” language is new. While its Oregon’s Initiative Measure 7, possibly
rhetoric tracks the previously quoted “fair- the most important new state measure pro-
ness and justice” language of Armstrong v. tecting private property rights, was adopted
United States,1 7 8 the language of the Florida by the voters of Oregon in November 2000.
act seems to go beyond mere “aspiration” by By approving Initiative Measure 7, they
establishing real legal rights: amended the state constitution to provide:

If the state, a political subdivision of favor of a finding that just compensa- Oregon’s
the state, or a local government passes tion is required under this section.190 Initiative Measure
or enforces a regulation that restricts
the use of private real property, and the In other words, government would not have to 7, possibly the
restriction has the effect of reducing compensate for loss in value resulting from the most important
the value of a property upon which the prohibition of nuisance, as narrowly con- new state measure
restriction is imposed; the property strued. Since “nuisance” refers to activities that
owner shall be paid just compensation unreasonably deprive other landowners of use protecting private
equal to the reduction in the fair mar- rights in their property, the ability to commit a property rights,
ket value of the property.185 nuisance is not really a property right at all. The
message for government is clear: regulations was adopted by
Measure 7 defines “real property” broadly, that protect the property of others do not give the voters of
so as to include structures and crops. It also rise to liability; other regulations generally will Oregon in
comprehensively defines “reduction in fair require compensation. The measure requires
market value” as that government pay for diminution of the November 2000.
value of land caused by regulations that extend
the difference in the fair market value beyond traditional nuisance law.
of the property before and after appli- Measure 7 was to be effective on December
cation of the regulation, and shall 7, 2000, but an Oregon circuit court judge has
include the net cost to the landowner issued an injunction blocking it from coming
of an affirmative obligation to protect, into effect as a result of a suit filed by the
provide, or preserve wildlife habitat, League of Oregon Cities and others. The
natural areas, wetlands, ecosystems, judge asserted that the measure violates con-
scenery, open space, historical, archae- stitutional provisions requiring initiative
ological or cultural resources, or low measures to be on a single subject and be fully
income housing.186 explained to voters.

There are several limitations on the duty to The Need for Congressional Action
pay compensation. One is for regulations Congress certainly has the power to legis-
imposed, “to the minimum extent required,” late against the abuse of private property by
to “implement a requirement of federal the federal government or by state and local
law.”187 Another is for regulations discontin- programs employing federal funds. Before
ued within 90 days after a claim for compen- considering that type of legislation, however,
sation is filed.1 8 8 A third limitation excludes it is important to note that Congress also has
regulations imposed prior to the current the power to enact legislation enforcing the
owner’s purchase of the real property.189 This obligation of states to respect the federal con-
is less justifiable than the others, since it nulli- stitutional rights of property owners.
fies the previous owner’s right to transfer his Federal Legislation to Protect Private Property
compensation claim. from State and Local Abuses. The Fourteenth
The fourth limitation, which is at the Amendment to the Constitution authorizes
heart of the measure, states that Congress to legislate against certain abuses
by state or local governments. Section 5
adoption or enforcement of histori- declares that “Congress shall have power to
cally and commonly recognized nui- enforce by appropriate legislation,” the
sance laws shall not be deemed to amendment’s provisions. Section 1 provides:
have caused a reduction in the value
of a property. The phrase “historically No State shall make or enforce any law
and commonly recognized nuisance which shall abridge the privileges or
laws” shall be narrowly construed in immunities of citizens of the United

States; nor shall any State deprive any as there has been of property rights. Also,
person of life, liberty, or property, there is no tension in the property rights area
without due process of law. . . . similar to that produced by the conflicting
tugs of the Establishment and Free Exercise
There are several obstacles to Congress’s Clauses of the First Amendment. On the
using section 5 to protect private property. other hand, congressional action requiring
One is the Supreme Court’s gutting of the the states to be more respectful of property
Privileges or Immunities Clause in the rights would implicate an extensive array of
Slaughter House Cases, which makes that guar- state activities and, to that extent, would raise
antee of liberty practically unavailable. issues of federalism similar to those that con-
Another is the Court’s current view that cerned the Court in Flores.
deprivations of property rights implicate the The most direct way for Congress to ensure
Takings Clause, which is applied against the increased federal protection for private prop-
states through the Fourteenth Amendment. erty is for it to enact legislation requiring that
The Supreme Court has held that the rules federal courts review on the merits claims that
governing compensation under the incorpo- state and local land-use actions violate proper-
rated Takings Clause are different from the ty owners’ rights under the U.S. Constitution
Congress certainly rules that would apply if the Fourteenth or statutes. Federal district judges often have
has the power to Amendment were directly invoked under the abstained from deciding such suits, either
legislate against doctrine of substantive due process.1 9 1 The because the resolution of state law by state
result is that property owners have no redress courts could eliminate what otherwise would
the abuse of for deprivations that do not result in mone- be a difficult federal question195 or because the
private property tary loss. A good illustration is the problem cases touch upon complex state regulatory
of legal clients whose small deposits of funds schemes concerning important matters of
by the federal with their lawyers must by law be kept in spe- state policy better addressed by state courts.196
government or by cial trust accounts, the interest on which ben- The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Citizens’
state and local efits legal services programs. The Supreme Access to Justice Act of 1998 would have
Court has held that those funds remain the required federal district courts to forgo
programs clients “property.”192 On remand, however, abstention and decide many more takings
employing federal the district court said that the legal client was cases on the merits.
funds. entitled to no relief. Since under applicable Federal Legislation to Protect Private Property
banking laws he could derive no financial from Federal Abuses. Congress has unques-
benefit from the interest, he suffered no tioned authority, and a significant opportu-
harm when his funds were used for legal ser- nity, to protect property rights from abuse by
vices programs against his will.1 9 3 federal agencies. It can enact both substan-
Finally, the Court has been wary of con- tive and procedural reforms.
gressional attempts to use section 5 in During the 104th Congress (1995–96) each
instances in which Congress is arguably aug- house considered comprehensive property
menting the Fourteenth Amendment rather rights legislation designed to provide compensa-
than merely enforcing it. The Court has tion to owners affected by federal actions not
recently invalidated a congressional attempt amounting to “takings” under current Supreme
to use section 5 to regulate state conduct Court jurisprudence. The House passed H.R.
through the Religious Freedom Restoration 925, the Private Property Protection Act of 1995.
Act. In City of Boerne v. Flores, the Court held The Senate Judiciary Committee reported out S.
that Congress’s power to enforce the 605, the Omnibus Property Rights Act of 1995,
Fourteenth Amendment does not permit it to which was not acted on by the full Senate.
augment the amendment.194 It might be that The House bill provided, “The Federal
Flores is inapposite since in that case there was Government shall compensate an owner of
no long history of abuse of religious freedom, property whose use of any portion of that

property has been limited by an agency sation if the federal regulatory action
action, under a specified regulatory law, that reduced the fair market value of the “proper-
diminishes the fair market value of that por- ty or the affected portion of the property” by
tion by 20 percent or more.” “Property” is 33 percent or more. While S. 605 had a 33
defined to include only land and water rights. percent threshold for compensation as
The specified laws covered only three federal opposed to the 20 percent requirement of
activities: (1) wetlands regulations under the H.R. 925, the Senate bill was not limited to a
Clean Water Act and the Food Security Act of few federal programs. Neither the House nor
1985, (2) habitat restrictions under the the Senate bill established principles for mea-
Endangered Species Act, and (3) various suring the physical area of the property
restrictions on rights to use or receive water. “affected” or the analytical nature of the
The bill excluded from the compensation property rights lost.
requirement agency actions dealing with haz- The principal property rights bills in the
ards to public health or safety and agency House in the 105th Congress (1997–98) were
actions for navigation servitudes, “except to H.R. 992, the Tucker Act Shuffle Relief Act of
the extent such servitude is interpreted to 1997, and H.R. 1534, the Private Property
apply to wetlands.” Rights Implementation Act of 1997. In the
The bill exemplified both the intent of the Senate those were combined as S. 2271, the
House to apply remedies to areas in which Citizens’ Access to Justice Act of 1998. That
there have been substantial abuses and the bill was brought to the Senate floor by the
tendency of legislation not scrupulously tied Judiciary Committee but failed to obtain the
to clear principle to go astray. The principal necessary 60 votes to end a filibuster against it.
defect of the bill is apparent from its state- The Senate bill would have ended the
ment of general policy: “It is the policy of the “Tucker Act Shuffle” by giving both the U.S.
Federal Government that no law or agency Court of Federal Claims and U.S. district
action should limit the use of privately owned courts jurisdiction to hear “all claims relating
property so as to diminish its value.” The to property rights in complaints against the
bill’s application provision reflects that goal: Federal Government.” It also would have
“Each Federal agency, officer, and employee eliminated the provision precluding the
should exercise Federal authority to ensure Court of Federal Claims from entertaining a
that agency action will not limit the use of suit that is also pending in another court. In
privately owned property so as to diminish its addition, the bill provided that a case would
value.”1 9 7 Clearly, nuisance limitations may be ripe for federal court review as soon as a
diminish value, but they are perfectly legiti- federal agency denied one meaningful appli- H.R. 925
mate. In general, government should be pro- cation, the owner sought an administrative
tecting property rights, not property values. waiver or appeal, and the waiver or appeal
exemplified the
More narrowly, the bill contained no defini- was denied. All appeals from the district tendency of
tion of “affected property” (i.e., “that portion” court or the Court of Federal Claims would legislation not
of the land for which diminution in value be heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
would be compensated). Thus, an owner who Federal Circuit. A landowner prevailing in scrupulously tied
suffered a small overall loss as a result of court could be awarded attorneys’ fees. In to clear principle
some regulation could claim that one small addition to those modifications relating to
portion of his property was affected by a large federal agency actions, the Senate bill would
to go astray.
amount, which would put him over the 20 have sharply curtailed the ability of district
percent threshold. Those and other details judges to abstain from deciding challenges to
were not well thought out in the bill. state and local land-use regulations brought
The Senate bill contained provisions that solely under federal law. Such a challenge
would require takings impact assessments by could take the form of a claim that a state or
federal agencies and would provide compen- locality deprived the landowner of rights

The most secured by a federal statute or by the of others to do the same. The U.S. Congress
important reform Constitution, including the Takings Clause could achieve similar reforms by enacting
of the Fifth Amendment.198 similar legislation and by limiting its pro-
a state legislature The 106th Congress (1999–2000) was grams to those necessary and proper to the
could provide devoid of any serious push for property rights powers enumerated for the federal govern-
would be to limit legislation. Among the more notable bills intro- ment.1 9 9 Without such a principled solution,
duced were the Regulatory Improvement Act of only partial and improvised remedies are
the state’s police 1999 (S. 746) and a bill introduced by Sen. Ben available. The removal of the ripeness and
power to the Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.) (S. 1202) that jurisdictional barriers to prompt and com-
would mandate a warrant or owner consent prehensive determinations of individual
prevention of before an inspection of land could be carried rights is clearly important as well.
harm. out to enforce any law administered by the sec- The adoption of the Florida Harris Act’s
retary of the Department of the Interior. The “inordinate burden” standard by Congress
Campbell bill did not move from committee. and state legislatures also would help, as
The Regulatory Improvement Act, intro- would the wider adoption of a recent Arizona
duced by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and provision for the appointment of an
cosponsored by a broadly bipartisan group of “ombudsman for private property rights” to
20 members, would have subjected all “major advance the interests of property owners in
rules” (i.e., those costing over $100 million proceedings involving governmental action.200
each year or having other adverse material con- The enthusiastic and informed actions of
sequences) to a substantial cost/benefit analysis. the private property rights movement are
The bill was reported out of the Committee on essential to conforming state and federal law
Governmental Affairs but saw no further to the principles of individual rights so
action. The House of Representatives passed the important to the Framers.
Property Rights Implementation Act of 2000
(H.R. 2372) on March 16, 2000. The bill was
similar to H.R. 1534, which passed the House Notes
during the 105th Congress, as noted above.
However, as in the previous Congress, its 1. Federal and state courts first used the term in
the late 1970s. Its first Supreme Court articula-
Senate companion, the Citizens’ Access to tion was in a dissenting opinion by Justice
Justice Act of 1999, died in the Senate William Brennan in San Diego Gas & Electric
Judiciary Committee. Company v. City of San Diego, 450 U.S. 621, 646–47
2. Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S.
Conclusion 1003 (1992).

3. Bachman S. Smith III, quoted in H. Jane

The most important reform a state legis- Lehman, “Accord Ends Fight over Use of Land,”
lature could provide would be to limit the Washington Post, July 17, 1993, p. El.
state’s police power to the prevention of
harm and to limit the state’s eminent 4. Quoted in ibid.
domain power such that it would be used to 5. Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 520
acquire property only for legitimate public U.S. 725 (1997).
uses. (Oregon’s Initiative Measure 7 is an
6. John L. Marshall, quoted in Bettina Boxall,
exemplary model.) In large part, that would “California and the West Tahoe Landowner’s Suit
entail the provision of compensation to all Settles Little Land Use,” Los Angeles Times, June 7,
property owners who were deprived by state 1999, p. A3.
or local governments of their rights to
7. See, for example, James V. DeLong, Property
exclude others from their property, to dis- Matters: How Property Rights Are under Assault—And
pose of it, or to use it, all subject to the rights Why You Should Care (New York: Free Press, 1997),

pp. 3–4. For a brief sketch of some of the leaders Madison, ed. R. Rutland et al. (Charlottesville:
of the property rights movement, see Richard University Press of Virginia, 1983), vol. 14, p. 266.
Pombo and Joseph Farah, This Land Is Our Land:
How to End the War on Private Property (New York: 20. Becker, pp. 27–30, 71–79.
St. Martin’s, 1996), pp. 154–61. See also Philip
Brasher, “Farmers Rebel over Wetlands 21. Louis Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America (New
Regulations Environment: The Furor Is Fueling a York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955), pp. 50–64.
Movement That Could Lead Congress to Gut
Protective Laws in the Name of Property Rights,” 22. Becker, p. 57.
Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1995, p. 9.
23. Quoted in Pennsylvania Gazette, June 12, 1776,
8. For an overview of activity at the state level, see reprinted in Pauline Maier, American Scripture:
Nancie G. Marzulla, “State Private Property Making the Declaration of Independence (New York:
Rights Initiatives as a Response to Alfred A. Knopf, 1997), pp. 126–27.
‘Environmental Takings,’” University of South
Carolina Law Review 46 (1995): 613–40. See also 24. Becker, pp. 27–28.
Harvey M. Jacobs, “State Property Rights Laws:
The Impacts of Those Laws on My Land,” Lincoln 25. Joseph J. Ellis, American Sphinx: The Character of
Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Mass., 1999. Thomas Jefferson (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997),
p. 56. Alternatively, some scholars have conjectured
9. Alexander Hamilton, Federalist no. 78, in The that Jefferson regarded property, unlike certain
Federalist Papers, ed. Clinton Rossiter (New York: New other rights, as alienable. Jean Yarbrough noted that
American Library of World Literature, 1961), p. 469. “it has been persuasively documented that
Jefferson’s omission was traceable not to a lack of
10. Ibid., p. 467. respect for property, but his distinction between
natural rights that are inalienable and those that
11. James Wilson, “Considerations on the Nature may be transferred.” Jean Yarbrough, “Jefferson and
and Extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Property Rights,” in Liberty, Property, and the
Parliament,” pamphlet, 1770. Quoted in Carl Foundations of the American Constitution, ed. Ellen
Becker, The Declaration of Independence: A Study in the Frankel Paul and Howard Dickman (Albany: State
History of Political Ideas (1922; New York: Vintage University of New York Press, 1989), p. 66. Cited in
Books, 1958), p. 108. Douglas W. Kmiec, “The Coherence of the Natural
Law of Property,” Valparaiso University Law Review 26
12. Van Horne’s Lessee v. Dorrance, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) (1991): 367.
304, 309 (Circuit, Pa. 1795).
26. The revisionist “civic republicanism” account of
13. Henry S. Commager, Jefferson, Nationalism, and the American founding deemphasizes the influence
the Enlightenment (New York: G. Braziller, 1975), p. 84. of Locke and natural rights theory. It asserts the pri-
macy of republican subordination of individual
14. Forrest McDonald, Novus Ordo Seclorum: The interests to civic virtue and of the contributions of
Intellectual Origins of the Constitution (Lawrence: British Whig, Scottish, and Continental political
University of Kansas Press, 1985), p. 13. thought to the Founders’ political outlook. For
additional discussion of this issue, see, for example,
15. Ibid. Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American
Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
16. John Adams, Legal Papers of John Adams, ed. Press, 1967), pp. xi–xii, 34–54; and Garry Wills,
Lyman H. Butterfield (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Inventing America: Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence
University Press, 1988), vol. 1, pp. 137–38. Quoted in (New York: Vintage Books, 1978), p. 212.
Ken Gormley, “One Hundred Years of Privacy,”
Wisconsin Law Review (September–October 1992): 27. See, for example, McDonald, Novus Ordo
1358 Seclorum; and Thomas Pangle, The Spirit of Modern
Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American
17. William Pitt, Speech on the Excise Bill, Hansard Founders and the Philosophy of Locke (Chicago:
Parliamentary History of England, vol. 15, 1753–1765 University of Chicago Press, 1988).
(London: T. Coltansard, 1813), p. 1307.
28. Maier, p. 87.
18. John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government,
in Two Treatises of Government, ed. Peter Laslett 29. James W. Ely Jr., The Guardian of Every Other
(New York: Mentor, 1965), § 123. Right: A Constitutional History of Property Rights (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1992), p. 11.
19. James Madison, “Property,” National Gazette,
March 29, 1792, reprinted in The Papers of James 30. Forrest McDonald, E Pluribus Unum: The

Formation of the American Republic 1776–1790, 2d ed. American Law, 1st ed. (New York: O. Halsted,
(Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1979), p. 310. 1827), vol. 2, p. 275.

31. Jean Edward Smith, John Marshall: Definer of a 44. The provision is explicit in 48 states. Courts
Nation (New York: Henry Holt, 1996), p. 388. in New Hampshire and North Carolina long
have construed other elements of their constitu-
32. John Adams, The Works of John Adams, ed. tions as implementing the common law require-
Charles Francis Adams (Boston: Little Brown, ment for just compensation upon the exercise of
1850), vol. 6, p. 280. Quoted in Smith, p. 388. eminent domain by the state and its subdivi-
sions. See William B. Stoebuck, “A General
33. “The great focus of the Framers was the secu- Theory of Eminent Domain,” Washington Law
rity of basic rights, property in particular, not the Review 47 (1972): 554–55.
implementation of political liberty.” Jennifer
Nedelsky, Private Property and the Limits of American 45. U.S. Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment,
Constitutionalism (Chicago: University of Chicago § 1 (1868).
Press, 1990), p. 92. There is no inconsistency, of
course, between property rights and political lib- 46. Slaughter House Cases, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36
erty, provided the latter means the right to partic- (1872). See Kimberly C. Shankman and Roger
ipate in the political process and not the “right,” Pilon, “Reviving the Privileges or Immunities
through that process, to redistribute property. Clause to Redress the Balance among States,
Individuals, and the Federal Government,” Texas
34. Madison, “Property,” p. 266. Review of Law and Politics 3 (1998): 1–48.

35. “[N]or shall private property be taken for 47. Corfield v. Coryell, F. Cas. 546 (No. 3,230)
public use, without just compensation.” U.S. (E.D.Pa. 1823).
Constitution, Fifth Amendment.
48. Slaughter House Cases at 97. Note that the final
36. “The Congress shall have Power . . . To regu- proviso in that passage is qualified by the words
late Commerce with foreign Nations, and among “justly,” “general,” and “the whole.” It does not
the several States. . . . U.S. Constitution, Article I, open the door, that is, for restraints that unjustly
§ 8. take or that benefit particular parties or anything
less than the whole.
37. “No State shall . . . pass any . . . Law impairing
the Obligation of Contracts. . . .” U.S. 49. Ibid. at 112.
Constitution, Article I, § 10.
50. Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623 (1887).
38. Ibid.
51. The Supreme Court’s recent rediscovery that the
39. Edward III, vol. 28, chap. 3. Quoted in Edward Privileges or Immunities Clause includes the right of
S. Corwin, “Due Process of Law before the Civil interstate travel gives some hope that the clause may
War,” Harvard Law Review 24 (1911): 368, reprint- again be interpreted to protect economic liberty and
ed in Property Rights in the Colonial Era and Early property rights. Saenz v. Roe, 119 S. Ct. 1518 (1999)
Republic, ed. James W. Ely (New York: Garland, (striking state durational residency requirement for
1997), pp. 263–55. welfare benefits). On the need for such a reinterpre-
tation, see Shankman and Pilon.
40. Corwin, p. 368, quoting Declaration of
Rights, Article XII. 52. Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 U.S. (6 Otto) 97,
105 (1877).
41. Barron v. Mayor of Baltimore, 32 U.S. (7 Pet.) 243
(1833). 53. Allgeyer v. Louisiana, 165 U.S. 578, 589 (1897).

42. See G. Dietze, In Defense of Property (Chicago: 54. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. v. Chicago,
H. Regnery, 1963), pp. 32–33. 166 U.S. 226, 234–35 (1897). Revealingly, the
Court now regards Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
43. “The right of eminent domain . . . gives to the R.R. not as providing substantive due process but
legislature control of private property for public rather as beginning the process of incorporating
uses. . . . [But] the constitutions of the United the Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth
States and of this state, and of most of the other Amendment. See Ronald D. Rotunda et al.,
states of the Union, have imposed a great and Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and
valuable check . . . by declaring, that private prop- Procedure (St. Paul: West, 1986) § 15.11 n. 29.
erty should not be taken for public use without
just compensation.” James Kent, Commentaries on 55. Hadacheck v. Sebastian, 239 U.S. 394, 410

(1915) (“the police power is ‘one of the most 70. See Epstein, Takings, pp. 107-46.
essential . . . [and] least limitable’ powers of gov-
ernment”). 71. Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393, 415
56. Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365
(1926). 72. Ernst Freund, The Police Power: Public Policy and
Constitutional Rights (Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein,
57. See, for example, Richard A. Epstein, Takings: 1904), § 511. Quoted in Zev Trachtenberg,
Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain “Introduction: How Can Property Be Political?”
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Oklahoma Law Review 50 (1997): 304.
1985), pp. 131–34.
73. Calder v. Bull, 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) 386, 388 (1798)
58. PruneYard Shopping Ctr. v. Robins, 447 U.S. 74, (opinion of Chase, J.).
83 n. 6 (1980), quoting United States v. General
Motors Corp., 323 U.S. 373, 377–78 (1945). 74. Hawaii Hous. Auth. v. Midkiff, 467 U.S. 229, 240
59. Locke, §§ 26–32, 304–7. See also Richard
Epstein, “Possession as the Root of Title,” Georgia 75. See Thomas W. Merrill, “The Economics of
Law Review 13 (1979): 1221. Public Use,” Cornell Law Review 72 (1986): 70.

60. See Roger Pilon, “Corporations and Rights: 76. Coniston Corp. v. Village of Hoffman Estates, 844 F.2d
On Treating Corporate People Justly,” Georgia Law 461 (7th Cir. 1988).
Review 13 (1979): 1277–84.
77. Louis D. Brandeis, “The Living Law,” Illinois Law
61. See, for example, Lucas at 1030. Review 10 (1916): 11.

62. Board of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth, 408 U.S. 78. Dennis J. Coyle, Property Rights and the Constitution:
564, 577 (1972). Shaping Society through Land Use Regulation (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1993), p. 21.
63. Nixon v. United States, 978 F.2d 1269, 1275–76
(D.C. Cir. 1992) (citations omitted). 79. Strictly speaking, “public goods” are goods from
which the marginal individual cannot be excluded
64. William Blackstone, Commentaries (1765; and provision of which for the marginal individual
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), p. 2. imposes no additional cost. A classic example is
Blackstone’s view of property was more nuanced national defense. Other public benefits are those
than this language suggests, but it is indicative of from which government could feasibly exclude those
his view that property was in a sense the culmina- who chose not to pay or those for which it incurs
tion of the long-developing common law protec- additional costs for providing the good to additional
tion of individual rights. beneficiaries. In many cases, such as state universities,
there are both feasible exclusion and additional costs.
65. Kaiser Aetna v. United States, 444 U.S. 164
(1979) (upholding exclusion of the general public 80. See Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit,
from a private marina). 304 N.W.2d 455 (Mich. 1981).

66. See Restatement (Second) of Property, Donative 81. See Just v. Marinette County, 201 N.W.2d 761 (Wis.
Transfers (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University 1972).
Press, 1983), Introductory Note to vol. 1, part 2,
p. 142 (noting that the courts of 13th-, 14th-, and 82. See New Jersey Coalition against War in the Middle
15th-century England were “pursuing, con- East v. J.M.B. Realty Corp, 650 A.2d 757 (N.J. 1994).
sciously or unconsciously, a policy in favor of the
free alienability of land”). 83. See Irving at 716.

67. Hodel v. Irving, 481 U.S. 704, 716 (1987) (citing 84. Pennsylvania Coal Co. at 415 (“If regulation goes
United States v. Perkins, 163 U.S. 625, 627–28 too far it will be recognized as a taking”).
(1896)). The statute at issue in Irving, slightly
modified, was again struck down in Babbitt v. 85. San Diego Gas & Electric Company at 652–53
Youpee, 117 S. Ct. 727 (1997). (Brennan, J., dissenting) (quoting Hughes v.
Washington, 389 U.S. 290, 298 (1967) (Stewart, J., con-
68. Madison, “Property,” pp. 266–68. Emphasis curring) (other citations omitted)).
in original.
86. For example, Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan
69. Locke, § 129. Emphasis in original. CATV Corp., 458 U.S. 419, 433 (1982).

87. Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New 107. PFZ Properties, Inc. v. Rodriguez, 928 F.2d 28
York, 438 U.S. 104, 115 n. 15 (1978) (noting that (lst Cir. 1991).
columns had been built in the terminal’s founda-
tion “for the express purpose of supporting the 108. PFZ Properties, Inc. v. Rodriguez, 503 U.S. 257
proposed 20-story tower”). (1992) (dismissing writ of certiorari as improvi-
dently granted).
88. Ibid. at 124 (internal citations omitted).
109. City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey,
89. Richard A. Epstein, “Lucas v. South Carolina Ltd., 526 U.S. 687 (1999).
Coastal Council: A Tangled Web of Expectations,”
Stanford Law Review 45 (1993): 1370. 110. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey, Ltd. v. City of
Monterey, 95 F.3d 1422, 1433 (9th Cir. 1996).
90. Anthony T. Kronman, The Lost Lawyer: Failing
Ideals of the Legal Profession (Cambridge, Mass.: 111. Transcript, October 7, 1989, 1998 WL 721087
Harvard University Press, 1993), p. 349. * 16-17.

91. Kaiser Aetna at 179. 112. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 152
92. PruneYard Shopping Ctr. at 84. Emphasis added.
113. Hoehne v. County of San Benito, 870 F.2d 529,
93. Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 483 U.S. 532 (9th Cir. 1989) (“the Supreme Court has erect-
825, 831 (1987). ed imposing barriers to guard against the federal
courts becoming the Grand Mufti of local zoning
94. Ibid. (quoting Loretto at 419, 433, quoting in
turn Kaiser Aetna at 176). 114. In Coniston Corp. at 467, Judge Richard A.
Posner said that “this case presents a garden-vari-
95. New Jersey Coalition against War in the Middle ety zoning dispute dressed up in the trappings of
East. constitutional law.”
96. PruneYard Shopping Ctr. at 83 n. 6. 115. Gregory Overstreet, “The Ripeness Doctrine
of the Takings Clause: A Survey of Decisions
97. Dolan v. City of Tigard, 512 U.S. 374, 392 (1994). Showing Just How Far Federal Courts Will Go to
Avoid Adjudicating Land Use Decisions,” Journal
98. Abington School Dist. v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203 of Land Use and Environmental Law 10 (1994): 91, 92
(1963). n. 3.

99. R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 U.S. 377 (1992). 116. John J. Delaney and Duane J. Desiderio, “Who
Will Clean Up the ‘Ripeness Mess’? A Call to Reform
100. See, for example, Mississippi Univ. for Women v. So Takings Plaintiffs Can Enter the Federal
Hogan, 458 U.S. 718 (1982); and Craig v. Boren, 429 Courthouse,” Urban Lawyer 31 (1999): 195–256.
U.S. 190 (1976).
117. Pearson v. City of Grand Blanc, 961 F.2d 1211,
101. Mills v. Habluetzel, 456 U.S. 91, 99 (1982). 1217 (6th Cir. 1992).

102. Good v. United States, 189 F.3d 1355, 1361 (Fed. 118. See Preseault v. Interstate Commerce Comm., 494
Cir. 1999). U.S. 1 (1990). The most recent published opinion is
Preseault v. United States, 100 F.3d 1525 (Fed. Cir.
103. Andrus v. Allard, 444 U.S. 51, 65–66 (1979) 1996).
(internal citations omitted).
119. The latest published opinion on the merits is
104. Irving at 716. Florida Rock Industries v. United States, 18 F.3d 1560
(Fed. Cir. 1994) (“Florida Rock IV”).
105. Village of Euclid at 388.
120. 45 Fed. Cl. 21 (1999)(“Florida Rock V”).
106. San Diego Gas & Electric Company at 655 n. 22
(Brennan, J., dissenting) (emphasis in original) 121. Florida Rock Indus. v. United States, Fed. Cl. __,
(citation omitted) (quoting Longtin, “Avoiding WL 331830 (2000).
and Defending Constitutional Attacks on Land
Use Regulations (Including Inverse 122. Abbott Lab. v. Gardner, 387 U.S. 136, 148 (1967).
Condemnation),” in National Institute of
Municipal Law Officers Municipal Law Review 38B 123. Timothy V. Kassouni, “The Ripeness Doctrine
and the Judicial Relegation of Constitutionally
(1975): 192–93).

Protected Property Rights,” California Western Law Grassroots Battle against Environmental Oppression
Review 29 (1992): 1, 2. (Bellevue, Wash.: Free Enterprise Press, 1994);
Mark L. Pollot, Grand Theft and Petit Larceny:
124. Daniel R. Mandelker, Testimony on H.R. 1534 Property Rights in America (San Francisco: Pacific
before Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Research Institute for Public Policy, 1993);
Property of the House Judiciary Committee, 105th Pombo and Farah, This Land Is Our Land; and Land
Cong., 2d sess., September 25, 1997. Rights: The 1990s Property Rights Rebellion, ed. Bruce
Yandle (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield,
125. Village of Euclid at 388. 1995).
126. See Keystone Bituminous Coal Ass’n v. DeBenedictis, 138. Lucas at 1029.
480 U.S. 470, 495 (1987).
139. Pennsylvania Coal Co. at 413.
127. Gregory M. Stein, “Regulatory Takings and
Ripeness in Federal Courts,” Vanderbilt Law Review 140. Ibid. at 415.
48 (1995): 43.
141. Armstrong v. United States, 346 U.S. 40, 49
128. Williamson County Regional Planning (1960).
Commission v. Hamilton Bank, 473 U.S. 172 (1985).
I will not attempt an in-depth treatment of 142. This point is well elaborated in Justice Scalia’s
Williamson County and its progeny here. For a dissent in Pennell v. City of San Jose, 485 U.S. 1,
fuller discussion, see Steven J. Eagle, Regulatory 21–24 (1988).
Takings, 2d ed. (New York: Lexis Law, 2001), § 13-
5(b); Michael M. Berger, Regulatory Takings under 143. John A. Humbach, “Law and a New Land
the Firth Amendment: A Constitutional Primer Ethic,” Minnesota Law Review 74 (1989): 347–48.
(Washington: Legal Foundation, 1994), pp. 13-19;
and Stein, p. 1. 144. For a refutation, see Roger Pilon, “Property
Rights, Takings, and a Free Society,” Harvard
129. Williamson County at 200. Journal of Law and Public Policy 6 (1983): 170–75.
130. See, for example, Dodd v. Hood River County, 145. If there are two or more solutions to a prob-
136 F.3d 1219 (9th Cir. 1998). lem, and no clear majority for any of them, there
is no rational way to determine a group prefer-
131. Rainey Bros. Construction Co. v. Memphis and ence. Logrolling and the order in which bills are
Shelby County Board of Adjustment, 178 F.3d 1295 introduced often determine legislative outcomes.
(table), 1999 WL 220128 (6th Cir. 1999), cert. Professor Kenneth Arrow was awarded the Nobel
denied 120 S.Ct. 172 (1999). Memorial Prize in Economics in 1972 largely for
his mathematical proof that the problem of deter-
132. Rainey Bros. Construction Co. v. Memphis and mining a method for maximizing social welfare is
Shelby County Board of Adjustment, 967 F. Supp. 998 intractable. See Kenneth J. Arrow, Social Choice and
(W.D. Tenn. 1997). Individual Values (New York: Wiley, 1951); and
Dennis C. Mueller, Public Choice II (Cambridge:
133. 28 U.S.C. § 1491(a)(1) (1996). Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 2–3.
134. 28 U.S.C. § 1500 (1994).
146. The notion that the state could smoothly
135. Roger J. Marzulla and Nancie G. Marzulla, coordinate the property rights and labor of mil-
“Regulatory Takings in the United States Claims lions is an illustration of the “fatal conceit”
Court: Adjusting the Burdens That in Fairness and described in F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit
Equity Ought to Be Borne by Society as a Whole,” (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988), p.
Catholic University Law Review 40 (1991): 566. 27. A planned economy deprives planners of the
very information that they need to plan properly,
136. See Coyle. that is, market prices, which embody information
about preferences, resources, and technology. See
137. Examples of the effects of these kinds of reg- Ludwig von Mises, “Economic Calculation in the
ulations on citizens are given in such books as Socialist Commonwealth,” in Collectivist Economic
Jonathan Adler, Environmentalism at the Crossroads Planning, ed. F. A. Hayek (London: George
(Washington: Capital Research Center, 1995); Routledge & Sons, 1935), pp. 87–130. The free
Richard F. Babcock and Charles L. Siemon, The market produces order from what appears to be
Zoning Game Revisited (Cambridge, Mass.: Lincoln chaos by apparently effortlessly organizing all
Institute of Land Policy, 1985); DeLong, Property kinds of information in coherent patterns that no
Matters; William Perry Pendley, It Takes a Hero: The planner could reproduce through conscious

effort. See F. A. Hayek, Individualism and Economic 162. See Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 9-500.12 (1996)
Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (city), § 11-810 (West Supp. 1997) (county);
1948), chaps. 7–9. Del. Code Ann. tit. 29, § 605 (Supp. 1996); Fla.
Stat. Ann. § 70.001 (West Supp. 1997); Idaho
147. Just at 767–68. Code §§ 67-8001 to 67-8004 (1995); Ind. Code
Ann. §§ 4-22-2-31 to 4-22-2-32 (West Supp.
148. Ibid. at 767. 1996); Kan. Stat. Ann. §§ 77-701 to 77-707
(Supp. 1995); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 3:2609 to
149. Avenal v. United States, 100 F.3d 933 (Fed. Cir. 3:3622.1 (West Supp. 1997); Me. Rev. Stat.
1996) (rejecting arguments that oyster bed owner Ann. tit. 5, § 8056(1) (A) (West 1989); Mich.
had a property right in one government-set level of Comp. Laws Ann. § 24.241:245 (West Supp.
salinity to preclude subsequent readjustments in 1997); Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-33-1 to 49-33-19
salinity). (Supp. 1996); Mo. Ann. Stat. § 536.017 (West
Supp. 1996); Mont. Code Ann. §§ 2-10-101 to
150. See generally J. Gregory Sidak and Daniel F. 2-10-105 (1995); N.D. Cent. Code § 28-32-02.5
Spulber, Deregulatory Takings and the Regulatory (Supp. 1995); N.C. G.S. § 113-206; Or. Rev.
Contract: The Competitive Transformation of Network Stat. § 197.772; Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 12-1-201
Industries in the United States (New York: Cambridge to 12-1-206 (Supp. 1996); Tex. Gov’t Code
University Press, 1997). Ann. §§ 007.041 to .045 (West 1996); Utah
Code Ann. §§ 63-90-1 to 63-90-4 (Supp. 1996);
151. United States v. Willow Run Power Co., 324 U.S. Va. Code Ann. § 9-6.14:7.1(G); Wash. Rev.
499, 502 (1945). Code § 36.70A.370 (West Supp. 1997); W. Va.
Code §§ 22-1A-1 to 2-1A-3 (1994); Wyo. Stat.
152. Department of Transp. v. Gefen, 636 So.2d 1345, Ann. §§ 9-5-301 to 9-5-305 (Michie 995).
1346 (Fla. 1994). Sources: Mark W. Cordes, “Leapfrogging the
Constitution: The Rise of State Takings
153. See McKinley v. United States, 828 F. Supp. 888 Legislation,” Ecology Law Quarterly 24 (1997):
(D. N.M. 1993) (modification of grazing permit 190 n. 16; and Marilyn F. Drees, “Do State
not compensable). Legislatures Have a Role in Resolving the ‘Just
Compensation’ Dilemma? Some Lessons from
154. Carol M. Rose, “Property Rights, Regulatory Public Choice and Positive Political Theory,”
Regimes and the New Takings Jurisprudence—An Fordham Law Review 66 (1997): 787–89,
Evolutionary Approach,” Tennessee Law Review 57 810–13, 841.
(1990): 577–78. Emphasis in original.
163. For discussion, see ibid., p. 787; Cordes, p.
155. Penn Central Transportation Co. at 104. 187; and Ann L. Renhard Cole, “State Private
Property Rights Acts: The Potential for
156. Dolan at 374. Implicating Federal Environmental Programs,”
Note, Texas Law Review 76 (February 1998): 685.
157. Ibid. at 385.

158. Parking Ass’n of Georgia, Inc. v. City of Atlanta, 164. The categorizations here borrow heavily
115 S. Ct. 2268, 2268 (1995) (mem., cert. denied) from the detailed recent compilation in Cordes.
(Thomas, J., dissenting).
165. 42 U.S.C. § 4321, 4332(2)(C). See 40 C.F.R.
159. City of Monterey at 1635 (“we have not extended § 1500.2.
the rough-proportionality test of Dolan beyond the
special context of exactions—land-use decisions con- 166. 53 F.R. 8859 (1988), reprinted in 5 U.S.C. § 601.
ditioning approval of development on the dedica-
tion of property to public use”). 167. See, for example, Hertha L. Lund, “The
Property Rights Movement and State
160. See, for example, John D. Echeverria, Legislation,” in Land Rights, pp. 199, 219.
“Revving the Engines in Neutral: City of Monterey v.
Del Montes Dunes at Monterey Ltd.,” Environmental 168. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 9-500.12 (1996) (city),
Law Reporter 29 (November 1999) 10100. But see § 11-810 (West Supp. 1997) (county).
Steven J. Eagle, “Del Monte Dunes, Good Faith, and
Land Regulation,” Environmental Law Reporter 30 169. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-33-1 to 49-33-19
(February 2000): 10682. (Supp. 1996).

161. Olech v. Village of Willowbrook, 120 S. Ct. 1073 170. La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 3:3601–02 (West Supp.
(2000). 1997).

171. Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 2007.001 et seq. adopted in November 2000, amends § 18 of
Article I of the Oregon constitution. It requires
172. The government action that would consti- state and local government to pay property own-
tute a “taking” is limited to that which “affects an ers if laws or regulations reduce property value.
owner’s private real property that is the subject of
the governmental action, in whole or in part or 186. Ibid. 7(e).
temporarily or permanently, . . . and is the pro-
ducing cause of a reduction of at least 25 percent 187. Ibid. 7(c).
in the market value of the affected private real
property. . . .” Ibid. § 2007.002(5)(B). It is unclear 188. Ibid. 7(e).
whether the 25 percent diminution could be
applied to the affected segment of the parcel or 189. Ibid.
must be applied to the parcel as a whole. See
Jerome M. Organ, “Understanding State and 190. Ibid. 7(b).
Federal Property Rights Legislation,” Oklahoma
Law Review 48 (Summer 1995): 191–214. 191. In Dolan, Justice Stevens asserted that Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy R.R., at 234–35, made states
173. McMillan v. Northwest Harris County Mun. Utility liable to owners on the basis of a Fourteenth
Dist. No. 24, 988 S.W.2d 337 (Tex. App. 1999). Amendment theory of substantive due process
alone. Dolan at 405–7. Chief Justice Rehnquist, writ-
174. Fla. Stat. Ann. § 70.001 (West Supp. 1997). ing for the Dolan majority, denied that claim, heat-
edly arguing that the rationale was based on the
175. Ibid. § 70.001(2). Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause, which is incor-
porated through the Fourteenth Amendment’s
176. Ibid. § 70.001(3)(e). Due Process Clause so as to be applicable against
the states. Ibid. at 384 n. 5.
177. Penn Central Transportation Co. at 124.
192. Phillips v. Washington Legal Foundation, 524 U.S.
178. Armstrong at 49. 156 (1998). See Charles E. Rounds Jr., “IOLTA:
Interest without Principle,” Cato Institute Policy
179. Fla. Stat. Ann. § 70.001(1). Emphasis added. Analysis no. 291, December 18, 1997.

180. Ibid. § 70.001(6)(a). 193. Washington Legal Foundation v. Texas Equal

Access to Justice Foundation, 86 F. Supp. 2d 624,
181. Ibid. § 70.001(6)(b). (W.D. Tex. 2000).

182. Ibid. § 70.001(5)(a). 194. City of Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507 (1997).

183. See, for example, Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, 195. This is known as “Pullman abstention.” See
“Florida’s Private Property Rights Protection Act: Does Railroad Commission of Texas v. Pullman Co., 312 U.S.
It Inordinately Burden the Public Interest?” Florida Law 496 (1941).
Review 48 (1996): 695–707; Nancy E. Stroud and
Thomas G. Wright, “Florida’s Private Property Rights 196. This is known as “Burford abstention.” See
Act—What Will It Mean for Florida’s Future?” Nova Burford v. Sun Oil Co., 319 U.S. 315 (1943). The
Law Review 20 (1996): 683–706; and Vivien J. Monaco, Pullman and Burford doctrines are discussed in
“The Harris Act: What Relief from Government Julie A. Davies, “Pullman and Burford Abstention:
Regulation Does It Provide for Private Property Clarifying the Roles of State and Federal Courts in
Owners?” Stetson Law Review 26 (1997): 861–900. Constitutional Cases,” U.C. Davis Law Review 20
184. Ronald L. Weaver and Nicole S. Sayfie, “1999
Update on the Bert J. Harris Private Property 197. H.R. 925 (1995) §§ 2(a) and 2(b).
Rights Protection Act,” Florida Bar Journal 73
(March 1999): 49–70. See also Ronald L. Weaver, 198. See 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
“A Vision of the Future of Florida Land Use Law,”
Florida Bar Journal 74 (June 2000): 91–95. 199. U.S. Constitution, Article I § 8.

185. Measure 7(a). Oregon’s Initiative Measure 7, 200. Ariz. Stat. § 41-1311.

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