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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012

110 | P a g e
A Block Cipher Involving a Key Bunch Matrix
and an Additional Key Matrix, Supplemented with
Modular Arithmetic Addition and supported by
Key-based Substitution
Dr. V.U.K.Sastry
Professor (CSE Dept), Dean (R&D)
SreeNidhi Institute of Science & Technology, SNIST
Hyderabad, India
K. Shirisha
Computer Science & Engineering
SreeNidhi Institute of Science & Technology, SNIST
Hyderabad, India

Abstract In this paper, we have devoted our attention to the
development of a block cipher, which involves a key bunch
matrix, an additional matrix, and a key matrix utilized in the
development of a pair of functions called Permute() and
Substitute(). These two functions are used for the creation of
confusion and diffusion for each round of the iteration process of
the encryption algorithm. The avalanche effect shows the
strength of the cipher, and the cryptanalysis ensures that this
cipher cannot be broken by any cryptanalytic attack generally
available in the literature of cryptography.
Keywords-key bunch matrix; additional key matrix; multiplicative
inverse; encryption; decryption; permute; substitute.
Security of information, which has to be maintained in a
secret manner, is the primary concern of all the block ciphers.
In a recent development, we have studied several block ciphers
[1][2][3], in press [4], unpublished [5][6], in press [7],
unpublished [8], wherein we have included a key bunch
matrix and made use of the iteration process as a fundamental
tool. In [7] and [8], we have introduced a key-based
permutation and a key-based substitution for strengthen the
cipher. Especially in [8], we have introduced an additional key
matrix, supplemented with xor operation for adding some more
strength to the cipher.
In the present paper, our objective is to modify the block
cipher, presented in [7], by including and an additional key
matrix supplemented with modular arithmetic addition. Here,
our interest is to see how the permutation, the substitution and
the additional key matrix would act in strengthening the cipher.
Now, let us mention the plan of the paper. We put forth the
development of the cipher in section 2. Here, we portray the
flowcharts and present the algorithms required in the
development of this cipher. Then, we discuss the basic
concepts of the key based permutation and substitution. We
give an illustration of the cipher and discuss the avalanche
effect, in section 3. We analyze the cryptanalysis, in section 4.
Finally, we talk about the computations carried out in this
analysis, and arrive at the conclusions, in section 5.
Consider a plaintext matrix P, given by
P = [
p ], i=1 to n, j=1 to n. (2.1)
Let us take the key bunch matrix E in the form
E = [
e ], i=1 to n, j=1 to n. (2.2)
Here, we take all
as odd numbers, which lie in the
interval [1-255]. On using the concept of the multiplicative
inverse, we get the decryption key bunch matrix D, in the form
D= [
d ], i=1 to n, j=1 to n, (2.3)
are related by the relation
d ) mod 256 = 1, (2.4)
for all i and j.
Here, it is to be noted that
will be obtained as odd
numbers and lie in the interval [1-255].
The additional key matrix F, can be taken in the form
f ], i=1 to n, j=1 to n, (2.5)
are integers lying in [0-255].
The basic equations governing the encryption and the
decryption, in this analysis, are given by
C = [
c ] = (([
ij ij
p e ] mod 256) +F) mod 256,
i=1 to n, j = 1 to n, (2.6)
P = [
p ] = [
d (C-F)
] mod 256,
i=1 to n, j = 1 to n, (2.7)
where C is the ciphertext.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012
111 | P a g e
The flowcharts concerned to the procedure involved in this
analysis are given in Figs. 1 and 2.
Here r denotes the number of rounds in the iteration
process. The functions Permute() and Substitute() are used for
achieving transformation of the plaintext, so that confusion and
diffusion are created, in each round of the iteration process.
The function Mult() is used to find the decryption key bunch
matrix D from the given encryption key bunch matrix E. The
functions IPermute() and ISubstitute() stand for the reverse
process of the Permute() and Substitute(). The details of the
permutation and substitution process are explained later.
The algorithms corresponding to the flowcharts are written
as follows.
1. Read P,E,K,F,n,r
2. For k = 1 to r do
3. For i=1 to n do
4. For j=1 to n do
p = (
p )

mod 256
6. P=([
p ] + F) mod 256
7. P=Permute(P)
8. P=Substitute(P)
8. C=P
9. Write(C)
1. Read C,E,K,F,n,r
2. D=Mult(E)
3. For k = 1 to r do
4. C=ISubstitute(C)
5. C=IPermute(C)
6. For i =1 to n do
7. For j=1 to n do
c =[
d (
c -
f )] mod 256
9. C=[
c ]
10. P=C
11. Write (P)
In the development of the permutation and the substitution,
we take a key matrix K in the form given below.


94 150 202 174
123 5 10 164
127 110 107 253
96 33 14 156

Figure 1. Flowchart for Encryption
The serial order, the elements in the key, the order of
elements can be used and form a table of the form.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
156 14 33 96 253 107 110 127 164 10 5 123 174 202 150 94
12 3 4 6 16 7 8 10 13 2 1 9 14 15 11 5

In the process of permutation, we convert the decimal
numbers in the plaintext matrix into binary bits and swap the
rows firstly and the columns nextly, one after another, and
achieve the final form of the permuted matrix by representing
the binary bits in terms of decimal numbers. In the case of the
substitution process, we consider the EBCDIC code matrix
consisting of the decimal numbers 0 to 255, in 16 rows 16
columns, and interchange the rows firstly and the columns
nextly, and then achieve the substitution matrix. For a detailed
discussion of the functions Permute() and Substitute(), we refer
to [7].
Consider the plaintext given below.
Dear Brother! I have got posting in army as a Captain a few
days back. Both father and mother are advising me not to go

Read C,E,K,F,n,r
D = Mult(E)
For k=1 to r

For j=1 to n

C = [
c ]

Write (P)
P =C

For i=1 to n

c =[
d (C-F) ij] mod 256
Figure 2 Flowchart for Decryption
Read P,E,K,F,n,r
For k=1 to r
For i=1 to n
For j=1 to n

p = (
ij ij
p e


mod 256
P = ([
p ]+F) mod 256
Write (C)
Figure 1 Flowchart for Encryption
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012
112 | P a g e
there. They say that they have committed a sin in sending you
as an Army Doctor. You know all the problems which you are
facing in that environment in Indian Army. Tell me what shall I
do? Would you suggest me to join in the same profession in
which you are? All the retired Army employees who are
residing in our area are telling Serving Mother India is really
great. But most of their sons are working here only in our city.
Let us focus our attention on the first 16 characters of the
aforementioned plaintext. Thus we have
Dear Brother! I (3.2)
On using the EBCDIC code, the plaintext (3.2), can be
written in the form P, given by


64 201 64 79
153 133 136 163
150 153 194 64
153 129 133 196
. (3.3)
Let us choose the encryption key bunch matrix E in the


3 179 197 57
255 191 79 33
107 15 93 235
137 201 81 9
. (3.4)
We take the additional key matrix F in the form


250 53 42 69
1 236 6 14
100 80 53 45
209 224 43 78
. (3.5)
On using the concept of multiplicative inverse, mentioned
in section 2, we get the decryption key bunch matrix D in the


171 123 13 9
255 63 175 225
67 239 245 195
185 121 177 57
. (3.6)
On using the P, the E, and the F, given by (3.3) (3.5), and
applying the encryption algorithm, given in section 2, w get the
ciphertext C in the form


21 169 184 100
248 191 102 221
98 239 174 33
68 122 110 133
. (3.7)
On using the C, the D, and the F, and applying the
decryption algorithm, we get back the original plaintext P,
given by (3.3).
Let us now examine the avalanche effect. On replacing the
2nd row 2nd column element 194 of the plaintext P, given by
(3.3), by 195, we get the modified plaintext, wherein a change
of one binary bit is there. On using this modified plaintext, the
E and F, given by (3.4) and (3.5), and applying the encryption
algorithm, we get the corresponding ciphertext.


19 6 191 154
214 165 39 19
206 30 197 237
26 198 177 51
. (3.8)
On comparing (3.7) and (3.8), after representing them in
their binary form, we notice that these two ciphertexts differ by
72 bits out of 128 bits.
In a similar manner, let us offer one binary bit change in the
encryption key bunch matrix E. This is achieved by replacing
3rd row 1st column element 33 of E by 32. Then on using this
E, the original P, given by (3.3), the F, given by (3.5), and
using the encryption algorithm, we obtain the corresponding
ciphertext in the form


221 20 39 127
19 1 186 151
221 6 158 156
250 195 158 155
. (3.9)
On carrying out a comparative study of (3.7) and (3.9), after
putting them in their binary form, we find that these two differ
by 78 bits out of 128 bits. From the above discussion, we
conclude that this cipher is exhibiting a strong avalanche effect,
and the strength of the cipher is expected to be a remarkable
In the development of all the block ciphers, the importance
of cryptanalysis is commendable. The different cryptanalytic
attacks that are dealt with very often in the literature are
1. Ciphertext only attack (Brute force attack),
2. Known plaintext attack,
3. Chosen plaintext attack, and
4. Chosen ciphertext attack.
Generally, the first two attacks are examined in an
analytical manner, while the latter two attacks are inspected
with all care, in an intuitive manner. It is to be noted here that
no cipher can be accepted, unless it withstands the first two
attacks [9], and no cipher can be relied upon unless a clear cut
decision is arrived in the case of the latter two attacks.
Let us now consider the brute force attack. In this analysis,
we have 3 important entities namely, the key bunch matrix E,
the additional key matrix F, and the special key K, used in the
Permute() and Substitute() functions. On account of these
three, the size of the key space can be written in the form

( )
( )
( )
( )
4 . 38 5 . 4
8 . 12 5 . 1
8 . 12 5 . 1
128 15 128 8 7 128 8 7
2 2
2 2 2 2 2
10 10 2
2 2 2 2 2
+ +
+ + +
= ~ =
= =
n n
n n n n n

On assuming that, we require

seconds for
computation with one set of keys in the key space, the time
required for execution with all such possible sets in the key
space is

. 10 12 . 3
60 60 24 365
10 10
4 . 23 5 . 4
7 4 . 38 5 . 4

In this analysis, as we have taken n=4, the time for
computation with all possible sets of keys in the key space is
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012
113 | P a g e
. 10 12 . 3
4 . 95
As this is a very long span, this cipher cannot be broken by
the brute force attack.
Now, let us examine the known plaintext attack. In the case
of this attack, we know any number of plaintext and ciphertext
pairs, which we require for our investigation. Focusing our
attention on r=1, that is on the first round of the iteration
process, in the encryption, we get the set of equations, given by
p ] mod 256)+F)mod 256, i=1 to n, j=1 to n, (4.1)
P = Permute(P), (4.2)
P = Substitute(P), (4.3)
C = P (4.4)
Here as C in (4.4) is known, we get P. However, as the
substitution process and permutation process depend upon the
key, one cannot have any idea regarding ISubstitute() and
IPermute(). Thus it is simply impossible to determine P even at
the next higher level that is in (4.3). In a spectacular manner, if
one has a chance to know the key K (a rare situation), then one
can determine P, occurring on the left hand side of (4.1), by
using ISubstitute() and IPermute(). Then also, it is not at all
possible to determine the
(elements of the key bunch
matrix), as this equation is totally involved on account of the
presence of F and the mod operation. This shows that the
cipher is strengthened by the presence of F.
From the above analysis, we conclude that this cipher
cannot be broken by the known plaintext attack. As there are
16 rounds of iteration process, we can say very emphatically,
that this cipher is unbreakable by the known plaintext attack.
On considering the set of equations in the encryption
process, including mod, permute and substitute, we do not
envisage any possible choice, either for the plaintext or for the
ciphertext to make an attempt for breaking this cipher.
In the light of all these factors, we conclude that this cipher
is a strong one and it can be applied for the secure transmission
of any secret information.
In this paper, we have developed a block cipher which
involves an encryption key bunch matrix, an additional matrix
and a key matrix utilized for the development of a pair of
functions called Permute() and Substitute(). In this analysis the
additional matrix is supplemented with modular arithmetic
addition. The cryptanalysis carried out in this investigation
firmly indicates that this cipher cannot be broken by any
cryptanalytic attack.
The programs required for encryption and decryption are
written in Java.
The entire plain text given by (3.1) is divided into 3 blocks,
wherein each block is written as a square matrix of size 16. As
the last block is containing 37 characters, 219 zeroes are
appended as additional characters so that it becomes a complete
To carry out the encryption of these plaintext blocks, here
we take a key bunch matrix EK of size 16x16 and an additional
matrix FK of the same size. They are taken in the form

155 5 85 177 225 91 41 249 147 79 251 221 107 103 191 141
47 249 239 3 167 203 127 159 115 47 23 193 121 199 89 157
221 15 93 93 91 119 37 85 251 181 209 135 231 111 221 247
213 179 155 233 105 229 239 151 211 97 185 99 75 245 105 107
77 191 145 49 229 45 145 191 91 161 117 141 45 27 197 17
249 189 179 69 245 29 77 175 249 85 71 227 187 233 115 239
241 253 93 177 153 205 23 177 37 229 197 91 107 159 203 187
21 9 149 229 227 255 205 73 241 55 127 153 11 185 157 181
135 251 67 117 39 95 155 243 67 149 189 43 209 119 103 153
75 1 131 227 109 197 191 221 189 145 203 57 177 71 45 7
183 133 83 155 21 239 135 223 145 97 205 11 45 53 119 179
109 11 147 181 63 147 173 229 115 65 253 145 171 195 221 65
43 117 19 59 181 185 113 159 189 203 169 67 53 77 147 161
119 179 49 113 35 69 29 49 9 159 237 91 29 207 213 211
33 239 93 79 61 203 185 51 173 161 15 177 117 205 35 149
245 193 127 69 125 249 15 129 157 221 205 187 247 1 173 19


244 145 127 38 125 93 40 31 216 184 100 105 212 224 35 253
166 96 238 202 252 19 27 232 143 54 217 69 159 217 205 197
155 251 120 97 214 13 185 49 220 35 54 82 153 212 135 88
41 232 105 139 160 16 39 71 203 87 230 221 61 187 62 233
174 32 252 111 228 243 173 38 3 49 204 44 99 239 70 212
95 98 41 131 12 68 249 135 205 182 120 129 80 25 8 85
96 255 47 178 129 55 19 43 42 229 242 69 201 26 15 70
188 153 115 103 134 108 109 231 135 188 134 207 150 136 10 92
187 70 32 240 75 1 174 241 143 103 29 76 3 54 50 100
5 182 20 208 182 120 148 238 141 44 151 77 215 84 146 1
40 188 148 98 108 239 138 66 234 126 191 112 67 159 197 110
244 205 73 109 141 35 100 33 76 195 52 174 85 30 148 189
47 241 10 8 169 202 197 222 190 79 230 199 81 245 0 26
32 167 232 114 116 193 169 0 128 15 159 83 148 198 52 141
123 47 7 56 171 125 163 147 234 93 11 237 102 33 223 190
28 213 195 76 184 94 52 62 230 148 209 9 75 140 125 58

On using each block of the plain text, the key bunch matrix
EK and the additional matrix FK, in the places of E and F
respectively, and applying the encryption algorithm, given in
section 2, we carry out the encryption of each block separately,
and obtain the cipher text as follows in (5.1).
Now, for the secure transmission of EK and FK, we encrypt
these two by using E and F, and applying the encryption
algorithm. Thus, we have the ciphertexts corresponding to EK
and FK as given below, in (5.2) and (5.3), respectively.
From this analysis the sender transmits all the 3 blocks of
the cipher text, corresponding to the entire plain text, and the
cipher text of EK and FK, given in (5.1), (5.2) and (5.3), In
addition to this information, he provides the key bunch matrix
E, the additional matrix F and the key matrix K in a secured
manner. He also supplies the number of characters with which
the last block of the entire plain text is appended.
From the cryptanalysis carried out in this investigation we
have found that this cipher is a strong one and cannot be
broken by any cryptanalytic approach.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012
114 | P a g e
Here it may be noted that this cipher can be applied for the
encryption of a plain text of any size, and for the encryption of
a gray level or color image.
[1] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A Novel Block Cipher Involving a Key
Bunch Matrix, in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975
8887) Volume 55 No.16, Oct 2012, Foundation of Computer Science,
NewYork, pp. 1-6.
[2] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A Block Cipher Involving a Key Bunch
Matrix and Including Another Key Matrix Supplemented with Xor
Operation , in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975
8887) Volume 55 No.16, Oct 2012, Foundation of Computer Science,
NewYork, pp.7-10.
[3] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A Block Cipher Involving a Key Bunch
Matrix and Including another Key Matrix Supported With Modular
Arithmetic Addition, in International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 8887) Volume 55 No.16, Oct 2012, Foundation of Computer
Science, NewYork, pp. 11-14.
[4] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A novel block cipher involving a key
bunch matrix and a permutation, International Journal of Computers
and Electronics Research (IJCER), in press.
[5] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A block cipher involving a key bunch
matrix, and a key matrix supported with xor operation, and
supplemented with permutation, unpublished.
[6] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A block cipher involving a key bunch
matrix, and a key matrix supported with modular arithmetic addition,
and supplemented with permutation, unpublished.
[7] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A novel block cipher involving a key
bunch matrix and a key-based permutation and substitution,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
(IJACSA), in press.
[8] Dr. V.U.K. Sastry, K.Shirisha, A block cipher involving a key bunch
matrix and an additional key matrix, supplemented with xor operation
and supported by key-based permutation and substitution, unpublished.
[9] William Stallings: Cryptography and Network Security: Principle and
Practices, Third Edition 2003, Chapter 2, pp. 29.
Dr. V. U. K. Sastry is presently working as Professor in the Dept. of
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Director (SCSI), Dean (R &
D), SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST), Hyderabad,
India. He was Formerly Professor in IIT, Kharagpur, India and worked
in IIT, Kharagpur during 1963 1998. He guided 14 PhDs, and
published more than 86 research papers in various International
Journals. He received the Best Engineering College Faculty Award in
Computer Science and Engineering for the year 2008 from the Indian
Society for Technical Education (AP Chapter), Best Teacher Award by
Lions Clubs International, Hyderabad Elite, in 2012, and Cognizant-
Sreenidhi Best faculty award for the year 2012. His research interests are
Network Security & Cryptography, Image Processing, Data Mining and
Genetic Algorithms.
K. Shirisha is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), SreeNidhi Institute of
Science & Technology (SNIST), Hyderabad, India, since February 2007.
She is pursuing her Ph.D. Her research interests are Information Security
and Data Mining. She published three research papers in International
Journals. She stood University topper in the M.Tech.(CSE).

78 162 245 85 143 135 71 252 173 229 21 196 127 216 64 183
116 229 186 199 155 31 121 114 211 175 245 151 63 187 132 85
146 241 80 91 89 205 15 87 50 65 114 56 0 66 108 233
31 198 158 157 194 35 19 45 74 96 225 190 248 90 85 197
177 200 167 197 175 9 30 147 178 175 63 125 103 174 38 231
61 212 121 219 217 233 146 93 99 164 89 53 22 147 198 255
21 22 216 24 199 239 125 68 89 99 189 218 74 192 157 160
29 191 138 54 70 113 145 64 205 90 108 217 109 18 34 190
154 25 51 48 192 102 132 233 149 100 96 89 43 126 34 29
180 50 252 190 185 44 207 49 205 218 116 240 157 246 178 34
2 253 196 140 98 72 72 169 74 107 217 102 105 89 66 59
155 61 63 1 61 19 23 205 93 133 73 247 183 198 74 137
163 42 219 113 83 52 7 67 182 117 23 54 239 166 109 14
42 23 148 60 69 188 230 243 197 197 146 141 113 179 231 161
252 204 34 229 42 228 164 136 224 126 199 246 235 61 58 135
135 242 210 166 137 203 36 105 171 49 184 227 39 218 161 244
79 180 160 229 78 136 169 176 209 161 195 154 35 132 27 248
141 148 144 77 134 252 189 207 85 180 105 240 31 228 232 172
7 174 235 72 183 141 61 75 88 205 22 52 99 162 200 57
199 3 216 117 206 76 205 75 161 22 187 60 108 219 152 225
111 96 0 151 101 46 104 29 200 199 84 57 252 156 78 126
34 193 70 1 16 90 52 64 43 200 162 192 243 51 200 14
134 106 78 102 15 36 69 180 38 1 54 17 130 129 166 150
8 5 163 151 106 247 64 119 227 198 141 65 230 185 128 109
152 84 252 33 15 192 210 37 7 97 53 120 59 251 181 67
85 90 148 129 115 103 67 164 154 163 40 8 220 235 128 98
50 154 120 45 226 192 219 228 186 155 125 29 153 34 207 47
121 71 103 185 164 239 6 174 25 4 226 1 38 26 45 216
239 207 220 242 4 110 68 90 121 109 138 233 24 144 64 118
170 39 83 247 109 147 80 202 243 14 30 121 209 237 33 228
171 185 60 130 245 159 80 236 24 191 157 67 101 147 204 134
164 84 67 63 95 131 250 211 176 0 113 24 84 0 166 187
236 2 231 5 16 112 173 245 37 183 251 180 186 106 238 195
123 120 94 159 252 254 18 118 65 109 251 39 253 162 29 49
92 205 70 36 187 105 72 41 28 19 75 124 49 115 239 251
128 31 21 23 79 100 164 41 179 105 3 123 74 66 10 24
5 125 234 190 108 53 74 20 187 83 28 213 21 137 203 33
231 236 59 251 69 32 23 7 41 157 109 78 106 164 221 123
241 55 186 173 240 12 97 178 106 204 85 228 84 216 82 66
198 106 60 181 100 134 137 49 135 180 227 102 251 212 141 229
251 185 21 76 23 60 96 37 41 138 219 174 94 33 97 193
183 92 88 97 119 101 130 242 133 184 12 87 65 218 199 128
145 228 161 141 135 189 137 189 20 213 13 46 87 10 205 207
157 72 193 233 59 71 11 120 143 217 160 11 129 146 252 203
75 208 117 41 140 41 31 132 54 7 206 8 80 244 191 137
242 196 193 22 36 252 134 11 24 193 208 192 107 52 35 207
54 68 105 142 146 38 205 154 60 52 43 117 81 13 159 164
190 193 199 39 121 26 77 163 114 253 83 226 171 195 98 55

213 136 228 253 135 99 95 64 96 213 203 241 6 98 131 181
231 190 215 113 200 52 214 173 255 99 148 157 126 255 10 42
103 249 78 210 122 4 12 144 147 247 4 89 89 41 101 129
92 253 108 171 96 71 40 199 220 129 233 247 37 18 160 191
188 204 14 131 104 114 19 147 62 87 165 250 186 99 170 144
50 38 132 72 124 160 76 118 116 201 246 250 162 198 51 131
127 24 100 160 98 182 216 219 197 79 169 241 217 250 116 161
97 133 44 166 3 95 233 126 81 98 8 206 11 45 224 155
10 19 99 121 114 152 127 238 215 188 46 226 68 72 190 101
239 67 231 228 117 230 244 42 5 31 182 189 164 140 94 13
239 111 242 121 115 98 20 78 246 16 66 222 13 250 35 251
80 153 194 161 135 51 243 28 54 183 4 160 74 239 72 90
106 237 245 231 52 62 10 49 164 111 251 158 250 246 110 105
207 100 72 217 200 61 205 170 147 144 185 49 84 75 176 224
31 180 78 121 84 65 85 57 12 167 186 21 213 23 180 146
36 243 147 34 69 235 154 40 179 93 102 211 123 40 112 116


(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 3, No. 12, 2012
115 | P a g e
244 145 127 38 125 93 40 31 216 184 100 105 212 224 35 253
166 96 238 202 252 19 27 232 143 54 217 69 159 217 205 197
155 251 120 97 214 13 185 49 220 35 54 82 153 212 135 88
41 232 105 139 160 16 39 71 203 87 230 221 61 187 62 233
174 32 252 111 228 243 173 38 3 49 204 44 99 239 70 212
95 98 41 131 12 68 249 135 205 182 120 129 80 25 8 85
96 255 47 178 129 55 19 43 42 229 242 69 201 26 15 70
188 153 115 103 134 108 109 231 135 188 134 207 150 136 10 92
187 70 32 240 75 1 174 241 143 103 29 76 3 54 50 100
5 182 20 208 182 120 148 238 141 44 151 77 215 84 146 1
40 188 148 98 108 239 138 66 234 126 191 112 67 159 197 110
244 205 73 109 141 35 100 33 76 195 52 174 85 30 148 189
47 241 10 8 169 202 197 222 190 79 230 199 81 245 0 26
32 167 232 114 116 193 169 0 128 15 159 83 148 198 52 141
123 47 7 56 171 125 163 147 234 93 11 237 102 33 223 190
28 213 195 76 184 94 52 62 230 148 209 9 75 140 125 58


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