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Logic Gates

AIM: a) Write verilog code for two input logic gates b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: module gate2(a,b,x); input a,b; output x; // 2- input Logic gates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. and(x,a,b); or(x,a,b); not(x,a); nand(x,a,b); nor(x,a,b); xor(x,a,b); and a1(x,m,n); // Instance name a1 is specified even though optional // for logic gates 8. 9. and(x,a,b,c); xor(x,a,b,c,d); // 3-Input AND gate // 4- Input XOR gate // only one input for NOT


OUTPUT WAVEFORM: 1. and gate

Fig. 1

2. or gate

Fig. 2

3. not gate

Fig. 3

4. nand gate

Fig. 4

5. nor gate

Fig. 5

6. xor gate

Fig. 6

7. andgate using instance


8. 3_input andgate

Fig. 8

9. 4_input xorgate

Fig. 9

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What is a Simulator? 2. What are the different levels of abstractions in the Verilog? 3. What are the differences between C language and Verilog? 4. What is the basic component in Verilog programme? 5. What is the difference between wire and reg data types?

2. Realization of Four Variable Functions

AIM: a) Realize Four Variable functions b) Verify the code using test bench i) f(a,b,c,d) = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15 ii) f(a,b,c,d) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15 iii) f(a,b,c,d) = 0, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 iv) f(w,x,y,z) = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15 v) f(w,x,y,z) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15 vi) f(w,x,y,z) = 0, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14

Minimize the above expressions using Boolean algebra and write the data flow model.

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the different logic minimization techniques and name them? 2. What is the difference between Minterm and Maxterm? 3. What is the difference between POS and SOP? 4. In logic minimization, which method is preferred if the number of variables are more than 5? 5. How many Boolean equations are possible with n variables?

3. Adders & Subtractors

AIM: a) b) Write verilog code for halfadder, fulladder, 4-bit parallel adder and full subtractor. Verify the code using test bench

PROGRAMME: Half Adder module halfadder(sum,carryout,in0,in1); input ino,in1; output sum,carryout; 1. xor x1(s,a,b); and a1(c,a,b); 2. assign sum = a ^ b; assign carryout = (a & b) | (b & c) | (c & a); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 10

Full - Adder module fulladder (Cin, x, y, s, Cout); input Cin, x, y; output s, Cout; reg s, Cout; 1. assign s = x ^ y ^ Cin; //concurrent dataflow assign Cout = (x & y) | (x & Cin) | (y & Cin); 2. 3. always @(x or y or Cin) {Cout, s} = x + y + Cin; xor (z4, x, y); xor (s, z4, Cin); wires and (z1, x, y); and (z2, x, Cin); and (z3, y, Cin); or (Cout, z1, z2, z3); 4. xor (s, x, y, Cin); and (z1, x, y), (z2, x, Cin),(z3, y, Cin); or (Cout, z1, z2, z3); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM: //3-input xor //multiple instantiations // Using Primitives // wire z1,z2,z3,z4 ; connecting // Sequential

Fig. 11

4-bit Full Adder module adder4bit (carryin, X, Y, S, carryout); input carryin; input [3:0] X, Y; output [3:0] S; output carryout; wire [3:1] C; // Structural Model for 4-bit Full Adder fulladder stage0 (carryin, X[0], Y[0], S[0], C[1]); fulladder stage1 (C[1], X[1], Y[1], S[1], C[2]); fulladder stage2 (C[2], X[2], Y[2], S[2], C[3]); fulladder stage3 (C[3], X[3], Y[3], S[3], carryout); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 12

N-Bit Adder module addern (carryin, X, Y, S, carryout); parameter n=32; input carryin; input [n-1:0] X, Y; output [n-1:0] S; output carryout; reg [n-1:0] S; reg carryout; reg [n:0] C; integer k; 9


always @(X or Y or carryin) begin C[0] = carryin; for (k = 0; k <= n-1; k = k+1) begin S[k] = X[k] ^ Y[k] ^ C[k]; C[k+1] = (X[k] & Y[k]) | (X[k] & C[k]) | (Y[k] &

C[k]); end carryout = C[n]; end 2. always @(X or Y or carryin) S = X + Y + carryin; 3. always @(X or Y or carryin) begin Sum = {1'b0,X} + {1'b0,Y} + carryin; S = Sum[n-1:0]; carryout = Sum[n]; overflow = carryout ^ X[n-1] ^ Y[n-1] ^ S[n-1]; end endmodule Carry Look Ahead adder module CLA_4b(sum,c_4,a,b,c_0); input [3:0]a,b; input c_0; output [3:0]sum; output c_4; wire p0,p1,p2,p3,g0,g1,g2,g3; 10 // output carryout, // reg carryout, overflow; // reg [n:0] Sum;


wire c1,c2,c3,c4; assign p0=a[0]^b[0], p1=a[1]^b[1], p2=a[2]^b[2], p3=a[3]^b[3], g0=a[0]&b[0], g1=a[1]&b[1], g2=a[2]&b[2], g3=a[3]&b[3]; assign c1=g0|(p0&c_0), c2=g1|(p1&g0)|(p1&p0&c_0), c3=g2|(p2&g1)|(p2&p1&g0)|(p2&p1&p0&c_0), c4=g3|(p3&g2)|(p3&p2&p1&g1)|(p3&p2&p1&g0)|(p3&p2&p1&p0&c_0); assign sum[0]=p0^c_0, sum[1]=p1^c1, sum[2]=p2^c2, sum[3]=p3^c3, c_4=c4; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 13


Full Substractor module fullsub(x1,x2,x3,d,b); input x1,x2,x3; output d,b; assign d= x1^x2^x3; assign b=(~x1)&((x1^x3)|(x2&x3)); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 14

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What is module instantiation? 2. What are the different ways of association of ports in module instantiation? 3. Which is the fastest Adder? 4. What are the applications of Adders and Subtractors? 5. Which level of abstraction is suitable for combinational circuits? 6. What is the data type supports for the assignment of data in data flow modeling?


4. N-Bit Parallel Adder

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for N Bit Parallel Adder b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: N-Bit Adder module addern (carryin, X, Y, S, carryout); parameter n=32; input carryin; input [n-1:0] X, Y; output [n-1:0] S; output carryout; reg [n-1:0] S; reg carryout; reg [n:0] C; integer k; 1. always @(X or Y or carryin) begin C[0] = carryin; for (k = 0; k <= n-1; k = k+1) begin S[k] = X[k] ^ Y[k] ^ C[k]; C[k+1] = (X[k] & Y[k]) | (X[k] & C[k]) | (Y[k] & C[k]); end carryout = C[n];


end 2. 3. always @(X or Y or carryin) S = X + Y + carryin; always @(X or Y or carryin) begin Sum = {1'b0,X} + {1'b0,Y} + carryin; S = Sum[n-1:0]; carryout = Sum[n]; overflow = carryout ^ X[n-1] ^ Y[n-1] ^ S[n-1]; end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM: // output carryout, // reg carryout, overflow; // reg [n:0] Sum; overflow;

Fig. 15

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the differences between tasks and function declarations? 2. How many values can be returned using functions? 3. How many values can be returned using tasks? 4. Are the tasks and functions synthesizable? 5. Can you call a task in a function?


5. Multiplexers & Demultiplexers

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for multiplexers & Demultiplexers b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: Mux 2x1 module mux2to1 (w0, w1, s, f); input w0, w1, s; output f; reg f; 1. 2. assign f = s ? w1 : w0; always @(w0 or w1 or s) f = s ? w1 : w0; 3. always @(w0 or w1 or s) if (s==0) f = w0; else f = w1; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:


Fig. 16

Mux 4x1 module mux4to1 (w0, w1, w2, w3, S, f); input w0, w1, w2, w3; input [1:0] S; output f; 1. 2. assign f = S[1] ? (S[0] ? w3 : w2) : (S[0] ? w1 : w0); always @(w0 or w1 or w2 or w3 or S) if (S == 2'b00) f = w0; else if (S == 2'b01) f = w1; else if (S == 2'b10) f = w2; else if (S == 2'b11) f = w3; 3. always @(W or S) case (S) 0: f = W[0]; 1: f = W[1]; 2: f = W[2]; 3: f = W[3]; endcase endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM: // (S == 4) // (S == 3) // (S == 2) // (S == 1)


Fig. 17

Mux 16x1 module mux16to1 (W, S16, f); input [0:15] W; input [3:0] S16; output f; wire [0:3] M; mux4to1 Mux1 (W[0:3], S16[1:0], M[0]); mux4to1 Mux2 (W[4:7], S16[1:0], M[1]); mux4to1 Mux3 (W[8:11], S16[1:0], M[2]); mux4to1 Mux4 (W[12:15], S16[1:0], M[3]); mux4to1 Mux5 (M[0:3], S16[3:2], f); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM: // Structural Modeling

Fig. 18

DEMULTIPLEXERS 1x4 Demux module demux1x4(y,s,i); input i; input [1:0]s; output [3:0]y; 17

wire w0,w1; not(w0,s0); not(w1,s0); and(y[0],i,w0,w1); and(y[1],i,w1,s0); and(y[2],i,s1,w0); and(y[3],i,s1,s0); endmodule 1x8 Demux module demux18(i,s,f); input i; input[2:0] s; output[7:0] f; 1. always @(s) begin case (s) 3'b000: f[0]=i; 3'b001: f[1]=i; 3'b010: f[2]=i; 3'b011: f[3]=i; 3'b100: f[4]=i; 3'b101: f[5]=i; 3'b110: f[6]=i; 3'b111: f[7]=i; endcase end 2. wire[2:0] sb; assign sb[0]=~s[0]; assign sb[1]=~s[1]; assign sb[2]=~s[2]; assign f[0]=i&sb[2]&sb[1]&sb[0]; assign f[1]=i&sb[2]&sb[1]&s[0]; assign f[2]=i&sb[2]&s[1]&sb[0]; 18

assign f[3]=i&sb[2]&s[1]&s[0]; assign f[4]=i&s[2]&sb[1]&sb[0]; assign f[5]=i&s[2]&sb[1]&s[0]; assign f[6]=i&s[2]&s[1]&sb[0]; assign f[7]=i&s[2]&s[1]&s[0]; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 19

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. How many 2 x 1 multiplexers are required in implementing a n x 1 multiplexer where n is multiple of 2? 2. What are the applications of multiplexers and demultiplexers? 3. How many select lines are required for n x 1 multiplexer? 4. What is other name of behavioral level of abstraction? 5. Why the multiplexer can be called as a Universal element?


6. Encoders, Priority Encoders & Decoders

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for encoders, priority encoders & decoders b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: 4to2 Encoder: Module encoder4to2(W,Y,En); input En; input [3:0]W; output [1:0]Y; if (En == 0) Y = 2'b00; else case (W) 0: Y = 2'b00; 1: Y = 2'b01; 2: Y = 2'b10; 3: Y = 2'b11; endcase endmodule



Fig. 20

DECODERS 2 to 4 Decoder module dec2to4 (W, Y, En); input [1:0]W; input En; output [0:3]Y; reg [0:3]Y; 1. always @(W or En) case ({En, W}) 3'b100: Y = 4'b1000; 3'b101: Y = 4'b0100; 3'b110: Y = 4'b0010; 3'b111: Y = 4'b0001; default: Y = 4'b0000; endcase 2. if (En == 0) Y = 4'b0000; else case (W) 0: Y = 4'b1000; 1: Y = 4'b0100; 2: Y = 4'b0010; 21 // Address lines // Enable

3: Y = 4'b0001; endcase 3. always @(W or En) for (k = 0; k <= 3; k = k+1) if ((W == k) && (En == 1)) Y[k] = 1; else Y[k] = 0; 4. not n1(r1,W[1]); not n2(r2,W[0]); and a1(Y[1],r1,r2); and a2(Y[2],r1,W[0]); and a3(Y[3],r2,W[1]); and a4(Y[4],W[1],W[0]); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 21

4 to 16 Decoder module dec4to16(W, Y, En); input [3:0] W; input En; output [0:15] Y; wire [0:3] M; 1. integer k; always @(W or En) for (k = 0; k <= 3; k = k+1) 22

if (W == k) Y[k] = En; 2. dec2to4 Dec1 (W[3:2], M[0:3], En); dec2to4 Dec2 (W[1:0], Y[0:3], M[0]); dec2to4 Dec3 (W[1:0], Y[4:7], M[1]); dec2to4 Dec4 (W[1:0], Y[8:11], M[2]); dec2to4 Dec5 (W[1:0], Y[12:15], M[3]); endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 21

PRIORITY ENCODER 3-bit Priority Encoder module priority (W, Y, z); input [3:0] W; output [1:0] Y; output z; reg [1:0] Y; reg z; 1. always @(W) begin z = 1; casex(W)


4'b1xxx: Y = 3; 4'b01xx: Y = 2; 4'b001x: Y = 1; 4'b0001: Y = 0; default: begin z = 0; Y = 2'bx; end endcase end 2. Y = 2'bx; z = 0; for (k = 0; k < 4; k = k+1) if(W[k]) begin Y = k; z = 1; end end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 22

8-bit Priority Encoder module priority_8(q,q3,d); input [7:0]d; output q3;


output [2:0]q; reg [2:0]q; reg q3; always@(d) begin q3=1; if(d[7]) q=3'b111; if(d[6]) q=3'b110; if(d[5]) q=3'b101; if(d[4]) q=3'b100; if(d[3]) q=3'b011; if(d[2]) q=3'b010; if(d[1]) q=3'b001; if(d[0]) q=3'b000; else begin q3=0; q=3'b000; end end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 23

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What is an Encoder and Decoder?


2. What are the applications of Encoder and Decoder? 3. How a priority encoder is different from normal encoder? 4. Why the decoder is widely used than demultiplexer? 5. Design a 3 x 8 line decoder using a 2 x 4 line decoder?

7. 4-Bit Comparator

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for 4-bit comparator b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: 4-bit Comparator with Equal, Lesser & Greater than functions : module compare (A, B, AeqB, AgtB, AltB); input [4:0] A, B; output AeqB, AgtB, AltB; reg AeqB, AgtB, AltB; always @(A or B) begin AeqB = 0; AgtB = 0; AltB = 0; if(A == B) AeqB = 1; else if (A > B) AgtB = 1; else 26

AltB = 1; end endmodule


Fig. 24

2-bit Magnitude Comparator module magcomp(a0,a1,b0,b1,f0,f1,f2); input a0,a1,b0,b1; output f0,f1,f2; wire x,y,u,v,p,q,r,j,k,c,f,g; not(x,a0); not(y,a1); not(u,b0); not(v,b1); and(p,x,y,b0); and(q,x,b0); and(r,b0,b1,y); or(f0,p,q,r); and(j,a1,b1); and(k,y,v); or(f1,j,k); 27 //Gate level model

and(c,a1,u,v); and(f,a0,u); and(g,v,x,y); or(f2,c,f,g); endmodule

4-bit magnitude comparator using functions module mc(a,b,l,g,e); input [3:0]a,b; output [3:0]l,g,e; reg [3:0]l,g,e; always @(a or b) begin l=less(a,b); g=great(a,b); e=equal(a,b); end function [3:0]less; input [3:0]a,b; if(a<b) begin less=a; $display(a<b); end else less=0; endfunction function [3:0]great; input [3:0]a,b; 28

if(a>b) begin great=a; $display(a>b); end else great=0; endfunction function [3:0]equal; input [3:0]a,b; if(a==b) begin equal=a; $display(a==b); end else equal=0; endfunction endmodule

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. Write verilog code for 4 bit comparator in gate level model? 2. What are the differences between gate level and data flow models? 3. Explain gate delays using comparator? 4. What are the differences between data flow model and behavioral model?


8. ALU Modeling

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for ALU with 16 Operations b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: module alu_8(out,in1,in2,s); input [8:0]in1,in2; input [3:0]s; output [8:0]out; reg [8:0]out; //,flag; always@(s) begin case(s) 4'b0000: 4'b0001: 4'b0010: 4'b0011: out=in1+in2; out=in1-in2; out=in1*in2; out=in1/in2; //8-bit addition //8-bit subtraction //8-bit multiplication //8-bit division 30

4'b0100: 4'b0101: 4'b0110: 4'b0111: 4'b1000: 4'b1001: 4'b1010: 4'b1011: 4'b1100: 4'b1101: 4'b1110: 4'b1111: endcase end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

out=in1%in2; out=in1&&in2; out=in1||in2; out=!in1; out=~in1; out=in1&in2; out=in1|in2; out=in1^in2; out=in1<<1; out=in1>>1; out=in1+1; out=in1-1;

//8-bit modulo division //8-bit logical and //8-bit logical or //8-bit logical negation //8-bit bitwise negation //8-bit bitwise and //8-bit bitwise or //8-bit bitwise xor //left shift //right shift //increment //decrement


Fig. 25

ALU with 8 Operations module alu(s, A, B, F); input [2:0] s; input [3:0] A, B; output [3:0] F; reg [3:0] F; always @(s or A or B) case (s) 0: F = 4'b0000; 1: F = B - A; 2: F = A - B; 3: F = A + B; 4: F = A ^ B; 5: F = A | B; 6: F = A & B; 7: F = 4'b1111; endcase endmodule ALU using Functions module alu(a,b,out,s); input [7:0]a,b;


input [2:0]s; output [15:0]out; reg [15:0]out; always @(s) begin case(s) 3b000:out=add(a,b); 3b001:out=sub(a,b); 3b010:out=mul(a,b); 3b011:out=and1(a,b); 3b100:out=or1(a,b); 3b101:out=xor1(a,b); 3b110:out=rshift(a,b); 3b111:out=lshift(a,b); endcase end function [15:0]add; input [7:0]a,b; add=a+b; endfunction function [15:0]sub; input [7:0]a,b; sub=a-b; endfunction function [15:0]mul; input [7:0]a,b; mul=a*b; endfunction function [15:0]and1; input [7:0]a,b; and1=a&b; 33

endfunction function [15:0]or1; input [7:0]a,b; or1=a|b; endfunction function [15:0]xor1; input [7:0]a,b; xor1=a^b; endfunction function [15:0]lshift; input [7:0]a,b; lshift=a<<b; endfunction function [15:0]rshift; input [7:0]a,b; rshift=a>>b; endfunction endmodule VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the differences between tasks and functions? 2. Write a program for ALU using tasks and functions? 3. What are various delays in behavioral model? 4. What are various delays in data flow model? 5. What is the use of generate statement? Give its syntax?



9. Memories

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for RAM with 12-bit Address lines: b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: module ram(addr,w,addw); input [12:0]addr,addw; input [15:0]w; reg [15:0]x[2047:0]; reg [15:0]y; always @(addw or w) begin if(addw>0 &&addw<2047) x[addw]=w; else $display("invalid address"); end always @(addr) begin if(addr>0 && addr<2047) y=x[addr]; else $display("invalid address"); end endmodule


SRAM with Memory size is 4096 words of 8 bits each: module sram (Enable,ReadWrite,Address,DataIn,DataOut); input Enable,ReadWrite; input [7:0] DataIn; input [11:0] Address; output [7:0] DataOut; reg [7:0] DataOut; reg [7:0] Mem [0:4095]; if (Enable) if (ReadWrite) DataOut = Mem[Address]; //Read else Mem[Address] = DataIn; //Write else DataOut = 8'bz; endmodule //High impedance state //4096 x 8 memory always @ (Enable or ReadWrite)



10. Latches, Flip-Flops

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for D, SRLatch, & D, SR Flip-Flop b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: D Latch module D_latch(D, Clk, Q); input D, Clk; output Q; reg Q; always @(D or Clk) if (Clk) Q = D; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 26

SR latch module SRlatch(q,q_bar,s,r); input s,r; output q,q_bar; nor(q_bar,r,q); nor(q,s,q_bar); endmodule



Fig. 27

Flip-Flop SRFF module rsff(q,s,r,clr,clk); input s,r,clk,clr; output q; reg q; initial q=1'b 0; always@(r or s or clk or clr) begin if(clk==1 && clr==0) begin if(s==0 && r==0) q=q; else if((s==0 && r==1) || (s==1 && r==0)) q=s; else if(s==1 && r==1) $display("Undefined operation performed"); else q=q; end end endmodule



Fig. 28

DFF module flipflop(D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input D, Clock, Resetn; output Q; reg Q; 1. always @(posedge Clock) Q = D; 2. always @(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock) if (!Resetn) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 29

JKFF module jkff(q,qb,j,k,clr,clk); input j,k,clk,clr; output q,qb; reg q,qb; 40

initial q=1'b 0; always @(j or j or posedge clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr==0) q=1b0; else begin if(j==0 && k==0) q=q; else if((j==0 && k==1) q=1b0; else if (j==1 && k==0)) q=1b1; else if(j==1 && k==1) q=~q; qb=~qb; end end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 30


D Flip-flop using 2x1 mux module muxdff(D0, D1, Sel, Clock, Q); input D0, D1, Sel, Clock; output Q; reg Q; always @(posedge Clock) if (!Sel) Q <= D0; else Q <= D1; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 31

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. Write a verilog program for D flip flop in gate level model? 2. What are user defined primitives and gate primitives? 3. What are the differences between latch and flip flop? 4. What are the differences between edge triggered flip flop and level triggered flip flop? 5. Explain synthesis of T flip flop? 6. What is Synthesis?


11. Shift Registers and Counters

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for 4-bit shift register & counters b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: SHIFT REGISTER 4-bit Shift Register module shift4(R, L, w, Clock, Q); input [3:0] R; input L, w, Clock; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; always @(posedge Clock) if (L) Q <= R; else begin Q[0] <= Q[1]; Q[1] <= Q[2]; Q[2] <= Q[3]; Q[3] <= w; end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

Fig. 32


8-bit Shift Register module shift_reg(out,in,load,clk); output [7:0]out; input [7:0]in; input clk; input load; reg [7:0]out; wire [7:0]in; always@(posedge clk) begin if(load) begin out<=in; end else begin out[0]<=out[7]; out[1]<=out[0]; out[2]<=out[1]; out[3]<=out[2]; out[4]<=out[3]; out[5]<=out[4]; out[6]<=out[5]; out[7]<=out[6]; end end endmodule



Fig. 33

Generic N-bit Shift Register module shiftn(R, L, w, Clock, Q); parameter n = 16; input [n-1:0] R; input L, w, Clock; output [n-1:0] Q; reg [n-1:0] Q; integer k; always @(posedge Clock) if (L) Q <= R; else begin for (k=0; k<n-1; k=k+1) Q[k] <= Q[k+1]; Q[n-1] <= w; end endmodule


COUNTER Up counter module upcount(R, Resetn, Clock, E, L, Q); input [3:0] R; input Resetn, Clock, E, L; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; always @(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock) if (!Resetn) Q <= 0; else if (L) Q <= R; else if (E) Q <= Q + 1; endmodule

Up-down counter module updowncount(R, Clock, L, E, up_down, Q); parameter n=8; input [n-1:0] R; input Clock, L, E, up_down; output [n-1:0] Q; reg [n-1:0] Q; integer direction; always @(posedge Clock) begin if (up_down) direction = 1; else direction = -1; 46

if (L) Q <= R; else if (E) Q <= Q + direction; end endmodule BCD counter module BCDcount(Clock, Clear, E, BCD1, BCD0); input Clock, Clear, E; output [3:0] BCD1, BCD0; reg [3:0] BCD1, BCD0; always @(posedge Clock) begin if (Clear) begin BCD1 <= 0; BCD0 <= 0; end else if (E) if (BCD0 == 4'b1001) begin BCD0 <= 0; if (BCD1 == 4'b1001) BCD1 <= 0; else BCD1 <= BCD1 + 1; end else BCD0 <= BCD0 + 1; end endmodule 47


VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. Why constructs are not supported in synthesis? 2. What is gate level net list? 3. Write verilog program for counter using instantiation? 4. Explain delay with respect to counters? 5. What is universal shift register? 6. What are the differences between synchronous and asynchronous counters? 7. What are the components that are needed to construct decade counter?


12. Parity Generator &Finite State Machine

AIM: a) Write the verilog code for Parity Generator & Finite state machine b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME: Parity Generator module parity_9bit(d,even,odd); input[0:8]d; output even,odd; xor xe0(e0,d[0],d[1]), xe1(e1,d[2],d[3]), xe2(e2,d[4],d[5]), xe3(e3,d[6],d[7]), xf0(f0,e0,e1), xf1(f1,e2,e3), xh0(h0,f0,f1), xeven(even,d[8],h0); not xodd(odd,even); endmodule Gray to Binary Converter module GTB(out,in); input [3:0]in; output [3:0]out; assign out[3]=in[3]; xor(out[2],out[3],in[2]);


xor(out[1],out[2],in[1]); xor(out[0],out[1],in[0]); endmodule Moore Machine module moore (Clock, w, Resetn, z); input Clock, w, Resetn; output z; reg [1:0] y, Y; parameter A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2'b10; always @(w or y) begin case (y) A: if (w == 0) Y = A; else Y = B; B: if (w == 0) Y = A; else Y = C; C: if (w == 0) Y = A; else Y = C; default: endcase end always @(posedge Clock or negedge Resetn) begin if (Resetn == 0) y <= A; else y <= Y; end assign z = (y == C); endmodule 50 Y = 2'bxx;

Finite State Machine Using Moore machine module moore_fsm (a,clock,z); input a,clock; output z; reg z; parameter st0=0,st1=1,st2=2,st3=3; reg[1:0] moore_state; initial moore_state=st0; always @(negedge clock) begin case (moore_state) st0: begin z=0; if(a) moore_state =st1; end st1: begin z=0; if(a) moore_state=st1; else moore_state=st2; end st2 : begin z=0; if (a) moore_state =st3; else moore_state =st0; 51

end st3: begin if (a) begin moore_state =st0; z=1; end else begin moore_state =st2; z=0; end end endcase end endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:


Mealy Machine module mealy (Clock, w, Resetn, z); input Clock, w, Resetn ; output z ; reg z; reg y, Y; parameter A = 0, B = 1; always @(w or y) case (y) A: if (w == 0) begin Y = A; z = 0; end else begin Y = B; z = 0; end B: if (w == 0) begin Y = A; z = 0; end else begin Y = B; z = 1; end endcase


always @(posedge Clock or negedge Resetn) if (Resetn == 0) y <= A; else y <= Y; endmodule OUTPUT WAVEFORM:

VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. What is mealy machine? 2. What is moore machine? 3. What are the differences between mealy and moore machine? 4. What is state diagram? 5. Draw state diagram for module counter? 6. Generate synthesis report for mealy machine? 7. What is gate level net list? 8. What is the purpose of parameter in verilog? 9. Give the syntax of case statement?


13. WAVEFORM GENERATORS AIM: a) Write the verilog code for Wave form Generators b) Verify the code using test bench PROGRAMME:


VIVA VOCE QUESTIONS: 1. Write verilog program to generate square wave of duty cycle with 66.6 %? 2. Write a program to explain pin pin delay? 3. Write a verilog program to generate rectangular wave? 4. What are timing constraints? 5. What are the differences between always and initial statements?


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