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UPSC Sociology-1993

1. Most roles are (a) reciprocal (b) individualised (c) spontaneous (d) isolated 2. Modernization of the Indian society is associated with (a) changes in cognitive-structural attributes of the society (b) acceptance of Western life-style (c) cultural renaissance (d) acceptance of legal rationalism 3. Article 335 in the Indian Constitution provides for reservation (a) in government services for SCs/STs (b) of seats in Lok Sabha for SCs/STs (c) of seats in Vidhan Sabha for SCs/STs (d) of seats in educational institutions for SCs/STs 4. The fundamental characteristics industrial society is (a) mechanized means of production (b) break up of joint families (c) poverty (d) lack of faith in religion of an 7. The concepts of little tradition and great tradition for the socio cultural analysis of the peasant society were formulated by (a) Milton Singer (b) Norman Brown (c) MacKim Marriot (d) Robert Redfield 8. The community development programme in India was launched in the year (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1952 (d) 1956 9. Which one of the following is the best criterion of contrast between a rural and urban community? (a) Geographic location (b) Specific size of population (c) Specific density of population (d) Diversification of occupations 10. In which one of the following types of cities specialization in production occurs in product, not in the process? (a) Industrial city (b) Pre-Industrial city (c) Modern Western city (d) Post-Industrial city 11. Urbanisation in India (a) started as a result of industrialisation (b) has been the cause of industrialization (c) started as a result of modern education (d) existed in India before industrialization and Western impact 12. The famous book The Culture of Cities was written by (a) Kingsley Davis (b) Lewis Mumford (c) M.R. Davie (d) J.A. Quinn

5. Which one of the following types of societies shows total absence of bureaucracy? (a) Post-industrial (b) Agrarian (c) Tribal (d) Industrial 6. Which one of the following characteristics is not associated with tribal society? (a) Endogamy (b) Single Social Rank (c) Common Territory (d) Structured Inequality

UPSC Sociology-1993
13. The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was recommended by (a) Balwantrai Mehta Committee (b) Elwin Committee (c) Dhebar Commission (d) Jayaprakash Narain Committee 14. Caste status is determined by (a) education (b) socialisation (c) economic affluence (d) birth 15. Which of the following are forms of social stratification? (a) Income groups (b) Landlords and tenants (c) Caste and class (d) Racial groups 16. Organised labour in India today mainly represents (a) a well defined class (b) an occupational stratum (c) a pressure group (d) the proletariat 17. By casteism, we mean (a) bias in favour of ones caste (b) bias in favour of not only ones own caste but also against other castes (c) bias against every caste (d) bias in favour of few castes 18. A status group, according to Max Weber, is one which is based on (a) honour and prestige (b) honour and power (c) power and prestige (d) honour, power and prestige 19. According to Max Weber, bases of social stratification are (a) class, power and education (b) power, status and education (c) class, status and power (d) class, status and education 20. Which one of the following is the most important characteristic of social stratification? (a) Social differentiation (b) Differential ranking (c) Geographical segregation (d) Cultural diversification 21. The concept of role in Sociology refers to (a) positional aspect of the individual (b) static aspect of the position (c) behavioural components of status (d) normative aspect of behaviour 22. Who called magic as bastard sister of science? (a) Tylor (b) Frazer (c) Marret (d) Malinowski 23. Which one of the following religions is not theocentric? (a) Hinduism (b) Christianity (c) Buddhism (d) Islam 24. A separation between the biological father and social father is found in a family known as (a) bilocal (b) conjugal (c) polyandrous (d) patriarchal

UPSC Sociology-1993
25. A marriage in which a woman of upper caste marries a man of lower caste is known as (a) Exogamy (b) Hypogamy (c) Hypergamy (d) Endogamy 26. The rule of residence by which the married couple go to live with a brother of the grooms mother is known as (a) Matrilocal (b) Patrilocal (c) Avunculocal (d) Neolocal 27. The tendency of a person to reject the culture of his own group is known as (a) egocentrism (b) jingoism (c) zealotism (d) xenocentrism 28. Name the Sociologist who has classified groups into In-Group and Out-Group categories (a) Merton (b) Ogburn (c) Sumner (d) Cooley 29. When ethnic groups maintain their cultural identities and differences but coexist peacefully, it is known as (a) Amalgamation (b) Assimilation (c) Isolation (d) Cultural pluralism 30. The mutual impact of British and Indian cultures on each other is termed as (a) Accommodation (b) Acculturation (c) Westernisation (d) Assimilation 31. The group which a person adopts as his standard for fashioning his behavior is called as (a) primary group (b) reference group (c) religious group (d) secondary group 32. The concept of role and status were first systematically developed by (a) Malinowski (b) Parsons (c) Park (d) Linton 33. When the members of any group share a specific goal of life and carry it out as per formal rules, they constitute a/an (a) association (b) community (c) institution (d) gang 34. Which one of the following terms is used by sociologists to describe the relatively stable, widely established procedures that develop around the norms and values of society? (a) Ideology (b) Institution (c) Role (d) Legislation 35. Which one of the following is a statement which refers to a norm? (a) A son is preferred to a daughter (b) The guilty must be punished (c) All citizens have equal rights (d) Monogamy is the most commonly practiced form of marriage

UPSC Sociology-1993
36. The term Anomie in Sociology is nearest in its meaning to (a) deviance (b) normlessness (c) instability (d) heterogeneity 37. An act of child to slip away from school is termed as (a) juvenile delinquency (b) absenteeism (c) truancy (d) vagrancy 38. Working together to accomplish a goal that all desire, implies (a) competition (b) conflict (c) co-operation (d) compromise 39. The process by which the socio-cultural identity of one group is merged into that of another because of its accepting the latters culture is called (a) assimilation (b) integration (c) diffusion (d) cultural contact 40. The conflict theory was advocated by (a) MacIver and Page (b) Herbert Spencer (c) Talcott Parsons (d) Dahrendorf 41. The capacity of women for giving live births is called (a) fecundity (b) fertility (c) infecundity (d) morbidity

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