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Reverse Engineering the Self

Disk 1 Track 1 Eric: There are seven kinds of men on earth. The first one is the body center. They have a certain order as to how they see life. Its very mechanically structured, orderly designed life. Thats a level one. A level two is someone who is into the heart center, the emotional center and those are your very spiritual, new age kind of people. They speak a lot about free love, earthy love, your granola bar kind of people love, your various forms of touchy feely love, and feel the love energy, and the Universe is about love, and Mother love from the Earth. Level three is the intellectual, mind level. The mind level means that you understand the cosmos, the dynamics of it, the workings of it; you have an idea of how Gods consciousness might move and interact with the world. You see the planet as a living organism, you see the higher truths, and you can integrate with love; and you can also integrate with the dynamics from level one and two more or less. But because youre in level three you see it from a much larger perspective; youve refined your consciousness; youve refined your knowledge and your abilities. Level one to two isnt just one level. It has like fifty sects in it. Do you understand? Different kinds of offshoots of level one types, and as it approaches two it gets closer to becoming a two. Do you understand? The same thing goes for two because there are fifty kinds of micro types to that kind of branching out into different divisions. So your goal and your agenda is to become a level four human being. You want to become a level four man per-se. When you become a level four, its as if you master the other three and it becomes the fourth. You enter that arena. Do you follow what I am saying? By entering that you have a much different understanding; your spirituality dramatically increases and changes to a way that you can understand things beyond what you ever could do before. You

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2 want to begin to push yourself a little higher, a little better, a little more expansive so that you can begin to approach that level four. And that comes from effort, and that comes from work. We understand that there must be a level five man out there; there must be a level six, and quite potentially a level seven. Now supposedly nothing above a level seven can exist on the planet and if it did it would be extremely unique and extremely rare. Im not asking you to think on me or where you would place me. Thats not important and its not something that I am interested in. Okay? What you have to understand though is that you can learn from me from certain examples how to be at a very high place, but you can drop your octaves down so you can communicate better to others. So you could be a very high level but one of the things you learn from me in that high level is to work the other levels down so that you can operate. This is to say how come you guys know that there are a certain times I talk to you? You should definitely know that there is something different about me or that I come from a much higher place and Im just speaking to you in such a way thats changing your tonal. I am sure to shift in this conversation a little bit later and you going to see different kinds of consciousness from me that I am projecting out. Okay? Its important that you try to see yourself on these certain levels because you have to have an idea of where to begin your work on yourself; where to begin your refinement of awakening yourself; where to begin to bring yourself to the next level of consciousness. Do you understand what I am saying? Its important that you dont say, Oh I am happy with where Im at. How could you be happy where youre at if you can recognize that its not far enough or good enough? Without making it to the fourth level youre in big trouble. Okay? If you cant make it into the fourth, I would be very, very, very concerned. It can take years for you to reach or attain the proper state of consciousness to get there. Again I said that there are almost seven kinds of bodies. Essentially you can see the seven kinds of body versus the first three, versus the seven states of man. There is a correlation, always remember three and seven are really the secret numbers. The first body is your flesh. The second body is the electrical energy that coexists with your flesh to make your eyes blink, to make your mouth move, to make your heart tick and your lungs to expand and retract, and your kidneys and your liver to function and so on and so forth. But this is a second body that coexists with the first body. Do you understand? This is your electrical energy which is consumed and created through food you eat, through photosynthesis
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3 originally, thats captured from sunlight. You cannot destroy energy; you can only recreate it. Do you understand? The third body is the creation of what you understand is the soul. Now, we understand that most human beings do not have souls, that they are biochemical beings who are probably made of two bodies, the first and the second -- one of energy, one of flesh. With their standard beliefs do they create a third? Most likely not. They pacify themselves; they believe that they have a soul, but out of their laziness it is more a way of gluttony and arrogance and ego, that they somehow can conceive the concept of it. And without any effort, they just automatically are given one like an Acme soul press -- ka-boom, ka-boom, ka-boom -- everybody gets one. Okay? And if they want to think this and this gives them comfort in their life or some sense of feeling special or whatever, fine; so be it; they can take whatever they want. In my opinion when they are dead they are dead. Period. Like an atheists point of view, they have nothing then to go on. Now I feel sorry for your parents; I feel sorry for your siblings; I feel sorry for your friends that youve grown to love. Its not to say that they do not have loving care and emotions, or they were beautiful people or anything like that. On a biochemical level they had all of these wonderful qualities. Now, having said all of that you either want to achieve a soul or you dont, and if you want to pacify yourself with this concept that everybody gets one, like theyre free little pamphlets handed out and everybody gets to have one, youre foolish, and it doesnt work that way. Thats what I believe. It comes from effort; it comes from work; it comes from self-reflection. The third soul, much like your brain, your so called intelligence, is to say, I think therefore I am. The soul is created from reflection and self-pondering. Its the very beginning of its most subtle beginnings. It doesnt mean its strong enough yet; it doesnt mean that youve really created a third body yet. It comes in its creation from work and effort and then it becomes stronger. It becomes stronger by thinking about your body and realizing how mechanical your body is. This only leaves another presence and that presence is to become aware of something more than you. By recognizing something more than you, it begins to stabilize; it begins its creation; it begins its birth. But it has no name. It has no way of knowing what it is. You have no way of fully understanding it with your biochemical brain. But yet, by trying to become aware of it, by learning, by studying, by trying to find new words so that you can define it, it literally begins to take structure; it begins to have some kind of mass on an energy level. It is again to say that the
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4 body, the flesh, is a glass, and the water thats in it is your electrical energy. So you have two things but there is really one and it serves one purpose and that is to what? It serves to give your body nourishment per se. The third body is created through evaporation, distilling per-se. It is to say that you can extract from the pureness of the water and the clarity of the transparent glass and how clear and pristine it is. There is still a third body that can be created from it. And that is to separate the water from the mineral base. Thus it becomes a third body of water, correct? A very pure one; in some ways you can ironically say that the water with the minerals is also in the same way electricity moves through your body. It is from the minerals you take in; this is why they say, Take multiple vitamin supplements. What do the vitamins do for you? Do you even know? Its so that various currents of electricity can work with them and certain pieces can also be used for building blocks for very specific mechanisms so that your receiver of your liver has enough certain minerals to catch the electrons from the brain to tell it what to do. Without the minerals, the liver cant understand. So by creating the third body, this is the full creation of the soul and right now you are in a distillation mode. Right now, because of you listening to me, because of your focus on me, you are distilling and creating your third body. And youre doing this through your third level of man, and by having the mental aptitude to begin to investigate internally. Now lets take a closer look at level two man. Because weve looked at level one and we can see how they are all external. Theres very little internal going on in a level one man. The second level though has too much of a level of what I consider biochemical emotion. Or that they put so much in their surrender state, that they are not actually capable of grasping something, or attaining it because they dont have very good self-discipline. Do you understand? I find that a lot of people that are on a second level tend to utilize drugs, per-se, particularly marijuana, okay, or alcohol in some cases to help loosen them up. Its a very lazy man level. Do you understand? That they have to use something to help them feel something to force them to open up makes them very lazy spiritually and therefore; they are what I call earth tonal, kind of mother-love energy. But there are a lot of new age people that are on an upper level that are heading into the third. They have surrendered the drugs and have become more and more complex in their understanding of things and somehow they survived instead of crystallizing in some of the mid-levels or lower levels of the second level. You want to have an ability to

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5 recognize people at that place and that they are still crystallized but we dont think of this emotional place as being crystallizing. Ive always said that the first level feels like a solid crystallization. Thats where they are. You can feel that when you think about it. But the second level doesnt quite have that kind of way of solidifying it because if you think of that love thing, there seems to be a lot of flexibility in it, correct? Its just kind of like this other way of thinking. And Ill tell you what it is. Its like the earth energy. The earth is kind of like a snake. And the snake wants to hug you and love you, but it also bites you the second you retract from it. What does it bite you with? Poison. What does the poison do? It makes you feel numb. It makes you feel like things dont matter. Everything is okay; life is good. What does pot do? What do drugs do? In a lot of ways, almost the same thing. When I say earth, which is really marijuana, which is the prime source of this particular subject, its an earth substance. I believe that there is a correlation there. I believe that its not just there because it just happened to be there. I believe there is a purpose behind it. Marijuana is extremely dependent on its symbiotic relationship with human beings. Because of its potency level being completely unnatural now, it has to be done in greater whatever. Its symbiotic relationship is a way of seducing and keeping them numb, and keeping them addicted, and keeping them cycling so that it can keep reproducing itself. And therefore its mastered most human beings. Its forced them into that cycle. This love level can be very dangerous in my opinion. Its hard to get through because people can become suffocated with love energy. They cease growing but they seem to want to just flower, they perpetuate in the one particular chemical emotion of that feels good and this is why a lot of them turn to various kinds of drugs. Youll find a lot of people who are associated with the love kind of energy, a good portion of them, they deviate to a certain area, and thats usually self-gratification. Which is a lot physical, but its also another numb love kind of feeling. They want to see love; thats all they want to see. They want to feel love all the time, they want to be compassionate, and all of those things are good but in a way theyre saying, Well if you are not like us then you cant understand it, and that is not true at all. Their love usually is very fake in my opinion. Most of the people that use drugs that proclaim a lot of love; I find that underneath when you really have a closer observation, theyre very manipulative and selfish people. So you have to take a close
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6 look and dont be deceived by what is presented. There are wonderful qualities in love but in the most part its not exactly what its meant to be because most people are liars; it is human nature. So thats the second kind of energy; its the second kind of human being and theres a big spectrum of it. By understanding these three levels and practicing them, you will have great insight when you look at people; you will have a greater understanding than you can ever imagine. We have level one, level two, level three. What I want you to particularly understand is that these are most definitely structured areas. Its not to say always that theres such a definite point of becoming level two. You can say that people tend to deviate between two points. That is a process of growing. Sometimes you sit here and you get a certain level of knowledge and youre humming, right? And you could say that when youre humming from my class you are here. But as you get sucked into life your humming stops and it goes down here. And you start dealing with your life. Okay? But it is to say that you were here before. So you came to me here, you got up to here, and when you left, you dropped down a couple of octaves and you are about here now. Youre a little bit more than you were before. Do you see what Im saying? So its to say there is a flux that happens consistently, but as you build, you come down, and you build to come up. I used to always say when you guys meditate that when you would get something you never really lost it. But theres some kind of accumulation no matter how much you think you forgot or you lost, you still gain. So dont think that theres a specific point. This is how human beings think, Youre either this or youre that. There is room for flexibility. So as you build, you are able to sustain for longer periods. And then as you build here and you start to sustain solidly here you are then able to use that and push yourself even higher. Eventually you keep building until you have a solid enough platform to continuously push yourself higher through your endeavors. Disk 1 Track 2 Student: Can different Is be on different levels? Eric: Well this is again a contribution to why you have this flexibility. Which one is dominating and by how much? How much time you give particular Is of course naturally has a bigger effect.
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7 So lets say you have your everyday Is that are baking and cooking and shopping and going out doing trivial things and then all of the sudden youre becoming more and more spiritual so what you are doing most of the time? Now youre going to spiritual meetings; youre doing spiritual things; you start buying spiritual things for your house; spiritual stuff is constantly occupying more of your I time, dominating your total vibration then as an accumulation. Youre changing; youre progressing. Who you are is always changing. Student: So that would affect the level of your other Is also? Eric: Yes because inevitably you begin to either have less need for them because you see their triviality and in their place you create greater ones. Or its to say that your Is become more complicated; they learn. You can say that all of you guys have changed since youve met me. If you look you mustve had a lot of powerful Is originally. Through confrontation with me, through study, through work, youve lost a lot of them. Do you see what Im saying? And new ones have taken their place. But its one of those things again you dont necessarily see or feel; its something that changes so subtly, you dont know whats going on. Do you feel the hair in your head growing? Yet it grows; yet it can significantly make a difference in a short period of time, can it not? When we speak of level one, level two, level three, we use this in a way that we can just say, This is where theyre at for a quick reference. You could say, Well I met this person; hes definitely, definitely a solid level three. What does that mean? That means for sure hes somewhere in here. We dont have to worry about how much of a debate were going to get or where his foofooness is. Or if he is kind of the third level, or I would say, He is about a three. That means youre hesitating, and that means easily he is walking the border. Do you understand what I am saying? He hasnt quite put it all together yet. Student: Do you have to go to level two to get to level three? Eric: I think that everybody starts out on level one and work themselves to level two and level three. Some people just do it faster; sometimes you have assistance from your family. Sometimes naturally something happened in your life from a grandfather or whatever. But you start off very
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8 mechanical as a child and youre introduced to stuff and through your introductions and what the people around you believe really is what affects you until eventually you can meet someone powerful enough that can shock you and bring you up. Much like what your experience is from me. Student: But you cant go from level one to three? Eric: I think its completely possible. I think with a strong teacher, yes. I think also sometimes without a strong teacher. I think at some point you had to have traveled to some level two in order to get to a level three. I mean naturally we have all of these in us; as I described earlier we have these centers in other ways; we have the mind, the body and the spirit. We have emotions, so we have all these things. Its just a different way of looking at them from a different perspective per se. But you had to go through a level of emotion in order to be able to make sense of three. Do you understand what I am saying? If you didnt you wouldnt really be able to make it far into three. You would be all computer, but by being all computer in a way it would bring you back down to here; you need the level two to become electrical in other ways, to think without being on the tracks that you can float above them but still understand them. In order to make it to the third, you need some level of understanding and so just biologically, youre forced to kind of learn certain basic attributes. Student: Ive met people that have been strong threes and none of the other two. Eric: Well if they are strong threes dont be fooled. They are really strong ones. In order to get to three you must have the support of one and two. To get to two you still must have the support of one in a way. Do you understand? You could be all mental, you could be brilliant, but you could still be at one. Do you understand? Its because approaching four becomes more of an energy level of thinking that becomes dimensional. I have heard cases where there had been people who are mathematicians who all of the sudden working math in their mind, and looking at reality, looking at reality, looking at reality all of the sudden can make it go snap; it becomes hyperdimensional. They see the bars; they see objects moving through walls; they can see some level of dimension and they understand it. But just because theyve done that, it does not mean that
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9 they can still move with it. Where would it put them? It still puts them on a one. Just because you can see it does not mean you can conceive it. Student: So in actuality, one is not just body, two is not just heart, and three is not just mind. Eric: Precisely! It becomes like a diamond; theres a different point. When you look through it you can see all these other dimensions in it. You cant always say that someone is one thing specifically. There are many combinations and intricacies that really define what the potential or what the level of that person is. Okay? But a mathematician may brilliantly understand the whole quantum physics of the universe. It doesnt mean they can move through it. An atheist can be a level three up to a certain point. You see, instead of taking level two and understanding true emotion, okay, they only understand biochemical emotion. So its a poor substitute, but its to say you can take an old Volkswagen car and still get to where your destination is. But its not going to take you to level four, is not going to take you across the country or over the sea. Do you understand what Im saying? You can have certain things that you can figure out on your own, okay, through certain kinds of observations but never really have understood it. Disk 1 Track 3 Student: Dont you have to have some sort of comprehension of the Force or God in order to move on to the fourth level? Eric: Yes. Thats what comes in the third level. Remember, there are different levels to level three. When you are in level three or level one, in this proximity, there are fifty levels inside of that. Youre looking at the same thing, but from a different point. But its still consistently the same thing, youre not moving, its a trick, its a hologram. Its like in Star Trek when they had this hologram that came to life and he said, I think, therefore I am, and he took over the ship. So what did they do? They created a fake reality for him, and they projected themselves into the hologram and they made him believe he could come out from the hologram and walk around. But instead he was really on a little microchip. So they put it in there but he still travelled around in his own dimension, but it was a whole generated computer program. So in a way they think
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10 that theyre moving ahead but they cant. Theyve done all that they can in this life but they have to come back here, and start to re-study and understand so they can build it stronger to come back here. In truth, theyre in the computer chip. And where is the computer chip really? Student: One. Eric: Precisely. Theyve always been on one. They think they are at three; they kind of have the attributes of three; theyre working on a dimensional three thats really within one. Time is not what you think it is; space and dimension is not what you think it is. You need someone who can see from above. Youre in a maze. You need someone to say, Take a left! Take a right, because I could see the whole thing. And it takes what? Trust; if you dont have trust and you dont take the help, you cant be helped and youre not going to be found. Once you realize youre in that place and you know you have to have trust and you need help, youve accepted that maybe you dont completely trust the person whos helping you. What difference does it make? Youre going to be lost without it, so you may as well take a chance and gamble on the person youre trusting. Think about it. It doesnt take much to figure that out. Dont move so quickly. Take your time. Dont try to understand so much with your brain right now. Do you follow what I am saying? The brain cannot give you the answers youre looking for. Its just absolutely habitual that you guys keep going back to it because you dont know how to use anything else. When I say you are moving forward, I mean you are progressing. Thats whats important. You are progressing. Dont worry if you guys are stagnating or not. Youve made it to where you are now. Havent you? Can you not look back and say, I have made significant progress? So why be concerned with the enemy, your brain, telling you now, Well you could be stuck going in a loop. You know as a fact you are not. So why concern your future now by panicking with something you havent even approached yet? Youre already dismantling your success. Your enemy is already winning. Your Is are already preventing you and your logic to win. Is everybody beginning to understand just how complex this level is I am taking you? You are probably going to forget again. Thats the bitch about it. We have it taped, but itll never be the same. And you know what else? This is work. Dont you feel a little exhausted right now?

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11 Its work. You know why? Youre pushing your energy. Like a physical workout, you are pushing your energy to understand what you just did. Its not so much that okay. A brilliant scientist comes from Russia, absolute genius brilliance. And he sits down with some other American scientist, and theyre talking. And he says, You know a tubular, and you know what is the word? Da, da, da, da, da, da, and theyre talking, Well hes a nice guy, but hes not really that smart. Why is he not that smart? Because of the limitation of his English word; now if he spoke to him in Russian, he would be particle physics, split, and bio-molecular fourth place, move the third to the tenth power and he will be able to take you through this intense journey. There are words in other languages that there are no words for in English. I was talking to my mother and I was saying, Tell my grandfather blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But she says, Well, there is no word in German for that. And I am like, What do you mean? Shes like, Theres no word that I know of that would explain that. I said, Well tell him blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And she says, Theres no word for it. And I am like, Well how do you guys talk? She says, I dont know. I understand in English what you mean, but there is just no way to explain that in German. So we had to keep refining it, and simplifying, and simplifying, until finally she found something that she could work with and offered that to him in hope that between his language and Austrian and German that there were other words to expand his thinking so he can grasp the concept. What have I always said is my biggest problem taking hyper-dimensional thinking and giving it to you? Student: Explaining it in human language. Eric: Explaining it! I am always using analogies. I am always using really weird words. Or I am demonstrating, throwing my body around; I am using my body communication, my sound communication, my facial communication, and I am using everything; Im throwing pots, pans, kitchen sinks at you, my goddamn shoe trying to get you to understand what there is no word for! Im trying to make you guys understand something to help you conceive so you can construct some kind of energy body so that you can begin to understand it. There are just some things in English that cannot be explained and some things in any language that cannot be explained. You can take Chinese, which might have thirty thousand words where the English language might have fifteen thousand. I mean really think about that. Words are the way that we
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12 communicate in this dimension to take one persons total visionary world in their mind and give it to another person to explore. I cant bring you to where you need to get unless I can find ways to communicate what Im saying to you so you get it. Your organic brain cannot process the data fast enough. It is an 80/86 computer. Lets talk about the brain. Its an organ. How it works is that it has lets say low radiation impulses. Okay? Thats one. Are you ready? Youre going to see something now. Where are we going to end up at again? Student: Three. Eric: Okay? Now we have chemical. And whats the third? Electrical. Do you see we are at three again? Now, when you develop into a state where youre meditating or youre going to that state of mind, you create an electrical field brain thats still somehow connected, but its moving at the speed of light. Its hyper-dimensional. Theyre occupying the same amount of space and theyre trying to receive data; theyre trying to work with each other. Okay? So this high-speed data you can be conscious of, it is you. And when its finally finished what its doing or its time for you to simmer down a little bit, it tries to take this and slow it down, so that it can become part of the organic. The chemical is really the slowest. And thats what you use probably 90% to work with, lets say. Now whos saying my figures are correct or not? Again, I am trying to teach you a concept; its about communication data. I dont care what the science is specifically. Whats more important is you grasp the concepts. Thats what will free you. The low radiation impulses are essentially your first connection per-se, but because this is only about 2% and this here is going to be 8%, its minimal because it has to go now from hyper-dimensional speed to this low radiation. The low radiation loses that immediately because it cant handle the speed, at least 60% of the data. Its like writing a program file and all of a sudden its corrupted. Why? Because you lost some data. What happened? Do you understand what I am saying for those of you who understand computers? Now, we are sitting here, we lost 60%, it gives us 40% and now thats slowing down to electrical. Okay? So the electrical loses a bunch of it and it gives us maybe 5% left. That 5% slows down enough so that it can go into chemical and so it can write to organic, and the chemical still looks slightly faster than the organic placement of it. Its like putting it in
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13 files and drawers to be used later. So now weve gotten down to probably less than 1% of the data. Student: So thats why all you have is images when you kind of break it down constructively later. Like flashes? Eric: Precisely. Because its still static electricity; the brain is just incapable of storing it fast enough. And its only usable because you reside 99.9% of your time on this biochemical physical level. So by building a second body or a third body per se, or your fourth body, what happens is you incorporate it and its kind of like, I dont know if there is a word for it yet, but. Okay, here. Its to say that you simply have learned to speed up your process in a way. Its to say that you started off first with this part of the brain, okay, and that part of the brain was called reptilian. Then you have the second part of the brain thats called mammalian. This is evolution. And then the third part of the brain, which is called neo-cortex: so slow, very slow, medium speed and then much faster. Okay? Now we have what again? Student: Three. Eric: Okay, now. Once we have that level of completion, we could say that you developed what? Your frontal lobe (which really transcends a lot more thought and makes it together) does not fully develop until youre like twenty one to twenty two years old. Youve learned now to process data that was incapable of being understood, you could still see it with your eyes, you could still hear with your ears, you could see things but you couldnt understand it; you couldnt grasp it. So this created a technology, a second one which was able to grasp more of the data or the experiences you were getting. Thus creating the third which was even way more beyond what animals have, so that it can work faster and better and it made it seem like things solidified into your reality. When you collect energies from breathing exercises, energy exercises, meditation exercises, you create now a fourth brain. But it doesnt necessarily adhere to the level of just organic. If you can have electricity at 3% and low radiation stuff working at another percentage, why cant you increase the percentage of how much you
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14 operate with? What would happen if you brought those two energies up to 50% capacity and they always ran at 50% capacity? Wouldnt you be able to hold a greater amount of energy because you were thinking in light instead of thinking with chemicals in a small portion with small bits of energy? Why not think with more energy? Student: When you meditate and you feel electrical charges per se, running through your head and you feel tingling and different heat sensations, would that be an effect of raising the low radiation and the electrical currents? Eric: No, youre just becoming more aware of your chemical reactions. Student: So its just that youre feeling on a more minute level? Eric: Right but by feeling it and becoming aware of it, begins to separate your energy so that you think more with energy. The more youre aware of your body the less that you use chemicals from your brain. The chemicals can process data but they dont acknowledge themselves. So you need something higher in a way to acknowledge the chemicals and by doing so you become more of that energy. Student: Youre actually feeling the chemicals moving in your head creating electricity? Eric: Yes. You separate from it. So no longer can they store themselves in a way. You need something else to store them and thats what you start to think with. Student: When you used to receive like droves of information, whats the percentage of data that you actually take in? Eric: In my organic brain I probably take in about 50%. And then the rest stays hyperdimensional because I move around the knowledge or whatever. My problem is that its not a problem thinking it or knowing it. I get a 100%; the problem is when I try to move it into my organic brain and then try to vocalize the knowledge and try to find associations of thinking so
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15 that I can explain it. Its like somebody trying to translate a language. A good translator can give answers, but another translator whos listening to them will always say they didnt say that right. Thats not correct. Right? You guys get that ever? So its coming through but I am trying to give you the best information but what always comes out it can never be 100% true. Its always flawed. And a bad translator, its not that theyre bad; they have a good grasp of a language but what are they doing? Theyre struggling to translate it in a way that you can understand it on your side. Student: So is the goal to create that fourth body so it can collect more of this data? Eric: Right, because then you wont need so much of a word from me. I can talk to you and I can broadcast to you from hyper-dimensional thinking. And then you can just take the data. Sometimes I do this to you guys already. This is how you guys have gotten to where you guys have gotten in lot of ways. Its not from just what Ive taught you. Its from literally pushing you. Student: So would that be the universal language per-se? Eric: Well emotion is the universal language in this dimension, only. Its still crude. Student: Even the finer levels of emotion that you were talking about arent biochemical? Eric: Theyd probably work up to the fifth body man. Theyre still crude. Through your dreams you guys can learn different things so that you can experience things that may not be; if its a yellow bus, does it mean that is about the yellow bus? No. If its a yellow school bus does it mean its about school? No. That is something that can work with your brain that is comfortable with; its simple blocks of stuff that dont shock the brain too much. Its the stuff thats inbetween thats really teaching you. The way somebody walked, or the way somebody talked to you when they got off the bus. Or what it is that they said to you when they got off the bus, rather than who they were walking off the bus. Or how is it that they looked you in the eye in a certain way that gave you a certain feeling, but yet everything else about the bus was just simply kids getting off the bus and it was a bad day at school and blah, blah, blah, blah.
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Student: And those are the tones? Eric: Those are the tones. In-between. Those are certain resonations of learning. Sometimes there are more of those and many of those, sometimes not. Sometimes its fear. Sometimes its dealing with a situation that is overwhelming. Perhaps its me getting of the bus but it looks like some old aging man and you look him in the eyes and you dont know quite what it is until later on it dawns on you, That was Eric. How do you know? It didnt look like Eric, didnt feel like Eric, but it was Erics eyes, Erics presence. So it taught you that you can look at other people and there are things within them you may not be seeing. You learned something from it. Student: Is it necessarily a bad thing? Because Ill have dreams of you but I wont necessarily remember what happened. Eric: It doesnt matter. You cant necessarily forget hyper-dimensional knowledge. Its just that it needs to solidify, and it takes time. It might be a week, or a month or a year. There are many times when I was younger that I received a lot of this kind of knowledge and then ten years later I would remember a particular dream with particular training in it; and then all of a sudden I would understand how to deal with my current circumstance. You could say that there are things you are learning now that may not be useful for you for another five, ten, twenty years. And it may not reoccur to you but all of you guys must have had some kind of flash back from an earlier, perhaps dream, or all of the sudden youre looking at something and can recall, for sure that you had some kind of insight about this particular moment or this particular place. Not particularly dj vu, but a sense of knowingness, a sense of awareness to it. Thats what you have to pay attention to. Disk 1 Track 4 Eric: So I want to talk now about something that can prevent you from entering the fourth level. What can keep you from getting into the fourth level? There are things that are even beyond me, that are laws. Pettiness will prevent you from moving to the next level. Selfishness will prevent
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17 you from moving to the next level. Anger will prevent you from moving to the next level. Too much love will prevent you from moving to the next level. Ego will guarantee you never enter. Judgment and comparison will guarantee you will never fully enter to the fourth level; you may enter slightly, but youll never make any distance. It is like two magnets pushing against each other; as hard as you try to push them together, it takes an absolute amount of concentration to get them to even touch. I say to you now that in this level your ego, your pettiness, there is no other end; its just simply power of repulse that will eventually out power you and prevent you from moving forward. All of your ego, all of your identities are really your Is and theyre not welcome in this place. They are incapable of going there because they are still chemical; they are solid. They cant go there. So as long you hold onto them, as long as they are you, you will not be able to enter fully. I see a lot of ego. I see ego all the time; I see comparison all the time; I see judgment. Its time now to move beyond that. Its time now to show you real, real, what even transcends the word power. Power is pettiness. Small. What is the meaning of petty? What is the word petty mean? Student: Inconsequential. Eric: Inconsequential, small, insignificant, meaningless. Its to say that all of us are concerned right now with the dirt thats within the fibers of the carpet from five years ago underneath this. Do we even care really? And ego. What is ego? Tell me what ego is? What comes to mind with ego? Students: Self-importance. Pride. Eric: Ego can be very subtle. All of you guys have it and all of you guys are controlled by it. Ego makes you a liar. Ego makes you lie to yourself. Ego makes you think that youre more than what you are. You lie to yourself because you dream of what you are or what you will become. And it guarantees you to fail because when you decide that your ego isnt completely who you are, then youre so disappointed with yourself that it absolutely won in what its trying to do. Its
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18 trying to make you give up. We lie to ourselves all of the time. You must transcend that. You must go beyond that. You must shed it. Or you forever will be in battle. You will forever use your ego and being concerned who is moving ahead and who is moving behind. The only people moving ahead deserve to move ahead. Do you know why? Because theyve earned it; the people who will make it are the people who seek it out in earnest, and honesty, and sincerity in their heart and try to find the highest level of truth within them. It is not mindlessness. You still always have a sense of right and wrong. Who says its mindlessness? You should know by now right and wrong. So therefore you can move beyond that also. But pettiness, selfishness, control over someone succeeding beyond you, this is pettiness. Petty is vile. And you dont even know that youre doing it until it consumes you. And you may not even know where your pettiness and your ego is coming from. You simply are reacting. But if you really were to observe it, you would see the truth of where its coming from. We must look at our own greed, our own pettiness. When I see people who act petty I think that they are vile and disgusting. It is the one thing I do not like seeing in students because it shows me their true colors and they are not deserving of what they have learned so far. They are a molester of life. They are the vilest of vile of unwanted. They try to take what is not theirs through power, through manipulation, through what I call striking. And still it will always elude them. They are vengeful, they are selfish, they are child-like beings who are not worthy of the knowledge of the Gods, of the knowledge of the ancient ones. And they are not allowed entrance no matter how much they want to rile up, no matter how powerful they want to become; they are fleas beneath our toes. And they become most spiteful when they realize that they cannot enter. They become very angry and very frustrated when they realize that they cannot come into this place. And that it is themselves that prevents them from even entering; its just the vilest part and thats when they become even darker. And this is where you get what I call the dark beings. They feel that theyre being punished as if theyve been extricated, as if theyve been unwanted. This ego of their humanness and rage so that they are demanding, I have a right; you owe me; I suffered for you. I did all of these things; you pushed me to this level; you pushed me to that level. I dont owe you anything. If you want to enter there are rules. If you think youre going to change those rules youre a foolish man; go on with your way; youre wasting my time.

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19 Pettiness, its very unbecoming. Try to remember that when youre being petty, that you dont have to be petty. That you can stop at any time you want. And the only reason why you dont stop is because theres a feeling you must continue. There is almost a role-playing in it that you must follow out just like when you go through your anger cycles, and you observe it. Being petty, you can almost say, I am being petty, but you keep doing it. Why? Your ego; you have to turn around and you have to say, You know what? Im sorry I am being petty right now. You have to stop it the moment you catch yourself doing it. Its the only way youll help yourself. And when you make a comment, you better think about what place its coming from. Is it coming from your true center or is it coming from your center of power or greed, or lust or where is it coming from? If its coming from one of those places you already know. You just choose not to listen. So stop yourself in the middle of it. Stop yourself from doing it. Stop yourself as quickly as you can consciously recognize whats going on. What kind of manipulations are you doing? What kind of selfish acts are you acting upon? You must interact with human beings. Do not confuse what I am trying to teach you with that. This movie Hidden Dragon or Crouching Tiger or whatever, all of you guys must go see this movie. Its a good tool. When Star Wars came out there were tools for me to use, analogies, again, a technology to show you, to help you. Do you understand? Again, other movies, I use movies all of the time because its a good teaching way to help you guys get to where you need to go. Again this is a very good movie. There are many things in it to point out to you. But theres something very interesting that you guys again have not quite seen but you acknowledge in your own way. The master characters, how much emotion do they show? Student: None, very little yeah. Eric: Very little, its as if they have mastered their Is, isnt it? And you look at this person and you go, Thats what I admire, dont you? Instinctively you know the truth! Even the actors in the movie who really arent what theyre portraying, instinctively know what is expected of a master. How is it in the movies we know to present the characters in such this manner? How? Because we know! We know whats within us. We know what the truth looks like. Do you follow me? Or at least what it is a representation of. Or maybe they learned it from other masters, but somebody demonstrated it, and they looked at it and they went, That is a master! And we
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20 know now. When we see the Kung-Fu master, or the spiritual master, and they are just like, Yes very good! And they talk peacefully. They move gracefully. They act gracefully. Thats power. They are working from a place of power within them. Theyve learned to control all of their Is. Theres a difference between faking it though because it can be faked too, but not for long. You cant hold out too long, but there is this place. When you guys admire me, when is it that you admire me the most? When I really start to move up in my higher levels and I present myself in such a way that brings my different frequencies to a center place as one. And when I bring it to you, it is that place that you become one with me. Do you feel it? That is only the tip of what I showed you of what is behind me because you could not handle it nor conceive what it really is. Now, this is what you must ask yourselves. How much of the master do you want to become? How much of the master do you want to become? You must begin to eradicate the petty Is, the petty egos, the petty everything. You must not use me as your example for this because I have to use in my own way intense emotions to help reach you in this carnal, solidified world; its the best way that I could reach you. I cannot gain your attention as the master in full. You would not have known what to make of me. Am I not telling you the truth? Or you can go to a movie for an hour and go, Oh hes wonderful. Try a week or a month learning something. Forget it. Youre going to be like, This is too much. My brain cant handle it. I had to work from you from where you were. If only you could even begin to understand the real power of a master to have done such a thing. If you think about it long you will know that there are some masters that even go beyond the television masters. Now, it is a beautiful place that they reside in. That place that you see these characters in, how they gently and quietly talk, how they gently and quietly move, how they present themselves, their is-ness. It is magnificent, and I hope that all of you guys can attain this someday. But you begin this attaining by self-awareness, by having it shown to you or pointed out to you now. Over time you will find this in you; over time you will develop this. Now, you have a choice: you can either come with me or you can fall behind. Do you understand? Pay attention to your movements, pay attention to how you react to things, pay attention to when you react to something said to you, and you automate. To be truly of a higher evolution, one must try to attain a level of consciousness in a different way. And the fastest way to do it is
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21 not by mastering yourself in such a way that you force yourself to do it. But maybe cutting loose things that are not really of you; only leaving whats left leaves you as this true being. The more Is you can get rid of, the more you resonate, instead of trying to resonate more by overpowering them. Its all a process of how you think and how you feel. And when somebody turns around and criticize you or they look at you in such a manner or whatever, you cannot let this attach to you. It doesnt matter. They are trivial. You only have to interact with them in a way that you yourself again can master yourself, and your ego doesnt say, Oh you have to be all spiritual; you cant relate to them. Listen without causation. What do I mean by that? Turbulence! There is no life to breathe into you. You need them; you need the symbolic relationship of work and integration and people. Its what will help forge you; its what will help make you smooth and polished, like the rock stone underneath the waterfall. It takes time for it to become a perfect smooth surface. You must not let the wearing and tearing of people trying to pull you into their negative worlds, trying to bring you into this place, affect you, but you must interact in such a way that they acknowledge that you are something of a guiding light, something of a representation that goes beyond them that they can begin to appreciate. You can resonate and integrate. With the martial arts person, he doesnt turn around; you dont see him up in the temple never coming down. He meditates, yes. He said, I had a great meditation; I worked and I found this out and I found that out. He said, I spent time with my teacher. I spent time with my teacher. But where he is telling this tale from? Out in the world; he is integrating. Isnt he? And he may become a trainer to teach other people, which we all would become trainers, but you think he was always that before he got to become the teacher, the master? No, he was carrying water, milking the cows, making his hands rough from labor and work. And you think that when he was doing that he wasnt saying, Ah I wish I was with the master learning! You have to learn to work with life before you become a master. You must see the truth of it; it is no trick. You learn to do all. There is another three in there if you look carefully. You must balance all three. This is what creates the way. When they go out, is he is so untouchable and so unattainable that he cant speak to the thugs at the restaurant as to what happened? Do they not respect him? But yet he doesnt isolate himself away from them, does he? He integrates with them; he integrates with other people in the village; he integrates with what his duty was. What was his job? He was a security man. Thats really
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22 what he was. Do you think that every day was a Kung-Fu battle? Do you think that every month was a Kung-Fu battle? Every year? There were times for one year hed probably just find himself and attend to his labors and his needs, his work. But yet he would represent himself and people would see him and they would be like, He is just an amazing person. Hes a hero. They dont even see him as a master. It doesnt matter. He didnt care. You get what I am saying. What did I just say? Student: He didnt care. Eric: Again. Students: He didnt care. Eric: Again! Students: He didnt care! Eric: Do you understand the meaning? It did not feed his ego because it was irrelevant. He didnt care if they saw him as a shoe shine boy. Do you understand? Why do I dress in regular clothes? Why do I not demand to have a presence everywhere I go? Why do I not wear the jewelry and this and that, why? Its trivial in truth to me. If I do, it is for some other reason. It is a manipulation level, to work with others or to attract others, or to do something. But for the most part, I dont try to stand out. I am what I am. Disk 2 Track 1 Eric: We have to work in life; we have to integrate with life. And if you dont do that, youre lying to yourself; you are feeding a different kind of ego. And when you integrate with life, you have to find that placid place from dealing with life: talking to co-workers, talking to other people. You must set the tempo. You must set the level of how you will be respected or communicated. So if you make yourself out to be foolish, then you will have the weight of other
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23 peoples energies projecting on you and helping you feel like this role. You will create a role for yourself. Do you understand? So the way you control how other people see you is very important because its going to have an effect on how well you do with your own training. How much success you will have is how other people view you. This is why most spiritual people leave their family at a certain point because their family looks at them in a certain way. This is why sometimes people will leave their jobs and everything, go somewhere and start a whole new life. Its not that theyre not working; they work. The people dont know who this person is. Here comes this quiet person or they dont know much about him; yet there is some fascination about them. You dont have to do this in this day and age. You have everything here and now. You just have to recognize that you need to control the direction of how you are seen, and how people regard you. And you cannot want for their lavishes or their attentions on you. Dont speak too much! About what? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Your shoestrings too big; you need a haircut; you need to buy new clothes. Who cares? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Its like you guys feel like you need to talk. Talk about meaningful things. If you need to take something like this, must you broadcast it to everybody? This is something trained; its taught to you; its automated. Go out and function and do what you need to do. But dont blah, blah, blah about nothing. When you play your computer games you learn to blah, blah, blah, but its a different kind of blah, blah, blah! Youre wasting your time with something thats blah, blah, blah. Its still does nothing for you. It is the same repetitive thing that you are being ingrained to do. Its the same game over and over again. When you go up a level they take the creatures; they switch the look on them; its the same program underneath and amp up the power abilities on that to match it. Its the same fight; it just looks optically different. Its the same thing, over and over and over again. And what is it working on? Its working on your hunter gatherer instinct from primitive man, making you feel like youre getting more points, or more money, or more power. And in the end, what is it doing? Its making you go through that dimensional loop where you think youre moving up to level three but youre really stuck in level two in a dimensional world thats one, two, three, looping like aits just sucking up your life. And youre so sucked into it because it is really a level one place; Ill be honest with you. Okay, that makes you think youre on level three intellectually. But it puts you on this inner world where on the outer world youre

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24 not really progressing dimensionally. Its the same thing as smoking your pot, just different thing, different thing, different thing, yet always the same. Self-pity, same thing; same thing, no progression; you think youre progressing by working on yourself, Oooh Im doing better, aaah. But in the end next week you go right back to the fact and you dont even think about it, that youre still depressed, and youre still in the same place. Youve never progressed from this inner world, so youre still on level two for a depression. If you can move to the fourth level, if your thinking is in hyper speed, so is your awareness; it means that everything around you slows down. Its like a fly in its reality and you move slowly. When you go to hit it, its slower to it. Even though in ours its like this. Do you understand? If you are on the fourth level for the martial artist, doesnt it look like the person thats going out to hit you is moving slower? And you just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. But in our reality it looks amazing. This is the appeal. Again its that sense of knowing, just like the silence within the person. But for me its too much physical. This is why I dont encourage you guys to go out and become martial artists. But what I do want you to do is to learn Aikido. And everybody when I say Aikido, they go, Hmmm. I know its no cart wheel, kicking, jumping; I am a samurai-ninja-master. Okay? The answer that youre looking for is in Aikido. Trust me. Does anybody know anything about Aikido? Tell me about it. Student: Aikido is basically where, its not like punching or kicking or anything; its where somebody pushes their force against you, and you use it against them. You go with their force. In other words; theres no striking in it. Eric: Okay. Can you guys see a truth in that? Do you understand about that place being the master? Forget about what Hollywood presents to you. You must find the truths behind the truths. Aikido or martial arts, even the master is still a student to a master of hyperdimensionalness because a hyper-dimensionalist moves so quickly, one does not even have to move to strike them with death; it already is done. And I assure you that even a master will know that. They wish they could learn the knowledge, but because they work so much from their body center, from their youth, before they become the master, they master the body, and at some point because of their mastering, they learn about the two other centers. But by the time they do, its
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25 too late. They have become so vastly mastered at one center that they bow to the acknowledgement of the other two that were hidden from them. Disk 2 Track 2 Eric: Lets talk about the Is. In order for you to be able to go to a deeper level you must know where they come from. Ive always said: In order to deal with a problem, in order to tackle it, you must not grab the tree by its leaves or the weed by its top and pluck it; you must get to the roots. If you understand the source of something you can comprehend the power of it. If you just try to deal with it on the surface you cant see whats fueling it from behind. Lets use this thinking, where did the Is come from? You have now, in this particular case, really it is three, but there is one that is really hidden that we must bring up. Okay? You have now: the body center, the emotional center, the instinctual center, and the intellectual center. The three that we are most concerned with is: emotion, intellect, and body. The fourth, which is a product of these three, which resides here, is instinct. It doesnt really concern us so really we want to know about these three. But because there is a reason behind what I have to say, it is the only reason why I bring this one to the surface. Its not something you can directly control as if you can work with these three as you will understand. Emotion center is what? Heart, right, heart chakra. And intellect is what? Students: Mind. Eric: And body? Lower chakra, power. You go into a restaurant because why? Youre hungry. Say it! Students: Youre hungry. Eric: Okay. Is that an I? Yes, thats an I! Youre hungry; its telling you, I want to eat. Where are we going to eat? So you start debating in your head where youre going to eat at, right? Okay, so thats all coming from an I, but were going to start there. You go into a restaurant and theyve got wooden chairs, or metal chairs, or the high plastic ones and you sit in it in a certain
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26 way. And youre sitting in it and the whole place is packed. Over in the corner you see cushy ones, and some people are finishing their meal, and you know that eventually theyre going to get up and leave. Youd have to go back into line to get that table, but you dont know how long theyre going to take to get there. So what begins to happen now? The hunger I says, I want immediate gratification. But the body is saying, Im uncomfortable. Right? So what do we have now? Do we have two Is? Now we have two Is probably coming from the same center: body. In the third one we have something that starts saying, Well, if I get up and go over there to sit down and make myself comfortable, then Im not going to get to eat, and I am hungry. What I is that? Student: Intellectual. Eric: Thats right. Are you getting to see this now? Where are they coming from? Theyre coming from centers. Your body has its body centers. It is in charge. Its charge per se, but not to say powerful, its charge is what rules it has; what its in charge of. It has a list of obligations to take care of, responsibilities. Its charge is of body needs; its for comfort: how you are sitting, the position youre in, if youre wounded, wheres the wound? It takes care of all of these things that have to do with your physical-ness. Your emotional center is charged with all of your emotions. When you see something, you react, but theres also an internal reaction and that decides how youre going to react, whether youre going to be sorry, or whether youre going to be happy, or whether you think its sad, or joyous, or beautiful, or whatever. It comes from that center and it delegates what youre going to experience. Then the intellect; the intellect is the one that regulates caution. It looks to see if theres something of danger there or if it should be safe. Is this person trustworthy; is he not trustworthy? Is it safe to put my body in this predicament? You see its charge now. Correct? You see its list of responsibilities. Through the three you go through your basic functionality, and from them come all of the Is. This one may have fifty Is, this one has fifty Is, and this one has fifty Is. They correspond from the three points; when you look at them much the same way as the chart with the three people. Do you understand now? You have the variations within it. Are you seeing some interesting truths here now? Your body is not who you are. Your mind is not who you are. And
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27 certainly your emotional center is not who you are. So their needs and their wants pretend like theyre you but theyre really not you. Where do they come from? They come from primitive man. They come from your reptilian-center brain. They are your basic survival instincts that every creature born generally has. A baby has four basic functions when theyre a baby. So youre born with happiness; youre born with kind of sorrow; youre born with an intellectual level, and youre born maybe with some other instinctual level. But you got your four if you really think about it. Instinct. Let me tell you what instinct is. Instinct isnt like, I had an instinct that something was going to go wrong, or they were a bad person. Thats intellect in other centers. Instinct is survival. Its what makes your heart tick. Its what makes your organs function. Its what makes you breathe without thinking about it. Do you understand? Instinct is a sensory inside of you that keeps your body functioning. It keeps your body working even if youre not paying attention to it. It will keep functioning. If you go into a coma without a car accident, does your body stop functioning? No, it keeps working fine. It doesnt need you to be there. It still works. If you get in a car accident, the only reason why youre put on life support is because it probably got damaged physically, severe damage. In most cases it still works even with half the brain hanging out. Okay. So instinct is not something we are concerned to study. It does no good for us to be concerned about it; it does its things. But there is something that you must understand. Every human being is afraid of death. And because youre afraid of death it prevents you from enlightenment. It is preventing you from moving to the fourth level because who you are is associated with your physical death. When you go into a deep meditation some people tell me they get really nervous and stop because they feel themselves separating from their body. What they are afraid of is that their body is going to stop functioning: their heart is going to stop beating; that they are going stop breathing; that their body is going to die. And therefore who do they think they really are? Their body, so the bottom line is can they go beyond who they are if they are constantly afraid of whats going to happen to their body? No! How can you reach enlightenment, how can you go beyond who you think you are? Who do you think you are? Your body! That proves it! The reason why I am discussing this is to help liberate you from this thinking. By telling you and proving to you, and making a point of it, that the body has instincts within itself, a mind
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28 of its own, it does need you at all! At all! You can be totally gone in your brain and the body still will function one hundred percent without you! So your fear of leaving the body and it shutting down is totally improperly placed. Now you could say what about people who use drugs? They get really, really drugged up and all of the sudden their heart stops or whatever because theyre on drugs! Its very clear! When you leave your body we can say that youre secreting chemicals and stuff, but no, your brain is perfection when you utilize it in the right way. Instead of taking the car on drugs and pushing it and it burns the engine, you are working within its capabilities still; youre just doing it properly. So you can never destroy it. Its impossible! If you use outside drugs, yes! Because its induced improperly so your fear of dying prevents you from awakening; of course you dont want to die, and just say, Oh well I want to get over with, because you need to complete the work on yourself while youre here and now in order to attain these other levels. Do you understand? So if you cut out too soon youre going to come back and may not make it this far again, or depending on who you are, what your circumstances are, and the past lives of your soul, but still, too much work. Why stop now? So instinct has a very particular role even though its not necessary in the way that we pay attention to it. We dont have to worry about controlling our heart or our lungs or whatever. It serves no purpose for us; its a waste of time to spend your time training and mastering it. Do you understand what I am saying? Let it do its thing. Now, breathing and the mind is one thing, but to worry about whether our kidney is working in a certain way, or our digestive system is working in a certain way, we can affect it. You can learn to work with it. But the point is why put that kind of energy into it when its difficult enough to master all this other stuff that will ensure your enlightenment? Where do you want to put your energy and your time? You see time linear. You see yourself young, and then old: Birth death. So youve got a certain amount of distance youve got to work with to occupy your attentions. What do you want to put them into? So we know that the Is are starting from one of our centers, one of our emotional centers. Okay? So we now have an idea where the roots are, dont we? So the question is: How did they come into being? Lets figure them out even more. They came from primitive man. They are survival instincts. You have to get hungry to know you are hungry for your need to nourish the body. For what? Genetics. For the cells, for your DNA, the procreation of cellular life! Thats what scientists say is the whole meaning of
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29 everything. The human man was never really designed to become self-intelligent. It was a byproduct of protecting the genes and procreating more of our species. Thats what evolution is. We became intelligent by accident! How did we become intelligent? Think about it. We had to have survival instincts. Lets break down survival instincts. We needed a part of our brain to tell us whos going to eat us and whos not. Correct? So we now have established where the intellect came from, didnt we, by figuring out in the distance what we should run after and whether we can catch it or not. Think of a lion. Is it intelligent as you? No. But it must have an intellectual I thats very crude because it knows what animal to pick out. Which one is the weakest? Which one? It has some kind of I, not as complex as yours, but in its own crude way it knows what to single out. It knows when its hungry. Its laying there; it could lay there all day, right? But how does it know when to get up and eat? Is that an intellectual I? No! Thats a body I saying, Its time to feed the body. Do something about it. I am hungry! The intellectual I has to take over then and it says, Okay, lets figure it out. The emotional I knows that it must work; for what reason was created? The cubs, to ensure that they are going to grow and survive and their genetics must be protected by the senior, the larger and the stronger. So this is the emotional center that comes from that. So what have we created now? Three centers, havent we? Have you ever noticed that in lower thinking creatures if you really look at it you can see their Is very simple? So do you see by studying animals you can see certain things? Theyre very limited in how they can express these individual Is. And some are even more simplistic when you look at creatures or you look at whatever, but they can only function on simple tasks. Mohamed. When he shows joy, he just rolls around doesnt he? Does he show joy when he is eating his food? No! Hes just gratifying his sensory for eating. And when he wants to gratify his need for pleasure he goes and he does that. Does he eat doing that? Does he meow and play when he is doing that? No! Can a human show joy and eat at the same time? Yes! So do you see that by studying animals you can see certain things? Theyre very limited in how they can express these individual Is. His intellectual I now is functioning, deciding what hes going to do; that intellectual I was inspired by probably either his emotional center or his body center. Half the time he looks like he doesnt know what he wants because he doesnt! No I has taken over yet!

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30 So its downtime instead of airtime, down time. Theres just nothing to decide on. He wants for nothing. Do you understand? Now if you look at other species, you can see the ones that are more advanced, and the ones that are less advanced, but you can still see the structuralization of the Is; as you look at monkeys you see that theyre more complex. They have more Is or the computer in their brain is not just a 286; its a 386. So what happens is that they learn to integrate their Is more at the same time, and dont appear separate, but it is separate. Its multitasking. Its just that theyre doing them so quickly intertwined that it appears to be one state of consciousness. So man developed these other brains. What happened was he learned to process these motor centers, these Is, these energy centers, so he can make them work at the same time and integrate at the same time. But they are still very individual. They are just moving so quickly that they look like its just one kind of process. Showing emotion and joy, yet eating and pleasure and doing all these things at the same time but if you could slow them down, you would see that they are very individual desires. The Is come from primitive instincts. Its just more complex through evolution creating better machinery for our survival instincts. You were never meant to say, I think therefore I am, but it began to happen so fast that it started to create a kind of consciousness. This integration all of a sudden made it so you felt like you were an individual. And thats what separates you, really, from the animals in the world. Do you follow me? Your individualization comes from the speed that it can operate at. Look at a computer game. There are computer games and you play, Ping, ding, ping, ding, ping, ding. What are you looking for? You are looking for something that interacts with you, right? More plausible effects and the more that it can, the more you relate to it as being better. Right? We are only mimicking in machines what we dont even know were doing. We do it because its like a monkey kind of seeing itself doing things and its recreating it. We just do it. We try to create the humanness or us in the mirror of a computer. And its stupid in a way, but in a way you can learn a great deal. And those of you who understand computers you know I speak like this and all of the sudden youre like, Ahhh I can see it, because in a way its a mirror of how your mind is working and were constantly trying to improve it to meet that level of awareness.

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31 Student: Im seeing all these different Is though. Theyre all integrating; creating what seems to be us. Eric: What seems to be you; what you think is you, but its not. Student: Right, but its not. Okay? But now is that to say that being able to separate them is going to create a soul? Eric: No. Its freeing you. Its un-encumbering you, you see, because all of those Is are slower than what you think. We cannot move slow enough. But by so doing we move even faster! Student: In a level one person on the scale, okay, thats body, has no soul. But if they all of a sudden came to understand this: the Is, which is not that difficult with your practice. Is that to say that if they remove the Is, that they would not be conscious? Eric: They couldnt understand it. I could explain it all day long but I would have to create their energy and spend a great deal of my own energy in order to get them to that level. Student: So by separating the Is in a sense they would create a soul? Eric: Yes. But it would collapse. Or they couldnt separate their Is. You have to make it also. You have a center pillar probably from past lives. They dont. Separate the Is, it creates insanity. By slowing down the Is they are removed so that you kind of go slow, slow, slow, slow and it bursts then into a dimensional place; its, fshhhhhhhhhh, fshhh, fshhh, fshhh, fshhhhha. But to you in there it just goes, shhoooop! Its that place that the karate masters are going. Tchu, tchu, thcu, thcu, thcu. To them its just like, pew, pew, pew; its slow. Its the only way I can describe what does not have words. Disk 2 Track 3

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32 Eric: In essence by removing your Is youre kind of going slow, or youre battling yourself biochemically by slowing the chemical process so that theres only that one thing left. And thats to make the electricity fly all over the place without having to stop all the time for the chemicals. So this is why I say, You cannot go slowly enough. By slowing down you can be attentive. What is so fast then that youre so aware of everything? Have you ever noticed that when you really get into that place, when you really start to go to that place where youre just like, whoaaaa, that there is this ultra-sharp awareness about you? Think about it people. Youre a little slow. Why is it that you crave to go to that place? Why is it you say, Eric, youre InBetween now. Yes. It appears slow but Im moving so fast! By slowing the body, by becoming aware of the body, by making everything stop for observation, you slow it down; youre like, Wait a minute; lets really look at this. Youre slowing down this so that you can free it up some other way because it isnt going to stop. Light can only go, Okay!" It has got all of this momentum and youre slowing down what its used to doing, and all of the sudden its like, Okay, everything stop, now ah, ah, ah! And it has to go! It has to move! Do you understand? So then it sets it free and fshhhhh, youre on this other level, and youre hyper-dimensional, hoo, hoo, hoo. Do you understand? That is what youre craving; thats what youre heading into. Then all of the sudden the brain goes, Oh were back again; hang on. And all of a sudden, shooof, you are back down again and you are into the slow speed; what seems fast again but its only in this dimension. And when you begin to try to conceive it or analyze it, its almost impossible because again youre working from this place. But when you go through the hallway and you feel that feeling, note that your emotions are almost nil. Note that youre very aware of your body but yet you go beyond it. Note that you have very little chitchat in your head, if any at all. That youre experiencing at some tremendous highest level! But it goes beyond words and you learn eventually to operate from that place. Thats when youre just barely heading into the fourth level, but unless you have training and you have discipline sometimes you get so frustrated with it you cant do it. Itll break you down because you havent been working with your teacher; you havent been practicing right. Look at her. You see? This is a very big push for her. You see how its affecting her? Its huge, but shes in that level two working into level three; we just pushed her to the brink of four. And look at how her body is! Look how she is right now! Study it! Learn it! I hate to be this
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33 way. I am not trying to be; Im trying to help them. And how do you feel right now? How do you feel? Student: Ehhh, theyre all watching me. Eric: But how do you feel? Help them. Student: How do I feel? Eric: Yes. Student: I feel tired; I feel like crawling? Eric: Yes, weak, and thick. Student: Yes, very weak, very thick. Eric: Yes and that is an energy because shes questioning; shes going to that place. Remember I said you got to be very careful if you havent got a soul, a pillar. She has one, but she hasnt really fully created it yet. Its unstable. Did you see what she just did? What did she just do? Student: She acknowledged. Eric: What else she just do? Student: Deep breath. Eric: Deep breath. Shes very attentive to her breathing now, right? Its freaking you out a little bit, right? Student: Yeah.
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Eric: Dont worry about it. Student: Okay. Im sweating. Eric: And youre sweating. Why you are sweating? Because youre shifting, youre moving faster than what the body can relate to. Thats whats happened. This is hyper-dimensionalness, where it all moves; in fact right now there is a very pristine level of energy even in here. But it takes a certain kind of awareness to even subtly know its here. Okay. I have to bring myself back down again now. Thats what that is. When you hear me breathe like that, I am too high and Im going lose you guys, so I have to come down and start pulling you back again. Okay? Okay. In the movie, we were talking about when they took this leaping, jumping kind of thing. It must have come from a sense of dream state for anxiety. In anxiety dreaming we run, we jump in the air, and we fly a certain distance; most of the time we have to kick our feet, or we glide in a way. Okay, and we come to a stop but we can only go so far before we have to land again. Sometimes we can hold it and sometimes not, but that goes a little bit differently. But general anxiety dreaming is when you can fly only above the treetops. You dont find that you can shoot out like Superman, that theres some kind of limitation, or that theres some kind a law of physics that you dont really understand but you know that youre being affected by it. The real question is: How did this come to be? And I explained to them that it most likely came into being from primitive man again. That somewhere along the line we probably fell in water or went into water and all of the sudden we freaked out because we had no level of control. We couldnt push ourselves up for air; we had no way of knowing how to swim, so our hands flailed constantly, and it was a tremendous sense of helplessness. Okay? Which is the anxiety part; when we feel this anxiety, all our brain recognizes is the chemical. It puts into sequence different things to help you regulate it. Or you can say at some point in your life most likely someone threw you in water or you went into water and you had a certain level of panic because you didnt know what to do with it; it felt very foreign to you. But after a while you learned that you can control it through movements. Correct? Or that you can move a distance through controlling the level of the water and how it worked with you. Correct?
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Student: Yes. Eric: And thats how it gets incorporated into the dream. In the dream you run, you jump, you probably have an anxiety from your day in life and in your dream world it comes out as a feeling, a feeling of helplessness per se. But in your dream you realize that you can run, and you can kick your feet and that you have control. So theres this semi sense of having no control and theres another sense of saying that you do have control. So its a happy medium, so you can only go a certain distance before you have to land again. What is even more interesting is that much like swimming in water you eventually learn to swim underwater. And you glide through the water. Maybe you give yourself a push and just move, right? Well, you do this in your dream, you jump, you move, but theres something that most people dont realize that they are doing in their dream. If you pay very, very close attention to yourself without letting your body get distracted, or your thoughts, youll realize that you are holding your breath when youre doing it, that your breath almost begins to slow when you see them leap. When you think about making yourself fly, dont you think that in a way you have an absolute kind of thing when you are holding your breath and you leap? And if you have to breathe, you have to land because youre going to hit the ground again? Think of the correlation now. Now think of another correlation. Breathing is connected to your thinking. Your thinking in this dimension is what holds you here. When you hold your breath in meditation have you ever noticed its as if you can keep your thoughts a lot quieter or completely quiet? There is a correlation, correct? In the In-Between to fold time and space, we need absolute silence to operate from a higher place. When you do this, when we are talking about this and you leap and you fly; even right now your brains have become quieter even thinking about it. You can also feel this energy thats here in your chest right now, almost a slight heaviness. Its almost like youre breathing, but youre breathing in a certain way right here, as if youre containing and holding it so that you can propel your mind forward so that it can move without moving. There is a great secret in this. When you shift your consciousness to a higher place, you will find that your breathing and your clarity of mind can move you to a higher place. How long have you been trying to be
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36 this silent in your training, in your mind? Do you understand? You see how quiet your mind has become? How still youve become, which brings us back now to the beginning of the class talking about the Masters, and they seem to have very limited Is that they work from. Probably only enough to work with you, do you understand? They operate from this higher place. So your breathing can be used as a tool if you know how to breathe. Some students learn to breathe, minimal twenty years, to shift their consciousness. Weve just used a wormhole to show you a kind of breathing. Now that youve been there, you should be able to find your way back. So if you sit and you think about that place, do as I say now: breathe shallow, feel here, slowly, slower, everything about you, slower. Now feel the clarity of your mind. And know that this is the crudest level of the beginning yet its light years ahead of the normal organic brain. Do you understand? Student: Yes. Eric: Focus on the breathing now as one of your tools. Find that place where youre holding your breath but youre not holding your breath. Breathe very slowly and shallow but become absolutely comfortable with it and instinctually know that your body will take care of itself. Dont worry about it. Set yourself free, but use the breathing to give you the state of mind to will yourself now to go forward. One last secret, in the movie Dune they spoke about folding space. Explain to them what you learned about our conversation about folding space and how you realized when I was discussing with you how it works. Student: As I was meditating I would feel; when you close your eyes and you see the blackness that is not letting light in within your vision. And at first you think that youre just looking with your eyes and then you realize that as you feel the tones changing and you feel yourself kind of moving, its almost as if the space that you are looking at gains depth. It almost gains threedimensionality, where you almost feel like you can see distance and youre not just seeing your eyelids. Its almost as if that depth changes in texture and it just feels as if you have moved. But your brain says, No I am just focusing my eyes on different places within my vision, but my eyes are closed. And I think that is... if you could slowly keep that momentum going, I think that you are moving.
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Eric: In the movie Dune they have what are called The Pilots. And The Pilots are these human beings that have used so much spice that theyve somehow learned to have evolved to a point where they can move space without moving. Travel without movement. So they go into these big tubes and thats their navigational helm; thats kind of where they operate from. And they go in there and allow all these spaceships to go inside these tubes. They are huge, like giant football fields that go miles. Okay? And they all go in there. In order for them to go from the space theyre in now across the Universe, if they were to travel in linear time like moving from here to there traveling, like you guys during a drive home, okay, it would take them probably over a hundred thousand years at their fastest speed, or moving at the speed of light. So what happens is that these creatures go into the navigation helm. Also, all of this is from ancient teachings that this guy used to create this book as his concept. You see what I am saying? So theres a lot more truths to this than you think. The creature then somehow projected his mind in such a way that he encompassed the whole ship as him being one. Okay? As if it was him, kind of like how Ive taught you to assimilate. He takes the ship and assimilates it as one, and within his own mind goes from out in, and hes in that place now somewhere across the universe, but he becomes non-existent. Where you choose to exist by making it so real re-fabricates it, and thus you have moved to that place, literally. Its advanced thinking for you guys. You still have a long ways to go. Thats it.

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