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Trinity Tidings

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA

A P R IL 2013 V OLU ME 7 , ISS UE 4 Our Mission Statement:
Sharing the Word of God Through Worship and Teaching, With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and Our Community.

MOTHER/CHILD DINNER COME FLY WITH ME Friday, May 3, 2013 6:30 p.m. $6.00 for adults $3.00 for children 12 and under
Tickets go on sale April 14th before and after 10:30 service

Table of Contents
Pastor Peterson Trinity's Council News 2 3-5 ___________________________ __________________________ Service to Others Birthdays ____________________________ Notes of Thanks 6

News for Women of TLC

Circle News


May 4, 2013 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Lutheran Memorial Camp Register Dinner Included FREE

Come enjoy a special evening! Sponsored by The Women of Trinity


VO LUM E 7 , I S SUE 4

THE LATEST FROM PASTOR PETERSON While they were talking about (the resurrection of Christ) Jesus stood among them and said to them, Peace be with you. They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your heats? John 20:21-24 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Christ is risen! Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! After our forty days of spiritual renewal through the season of Lent, it is a joy to be in the Easter season. For seven weeksa week of weekswe celebrate the resurrection of Christ with greater joy than during any other season. The relief and delight we feel during this time reflects the renewal of the earth we see around us as springtime comes again. Yet the season of Easter perplexes me. I expect that Lent will be quite busy, since in addition to Sunday worship we have mid-week services throughout that season. Most blessedly busy of all, I expect, will be Holy Week, when we commemorate or celebrate those events at the very center of our faiththe Lords Supper, Christs crucifixion, and the resurrection. But I expect that the Easter season should be quieter. I expect this will be a time to tidy things up around the parish, to bring order from chaos. And yet at Old Trinity the season of Easter seems to be just about the busiest, confusing, most up-ending season of the year. Why would that be? The scriptures appointed for worship during this season show that immediately after the first Easter the disciples found their lives more perplexing and disrupted than ever before. Mary Magdalene, Peter and John dont know what to make of an empty tomb; the disciples on the road to Emmaus are amazed and confounded by the presence of Christ in their conversation and in the breaking of bread; the eleven remaining disciples puzzled and fearful, Thomas cant believe their report of Christ risen and appearing. No one in the story knows what to make of all of this. Except God. God knows what God is doing through this confusion, this perplexity, this chaos. The Lord God is preparing to make the Church and preparing to make new disciples, by the power of the Holy Spirit. All of this comes to fruition at Pentecost. And so it is even todayeven among us at Old Trinity. This Easter season God has again thrown us again into blessed chaos as we witness the work of the Holy Spirit among us, preparing new disciples. At present count, we are preparing one baby, two other children, and three adults to receive Holy Baptism. We are worshipping with around a dozen adults who are praying about whether to make this congregation their spiritual home by publicly affirming their baptism here. In all of this, God is at work. And where God is at work, our own lives are bound to be disrupted. Gods work does not fit tidily into our plans. Thank God for that! As you rejoice this season in the resurrection of Christ, rejoice also that the Spirit of Christ is moving through this congregation, making new disciples and bringing newness to our discipleship as a community. Pray for those preparing for baptism, for those preparing to affirm their baptism, and that we will all be open to this newness Christ is bringing. Give thanks that in the midst of all of this disruption and blessed chaos, Christ has also promised us peace. +Peace+ Pastor Chuck


VO LUM E 7 , I S SUE 4

Presidents Report Its an exciting time at Old Trinity. If you have looked around in church during the services, you have noticed a lot of new faces joining us in worship. Many of these visitors will be joining our congregation over the Easter season. As we gain these new members, our church will have the opportunity to build new friendships, hear new ideas, start new initiatives, and provide support to the many programs already in place at Trinity. The future looks to be a promising one that will help our ministries grow. Perhaps our Evangelism/Communications Committee is an excellent example of how this old and new concept will work. Many of our visitors are coming to Old Trinity because they have found us on our website. The new technology is pulling people to our church. But it is our old practice of providing a warm welcome to Trinity that is bringing these visitors back. As we have done in the past, we will contact these visitors with a note, talk with them during the service, and invite them to come to church functions to enjoy all the fellowship provided at Trinity. New ideas and approaches mixed with traditional practices is a great working combination. As for our new members coming into Trinity, we offer you a big welcome. We invite you to check out the ministries offered at the church, to find out what God may be calling you to do, and to come be a part of them. You will find serving in these ministries can be very enjoyable, rewarding, and satisfactory. Or you may have an idea for a new ministryplease share them with us. YOU have a lot to offer our congregation. Get involved and share yourself. Working together we will be amazed by what we will be able to do. It truly is an exciting time at Old Trinity.

As Bishop Holloway's retirement draws near, we ask your prayers for him and for our synod. Delegates to our synod assembly this June will elect a new bishop to a six-year term. In the meantime, the Southern Ohio Synod Council is organizing meetings to be held throughout the synod to discuss the process leading up to the election and to raise up the names of possible candidates for this position. The meeting for our Central Ohio Conference of the synod is scheduled for Monday, April 8th, from 7:00-8:15 at North Community Lutheran Church. Please feel free to attend this meeting and to speak with Pastor Chuck or with a council member about this process, or to suggest possible candidates.

Bishop Callon Holloway


VO LUM E 7 , I S SUE 4

Wednesday Night Bible Study




Beyond the Present Time

Book of Deuteronomy
Devote yourself wholeheartedly to Almighty God.
By Chip Borgstadt Daniel Luke Acts 1 & 2 Peter 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Come join us in room

Room 108 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Come Join Us!

7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.

Come join us

Saturday, May 4th 10:00 6:00 at Lutheran Memorial Camp



Staples will recycle ink and toner cartridges and give us money back which then gives us rewards to purchase church supplies.

The April Tidings is late this month due to copy machine mechanical problems. Thank you for your patience.


VO LUM E 7 , I S SUE 4

Prison Ministry Change Because of an administrative change, shampoo, toothpaste, etc can no longer be distributed by the prison chaplain. Many thanks to all who have helped with these items through the years. However, the following items are still needed and can be distributed. They are religious items, like greeting cards and calendars. Especially helpful are large print Bibles. Please continue to deposit your donations in the Prison Ministry box at the rear of the Fellowship Hall.
God Bless you, Anita Telfer

We wish to express our thanks to everyone for their prayers, cards and support at the loss of Caleb. Our thanks to Pastor Peterson for his prayers and help to us in so many ways. We are truly blessed to be members of Trinity. Myra and Bob Kilhefner Family

Thank you so much for the cards, prayers and the prayer shawl. I truly believe the prayers and God are the reason why things have progressed so smoothly since my stay at the hospital. Christina Kilhefner

Walmart and Feeding America Facebook Contest

From April 1 - 30, Facebook users age 18 or older can cast 1 vote per day for Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio on the Walmart Fighting Hunger Together voting site.


Volume 7, Issue 4

Service to Trinity in April

Greeters 07 Janet Robertson 14 Beth Fraley 21 Hehr/Nida family 28 Sharon Heinlein Lectors 07 Amy Hehr 14 Larry Faelchle 21 Bev Speasmaker 28 Melissa Ewing Worship Assistants Cantors 07 Shelia Hively Melissa Ewing 14 Beth Tucker Shelia Hively 21 David Huskey Maura McClelland 28 Linda Acierno Larry Faelchle Saturday Night Lectors 06 Mary Roberts 13 Bill Dross 20 David Warner 27 Mary Roberts Altar Guild Donna Bowman, Beth Tucker Communion Bread Baker J anet Walston Open/Close Neal Coryell Ushers Shir ley Gr iffin -captain, Arlene Dykeman, Sheila Hively, Janet Robertson, Bev Speasmaker, Kirsten Kilhefner Offering Assistants Anita Minshall, Nancy Robinson

Service to our Community

FAITH MISSION The next date for Faith Mission is Thursday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is ser ved fr om 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30 p.m. Those serving at Faith Mission in March were: Cecilia and Earl Writesel and Russ and Sharon Thacker. For more information on service at Faith Mission, contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Thank you again, Sharon Thacker
While serving at Faith Mission please take all safety precautions. Please wear closed-toed shoes, all clothing must cover arms and abdomen. Shorts must not rise higher than the knee. Long hair should be covered by a hair net. Volunteers who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to reschedule their service. Please understand this is for your safety.

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) FOOD PANTRY Remember to sign-up on SIGNUP CENTRAL the bulletin board in the lobby for this very important service for our community. Contact Tim Edwards at


01 Shirley Griffin 07 Patricia Bennett 10 Frank Bazell 11 Dwight Garner 15 Susan Downs 18 Maura McClelland 19 Mary Reed-Farris 21 Philip Dickerson 24 Greg Brandt 24 Aubrey Kocsis 29 Thelma Schumacher 29 Amy Heinlein

Samaritan Update from 2/22-3/29 32 lunch bags 4 State ID 31 COTA Day Passes 3 $20.00 Gas Vouchers Each month Trinity is able to help assist people with 614-598-1887 or email: Cota Day Passes. We also assist people each month by for information on Saturday helping them to get their service at the LSS food pantry. State ID. Another program Trinity offers is gasoline for Contact Bev Speasmaker at your vehicle. We currently 231-2891 if you would like to work with a local BP station. Trinity continues to offer help during the week. Volunteers are always needed. brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.


03 Janet Robertson 04 Jerry Daily 04 Madeline DeRoche 09 Karen Gunderman 12 Geoffrey Wilhelm 14 Erica Lumbra 16 Mary Roberts 17 Jerry Daily Jr. 20 Vivian Faelchle 21 Grant Miller 23 Russell Thacker 27 Diana Fisher 27 Randal Telfer




Rachel Circle's next meeting will be April 4th at 12:00 p.m., the word is Mortals. Table Prayers will be lead by Georgianna Mickles.

The Hannah Circle will meet on Monday, April 15th at 7:00 P.M. in the Church Lounge. Bible Study Leader will be Janet Walston and Hostess will be Cyril McCandlish. Rachel Circle Collects money each month for the Food Pantry. In 2012, the members collected and donated $375.00 to the LLS Food Pantry Thank you, Rachel Circle Members of Rachel Circle please r emember to bring your jars of Peanut Butter to the April 4th meeting. These jars of peanut butter will be taken to Faith Mission to be used in their kitchen.

THE WOMEN OF TRINITY MOTHER/CHILD DINNER will sponsor their Annual dinner On May 3rd at 6:30 PM. The theme this year will be COME FLY WITH ME. Please come and enjoy a special evening with us. There will be good food and exciting things to do at the dinner. Tickets will be on sale before and after 10:30 service starting April 14th. Tickets will be $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 and under.

Remember to save your pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House. Please put in the water jug in the lobby.
Once again we are collecting bath size bars of soap for World Lutheran Relief. The soap will collected from March through September, 2013. There will be a basket in the lobby both on Saturday night and Sunday mornings to hold your donations. If you remember last year our campaign was very successful we helped 608 people with our soap. Maybe we will do better in 2013?? Thank you for your support and soap. Sharon Thacker

April 2013
Please inform us if you relocate:

Non-Profit Organization


Columbus, Ohio Permit No. 740

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799 E-mail:

Were online! Check us out at

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Charles Peterson Minister of Music and Organist: Dr. Tom Wells Administrative Assistant: Mary Reed-Farris Custodian: Lori Large
Trinity Tidings Committee
Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm Friday 8:30-12:30pm

Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly & Mailers Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Amanda Greiner Vivian Faelchle Myra Kilhefner
Suggestions for the Trinity Tidings are always welcome

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recognize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

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