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Communication and digital competency

Gustav Friedrich offers communication competence to define as situations ability

to formulate realistic and appropriate goals and to maximize their implementation
by using knowledge about myself, context, communication theories and generate
as a consequence adequate communication performance. Communication
competency can be measured very easily by checking whether the objectives /
information, media, interactive/ are made.

Scientists like Larson, Philip Backlund, and Redmond defined the communication
competence as "the ability of people to demonstrate knowledge of proper
communication behavior in a situation". A key concept in the case is a
demonstration of proper behavior.

Backlund and Weimann, on the other hand, define communication competence as

choices of behavior in an interactive environment with the intention of achieving
certain objectives. The focus here is on a successful realization of information
purposes, as a critical component for communicators. Competence research reveals
a number of "dimensions" or components of competence, the most clearly defined
being empathy, behavioral flexibility, and interaction management. With a basic
knowledge of which communication abilities are necessary for adequate
functioning in society, educators are then challenged to devise educational
strategies to give people the knowledge and experiential learning necessary to
achieve competence in this vital area of their lives. Realization of the objectives is
related to performance of the communication managers.

Communication competence corresponds with communication skills and on this

focus Larsson attention. He maintains the thesis that communication competence is
the ability of an individual to demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate
communicative behavior in a given situation. Skills are related to opportunities for
personal demonstration of appropriate behavior.

Areas of communication competence:

 Organizational communication;
 Network communication;
 Public speech;
 Content creating;
 Television production;
 Web design;
 Media and digital literacy

Chomsky s postulation of what linguistics should study is well known. Doing

linguistics means to investigate the competence of the ideal listener-speaker of a
given speech community. Thus the focus of linguistics still was situated in a
structural and positivist paradigm. As Hymes pointed out, for Chomsky
competence stands for language. From a social standpoint, transformational
grammar might equally well be seen as the culmination of the leading theme of
structural linguistics. To center analysis in a deep structure, one grounded in
human nature, is to fulfill an impulse of structural linguistics to treat language
as a sphere of wholly autonomous form. Such a theory perfects and gives the
ultimate justification to a study of language at once of human significance and
abstracted from actual human beings.
Quite different is the concept of "intercultural communication competence". Since
one of its topics is intercultural effectiveness, it cannot be based on the power
of societal norms. It has to deal with the merging of these norms and the creation
of new ones. Here the success which might be of importance would be on level .

According to the database Knowledge center IABC four main factors influencing
communications for the successful performance of companies:

... Clearly defined objectives and programs;

... Effective interface;

... Actively sharing information and management organization;

.... Consistently leadership behavior and communications

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