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Bad presidents of 1850s 1) Zachary Taylor 1848-1850 Taylor was the last slave owning president.

He opposed the compromise of 1850. He thought it gave too much to slave interests 2) Millard Fillmore He was a part of the No Nothing Party 3) Franklin Pierce 1852-1856 Supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act 4) James Buchannan He was the only bachelor president for his entire life. He was from Maryland The bad presidents were ineffectual because they were overshadowed by powerful divas in congress. Uncle Toms Cabin Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was first published as a serial in the abolitionist newspaper, The National Era. When it was first published as a book in 1852 it became a runaway bestseller. Written in melodramatic overtones, it described the plight of slaves, with Uncle Tom serving as a Christ like figure. The book was written in a manner in which one would have to decide their position over slavery. i.e. for or against it.

Lincoln Douglas Debates Illinois Senate Race of 1858 Abraham Lincoln vs. Stephan Douglas Lincoln was an anti-slavery republican

A series of 7 debates were agreed upon and during the debates Lincolns position on slavery emerged 1) He is not an abolitionists 2) He disagreed strongly with the Dred Scott case. He believed that slavery should be contained to the South where it would die a natural death 3) He favored the containment theory. It was the idea that if slavery was contained to the South were it existed that it would eventually die a natural death 4) The never called for immediate emancipation, but saw gradual emancipation as the solution. 5) But personally detested the institution of slavery as it violated his strong sense of labor and ethics. 6) DOI- In Lincolns view everyone had basic human rights. 7) However, He did not believe that African-Americans had the same rights as Whites. 8) If the government and society can marginalize one group of people, why cant they do it to another? Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln-R Stephan Douglas- D

James Breckinridge-D

John Bell-I

The Democratic party was split between the North and the South. In the election the Democratic vote was split among three candidates, giving the presidency to Lincoln. When Lincoln was indeed confirmed as the president, all hell broke loose. At the time there was a four month gap between the election and the inauguration. James Buchanan was president until March 5, 1861. In December 1860, South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union. Six states followed: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. All of these states felt that Lincolns presidency would threaten them. In February 1861, These states formed The Confederate States of American. They then proposed the 13th Amendment (at the time) which would put the Missouri Compromise back in to effect, and would set the line for slavery at the 36th Parallel. The Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis their president and Alexander Stevens as the VP. Soon to follow was Arkansas and Tennessee. After Ft. Sumter, Virginia and North Carolina entered the CSA. Lincoln entered the presidency still thinking there could be reconciliation and that he could fix the Unions problems.

Union V. Confederacy 625,000 casualties 120,000 amputees South Confederacy 11 States, 11.5 million people 4 million of which were slaves. Advantages1) Strong Sense of Purpose- Southerners believed that people in the north didnt understand the southern way of life and they didnt understand the economy. They felt as though they were the victims 2) Strong Military- Southern Boys knew how to shoot, ride horses, map terrain, and for the first two years of the war they are major contenders at winning the war 3) Strong Military Leadership- Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. Disadvantages1) 2) 3) 4) No Money No Infrastructure- few rail and telegraph lines Lack of Manufacturing capabilities Few states with a smaller population

The Confederacy couldnt fight a long and sustaining war

Union, Federal, North 24-28 States with a population of 22 to 24 million people Advantages1) 2) 3) 4) Financing and Banking Infrastructure- More rail and telegraph lines Manufacturing capabilities Better food supply and agriculture

Disadvantages 1) It took two years to develop the military 2) It was two years before the Union had great generals like Sheridan, Sherman, and Grant 3) Lack of Purpose- Why dont we just let them go? The copperhead approach was to give them what they wanted. Was this about slavery or preserving the union? 4) Strategy- The union had to take the battles to the south and fight, vs. the south who just had to protect what they had. Emancipation Proclamation Was a result of the Bloodiest day in American History. It was a military order by the commander inchief, Abraham Lincoln. It completely bypassed congress. 1) Freed slaves in openly rebellious territories like the confederacy. It didnt free slaves in border states like Missouri. 2) Cleared up the legal limbo of runaway slaves 3) Made the CW about freeing slaves, not about preserving the union 4) France and Great Britain could no longer acknowledge the confederacy 5) African Americans could now serve in the military. Lincoln was worried about blacks serving because of what might be done to them if they were captured. There were seven major massacres. They followed Fredrick Douglas. 188,000 African American men that served in segregated units. Most came from Ft. Pillow. Why Did Reconstruction Fail? 1) 2) 3) 4) Radical Republicans had either been voted out of office or had died by the 1870s Americans were exhausted after 30 years of war and reconstruction from 1846 thru 1876 The opening of the west. There was a massive shift to the west. The south was left to decay Healing Between the North and the South. There was a massive influx of immigrants that had nothing to do with or no concern about the Civil war 5) The presidential election of 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden. 3 Southern States were too close to call and a deal was arranged to give Hayes these electoral votes if he would remove troops from the south and he would appoint a cabinet member from the south. 6) Troops are removed from the South- No more protection from federal troops

7) Plessy V. Ferguson 1896- Schools and Railroad cars were segregate. Homer Plessy boards a train in the white car and starts talking about how he is one eighth white. The conductor orders that he go to the black care because no self respecting white man would call himself black. Plessy sues in saying his 14th Amendment equal protection rights were violated the supreme court voted 8-1 against plessy saying that segregation was legal under the Separate but equal doctrine of the time. The one vote for plessy was from John Marshall Harlan, He, a former slave owner said that separate but equal acknowledged that one group of people was better than another, and that this would come back to hurt African americans. Dawes Severalty Act Dawes is a senator that comes up with the idea that the government will take 130 million acres of indian land and divided up among them. It was a well intentioned that plan that had the opposite effect. A native American family would be given 160 acres, a single person 80 acres, and children 40 acres. The intention was to give native americans land they could farm on, but the soil was terrible and unharvestable. It was also thought that it would help native americans assimilate whites and allow them to become citizens after 25 years. The result was the selling of 80 million acres of land because it went unclaimed.

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