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@DMMcCall1 Ive been thinking about your tweets, which continued after I blocked you yesterday, I

noticed, and Ive decided you need a reply. Twitter can be a bloody place some times and Im sorry for calling you an idiot. I dont know you, so I apologise. But I have to say your tweets to me merit a reply as they feel disproportionately abusive and one is deeply offensive. My main concern and the main object of my ire was the media. That a teenage girl had been hounded from her job as a youth crime commissioner, by a witch hunt largely orchestrated by the Daily Mail, and whipped up in to a storm by the news cycle. I did not condone her views, nor would I ever, but was appalled that a teenage girl, who had done and said some very stupid and certainly very offensive things had become the subject of intense scrutiny and public vilification that would take the breath away of a full time politician or celebrity. In my view if were going to have youth crime commissioners and we want to have people who have lived fairly normal lives as teenagers, then while I would never condone criminality or offensive behaviour, then we have to remember as a society that the vast majority of teenagers do and say very stupid things, commit some minor crimes, and often behave in rebellious and offensive ways from time to time, or at some point as they grow up. Shock, horror an adolescent teenage girl has at various points in the last 2-3 years behaved like an offensive twat. If she sent some of those tweets in the last the last few weeks then that would certainly raise a question over her appointment. But Id still observe for a 16-17 year old six months ago probably feels like a lifetime ago. And yet, you took this as an opportunity to publically infer I condoned (and was an apologist for) those offensive views, that I was behaving in a racist and homophobic way towards you, that I discriminate, and indeed that I was vicious. You dont know me, you have no right to make those inferences about me in a public way, just because it is twitter, and certainly not based upon two pugnacious tweets of my own on the subject which were in no way either racist or homophobic. How dare you. I noticed youre learning the law. I dont know what that means and perhaps you are a training to be a solicitor. But I wonder if youd like to be judged on a fitness to practice law, or whatever it is you do or aspire to do, on the basis of stupid and offensive things you said as a teenager. Indeed perhaps youd like to be judged in a final way on the offensive things you tweeted at me yesterday. You seem to be taking great offence at the behaviour of others while licencing your own rude and offensive behaviour. Im sure you wont apologise. Im sure youre very pleased with yourself. But Im telling you, you should be ashamed. I always try and engage and debate with anyone but dont keep posting offensive tweets about me, because next time Ill be on to Twitter.

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