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Prevailing like a strong wing over is the right perception that torture is immoral
and illegal. The U.S. Constitution in the Eight Amendment prohibits the usage
of cruel and unusual punishment, therefore these words eliminates torture as a
procedure to be enacted on American citizens. When I’m outlining torture, I
specifically mean truth serums, bondage machines, sleep deprivation, rubber
hoses, water boarding, beating basically occurring randomly, electric shock,
cattle prods, etc. The reality of systematic torture throughout the world have
existed especially in many of the Atheist, Communist Dictatorships of the
Twentieth Century. After 9/11, more and more folks are brainwashed in
accepting this immoral procedure of torture. Torture is an open and shut case for
a total ban. Now, surprisingly a national debate is rising up to either endorse it
for the sake of ending “terrorists” from attacking us or to reject it. Phony liberal
Alan Dershowtiz now subscribes to torture. He even wants to change laws in
favor for torture in balancing liberty and security, which is insane. You can
either have freedom or tyranny with nothing in between.
Benjamin Franklin rightfully mentioned that if you get rid of liberty for the aim
of receiving temporary security, then you deserve neither liberty nor security.
The fake conservative & Knight of Malta Patrick Buchanan wrote and article “A
Case for Torture” that agrees with the immoral policy of torture as well. He and
numerous neo conservatives are greatly deluded in sponsoring torture. General
Rick Baucus quit Guantanomo Bay, because he refused to torture people. Was
torture for Native Americans and African Americans justified? Did the Jewish
people tortured in concentration camps normal? Were the American military
prisoners tortured in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam just fine? No, all of those events
were repugnant and immoral which proves once and for all that torture has no
place in America and the world. Torture strips human dignity. No one can be
100% certain that a human can tell the truth during torture since a man or a
woman is liable to say anything (true or false) to just escape the punishment.

Guantanamo Bay and Camp X-Ray

The facility is located at Cuba with about 660+ “detainees” held there. The whole
area has camps assigned by military radio alphabets (i.e. Camp Alpha, Camp
Bravo, etc.) and areas to the north were classified using the opposite end of the
alphabet. Then you have the infamous Camp X-Ray. The military said that Camp
X-Ray wasn’t utilized as of April 2002 and the detainee is placed to Camp Delta,
yet many reports prove that Camp X-Ray is in fact active. Even in Camp Iguerra,
children as young as 13 are interrogated and tortured which is barbaric. Well,
people will say that hey “We’ve invaded Afghanistan to send to get rid of al-
Qaeda and the Taliban to be escorted inside our camps.” Well, the reality is that
the U.S. airlifted most of the real al-Qeada and Taliban (about 8,000 people) out
of Kunduz, Afghanistan in November 2001 to Pakistan.

Soon, the al- Qaeda and Taliban were rewarded in gold bars by the U.S. federal
government since they all were created and worked for the CIA. Proof of this
airlift actually taking place is from a PBS video and an MSNBC article called
“The Airlift of Evil” by Michael Moran found at Who was left? The only people left
were goat herders and shoemakers (most of whom with no connection to al-
Qaeda or the Taliban at all) sent to Camp X-Ray for public torture. Plus in 2001,
Bush authorized an order (immediately after September 11th) to kill by the CIA
anyone classified as a terrorist, or anyone who worked for al-Qaeda, etc.
(regardless whether they’re American or not) without trial, jury, or any
Constitutional protections. Bush is a blatant tyrant and dictator acquiring this
power . The Bush administration are slick in placing these kidnapped individuals
in non-U.S. soil .The reason for this is to make these so-called “detainees” have
license to strip them of their rights, use torture, and label them as “illegal

This is blatantly false for 2 reasons. The first reason is that we are not in a time of
war since Congress has never declared war against anyone. Second, the title of
“illegal combatant” violates the Geneva Convention because at Article 5, the
Geneva Convention calls the detainees actually “prisoners of war” (POVs). There
are many examples of ex-prisoners going to court over torture. Richard Burke, an
Australian lawyer, who represents the U.S. and works with detainees at Camp X-
Ray, said that Australians were being tortured using old-fashioned techniques to
confessions according to the Herald Sun. Even according to the BBC, many
innocents are still held. According a Khilafah (a news source) at March 26, 2003,
they had an article that exposed that:

“Guantamano Bay Prisoners complain of unfair detention by the U.S. military. A

group of 18 Afghans released from a U.S. detention by U.S. center at
Guantamano Bay, Cuba, on Tuesday told how they were kept in tiny cages and
subjected to interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence.” (From )
Many ex-detainees like Salaiman Shahad who experienced a harsh process just to
receive his freedom. They weren’t even involved with the Taliban, yet they were
deported from their homeland. The propagandists are in full swing to support
this terrorism. George W. Bush said this about torture when he was in Australia:
“No of course not. We don’t torture people in America…People who make that
claim just don’t know anything about our country.” Donald Rumsfeld continues
to belief that the prisoners are treated fair. The evidence refutes Bush and
Donald’s lies. Prisoners are kept in small cases exposed to the heat, cold, wind,
and rain all year round. Many of them are restrained with goggles, facemask,
earmuffs, mittens, and restraints that are very inhumane. They are only taken out
for exercise, religious expressions, showers, and medical checks. Human rights
groups have protested these conditions as wrong plus the fact they use buckets
for waste and sensory depravation is common. Tons of eyewitnesses who were
released from Guantamano Bay expressed the military wrongfully torturing
them. The BBC TV investigation “Inside Guantamano”, from the Panorama
program successfully exposed transnational abduction, interrogation and
torture, and trials that are fake military kangaroo courts. In 2009, Barack Obama
wants to close down Guantanamo Bay by the end of the year in his executive
branch. That would seen good, but the catch is that Obama hasn’t banned the
rendition program (this is where suspected terrorists are shipped to foreign
countries where they are tortured).
Other violations of the Geneva Conventions done by member of the U.S.
government include:

-Article 13: The “unlawful combatants were displayed on TV brought from

Central Asia.
-Article 18: They were stripped of their clothes and possessions and forced to
wear orange prison uniforms
-Article 22: They were incarcerated in a concentration camp.
-Article 18: They are released since the end of hostilities ended in Afghanistan
-Article 17: The individuals were subjected to light torture as the U.S. tries to
extract information from about “future terror attacks and their superior’s

*Not to mention, you will have to notice the violations of mess facilities freedom
to unite to families, parcels of food and reading literature, etc. This is very
inhumane and if this is normal, what happened if Bush was subjected to chains,
deprived of sense, torture, and given harsh condition.

The treatment against Bush or any other human is just as wrong than anyone in
America. This is a precedent for the government to classify anyone a “terrorist”,
put him or her in concentration camps to be subjected to this treatment even unto
American citizens. The Obama administration has embraced the Bush legal
team’s arguments that a lawsuit by former C.I.A. detainees should be shut down
based on the “state secrets” doctrine. The Obama administration signaled a
continuation of Bush era policies when it threatened to cease all intelligence ties
with Britain if it revealed that a British suspect held at Guantanamo Bay had
been tortured into confessing to being part of a dirty bomb plot. The Obama
administration has left the door open to resuming military commission trials.

Appendix A: Torture Memos

Marjorie Cohn from Counterpunch on March 4, 2009 described about the Bush Justice
Department that outlined blueprints for a police state. There are newly released memos.
The memos provide so-called "legal rationales" for the President to suspend the freedom
of speech and press, order warrantless searches and seizures (including locking out
citizens in America without criminal charges indefinitely, and rendition to abrogate
treaties). The memos say that Congress has no role to check and balance the
executive branch. These immoral, extremist policies are the precise definition of a
police state. The person who wrote the memos were John Yoo and Jay Bybee. These
memos crafted the torture memos that made a more narrow definition of torture (in
order for the President to allow it and get away with it). One memo had Yoo saying
that the Justice Department would not enforce U.S. laws against torture, assault,
maiming and stalking (in the detention plus interrogation of enemy combatants). The
federal maiming statue prohibits the intent to torture, maim, or disfigure a person. It
further prohibits individuals from “throwing or pouring upon another person any scalding
water, corrosive acid, or caustic substance” with like intent. The two torture memos were
later withdrawn after they became public because their legal reasoning was clearly
defective. But they remained in effect long enough to authorize the torture and abuse of
many prisoners in U.S. custody. The 7 memos that just went public were disavowed as
well. Steven Bradbury, the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General in Bush’s
Department of Justice, issued two disclaimer memos – on October 6, 2008 and January
15, 2009 – that said the assertions in those seven memos did “not reflect the current views
of this Office.” Why Bradbury waited until Bush was almost out of office to issue the
disclaimers remains a mystery. One reason was that the new Barack Obama
administration is more anti-torture than the previous administration was. The same day
that Attorney General Eric Holder released the memos, the government revealed that the
CIA had destroyed 92 videotapes of harsh interrogations of Abu Zubaida and Abd al
Rahim al Nashiri, both of whom were subjected to waterboarding. The memo that
authorized the CIA to waterboard, written the same day as one of Yoo/Bybee’s torture
memos, has not yet been released. There are more memos yet to be released.
Meanwhile, John Yoo remains on the faculty of Berkeley Law School and Jay Bybee
is a federal judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. These men, who advised
Bush on how to create a police state, should be investigated, prosecuted, and
disbarred. Yoo should be fired and Bybee impeached.

Torture in China and across the World

I had a sudden inspiration to discuss about this issue more. One of the most disgusting
dehumanization activities that are taking place in human history is located in China. I’ve
give credit for exposing China’s crimes against humanity as well (even though I
don’t agree with their leader on every issue). The Age news service reported on China having
mobile death vans where people were being tortured to death sometimes. Forced abortions unto
women and sterilizations exist there as well with support from the evil UNESCO. Early UNESCO
leaders of course have called for an one world state. The London Guardian proved that the skins
of executed Chinese prisoners are used for beauty products in Europe. An organ harvesting
industry in China is real and true. There is so much evidence for this, that it's
overwhelming. Ian Williams wrote an article for the Observer on Sunday December 10,
2000. The article states that the Chinese governments used organ harvesting from
executed convicts to patients. Dr Thiruventhiran (The director of the National Kidney
Foundation in the capital Kuala Lumpur) admits to this. The dehumanization in China is at
very high levels. The Sunday Times has an article called "Chinese execute with ‘death
vans’ "written by Michael Sheridan (the Far East Correspondent) on March 20, 2005. It's a
blue and van death vans done for even smuggling and corruption. Wenyi Wang is a hero.
She went on National Television to protest the obscene conditions in China. She talked about the
organ industry and the human rights abuses in China. Wang is apart of the group called Falun
Gong. Later, security booted her out. Many of the news media and talk radio demonized her. That
was unfair, because it's fully justified for a woman like Wenyi to be angered by the
dehumanization plus evil policies of the dictatorship of China. Organ harvesting and
transplantation is so real that Professor J. Rothman exposed it in a lengthy report. There is still the
one child Chinese sterilization program. This is no surprise since many globalists and public
figures actually advocate the agenda of depopulation like Prince Philip, Ted Turner, Henry
Kissinger, Jacques Cousteau, microbiologist Sir MacFarlane Burnet, Dr. Eric Pianka (who called
for 90%+ of all human life to die basically via an ebola virus, which is evil), etc. I have their quotes
to back myself up. The evil abortion industry is the source of babies’ body parts being sold for
money in America. Hundreds of fetuses (or tiny human babies), and still born were discovered at
a Paris hospital just in 2005. Most of the CFR dominated media and the establishment are pro-
euthanasia. The murder of Terri Schiavo proved this 100% completely. To starve deliberately
an innocent woman to death is evil and wicked, yet most Americans (as exposed by polls) wanted
her to die (even most Evangelicals by polls back then supported her death, which was a
disgrace). Regardless of the euthanasia spin, Terri’s death violated Florida Statues that forbid
euthanasia and starving people to death. Her parents wanted to help her, some doctors said that
she was responsive, no one knows why her heart stopped conclusively, and killing people unjustly
is wrong period. Peter Singer is a prominent member of the death movement, yet he wants to
equate animal life with human life. Singer supports infanticide in certain circumstances.
Groups like the Club of Rome plotted depopulation for decades, but the Georgia Guidestones
is the perfect representation of the evil population control agenda. It was proposed in 1979 by a
guy named R.C. Christian. It was finished in the 1980’s looking like Stonehenge. It had 10
Commandments (mocking the real 10 Commandments in the Old Testament) describing how
man must harmonize with “Nature.” The first one reads like this: “…Maintain humanity under
500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature…” These ten 'commandments' are written in twelve
languages (which are in Sanskrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Classical Greek,
English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and Swahili). This is the essence of
what we’re dealing with. Population is beauty. Population is not a menace in order to intentionally
destroy for people’s pleasure, which is sick. We’re dealing with extremists here. The
overpopulation lie is refuting by the fact that the world's total population growth is decreasing,
Europe is having almost 0% growth, and decreases of birth rate have happened in the Third
World (proven by Dr. Jacequline Kasun's research).

When I heard the praise of China government by Neo Cons and in the internet, I knew I had
to write the truth on this specific subject. This is the truth about China. There has been a
lot of spin about China, but the truth must be shown here. There is so much that can be
covered. First, it's time to expose China's support of abortion and population control. Even
Colin Powell exposed these evils in China. For example, in 2002, Colin Powell presented
the report entitled "The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2002." It says that
China is still authoritarian. It lists it's problems as forced abortion and forced sterilization. The
report says that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) still works with China's population
control programs despite the UNFPA's denials.

A recent report by Sky News have the Chinese government using a brutal form of enforced
displacement. This was about the government seizing people's land and home to built
developments in replace of the home. This was done without a warrant or any legitimate
notice or compensation. Evidence of slave labor exists in China. "Toys of Misery," a
shocking 58-page report showed that not only does a 13 cent per hour salary existed for
just one China labor place. The work time were 13- to 16-hour days from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. or
even midnight, seven days a week, with 20-hour shifts in peak season. China is increasing
its economic power. Back in 1997, the Chinese government took over the Long Beach Naval Air
Base, the only major deep water port that can take large ships on the west coast. In 2000, the
Communist Chinese, Hutchinson Whampoa which is run by the PLA, took over the Panama
Canal and has stationed between 15,000 and 30,000 troops at the facility. They are growing
their economy, increasing their demands for oil, and Chinese general Zhu Chenghu
warned America of a nuclear attack. This is mentioned in Jonathan Watts's article inside of
Beijing(on Saturday July 16, 2005) from The Guardian. The article continue to mention that
China is making bigger its IBM rockets. China has taken over many corporations as well.
Some believe that the country of China will be the next superpower.

Censorship is great in China. Yahoo is also colloborating with the Chinese government even
though China censors the Internet heavily. John Leyden (writing for the The Register, which was
published on Friday 10th February 2006 12:22 GMT) talked about the Chinese government
arresting a person for just posting comments on the Internet. Li Zhi was one person who was
arrested and sentence 8 years for it. According to Reporters Without Border, 49 cyber-dissidents
and 32 journalists are in prison in China over internet postings criticising Chinese authorities. The
state is also to issue 1.3 billion RFID identification cards.

Those people who experience forced displacement are forced into poverty and squalor. Even
though the leadership of China is evil, unlike the Neo Cons, I don't agree with any pre-
emptive invasion of China or Russia at all. I want to make another thing clear. Many
Chinese people in China and across the world are great people. Numerous Chinese people
are fighting against the evil readily present in the Chinese government. I will always make
a clear distinction between the patriotic Chinese people wanting real harmony plus liberty
and the corrupt policies of the Chinese government. It’s like there is a distinction between
the patriotic American people and the corrupt policies of the American government. Tons
of Chinese people sincerely want improvement. I also believe that Taiwan has a right to be
independent and assert their national sovereignty as well. We must do everything we can
to help the good Chinese people out.

By Timothy




March 16, 2004 A.D.

Updated on March 21, 2009
8:51 AM. EST

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