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TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES RUBRIC FOR LABORATORY PERFORMANCE Subject : ________________________________________ Experiment No : ___________________________________ Group No : ______________________________________ Section

: __________________________________________ Group Members : ________________________________ Instructor : ____________________________________ BEGINNER 1 ACCEPTABLE 2 Members occasionally demonstrate needed skills PROFICIENT 3 SCORE

CRITERIA I. Laboratory Skills

Members do not demonstrate Manipulative Skills neededskills

Members are able Members are to set-up the unable to set-up the materials with supervision Experimental Set-up materials Members Member do not occasionally demonstrate demonstrate targeted process targeted process skills skills Process Skills Members do not Members follow follow safety safety precautions most of the time Safety Precautions precautions II. Work Habits

Members always able to demonstrate needed skills Members are able to set-up the material with minimum supervision

Members always demonstrate targeted skills Members follow safety precautions at all times

Members finish Time Management Members do not Members finish on ahead of time with / Conduct of finish on time with time with complete data and Experiment incoomplete data incomplete data time to revise data Members are on Members do not Members have tasks and have know their tasks defined defined and have no responsibilities responsibilities at defined most of the time. all times. Group responsibilities. Group conflicts are conflicts are Group conflicts cooperatively cooperatively have to be settled managed most of managed at all by the teacher the time times. Cooperative and Teamwork

Clean and orderly workplace with Messy workplace occasional mess during and after the during and afiter experiment the experiement Neatness and Orderliness Members require Members require occassional Ability to do supervision by the supervision by the independent work teacher teacher

Clean and orderly workplace at all times during and after the experiment Members do not need to be supervised by the teacher
TOTAL SCORE RATING = (TotalScore) x 100% 24

Other Comments / Observations Evaluated by :

___________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date : _________________________


TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES RUBRIC FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Name of Student_________________________________ Section : ___________________________________ Title / Topic : ____________________________________ Subject____________________________________
Outcome : Students will deliver effective oral presentations and demonstrate a command of the English language.




Presenter maintains eye Presenter reads contact with most of the report, audience most of but occassionally the time, but makes eye contact frequently returns with audience to notes Presenter seldom returns to notes, maintaining eye contact with audience throughout the presentation. Strong positive feeling about topic during entire presentation

Presenter reads entire report, making no eye contact with Eye Contact audience


Occassionally Shows absolutely Shows some shows positive no interest in topic negativity toward feelings about presented topic presented topic Presenter mumbles, mispronounces terms, and makes serious and persistent grammatical errors throughout presentation. Presenter speaks too softly to be heard by many in the audience


Presenter's voice is relatively clear, but too low to be heard by those in the back of the room. Presenter makes several major grammatical errors, and mispronounces some terms.

Presenter speaks clearly and loud enough to be heard by most of the audience; makes relatively few grammatical errors, and pronounces most terms correctly.

Presenter speaks clearly and loud enough for all in the audience to hear; makes no grammatical errors, and pronounces all terms correctly and precisely. Effectively convinces an audience to recognize the valididity of a point of view

Clear point of view, but Point of view may development or Fails to effectively be clear, but lacks support is Awareness of convince the development or inclonclusive and Audience audience support incomplete

Visual Aid

Poor, distracts audience and is hard to read

Adds nothing to presentation

Visual aid enhances presentation, all Thoughts thoughts articulated clearly, articulated and but not engaging keeps interests.

Presenter does not follow logical There is no logical sequence (jumps sequence of around the information presentation) Organization The content is incomplete and The content is more than three complete but one details are not or two details are included not included Content The presentation is finished exceeding three minutes of due Time Frame time limit The presentation id finished exceeding not more than two minute of the time limit

Presenter follows Presenter follows logical sequence logical sequence and provides but fails to explanations / elaborate elaboration The content is very comprehensive and complete in details

The content is comprehensive and complete

The presentation id finished exceeding not more than one The presentation minute of the time id finished within limit the time limit
TOTAL SCORE RATING = (TotalScore) x 100% 32

Other Comments / Observations

Evaluated by :

___________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member

Date : _________________________

TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES RUBRIC FOR RESEARCH PAPER Name of Student_________________________________ Title / Topic : ____________________________________ Section : ___________________________________ Subject____________________________________

Outcome : Students will deliver effective oral presentations and demonstrate a command of the English language.



BEGINNER 1 There is no clear introduction of main topic and the structure of the paper is missing

ACCEPTABLE 2 The introduction states the main topic but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper

EXEMPLARY 4 The introduction is engaging, The introduction states the main states the main topic and topic and previews the structure of previews the structure of the the paper paper. Clearly and concisely states the paper's purpose in a single sentence, which is engaging, and thought provoking Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose of argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains important insights The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one point to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning.




The purpose or argument is generally unclear

The central purpose or argument is not consistently Clearly states the paper's purpose clear throughout the paper in a single sentence


Central purpose or argument is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague or not evident. Reader is confused or may be misinformed

Information supports a central purpose or argument at times. Analysis is basic or general. Reader gains few insights.

Information provides reasonable support for a central purpose or argument and displays evidence of a basic analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains some insights.

Organization Grammar, Spelling, Writing Mechanics (puntuation, italics, capitalixation, etc.)

The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and loses interest There are so manyerrors that meaning is obscured. The reader is confused and stops reading The tone is unprofessional. It is not appropriate for an academic research paper.

In general, the writing is arranged logically, although occassionally ideas fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what writer intends. The writing has many errors, and the reader is distracted by them The tone is not consistently professional or appropriate for an academic research paper.

The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or argument. They are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning. There are occassional errors, but they don't represent a major distraction or obscure meaning

The writing is free or almost free of errors.


The tone is generally professional. The tone is consistently For the most part, it is appropriate professional and appropriate for an academic research paper. for academic research paper.

Use of References

Quality of References


Although attributions are occassionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. The reader References are seldom cited is confused about the source to support statetements of information and ideas. Most of the references are There are no virtually no from sources that are not sources that are peer-reviewed and have professionally reliable. The uncertain reliability. The reader seriously doubts the reader doubts the accuracy value of the material and of much of the material stops reading. presented. Done in the correct format Done in the correct format with many errors. Includes 3 with some errors. Includes 4 major references(e.g. science major references (e.g. journal articles, books, but science journal articles, not more than two internet books but not more than two sites. internet sites

Professionally legitimate sources that support claims are generally present and attributions is for the most part, clear and fairly represented.

Compelling evidence from professionally legitimate sources is given to support claims. Attribution is clear and fairly represented References are primarily peerreviewed professional journals or other approved sources. The reader is confident that the information and ideas can be trusted. Done in the correct format with some errors. Includes more than 5 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books but not more than two internet sites

Although most of the references are professionally legitimate, a few are questionable. The reader is uncertain of the reliability if some of the sources. Done in the correct format with some errors. Includes 5 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books but not more than two internet sites


RATING = Other Comments / Observations

Evaluated by :

(TotalScore) x 100% 36

___________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member

Date : _________________________

TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES RUBRIC FOR REFLECTION PAPER / ESSAY Name of Student_________________________________ Title / Topic : ____________________________________ Section : ___________________________________ Subject____________________________________

Outcome : Students will write reflection paper / essay which is logically organized, have a clear sence of purpose and demonstrates a command of the practice of effective writing. BEGINNER 1 ACCEPTABLE 2


Focus on Assigned Topic

Some of the essay is related to No attempt has been made to the assigned topic, but a relate the essay to the reader does not learn much assigned topic about the topic

Little or no explanation or reflection on learning, no or few details to support Reflection of Personal Learning reflection

Does not go deeply into the reflection of learning, generalizations and limited insight, uses some detail.


Many grammatical spelling, or A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors punctuation errors. The essay is a little hard to follow. Paragraphs are unclear. The transitions are sometimes not clear. The conclusion does not adequately restaten the learning


Ideas seem to be randomly arranged. No effort at paragraph organization


Incomplete and/or unfocused

Other Comments / Observations Evaluated by :

___________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member

Date : _________________________



__________________________ __________________________

have a clear sence of purpose and

PROFICIENT 3 Most of the essay is related to the assigned topic. The essay wanders off at one point, but the reader can still learn soemthing about the topic



Entire essay is related to the assigned topic and allows the reader to understand much more about the topic Shows great depth of knowledge and learning, reveals feelings and thoughts, abstract ideas reflected through use of specific details No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. The essay is very well organized. One idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions The conclusion is engaging and restates personal learning.

Relates learning with research and project, personal and general reflections included, uses concrete language

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

The essay is pretty well organized. One idea may seem out of place. Clear transitions are used. The conclusion restates the learning


RATING = (TotalScore) x 100% 20


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