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Identity Formation Parenting Peers Drugs Video

The Challenge of Finding Self

Adolescence is best understood as a quest for self understanding Berger Identity A consistent definition of ones self as a unique individual, in terms of roles, attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations Eriksons 5th Stage Identity v. Role Confusion trying to figure out Who I Am?, but being confused as to which of many roles to adopt

Achieving Identity




Foreclosure Accepting parental & community values w/out question not forging a new identity Role confusion Does not seem to know or care what their identity is Moratorium A pause in identity formation that allows young people to explore alternatives without making final choices Achieved Attainment of identityUnderstanding who you are in accordance with past experiences and future plans (doesnt typically happen during adolescence)

Areas of Identity Achievement

Gender identity A persons acceptance of the roles and behaviors that society associates with the biological categories of male and female

than sexual orientation

Religious identity Political identity Vocational identity

Parenting Matters

Staying connected, finding the balance Overall closeness measured by: 1) communication, 2) support, 3) connectedness, 4) control Parental monitoring is ongoing awareness of what their children are doing, where and with whom:

delinquency, risky sex, drugs/alcohol, other dangers When warm, supportive there are better outcomes When controlling, greater risk of depression & other disorders

The role of peers

Peers are highly influential during this period can be both constructive & destructive 3 key points:

standards are not always negative, yet peer facilitation can play a role in behaviors Serve to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood Peer pressure is short lived. Rises until age 14 then declines

Drug & Alcohol Use

Drug use is ingestion regardless of the amount

Varies by cohort & culture

Drug Abuse ingestion of a drug to the extent that it impairs the users well-being Binge drinking - five or more alcoholic beverages in a row Addiction A persons dependence on a drug or a behavior in order to feel physically or psychologically at ease


More availability & use of synthetic & prescription drugs have gone up Children are using earlier

Dangers of drug use more pronounced in adolescence when brain/body is still developing Tobacco impairs digestion, nutrition, slows down growth Alcohol impairs memory, self control, damages hippocampus & prefrontal cortex Marijuana affects memory, language proficiency and motivation (more likely to drop out, become pregnant, unemployed)

Video on Adolescent Development

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