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Blond Haired CyberTot

This doll was knit with US ndl size 2 (2.75 mm) and Caron Simply Soft. The arms are stitched onto doll. We used the smaller size of the pattern. Her eyes are embroidered with black yarn. She measures app 10.5"/26 cm. Her hair is Lion Brand Jiffy and was attached with back sts on her entire head. The bangs were split later after trimming. Coat Measurements: sleeves across: 8"/21 cm; top of hood to bottom: 9 1/4"/23.5 cm. We apologize for the quality of the picture, we will update picture soon.
Unfortunately, we can't guarantee error-free patterns. Please email and let us know if you find any errors.

Clothes for Blond Haired CyberTot

Needles: US size 6 (4 mm), dp ndls can be used for markers if need be. Yarn:: Simply Soft by Caron as main color, the trim was worked with Lion Brand Wool Ease. (use DK yarn if you can't find these type of brands). Gauge: 5 sts per inch/2.5 cm.

Coat with Hood

Note: The coat is worked in SS from the neck down, increasing the work on every other row by 8 sts until the work splits to sleeves, front pieces and back. The hood is work from the neck up. The trim is the picked up in the sides of hood

and front pieces afterwards. CO 28 sts and P first row. Next, K4*, inc in next 2 sts, K3**, inc in next 2 sts, K6**, inc in next 2 sts, K3**, inc in next 2 sts, K4* (36 sts). P next row. Repeat these 2 rows adding 1 st to each '*' until there are 76 sts on ndl (5 more times). Next row (RS), work as described, splitting the work: K 10 sts, inc in next st, save next 17 sts to scrap yarn for sleeve, join and work an inc in next st, K18, inc in next st, save next 17 sts to scrap yarn, join and work an inc in next st, K10. There should be 46 sts on ndl. P next row. Next row, K11*, inc in next 2 sts, K20**, inc in next 2 sts, K11* (50 sts). Work 3 rows of SS. Repeat last 4 rows twice, adding 1 st to each '*'. There should be 58 sts on ndl. Cut yarn. Switch to contrasting color and K next row. Work 2 row of seed. Bind off (WS) in seed.

Note: you may want to use dp ndls and work sleeve in the round. Else the first few rows are hard to work because of lack of room due to the coat's front and back having been knit as one piece. First, CO 2 sts, then K the saved 17 sts for the one sleeve, sco 2 sts at end (21 sts). Work 5 rows of SS. Cut yarn. Switch to contrasting color, K first row. Work next 2 rows in seed, bind off (WS) in seed on next row. Repeat for other sleeve. Sew up sleeves. Sew up the underarm hole to coat, ease into coat's opening.

Work first row on RS, picking up a st in each of the CO sts from the start of coat (28 sts). P next row.

Next row, work 8 increases evenly spaced. Work 15 rows of SS or until work from start of neck measures 2 3/4"/7 cm (or measure to doll), making sure next row is RS. Next, K12, K2tog, K2, K2tog twice, K2, K2tog, K12 (32 sts) and P next row. Next, K11, K2tog, K1, K2tog twice, K1, K2tog, K11 (28 sts) and P next row. Next, K10, K2tog 4 times, K10 (24 sts) and P next row. Next, K2tog across row (12 sts). Slip sts to 2 dp ndls, 6 sts per ndl. WS facing, bind off the sts together. Using contrasting color, pick up 96 sts alongside the front edges and hood, using 2 ndls, splitting the sts at top of hood to ease the knitting, ratio app 3 sts to rows. Work 2 rows of seed. Bind off (WS) in seed.

In contrasting color, crochet 2 chains or use yarn as is. Make 2 pompoms by wrapping yarn around one finger about 60 times. Attach to chain/string. Attach yarn strings or crocheted chains on front pieces by the neck line.

Needles: US size 3/3.25 mm; yarn is Woolease; gauge: 11 sts per inch/5 cm. Note: K in the round if you so desire, splitting the sts evenly to 3 dp ndls. Seam is in the back of boot. CO 24 sts. Work 2 rows of seed. Work 6 rows of SS. Next row (RS), K10, work an increase in next 4 sts, K10 (28 sts). P next row (knit if round). Next row/round, K18, turn, sl 1, P7; turn, sl 1, K6, K2tog, complete row/round (27 sts). Next row for straight knitting, P16, P2tog, complete row (26 sts). K next row, P next row. for round knitting, K9, K2tog, complete round (26 sts). K next 2 rounds. Next row marking the sole, P row/round. P next row for straight knitting, K next round for round knitting (e.g work next row as established). Next row (RS), (K1, K2tog) twice, K2, (K2tog, K1) twice, (K1, K2tog) twice, K2, (K2tog, K1) twice (20 sts). Work next row/round as established. Next row (RS), K2tog twice, K2, K2tog 4 times, K2, K2tog twice (12 sts). Cut yarn to 12"/30 cm tail. If you know how, we highly suggest grafting the sts (split sts to 2 ndls, 6 sts

per ndl). Else Bind off row. For straight knitting, fold work (or graft) and sew up seam of bottom of sole, then continue to back of boot ending at start of work. Secure starting tail in work on WS. For round knitting, sew up small seam from seed rows at start of boot.

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