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Concept of Human Nature


nature refers







of thinking, feeling and acting, that humans tend to have naturally. The questions of what these characteristics are, what causes them, and how fixed human nature is, are amongst the oldest and most important questions in western philosophy. These questions have particularly important implications

in ethics, politics and theology. This is partly because human nature can be regarded as both a source of norms of conduct or ways of life, as well as presenting obstacles or constraints on living a good life. The complex implications of such questions are also dealt with in art and literature, while the multiple branches of the Humanities together form an important domain of inquiry into human nature, and the question of what it means to be human. The branches of contemporary science associated with the study of human nature include anthropology, sociology, sociobiology and psychology, particularly evolutionary psychology and developmental psychology. The "nature versus nurture" debate is a broadly inclusive and well-known instance of a discussion about human nature in the natural sciences.

Basic Concept of Child Development

Concept here refers to something that formed in the mind, a thought or notion or a general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences (The American Heritage Dictionary). Since child development is made up of child and development, we will discuss the concept of child and concept of development. There are many concept of child. One of the many concepts is every child is unique and special. Child is very unique similar as people as there is no two person that is complete the same. Even though if a pair of children is identical twin which have the same physical feature but deep down they are still very different in term of rate of development, characteristic, personality, behavior and much more that contribute to the diversity of human kind and children. That is no one is the same that is why every child is special in their own way. As child grows they will undergo a very eventful moment the childhood. This is a very important stage as it is the time where the child builds up their foundation for their life later on. Here they started to build up physical growing taller and wider. At the same time their cognitive also development where their memory, understanding and experience and knowledge accumulate. This is the time where they start to gain experience through interaction with the surrounding and understand the world and their environment. As time pass by they will acquire new skill and knowledge through interaction with environment. Concept of development is development is measured qualitatively. Development is said to be a qualitative process that happen as progressive series in human being from the day being conceived to baby, toddler, children, teenager, adult, and getting older and older until we die. The qualitative progress mentioned is not something that can measured using a weighing machine or a ruler but the increase in something that cannot be measured physically and observation in improvement. As an example the development of a child can be seen as she starts off by crawling into more advance skill such as walking, running, jumping and dancing. Unlike development growth is

something that can be measured using physical method such as using triple beam, weighing scale and ruler. So growth is also known as quantity process.

Basic principles of Child Development

The word principle simply means a fundamental basic truth. There are many principles too regarding child development. They are:

Development proceed from head upward to leg downward This is known as cephalocaudle principle that describes the direction of growth and development. According to this principle, a child gains control of head, followed by arms and later the legs. We can see that infant is able to lift their head within first two months of births. Later they are able to use their arms and by the age of 6 to 12 months they are all ready to control their leg. At this time the child can crawl, stand or walk.

Development proceeds from the center of the body outward. This is the principle of proximodistal development that also describes the direction of development. According to the theory the spinal cord actually developed first before the outer part of the body. So the childs arms actually developed first before its hand and fingers and so do the legs first before the feet and toes. In the end the finger and the toes that need to use fine motor is the last to develop.

Growth and development is in an orderly manner This can be easily deduced based on observation. We can see that an infant need to know how to sit then only they can start crawling and standing. There is always a general pattern and no child can walk before they know how to crawl. This simply also happen to development. Before they start reading they need to know the alphabet then the phonetics of the alphabet. Then only they know the words and its phonetics and finally combining all this skill acquired the children can start to read. The skill and knowledge acquired can remain for a reasonable long period and perhaps for the entire life.

Development depends on maturation and learning. Maturation refers to the sequential characteristic of biological growth and development. The biological changes occur in sequential order in the brain and nervous system and give children new abilities. These changes in the brain and nervous system help children to improve in thinking (cognitive) and motor (physical) skills. Development proceeds from simple to complex. In the beginning children can only learn with the help of concrete item but as they grow and develop they are able to learn only using symbol like pictures and finally they can learn abstractly.

Development and learning occur as a result of the child interacting with people and objects in his or her environment Children integrate their previously acquire skill into more complex, dynamic system of action. According to Piaget Theory during the developmental state children have their own mental maps build up from their past experience. When they meet up with something new they will try to assimilate into what they had

learned before. In this way they will acquire more and become more matured. The growth and development of child takes place gradually and continuously. Adding up of past experience and assimilate or accommodate into new things as we can see the continuation of the process itself. The way child can acquire something new is through interacting with people and objects in his or her environment.

Development proceeds from the simple (concrete) to the more complex and from general to specific. Children start of with simple matter rather than complex in the process of cognitive development. In the beginning children learn simple things such as 1,

2, 3 or a,b,c when they started off at preschool. As time passes by their cognitive skill increased and started to gain more understanding so they are taught how to add and minus and even solve problems. Meanwhile the development of motor rather begins with general to specific. Infant begins with grasping item. Their first motor can be categorized as general, undirected and reflexive such as swinging their arms or kicking in the air. Growth occurs from large muscle movements to more refined (smaller) muscle movements. As they gain older they start to have aim and their movement is more directed such as kicking ball.

Childrens needs differ across the early childhood years. It is said that the needs of a child vary over the first few years of their life. This can actually be group into different stages based on their needs.

During infancy the most important need of the child is nutrition. Sensory learning especially auditory and visual, control of physical actions and attachment to a significant parent or caretaker seem to be the central tasks. During toddler period nutrition is still consider extremely important for a child in body building and cognitive building. This is stage where childs coordination, language, ability to think and social skills advance rapidly. In the pre-school years, socialization and preparation for schooling take on greater importance, and the circle of peers and caregivers widens. During the period of entering primary school there is a period of transition. But the focus of education and peer increase. Childrens involvements in sports also advance greatly in this stage. Children continue to need holistic attention.

Growth and development is a continuous process As a child develops, he or she adds to the skills already acquired and the new skills become the basis for further achievement and mastery of skills. Most children follow a similar pattern. This can be proven from the sequence of physical development of child where a child begins to sit then crawl and stand. This sequence will not stop and will continue to grow as the child grows older. Hence we can say that growth and development is a continuous process that will not stop until a person dies.

Factors that influence Child Development

Anything that contributes causally to a result is known as factor. (WordWeb) In the matter of factors that influence the child development varies. But they can be mainly divided into two main factors which is nature and nurture factors. Nature factors are factors that carried by the individual from conception to birth. On the other hand nurture factors are factors that affect the individual from after birth often regarding with the environment.

Nature factor
Genetic It is what that have been half inherited by the mother and the father in the form of gene. This gene is a segment of DNA that actually controls the physical, mental and many attributes in the body. The height, type of hair or color, skin color, blood groups are actually being control by the DNA. When it comes to gene you can do nothing about it to change it especially the internal factors such as blood group and also inherited diseases. Besides physical attributes, gene is also affects the character and mental intelligence or IQ of an individual (Whitaker et al, 1997). If the parents are temperament it is said that the child might also inherited it and so the IQ. However to those parents who have mental disability or when there are mutation occurs during the multiplication of gene or cross of gene during the fertilization of egg and sperm might causes mental disability. Mental disability is an abnormal condition that causes significant distress or dysfunction that can involve with cognitive, emotional, behavioral and interpersonal impairment. Example is Down Syndrome. Maternal nutrition The second factor is the maternal nutrition. What the mother consume during pregnancy is very important to the health and well being of the baby. Mother should have a well balanced diet that has all the food classes that are required in the correct amount and portion for the needs of the mother and the baby. A pregnant mother

should ingest more acid folic, iron, zinc and calcium besides the usual daily food. Acid folic play an important role in the creation of baby nervous system and iron is required because more blood is needed to send the supply to the baby through placenta. Zinc and calcium is needed for the development of embryo. If the mother has a poor nutrition it may affect the growth of the baby physical body and brain cell. Hence when the baby is born the size of the baby is not healthy and deformities might occur. The cognitive development also slows down. Mothers health What a mother does during pregnancy can affect the growth of the baby overall. So a mother should take care of herself well by having a well balanced diet. Food that contains high level of sugar and salt should be avoided. Going for medical check-up according to the doctors schedule is a must to ensure the condition of the baby is perfect. Personal hygiene is also very important to avoid getting ill. Try to wear comfortable clothing that does not obstruct the growth of the baby so tight clothes is not advisable. Finally exercise regularly and have enough rest. Unlike before pregnant a mother should sleep more and have more rest because pregnant women is easier tired out and the baby also needs a good rest. Teratogens The forth factors are teratogens which refer to any agent that interferes with normal embryonic development: alcohol or thalidomide or X-rays or rubella are examples. These teratogens can actually cause abnormalities to the baby because they affect the preventing or modifying normal cell division and differentiation of the baby. By taking drug the baby can suffers from deformation and mental retard. Excessive alcohol consumption causes fetal alcohol syndrome where the baby will suffers from poor growth, distinct patterns of unusual facial characteristic, small head and brain dysfunction. Meanwhile mother should also avoid from smoking or being a passive smoker because the smoke can decrease the amount of oxygen received by the baby. This will cause the rise in fetal heart rate and premature delivery. Prematurely delivered baby usually suffers from low birth weight and are apt to have impairments in cognitive, sensory and motor capabilities.

Ever heard that pregnant mother are disallowed to go near or even worse working in the area where radioactive is. It is very important to let the pregnant mother to know that high radioactive level can cause the death of a few months old baby in the womb. While places with lower radioactive level should be avoided such as photostatting machine and x-rays. Laser rays from the x-rays can caused the deformities of the baby. So be well aware. Other than that for future mothers please be well aware that there is a type of germs called German measles that are not harmful to adults but it is fatal for baby. Therefore the government takes a preventive measure even before the misfortune can take place. Under the measure taken Ministry of Health send doctors and nurse to provide injection named BCG to the female student at the age of 12 besides the one taken during baby. The injection id needed as it provide so immunity to the person that taken the injection. Sometimes a couple before married or planning to have baby also takes this preventive measure. This German measles can cause Congenital Rubella. Infected in early pregnancy can lead to fatal death, premature delivery, congenital defects, spontaneous abortion, deafness, heart defects or mental retardations. Mothers that are HIV positive should be prepared as the baby born has a big chance to be infected by HIV. If this occurs child whole life will be a HIV patient. This usually happens in country where HIV disease is rampant such as Africa that has a high rate of HIV and other examples are Cambodia and Ukraine. Rh blood factor Rh a type of protein in the blood that contributes to the existence of Rh positive and Rh negative in the blood type. It doesnt contribute much trouble if both the parent of the child belongs to the same type of Rh either both positive or negative. But when it happens that both parent have different Rh blood factor the problem happens. As an example mother with Rh positive carries a baby that is Rh negative due to the heredity from the father. The difference of blood type causing the mothers body antibody system recognizes the babys blood as foreign material or bacteria that trigger the formation of antibody against childs blood. This doesnt bother the first born as the antibody of the mother isnt that strong but if the second born is with Rh negative the child might causes miscarriage or anemia as the mothers body reject the babys blood.

Emotional stress Emotional stress is also identified as one of the nature factors. What ever the mother feels will bring the effects. A stress mothers body will stimulate the production of adrenaline which alters the blood flow. When a pregnant mother is often stressed the baby will have a shortage of oxygen and nutrient supply. Somehow this will implement to the prematurely and low birth weight. Lack of oxygen and nutrient supply is a matter but excessive adrenaline in the blood may enter into the babys blood. The not suppose to exist hormone in the babys body causing the baby having newborn irritability and behavioral problems. Maternal age According to Dessner, 1973 there is a relation between the risks of fetuss death with the mothers age. It is said that teenage mother having a higher risk of miscarriage than the early twenties mothers. Although teenage is said to be fertile but the condition of the womb is said that have not been perfected for the carriage of the baby. Women older than the age of 35 to have first born will have a higher probability to experience chromosome abnormality. One of the good examples is Down syndrome that is caused by presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome instead of two. This situation is also known as Trisomy 21. Down syndrome effect is mental retardation.

Nurture Factor
Childs Nutrition and Fitness Food has been put into a very important role in a childs growth. That is when various brains of healthy food for baby and children sprung up at the supermarkets shelf. The main food source for baby is milk. What is the best milk for baby? Of course the mothers milk is the best. Comprising all nutrients and supply antibodies needed by babies where can you get better as cow or goat milk dont provide the instant antibody. Mothers milk comes with the correct temperature and its free. When the baby is gett ing older enough protein and calcium is needed to make sure the child will grow up healthy with strong bones and teeth. Of course balance meal is required too. Correct food

amount helps child to grow in the correct rate and size. Malnutrition on the other hand causes many problems such as slow growth and many deficiency diseases (J.L Brown & Pillot, 1996, McDonald et al. 1994) .Sufficient amount of exercise is important too. (Wolf et al.,1993). Playing basketball and skipping rope can help the child to grow taller. Family Family is important as they are the person that support and educate the child. Parents choice for suitable parenting method is significant in molding up a childs character. (Developmental Psychology, 1998)Autocratic is a method where the parent decides everything for the child and the child must follow strictly. Democratic method is the opposite of autocratic where the child is given the freedom to whatever they want. Child is said to be feel neglected and not having the enough attention or love by the parent and lower self esteem. So it seems like neither both of the method is good enough. Like what Buddha said take the middle way where dont give either too many freedom or no freedom to the child in this context. Thus authoritative method a combination of both is born. The child is given freedom but with limitation. The child can have the freedom to test out their ideas and have a better communication but when the child fails the parent is there to support. Using this method it is said the child will be independent, assertive, friendly, cooperative, high self esteem and achievement oriented. Peer Besides parent who accompany the growth of a child. It is the friend and peer. Peer here refers to friend of the same age. This is the first step taken by a child to the society. Here is the place where the child will try and acquire skills to adapt themselves in a society. Peer is also a place where the child can safety test out their idea. There is also a higher tendency that child find that peer is a more comfortable group to play with. To play in a group there is something such as rules and regulations that need to be learned and obey so that the child will be accepted. This is where the influence of the peer where the child will try to gain acceptance and will act according to the group. At the same time they also learn to respect others right as they learned to socialize. School

Furthermore school also plays a very important role as the school also functions as second educator to the child besides the parent. Providing the knowledge required for the child the school also prepared as a socializing medium for the students. Thus school is also known as agent of socialization. Here the student will get the exposure with adults and also friends where the socialization between these two parties will enable the child to learn the norm. School rules and regulation enable to discipline the student. Rules of schools serve as a basic where the child learns there is limitation of actions, speech or words. The environment of the school also support and encourage child to interact with one another under discussion and activities that are held by school. Of course moral values are also instills in the students where teachers tried to shape the childs behavior or through motivational wordings that are display at school. Subject such as moral education and civic are also taught to student. Lastly the school culture also affects greatly on the child. House and Neighborhood Providing a shelter is the main basic of a house. Under the roof filled with rooms for many purposes but how is that affects the child. The environment of the house can be decorated in some ways that motivate the childs interest in learning and culture. Appropriate decorated room with studying table and shelf of books provide a comfortable environment to study. Collection of books or little library in the house can help in instill the interest in reading among children. Besides the decoration the location of the house is also important as various neighborhoods have different culture and style. It is said that children living in urban area are more individualistic compared with children from rural area. Rural area has culture that creates a cooperative and closer relationship between families. The child will try to suit the environment through adaptation. Mass media Globalization is what that is happening nowadays. The rapid development of science and technology makes things faster and the distance shorter. Where with a simple click on the mouse many information can be gathered through the internet. All these information and technology is a influencing our daily life. They are the electronic media and mass media. They cover a wide range of sources in our daily life such as television, newspapers, radio, internets. These media plays a wide range of function in

our life as giving information, updating us with the latest things or events in the world and source of entertainment. Hence they can have a very big influence in our daily life. Useful as they can be but they are able to affect the cognitive development of child. One study found that TV viewing before age three slightly hurt several measures of later cognitive development, but that between ages three and five it slightly helped reading scores (Zimmerman FJ,2005). Kids growing up in families in which the TV is on always or most of the time spend less time reading and being read to, and are less likely to be able to read (Vandewater, EA ,2005). According to an extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed. (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001). The stunts showed in television gave the child some kind of fantasy to the child. Repetition of violent scenes on the screen in television also results child being insensitive towards violent. Children have the tendency imitate the violence they see on TV. Children under age eight cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy, making them more vulnerable to learning from and adopting as reality the violence they see on TV (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001). Religion Believe in god. That is the first thing mentioned in Rukun Negara. God is said to be the most important and influential in a persons life. The teachings of the God must be followed. Religion varies in the world and the four main religions in the world are Jesus Christ, Hindu, Buddha and Islam. But behind all the religion their teachings are all based on good values that all human beings should have in the life and immoral act should be avoided in all cases. In Ten Commandments it is say that should not steal murder, commit adultery and many others. So do other religion that forbids the immoral act. In the teaching of Buddha can be simplified as avoid evil, do good and purify ones mind.

Since back to the ancient civilization the topic of which factors have a greater effect on a child development is often debated even until now. But it is a matter of fact that both play a very important role in childs development.

Overall the nature factors always come from the genetic factors, genetic compatibility and also the mothers overall condition. Regarding the genetic factors there is much of the norm of disallowing sibling to married. One of the reason is the chances or probability to gain a unhealthy child is higher compared to others as the both parent are probably having similar recessive gene that contribute to born of unhealthy child. That is why it is advisable to avoid intermarriage to lessen the chance of having unhealthy children. We can see that mother plays a very important role in contributing the developing of a child. As a mother she should be take care not only her physical body such as fitness and fitness but also mentally and emotionally. Also she has to beware of the environment. Hence the mothers action has a very great impact of the childs wellness besides the gene factor. Meanwhile the nurture factor is more to the environment and the people around the children. They hold a great factor as mention in the principle of child that development and learning occur as a result of the child interacting with people and objects in his or her environment. They learn through interaction with the surrounding. From interaction they gain experience that helps them to mould their own understanding of the world around them based on their own point of view.

School facilities in developing physical environment of the school and beautification of school environment in inculcating aesthetic values, cleanliness and love for the natural environment.

Infrastructure is the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area. Simple based on the definition we know that infrastructure is required for the school to function efficiently. Basic school facilities can be distribute into learning area, hall canteen, field, resource centre, science laboratories. The latest school infrastructure is computer laboratories.

Learning area can be referred as the place to study which usually is the classroom. Classroom is the main learning area as the student spends almost all their time in the school in class. Being an important place for study the environment must be conducive so that the teaching and learning process would be more effective. In SJK(T) BATU PEKAKA, around all the classrooms there are display of many materials such as time table, duty roster, organization chart and the schools rules and r egulations. In addition there are various material based on the subject that the students take. This material is important for reinforcement or remembrance purposes. Cleanliness and beautification is important to keep the environment conducive and comfortable.

Hall is a place where gathering of the school community can be held. It is a place of information transfer and communication. One of the usual function hold in the hall in the assembly. During in that school assembly one of the teacher in charge had update the others with the schools cleanliness report, the latest event that took place. The teacher also gave some talk on a topic which related to cleanliness. In the beginning of the assembly with singing the nation anthem followed by the state anthem and other

important song. Singing all these songs is a part or way to inculcate the love for the country. At the end of the assembly the school head gave some motivational talk and advises to the student. All these talk actually helps the student emotionally where they actually felt motivated and able to do thing better. The school head even introduce some words to broaden the student vocabulary.

Canteen is a place to cure hunger. Students and teachers even the stuff also comes here to have their meal. When it comes to food cleanliness and the personal hygiene of the canteen worker means a lot. Other than that is the food they serve. In the school, they are giving priority in serving the proper balance meal with affordable price. Proper balance meal is required for the body the growth of health body. Unhealthy junk food should be forbidden in the canteen as the students eat what that is sold. So to avoid health problems as health life is one of the basic for the development of physical aspect.

Vast green field is something that student is happy about. Field signifies games and sports to the students. Many activities held in that school field but the main usage of field in the school is for physical education and sports mostly. Physical education is one of the subjects that emphasis more towards physical development. Physical education is the time where student is taught play different kind of sports, learning to be cooperate in team games, be discipline as to follow the rules for each game or sport and so much more. Sports are a very healthy activity that can keep away a lot of unnecessary disease such as obese.

A Science laboratory is place for conducting scientific research. Through experimenting the student is able to explore all they want and gaining truth and facts. This is one of the methods of discovery learning. Experimenting is a very good way to develop the intellectual, cognitive, social, spiritually and also emotion of the student. Students need to experiment based on their hypothesis. Through the experiment they also need to verify the variables in an experiment and master various scientific process skills. Through the experiment they gain knowledge which is under the intellectual

development. Usually experimenting involves grouping hence social skill and emotional skill can be developed. During the time of falling experiment the strong will to continue can also be categorized as emotional skill. In the times where there is problem with the data provided we must be truthful and avoid cheating.

Besides the facilities provided there are many small particular in the school such as school mural and motivational phrases. School mural is one of the methods to beautify the school with useful material. One of the murals that I saw in the school I attended for SBE has a mural on the solar system where they named all the planet and wrote some characteristic of the planet. Mural is one of the pictorial ways to transfer knowledge just like what people say a picture worth a thousand words. Besides that most of the mural are drawn by student themselves, this can show their creativity and ideas.

Moreover there are also some motivational phrases hanging around the school compound. Some of the phrases sound like this where there is a will there is a way. Motivational phrases are important and helpful especially when some people feel down and need encouragement and motivation. Motivation works as a starter that makes students feel that they can do a lot of things if they really try. This included in many things such as academic improvement or other problems the student encounters

Curriculum activities in developing cognitive development of students based on their individual abilities. Co-curricular activities in developing the interest and potential of each individual student.

The physical education curriculum has an obvious scope and sequence based on goals and objectives that are appropriate for all children. It includes a balance of skills, concepts, games, educational gymnastics, rhythms, and dance experiences designed to enhance the cognitive, motor, affective, and physical fitness developments of every child . In SJK(T) BATU PEKAKA, children are provided with frequent and meaningful age-appropriate practice opportunities that enable individuals to develop a functional understanding of movement concepts (body awareness, space awareness, effort, and relationships) and build competence and confidence in their ability to perform a variety of motor skills (locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative). Normally, physical education activities are designed with both the physical and the cognitive development of children in mind. In the school that I attended SBE , teachers provide experiences that encourage children to question, integrate, analyze, communicate, apply cognitive concepts, and gain a wide multicultural view of the world, thus making physical education a part of the total educational experience. Teachers intentionally design and teach activities throughout the year that allow children the opportunity to work together to improve their emerging social and cooperation skills. These activities also help children develop a positive self concept. Moreover , teachers help all children experience and feel the satisfaction and joy that results from regular participation in physical activity. Children participate in activities that are designed to help them understand and value the important concepts of physical fitness and the contribution they make to a

healthy lifestyle. Ongoing fitness assessment is used as part of the ongoing process of helping children understand, enjoy, improve and maintain their physical health and well being. Test results are shared privately with children and their parents as a tool for developing their physical fitness knowledge, understanding, and competence. As part of an ongoing program of physical education, children in that school are physically prepared so they can safely complete each component of a physical test battery. In that school, appropriate exercises are taught for the specific purpose of improving the skill, coordination and fitness levels of children. Children are taught exercises that keep the body in proper alignment, thereby allowing the muscles to lengthen without placing stress and strain on the surrounding joints, ligaments, and tendons for example the sitting toe touch. Fitness activities are used to help children increase personal physical fitness levels in a supportive, motivating, and progressive manner, thereby promoting positive lifetime fitness attitudes. Teacher decisions are based primarily on ongoing individual assessments of children as they participate in physical education class activities (formative evaluation) and not on the basis of a single test score (summative evaluation).Assessment of children's physical progress and achievement is used to individualize instruction, plan yearly curriculum and weekly lessons, identify children with special needs, communicate with parents, and evaluate the program's effectiveness

In that school, children participate in their regularly scheduled physical education class because it is recognized as an important part of their overall education. All children are involved in activities that allow them to remain continuously active. Classes are designed to meet a child's need for active participation in all learning experiences. The physical education curriculum includes a variety of rhythmical, expressive, and dance experiences designed with the physical, cultural, emotional, and social abilities of the children in mind. Children are encouraged to sequentially develop skills appropriate to their ability and confidence levels in non-competitive situations centering around the broad skill areas of balancing, rolling, jumping and landing, and weight transfer.

Children are able to practice on apparatus designed for their confidence and skill level and can design sequences which allow for success at their personal skill level. Games are selected, designed, sequenced, and modified by teachers and children to maximize the learning and enjoyment of children. Teachers children modify official rules, regulations, equipment, and playing space of adult sports to match the varying abilities of the children. Teams are formed in ways that preserve the dignity and selfrespect of every child. For example, a teacher in that school privately forms teams by using knowledge of children's skill abilities and the children form teams cooperatively. Girls and boys had equal access to individual, partner, small group, and team activities. Both girls and boys are equally encouraged, supported, and socialized toward successful achievement in all realms of physical activities. Statements by physical education teachers support leadership opportunities and provide positive reinforcement in a variety of activities that may be considered gender-neutral. Children participate in team games that allow for numerous practice opportunities while also allowing them to learn about the various aspects of the game being taught. Activities emphasize self improvement, participation, and cooperation instead of winning and losing. Teachers are aware of the nature of competition and do not require higher levels of competition from children before they are ready. For example, children in that school were allowed to choose between a game in which score is kept and one that is just for practice.

In addition, co-curriculum activities also helps to develop the all-round personality of the students to face the undaunted task and turbulent world of future. Experience and accolades gained through many of these activities help during internships and other school sponsored work programs. While games, sports and athletics directly contribute to physical development of students, other co-curricular activities also indirectly contribute to it. These activities provide a useful channel for the growth and development of the body. Social cooperation is recognized as one of the important demands of citizenship. It is difficult to teach through school subjects like Languages, Mathematics or Social Sciences. By participating in group activities, students learn good manners and develop a sense of cooperation. Membership in a club, student council,

dramatic cast or an athletic team requires co-operation. Students learn to appreciate the relationship of an individual to the social group. Through team activities, students learn social cooperation. They develop group spirit, 'we' the feeling, belongingness, unity and ability to be co-operative. In a nutshell, both curriculum and co- curriculum activities play a very important role in shaping each and every students behavior and so on.

Roles of School Management in Developing the Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Social aspect of Student

The moment I walked into the school office I could see an organization chart of the school. An organization chart is a type of diagram that schools the position of the organization from the highest position to the lower ones. Through the organization chart we can see the systematic arrangement of the school management. The school community comprise of the school head, senior assistants, panel heads, class teacher and the students. Each of this position especially plays a very important role as a part of FPK. It is through the correct management of the various positions in the school only then the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and social (JERIS) aspects of students can be fully developed.

School Head can be considered as the leader of the school that deals with almost everything regarding the school. Based on the school head of SKJK(T) BATU PEKAKA said that the main roles of the school head can be simplified into four main categories management, curriculum, co curriculum, behavior of students. Through the reference gain the roles of school head is more complex that can made up of account and financial, office management, academic progress and mastering 3M skill, educational programmes, communication with the society, the staff, teachers, building and others.

How school finance the money provided and where the school gets the money? This comes under the work of school head in managing the finance and getting extra SUWA income for new buildings or getting new appliances or upgrades the school facilities. Usually the school head will announce the activities used to increase the school income. Some of the common activities are the Jogathon collection and Canteen

Day. Jogathon Day is an event where all students are asked to make collection and later compete in a healthy running race. Asking for collection is one of the ways to help in developing social skill among students. Meanwhile the running activity can promote healthy lifestyle among student instead of studying all the time.

Second role is office management. Filing can be said one of the most important function where every document related to school or activities done and issued documents are filed in every possible method using file or computers folder. Documents such as the students record or students overall achievement is required in investigate the students development. Through the record then only we can formulate the ideal method in helping out students that encounter problem such as mastering 3M or having behavioral problem. This is special needed when the student is a transfer student from other school. Based on the data recorded by the past school we can see student have any problem.

Under the role of academic progress and mastering 3M skill it is the school head to make every effort in ensure all students master the 3M skill which represented the reading, writing and counting skill. These three basic skills are essential for student to going on further in study. Hence school head should have a special group of teachers in dealing with this kind of problem to make sure all students master the 3M skill.

Next role of school head in educational programmes is to plan and determine the time table of the teachers. This is to ensure the curriculum of education can run smoothly under various teachers for all types of subject. Precise planning is required to ensure all the classes have the time need as suggested by the Ministry of Education for different object. With the practice of having time table for teachers and students it actually helps the student to be systematic and doing thing according to the time.

The foundation of the teacher and parent association is one of the good examples that show the communication of the school community with the students parents. Through this association parents could actually voice out their problem

regarding their childrens progress in school and also give positive comment towards the betterment. Knowing all the problem is essential in helping to develop the students in all the aspect mentioned in the FPK. At the same time the teacher can tell the parents what actually happened in the school. The person who is in charge in handling the association is the school head. Teachers role is to teach and the school heads role is to match the teachers job or subject according to his or her interest and abilities. Only then the teacher can work more comfortable as they are motivated by their interest and felt confidence with the abilities. Interest and abilities are the great weapon in impart knowledge and also other good values among student. An incapable teacher that lack of interest will only teaches for the sake of teaching without caring if the student gets the knowledge. If this happen the student not only unable to learn and developed into the dreamed citizen mention in FPK but also might follows the teachers example in doing their work. As teacher is one of the important role model.

Regarding with the building the school head is required to ensure the safety of the school and also the upgrade the school facilities for the greater use of the student such as the library. In the school which I observed they had various gallery such as Science, Math and etc around the schools garden. All this facilities is needed to enhance the students development in JERIS. For an example is the library. Library means book. Within the library is books filled in shelf this environment can help in promoting students interest in reading. Reference book in the library can help students academically in their exams.

As time passes by the Ministry of Education also tries to improve the qualities of the students by promoting position of senior assistance. Based on the FPK the number of the position of the senior assistance can be divided into three where each has different areas to focus on. There are the main senior assistance, student welfare senior assistance and the co curriculum senior assistance.

Main senior assistances (PK1) function is to help in management, improve the teachers teaching and students learning performance. He or she is in charge of the school in the absence of the school head. Activities hold by the Education department such as the recent anti drug programme is under the senior assistance care. The recent anti drug campaign is a programme where beginning of the 5 minutes class the class teacher will tell something about drug. This is a whole year programme that serves as awareness to students towards the danger of drug as the amount of students involving with drug increase. The country need citizen that are free from all this drug as drug causes great impact on the country as well as obstruct development of the nation. This is also a programme that helps the students spiritual development as many religions forbid taking addictive or intoxicate item.

Other than that main senior assistance also has to decide the proper amount of work should be given to the teachers. Balance work or burden should be given to the teacher to make sure that some teachers are too burden and tired while some are too free. But it also comes under the ability of the teachers and other conditions such as health.

Lastly the main senior assistance also has to take care of the cleanliness and the security of the school. Clean environment is important as it is way to prevent disease. As the work of the senior assistance is to make sure the stuff are cleaning the school compound. Furthermore beautification of the school compound is needed. Planning of methods to increase the cleanliness and beautification is needed. Methods that are used are having competition between classes where classes are given certain area in the school to clean. The class with the most clean and beautiful compound is considered winner. In this activity it can actually inculcate the values of cleanliness and love the nature. Besides that beautification of compound also needs creativity that helps in developing the cognitive or intellectual aspects of the students. The security mention doesnt limit to the security guard that are posted on the main gate of the school but also the security of the during fire breakout. The student is given the exercise on methods to prevent fire and what to do during fire breakout. This does not only serve

the purpose as the knowledge but also a type of discipline where throughout the exercise the student must obey the teachers.

On the other hand student welfare senior assistance (PK HEM) is in taking care of the students discipline, welfare and also diffuses the moral values into the student. Matter on the rules and regulations are her work. Dealing with students discipline record and enforce the rules and regulation of the school is her duty. This is to make sure the students are discipline and practice good moral value in their life. She also takes charge of the students health and welfare. She has to making sure the activities such as annual doctor check up or dentist check up is functioning as normal. Students health is important as it affect their daily life and also their growth and development. There is the activity as annual dentist and doctor to ensure the student is healthy. So does activity such as the milk project and food programme held in school. The co-curriculum senior assistance deals with the students attendance and involvement in many co-curriculum activities. Most of the co-curriculum senior assistance work involves with managing the co-curriculum activities such as determine the clubs or uniform bodys teacher advisor. From here we can see how the Ministry of Education tries to develop more balanced individuals. Through club activities the student can get into club that they are interested that such as science, cooking, and art. If the student chooses art club he or she could further developed their art potential through the activities hold in the club. It is a time where the students interact and learn to socialize. Sport clubs help in refining the students skill in the type of sport they play and also developed their physical. During the age of 6 to 18 this is the time where children grow rapidly with the help of sport they will grow healthier.

The duty of panel head is responsible in the curriculum and management of the respectable area. Panel head is also in charge with the planning and management curriculum with the school head. He or she also must help the school head in testing out the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of his or her area. Organizing programme to increase the academic progress and behavior of student is panel head another duty.

Based on the duty of the panel head we can say he is responsible in developing the students intellectual more as his duty emphasis more on the intellectual side from organizes programme, testing out the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. His job is to promote the academic progress of the student so he is in charge of coming out with various method to make sure the student gets better academic results.

Next, class teacher functions as the parent to the student than managing the overall activities or progress of the school like the school head or the head panel. Below is a table on the basic of what a class teacher does.

No 1



Managing the class and Form the class organization, deciding the time organization Students attendance table and duty roster and inform any damage of electrical appliances in the class.

Make sure the information needed on the attendance book is filled. Mark the attendance book daily.

Filling the document

The living certificate, the academic record, 001 card is filled by the teachers.



and Encourage and motivate student in learning. Be concern of the students problem. Report to the teacher in charge based on the problem.

discipline problem

According to the information acquired the class teacher actually helps in detecting the problems of the class and also deals with the welfare of the students. Class teachers concern and dedication is important as it makes the students feel that they are cared by the teacher which makes them more comfortable in telling their problems. Encouragement and motivation are needed in not on intellectual aspects of the student but others aspects but it depends on how the class teacher does it. So, school

administers roles in developing students intellect, physical, emotional, spiritual and social aspects are very important.

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