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Chapter 4

Client Side Scripts

(Three weeks)

Introduction to CSS
What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Styles define how to display HTML elements
Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets
Styles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problem
External Style Sheets can save you a lot of work
External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files
Multiple style definitions will cascade into one

Styles Solve a Common Problem
HTML tags were originally designed to define the content of a document.
They were supposed to say "This is a header", "This is a paragraph", "This is
a table", by using tags like <h1>, <p>, <table>, and so on. The layout of
the document was supposed to be taken care of by the browser, without
using any formatting tags.
As the two major browsers - Netscape and Internet Explorer - continued to
add new HTML tags and attributes (like the <font> tag and the color
attribute) to the original HTML specification, it became more and more
difficult to create Web sites where the content of HTML documents was
clearly separated from the document's presentation layout.
To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - the non
profit, standard setting consortium responsible for standardizing HTML -
created STYLES in addition to HTML 4.0.
Both Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 support Cascading Style

Style Sheets Can Save a Lot of Work
Styles in HTML 4.0 define how HTML elements are displayed, just like the
font tag and the color attribute in HTML 3.2. Styles are normally saved in
files external to your HTML documents. External style sheets enable you to
change the appearance and layout of all the pages in your Web, just by
editing a single CSS document. If you have ever tried to change the font or
color of all the headings in all your Web pages, you will understand how CSS
can save you a lot of work.
CSS is a breakthrough in Web design because it allows developers to control
the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once. As a Web developer
you can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to as many Web
pages as you want. To make a global change, simply change the style, and
all elements in the Web are updated automatically.

Multiple Styles Will Cascade Into One
Style Sheets allow style information to be specified in many ways. Styles can
be specified inside a single HTML element, inside the <head> element of an
HTML page, or in an external CSS file. Even multiple external Style Sheets
can be referenced inside a single HTML document.
Cascading Order
What style will be used when there is more than one style specified
for an HTML element?

Generally speaking we can say that all the styles will "cascade" into a new
"virtual" Style Sheet by the following rules, where number four has the
highest priority:
1. Browser default
2. External Style Sheet
3. Internal Style Sheet (inside the <head> tag)
4. Inline Style (inside HTML element)
So, an inline style (inside an HTML element) has the highest priority, which
means that it will override every style declared inside the <head> tag, in an
external style sheet, and in a browser (a default value).
CSS Syntax
The CSS syntax is made up of three parts: a selector, a property and a
selector {property: value}
The selector is normally the HTML element/tag you wish to define, the
property is the attribute you wish to change, and each property can take a
value. The property and value are separated by a colon and surrounded by
curly braces:
body {color: black}
If the value is multiple words, put quotes around the value:
p {font-family: "sans serif"}
Note: If you wish to specify more than one property, you should separate
each property with a semi-colon. The example below shows how to define a
center aligned paragraph, with a red text color:
p {text-align:center;color:red}
To make the style definitions more readable, you can describe one property
on each line, like this:
text-align: center;
color: black;
font-family: arial

You can group selectors. Separate each selector with a comma. In the
example below we have grouped all the header elements. Each header
element will be green:
color: green

The class Selector
With the class selector you can define different styles for the same type of
HTML element. Say that you would like to have two types of paragraphs in
your document: one right-aligned paragraph, and one center-aligned
paragraph. Here is how you can do it with styles:
p.right {text-align: right} {text-align: center}
You have to use the class attribute in your HTML document:
<p class="right">
This paragraph will be right-aligned.
<p class="center">
This paragraph will be center-aligned.
Note: Only one class attribute can be specified per HTML element! The
example below is wrong:
<p class="right" class="center">
This is a paragraph.
You can also omit the tag name in the selector to define a style that will be
used by all HTML elements that have a certain class. In the example below,
all HTML elements with class="center" will be center-aligned:
.center {text-align: center}
In the code below both the h1 element and the p element have
class="center". This means that both elements will follow the rules in the
".center" selector:
<h1 class="center">
This heading will be center-aligned
<p class="center">
This paragraph will also be center-aligned.

The id Selector
The id selector is different from the class selector! While a class selector may
apply to SEVERAL elements on a page, an id selector always applies to only
ONE element.
An ID attribute must be unique within the document.
The style rule below will match a p element that has the id value "para1":
text-align: center;
color: red
The style rule below will match the first element that has the id value
*#wer345 {color: green}
The rule above will match this h1 element:
<h1 id="wer345">Some text</h1>
The style rule below will match a p element that has the id value "wer345":
p#wer345 {color: green}
The rule above will not match this h2 element:
<h2 id="wer345">Some text</h2>

CSS Comments
You can insert comments in CSS to explain your code, which can help you
when you edit the source code at a later date. A comment will be ignored by
the browser. A CSS comment begins with "/*", and ends with "*/", like this:
/* This is a comment */
text-align: center;
/* This is another comment */
color: black;
font-family: arial

How to Insert a Style Sheet
When a browser reads a style sheet, it will format the document according to
it. There are three ways of inserting a style sheet:
External Style Sheet
An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to many pages.
With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire Web site
by changing one file. Each page must link to the style sheet using the <link>
tag. The <link> tag goes inside the head section:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="mystyle.css" />
The browser will read the style definitions from the file mystyle.css, and
format the document according to it.
An external style sheet can be written in any text editor. The file should not
contain any html tags. Your style sheet should be saved with a .css
extension. An example of a style sheet file is shown below:
hr {color: sienna}
p {margin-left: 20px}
body {background-image: url("images/back40.gif")}

Do NOT leave spaces between the property value and the units! If you use
"margin-left: 20 px" instead of "margin-left: 20px" it will only work properly
in IE6 but it will not work in Mozilla or Netscape.
Internal Style Sheet
An internal style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique
style. You define internal styles in the head section by using the <style>
tag, like this:
<style type="text/css">
hr {color: sienna}
p {margin-left: 20px}
body {background-image: url("images/back40.gif")}
The browser will now read the style definitions, and format the document
according to it.
Note: A browser normally ignores unknown tags. This means that an old
browser that does not support styles, will ignore the <style> tag, but the
content of the <style> tag will be displayed on the page. It is possible to
prevent an old browser from displaying the content by hiding it in the HTML
comment element:
<style type="text/css">
hr {color: sienna}
p {margin-left: 20px}
body {background-image: url("images/back40.gif")}
Inline Styles
An inline style loses many of the advantages of style sheets by mixing
content with presentation. Use this method sparingly, such as when a style
is to be applied to a single occurrence of an element.
To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the relevant tag. The style
attribute can contain any CSS property. The example shows how to change
the color and the left margin of a paragraph:
<p style="color: sienna; margin-left: 20px">
This is a paragraph

Multiple Style Sheets
If some properties have been set for the same selector in different style
sheets, the values will be inherited from the more specific style sheet.
For example, an external style sheet has these properties for the h3
color: red;
text-align: left;
font-size: 8pt
And an internal style sheet has these properties for the h3 selector:
text-align: right;
font-size: 20pt
If the page with the internal style sheet also links to the external style sheet
the properties for h3 will be:
color: red;
text-align: right;
font-size: 20pt
The color is inherited from the external style sheet and the text-alignment
and the font-size is replaced by the internal style sheet.
An HTML file uses the <link> tag to link to an external style sheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="ex2.css" />


<h1>This is a header 1</h1>

<p>You can see that the style
sheet formats the text</p>

<p><a href=""
target="_blank">This is a link</a></p>


Following is ex1.css

body {background-color: tan}
h1 {color:maroon; font-size:20pt}
hr {color:navy}
p {font-size:11pt; margin-left: 15px}
a:link {color:green}
a:visited {color:yellow}
a:hover {color:black}
a:active {color:blue}

CSS Background
CSS Background properties define the background effects of an

The Background properties allow you to control the background color of an
element, set an image as the background, repeat a background image
vertically or horizontally, and position an image on a page.

Background Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
background A shorthand property
for setting all
background properties
in one declaration
6.0 4.0 CSS1
Sets whether a
background image is
fixed or scrolls with
the rest of the page
6.0 4.0 CSS1
background-color Sets the background
color of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
Sets an image as the
4.0 4.0 CSS1
Sets the starting
position of a
background image
top left
top center
top right
center left
center center
center right
bottom left
bottom center
bottom right
x-% y-%
x-pos y-pos
6.0 4.0 CSS1
Sets if/how a
background image will
be repeated
4.0 4.0 CSS1


<style type="text/css">
background-image: ur l('myimage.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed
h1 {background-color: #00ff00}
h2 {background-color: transparent}
p {background-color: rgb(250,0,255)}



<h1>This is header 1</h1>
<h2>This is header 2</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>


CSS Text
Text properties allow you to control the appearance of text. It is possible to
change the color of a text, increase or decrease the space between
characters in a text, align a text, decorate a text, indent the first line in a
text, and more.

Text Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Possible Values NN IE W3C
color Sets the color of a
color 4.0 3.0 CSS1
direction Sets the text direction ltr
letter-spacing Increase or decrease
the space between
6.0 4.0 CSS1
text-align Aligns the text in an
4.0 4.0 CSS1
text-decoration Adds decoration to
4.0 4.0 CSS1
text-indent Indents the first line
of text in an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
text-shadow none

text-transform Controls the letters in
an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
unicode-bidi normal
5.0 CSS2
white-space Sets how white space
inside an element is
4.0 5.5 CSS1
word-spacing Increase or decrease
the space between
6.0 6.0 CSS1

Example : Text color and alignment


<style type="text/css">
h1 {color: #00ff00; text-align: center}
h2 {color: #dda0dd}
p {color: rgb(0,0,255)}


<h1>This is header 1</h1>
<h2>This is header 2</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

CSS Fonts
The Font properties allow you to change the font family, boldness, size, and
the style of a text.

Notes - Useful Tips
Fonts are identified by their name in CSS1. Note that if a browser does not
support the font that is specified, it will use a default font.

Font Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
font A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for a font
in one declaration
4.0 4.0 CSS1
font-family A prioritized list of
font family names
and/or generic family
names for an element
4.0 3.0 CSS1
font-size Sets the size of a font xx-small
4.0 3.0 CSS1
font-size-adjust Specifies an aspect
value for an element
that will preserve the
x-height of the first-
choice font
font-stretch Condenses or
expands the current
font-style Sets the style of the
4.0 4.0 CSS1
font-variant Displays text in a
small-caps font or a
normal font
6.0 4.0 CSS1
font-weight Sets the weight of a
4.0 4.0 CSS1

<style type="text/css">
font: italic small-caps 900 12px arial
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
CSS Borders
The Border properties allow you to specify the style, color, and width of an
element's border. In HTML we use tables to create borders around a text,
but with the CSS Border properties we can create borders with nice effects,
and it can be applied to any element.

Border Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
border A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for the four
borders in one
4.0 4.0 CSS1
border-bottom A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for the
bottom border in one
6.0 4.0 CSS1
Sets the color of the
bottom border
border-color 6.0 4.0 CSS2
Sets the style of the
bottom border
border-style 6.0 4.0 CSS2
Sets the width of the
bottom border
4.0 4.0 CSS1
border-color Sets the color of the
four borders, can
have from one to four
color 6.0 4.0 CSS1
border-left A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for the left
border in one
6.0 4.0 CSS1
border-left-color Sets the color of the
left border
border-color 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-left-style Sets the style of the
left border
border-style 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-left-width Sets the width of the
left border
4.0 4.0 CSS1
border-right A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for the
right border in one
6.0 4.0 CSS1
border-right-color Sets the color of the
right border
border-color 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-right-style Sets the style of the
right border
border-style 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-right-width Sets the width of the
right border
4.0 4.0 CSS1
border-style Sets the style of the
four borders, can
have from one to four
6.0 4.0 CSS1
border-top A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for the top
border in one
6.0 4.0 CSS1
border-top-color Sets the color of the
top border
border-color 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-top-style Sets the style of the
top border
border-style 6.0 4.0 CSS2
border-top-width Sets the width of the
top border
4.0 4.0 CSS1
border-width A shorthand property
for setting the width
of the four borders in
one declaration, can
have from one to four
4.0 4.0 CSS1

<style type="text/css">
border: medium double rgb(250,0,255)
<p>Some text</p>

CSS Margins
The Margin properties define the space around elements. It is possible to use
negative values to overlap content. The top, right, bottom, and left margin
can be changed independently using separate properties. A shorthand
margin property can also be used to change all of the margins at once.

Margin Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
margin A shorthand property
for setting the margin
properties in one
4.0 4.0 CSS1
margin-bottom Sets the bottom
margin of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
margin-left Sets the left margin of
an element
4.0 3.0 CSS1
margin-right Sets the right margin
of an element
4.0 3.0 CSS1
margin-top Sets the top margin of auto 4.0 3.0 CSS1
an element length

<style type="text/css">
p.margin {margin: 2cm 4cm 3cm 4cm}
<! --only for one margin use p-margin { margin-left : 2cm } -->
This is a paragraph
<p class="margin">
This is a paragraph with margins
This is a paragraph
CSS Padding
The Padding properties define the space between the element border and
the element content. Negative values are not allowed. The top, right,
bottom, and left padding can be changed independently using separate
properties. A shorthand padding property is also created to control multiple
sides at once.

Padding Properties:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
padding A shorthand property
for setting all of the
padding properties in
one declaration
4.0 4.0 CSS1
padding-bottom Sets the bottom
padding of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
padding-left Sets the left padding
of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
padding-right Sets the right padding
of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
padding-top Sets the top padding
of an element
4.0 4.0 CSS1
<style type="text/css">
td {padding-left: 2cm}
<table border="1">
This is a tablecell with a left padding
CSS List Properties

The List properties allow you to change between different list-item
markers, set an image as a list-item marker, and set where to place
a list-item marker.
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer, W3C: Web Standard
Property Description Values NN IE W3C
list-style A shorthand property
for setting all of the
properties for a list in
one declaration
6.0 4.0 CSS1
list-style-image Sets an image as the
list-item marker
6.0 4.0 CSS1
list-style-position Places the list-item
marker in the list
6.0 4.0 CSS1
list-style-type Sets the type of the
list-item marker
4.0 4.0 CSS1
marker-offset auto

<style type="text/css">
list-style-type:square; list-style-position:inside; list-style-
<p><b>Note:</b> Netscape 4 does not display the images or position the
<li>Coca Cola</li>


Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is used in millions of Web pages to improve the design,
validate forms, and much more. JavaScript was developed by
Netscape and is the most popular scripting language on the internet.
JavaScript works in all major browsers that are version 3.0 or

What is JavaScript?
JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages
JavaScript is a scripting language - a scripting language is a
lightweight programming language
A JavaScript is lines of executable computer code
A JavaScript is usually embedded directly in HTML pages
JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that scripts execute
without preliminary compilation)
Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license
JavaScript is supported by all major browsers, like Netscape and
Internet Explorer

Are Java and JavaScript the same?
Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages!
Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a powerful and very complex
programming language - in the same category as C and C++.

What can a JavaScript Do?
JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool - HTML
authors are normally not programmers, but JavaScript is a scripting
language with a very simple syntax! Almost anyone can put small
"snippets" of code into their HTML pages
JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page - A
JavaScript statement like this: document.write("<h1>" + name +
"</h1>") can write a variable text into an HTML page
JavaScript can react to events - A JavaScript can be set to execute
when something happens, like when a page has finished loading or
when a user clicks on an HTML element
JavaScript can read and write HTML elements - A JavaScript can
read and change the content of an HTML element
JavaScript can be used to validate data - A JavaScript can be used
to validate form data before it is submitted to a server, this will save
the server from extra processing

How to Put a JavaScript Into an HTML Page
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello World!")
The code above will produce this output on an HTML page:
Hello World!
To insert a script in an HTML page, we use the <script> tag. Use the type
attribute to define the scripting language
<script type="text/javascript">
Then the JavaScript starts: The JavaScript command for writing some output
to a page is document.write
document.write("Hello World!")
Then the <script> tag has to be closed

Ending Statements With a Semicolon?
With traditional programming languages, like C++ and Java, each code
statement has to end with a semicolon.
Many programmers continue this habit when writing JavaScript, but in
general, semicolons are optional! However, semicolons are required if you
want to put more than one statement on a single line.

How to Handle Older Browsers
Browsers that do not support scripts will display the script as page content.
To prevent them from doing this, we may use the HTML comment tag:
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements
The two forward slashes at the end of comment line (//) are a JavaScript
comment symbol. This prevents the JavaScript compiler from compiling the
Note: You cannot put // in front of the first comment line (like //<!--),
because older browsers will display it. Strange? Yes! But that's the way it is.
Where to Put the JavaScript

Scripts in the body section will be executed WHILE the page loads.
Scripts in the head section will be executed when CALLED.

Scripts in a page will be executed immediately while the page loads into the
browser. This is not always what we want. Sometimes we want to execute a
script when a page loads, other times when a user triggers an event.
Scripts in the head section: Scripts to be executed when they are called,
or when an event is triggered, go in the head section. When you place a
script in the head section, you will ensure that the script is loaded before
anyone uses it.
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements
Scripts in the body section: Scripts to be executed when the page loads
go in the body section. When you place a script in the body section it
generates the content of the page.
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements
Scripts in both the body and the head section: You can place an
unlimited number of scripts in your document, so you can have scripts in
both the body and the head section.
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements

How to Run an External JavaScript
Sometimes you might want to run the same script on several pages, without
writing the script on each and every page.
To simplify this you can write a script in an external file, and save it with a
.js file extension, like this:
document.write("This script is external")
Save the external file as xxx.js.
Note: The external script cannot contain the <script> tag
Now you can call this script, using the "src" attribute, from any of your
<script src="xxx.js"></script>
Remember to place the script exactly where you normally would write the
JavaScript Variables

A variable is a "container" for information you want to store. A variable's
value can change during the script. You can refer to a variable by name to
see its value or to change its value.
Rules for Variable names:
Variable names are case sensitive
They must begin with a letter or the underscore character

Declare a Variable
You can create a variable with the var statement:
var strname = some value
You can also create a variable without the var statement:
strname = some value

Assign a Value to a Variable
You assign a value to a variable like this:
var strname = "Hege"
Or like this:
strname = "Hege"
The variable name is on the left side of the expression and the value you
want to assign to the variable is on the right. Now the variable "strname"
has the value "Hege".

Lifetime of Variables
When you declare a variable within a function, the variable can only be
accessed within that function. When you exit the function, the variable is
destroyed. These variables are called local variables. You can have local
variables with the same name in different functions, because each is
recognized only by the function in which it is declared.
If you declare a variable outside a function, all the functions on your page
can access it. The lifetime of these variables starts when they are declared,
and ends when the page is closed.
JavaScript Operators

Operators are used to operate on values.

Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description Example Result
+ Addition x=2
- Subtraction x=2
* Multiplication x=4 20
/ Division 15/5
% Modulus (division remainder) 5%2
++ Increment x=5
-- Decrement x=5
Assignment Operators
Operator Example Is The Same As
= x=y x=y
+= x+=y x=x+y
-= x-=y x=x-y
*= x*=y x=x*y
/= x/=y x=x/y
%= x%=y x=x%y
Comparison Operators
Operator Description Example
== is equal to 5==8 returns false
!= is not equal 5!=8 returns true
> is greater than 5>8 returns false
< is less than 5<8 returns true
>= is greater than or equal to 5>=8 returns false
<= is less than or equal to 5<=8 returns true
Logical Operators
Operator Description Example
&& and x=6
(x < 10 && y > 1) returns
|| or x=6
(x==5 || y==5) returns false
! not x=6
!(x==y) returns true
String Operator
A string is most often text, for example "Hello World!". To stick two or more
string variables together, use the + operator.
txt1="What a very"
txt2="nice day!"
The variable txt3 now contains "What a verynice day!".
To add a space between two string variables, insert a space into the
expression, OR in one of the strings.
txt1="What a very"
txt2="nice day!"
txt3=txt1+" "+txt2
txt1="What a very "
txt2="nice day!"
The variable txt3 now contains "What a very nice day!".
JavaScript Conditional Statements

Conditional statements in JavaScript are used to perform different
actions based on different conditions.
Very often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for
different decisions. You can use conditional statements in your code to do
In JavaScript we have three conditional statements:
if statement - use this statement if you want to execute a set of code
when a condition is true
if...else statement - use this statement if you want to select one of
two sets of lines to execute
switch statement - use this statement if you want to select one of
many sets of lines to execute

If and If...else Statement
You should use the if statement if you want to execute some code if a
condition is true.
if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true
<script type="text/javascript">
//If the time on your browser is less than 10,
//you will get a "Good morning" greeting.
var d=new Date()
var time=d.getHours()

if (time<10)
document.write("<b>Good morning</b>")
Notice that there is no ..else.. in this syntax. You just tell the code to
execute some code if the condition is true.
If you want to execute some code if a condition is true and another code if a
condition is false, use the if....else statement.
if (condition)
code to be executed if condition is true
code to be executed if condition is false
<script type="text/javascript">
//If the time on your browser is less than 10,
//you will get a "Good morning" greeting.
//Otherwise you will get a "Good day" greeting.
var d = new Date()
var time = d.getHours()

if (time < 10)
document.write("Good morning!")
document.write("Good day!")

Switch Statement
You should use the Switch statement if you want to select one of many
blocks of code to be executed.
switch (expression)
case label1:
code to be executed if expression = label1
case label2:
code to be executed if expression = label2
code to be executed
if expression is different
from both label1 and label2
This is how it works: First we have a single expression (most often a
variable), that is evaluated once. The value of the expression is then
compared with the values for each case in the structure. If there is a match,
the block of code associated with that case is executed. Use break to
prevent the code from running into the next case automatically.
<script type="text/javascript">
//You will receive a different greeting based
//on what day it is. Note that Sunday=0,
//Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc.
var d=new Date()
switch (theDay)
case 5:
document.write("Finally Friday")
case 6:
document.write("Super Saturday")
case 0:
document.write("Sleepy Sunday")
document.write("I'm looking forward to this weekend!")

Conditional Operator
JavaScript also contains a conditional operator that assigns a value to a
variable based on some condition.
greeting=(visitor=="PRES")?"Dear President ":"Dear "
If the variable visitor is equal to PRES, then put the string "Dear President "
in the variable named greeting. If the variable visitor is not equal to PRES,
then put the string "Dear " into the variable named greeting.
JavaScript Functions

A function is a reusable code-block that will be executed by an
event, or when the function is called.
A function contains some code that will be executed by an event or a call to
that function. A function is a set of statements. You can reuse functions
within the same script, or in other documents. You define functions at the
beginning of a file (in the head section), and call them later in the document.
It is now time to take a lesson about the alert-box:
This is JavaScript's method to alert the user.
alert("This is a message")

How to Define a Function
To create a function you define its name, any values ("arguments"), and
some statements:
function myfunction(argument1,argument2,etc)
some statements
A function with no arguments must include the parentheses:
function myfunction()
some statements
Arguments are variables used in the function. The variable values are values
passed on by the function call.
By placing functions in the head section of the document, you make sure
that all the code in the function has been loaded before the function is
Some functions return a value to the calling expression
function result(a,b)
return c

How to Call a Function
A function is not executed before it is called.
You can call a function containing arguments:
or without arguments:

The return Statement
Functions that will return a result must use the "return" statement. This
statement specifies the value which will be returned to where the function
was called from. Say you have a function that returns the sum of two
function total(a,b)
return result
When you call this function you must send two arguments with it:
The returned value from the function (5) will be stored in the variable called
JavaScript Looping
Very often when you write code, you want the same block of code to run a
number of times. You can use looping statements in your code to do this.
In JavaScript we have the following looping statements:
while - loops through a block of code while a condition is true
do...while - loops through a block of code once, and then repeats the
loop while a condition is true
for - run statements a specified number of times

The while statement will execute a block of code while a condition is true..
while (condition)
code to be executed

The do...while statement will execute a block of code once, and then it will
repeat the loop while a condition is true
code to be executed
while (condition)

The for statement will execute a block of code a specified number of times
for (initialization; condition; increment)
code to be executed
<script type="text/javascript">
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
document.write("The number is " + i)

<p>The for loop sets <b>i</b> equal to 0.</p>
<p>As long as <b>i</b> is less than , or equal to, 5, the loop will continue
to run.</p>
<p><b>i</b> will increase by 1 each time the loop runs.</p>

JavaScript Guidelines

JavaScript is Case Sensitive
A function named "myfunction" is not the same as "myFunction". Therefore
watch your capitalization when you create or call variables, objects and

Open symbols, like ( { [ " ', must have a matching closing symbol, like ' " ]
} ).

White Space
JavaScript ignores extra spaces. You can add white space to your script to
make it more readable. These lines are equivalent:
name = "Hege"

Break up a Code Line
You can break up a code line within a text string with a backslash. The
example below will be displayed properly:
document.write("Hello \
Note: You can not break up a code line like this:
document.write \
("Hello World!")
The example above will cause an error.

Insert Special Characters
You can insert special characters (like " ' ; &) with the backslash:
document.write ("You \& I sing \"Happy Birthday\".")
The example above will produce this output:
You & I sing "Happy Birthday".

You can add a comment to your JavaScript code starting the comment with
two slashes "//":
sum=a + b //calculating the sum
You can also add a comment to the JavaScript code, starting the comment
with "/*" and ending it with "*/"
sum=a + b /*calculating the sum*/
Using "/*" and "*/" is the only way to create a multi-line comment:
/* This is a comment
block. It contains
several lines*/
JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Array Object

The Array object is used to store a set of values in a single variable

The Array object is used to store a set of values in a single variable name.
Each value is an element of the array and has an associated index number.
You create an instance of the Array object with the "new" keyword. The
following example creates two arrays, both of three elements:
var family_names=new Array(3)
var family_names=new Array("Tove","Jani","Stale")
You can refer to a particular element in the array by using the name of the
array and the index number. The index number starts at 0.
If you create an array with a single numeric parameter, you can assign data
to each of the elements in the array like this:
And the data can be retrieved by using the index number of the particular
array element you want, like this:
The Array object's properties and methods are described below:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description NN IE
constructor Contains the function that created an
object's prototype
4 4
length Returns the number of elements in
the array
3 4
prototype Allows you to add properties to an
3 4
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description NN IE
concat() Joins two or more arrays and
returns a new array
4 4
join(delimiter) Puts all the elements of an array
into a string separated by a
specified delimiter (comma is
3 4
pop() Removes and returns the last
element of an array
4 5.5
push("element1","element2") Adds one or more elements to the
end of an array and returns the
new length
4 5.5
reverse() Reverses the order of the elements
in an array
3 4
shift() Removes and returns the first
element of an array
4 5.5
slice(begin[,end]) Creates a new array from a
selected section of an existing
4 4
sort() Sorts the elements of an array 3 4
splice(index,howmany[,el1,el2]) Adds and/or removes elements of
an array
4 5.5
toSource() Returns a string that represents
the source code of the array
4.06 4
toString() Returns a string that represents
the specified array and its
3 4
unshift("element1","element2") Adds one or more elements to the
beginning of an array and returns
the new length
4 5.5
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an
4 3

<script type="text/javascript">
var famname = new Array(3)
famname[0] = "Jani"
famname[1] = "Tove"
famname[2] = "Hege"

document.write(famname.length + "<br>")
document.write(famname.join(".") + "<br>")
document.write(famname.reverse() + "<br>")
document.write(famname.push("Ola","Jon") + "<br>")
document.write(famname.pop() + "<br>")
document.write(famname.shift() + "<br>")

JavaScript Boolean Object

The Boolean object is an object wrapper for a Boolean value and it is
used to convert a non-Boolean value to a Boolean value.

The Boolean object is an object wrapper for a Boolean value and it is used to
convert a non-Boolean value to a Boolean value, either true or false.
If the Boolean object has no initial value or if it is 0, null, "", false, or NaN,
the initial value is false. Otherwise it is true (even with the string "false").
All the following lines of code create Boolean objects with an initial value of
var b1=new Boolean()
var b2=new Boolean(0)
var b3=new Boolean(null)
var b4=new Boolean("")
var b5=new Boolean(false)
var b6=new Boolean(NaN)
All the following lines of code create Boolean objects with an initial value of
var b1=new Boolean(true)
var b2=new Boolean("true")
var b3=new Boolean("false")
var b4=new Boolean("Richard")
The Boolean object's properties and methods are described below:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description NN IE
constructor Contains the function that created an object's
4 4
prototype Allows addition of properties and methods to
the object
3 4
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description NN IE
toString() Converts a Boolean value to a string. This
method is called by JavaScript automatically
whenever a Boolean object is used in a
situation requiring a string
4 4
valueOf() Returns a primitive value ("true" or "false")
for the Boolean object
4 4

JavaScript Math Object

The built-in Math object includes mathematical constants and

The built-in Math object includes mathematical constants and functions. You
do not need to create the Math object before using it.
To store a random number between 0 and 1 in a variable called "r_number":
To store the rounded number of 8.6 in a variable called "r_number":
The Math object's properties and methods are described below:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description NN IE
E Returns the base of a natural logarithm 2 3
LN2 Returns the natural logarithm of 2 2 3
LN10 Returns the natural logarithm of 10 2 3
LOG2E Returns the base-2 logarithm of E 2 3
LOG10E Returns the base-10 logarithm of E 2 3
PI Returns PI 2 3
SQRT1_2 Returns 1 divided by the square root of 2 2 3
SQRT2 Returns the square root of 2 2 3
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description NN IE
abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x 2 3
acos(x) Returns the arccosine of x 2 3
asin(x) Returns the arcsine of x 2 3
atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x 2 3
atan2(y,x) Returns the angle from the x axis to a point 2 3
ceil(x) Returns the nearest integer greater than or equal
to x
2 3
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x 2 3
exp(x) Returns the value of E raised to the power of x 2 3
floor(x) Returns the nearest integer less than or equal to
2 3
log(x) Returns the natural log of x 2 3
max(x,y) Returns the number with the highest value of x 2 3
and y
min(x,y) Returns the number with the lowest value of x
and y
2 3
pow(x,y) Returns the value of the number x raised to the
power of y
2 3
random() Returns a random number between 0 and 1 2 3
round(x) Rounds x to the nearest integer 2 3
sin(x) Returns the sine of x 2 3
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x 2 3
tan(x) Returns the tangent of x 2 3
JavaScript Date Object

The Date object is used to work with dates and times.
To create an instance of the Date object and assign it to a variable called
"d", you do the following:
var d=new Date()
After creating an instance of the Date object, you can access all the methods
of the Date object from the "d" variable.
To return the current day in a month (from 1-31) of a Date object, write the
The Date object can also have the following parameters:
new Date(milliseconds)
new Date(dateString)
new Date(yr_num, mo_num, day_num [, hr_num, min_num, sec_num,
milliseconds - the number of milliseconds since 01 January, 1970
dateString - the date in a format that is recognized by the Date.parse
yr_num, mo_num, day_num - the year, month or day of the date
hr_num, min_num, sec_num, ms_num - the hours, minutes, seconds
and milliseconds
If you only use Date(), JavaScript creates an object for today's date
according to the time on the local machine.
Here are some examples on how to create Date objects:
var d=new Date("October 12, 1988 13:14:00")
var d=new Date("October 12, 1988")
var d=new Date(88,09,12,13,14,00)
var d=new Date(88,09,12)
var d=new Date(500)
The Date object's properties and methods are described below:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description NN IE
constructor Contains the function that created an object's
4 4
prototype Allows addition of properties to a date 3 4
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description NN IE
Date() Returns a Date object 2 3
getDate() Returns the date of a Date object (from 1-31) 2 3
getDay() Returns the day of a Date object (from 0-6.
0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.)
2 3
getMonth() Returns the month of a Date object (from 0-
11. 0=January, 1=February, etc.)
2 3
getFullYear() Returns the year of a Date object (four digits) 4 4
getYear() Returns the year of a Date object (from 0-
99). Use getFullYear instead !!
2 3
getHours() Returns the hour of a Date object (from 0-23) 2 3
getMinutes() Returns the minute of a Date object (from 0-
2 3
getSeconds() Returns the second of a Date object (from 0-
2 3
getMilliseconds() Returns the millisecond of a Date object
(from 0-999)
4 4
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since
midnight 1/1-1970
2 3
getTimezoneOffset() Returns the time difference between the
user's computer and GMT
2 3
getUTCDate() Returns the date of a Date object in universal
(UTC) time
4 4
getUTCDay() Returns the day of a Date object in universal
4 4
getUTCMonth() Returns the month of a Date object in
universal time
4 4
getUTCFullYear() Returns the four-digit year of a Date object in
universal time
4 4
getUTCHours() Returns the hour of a Date object in universal
4 4
getUTCMinutes() Returns the minutes of a Date object in
universal time
4 4
getUTCSeconds() Returns the seconds of a Date object in
universal time
4 4
getUTCMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds of a Date object in
universal time
4 4
parse() Returns a string date value that holds the
number of milliseconds since January 01
1970 00:00:00
2 3
setDate() Sets the date of the month in the Date object
(from 1-31)
2 3
setFullYear() Sets the year in the Date object (four digits) 4 4
setHours() Sets the hour in the Date object (from 0-23) 2 3
setMilliseconds() Sets the millisecond in the Date object (from
4 4
setMinutes() Set the minute in the Date object (from 0-59) 2 3
setMonth() Sets the month in the Date object (from 0-
11. 0=January, 1=February)
2 3
setSeconds() Sets the second in the Date object (from 0-
2 3
setTime() Sets the milliseconds after 1/1-1970 2 3
setYear() Sets the year in the Date object (00-99) 2 3
setUTCDate() Sets the date in the Date object, in universal
time (from 1-31)
4 4
setUTCDay() Sets the day in the Date object, in universal
time (from 0-6. Sunday=0, Monday=1, etc.)
4 4
setUTCMonth() Sets the month in the Date object, in
universal time (from 0-11. 0=January,
4 4
setUTCFullYear() Sets the year in the Date object, in universal
time (four digits)
4 4
setUTCHours() Sets the hour in the Date object, in universal
time (from 0-23)
4 4
setUTCMinutes() Sets the minutes in the Date object, in
universal time (from 0-59)
4 4
setUTCSeconds() Sets the seconds in the Date object, in
universal time (from 0-59)
4 4
setUTCMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds in the Date object, in
universal time (from 0-999)
4 4
toGMTString() Converts the Date object to a string, set to
GMT time zone
2 3
toLocaleString() Converts the Date object to a string, set to
the current time zone
2 3
toString() Converts the Date object to a string 2 4

<script type="text/javascript">
var d = new Date()
var time = d.getHours()
if (time < 10)
document.write("<b>Good morning</b>")
document.write("<b>Good day</b>")
This example demonstrates the If...Else statement.
If the time on your browser is less than 10,
you will get a "Good morning" greeting.
Otherwise you will get a "Good day" greeting.
JavaScript String Object

The String object is used to work with text.
The String object's properties and methods are described below:
NN: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description NN IE
constructor 4 4
length Returns the number of characters in a string 2 3
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description NN IE
anchor("anchorname") Returns a string as an anchor 2 3
big() Returns a string in big text 2 3
blink() Returns a string blinking 2
bold() Returns a string in bold 2 3
charAt(index) Returns the character at a specified position 2 3
charCodeAt(i) Returns the Unicode of the character at a
specified position
4 4
concat() Returns two concatenated strings 4 4
fixed() Returns a string as teletype 2 3
fontcolor() Returns a string in a specified color 2 3
fontsize() Returns a string in a specified size 2 3
fromCharCode() Returns the character value of a Unicode 4 4
indexOf() Returns the position of the first occurrence of
a specified string inside another string.
Returns -1 if it never occurs
2 3
italics() Returns a string in italic 2 3
lastIndexOf() Returns the position of the first occurrence of
a specified string inside another string.
Returns -1 if it never occurs. Note: This
method starts from the right and moves left!
2 3
link() Returns a string as a hyperlink 2 3
match() Similar to indexOf and lastIndexOf, but this
method returns the specified string, or "null",
instead of a numeric value
4 4
replace() Replaces some specified characters with some
new specified characters
4 4
search() Returns an integer if the string contains some
specified characters, if not it returns -1
4 4
slice() Returns a string containing a specified
character index
4 4
small() Returns a string as small text 2 3
split() Splits a string into an array of strings 4 4
strike() Returns a string strikethrough 2 3
sub() Returns a string as subscript 2 3
substr() Returns the specified characters. 14,7 returns
7 characters, from the 14th character (starts
at 0)
4 4
substring() Returns the specified characters. 7,14 returns
all characters from the 7th up to but not
including the 14th (starts at 0)
2 3
sup() Returns a string as superscript 2 3
toLowerCase() Converts a string to lower case 2 3
toUpperCase() Converts a string to upper case 2 3

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Internet Programming is a good course!"
var pos=str.indexOf("Programmingl")
if (pos>=0)
document.write("Programming found at position: ")
document.write(pos + "<br />")
document.write("Programming not found!")

<p>This example tests if a string contains a specified word. If the word is
found it returns the position of the first character of the word in the original
string. Note: The first position in the string is 0!</p>



The HTML DOM is a programming interface for HTML documents.
The HTML DOM defines how you can access and change the content
of HTML documents.
The DOM stands for the Document Object Model.
The HTML DOM is the Document Object Model for HTML.
The HTML DOM defines a standard set of objects for HTML, and a standard
way to access and manipulate HTML objects.

Because we need an easy and standard way to access the content of HTML
documents, that can be used by all types of browsers, and all types of
programming languages.
The HTML DOM defines how to access HTML elements, and how to change,
add, or delete their content, attributes and styles.

The DOM Standard
The DOM standard is developed by W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium):
"The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language
neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically
access and update the content, structure, and style of a document"
Key players in the development of the DOM has been people from ArborText,
IBM, Inso EPS, JavaSoft, Microsoft, Netscape, Novell, the Object
Management Group, SoftQuad, Sun Microsystems, and Texcel.

In this material, we Will Use JavaScript
The HTML DOM is a platform and language independent API (Application
Programming Interface).
It can be used by any programming language like Java, JavaScript, and

The DOM Parts
The DOM is separated into three parts:
DOM Core

An HTML DOM Example
This coding example shows how the background color of an HTML document
can be changed to yellow when a user clicks on it:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeColor()

<body onclick="ChangeColor()">
Click on this document!


Document Objects
HTML DOM defines HTML documents as a collection of objects.
The document object is the parent of all the other objects in an HTML
The document.body object represents the <body> element of the HTML
The document object is the parent of the body object, and the body object
is a child of the document object.

Object Properties
HTML document objects can have properties (also called attributes).
The document.body.bgColor property defines the background color of the
body object.
The statement document.body.bgColor="yellow" in the example above,
sets the background color of the HTML document to yellow.

Object Events
HTML document objects can respond to events.
The onclick="ChangeColor()" attribute of the <body> element in the
example above, defines an action to take place when the user clicks on the

The ChangeColor() function in the example above, is a JavaScript function.
The function will be triggered (started) when a user clicks on the HTML

Changing Style
The HTML DOM also defines a model for changing the styles of HTML objects.
The coding example below shows how to obtain the same effect as the first
example, by changing the style of the body object:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeColor()

<body onclick="ChangeColor()">
Click on this document!


The W3C Document Object Model is a platform- and language-neutral
interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update
the content, structure and style of documents.
The W3C DOM provides a standard set of objects for representing HTML and
XML documents, how these objects can be combined, and a standard
interface for accessing and manipulating them.
The DOM is separated into three parts:
Core DOM
The Core DOM provides a set of objects that can represent any structured
The HTML and XML specifications provide additional interfaces that are used
with the core specification to provide a more convenient view into the
document. These specifications consist of objects and methods that provide
easier and more direct access into the specific types of documents.
DOM is being designed at several levels:

DOM Level 0
The DOM Level 0 is not a W3C specification. It is just a definition of the
functionality equivalent to that found in Netscape Navigator 3.0 and
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
W3C's DOM Level 1 builds on this functionality.

DOM Level 1
DOM Level 1 concentrates on HTML and XML document models. It contains
functionality for document navigation and manipulation.
DOM Level 1 was released as a W3C Recommendation 1. October 1998.
A Working Draft for a Second Edition (SE) was published 29. September.

DOM Level 2
DOM Level 2 adds a style sheet object model to DOM Level 1, and defines
functionality for manipulating the style information attached to a document.
DOM Level 2 also defines an event model and provides support for XML
The DOM Level 2 specification was released as W3C Recommendations 13.
November 2000:
DOM Level 2 Core
DOM Level 2 Core specifies an API to access and update the content and
structure of documents. The API also contains interfaces dedicated to XML.
DOM Level 2 HTML
DOM Level 2 HTML specifies an API to manipulate the structure and contents
of an HTML document. (This part of the specification is still a working draft)
DOM Level 2 Views
DOM Level 2 Views specifies an API to dynamically access and update the
view of a document. A view is some alternate representation of, or a
presentation of, a document.
DOM Level 2 Style
DOM Level 2 Style specifies an API to dynamically access and update the
content style sheets.
DOM Level 2 Events
DOM Level 2 Events specifies an API to access document events.
DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range
DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range specifies an API to dynamically traverse and
identify a range of content in a document.

DOM Level 3
DOM Level 3 specifies content models (DTD and Schemas) and document
validation. It also specifies document loading and saving, document views,
document formatting, and key events. DOM Level 3 builds on DOM Core
Level 2.
DOM Level 3 Requirements
The DOM Requirements document has been updated for Level 3
requirements and was released as a Working Draft 12. April 2000.
The following DOM Level 3 Working Drafts were released 1. September
DOM Level 3 Core
DOM Level 3 Core specifies an API to access and update the content,
structure and style of documents.
DOM Level 3 Events
The DOM Level 3 Events API expands the functionality of the Level 2 Event
API by adding new interfaces and new event sets.
DOM Level 3 Load and Save
DOM Level 3 Content Model specifies an API for document loading and
saving, content models (DTD and Schemas) and document validation
DOM Level 3 Views and Formatting
DOM Level 3 Views specifies an API to dynamically access and update the
view of a document. A view is some alternate representation of, or a
presentation of, a document.
HTML DOM Objects Reference
Anchor object
Applet object
Area object
Base object
Basefont object
Body object
Button object
Checkbox object
Document object
Event object
FileUpload object
Form object
Frame object
Frameset object
Hidden object
History object
Iframe object
Image object
Link object
Location object
Meta object
Navigator object
Option object
Password object
Radio object
Reset object
Screen object
Select object
Style object
Submit object
Table object
TableData object
TableHeader object
TableRow object
Text object
Textarea object
Window object
Body Object
The Body object represents the body of the document (the HTML body).
The Body object's properties are described below:
N: Netscape (including Mozilla when N6 or higher), IE: Internet Explorer,
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard)
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description N IE W3C
accessKey Sets or returns the keyboard key to access the
body object
5 No
aLink Sets or returns the color of active links in the
6 5 Yes
background Sets or returns the URL of the background image
of the document
6 5 Yes
bgColor Sets or returns the background color of the
6 5 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of the body (In IE 4 this
property is read-only)
4 No
link Sets or returns the color of links in the document 6 5 Yes
scrollLeft Sets or returns the distance between the left
edge of the body and the leftmost portion of the
content visible in the window
7 5 No
scrollTop Sets or returns the distance between the top
edge of the body and the topmost portion of the
content visible in the window
7 5 No
text Sets or returns the color of text in the document 6 5 Yes
vLink Sets or returns the color of visited links in the
6 5 Yes

History Object
The History object is a predefined object which can be accessed through the
history property of the Window object.
The History object consists of an array of URLs. These URLs are the URLs the
user has visited within a browser window.
Note: The History object is not a W3C standard.
The History object's properties and methods are described below:
N: Netscape (including Mozilla when N6 or higher), IE: Internet Explorer,
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard)
Syntax: history.property_name
Property Description N IE W3C
length Returns the number of elements in the
history list
2 3 No
Syntax: history.method_name()
Method Description N IE W3C
back() Loads the previous URL in the history list
(same as clicking the Back button and to
2 3 No
forward() Loads the next URL in the history list (same
as clicking the Forward button and to
2 3 No
go(number|"URL") Loads a specified URL from the history list 2 3 No

Password Object
For each instance of an HTML <input type="password"> tag on a form, a
Password object is created.
All Password objects are stored in the elements array of the corresponding
form. You can access a Password object by indexing this array - either by
number (0 represents the first element in a form) or by using the value of
the name attribute.
The Password object's properties, methods, and events are described below:
N: Netscape (including Mozilla when N6 or higher), IE: Internet Explorer,
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard)
Syntax: object.property_name
Property Description N IE W3C
accept Sets or returns a list of content types that
the server that processes this form will
handle correct
- Yes
accesskey Sets or returns the keyboard key to access
the password field
4 Yes
defaultValue Sets or returns the initial value of the
password field
2 3.02 Yes
disabled Sets or returns whether or not the password
field should be disabled
6 5.5 Yes
form Returns a reference to the password field's
parent form
2 3.02 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of the password field
(In IE 4 this property is read-only)
4 No
maxLength Sets or returns the maximum number of
characters the user can enter in the
password field
6 4 Yes
name Sets or returns the name of the password
2 3.02 Yes
readOnly Sets or returns whether the content of the
password field is read-only
6 4 Yes
size Sets or returns the size of the password field 6 3.02 Yes
tabIndex Sets or returns the index that defines the
tab order for the password field
4 Yes
type The type of the form element. For a
password object it will always be "password"
3 3.02 Yes
value Sets or returns the value of the value
attribute of the password field
2 3.02 Yes
Syntax: object.method_name()
Method Description N IE W3C
blur() Removes focus from the password field 2 4 Yes
click() Simulates a mouse-click on the password
4 No
focus() Sets focus on the password field 2 3.02 Yes
select() Selects and highlights the entire text that is
in the password field
2 4 Yes
Syntax: object.event_name="someJavaScriptCode"
Event Description N IE W3C
onBlur Executes some code when the password field
loses focus
2 4
onClick Executes some code when the user clicks in
the password field
onFocus Executes some code when the password field
gets focus
2 3.02
onKeyDown Executes some code when a key is pressed
down in the password field
4 4
onKeyPress Executes some code when an alphanumeric
key is pressed in the password field
4 4
onKeyUp Executes some code when a key is released
in the password field
4 4
onSelectStart Executes some code when some text in the
password field is selected

DHTML (Dynamic HTML)

Introduction to DHTML

DHTML is the art of making HTML pages dynamic! In our DHTML tutorial you
will learn how to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic and
interactive Web pages.
DHTML is NOT a W3C Standard
DHTML stands for Dynamic HTML.
DHTML is not a standard defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
DHTML is a "marketing term" - used by Netscape and Microsoft to describe
the new technologies the 4.x generation browsers would support.
DHTML is a combination of technologies used to create dynamic Web sites.
To most people DHTML means a combination of HTML 4.0, Style Sheets and
W3C once said: "Dynamic HTML is a term used by some vendors to describe
the combination of HTML, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to
be animated."

DHTML Technologies
With DHTML a Web developer can control how to display and position HTML
elements in a browser window.
1. HTML 4.0
With HTML 4.0 all formatting can be moved out of the HTML document and
into a separate style sheet. Because HTML 4.0 separates the presentation
of the document from its structure, we have got total control of presentation
layout without messing up the document content.
2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
With CSS we got a style and layout model for HTML documents.
CSS was a breakthrough in Web design because it allowed developers to
control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once. As a Web
developer you can define a style for each HTML element and apply it to as
many Web pages as you want. To make a global change, simply change the
style, and all elements in the Web are updated automatically.
3. The Document Object Model (DOM)
DOM stands for the Document Object Model.
The HTML DOM is the Document Object Model for HTML.
The HTML DOM defines a standard set of objects for HTML, and a standard
way to access and manipulate HTML objects.
"The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language neutral
interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update
the content, structure, and style of a document".
4. JavaScript (and VBScript)
Allows you to write code to control all HTML elements.

DHTML technologies in Netscape 4.x and Internet Explorer 4.x:
Netscape Navigator
Cross-Browser DHTML Internet Explorer 4.x
JSS (JavaScript
Style Sheets)
(allows you to
control how
different HTML
elements will be
Layers (allows you
to control element
positioning and
CSS2 (allows you
to control how
different HTML
elements will be
CSS Positioning
(allows you to
control element
positioning and
Visual Filters (allow
you to apply visual
effects to text and
Dynamic CSS
(allows you to
control element
positioning and
Note: Problems with coding DHTML technologies WILL occur as long as each
browser creates its own proprietary features and technology that is not
supported by other browsers. A Web page may look great in one browser
and horrible in another.
CSS is used to style HTML elements.
Which Attributes can be Used with CSS-P?
First, the element must specify the position attribute (relative or absolute).
Then we can set the following CSS-P attributes:
left - the element's left position
top - the element's top position
visibility - specifies whether an element should be visible or hidden
z-index - the element's stack order
clip - element clipping
overflow - how overflow contents are handled

The CSS position property allows you to control the positioning of an
element in a document.
The position:relative property positions an element relative to its current
The following example positions the div element 10 pixels to the right from
where it's normally positioned:
The position:absolute property positions an element from the margins of the
The following example positions the div element 10 pixels to the right from
the left-margin of the the window:

The visibility property determines if an element is visible or not.
The visibility:visible property makes the element visible.
The visibility:hidden property makes the element invisible.

The z-index property is used to place an element "behind" another element.
Default z-index is 0. The higher number the higher priority. z-index: -1 has
lower priority.
In the example above, if the h1 and h2 elements are positioned on top of
each other, the h2 element will be positioned on top of the h1 element.

The filter property allows you to add more style effects to your text and
Note: Always specify the width of the element if you want to use the filter
The example above produces this output:
Different Filters
Note: Some of the Filter properties will not work unless the background-
color property is set to transparent!
Property Argument Description Example
alpha opacity
Allows you to set
the opacity of
the element
finishopacity=100, style=1,
starty=0, finishx=140,
blur add
Makes the
element blur
direction=90, strength=6);
chroma color Makes the
specified color
fliph none Flips the element
flipv none Flips the element
glow color
Makes the
element glow
gray none Renders the
element in black
and white
invert none Renders the
element in its
reverse color and
mask color Renders the
element with the
color, and
foreground color
shadow color
Renders the
element with a
dropshadow color
Renders the
element with a
offx=5, offy=5, positive=true);
wave add
Renders the
element like a
filter:wave(add=true, freq=1,
lightstrength=3, phase=0,
xray none Renders the
element in black
and white with
reverse color and

The background property allows you to select your own background.
The background scrolls along with the rest of the page.
The background does not move when the rest of the page scrolls.

DHTML Document Object Model

The Document Object Model gives us access to every element in a

How to access an element?
The element must have an id attribute defined and a scripting language is
needed. JavaScript is the most browser compatible scripting language, so we
use JavaScript.
<h1 id="header">My header</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
The script changes the color of the header element, and produces this
My header

DHTML Event Handlers

With an event handler you can do something with an element when
an event occurs.
when the user clicks an element, when the page loads, when a form is
submitted, etc.
<h1 onclick="style.color='red'">Click on this text</h1>
The example above defines a header that turns red when a user clicks on it.
You can also add a script in the head section of the page and then call the
function from the event handler:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changecolor()
<h1 id="header" onclick="changecolor()">
Click on this text</h1>

HTML 4.0 Event Handlers
Event Occurs when...
onabort a user aborts page loading
onblur a user leaves an object
onchange a user changes the value of an object
onclick a user clicks on an object
ondblclick a user double-clicks on an object
onfocus a user makes an object active
onkeydown a keyboard key is on its way down
onkeypress a keyboard key is pressed
onkeyup a keyboard key is released
a page is finished loading. Note: In Netscape this
event occurs during the loading of a page!
onmousedown a user presses a mouse-button
onmousemove a cursor moves on an object
onmouseover a cursor moves over an object
onmouseout a cursor moves off an object
onmouseup a user releases a mouse-button
onreset a user resets a form
onselect a user selects content on a page
onsubmit a user submits a form
onunload a user closes a page

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