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AROMATHERAPY/ESSENTIAL OILS 1) LAVENDER- herb, small schrub, native to Mediterranean area. Very versatile oil.

Pain relief, anti-depressant, antiseptic, bactericide, decongestant, insect repellent and sedative. Is very calming, soothing and balancing. Restores unbalanced states. Used to cleanse wounds and for bathing. Lavender is Latin (lavare) for wash or bath. Common Lavender called Lavandula officinalis is mainly medicinal in nature. Few people have allergies to Lavender. Treats burns and wounds and promotes rapid healing and helps to prevent scarring. When used in steam vapor it is valuable in the treatment of colds, coughs, sinusitis and the flu. Good sedative as an inhalant. Oil on the throat also helps coughs. Along the temples and forehead for headaches. Lavender cold compress on the head or neck also good for headaches and muscle tension. Excellent for muscular pain relief as a massage oil or compress. It tends to heighten the effectivesness and potentcy of other oils it is mixed with. For massage best diluted with carrier oil of Almond pit, Grapeseed, or Wheatgerm oil in a ratio of 1 part oil to 3 parts carrier oil. May be used in the bath as well, 4-6 drops in a tub of water. Also Lavender is good for PMS as a compress on the stomach or massaged in. Excellent for skin conditions, acne, etc. Lavender, Grapefruit and Eucalyptus are excellent mixed to fight against fleas and other pests, naturally. Lavender also aids in sleep with insomnia due to anxiety and stress. Place a few drops on a hanky or dream pillow or take a nice relaxing bath. Please note that Lavender oil is a strong oil and is best diluted in either a carrier oil, lotion or water. 2) LEMONGRASS- a scented grass from India which grows to about 3 feet tall. Is a natural deodorant, put 3 drops in a bath. It refreshes tired bodies and especially tired feet, wonderful as a foot bath. Helps headaches however Lavender is still most preferred. Good antiseptic and bactericide properties. Also an excellent insect repellnat for fleas on pets. Burning Lemongrass keeps flying insects away. Please note that Lemongrass is very strong and it must be diluted for it will burn the skin otherwises. 3) ROSEMARY- a herb which can grow to a good size schrub, native to Greece but found in Europe mostly near the sea. After Lavender it is the most important plant in the Labiatae family used. Used for medicine, cooking and religious rites (found in Egyptian tombs and the Romans revered it). Has a very strong antiseptic action. Is a very stimulating oil and is considered one of the cephalic oils; good for memory. Stimulating effect on the central nervous system, especially were motor nerves are affected temporarily. Will not work though on nerve damage. Excellent brain stimulator and induces mental clarity. Its piercing aroma is good for respiratory ailments when used with a steam bath or inhalation. CAUTION: excessive doses or amounts can cause epileptic fits as with Sage. Also a good analgesic for pain in massage, baths and compresses, eg arthritis. Excellent hair and skin treatment, rinse hair with rosemary tonic, aids with hair loss and poor conditioning. 4) CHERRY OIL- An excellent anti-depressant. Inhale the essences 3-4 times a day. Caution should be used as not to have pure Cherry oil come in contact with the skin or nose as it is a very strong skin irritant undiluted. Diluted it can even be worn as a perfume or scent. 5) SAGE- A shrub or bush found native to the Mediterranean basin and also in the desert and arid regions of North America. Sage has a powerful action on the female reproductive system. Used to help in childbirth, to induce menstration and normalize menopause. CAUTION: Use with great caution at all times and never use at all suring pregnancy or on young children or those with epilepsy. Sage contains thujone which can cause epileptic fits and large amounts may induce paralysis. Its main safe uses are as gargles and mouthwashes, diluted in alcohol or water to very low concentrations. It is also used for massages in men (for obvious reasons stated above) and has a very warming effect. 6) CLARY SAGE- A bush or shrub from Italy, Syria and southern France, where it loves extremely dry soil. Has minimal amounts of thujone but shares many of the properties of regular sage. Do not combine Clary Sage with alcohol for it induces severe nightmares. Alone it can induce dramatic and colorful dreams. Very relaxing and calming properties. Good for a nice relaxing bath at home. Powerful muscle relaxant too. Good for asthma used as a steam bath or inhalant. Also aids in digestion and spasms in the stomach, massage oil into abdomen area. Also prevents excessive sweating, reduces sebum on skin and is a good hair rinse for oily hir and dandruff. Its most valuable attribute is for stress related illnesses. One of the most powerful relaxants in helping with anxiety and stress. Also has an aphrodisiac quality. 7) MAJORAM- an herbal plant found originally from the Mediterranean coast to Hungary. Has outstanding warming action on the mind and body. Best for the treatment of asthma, colds and bronchitis via steam inhalation. Six drops in a

tub will help prevent some of the miseries of a cold. It is however sedative in nature and can cause drowsiness. Obviously then good for insomnia and even better when combined with Lavender in the bath. Incidently ists nutty aroma is more pleasing to men. It dilates the arteries, good for the heart and blood pressure, massaging oil in. Good for muscle stiffness, arthitis, cramps, digestion and antispasmodic effect. Also aids with menstrual cramps when used as a hot compress, better than anything out there on the market. Comforts grieving or lonely people. It is also very anti-aphrodisiac and helps with times of needed or wanted celibacy. 8) CHAMOMILE- a small lacy and feathery green leafed herb with small daisy like flowers. Grows wild in the British Isles. Best as a tea for stomach upsets, cystitis and childrens ailments. Oil use is for soothing, calming and antiinflammation. Hot compresses on boils, abscesses, cuts, and splinters helps dramatically in removing the soreness and inflammation. Tea taken internally is excellnet for colitis, gastritis and diarrhorea. Also a profound calming effect on the emotional level. Is also a disinfectant, especially in the urinary tract and very useful in helping urinary infections. Use tea and hot compresses together. Oil can be used for inflammed muscles, joints and arthritis. Good for skin condtions like eczema and itchy dry skin. Is a vaso-constrictor for blood vessels in the face. It is one of the gentlest oils for children. For toothache, rub oil onto the outside of the check. Earaches the same thing. For eye infections, especially conjunctivitis use wet tea bags and place them over the eyes, never, never use oil in the eyes. It is also an alternative to Lavender for insomnia. 9) GRAPEFRUIT- a tree created through hybridization, found in Israel, California, Texas, Florida and Brazil. It is the only citrus oil that is not photosensitive. Valuable oil in fluid retention, cellulite, removal of body toxins and stimulating the lymphatic system. After exercise by massaging into muscles it aids to dispurse the lactic acid and reduces aches and stiffness. Good for oily skin and acne and as a skin or hair tonic. Its most important use however is as an antidepressant. This due to its sunny, nonsedative and mentally enlivening properties. Excellent for lethargic and depressed people. 10) PEPPERMINT- an herbal plant native to Europe but now the USA produces more than anyone. Aids in digestion by chewing on the plant or taking a tea. The Romans used it heavily. Best known for digestive upset and benefical to the stomach, liver and intestines. Excellnet for colic, diarrhorea, indigestion, vomitting and stomach cramps. Must be well diluted to apply to the skin without burning. Good massaged into the stomach or gut. As mentioned drinking the tea helps the affect. Combats cold symptoms in a bath, no more than 3 drops per tub. Cools fever when used as a cold compress. Clears nasal airways by steam inhalation, and using with Lavender it enhances the action of each oil. Using cold compress along with Lavender is good for headaches. Peppermint is also an effective painkiller as well being that it is a stimulant. It also has cephalic properties like Rosemary and aids in clear thinking. It is also an emergency treatment for shock, a few drops on a tissue. Good to rid areas of pests, like rats and insects they dont like the odor nor its pungency. Can be combined with Eucalyptus oil as well. NOTE: Do not take Peppermint or use it in the evening for it will cause wakefulness and keep one up, it is a stimulant after all.

11) MELISSA- (Lemon Balm)- a common garden herb. Very good for skin problems but must be diluted well. 3-4 drops in a bath tub, is sufficient. Maybe difficult to find pure unadulterated oil, genuine oil is rare and costly. It is found in Germany alot and is somewhat expensive. The reason for this is it takes alot of plant to make a small amount of essence, since the plant has a high water content. Its overriding property is that of being soothing to the body and mind. Good for treatment of allergies along with Chamomile. Asthma and coughs are aided by inhalations of Melissa. It also lowers blood pressure and is a good remedy for shock. It is very uplifting. 12) PATCHOULI- a bushy plant with large furry leaves which is native to Malaysia. It is related to Basil, Peppermint, Rosemary and Lavender. It has a strong and persistant odor that lingers. Has very good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Is a good skincare and skin disorder herb as atoner or wash, diluted in alcohol or water. Also a very good fungicide and cell regenerator. Excellnet for acne, craked skin, fungal infections, athletes foot and dandruff. Also an anti-depressant, which helps with anxiety and stress conditions. 13) TEA TREE or TI TREE- a common tree named leptospernum from Australia. Very good and excellent antiinfectious agent. Active against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Powerful immuno-stimulant, helps build immune system and fights with the body. Helpful for HIV+ people. Valuable for colds, flu, and other infectious diseases. At the first sign of a cold or flu use 3-5 drops in a bath of water. It is not a skin irritant at all and can be used undiluted. Excellent for cold sores, dap a small amount on the area as soon as the sore or irritation is felt. Also good for warts, putting a dropon as well and covering it with a plastic/bandaid. It may take a few weeks but keep reapplying (but then Compound-W takes that long as well). Use in skinwashes for acne or just apply to acne affected area as a spot treatment. Very affective against

fungus such as ringworm and athletes foot. Used as a room spray or in lamp burners for eliminating germs in the home environment. 14) YLANG/YLANG- a small tropical tree from the Philippines, Java and Madagascar, where the oil is extracted from the yellow flowers. Very sweet aroma to oil. Important physical property is to reduce rapid breathing and heartbeat. These symptoms appear with shock, fright, anxiety and anger. Reduces high blood pressure. It is a wonderful perfume oil for women as well. Has anti-depressant, aphrodisiac and sedative properties as well. Helps with sexual dysfunctions from stress and anxiety. Note though that a too high concentration for too long can cause headaches and nausea. 15) JUNIPER- an evergreen tree of which the berries are used, for the best quality of oil. Antiseptic and diuretic properties. Also very good detoxifier. Excellent for uro-gential tract health and for disorders of cystitis, pyelitis and urinary stones. Reduces urinary retention associated with prostate enlargment but does not treatment prostate problems itself (Sabal Palmetto is good for this in tablet form). Excellnet astringent which is good for acne. Protects from contracting infections, by burning it with Rosemary when someone in the home is infectious and ill. Wonderful disinfectant for household cleaning by putting a few drops in the cleaning water or use in water or alcohol as a spray. It also improves elimination and stimulates appetite ( like gin and tonic). Good for skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Also good for pets skin and also for cleaning and disinfecting their ears. Juniper overall rejuvenates the tired and overworked mind, by putting it in a bath or even rubbing some in the hands.

16) MYRRH- a small and thorny shrub found from Libya to Iran. The sap is harvested from the plant and it hardens as a resin and from this an oil can be made. Added to ointments it can be excellent in aiding healing of the wound. It is a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Valuable for wounds that are slow to heal or begin to weep. Skin conditions like eczema and athletes foot are dramatically improved, because it does also have fungicidal properties as well. Heals cracked and chapped skin. Myrrh can be added to creams for application in most instances or be rubbed in with a carrier oil. Can also be used as an effective Vaginal Douch for Thrush and Candida infections. Good for the gums and heals mouth ulcers very quickly. For oral use one must use as a tincture. It does sting a bit and tastes bitter but the results are phenominal. Used also as a massage oil or inhalant for colds, sore throat, chest infections and bronchitis. Good for diarrhorea by massaging it on the stomach. CAUTION: Not to be used when pregnant. 17) ROSE- a bush, common to most. Was the first flower ever distilled for its oil, in Persia in the tenth century. Powerful effect on the uterus. Valuable where there is a loss of uterine muscle tone/prolapse and for women with a tendacy to miscarry. Regulates menstrual cycle, very Venusian. Aids in conception/fertility. Appears to increase the production of semen in men. More mental and emotional benefits than physical. A gentle but potent anti-depressant. Of value with post-natal depression. Powerful tonic for stomach, liver and spleen. Good for skincare for all skin types. Has a tonic and astringent effect on blood vessels. Rosewater is soothing, antiseptic and tonic for the skin. Pure unadulterated Rose attar is very expensive but goees a long, ong way. Persian markets carry rosewater and attar. 18) EUCALYPTUS- a tree native to Australia, over 300 varities but the best for oil is the blue-gum. Best known for colds as a decongestant. Has many other less known uses, most important of these is its ery powerful bactericidal and antiviral actions. Steam inhalations with Eucalyptus is an effective natural treatment for colds, because it eases nasal congestion and inhibits the proliferation of the cold virus. Used as a n airspray will provide good protection from infectious diseases. An effective insect repellant, especially mosquitoes.

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