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Author-Date System (in-text parenthetical references)

The 15 edition of the Chicago Manual of Style presents two basic systems of documentationthe notes and bibliography system, also known as the humanities style, and the author-date system. This guide provides examples according to the author-date system. A separate guide is available for the notes and bibliography system. Ask your professor if you are unsure which system to use. th For each example given below, the section number to the relevant passage(s) in the 15 edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is provided. Two copies of the print book are available on Reserves (Z 253 U69 2003) and may be checked out for brief periods of time. Chicago style is also th outlined in Turabians Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7 edition, which is available in the reference section of the library (LB 2369 T8 2007 Reference).

Placement of In-text Citations: Author-date citations usually are placed just before a punctuation mark (section 16.112). Social scientists propose various solutions, including better police training (Smith 2001, 47), community awareness projects (Arthur 2004, 21), and earlier family intervention (Casey 2000, 112). If the authors name is mentioned in the text, it is not necessary to repeat it in the parenthetical citation (section 16.112). Smith (2001, 48) argues that current training programs for police officers are too short and too superficial to make much of a difference. Preparing Your Reference List: The reference list must include an entry for every text citation (section 16.107). Entries are arranged alphabetically by last name of author. When there are two or more works by the same author, order the entries for that author chronologically by year of publication, with earlier dates coming first (section 16.103).

BOOK--Single Author (section 17.26) In-text citation: (Wills 2001, 65) Reference: Wills, John E. 2001. 1688: A global history. New York: Norton. BOOK--Two authors (section 17.27: List authors in order used on the title page.) In-text citation: (Yergin and Gustafson 1993, 107) Reference: Yergin, Daniel, and Thane Gustafson. 1993. Russia 2010and what it means to the world: The CERA report. New York: Random House. BOOK--Corporate Author (section 17.47) In-text citation: (World Health Organization 1991, 15) Reference: World Health Organization. 1991. Control of Chagas disease: Report of a WHO expert committee. Geneva: World Health Organization. BOOK--Electronic (sections 17.142 to 17.147) In-text citation: (Brown 2002, chapt. 1, par. 12) Reference: Brown, Gregory S. 2002. A field of honor: Writers, court culture and public theater in French literary life from Racine to the Revolution. New York: Columbia University Press. (accessed August 20, 2007). Chapter or Essay from an Edited Book (section 17.69) In-text citation: (Wright 2004, 421) Reference: Wright, Marcia. 2004. Gender, women, and power in Africa, 1750-1914. In A companion to gender history, ed. Teresa A. Meade and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, 413-21. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Content contact: Peggy Burge,, Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound


Article from Scholarly Journalprint format (sections 17.154 to 17.179) In-text citation: (McDonough 2002-2003, 252) Reference: McDonough, Christopher Michael. 2002-2003. The swallows on Cleopatras ship. Classical World 96, no.3: 25158. Article from Scholarly Journalaccessed electronically via database (section 17.359) In-text citation: (Vardi 1993, 1432) Reference: Vardi, Liana. 1993. Construing the harvest: Gleaners, framers, and officials in early modern France. American Historical Review 98, no. 5: 1424-47. (accessed July 31, 2007). Article from Online Scholarly Journal In-text citation: (Lee et al. 2007, 639) Reference: Lee, Grace M., Jeanne M. Santoli, Claire Hannan, Mark L. Messonnier, James E. Sabin, Donna Rusinak, Charlene Gay, Susan M. Lett, and Tracy A. Lieu. 2007. Gaps in vaccine financing for underinsured children in the United States. JAMA 298: 638-43. Article from Popular Magazine (sections 17.182 to 17.186) In-text citation: (Meadows and Thomas 2007, 45) Reference: Meadows, Susannah, and Evan Thomas. 2007. That Night at Duke. Newsweek, April 23. 40-46. Article from Newspaperaccessed electronically via database (section 17.198) In-text citation: (Kelly 2007) Reference: Kelly, David. 2007. Reservations toxic dumps a multilayered nightmare. Los Angeles Times, home edition, June 2. (accessed July 31, 2007). Book Review (sections 17.199 to 17.203) In-text citation: (Wolf 2006, 719) Reference: Wolf, Anne Marie. 2006. Review of Creating east and west: Renaissance humanists and the Ottoman Turks, by Nancy Bisaha. Journal of Religion 86, no. 4 (October): 719-20. DVD or Video (section 17.273) In-text citation: (Moore 2002) Reference: Moore, Michael, dir. 2002. Bowling for Columbine. DVD. [United States]: MGM Home Entertainment. Webpage or Website (sections 17.234 to 17.237; see also section 17.12) In-text citation: (Washington State History Museum) Reference: Washington State History Museum. Virtual Tour of the History Lab Learning Center. (accessed July 31, 2007).

Content contact: Peggy Burge,, Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound


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