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The Art of David Rankine

The Art of David Rankine


Geometry of the Sri Yantra

A Sri Yantra is a manifestation of a process- a process that mirrors the growth and organization of reality. It is not really about the finished design although it is one that is beautiful and seems to defy logic- but it is important to remember that the Sri Yantra GROWS on the page- it is in the doing that it gains its true power.

a hand drawn Sri Yantra - illustrating the vibratory essence of the design The Sri Yantra is informed by yet another design- a pattern of interlocking circles and its growth follows a logical path in the growth of geometric form from one point (Self, or ALL) to two points (duality, self and other)- the line connecting them (attention/intention flow) to one point revolving around the other - a circle (expression and consciousness/awareness) to three points- a triangle (dynamic growth manifested in a structure).

The drawing of a Sri Yantra proceeds from point to point, to line, to circles, to triangles. It begins with awareness and the expression of one and once finished the Sri Yantra is a further manifold expression of one- Self and/or Universe. Seen below is the basic matrix for the Sri Yantra - composed of 7 interpenetrating circles which provide all the information for the construction of the nine triangles. Think of this matrix of circles as the potentiality field of the Sri Yantra - the "womb" within which it grows. This matrix is female in nature. The action of drawing is male. Between the two energies a Sri Yantra is born.

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01/04/2013 09:10 p.m.

The Art of David Rankine

As each triangle of the Sri Yantra is created, it then informs the position of the next one and so on. The placement of each new line provides new bits of information needed for the construction of the next set of lines. The circular matrix is a statement of the building blocks of CREATION, and the Sri Yantra is a statement and model of the dynamic of growth based on that matrix.

The first triangle- formed using several intersection points of the circle matrix. This illustrates that all the information already exists within the circle matrix, we just need know where to look.

an online sri yantra course will soon be offered in May 2012 click here
Not only does the Sri Yantra appear in the sacred art of Eastern Traditions but also appears in the sacred art of western Christianity. Shown below is a page from the Book of Kells (800 CE) showing a Sri Yantra pattern underlying the surface decoration. In this example, the Sri Yantra is providing a design matrix for the over all piece and also its dynamic portal effect.

a Sri Yantra lying beneath the picture plane of a carpet page from the Book of Kells ( Irish-8th Century CE)

click here for more on Sacred Geometry

return to Geometry of The Mandala

click here for sound of the Sri Yantra

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01/04/2013 09:10 p.m.

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