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ut|||ty Stat|c v4r fompensator

|ectr|c|ty |s an |ntegra| part of oor ||ves. We depend on |t for everyth|ng from ||ght|ng to ronn|ng
e|evators, soph|st|cated compoters, hosp|ta|s, transportat|on eqo|pment - and so moch more.
4t the same t|me ot|||t|es are be|ng forced to move away from foss|| foe| generat|on, as |arge percentages
of renewab|e energy soorces are |ntegrated |nto gr|ds aroond the wor|d. ower f|ow stab|||ty |s becom|ng
a rea| cha||enge for network managers.
6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J .
L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |ee.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |ee.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |ee.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |ee.:|.s /, B:..||
Stabilised vcltaqe levels and reactive cwer
ccmensaticn imrcve the cverall system
stability, increasinq transmissicn line cwer
transler caabilities and thus rcvidinq a
seamless cwer llcw tc end-users.
fha||enges reso|ved w|th
4|stom 6r|d Svf
Paid chanqes in reactive cwer
Jhe need lcr additicnal reactive cwer
vcltaqe lluctuaticn
Flicker hencmena
unbalanced lcads
Pcwer cscillaticn
1JJ Mv/: J kv Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv Ne. e.|.nc
4|stom 6r|d's Svf so|ot|ons for
|mproved power qoa||ty
uisturbances can be caused by netwcrk line
switchinq, line laults and ncn-linear
ccmcnents, such as thyristcr ccntrcls,
raidly varyinq active cr reactive lcads,
unbalanced hase vcltaqes, cr the
intrcducticn cl inherently unstable
renewable enerqies. Aqinq AC transmissicn
systems were nct desiqned lcr these
chanqes and must be adated tc a mcre
ecclcqical arcach while remaininq hiqhly
ellicient and linancially viable.
utility Static vAr Ccmensatcrs (SvC) cller
scluticns tc these challenqes, increasinq
cwer quality and cllerinq a quick
tc siqnilicant vcltaqe drcs and current
increases in the netwcrk, which limits the
transmissicn caacity cl active cwer.
utilities can maximise their transmissicn line
caacities by ccmensatinq reactive cwer.
Jhe Static vAr Ccmensatcr maintains the
demand lcr reactive cwer within the limits
set by utilities.
vo|tage stab|||sat|on,
onba|anced |oads
Lcaded ncn-transcsed lines can create
vcltaqe unbalance causinq reduced
elliciency, cverheatinq, ncise, tcrque ulses
and seed ulses tc mctcr ceraticns. Jhe
utility SvC cerates in sinqle-hase ccntrcl
mcde, thus balancinq the vcltaqe.
kedoc|ng harmon|cs
Ncn-linear lcads qenerate harmcnic
currents. Jhe harmcnic currents lcad the
netwcrk and lead tc vcltaqe distcrticns.
uistcrted vcltaqe may cause end-user
malluncticns: lcr examle, in sensitive
ccmuterised devices and cther rccess
ccntrcl equiment.
Jhe lilter circuit cl a utility SvC system is
desiqned tc abscrb harmcnics qenerated by
charqe as well as by Jhyristcr Ccntrclled
Peactcrs (JCP). Jhe tctal harmcnic
distcrticn (Jlu) and individual harmcnic
vcltaqes are limited tc belcw secilied levels,
thus cllerinq a mcre lluid cwer llcw.
ower transfer capac|ty |ncreases
Peactive cwer transmissicn can lead
utility Static vAr Ccmensatcr (SvC)
utility SvC - Jailcred technical scluticns...
Systems parameters determ|n|ng Svf des|gn
Lach netwcrk has its cwn cwer suly quality requirements, sc each SvC must be tailcr-made. SvC desiqn
deends cn the lault level and lcad arameters. ln case cl hiqh lault levels, the main arameter cl the SvC
desiqn miqht be reactive cwer ccmensaticn, while llicker and harmcnic reducticn are majcr ccncerns lcr
lcw lault levels.
f||cker redoct|on
Paidly varyinq reactive cwer causes
vcltaqe lluctuaticns at the ccmmcn cculinq
cint. Jhe human eye erceives this
lrequency cl vcltaqe lluctuaticns as
llickerinq liqhts. Jhe additicn cl an SvC intc
the netwcrk reduces the llicker.
f|xed or re|ocatab|e
SvC lccaticns can be lixed cr relccatable.
While cutdccr equiment is usually built as
lixed structures, indccr equiment is clten
situated within an easily relccatable
ccntainer. lt is alsc cssible tc use a
mcdular SvC desiqn, makinq transcrtaticn,
installaticn and ccmmissicninq last and
0Wk Lf1k0NlfS
/|cve :|...e oene:..|cn 8 :.nsm|ss|cn |n /|cve :|...e oene:..|cn 8 :.nsm|ss|cn |n /|cve :|...e oene:..|cn 8 :.nsm|ss|cn |n /|cve :|...e oene:..|cn 8 :.nsm|ss|cn |n
L|.|.m, o/ L|.|.m, o/ L|.|.m, o/ L|.|.m, o/
e. L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| e. L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| e. L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| e. L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..||
b|g|ta| contro| 8 protect|on
at the heart of performance
Jhe diqital ccntrcl system measures chanqes in reactive cwer
ccnsumticn and initiates ccrrecticns tc either qenerate cr ccnsume
reactive cwer. Jhe ccntrcl system scltware and hardware - based cn
ccmmercial circuit bcards - is desiqned by Alstcm 6rid enqineers. Jhe
ccntrcl system ccmmunicates easily with the utility's cther systems.
Jhe SvC ccntrcl system is based cn three Mctcrcla CPu cwered PC
bcards in a virtual machine envircnment (vML) rack.
Jhe units are: the master bcard, that calculates the SvC cutut, the
slave bcard, that manaqes Prcqram Lcqic Ccntrcl (PLC) ceraticns,
and the ccmmunicaticn interlace that translers data between the vML
rack and the luman Machine lnterlace (lMl) ccmuter. Jhe
ceraticns cl the SvC are ccntrclled via the user interlace screen.
kea| 1|me b|g|ta| S|mo|ator {k1bS)
Nc twc SvC installaticns are alike. Jhe scce cl an SvC installaticn
deends cn the technical and eccncmic requirements cl the individual
netwcrk. 0ur Peal Jime uiqital Simulatcr (PJuS) tccl desiqns and
simulates ycur electrical netwcrk. Based cn Nckian Caacitcrs
technclcqy, the system has twc PJuS simulaticn racks and can
handle and desiqn icc netwcrk ncdes.
Jhe measured data cr simulated mcdel is run cn the PJuS. Jhe
simulaticn mcdel and ccntrcl system arameters are adjusted tc qive
maximum erlcrmance. Simulaticns may be used tc ctimise
installaticn cards, lcsses and erlcrmance. ln scme cases, the SvC
cwer is reduced tc minimise lcsses while alsc increasinq
erlcrmance. PJuS is alsc a cwerlul tccl in line lault situaticns.
utility Static vAr Ccmensatcr (SvC)
...cllerinq ycu imrcved cwer quality
6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J . 6J/-1JJ Mv/: /1 kv 6J .
L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..|| L.mcs, u:n.s Len.:.|s |e.:|.s /, B:..||
0Wk Lf1k0NlfS
e.| |me D||..| |mu|..c: (D) e.| |me D||..| |mu|..c: (D) e.| |me D||..| |mu|..c: (D) e.| |me D||..| |mu|..c: (D)
o.|||., vL |.,cu. o.|||., vL |.,cu. o.|||., vL |.,cu. o.|||., vL |.,cu.
o.|||., vL .|.| |,:|s.c: s.|.|ec ..|.c:s |.,cu. o.|||., vL .|.| |,:|s.c: s.|.|ec ..|.c:s |.,cu. o.|||., vL .|.| |,:|s.c: s.|.|ec ..|.c:s |.,cu. o.|||., vL .|.| |,:|s.c: s.|.|ec ..|.c:s |.,cu.
Network des|gn and s|mo|at|on

Alstcm 6rid has been manulacturinq state-cl-

the-art, hiqh quality equiment lcr cver hall a
century. 0ur qlcbal ccmetence centres in
Jamere, Finland, and Philadelhia, uSA are
reccqnised as the leadinq manulacturers cl
hiqh and lcw vcltaqe caacitcrs, caacitcr
banks, air ccre reactcrs and ccntrcl 8
rctecticn systems lcr caacitcr installaticns
and Static vAr Ccmensaticn (SvC)
kesearch and deve|opment
Alstcm 6rid Ltd., in Jamere, Finland is cur
FACJS Wcrldwide Lxcellence Centre
and is rescnsible lcr qlcbal desiqn and
rcducticn rccedures lcr all static vAr
ccmensaticn equiment. As art cl cur
ccntinucus imrcvement clicy, this FACJS
excellence centre is rescnsible lcr luture
technclcqical advances in all the rcduct lines
- lrcm SvC lcr utilities and industries tc series
ccmensaticn equiment and the lamcus
SvC MaxSine lcr all vcltaqe ratinqs.
Static vAr Ccmensatcrs are manulactured in
Finland and cther Alstcm 6rid rcducticn
sites arcund the wcrld.
0Wk Lf1k0NlfS utility Static vAr Ccmensatcr (SvC)
4|stom 6r|d Wor|dw|de fontact fentre
Jel: + (c) iss zsc cc
1JJ Mv/: J kv /||.n,, Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv /||.n,, Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv /||.n,, Ne. e.|.nc 1JJ Mv/: J kv /||.n,, Ne. e.|.nc
xperts at yoor serv|ce
Services ranqe lrcm analysis and desiqn and SvC delivery tc alter-sales services. We alsc
carry cut tests and reactive cwer / distcrticn measurements tc ensure that the SvC
erlcrmance levels are met, as determined durinq rcject desiqn.
Lcnq-term maintenance ccntracts are available cn all cur equiment tc ensure that ycur
SvC is always luncticninq u tc desiqn standards and tc quarantee that it remains sale lcr
ycur erscnnel.
oa||ty systems
Alstcm 6rid, as well as all the SvC rcducticn sites arcund the wcrld, are manaqed by
strict quality manaqement systems - includinq cur cwn Alstcm 6rid methcdclcqy -
lullillinq the requirements cl lS0 scci:zccc, envircnmental standards, lS0 icci and
0lSAS iscci.
Alstcm 6rid cllers qlcbal SvC technclcqy
|,:|s.c: v.|ves |n .es.|n .. cu: /L e||ene Len.e: |n .me:e, |n|.nc |,:|s.c: v.|ves |n .es.|n .. cu: /L e||ene Len.e: |n .me:e, |n|.nc |,:|s.c: v.|ves |n .es.|n .. cu: /L e||ene Len.e: |n .me:e, |n|.nc |,:|s.c: v.|ves |n .es.|n .. cu: /L e||ene Len.e: |n .me:e, |n|.nc

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