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Holocaust Novel/Book Project

1. Complete Double-Entry Diaries (DEDs) 1 & 2. Use DED #1 for the first half of the book and DED #2 for the second half of the book. Be sure that the quotes from the story you are writing down are thoughtful and meaningful. For example, a What? doesnt give enough background for one to know who or what youre referring to. If you believe a response like What? is significant in the text youre reading, please give some more detail in context, say two or three sentences preceding that response, so that the statement is better understood. Make sure youve written the title and author of your book at the top of each sheet. Weve done these before, but if you have any questions, please dont hesitate to come and talk to me. (Due Friday, February 3rd) 2. In a well-written eighth grade paragraph (i.e. 8-10 complete sentences), explain how the plot or content of your book is related to the Holocaust. Give specific details and facts. Direct quotes are a great way to do this. Actually, using direct quotes in your response is a great example of higher-thinking skills. Remember, if you are directly quoting something from your story, be sure to list the authors last name and page number of where you found the quote in parentheses at the end of the sentence. [ex. Right now on the radio, Portias husband, Walter, was a prisoner of war in Germany, and he had just thought of an escape plan. He was going to hide in a small boat (Giff 46-47).] Your paragraph should be indented, contain a topic and concluding sentence, as well as be double-spaced. Make sure youve written the title and author of your book at the top of the page. (Due Monday, February 6th) 3. On either an 8 x 11 sheet of white photocopy paper or a poster board, create an illustration that depicts the ending of your story. If you are reading a non-fiction book, create an illustration that depicts the last chapter or two (or 20-40 pages) of your story. Be sure to include the title and author of your book, as well as a caption for your illustration. (Due Wednesday, February 8th) 4. Lastly, create a culminating project. This project should be something that represents both the novel you read and class discussions/videos/handouts and worksheets/readings, etc that weve covered related to the Holocaust. This might be a sculpture, a poem, a video, a song in remembrance, a monologue, a scrapbook, etc Be creative. Be thorough. Neatness and quality do count. (Due Thursday, February 9th) We will share these projects during our Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday.

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