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Geoffrey Ronning For more information about Geoffrey Ronning hypnosis and NLP trainings, products and consulting services please call 623-476-2437. You may also visit us online at:

Greetings In this report we are going to look at the 7 biggest lies in stage hypnosis marketing and booking. It is designed for the person who is interested in booking their show for money. This is NOT a "how to hypnotize report." This is about the business of Stage Hypnosis. Inside, you are going to get what runs counter to what most stage hypnotists think about... Most stage hypnotists think about "hypnosis" which is ne but it is not what your prospects or clients care about. It is sort of like if you are building a new home and your architect is thinking about his pencil instead of the home he is creating for you. It is focusing on the "tool" -- not the "outcome." If you wish to charge for your services you need to focus on what your clients and prospects want, not what you want. In the next couple of pages you have the making of a career. You can make it a part-time or full-time career. It is totally up to you. Thank you very much for reading this and I hope you nd it valuable. Hundreds of people before you have. By the end of this series you can be on your way to a much more successful business... or you will be really irritated with me because you think I'm nuts!:)



Lie #1: "Your Stage Hypnosis Show is the Most Important Thing to Success" Sadly, many stage hypnotists believe that the better their show is the more success they will have. That is not true. I struggled with that exact same thing. I thought the better my show, the better I would do nancially. Now I know that is a lie. The simple fact of the matter is you could have the best show in the world but if you cannot book it, no one will ever see it. Now I know the truth is: 1) You need to have a satisfying show 2) Your marketing needs to be excellent so that you can book your show You cannot make a part-time or full-time living without one or the other. You need to have both. Of course, the VAST majority of hypnotists never bother to learn any of the marketing and business skills and that leads them to failure. And it also means that for those of us that do market - it makes it just that much easier. Today when I pop onto a hypnosis forum I see people giving advice about how to hypnotize and how to do shows.... they are getting some hypnotists all revved up to go book shows... picture this in your mind: 1000 soldiers with sticks and rocks in hand charge valiantly onto a battleeld, where they are cut down with machine guns, tanks and artillery re - dying in droves. Actually a tiny handful of extraordinary, talented warriors will survive by strength and wit. But the odds are heavily tilted against them. Only the very, very best even survive, much less prosper. If your only weapon in booking your show is an exciting show, you're ghting tanks with sticks. You are destined for troubles...

Here's the TRUTH: You must know marketing to succeed with stage hypnosis (or any business endeavor). That's why time spent on marketing is absolutely the best time investment you can make.


Here is Lie #2: "Booking shows is a numbers game" Lie number two used to be the rst thing I's say to myself when I woke up each morning and the last thing I would say at night. Dreaming about lies is a very bad thing! It caused untold grief, thousands of dollars in waste and hours upon hours of hard, tedious, crap work. Here's the truth: If you are oering stage hypnosis shows, you will NEVER succeed! Ever. Because nobody is jazzed about stage hypnosis.... well maybe another stage hypnotist but they don't pay your bills. You must be a solution provider, NOT be oering a stage hypnosis show. You must NOT be an all-powerful-hypnotist. You must be looked upon as a partner or even better, as a valued resource to help someone accomplish their goals. OK! So how do you DEMONSTRATE that? Here's how: In your marketing, you focus on their problems, not your solution. You focus on the itch, not the scratch. This might sound simplistic, but even so, hardly anybody really does this. If you doubt me, just go to any stage hypnotists website and check it out. Ask yourself this question as you look at their site: Is this page about a problem, or is it about how cool someone is?

98% of the time its about how "cool" they are. And nobody cares about that. Most stage hypnotists sites are all about: * How fast * How funny * How amazing * Etc. I call it vanity promotions. It is certainly NOT marketing. The only thing prospects care about is their problem. So here is a major shift: Instead of doing vanity promotions, be sure you are a problem solver. You will be FAR MORE SUCCESSFUL. Then you begin your relationship as a problem solver, not a salesperson. It's positioning. It's a fundamental concept in my marketing system. People aren't interested in your stage hypnosis. They are interested in their problem. Focus on that and you will be miles and miles ahead of 98% of the stage hypnotists out there.


Lie #3: "You just got to get your name out there and do some advertising." This one costs stage hypnotists BIG. Marketing is a crucial ingredient to your success, yet it actually works against many hypnotists. But when it works in your favor, amazing things happen. All marketing MUST do one of two things: 1) Generate show leads 2) Generate shows And do so in a measurable, quantiable way.

If you do either of those things, you will have no problem. But if you simply attempt to get your name out there and do traditional advertising, its very likely that you won't generate bookings OR show leads. Here is an ugly truth: Traditional marketing that works for retail business will rarely every work for you. This includes things like: * General advertising * Brochures * Website * Mass market image ads * Etc. Most Stage Hypnotists try one of the above and then fail. Of course they did, they didn't even learn how to market! They just went with what they see others do. You must be dierent. You must hold your marketing accountable for results. You see, you want to be doing something called Lead Generation marketing. Let me explain. When you are doing Lead Generation all you are doing is generating show leads. That is KEY! All you are really trying to do is get people to raise their hands and identify themselves as someone who has a problem and tell you who they are. Anything beyond that dilutes the eectiveness. So don't make the mistake of telling them too much. The purpose of pure lead generation advertising is NOT for you to tell them all about yourself - not in the rst step anyway. The purpose is for them to tell you who they are.

When you do this correctly, its simple, elegant, and outrageously eective. And most importantly, nobody feels like you are chasing them.

Oh, and one more thing: Everything you say in marketing must be very, very specic, including what you do and who you do it for. If you are talking to everyone you are appealing to nobody. So forget about sales materials that does anything but cover one client. I cannot tell you

the number of times someone has handed me a business card that says something like: Joe Blow The Worlds Funniest Hypnotist Private Events, Corporate Events, Schools, Fundraisers, Bar Mitzvahs, Graduations, Surprise Parties, Comedy Clubs, Service Clubs, etc. That is worthless. (And by the way, if you currently have a card like the above or a promo like that don't take it personal. You are to be congratulated that you are seeking to improve your business and yes, there will be a few changes you make along the way. Be happy about that because now you know what to do.) The bottom line is clients like to deal with specialists. Specialist for solving their problems. If you focus on what you do (stage hypnosis) and oering your services to everyone, you are appealing to NO one. Over a period of several years, I perfected a formula for generating show leads this way, and I would never, ever consider going back to the oldfashioned formula. It is all about Lead Generation and marketing by specic client needs. So before you create one piece of promo be sure you research, research and research the true needs of the market, I guarantee you they don't want a hypnosis show. They are trying to solve a much bigger need within their school, corporation, club, association, etc. Focus on that and you will be miles ahead of others.


Lie #4: "If you are Cheaper than the Other Stage Hypnotist You Will Get Business" I see many new stage hypnotists come into the profession, they think that if they price themselves low they will get bookings. They are right, they will get bookings but unfortunately in the process it will cost them their business.

To run a business takes money. If you are taking the cheapest bookings you will simply not have the money to survive. And you certainly won't have the money to excel. In fact, it is pretty easy to see who is going to succeed in this business on this one factor alone. If a person is willing to kill himself, sleep in his car and drive from low paying gig to low paying gig... His fate is sealed. It's only a matter of time. I think the reason that some stage hypnotists do that is because they don't know a better way! They don't have the business education. Or they rely on others who are NOT successful to tell them what to do. Maybe they get advice from their friends or family. ...Ugh! They think that since Walmart is so successful they should follow suit and be the cheapest as well. But let this be a word of warning, If you book by the dollar, you also die by the dollar. Before Walmart, Kmart was the cheapest. Before Kmart, Woolworths was the cheapest. If the only reason people are booking you is because you are the cheapest, you will always be replaced by someone else. ALWAYS! In addition, there is a WHOLE slew of other reasons not to be the cheapest including: * The more you charge the more you can spend to acquire clients * Quality clients don't want cheap acts * Quality agents won't work with cheap acts

* Your business must throw o investment proceeds for your future * Insurance * Referral programs * Marketing systems * Many times it is easier to book a high priced show than a low priced show * Etc. But again. For people that don't understanding marketing, they assume that everyone will book based on price. The simple truth of the matter is that having a higher price than most competitors is advantageous. Action to Take: Consider your pricing right now. Consider your business needs and price yourself at a place that is appropriate for YOU, forget about anyone else.


Lie #5: "You have to pay your dues for the next several years, then you'll have enough clients that you won't have to market"

Who says you have to toil in the trenches? OK... OK... OK - I know. Everyone tells us that. School, parents, etc. I heard it as well. I grew up in a very blue collar neighborhood, went to public school and had the same old thing jammed down my throat. But then I learned... It's all an illusion. We decide how and when we achieve success. The bank does not turn down a big check because this is only your second show... The client does not get an extra hug from her child for paying you less... There is no more applause because you are sacricing yourself and working cheap. Paying our dues is an illusion. It is the price we pay for our lack of marketing knowledge. The TRUTH is good marketing can eliminate the years of toiling.

I have personally seen many stage hypnotists go straight to great things. No toiling, no crap jobs, no low paydays, etc. I have also personally seen stage hypnotists on the brink of nancial ruin, totally turn around their business in just a few months. They have gone from bust to boom immediately. The key is proper positioning and execution. Luckily, I have done that now for several years and have tweaked and pulled everything - every which way - to maximize it's impact. You need to do the same. Then, when you go forward and roll things out in a big way, you know your numbers. At that time, you know your ROI. There is no "gamble." I know beyond a doubt, that when I invest X amount I get back Y. Then it is just a matter of ramping it up and doing it again and again. It has nothing to do with paying your dues, it has to do with your marketing knowledge and execution. **And I got news for you. For as long as you are in business, you will need to market. There never comes a time when that is not required. Can you do less later? Yep. Does it get easier? Yep. But for as long as you are in business, you will be marketing.


Lie #6: "If I work harder than everyone else I will succeed." A lot of stage hypnotists focus on brute force. They try and ram success through. They think the more they work, the more eort they put in, the bigger success they will be. Nothing could be further from the truth. I remember playing pool with my good friend Mike. We were in a dingy, smoky pool hall in Ballard, WA. You could smell the years this place had on it. The stench was sweat, smoke and beer. I looked at Mike and I said: "I don't know why I have made things so hard. I have struggled for years. Now I know I will never again."

That was the day I woke up. The day I realized that success was not about work. In fact, if it feels like work, you are doing something wrong. Forget about being stronger or what kills us. Simply position yourself correctly and you will get all the work you can handle. And more. Positioning is so important. I cannot emphasize it enough. Remember, we talked about focusing on the show prospects needs? Remember we said that you had to talk about their problems? Their goals? Remember I said they were NOT buying a hypnosis show? Well, the second half of the equation is you have to position yourself to be the solution to that goal. Here is how most stage hypnotists position themselves: 1) They go to another stage hypnotists website 2) They copy words they say about the show (Worlds Greatest, Worlds Funniest, etc.) 3) They copy what they wear (black) 4) They pose the same 5) They use the same props (watch) 6) Include the same artwork (spiral) 7) Put up their video with every other stage hypnotist at a video sharing site 8) Etc. This is ALL wrong! In business, you must position yourself for success. That means being dierent from

others. If you don't, you become a commodity. All the above examples are great examples of things that can make yourself a commodity. And it is exactly what the vast majority of stage hypnotists do. If this is currently you - don't get down on yourself. Don't beat yourself up. But as quickly as possible, position yourself dierent. Begin to stand out. Look dierent. Use dierent words. Drop the watch. t h e Drop the spiral. Only by doing so can you begin to shine like a bright light in desert. THE BIGGEST KEY TO SUCCESS IS STANDING OUT IN THE MARKET

What I recommend is you analyze all your business documents and

communications. If anything is what the majority do... STOP IT. Remember, the majority will always be wrong. Success is a rare space reserved for the few. With proper positioning you will stand out and that is mandatory to getting the business.


This was the hardest one for me to write. On one hand I don't want to send any negative suggestions, yet on the other hand I want to speak to you about my experiences and what I have learned paying close attention to others. With that let me share my perspective...from my heart... Sorry... Stage Hypnosis will probably never make you rich. What do I mean by that? Well.... I know a lot of entertainers and almost NONE of them are rich from their show activities. I don't know of 1 stage hypnotist personally. But what I do know is a number of people who are wealthy due to the decisions they made while being entertainers. You see you can make some KILLER coin with your stage hypnosis skills. But the real money will come from what you do with that coin. If you make great money and then go out and spend it on: * Drugs * Alcohol * Gambling * Fancy cars * Boats * Etc. You will be left with little. Sadly, this is what many entertainers do.

On the other hand, if you take that money and invest it in things that give back to you like stocks, real estate, other businesses, etc. it can continue to multiply for you for the rest of your life. Don't look at Stage Hypnosis as making you rich, look at as generating a great income that you can invest in numerous channels that will multiply forever for you and create wealth. That is the way to maximize your potential. I will continue to keep you abreast of what I discover and continue to send you business and marketing articles and downloads to improve your business. I don't know of a better profession than stage hypnosis and I will do everything in my power to make you the best, most protable full-time or part-time hypnotist you desire. Sincerely,

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