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Personality counseling

The word personality comes from persona, the name for the mask that Greek and Roman actors were to indicate the character that they played ( Allport, 1937 cited in Gleitman,2004). The Greek and Roman tended to think of people as types a traditional that has continued in various form to the present day. The first personality test was designed to identify emotionally disturbed The United States of America army during the First World War. That test called structured personality test.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a Vienna physician, psychiatrist and the founder of psychoanalysis/personality, his theory of personality is the first in history of psychology so he called the father of psychology. Also his thinking influenced many modern personality theories including those by Alfred Adler and Carl Jung both of whom had to formulate their version of personality theory.

The term personality defined as the branch of psychology that strives to understand the traits and tendencies that make us unique (Passer and Smith, 2003).

Corey (2009), personality is a product of the interaction exists between person, the environments and the behaviors.

In all, personality is a patterns and characteristics thoughts, feeling and behavior that distinguish one person from another and that persists over time and situation. So after looking the short history of the term psychoanalysis/ personality, I would like to explain the similarities of Sigmund Freud and the New-Freud critics (Carl Jung and Alfred Adler) as follows;

The three theories are similar in their psychodynamic emphasis upon human behavior origin from internal factor to the individual such as peoples needs, drives, motivations, fears, impulses, anxiety and dreams.

Both men believed fundamental personality characteristics are born within the first six years of life. Freud believed instinctual forces drove humanity where as Adler believed people can and do make conscious decision (Corey, 2009) All (Freud, Jung and Adler) were prolific pioneers of psychoanalysis and early psychology, they believed that environmental conditions creates limitation in human capacity to choose to create (Corey, 2009). Both develops theories which may inline students to believe early development does, infant, significantly influence lifelong development. Although Adler believed people can change, the early development of these two seems to have been a statement deterministic predictor of their lifelong work (Ibid).

Both Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were the greatest psychologists of twentieth century, used the term uniconscious.They agree that the unconscious is that part of the psyche inaccessible to the Ego. It is only when the Ego drops its guard such as in dreams that the unconscious express itself .Freud believed that everything come down to the individual past family, relationship between members, repressed sexual longing and confusions, although Jung understood the importance of family and experience, it was more the collective unconsciousness itself where in e found the mysteries behind the individuals psyche. The collective unconscious was the great sea upon which all these other aspects of the rest and take their shape (Ibid).

In spite of these people have are similarities in their theories but also they are differentials upon their views about the human personality as followings; Freuds focused on the narrow scope of early childhood and its affects but Adler therapy focused on the present, he believed that the conscious aspect of the human mind was a powerful component in creating goals and making choice .Freud, through human behavior was determined mostly by the past and people were not free to make choice but were compelled to react to internal and unconscious directive (Corey, 2009).

Adler developed his theory called the inferiority complex theory, that he believed was highly influential in motivating human behavior while Freud theories were based on self analysis-one

reason, many of peer believed his theories were faulty or at least, not an adequate general analysis of humankind (Corey,2009).

Freud believed the foundational role of the therapist was to encourage a transference relationship. In this relationship client see the therapist as a significant figure from early childhood about which clients are encouraged to experience and react as they would have at the time of the original experience, while Adler believed that the relationship between client and therapist is based on the cooperation, mutual trust, respect, confidence, collaboration, and goals alignment (Freud, Fodor and Gaynor, 1958). Jung expanded Freuds notion of unconscious in unique directions. For example, he believed that human posses not only a personal unconscious based on their life experiences but also a collective unconscious that consist of memories accumulated throughout the entire history of human race. These memories are presented by archetypes, inherited tendencies to interpret experiences in a certain ways (Passer and Smith, 2003).

However these three men have some similarities and differences in their theories, also their ideas are still relevant and in popular use today as follow; Freuds theory of defense mechanisms is still relevant for explaining people behavior today. For stance when somebody has met with some problems he or she tries to use defense mechanisms from that situation (Freud, 1958). Also the theory of Adler the notion of the inferiority complex and the concept of compensation which is an attempt people engage in to make up for some aspects of their limitation in life.

Carl Jung is remembered for his recognition and emphasis on the place of spirituality in human life, and for his belief that all human being have both masculine and feminine characteristics (the animus/anima components), although in men the animus components predominant and the females, the feminine components (Fisher,2001).

To sum up, the personality is a long term (start from childhood to adulthood/death) which discussed by many psychologists such as Freud Sigmund, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler who have some similarities, differences and their ideas are still relevant in our daily life. Also they explained more about the term personality, Defense mechanisms, unconscious mind, preconscious mind and conscious mind ,ego, id, superego and another psychologists explained about other types of personality theories such as type theory, trait theory, psychodynamic theory and behavioral theory which show how people are differ from one to another.

REFERENCES Corey, G (2009);Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy (7th Ed) Belmont, A: Thomson. Books/Cole. Fisher, M(2001) Alfred Adler, Muskingum College Department Of Psychology: Retrieved from http// index.asp? M=38 a=658key=117. Freud,S.,Fodor,N and Gayonor,F(1958) Freud Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.. CT. Fawcett. Gleitman, h.,Fridland,A.J and Reisberg, D (2004): Psychology (6th Ed), by W.W.Norton and Company,Inc.New York, America. Passer, M. W and Smith, R.W(2003),Psychology the Science of Mind and Behavior.2nd Ed.MC-Graw. hill Companies. New Yorssk.USA.

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