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Hacer yogur con una yogurtera es una cosa muy sencilla y prctica. La funcin de la yogurtera es calentar hasta los 38C/40C y mantener el calor durante todo el proceso. Simplemente hay que: 1. El preparado debe de estar a temperatura ambiente o tibio. Podemos calentarlo 1 2 minutos al microondas para acelerar el proceso. 2. Verter el preparado en los vasos y colocarlos en la yogurtera sin tapas. 3. Poner la tapa de la yogurtera. 4. Encender la yogurtera y fermentar entre 8 y 12 horas sin moverlos. Por qu entre 8 y 12 horas? El yogur comienza a estar cuajado a partir de la sexta hora, pero para asegurarnos de que est bien cuajado dejaremos un mnimo de 8 horas. Podemos dejarlo ms horas, y hay que tener en cuenta que a ms horas de fermentacin mayor ser el grado de acidez del yogur. Frenar la fermentacin Para paralizar el proceso de fermentacin, sacamos los yogures de la yogurtera, los tapamos con sus tapitas y los metemos en el frigorfico un mnimo de 4 horas. Ahora ya estn listos para consumir. Los yogures siguen cuajando hasta dos das despus de intrudicirlos en el frigorfico y eso lo notaremos en la consistencia. Conservacin El yogur en su tarrito y con su tapa se converva perfectamente durante 10 das en el frigorfico. Lo difcil es que despus de 10 das los yogures sigan en el frigorfico, estn tan ricos que lo normal es que despus de 3 das ya no quede ninguno!!

YOGUR DE GALLETAS (yogurtera y thermomix)

La receta la tom prestada del blog de Ana dejo el enlace a su blog no fui capaz de encontrar en l la receta de estos yogures, ella los haca con galletas cookies yo no me atrev porque se por experiencia que el chocolate se vuelve cido al hacer el yogur, as que us galletas normales de desayuno. Haca tiempo que no me gustaba tanto un yogur no s si por ser de galletas o porque es el primero que hago con un yogur de los hechos por m y no con los comerciales como todos los anteriores. Queda como se ve una capa finita de galleta arriba, en medio queda el sabor de galleta pero menos acentuado y en el fondo del vaso queda una capa gordita de galleta. Adems aprovech y le di uso a la thermomix tanto para picar las galletas como para hacer toda la mezcla. Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche entera 1 yogur natural 50 gr de azcar 30 gr de leche en polvo desnatada 150 gr de galletas Trituramos las galletas, yo lo hice en la thermomix 10 segundos velocidad 5. La mezcla esta vez la hice en la thermomix, a las galletas molidas le aad el resto de ingredientes y volv a programar 10 segundos velocidad 5. Rellenamos los vasitos con la mezcla y los ponemos en la yogurtera 8 horas. Los tapamos y los metemos enseguida a la nevera unas 4 horas antes de consumirlos.


La receta es de Mariabc, nos encantaron estos yogures quedan como los naturales con un toque suave a manzana pero sobre todo a canela. Las infusiones son las de la foto de abajo, poco a poco ir probndolas todas. La receta es la misma solo cambi un par de cosas para adaptarlos ms a nuestros gustos.

Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche entera 2 cucharadas colmadas de leche en polvo desnatada 3 cucharadas soperas colmadas de azcar 1 yogur natural 5 sobres de infusin manzana-canela de Hornimans

Ponemos en un cazo a fuego medio la leche hasta calentarla sin que llegue a hervir. Retiramos del fuego, ponemos los sobres de infusiones dentro de la leche y tapamos el cazo un buen rato (yo lo dej casi media hora). Destapamos el cazo y dejamos los sobres dentro de la leche hasta que sta enfre por completo. Retiramos los sobres de la leche, los apretamos un poco para que suelten todo el sabor de la infusin y ponemos todos los ingredientes juntos en la thermomix. Programamos 10 segundos velocidad 5. Introducimos la mezcla en los vasitos y a la yogurtera 8 horas. Pasadas las

Yogur de Turrn (Thermomix) (Yogurtera)

Ingredientes: 1 tableta de turrn del blando 1 litro de leche semidesnatada 1 yogur natural 14 cucharaditas de azcar ( al gusto) Preparacin: En el vaso de la Th echar la tableta de turrn y triturar en velocidad 4, unos segundos. Aadir la leche y programar 5 minutos, 100, velocidad 4. Dejar enfriar. Echar el yogur y el azcar junto con la leche ya fra tbia y mezclar en velocidad 3, unos segundos. Volcar la mezcla en los vasitos de la yogurtera y dejar durante 10 horas que cuajen. Sacar los vasos ponerles la tapita y meter en el frigorfico.

YOGUR DE FRUTAS DEL BOSQUE (yogurtera y thermomix)

Estos yogures los recomiendo totalmente, en cuanto vi la bolsa que pongo ms abajo en mercadona se me ocurri probar a ver qu tal quedaban con los yogures y el resultado fue muy bueno. Yo no tritur del todo las frutas del bosque para que quedaran trocitos por todo

Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche entera 2 cucharadas soperas colmadas de leche en polvo desnatada 3 cucharadas soperas colmadas de azcar 1 yogur natural 1 paquete de frutas de bosque (mercadona tiene 90 gr) Ponemos las frutas del bosque a hidratarse en el litro de leche, yo las dej 2 horas. Ponemos todos los ingredientes en la jarra de la thermomix y trituramos programando 30 segundos velocidad progresiva 5-10. Llenamos los vasitos con la mezcla y el resto de trocitos que quedan en el fondo de la jarra los repartimos entre los siete vasitos. Ponemos los vasitos en la yogurtera y los dejamos 8 horas.

YOGUR DE CARAMELOS DE VIOLETA (yogurtera y thermomix)

Los caramelos de violeta me los regal mi amiga Meigauxia para que hiciera la tarta de caramelos de violeta pero como ella tuvo un problema con la tarta, al final yo tampoco me atrev y aprovech una parte de los caramelos para hacer los yogures. Quedan unos yogures buensimos buensimos, la receta es de Meri copiada en el foro mundorecetas, mis nicos cambios fueron poner solo leche y no leche y nata como pona Meri en su receta y poner ms caramelos. Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche entera 1 yogur natural 45 gr de azcar 2 cucharadas soperas colmadas de leche en polvo desnatada 25 caramelos de violeta Ponemos los caramelos con la leche, la leche en polvo y el azcar en un cazo a fuego medio y vamos removiendo con una cuchara hasta que los caramelos estn completamente disueltos (son bastante pegajosos y hay que vigilar que no se pegen). Retiramos el cazo del fuego y dejamos que se enfre completamente la mezcla. Ponemos la mezcla y el yogur en la thermomix y programamos 10 segundos velocidad 5. Llenamos los vasitos con la mezcla y a la yogurtera 8 horas. Los sacamos, los tapamos y los ponemos en la nevera al menos 4 horas antes de consumirlos.

YOGUR DE NARANJA A LA MIEL 13 septiembre 2010

Cuando hice la receta de yogur de limn, muy extendida en blogs y foros, me haban comentado que si lo haca cociendo la leche con la pela de un limn que la intensidad del aroma a limn era tan tenue que a penas se apreciaba el sabor a limn.

Quise experimentar un poco sobre este tema y meditando pens que si en lugar de aadir una cscara pelada entera aada directamente ralladura fina, el aroma sera mucho ms intenso y conseguiramos el mismo efecto que con esencia de limn, con la nica y estupenda salvedad de que sera un yogur completamente natural, que es el principal objetivo de Yogures Caseros.

El experimento ha sido a doble banda, ya que decid hacerlo con naranja en lugar de con limn. El resultado muy bueno, mucho mejor de lo esperado. Un intenso aroma y sabor a naranja en un yogur muy rico y adems con un toque a miel. Sobre todo la intensidad del sabor cuando en el paladar encuentra la piel de la naranja rallada muy finamente, que aunque lo pudiera parecer, no resulta para nada desagradable, todo lo contrario.

A quin no le guste la miel puede sustituirla y en lugar de poner 2 cucharadas de azcar poner 4 cucharadas de azcar. Tambin se puede endulzar con edulcorante.


- 1 litro de leche (entera o semidesnatada) - 2 3 cucharadas colmadas de leche en polvo (opcional) - fermento (125 ml. de yogur 5 grs. de fermento puro) - 2 cucharadas de azcar - ralladura fina de la piel de dos naranjas - 3 cucharadas de miel

Elaboracin: Primero aromatizaremos la leche aadindole la ralladura de naranja, rallada directamente de la naranja entera y con un rallador de ralladura fina. Calentaremos la leche con la ralladura y el resto de los ingredientes, excepto el fermento, y dejaremos reposar para que tome sabor. _______________________________________________________________________________ _


(Raciones: 7 yogures)

1. Poner en una olla a fuego medio la leche. 2. Aadimos la ralladura de naranja, la miel, el azcar y la leche en polvo. 3. Calentamos hasta los 45C 50C ms menos. 4. Dejamos enfriar hasta 25C 5. En un recipiente ponemos el fermento. 6. Vamos aadiendo la leche infusionada y removiendo. 7. Echamos la mezcla en los vasitos. 8. Metemos a la yogurtera y encendemos. 9. Dejamos fermentar entre 7 u 8 horas. 10. Tapamos y metemos a la nevera unas 4 horas.

Nota: es normal y habitual que parte de la ralladura se vaya al fondo de los vasitos.

YOGUR DE PIA COLADA 09 septiembre 2010

Ingredientes: - 1 litro de leche (entera o semidesnatada) - 2 3 cucharadas colmadas de leche en polvo - fermento (125 ml. de yogur 5 grs. de fermento puro) - 4 5 cucharadas de azcar - 150 gr. de pia fresca o al natural (sin piel) - 70 gr. de coco Elaboracin: Primero haremos una mermelada de pia, aadiremos el coco y dejaremos infusionar para aromatizar la leche. Posteriormente lo colaremos para que quede un yogur suave al paladar. Al finalizar la fermentacin en la superficie aparecer una capa brillante y ligeramente endurecida, es algo normal, es la grasa que contiene el coco. ELABORACIN PARA YOGURTERA (Raciones: 7 yogures) 1. Poner en una olla a fuego medio la pia y el azcar. 2. Vamos machacando los trozos de pia. 3. Dejamos reducir el jugo, removiendo. 4. Aadimos el coco rallado, removemos. 5. Dejamos enfriar.* 6. Una vez fro aadimos la leche y la leche en polvo. 7. Calentamos suavemente hasta los 40C 8. Retiramos del fuego y colamos la leche. 9. Dejamos enfriar hasta 25C. 10. En un recipiente ponemos el fermento. 11. Vamos aadiendo la leche y removiendo. 12. Echamos el preparado en los vasitos. 13. Metemos a la yogurtera y encendemos. 14. Dejamos fermentar entre 7 u 8 horas. 15. Tapamos y metemos a la nevera unas 4 horas.


Este yogur lo he elaborado con batido de fresa comercial. Debido al alto grado de azcar que tienen estos batidos comerciales no es necesario aadir azcar. Al hacerlo en yogurtera elctrica he tenido que aadir leche en polvo. He tenido que parar la fermentacin a las 7 horas porque la yogurtera ya alcanzaba los 50C y se estaban llenando los vasos de bolsas de suero.

Como nota adicional, la textura es un poco diferente porque he utilizado como fermento yogur congelado, que ya llevaba congelado algo ms de 3 meses, y eso se nota un poco en la textura, aunque si estuviera elaborado en incubadora hubiera quedado mejor. Ingredientes: - 1 litro de batido de fresa - 2 cucharadas de leche en polvo - fermento (1 yogur natural 1 yogur de fresa 5 grs. de fermento en polvo)

Elaboracin en yogurtera elctrica: 1- Ponemos en un cuenco el yogur y la leche en polvo. 2- Vamos aadiendo la leche y removiendo para que todo se mezcle bien. 3- Repartimos la mezcla en los vasitos. 4- Dejamos fermentar 8 horas. 5- Ponemos las tapas de los yogures y metemos a la nevera un mnimo de 4 horas.


Raciones: 1 litro de yogur en incubadora 7 yogures de 125 ml. en yogurtera.


- 1 litro de leche de soja (consultar marcas adecuadas en nuestro foro) - fermento (125 ml. de yogur de soja casero 5 grs. de fermento en polvo) - 2 3 cucharadas de azcar - 1 cucharadita de esencia de limn - 1 cucharadita de canela (se puede echar ms o menos, al gusto)

Elaboracin en yogurtera elctrica:

1. Batimos todos los ingredientes en un bol con unas varillas. 2. Vertemos la mezcla en vasitos o tarro. 3. Dejar fermentar entre 8 y 12 horas. 4. Los sacamos de la yogurtera, los tapamos con sus tapas. 5. Dejar en el frigorfico un mnimo de 4 horas.

YOGUR DE POMELO Y LIMN 28 abril 2010 .

. He descubierto un nuevo producto de Hornimans, unas infusiones frutales de combinaciones muy aromticas que nos pueden servir para infusionar la leche y obtener yogures aromatizados con un sabor suave y agradable. Hornimans nos ofrece cuatro combinaciones de sabores Manzana-Canela, Melocotn-Maracuy, Pomelo-Limn y Frambuesa-Rooibos. He comenzado con la variedad Pomelo-Limn.

Ingredientes: - 1 litro de leche semidesnatada - 1 cucharada colmada de leche en polvo desnatada - fermento (125 ml. de yogur natural 5 grs. de fermento en polvo) - 4 cucharadas de azcar - 4 sobres de infusin floral Pomelo-Limn Hornimans Elaboracin en yogurtera elctrica: 1. Poner la leche, lehe en polvo, azcar y la infusin en una olla. 2. Calentamos a fuego medio sin llegar a hervir. 3. Dejamos reposar 10 minutos y retiramos las bolsas de infusin. 4. Dejamos enfriar (25C) 5. Vertemos la mezcla en los vasitos. 6. Dejar fermentar entre 8 y 12 horas. 7. Dejar en el frigorfico un mnimo de 4 horas.

Yogurt de meln
Si la semana pasada el postre era de la reina del verano "la sandia" , este viernes es del rey "el meln" el meln tambin tiene mucha agua con lo cual hidrata el organismo, y es genial para la piel seca, pero no solo tomarlo , si no tambin aplastarlo con el tenedor y ponrnoslo en la cara en forma de mascarilla, nos hidratara la piel seca y evitara que nos salgan arruguitas....

Tipo de cocina: Postre Nmero de partes: 4 Tiempo de preparacin: 30 Minuto(s) Tiempo de coccin: 30 Minuto(s) Dificultad: Muy fcil

Ingredientes: 400grm de meln 2 yogurt naturales 2 cucharadas de azcar un poco de leche 1 sobre de gelatina neutra

Preparacin: calentar un poco de leche y derretir en ella el yogurt mezclar todos los ingredientes dejar enfriar en el frigorfico 4 horas

Yogur: Cmo prepararlos en Thermomix

Hola domingueros: Estos das he estado buscando informacin y muchas recetas para conocer todos los trucos para preparar deliciosos yogures con la Thermomix. Lo bueno de hacer yogures caseros es que se preparan muy rpidamente y salen bastante ms econmicos que los comprados en el supermercado. Para hacer la mezcla, tardaris escasamente 5 minutos, en lo que tardaremos es en la fermentacin, pero al hacerlos en casa tendremos unos yogures naturales, sin conservantes ni colorantes.

La consistencia de los yogures la podris variar a vuestro gusto haciendo pruebas, ya sbis ensayo-error, pero de todos modos hoy os daremos claves para poder modificar vuestras texturas y no os preocupis, pondremos recetitas para que os sea ms sencilla la labor. Espero que luego compartis vuestra creaciones :)) Normas bsicas:
Para hacer yogur necesitamos como mnimo leche -mejor fresca que pasteurizada- y yogur natural. La mezcla a menos de 50C har que las bacterias del yogurt se extiendan en nuestra leche y consigamos cuajarlo. Los yogures caseros sirven para preparar ms yogures, hasta unas 10 veces aproximadamente, 10 generaciones.

Lo mejor es preparar los yogures por la tarde noche, para as tener el horno a su disposicin si no tienes yogurtera. Se harn mientras duermes. Si dispones de yogurtera, puedes prepararlos en ella. La temperatura ideal de fermentacin es la de 45C. Nunca hagas yogur aumentando en la mezcla los 50 porque puedes matar las bacterias del yogur y conseguir que quede lquido. La leche en polvo funciona como espesante, as se consigue un yogur ms consistente al aumentar la protena. Los yogures hechos en casa, deben consumirse antes de 8 dias y debers conservarlos en la nevera. En casi todas las recetas que vamos a mostraros, usamos 1 litro de leche por 125 gramos de yogurt. Si vas a hacer la mitad, remueve el yogur para que todos las bacterias estn en igual cantidad. En vuestros yogures podis poner una base de mermelada casera o comprada que luego os servirn para endulzar el yogur al removerlo. Cualquier mezcla ser genial. Tambin podris triturar el yogur con frutos rojos, pltano o simplemente agregar frutas troceadas, a los que os gustan los tropezones.

Trminos importantes: Cremosidad: para aumentarla puedes agregar nata y/o leches enteras. Consistencia: se aumenta la densidad o dureza del yogurt agregando leche en polvo. Desnatados: si usas leches desnatadas lo normal es que el yogurt pierda consistencia, para que mejoren se puede usar gelatinas o agar-agar disuelto en un poco de agua o leche. Azcarados: no hay problema para agregar azcar a tus yogures, mezcla este con la leche y el resto de ingredientes desde el principio. Edulcorados qumicamente: puedes usar edulcorantes qumicos a tu gusto teniendo en cuenta que no todos sirven para usar con calor, aunque vamos a trabajar con temperaturas bajas. No todos los edulcorantes qumicos saben igual, as que prueba cual es el que ms te gusta.

Fuentes de calor para preparar yogur: Hacer yogur en Yogurtera: Usad la misma receta que haramos con la Thermomix, pasad la leche mezclada a los vasos de vuestra yogurtera, encendedla y dejarla entre 8 y 12 horas funcionando. Listos. Tapar y a la nevera. Hacer yogur en el horno: Calentar el horno a 50C. Colocar la mezcla de yogurt hecho con la Thermomix en frascos de cristal y ponerlos en la bandeja del horno. Si va ha hacer mucho frio en la cocina, puedes dejar las primeras 4 horas tu horno encendido a 45 y despus apagarlo. La otra opcin es apagarlo desde el principio y dejar los yogures reposando unas 12 horas. Luego introducir en la nevera y consumir. Hacer yogur con una manta: Es el mtodo ms rudimentario. Se trata de tapar tus botes con una manta en un lugar clido de la casa y dejarlos reposar como con los otros mtodos. Hacer yogur en olla exprss: Tendrs que calentar la olla a 45. As que llena un poco la olla y calienta el agua, necesitars un termmetro. Cuando est caliente y a la temperatura adecuada, vaca la olla, coloca los tarros de yogur con la mezcla de la thermomix dentro, tapa y deja reposar los yogures entre 8 y 12 horas, hasta que cuajen. A la nevera y a comer. Hacer yogur en tu Thermomix: Es sencillo, una vez mezcles los ingredientes, deja tapada tu thermomix con unos paos e incluso puedes poner una bolsa tapando toda la mquina para no perder nada de calor. Lo malo de esta opcin, es que el yogur cuajar en el vaso, por lo que para verterlo en tarros tendrs que moverlo.

Otras opciones poco frecuentes: entre vuestros comentarios hemos encontrado los que hacis los yogures en nevera de camping, poniendo unos dos litros de agua caliente en un tupper cerrado que har de estufa y dejar los tarros de yogurt alrededor. Tambin en el lavavajillas, poniendo los yogures en botes con tapa cerrada donde previamente hemos hecho la mezcla de la leche, el yogur y la leche en polvo. Se pone el lavavajillas en lavado a 45 por la noche y cuando te levantas tienes los yogures hechos y los tarros perfectos. Ya veis que cada uno se las ingenia como puede :))

Yogur casero bsico 4.8 de 13 opiniones Tipo de receta: Postres Autor: Rosa Ard Tiempo prep: 5 mins Tiempo cocina: 12 hours Tiempo total: 12 hours 5 mins Raciones: 8 Preparar yogur casero es lo ms sencillo del mundo. Calentar leche, mezclar con un yogurt y si quieres darle ms cremosidad, agregar leche en polvo. Dejar fermentar. Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche 125 gr de yogur natural 50 gr de leche en polvo (opcional)

Preparacin: 1. Pon todos los ingredientes en el vaso de la thermomix y mezcla 10 segundos en velocidad 3. 2. Luego programa 5 minutos, 50, velocidad 1. 3. Pasa a unos tarros y de ah al horno precalentado a 50, a la yogurtera, a la olla exprs o tapa con una manta unas 12 horas aproximadamente. Listo Notas:

La leche debe llegar a la temperatura que indicamos. Ojo! A veces al usarla de la nevera esta puede tardar ms en calentar, de ser as, djala un par de minutos ms.
Ahora te toca probar como te salen los yogures en casa. Los botes que vis en la foto son de JUVASA.COM

Yogur natural cremoso con nata

Esta sencilla receta viene del blog de El rincn de Bea. Cuando la le supe que tena que hacerla por varios motivos, el primero es que Bea para mi es un referente, me encanta como cocina y a ella le haba encantado el resultado, el segundo motivo fue por mi marido, a l le encantan los yogures naturales y adems eran muy sencillos de hacer as, que no me lo pens Cuando al da siguiente los prob tras dejarlos toda la noche durmiendo en el horno, comprob que lo que Bea haba contado era cierto, estaban DE-LI-CIO-SOS!!!

Yogur natural enriquecido con nata

Ingredientes: 900gr leche entera (Puse leche desnatada) 100ml nata (La puse con un 22% de grasa) 50gr leche en polvo 1 yogur natural (en mi caso era yogurt desnatado) Preparacin: 1.- Pon en el vaso todos los ingredientes excepto el yogur y mezclar 10 segundos en velocidad 4. 2.- Programar 5 minutos, 50 y velocidad 2 . 3.- Cuando termine, aadir el yogur natural y mezclar unos segundos en velocidad 3.
Ya estn listos, ahora mete esta mezcla en unos botecitos con tapa, e introdcelos en el horno precalentado a unos 50 (apagado) y djalos descansar toda la noche.

Nota: Yo los dej unas 12 horas y despes a la nevera para refrigerarlos antes de comerlos. La recomendacin de Bea es dejarlos en el horno al menos 12 horas y 4 horas en la nevera. Que los disfrutis tanto como yo: con azcar o sin ella, con miel, con mermelada umm!!!!

Yogur de pltano, naranja y galletas

Esta receta les va a encantar a los ms pequeos porque est deliciosa. Javi se los come de tres en tres y Willy de este no toma porque lleva azcar -el natural le encanta-. Sabe a galleta y a ctricos, tiene una gusto buensimo y no es el tpico yogur hecho en casa. Os tenis que animar. En mi caso, la fermentacin la he hecho en el horno precalentado como os explicamos en el post Cmo hacer yogur en Thermomix, pero para los que no tengis horno os dejamos hace unos das ms posibilidades, hasta la locura del lavavajillas. Poco a poco iremos ampliando nuestra oferta de yogures, pero me encantara que tambin compartiseis las vuestras para que todos aprendamos y tengamos ms opciones. En el blog tenemos un yogur cremoso con nata que est buensimo, y el yogur bsico que tambin es muy rico veremos que se nos ocurre para las siguientes recetas. :))
Yogur de pltano, naranja y galletas 4.0 de 7 opiniones Tipo de receta: Postres Autor: Rosa Ard Tiempo prep: 45 mins Tiempo cocina: 13 hours

Tiempo total: 13 hours 45 mins Raciones: 8 Este es un yogur diferente, ideal para los nios. Lleva aporte de vitaminas, hidratos y protenas y adems est delicioso. Les van a encantar. Ingredientes: 80 gr de galletas tipo Mara o Digestive 200 gr de pltano de Canarias maduro 60 gr de zumo de naranja 80 gr de azcar blanquilla 1 litro de leche entera 50 gr de leche en polvo 125 gr de yogurt natural

Preparacin: 1. Ralla la galleta programando 8 segundos en velocidad 9. Retira y reserva. 2. Vierte en el vaso vaco, el pltano, el zumo de naranja y el azcar y tritura 5 segundos en velocidad 5. Ahora ya podemos hacer la compota, cocinando 8 minutos, Varoma, velocidad 1. Una vez acabado el tiempo tendremos que dejar que enfre hasta llegar al menos a 37. As que retira el vaso de la Thermomix y deja que vaya enfriando. Tardar unos 30 minutos. 3. Agrega 500 gr de leche, la leche en polvo y la galleta reservada y tritura 1 minuto en velocidad 7. 4. Incorpora los otros 500 gr de leche junto con el yogur y calienta 5 minutos, a 50 en velocidad 3. 5. Precalienta el horno a 50C, y con este apagado, rellena unos cuantos vasos con el yogur, introdcelos en el horno ya sin temperatura y mete tus tarros de yogur. Deja que fermenten unas 13 horas antes de poder sacarlos y consumir. Tpalos y a la nevera Notas:

Esta compota puedes ponerla en el fondo del vaso en lugar de mezclar con la leche si es de tu gusto y no poner las galletas. Al igual que podemos poner mermeladas en el fondo del vaso y luego rellenar con la leche. Lo importante es que estas mezclas, compotas o mermeladas no estn muy calientes.

Yogur lquido de limn

Que no se diga que solo tenemos recetitas para Navidad, vamos con una de yogures. Deliciosos es poco. Si habis hecho los yogures que os hemos propuesto estas semanas ya habis comprobado lo sencillo que es hacerlos en casa, as que hoy aprovechamos para lanzar esta nueva versin que estoy segura que os va a encantar. El sabor a limn est presente pero sin excesos, pero an as os tiene que gustar este sabor. Es de los ms ricos que hemos hecho hasta ahora.

Seguro que si nos planteamos como hacer esta receta pensaramos en infusionar la corteza en la leche, pero la Thermomix nos da otras posibilidades, lo que vamos a hacer es triturar el azcar y el limn juntos para que todo el sabor se quede en nuestro yogur lquido. Ahora seguro que la boca se os har agua y os podris imaginar el sabor Esto no dura ni 5 minutos en la nevera, jejejeje. La leche la podis usar desnatada, semidesnatada o entera. Si adems sois intolerantes a la lactosa, usar leche especifca Los alrgicos a la leche que no se preocupen que pronto traeremos una versin para ellos :D, Ah! y si queris que el yogur no os quede lquido (la verdad es que con leche entera quedan bastante cuajados), podis aadir a la leche calentita, 2 gr de agar-agar para que quede perfecto. Ya os dejo deberes. Venga, todos a hacer yogures en casa.

Yogur lquido de limn 5.0 de 5 opiniones Tipo de receta: Postres Autor: Rosa Ard Tiempo prep: 5 mins Tiempo cocina: 12 mins Tiempo total: 17 mins Raciones: 8 Esta vez preparamos un yogurt con limn. Para que quede fino y no se note, rallaremos el azcar y la corteza juntas para que se integre totalmente con el resto de los lquidos. Ingredientes: 80 gr de azcar La cscara de medio limn -solo la parte amarilla-. 1 litro de leche entera 120 gr de yogur

Preparacin: 1. Pon en el vaso bien seco, el azcar y la cscara de limn. Ralla 15 segundos en velocidad 9. Baja el azcar de las paredes con tu super esptula y vuelve a programar 15 segundos en velocidad 9. 2. Agrega medio litro de lecha y disuelve todo 30 segundos en velocidad 9. 3. Aade el resto de la leche, el yogur y mezcla 4 minutos, 50, velocidad 3. 4. Pasa a unos tarros y de ah al horno precalentado a 50 y apagado, a la yogurtera, a la olla exprs o tapa con una manta unas 12 horas aproximadamente. Listo Notas:

Si queris que queden ms consistentes podis calentar la leche con 1 cucharadita de agaragar en polvo (2 gramos), esperar a que temple y baje al menos hasta los 50C y mezclar ya con el resto de ingredientes.

Yogur de leche condensada

Listos? Esta semana nuestros yogures sern muy cremosos, delicados, deliciososs y no, no nos patrocina La Lechera, pero como compro esta leche condensada de toda la vida, la he puesto en la foto. Evidentemente sois libres de comprar la que vosotros queris, a mi no me pagan nada por sacar el bote, pero es que quedaba mas mona la foto con ese toque azul. Al que s voy a hacer promocin hoy -porqu yo lo valgo- es a los chicos de que me tratan muy bien y que siguen siempre el blog. Tenis que pasaros por su web para ver todo los botes, tarros, botellas y dems envases que tienen que estn genial de precio. Si este ao tenis pensado regalar envasados caseros, aqu es donde salen los tarros mejor de precio. Vamos al lo

Yogur de leche condensada 4.8 de 10 opiniones Tipo de receta: Postres Autor: Rosa Ard Tiempo prep: 6 mins

Tiempo cocina: 12 hours Tiempo total: 12 hours 6 mins Raciones: 8 Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche 100 gr de leche condensada 125 gr de yogur natural

Preparacin: 1. Pon todos los ingredientes en el vaso y programa 6 minutos, 50, velocidad 3. 2. Pasa a unos tarros y de ah al horno precalentado a 50 y apagado, a la yogurtera, a la olla exprs o tapa con una manta unas 12 horas aproximadamente. Listo

yogur bfidus con galletas mara y caramelo (sin yogurtera)

Tipo de cocina: Postre Nmero de partes: 2 Tiempo de preparacin: 15 Minuto(s) Tiempo de coccin: 3 Minuto(s) Dificultad: Muy fcil

Ingredientes: Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche caramelo liquido 2 cucharadas de azcar 1 yogur bifidus natural 100 gramos galletas Mara trituradas (1 nevera de playa ) (1 botella de agua calentita)

Preparacin: En un cazo pondremos la leche a calentar, mientras echaremos el caramelo liquido en nuestros vasitos donde prepararemos los yogures, cuando empiece a hervir retiramos del fuego y dejamos enfriar hasta que alcance los 45C ahora echaremos el yogur bifidus, el azcar y las galletas removemos bien y llenamos nuestros vasitos con la mezcla. Cogemos nuestra nevera de playa e introducimos nuestros yogures en ella, ponemos la botella de agua bien calentita tapamos la nevera y dejamos 8 horas . Despus los sacamos de la nevera y los metemos en la nevera para que terminen de cuajarse y listo para comer .

yogur de vainilla y caramelo (sin yogurtera)

Tipo de cocina: Postre Nmero de partes: 2 Tiempo de preparacin: 10 Minuto(s) Tiempo de coccin: 5 Minuto(s) Dificultad: Muy fcil

Ingredientes: Ingredientes : 1 Yogur natural 2 Cucharas de extracto de vainilla 5 Cucharadas soperas de azcar 1 Litro de leche entera Caramelo liquido (1 botella de agua bien caliente ) (Nevera de playa )

Preparacin: Elaboracin: Ponemos la leche en un cazo a hervir,( mientras tanto echaremos el caramelo liquido en los recipientes donde vamos poner nuestro yogur)cuando vemos quel la leche empieza a subir le apagamos el fuego, la dejamos enfriar aproximadamente hasta unos 45C. Una vez la leche alcance esa temperatura agregamos el yogur natural y lo mezclamos todo bien hasta que se disuelva, ahora le echaremos el extracto de vainilla y el azcar y removemos. Echamos la mezcla en nuestros vasitos y tapamos . Cogemos nuestra nevera de playa e introducimos nuestros yogures en ella, ponemos la botella de agua bien calentita tapamos la nevera y dejamos 8 horas . Despus los sacamos de la nevera y los metemos en la nevera para que terminen de cuajarse y listo para comer .

yogur de queso mascarpone y chocolate (sin yogurtera)

Tipo de cocina: Postre Nmero de partes: 4 Tiempo de preparacin: 15 Minuto(s) Tiempo de coccin: 5 Minuto(s) Dificultad: Muy fcil

Ingredientes: Ingredientes: 1 litro de leche 1 yogur natural 100 gramos de chocolate rallado o en pepitas 250 gramos de queso mascarpone 5 cucharadas soperas de azcar (1 nevera de playa) (1 botella de agua caliente )

Preparacin: En un cazo ponemos la leche a hervir junto con el queso y el azcar, removemos hasta que se disuelva todo el queso y el azcar, cuando empiece a a hervir retiramos la mezcla del fuego y dejamos enfriar hasta que alcance los 45C ahora echaremos el yogur natural en la mezcla que hemos preparado removemos bien y colamos. antes de echar la mezcla en nuestros vasitos procederemos a poner en el fondo de cada vasito el chocolate y con cuidado para que no se deshaga mucho el chocolate echaremos la mezcla. Cogemos nuestra nevera de playa e introducimos nuestros yogures en ella, ponemos la botella de agua bien calentita tapamos la nevera y dejamos 8 horas . Despus los sacamos de la nevera y los metemos en la nevera para que terminen de cuajarse y listo para comer .

Yogur de soja y chocolate (sin yogurtera)

Tipo de cocina: Postre Nmero de partes: 3 Tiempo de preparacin: 15 Minuto(s) Tiempo de coccin: 5 Minuto(s) Dificultad: Muy fcil

Ingredientes: Ingredientes: 1Litro de bebida de soja 1 Tableta de chocolate 70 % de cacao 5 Cucharadas soperas de azcar 1 yogur natural bio (1 nevera de playa ) ( 1 botella de agua bien calentita)

Preparacin: Ponemos bebida de soja a hervir junto con la tableta de chocolate en trocitos y el azcar, vamos removiendo hasta que el chocolate se deshaga por completo y cuando empiece a hervir retiramos del fuego. la dejamos enfriar aproximadamente hasta unos 45C. Una vez la leche alcance esa temperatura agregamos el yogur y lo mezclamos todo bien hasta que se disuelva, antes de echar la mezcla en nuestros vasitos lo colaremos por si quedan grumos. Echamos la mezcla en nuestros vasitos y tapamos . Cogemos nuestra nevera de playa e introducimos nuestros yogures en ella, ponemos la botella de agua bien calentita tapamos la nevera y dejamos 8 horas . Despus los sacamos de la nevera y los metemos en la nevera para que terminen de cuajarse y listo para comer .


Hoy os pongo la receta para elaborar un yogur con fresas 100% natural. Partimos de un yogur natural sin azcar al que incorporaremos una mermelada de fresas, siguiendo as el proceso de elaboracin natural y tradicional del yogur con frutas.

Se puede utilizar cualquier tipo de yogur natural, elaborado con leche entera, semi o desnatada. Es importante que no est azucarado ni edulcorado porque una vez incorporamos la mermelada quedar lo suficientemente azucarado, de lo contrario, quedara demasiado dulce.

Para elaborar la mermelada de fresas esta vez utilic el microondas. Ponemos en un cuenco apto para microondas las fresas lavadas y troceadas en cachitos pequeos, aadimos 4 5 cucharadas de azcar por litro de yogur. Introducimos al microondas hasta que est muy caliente. Lo sacamos y removemos con unas varillas. Machacamos un poco las fresas con las varillas para que se vayan deshaciendo. Volvemos a meter en el microondas hasta que est humeante, repetimos la operacin, lo sacamos y removemos. Dejamos que se enfre un poco y mientras tanto se va evaporando el lquido. Repetimos esto hasta que est bastante espeso, como si fuera mermelada. El truco consiste en que est lo suficientemente espeso como para que cuando aadamos esta mermelada al yogur, el resultado no sea un yogur excesivamente lquido.

Una vez reducida la mermelada la dejamos enfriar. Cuando est fra la aadimos al yogur y removemos bien hasta que quede bien mezclada. Ya est listo para consumir.

Nota: este yogur se puede hacer con mermelada de fresa comprada, pero ya no sera 100% natural.


- 1 litro de yogur natural sin azucarar - 220 gramos de fresas maduras - 4 5 cucharadas de azcar


- Hacemos una mermelada con las fresas y el azcar - Dejamos enfriar - Aadimos al yogur - Mezclamos y listo para tomar

Conservacin: Se puede conservar en la nevera igual que cualquier yogur, una semana ms o menos.


Esta receta es una de las que tuve apartadas desde los principios del blog. El motivo es que hay muchsimas recetas en foros y blogs de cuajadas de galletas y siempre lo fui dejando... Hoy me he decidido por fin a elaborarla y para ello eleg galletas Napolitanas, unas de mis favoritas por su aroma a canela. Resulta un postre delicioso y suave.

Para preparar esta cuajada natural tenemos que seguir las instrucciones de la elaboracin de la cuajada natural bsica. Las cantidades de cloruro clcico (0,10 gr.) y de cuajo segn indique el fabricante. Normalmente se aaden de 0,2 a 0,25 grs. de cloruro clcico por litro de leche, siempre diludo en un poco de agua.

El cuajo Yogotherm es concentrado, con usar 2 3 gotas para medio litro de leche es suficiente. Otras marcas no son tan concentradas, as que si empleamos otra marca hay que leer las instrucciones del fabricante y mirar cuntas gotas corresponden para medio litro de leche.

Ingredientes para 4 raciones:

- 500 ml. Leche fresca pasteurizada (yo utilic la semidesnatada) - 3 gotas de cuajo lquido Yogotherm - 0.10 gr. de cloruro clcico - 1 2 cucharaditas rasas de azcar - 16 galletas Napolitanas


1- Dejamos precalentamos el horno a unos 40C. 2- En un cazo aadimos la leche y el cloruro de calcio, removemos. 3- Vamos calentando la leche a fuego suave. 4- Aadimos el azcar y las galletas, removemos. 5- Si es necesario batimos con batidora hasta homogeneizar. 6- Removemos bien y seguimos calentando hasta llegar a 32C 37C. 7- Aadimos el cuajo. 8- Removemos bien y repartimos en los vasos. 9- Metemos los vasos en el horno entre 45 a 60 minutos. 10- Tapamos los vasos y los metemos al frigorfico unas 4 horas.


Este es un postre completamente vegetariano, est elaborado con yogur de leche de soja, trozos de pltano recin cortados y un poquito de caramelo para satisfacer a los paladares golosos. Como en todo este tipo de recetas, las cantidades van al gusto. Para preparar el pltano es conveniente al pelarlo quitarle los nervios, ya que estos hilillos pueden resultar desagradables al paladar. Por supuesto, esta receta tambin se puede elaborar sustituyendo el yogur de soja por yogur de leche de vaca, segn los gustos y las necesidades nutricionales de cada comensal.

Ingredientes por racin: - 125 mls. de yogur de soja (enlace directo a la receta del yogur de soja) - 1 pltano mediano, cortado en trocitos pequeos y medianos - 1 cucharadita de caramelo lquido

Elaboracin: - En un recipiente ponemos el yogur de soja, el pltano y el caramelo. - Removemos bien hasta que quede una mezcla suave y sin grumos. - Servimos en copas decorando con unos hilos de caramelo lquido.

"YOGUR" DE CHOCOLATE 10 agosto 2009 .

Ingredientes para 4 raciones: - 1/2 litro de leche semidesnatada o entera - 2 cucharadas colmadas de azcar - 2 cucharadas colmadas de leche en polvo - 6 cucharaditas (de postre) de cacao puro en polvo - 1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla - 1 sobre de cuajada Elaboracin: Ponemos a calentar la leche, de la que apartaremos una tacita. Cuando empiece a templarse aadimos a la leche el azcar, la leche en polvo, la vainilla y el cacao y batimos con unas barillas para que se disuelvan homogneamente. Mientras seguimos calentando el preparado, disolvemos el sobre de cuajada en la taza de leche que hemos reservado, procurando que no queden grumos. Si es necesario batimos con batidora. Cuando el preparado lleve a hervor retiramos el cazo del fuego y aadimos el contenido de la taza mientras removemos constantemente. Volvemos a poner el preparado al fuego y volvemos a dejar que hierva. Batimos con batidora para que no queden grumos. Retiramos del fuego y vertemos el preparado en los vasitos colndolo con un colador para evitar que queden grumos. Dejar enfriar en el frigorfico un mnimo de 4 horas. Nota: es conveniente leer y seguir siempre las instrucciones del cuajo.

CREMA DE YOGUR 03 mayo 2010 .

. La crema de yogur es la receta autntica del yogur griego y que conoc a travs de la web de Yogotherm. La crema de yogur es el resultado de desuerar un yogur natural. Con el desuerado conseguimos una crema untuosa y suave que resulta una autntica delicia. Es recomendable que la leche utilizada para elaborar esta receta sea leche fresca pasteurizada y entera. La consistencia y textura final de la crema depender tambin de las horas que dure el desuerado, ya que cuanto ms tiempo permanezca eliminando suero ms dura resultar la crema. Se obtienen muy buenos resultados con 24 horas de desuerado. Ingredientes: - 1 litro de leche fresca pasteurizada entera - fermento de yogur (125ml. de yogur 5gr. de fermento puro) - azcar Elaboracin: 1. Calentar la leche hasta 45C (utilizar termmetro) 2. Aadir el azcar y el fermento y mezclar bien. 3. Dejar incubar en la incubadora 8 horas. 4. Preparamos la leche cuajada para el desuerado. 5. Introducir en el frigorfico y dejar desuerar unas horas. 6. Retirar el yogur de la tela y poner en un bol. 7. Remover bien hasta suavizar. 8. Poner en tarritos tapados y guardar en el frigorfico hasta el momento de servir.

Para hacer el escurrido del suero ponemos un recipiente, dentro del recipiente ponemos un colador, sobre el colador colocamos una tela poco tupida o gasa, a ser posible una tela de quesera, y sobre la tela echamos la leche cuajada. Lo tapamos y lo introducimos en el frigorfico. Lo dejamos escurrir hasta conseguir la textura deseada y retiramos el suero.

Fix Me A Snack: yogurt 101

1. Applesauce Yogurt This is what I actually make my preschooler for a snack these days when time is limited and Im not feeling inspired. It also is responsible for weaning us off of flavored yogurt. So while the photo is somewhat sad, Apple Yogurt has to be numero uno.

1/2 3/4 cup plain yogurt 1/4 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 2 teaspoons honey Dash ground cinnamon Put the yogurt, applesauce, honey, and cinnamon into a serving bowl. Serve.

2. Cornbread with Buttermilk Yogurt and Honey I was recently drooling over the Lee Brothers Southeren Cookbook and stumbled upon a mention of someones favorite after-school snack having been cornbread topped with sugar and buttermilk.

I made some cornbread et voila!

1 cup crumbled cornbread 1/4 cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons buttermilk Honey (to taste) Place cornbread in a serving bowl and set aside. In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and buttermilk until smooth. Spoon the yogurt mixture over the cornbread. Drizzle honey on top depending on your preference and the sweetness of the cornbread. Serve. Note: If you dont have buttermilk on hand, you could just try some regular milk or make a substitute.

3. Peanut Butter and Jelly Yogurt This idea came directly from the one and only Dina of Its Not About Nutrition and it is a winner. My preschooler loves it.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional) 2 teaspoons strawberry or grape jam In a small bowl, heat peanut butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. (Note: I was heating peanut butter that had been refrigerated. If yours is room temperature, start with only 10 seconds and check to see if has softened.) Mix peanut butter into yogurt. Sprinkle on sugar. Dollop jam on top. Serve.

4. Butterscotch Yogurt As you can well imagine, this one has been a hit chez nous. I am of the opinion that all things butterscotch flavored are due for a huge comeback.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon butterscotch sauce In a small bowl, stir together yogurt and butterscotch until smooth. Top with whipped cream and/or butterscotch chips, if desired. Serve.

5. Cucumber Dill Yogurt The idea for this flavor sensation came from none other than Dina Rose of Its Not About Nutrition. When I served these to my kids my first-grader said, Hey Mom, these are like the Willy Wonka cups! She proceeded to gobble two down.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon dried dill 1/4 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Small pinch salt Half of a cucumber, peeled In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, dill, lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt until smooth and well combined. Set aside. Cut the cucumber half into thirds. Using a melon baller, scoop out the seeds of each cucumber section leaving the bottom in order to create a cup. Fill each cup with the yogurt mixture and serve.

6. Strawberry Yogurt I like to use Trader Joes low-sugar strawberry jam for this recipe. If you have regular jam, start with 1 tablespoon and add more to taste.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2T low-sugar strawberry jam (or to taste) Stir yogurt and jam until combined. Top with fruit. Serve.

7. Mint Yogurt You could throw a little lime juice into this one and call it Mojito Yogurt.

4-5 medium fresh mint leaves 1 -2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 cup plain yogurt Place mint and sugar in a small bowl. Grind together with a muddler or something similar until the leaves are crushed into small pieces. Add yogurt to bowl and mix well making sure to scrape all of the mint mixture off of the bottom. Serve.

8. Mint Yogurt with Pineapple

You guessed it, Mint Yogurt with some chopped fresh pineapple thrown on top. I got the idea for this one from 80 Breakfasts. Serve immediately because the pineapple contains enzymes or something that will break down the yogurt if left sitting together too long.

9. Mint Chocolate Chip Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 4-5 fresh mint leaves 1 teaspoon sugar 1-2 teaspoons mini chocolate chips or chocolate shavings In a small bowl, muddle together the mint and the sugar (see #7 Mint Yogurt). Add the yogurt and half of the chocolate chips. Stir well and top with remaining chips. Serve.

10. Chocolate Yogurt Im not terribly fond of this flavor. Chocolate should not be tangy. But my preschooler guaranteed its inclusion on the list when she said, I just want to eat chocolate yogurt all day Every chocolate yogurt in the whole world Then Id get a tummy ache Just kidding!

1/2 cup plain yogurt 3 teaspoons chocolate syrup 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract Small pinch salt Mix the yogurt, syrup, vanilla, and salt in a small bowl until the color is uniform. Serve. Might be yummy topped with chopped banana or slivered almonds.

11. Lime Pie Yogurt Ideally, this would be made with key lime juice. Alas, the world is not a perfect place and we do not live in Flordia.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1-2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice Whipped cream for garnish In a small bowl stir the yogurt, sugar, and lime juice until smooth. Garnish with whipped cream. Serve. 12. Banana Nut Butter Honey Yogurt Toast topped with peanut butter, banana slices, and honey was a favorite childhood treat of mine.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 1/2 tablespoons nut butter (e.g., almond or peanut) 1 tablespoon crispy brown rice cereal or granola 0r other cereal Banana slices 2 teaspoons honey In a small bowl, warm the nut in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Add yogurt and stir until smooth. Top with cereal, banana slices, and honey. Serve.

13. Guava Yogurt with Kiwi

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablepsoon guava fruit spread Chopped kiwi or sliced banana, for garnish

In a small bow, stir together the yogurt and guava fruit spread until smooth. Top with kiwi or banana. Serve.

14. Orange Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon frozen concentrated orange juice Canned mandarian oranges, for garnish Mini chocolate chips or chocolate shavings, for garnish In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and orange concentrate until smooth. Garnish with mandarian oranges and chocolate chips. Serve.

15. Banana Split Yogurt

1/2 of a ripe banana, peeled and mashed well 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon honey 1 tablespoon shelled chopped walnuts 2 tabelspoons whipped cream 1 teaspoon mini chocolate chips Rainbow sprinkles In a small bowl, combine the banana, yogurt, and honey. Top with walnuts, whipped cream, chocolate chips and sprinkles as desired. Serve.

16. Mango Lassi Inspired Yogurt Heres another idea from @DrDrRose.

1/3 cup yogurt 1/3 cup chopped fresh mango Dash cardamon Honey, if desired In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, most of the mango, and the cardamon. Top with remaining mango. Add a small drizzle of honey, if desired. Serve. 17. Yogurt with Rhubarb Compote and Strawberries This snack might be neck and neck with Blueberry Cinnamon Yogurt as my Most Favorite Yogurt Snack Ever. Its a little tart for the kids, but I dont mind being able to keep all the compote for myself.

For the Compote: Adapted from the Joy of Cooking. 5 medium stalks rhubarb 3 tablespoons sugar Wash the rhubarb and chop it into 1/2 pieces. Place in medium sauce pan and cover with sugar. Allow to sit for 15 minutes while rhubarb releases its juices. Set heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Turn heat down to low and cover. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat once rhubarb has broken down completely. Allow compote to cool completely in covered pan. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. Makes about one cup.

For the Final Product: 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup rhubarb compote Fresh strawberries, chopped or sliced In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, sugar, and vanilla until combined. Top with compote and strawberries. Serve.

18. Yogurt with Applesauce and Pumpkin Butter Perfect for kids and adults alike, this snack is fabulous with a little granola on top as well.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 tablespoon pumpkin butter Dash ground cinnamon (optional) Put yogurt in a small bowl and top with applesauce, pumpkin butter, and cinnamon. Stir until well combined. Top with granola, if desired. Serve.

19. Jumbled Rainbow Fruit Yogurt I tried to line up the fruit in concentric circles and make it all lovely. But it looked like a third grader did it. So I grabbed a handful of what was on the cutting board and threw it on.

I have no patience for food presentation/art that requires such precision, especially when children are clamouring for their food.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Chopped fresh fruit: Red: strawberries Orange: oranges Yellow: bananas Green: kiwi Blue: blueberries Purple: red grapes In a shallow bowl, stir together the yogurt, sugar, and vanilla until combined. Top with assorted fruits. Serve.

20. Raspberry Yogurt with White Chocolate Chips This yogurt snack was inspired by one of our favorite summertime snacks: Raspberry Rockets.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2-3 teaspoons seedless raspberry jam White chocolate chips or shavings In a small bowl, stir together yogurt and jam until combined. Top with a few chocolate chips. Serve.

21.Yogurt with Dulce de Leche I could have topped this with mini chocolate chips and really sent my kids to the moon. As it was, this snack was a big hit. And after you make the dulce de leche, its oh-so-easy to pull this together.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 2 teaspoons Dulce de Leche Place yogurt in a small bowl. Top with dulce de leche. Stir and enjoy! Note: Ive used the same ingredients to make a fruit dip (especially tasty with apples). Mix together 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of dulce de leche.

22. Pink Lemonade Yogurt

1/2 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon seedless raspberry jam 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, jam, and lemon juice until well combined. Serve.

23.Chocolate Delight Yogurt

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup Small pinch salt 1/3 cup unsweetened whipped cream, plus more for garnish In a small bowl, stir yogurt, chocolate syrup, and salt until smooth. Gently fold in whipped cream until combined. Garnish with more whipped cream. Serve.

24. Mint Yogurt with Mango The kids enjoyed this snack even though they are normally not fond of mint. Toothpaste has given them the wrong impression. In this case, the crisp taste of the mint plays well against the sweet mango.

1/2 teaspoon sugar 4-5 fresh mint leaves 1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup chopped fresh mango In a small bowl, crush the sugar and mint together with a muddler until it almost forms a paste (see #7 Mint Yogurt). Little bits of mint leaf here and there are fine. Add yogurt and stir until well combined making sure to scrape the bottom as you stir. Top with mango. Serve.

25. Blueberry Jam Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon blueberry jam Fresh blueberries for garnish In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and jam until combined. Top with fresh blueberries. Serve.

26. Apricot Yogurt with Blackberries

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon apricot preserves Fresh blackberries In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and preserves until smooth. Top with a handful of blackberries. Serve.

27. Waffles/Pancakes Topped with Fresh Fruit and Yogurt

Admittedly, this is more of a breakfast than a snack. I think Im going to eat this regularly to help me cut down on my maple syrup intake. Itd also be fun to try it with Strawberry Yogurt.

1/4 cup plain yogurt 1-2 teaspoons pure maple syrup 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract Dash cinnamon Waffle or pancakes (or both!) One half of a small ripe banana, sliced Small handful fresh blueberries 1-3 fresh strawberries, sliced In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, maple syrup, vanilla, and cinnamon. Set aside. Place waffle/pancakes on a plate and top with sliced banana. Spoon yogurt mixture over the bananas and serve immediately.

28. Red Grapes with Nut Butter Yogurt Dip Heres another unexpected, yet mostly healthy twist on the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The preschooler was not too fond of the dip. But, like any good human being,

she loves food on a stick. So she gobbled up all the grapes and mommy was left with the dip, which I enjoyed. So there.

1 tablespoon nut butter (such as peanut or almond) 1/4 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon honey Grapes Place nut butter in a small bowl. It will be easier to stir into the yogurt if it is room temperature or warm. So give it a few seconds in the microwave, if necessary. Add yogurt and honey and stir until combined and smooth. Serve with grapes on lollipop sticks for dipping.

29. Apple Butter Yogurt with Pear and Chocolate Chips

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon apple butter Chopped pear, for garnish Miniature chocolate chips, for garnish Briefly mix the yogurt and apple butter in a small bowl. Top with pieces of pear and chocolate chips. Serve.

30. Cape Cod Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice 1-2 tablespoons cranberry sauce In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and lime juice until smooth. Garnish with cranberry sauce and serve.

31. Fru Fru Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice Banana slices Chopped peach In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, sugar, and lime juice until combined. Top with banana and peaches. Serve

32. Pina Colada Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon sugar

Fresh pineapple, chopped Sweetened coconut, toasted In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and sugar until smooth. Top with pineapple and coconut. Serve immediately.

33. Hawaiian Breeze Yogurt My kids love the vibrant pink color the yogurt turns once the cranberry sauce is mixed in.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1-2 tablespoons cranberry sauce 1/3 cup chopped fresh pineapple Spoon the yogurt into a small bowl. Top with pineapple and cranberry sauce. Serve immediately.

34. Sea Breeze Yogurt This was not as disgusting as I thought it would be. I actually ate the whole thing. But I might have sprinkled a little sugar on top first.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup chopped peeled and skinned grapefruit 1 tablespoon cranberry sauce Place yogurt in a small bowl. Top with grapefruit and cranberry sauce. Serve.

35. Woo Woo Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon cranberry sauce 1/4 cup chopped fresh peach In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and cranberry sauce until combined. Top with peaches. Serve.

36. Fuzzy Navel Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon orange juice concentrate 1/4 cup chopped fresh peach In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and orange juice concentrate until well combined. Top with peaches and serve. 37. Date Yogurt Feel free to use all or none of the garnishes suggested. This yogurt is subdued, but still worthwhile, without all the fancies.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 generous tablespoon date butter Dash cardamon Mandarin oranges, for garnish Chopped unsalted shelled pistachios, for garnish Honey, for garnish A few grains of salt (kosher or Maldon), for garnish In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, date butter, and cardamon. Garnish with oranges, pistachios, honey, and salt. Serve.

38. Spicy Banana Rice Pudding This surprisingly lush yogurt treat is sweet with a faint hint of spice and heat. It could be described as a lazy rice pudding with a more complex flavor profile. It is also a great way to use up overripe bananas and leftover brown rice. I love snacks that are scrumptious and use up ingredients that would have ended up getting thrown out.

1/2 medium ripe banana. peeled Small pinch mustard powder 1 tablespoon unsweetened dried coconut 1/4 teaspoon salt Small pinch turmeric 3/4 cup plain yogurt Tiny bit of cayenne powder 3/4 1 cup cooked brown rice, warm or at room temperature Place the banana, mustard powder, coconut, salt, and turmeric in a small mixing bowl. Mash the banana well with a fork and mix well. Add the yogurt and the cayenne pepper.

Mix well. Add the rice and mix to coat. Serve at room temperature or a little warm. Makes 1 1/2 cups.

39. Avocado Yogurt with Fresh Mango @AnitaBlanchard mentioned recently that her kids love avocado smashed up with yogurt. Sounds like a great snack for the toddler set. And the fresh mango gives it a little extra somethin. Thanks Anita!

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/4 of a ripe Haas avocado 1/4 cup of chopped fresh mango Mash the yogurt and avocado together in a small bowl. Top with mango. Serve.

40. Vanilla Pudding Yogurt This recipe was inspired by The Complete Book of Yogurt by Shaun Nelson-Henrick. I used some hippy dippy vanilla pudding mix that I happened to have in the cupboard.

The best part about this recipe is we got some good use out of the eggbeater! The finished product looks a little bumpy in the picture below because we used some homemade Greekstyle yogurt that was strained for longer than it should have been. If you use store-brought, it will be as smooth as silk.

1 3.5 ounce package instant vanilla pudding mix 1 1/2 cup milk 3/4 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon honey (optional, especially if using a sweet topping) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) In a medium mixing bowl, prepare the pudding mix with only 1 1/2 cups of milk according to package directions. Add the yogurt, honey, and vanilla extract. Serve topped with fresh fruit, sprinkles, or a dash of cinnamon. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Makes 2 1/4 cups.

41. Avocado Tahini Dip with Baked Tortilla Chips

The Baked Tortilla Chips recipe is from the Food Network Kitchen. They were probably my kids favorite part of this snack. The dip is a little more curious. But if you like tahini, avocado, and yogurt it might be your new favorite dip.

Adapted from Mollie Katzens The Enchanted Broccoli Forest. 1 ripe Haas avocado, pitted 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/3 cup tahini 1 cup plain yogurt Generous pinch salt 2 scallions, ends removed and chopped 1 medium clove garlic, smashed and chopped Place all ingredients in a the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until smooth. Serve. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Place plastic wrap on top of dip to prevent browning. Makes about 2 cups.

42. Pomegranate Yogurt with Mandarin Oranges I just noticed pomagrante molasses at my local Whole Foods not too long ago. Of course it cost half as much as I paid for it online. Win some, lose some.

This should have fresh pomegranate seeds scattered over the top, I know. It would be so lovely. But I really dont understand how I, much less my kids, are supposed to eat those suckers whole. The seeds get stuck in my teeth.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 teaspoons pomegranate molasses Dash cardamon (optional) Canned mandarin oranges, for garnish In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, pomegranate molasses, and cardamon until smooth. Top with orange segments. Serve.

43. Pumpkin Yogurt with Honey and Balsamic My preschooler totally ate this. And she liked it. Shell eat almost anything if shes actually hungry, which happens about twice a month, and nothing if she isnt, which is all the time. The yogurt is a little weird, but if the balsamic is the intensely sweet and fruity variety, its a pleasant surprise.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon canned pumpkin puree 2 mini muffins or 1/2 of a regular-sized muffin, crumbled Honey Aged balsamic vinegar In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt and pumpkin until smooth. Place crumbled muffin bits in a serving bowl. Top with yogurt mixture. Garnish with honey to taste. Splash on a few drops of balsamic, if desired.

44. Banana Date Yogurt with Oranges

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/3 overripe banana, mashed well

1 tablespoon date butter Dash cinnamon Chopped orange or canned Mandarin orange segments In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, banana, and date butter. Top with cinnamon and oranges. Serve.

45. Banana Vanilla Yogurt We used to got through lots and lots of Stoneyfield Farms Banilla Yogurt. Love that stuff with some fresh fruit and granola. Anyway, this tastes nothing like Banilla. I think it might be even better. Its even more amazing because theres no added sugar.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/2 medium ripe banana, mashed well (about 1/4 cup) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, mashed banana, and vanilla. Serve. 46. Yogurt Salad This recipe is inspired by one by the same name in Seductions of Rices Afghanistan chapter. It reminds me of a mellow and more colorful tzatziki. Upon first tasting it, all I could think was how lovely it would be beside a hunk of roasted lamb.

1/4 cup coarsely grated peeled cucumber 1 small radish, coarsely grated 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, stems removed 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill, stems removed 1 small scallion, top and bottom removed and finely sliced 3/4 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup cottage cheese Pinch salt Dash pepper In a small bowl, combine the cucumber, radish, parsley, dill, scallion, yogurt, cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Serve.

47. Sweet Saffron Yogurt Oh my wordI had no idea how captivating saffron is. Thank goodness I was desperate enough to come up with yogurt concoctions that I finally ponied up the cash. Wow.

The inspiration for this recipe came in part from Ino at Kitchen 22.

1 teaspoon milk 5 threads saffron 1/2 cup Greek-style yogurt 2 tablespoons cottage cheese 2 teaspoons sugar or honey Dash ground cardamon A tiny pinch of salt Put the milk in a very small bowl and heat it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Add the saffron and allow to soak for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the yogurt, cottage cheese, sugar, cardamon, and salt together in a small bowl. Add the milk-saffron mixture and stir well. Cover and refrigerate for one hour or more. Stir again before serving.

48. Lemon and Honey Yogurt This yogurt would be even more lovely with juice from a Meyer lemon if you have one.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, honey and juice until smooth. Serve.

49. Garbanzo Bean Yogurt I never would have had the nerve to pick up these fresh garbanzo beansat the grocery store if I hadnt seen Dariennes post about them over at Cook Play Explore. The beans are delightful on their own, but of course I had to throw yogurt into the mix. They complement each other very nicely.

If your family normally rejects canned garbanzo beans these are certainly worth a try as the taste resembles a fresh pea with a hint of garbanzo. Just call them fresh chickpeas instead. The yield for this recipe is about 1/2 cup. If youre feeding a crowd, double or quadurple it as necessary.

1/3 1/2 cup shelled fresh garbanzo beans 1 -2 teaspoons olive oil Small pinch fine salt 1/4 cup plain yogurt Dash ground cardamon Dash garlic powder Dash ground cumin Dash ground turmeric 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped fine (optional)

Heat a small saute pan over medium heat. Pour in the oil and garbanzos. Saute for approximately 5 minutes or until garbanzos have turned a vibrant green. Sprinkle with salt. Stir, remove from heat, and allow to cool in the pan. In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, cardamon, garlic powder, cumin, turmeric, and parsley. Top the yogurt with the beans and serve. 50. Poached Egg over Yogurt This is quite possibly the most bizarre yogurt dish Ive seen to date. It is adapted from Catherines Cilbir at The Kitchn. It was awfully fun to try. Not only an egg on yogurt, but smoked paprika to boot! Unfortunately, it was not my favorite. The flavors are sensational, I found the uniformity of texture odd.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 clove garlic, smashed and minced Small pinch salt 1 -2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill 1 egg, poached Smoked paprika

Mix the yogurt, garlic, salt, and dill in a small bowl. Top with poached egg. Sprinkle on some of the smoked paprika. Serve.

51. Rhubarb Mango Yogurt The recipe for the stewed rhubarb is adapted slightly from Deborah Madisons Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. I just made the yield smaller and cut the sugar a wee bit.

For the Stewed Rhubarb: 3 medium stalks fresh rhubarb (6 ounces) 2 tablespoons sugar or honey 1 teaspoon orange zest, chopped fine 1 clove (optional) 2 tablespoons orange juice Chop rhubarb into 1-inch chunks. Place the rhubarb, sugar, zest, clove, and juice in a small saucepan over medium heat. Simmer uncovered for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, discard the clove, and allow to cool. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Best served room temperature or cold. Makes approximately 3/4 cup. To assemble: 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup stewed rhubarb 1/3 cup chopped fresh mango

In a small bowl, stir the yogurt and vanilla together until smooth. Top with rhubarb and mango. Serve.

52. Rhubarb Quinoa with Yogurt Inspired by a recipe from Lorna Sasss Whole Grains Every Day Every Way. This is fabulous for breakfast or as a little snack in the morning. Its ready in under 10 minutes and makes about 1 1/2 cups of rhubarb quinoa.

3 stalks fresh rhubarb, washed and chopped into 1 inch pieces 3/4 cup orange juice 1/3 cup quinoa flakes 1/3 cup plain yogurt Honey (optional) Place rhubarb and orange juice in a small saucepan. Simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes uncovered. Add quinoa flakes and stir. Cook covered for 2 minutes over low heat. Serve topped with yogurt and honey, if desired.

53. Lemon Mint Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 3-4 medium fresh mint leaves 1 teaspoon sugar (or less to taste) 1 teaspoon lemon juice Throughly crush the mint and sugar with a muddler or the back of a spoon until it begins to form a paste. Add yogurt and lemon juice and stir well. Serve.

54. Cookie Yogurt All I had lying around were some stale palimers. Take this snack to the next level with some homemade chocolate chip cookie.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons crumbled cookie Top yogurt with cookie. Serve.

55. Orange Cherry Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon orange juice concentrate 1 tablespoon chopped dried cherries Top yogurt with juice concentrate and dried cherries. Mix and serve.

56. Apricot Vanilla Yogurt This one was a big hit with my preschooler. She asked for seconds, which never happens.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 scant tablespoon apricot preserves Dash cardamon Mix together yogurt, vanilla, preserves, and cardamon in a small bowl. Serve. For the picture above, I mixed in the vanilla and left the preserves and cardamon on top for my preschooler to mix in herself.

57. Cherry Cheese Boats Im pretty sure that ricotta, cream cheese, or goat cheese would be fine replacements for the yogurt cheese.

Yogurt cheese Cherries Cinnamon sugar Cut chrerries in half and remove pit. Fill hole with yogurt cheese. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Serve.

58. Almond Apricot Yogurt Ideally, these would be topped with toasted sliced almonds, but my kids werent having it.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1-2 teaspoons apricot preserves 1 teaspoon toasted sliced almonds (optional) Mix together the yogurt and almond extract. Top with preserves. Garnish with almonds, if desired. Serve.

59. Morning Muesli My husband says this muesli is outstanding. I agree. The kids turn their nose up at it due the fact that it is so loaded with texture. But, this is a case where the grown-ups really dont feel the need to share so its more than okay.

1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats, toasted and cooled 1/4 cup sliced unsalted almonds, toasted and cooled 1 teaspoon wheat germ 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed 1/2 cup plain yogurt, plus additional if desired 1 tablespoon honey 2 unsulfured dried apricots, chopped 1/4 cup golden raisins Fresh berries for garnish Mix together the oats, almonds, wheat germ, and flaxseed. Add the yogurt honey, apricots, and raisins and stir well. Depending on your preference, the museli can be consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container overnight. The oats and the fruits are softened if they sit overnight. But I like it either way. If you go the overnight route, add additional yogurt before serving if it looks too thick. This recipe makes somewhere around a cup. Double it if its meant to be breakfast for two adults.

60. Overnight Date Yogurt The dates pretty much melt into the yogurt as they soak in it overnight.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2-3 dried Medjool dates, pitted and chopped fine Sliced almonds, for garnish (optional) Mix the yogurt and dates together. Store in an airtight container for 8 hours or overnight. Serve with almonds and/or a squirt of honey. Kids and some adults would probably prefer this yogurt with the date skins strained out. I recommend serving it with granola so they dont even notice. 61. Banana Toffee Yogurt Fresh from the it-might-be-better-than-a-cookie department

1/2 ripe banana, mashed well 1/3 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon chopped chocolate-covered toffee bar, for garnish Mix together the yogurt and banana. Top with toffee bar pieces. Serve.

62. Fruit Explosion Yogurt Inspired by Mangoes, Strawberries, and Lime from Family Style Food. I tried it with champagne mango and the yogurt overpowered its delicate flavor, so just go with regular mango.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1/3 cup cubed fresh mango 1/3 cup chopped fresh strawberry Mix together the yogurt, lime juice, and sugar. Top with fruit. Serve.

63. Dirt Pie Yogurt And from the theres-no-gettin-around-it-its-a-cookie department This idea came from Dina of Its Not About Nutrition.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1 chocolate sandwich cookie, chopped fine Place cookie bits on top of yogurt in a small bowl. Serve.

64. Overnight Apricot Yogurt While preping this yogurt the night before is often beyond me, the sweet creamy goodness that appears the next morning is worth it. This yogurt is fabulous with add-ins like nuts and granola but is also entirely capable of standing on its own.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 4 dried unsulfured apricots, chopped fine Dash cinnamon Mix yogurt with apricots in an airtight container and store overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, transfer to a bowl and stir in cinnamon. Serve.

65. Banana Coconut Pie Yogurt My kids were sneaking their fingers into this yogurt concoction so often, it never really made it to the table. Weve been unintentionally ignoring coconut for a while so its delightful smell and flavor was a real treat.

1/2 ripe banana, mashed well 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract 1/3 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon sweetened shredded coconut, toasted Mix together the banana, coconut extract, and yogurt. Top with shredded coconut. Serve.

66. Caramel Apple Yogurt

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup applesauce 1 teaspoon dulce de leche or caramel sauce Dash cinnamon

Mix yogurt and vanilla together in a small bowl. Top with applesauce, dulce de leche, and cinnamon. Serve.

67. Bananarama Yogurt

1/2 ripe banana, mashed well 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon maple syrup 1/3 cup plain yogurt 1 2 tablespoons chopped unsalted walnut pieces, toasted 1 2 teaspoons sweetened shredded coconut, toasted Mix together the mashed banana, vanilla, maple syrup, and yogurt. Top with walnuts and coconut. Serve.

68. Little Bear Yogurt Whenever my kids watch Little Bear I develop an inferiority complex. His mom is so patient, loving, and just.perfect. When shes not making pancakes or giving Little Bear hugs, I bet shes feeding him stuff like this.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 1/3 cup of chopped berries 1 2 tablespoons chopped walnut pieces, toasted 1 teaspoon honey Mix together the yogurt and vanilla. Top with nut, berries, and a little swirl of honey. Serve. 69. Nutty Yogurt Send your kids on a scavenger hunt for every kind of nut you have hiding in the kitchen (if youre feeling brave) and toast them up in a skillet.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 of a ripe banana, mashed well OR 2 teaspoons honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract A handful of assorted chopped unsalted nuts, toasted (e.g., almonds, pecans, walnuts, and pistachios) Mix together the yogurt, banana, and vanilla. Top with nuts. Serve.

70. Cherry Almond Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 2 teaspoons honey 2 tablespoons sliced unsalted almonds, toasted 10 cherries, cut in half and pitted Mix together the yogurt, vanilla, and honey. Top with almonds and cherries. Serve.

71. Peachy Blueberry Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 -3 teaspoons peach preserves 1/4 cup fresh blueberries Mix the yogurt and the preserves together. Top with blueberries. Serve.

72. Figgy Yogurt

1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 teaspoons fig preserves 1/4 teaspoon orange extract A handful of chopped unsalted nuts, preferably walnuts and/or almonds, toasted Mix the yogurt,preserves, and orange extract together. Top with nuts. Serve.

73. Cinnamon Toast Yogurt Do you ever wake up in the morning craving cinnamon toast and yogurt?

1/2 cup plain yogurt scant 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 2 teaspoons honey 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 slice buttered toast sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, cut up into 1-inch squares Mix the yogurt, cinnamon, honey and vanilla together. Top yogurt with toast. Serve. 74. Ricotta Yogurt Yogurt mixed with ricotta or cottage cheese is something Ive run across a few times. One of the more lovely variations Ive seen lately is a Cottage Cheese and Yogurt Parfait from Simple Bites.

1/3 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup ricotta 1 2 teaspoons maple syrup Dash ground cinnamon Mix yogurt, ricotta, maple syrup, and cinnamon together in a small bowl. Serve.

75. Strawberry Ricotta Yogurt All of the bum strawberries that end up in my pick-your-own bucket end up getting crushed and turned into this lovely topping.

For the yogurt: 1/3 cup plain yogurt

1/4 cup ricotta 2 tablespoons crushed strawberries (recipe below) 1 teaspoon sugar or honey (optional) Mix the yogurt, ricotta, strawberries, and sugar (if desired) together in a small bowl. Serve. Top with additional berries if you have them. For the crushed strawberries: 2 cups fresh strawberries, washed and hulled 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice Place the berries, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl and crush with a potato masher. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Makes a great topping for waffles, ice cream, etc.

76. Fresh Strawberry Yogurt The amount of sugar you need depends on the sweetness of the berries and how tangy you like your yogurt.

For the yogurt: 1/3 cup plain Greek-style yogurt 2 tablespoons crushed strawberries (recipe below) 1/2 1 teaspoon sugar or honey (optional) Mix together the yogurt, strawberries, and sugar (if desired) together in a small bowl. Serve.

For the crushed strawberries: 2 cups fresh strawberries, washed and hulled 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice Place the berries, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl and crush with a potato masher. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Makes a great topping for waffles, ice cream, etc.

77. Jamtacular Yogurt When youre creating a list of 101 ways to eat plain yogurt, you assemble quite the collection of fruit preserves. Here is my evil plan to get my kids to help me clear out the fridge:

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon each: fig preserves, peach preserves, blueberry jam, guava fruit spread, apricot preserves, and strawberry jam. Spoon yogurt into a bowl. Plop the jams onto the surface of the yogurt in a circular pattern. Serve. 78. Banana Chocolate Chip Popsicles The chocolate chips, even the mini kind, always sink to the bottom of the popsicle mold. But its fun to try to distribute them evenly by adding them last. Ive thought about replacing them with chocolate sprinkles. But mysteriously, the children actually eat the entire popsicle and not just the chocolaty top. So were happy with this snack the way it is.

1 cup plain yogurt 1 ripe banana, pureed 2 tablespoons maple syrup 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips Stir together the yogurt, banana, and maple syrup in a small mixing bowl. Fill 6 2-ounce popscile molds with the yogurt mixture. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top of yogurt mixture. Seal and freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Removing the popsicle from the mold is easier if you run the mold under warm water for 5 seconds.

79. Smore Yogurt The idea for this delightful yogurt treat came from Dina Rose of Its Not About Nutrition.

My oldest kid has been insisting on eating anything but yogurt for the past couple weeks. I dont blame her. Im getting pretty sick of it myself. But the lure of Smore Yogurt proved too much for her this morning and she caved in with abandon.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 graham cracker, crumbled 2-3 teaspoons chocolate sauce 10-15 mini marshmallows Place yogurt in a small bowl. Top with graham cracker, marshmallows, and chocolate sauce. Stir it all up and serve.

80. Blueberry Lemonade Popsicle

My bet is that you could replace the lemonade concentrate with maple syrup and call it Maple Blueberry Popsicles. I should have gone the more simple route, but the frozen juice concentrates siren song was too powerful.

1 cup plain yogurt 1/3 cup frozen blueberries, thawed 2 tablespoons lemonade concentrate Mix the yogurt, blueberries, and lemonade concentrate together in a small bowl with an immersion blender. Distribute yogurt mixture between 6 2-ounce popsicle molds. Freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Removing the popsicle from the mold is easier if you run the mold under warm water for 5 seconds. 81. Yogurt with Custard My kids cared very little about the cute faces I made with the garnish. They knew to go straight for the custard and were uncharacteristically focused while eating these. The few minutes of silence, save the sound of spoons hitting the bottom of the bowl, were followed by big smiles.

I partially followed a recipe for Vanilla Creme Anglaise from Julia Childs Mastering the Art of French Cooking for the custard.

1/2 cup whole plain yogurt 1 teaspoon sugar Scant 1/2 cup chilled vanilla custard sauce or filling (such as creme Anglaise or pastry cream) Berries for garnish Mix the yogurt and sugar together in a small bowl until smooth. Divide yogurt between two ramekins or small bowls. Top each with a scant 1/4 cup of the custard. Garnish with fresh berries. Serve.

82. Quick Berry Rice Pudding

This rice pudding tastes best if the rice isnt too old (say under 24 hours).

Since the berries completely overwhelm the appearance of the snack, I took a photo of the pudding while I was mixing it up.

1/3 cup cooked brown rice, cooled to room temperature 1/3 cup Greek-style yogurt 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/3 cup fresh blueberries, strawberries, and/or raspberries Stir together the rice, yogurt, maple syrup, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Top with berries. Serve.

83. Lemon Basil Yogurt Lemon basil is my new best friend. I picked it up at a farmers market in Hartford. My apologies for taking up your time with an exotic ingredient. But really, if you could bury your face in a bunch of lemon basil like I have been for the past 48 hours, youd understand.

This snack could be even more tasty if the amount of strawberries and lemon basil were doubled or even tripled. The yogurt would be more of a dressing for what Im sure would be an incredible fruit salad. Add different kinds of berries to the mix as well. Report back.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon sugar 3 4 medium strawberries (or more), chopped fine 5 6 leaves fresh lemon basil (or more), chiffonade

Mix the yogurt, vanilla, and sugar in a small bowl. Top with strawberries and lemon basil. Serve immediately. 84. Raspberry Rocket Yogurt I went dangerously low with the sugar mixed into the yogurt with this snack. But, somewhat unsurprisingly, the bowls were emptied entirely. Use snacks like this one to introduce your family to the actual taste of yogurt. If youre anything like us, its takes a while to appreciate its tangy goodness. Chocolate chips help ease the transition.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 1 teaspoon sugar Handful (or more) fresh raspberries 10 white chocolate chips Mix the yogurt and sugar together in a small bowl until smooth. Transfer to serving dish(es) and top with raspberries and chocolate chips. Serve.

85. Blueberry Maple Yogurt This is my favorite way to eat yogurt at the moment. I love blueberries and this, in my opinion, showcases them perfectly.

1/2 cup plain yogurt (Greek-style if you have it) 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons maple syrup Heavy dash ground cinnamon Heaping 1/3 cup fresh blueberries Mix together the yogurt, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Gently stir in blueberries. Serve. 86. Yogurt Dressing Elaborate on this basic dressing by adding any fresh herbs you have on hand. Dill and parsley are personal favorites. A finely chopped shallot would also be lovely.

A typical pasta salad dressing would include at least a couple tablespoons of mayonaisse. But we dont miss it.

1/4 cup red or white wine vinegar (or more to taste) 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard Salt & Pepper to taste 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon dried dill (optional) Mix together the vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper in a small bowl with a fork or whisk. Add the olive oil, yogurt, and dill (if desired) and stir vigorously until combined. Use the dressing on pasta or green salads.

Yield: approximately 1 cup Prep-time: 5 minutes

87. Plum Yogurt These beautiful little plums appeared at the farmers market this week. Im still wondering what they would taste like with some yogurt laced with brown sugar/maple syrup, ground cinnamon and a little vanilla extract

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 teaspoon orange extract 1 teaspoon seedless raspberry jam (or a little more to taste) 1/4 cup chopped fresh pitted plum Stir together the yogurt, orange extract, and jam in a small bowl until well combined. Top with plum and serve.

88. Whipped Yogurt For just the right cake (Im thinking something fruity loaded with sugar or pound cake.) or bowl of fruit, this topping would be magnificent. It carries the tangy taste of yogurt, but is rich and smooth. Eating a spoonful with a couple fresh raspberries instantly whisked me away to my happy place.

1/2 cup yogurt cheese 3 tablespoons heavy cream 1-2 teaspoons sugar 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional) Beat the yogurt cheese, heavy cream, sugar and vanilla in a small bowl with an eggbeater or whisk until smooth and slightly fluffy. Serve. 89. Yogurt Tartlettes Feel free to use any favorite recipe for pie or tart crust you already have. Short dough (generally for tarts) is easier to work with. A mini muffin pan or something similar is a must for this recipe. Go out and buy two if you dont already have them. I use them all the time.

For the tart shells: 1 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour OR white whole wheat flour 1/2 cup confectioners sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter, cut into chunks and chilled 1 tablespoon milk 1 egg yolk Place flours, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times to combine. Add the chunks of butter and pulse ten times or until butter is broken down into large crumb-like pieces. A few larger pieces here and there is fine. Whisk the egg yolk and milk together in a small bowl. Pour the yolk mixture into the food processor through the feed tube while it is running. Process for 60 seconds. Remove the dough from the food processor. Knead gently and form into a disk. Wrap the disk tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight. (When I want to hurry things along, I just put the wrapped disk in the freezer for an hour.) Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a mini muffin pan throughly. Break pieces off of the disk and form into tablespoonsized balls with your hands. Place balls in the mini muffin pan and press with the bottom of a shot glass. Coax the dough further up the sides with your fingers if necessary. Bake for 12 14 minutes or until edges are golden. Allow to cool in the pan for a few minutes and then gently remove after running a knife around the edge of each tart shell. Place shells on a cooling rack to cool completely.

Shells can be made a day ahead of time. Store in an airtight container at room temperature after they have cooled completely. For the filling: 1/2 cup whipped yogurt or plain Greek-style yogurt 1/4 cup apricot or peach preserves Berries for garnish Fill each tart shell with 1 teaspoon yogurt. Top with 1/2 teaspoon of the preserves and berries. Serve immediately. Yield: 24 tartlettes Prep-time: 30 mintues Bake-time: 12 minutes

90. Yogurt Bellybuttons

Heres a recipe for one Bellybutton. I hope you make more. The recipe calls for cinnamon sugar, but I bet maple sugar, if you have it, would be even better.

1 teaspoon yogurt cheese 1 fresh blueberry Cinnamon sugar Gently roll the yogurt cheese into a ball using your palms. Insert berry into the center of the ball. With one or two fingers gradually envelope the blueberry by rolling the yogurt cheese around the palm of your hand. Once the berry is covered, sprinkle the ball generously with cinnamon sugar. Devour immediately.

91. Yogurt Drink This drinkable yogurt is different from a smoothie only in that it is thinner and strained. But even with these subtle differences, my kids were entranced.

1 cup plain yogurt 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) raspberries 1 ripe banana 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar Mix the yogurt, milk, vanilla, raspberries, banana, and sugar together in a blender until smooth. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer in order to remove the raspberry seeds. Serve. Yield: approximately 2 cups Prep-time: 10 minutes

92. Flower Yogurt I finally dusted off the little bento cutters I bought a year ago. The kids ate it all up. It feels a little unfair. How could they not?

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice 1 teaspoon sugar Watermellon, thinly sliced (about 1/3-inch) Cantalope, thinly sliced (about 1/3-inch) Fresh blueberries In a small bowl, mix together the yogurt, lime juice, and sugar. Set aside. Cut out flower shapes from the watermelon and cantalope with a small bento cutter. Transfer the yogurt to a shallow bowl and top with the flowers and blueberries. Serve immediately. 93. Eggplant and Yogurt Dip Ive always wanted to like eggplant more than I actually do. This recipe is adapted from one in the New York Times Cookbook (which has been doing right by me quite a bit lately) takes eggplant to a happy place.

1 medium eggplant 1 cup Greek-style plain yogurt 1 clove garlic, peeled, smashed, and chopped fine 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 of a lemon) 1 teaspoon fresh mint, chopped fine 1 teaspoon olive oil Roast the eggplant in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes to an hour until the eggplant has softened considerably. This can also be done on a grill set to medium heat for approximately 30 minutes. In both cases, coat the eggplant with spray oil and pierce several times with a fork prior to roasting.

Allow the eggplant to cool. Scoop out the pulp and discard the skin. (You should end up with roughly one cup of pulp, give or take.) Place the pulp, yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, mint, and olive oil in a small bowl and process with an immersion blender until smooth. (If you dont have a handheld/immersion blender, you can use a food processor.) Serve with french or pita bread. Yield: 1 1/2 cups Prep-time: 10 minutes Inactive prep-time: 1 hour

94. Tzatziki The world is full to the brim with tzatziki recipes, but this one is inspired by one in Debroah Madisons Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. Ive taken some liberties with it, so Im not sure if shed approve. My 6-year-old was a fan of this one.

1 small or 1/2 of a medium cucumber, peeled 1 cup Greek-style plain yogurt Pinch salt Pinch ground white pepper 1 clove garlic, peeled, smashed, and chopped fine 1 teaspoon fresh dill, chopped fine 1 teaspoon fresh mint, chopped fine 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 of a lemon) 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

Remove the seeds from the cucumber by scraping them out with a spoon. Slice the cucumber thinly. In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, salt, pepper, garlic, dill, mint, lemon juice, and olive oil. Add the cucumber and stir to incorporate. Serve with pita bread.

Yield: 1 1/2 cups Prep time: 10 minutes 95. Coconut Lime Yogurt with White Chocolate This was another big hit with the kids. They loved making the chocolate shavings themselves with the vegetable peeler almost as much as they loved eating their snack.

I lucked out and found a bar of coconut flavored white chocolate at Target. But Im sure plain white chocolate would be more than fine.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional) 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice 1/2 cup shaved white chocolate 1 teaspoon sweetened shredded coconut, toasted (optional, for garnish) Mix together the yogurt, sugar (if desired), coconut extract, lime juice, and most of the chocolate shavings in a small bowl. Top with remaining chocolate shavings and toasted coconut (if desired). Serve.

96. Herb Yogurt Dip

3/4 cup plain Greek-style yogurt 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 1/2 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard 2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried dill 2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Stir together the yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard, dill, parsley, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt in a small mixing bowl. Serve with carrot sticks and the like. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

97. Draw-Your-Own Yogurt Topping plain yogurt with blackberry sauce using a squeeze bottle is a big hit with the 4-to6 year-old set at my house.

Assembly: 1/2 cup plain yogurt Fresh blackberry sauce Mix the yogurt until smooth and spoon it into a small shallow dish. Hand over a squeeze bottle filled with blackberry sauce and let the snacking fun begin.

98. Corn Cilantro Yogurt Fresh corn is the only way to go with this one. The sweetness of the corn plays well off of the tangy yogurt. It would make a great snack with some homemade pita bread or be a terrific side for a spicy main course.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/3 cup fresh corn 1/8 teaspoon ground cumin 2 teaspoons chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice Mix yogurt, corn, cumin, cilantro, and lime juice together in a small bowl. Serve. 99. Honey Poppy Seed Yogurt Mei Teng of Foodie and Travel Bug was kind enough to tell me about this flavor combination that she enjoyed when she was traveling in Turkey.

1/2 cup Greek-style yogurt (the higher the fat content the better) 1 teaspoon honey 1/2 1 teaspoon poppy seeds Mix yogurt, honey, and poppy seeds together in a small bowl. Serve.

100. Double M Yogurt This yogurt snack contains malted milk powder and maple syrup. Together, they make a yummy treat that was a big hit with my kids.

1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon malted milk powder 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Mix the yogurt, maple syrup, malted milk powder, and vanilla together in a small bowl. Top with chocolate sprinkles, if desired. Serve.

101. Halloween Yogurt Obviously, we are no where near Halloween. But after thinking for the longest time that I would go with an elegant and simple Vanilla Bean Yogurt for #101, I realized that what I really needed to do was make it a celebration for my taste testers.

1/2 cup plain yogurt Mini Charleston Chews Rainbow Nerds Place yogurt in a shallow bowl and liberally garnish with Charleston Chews and Rainbow Nerds. Serve immediately as the color on the Nerds will run.

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